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Old 05-26-2002, 03:32 PM   #101
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The battle was soon over with all the orcs and black riders dead, but something wasn't right. Alaird stood in the middle of the battle field trying to peice it together. Suddenly it came back to him as he saw Dai with his sword in the arm he used to kill. It struck him as the story about the Witch King of Angmar that his cousin Merry would tell him. "Wait!" He called out but the others ignored him and continued.
I don't get that.
"Fear is a stupid emotion."
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Old 05-26-2002, 10:01 PM   #102
samwise of the shire
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I don't get that.
Ok, if we had been fighting REAL nazgul the swords would have burned away like wood and the sword arm would have been cold and useless(ROTK in the Battle of the Pellenor fields).
If you mean the bit about the others ignoring the fellow I have two reasons for that. One, they just got done with a battle, they're tired, two of the members are greiving over their horses, and it just seems that the opinion of Alaird Took isn't held too highly by his fellow comrades or else they would make some mention of him other than "The two hobbits" Or "The Hobbits." And the other characters seem to be ignoring Alaird so far so why shouldn't it be written about by the author?
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People who are so concerned with escapism do have a name...we call them jailers.
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Old 05-27-2002, 12:56 AM   #103
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OOC: Thanks I get it now. I didn't understand the first part.
"Fear is a stupid emotion."
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Old 05-27-2002, 12:58 AM   #104
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ooc: is there a character registration..thingy...for this?
Why can we not be sober..
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Old 05-27-2002, 08:17 AM   #105
Finrod Felagund
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OOC: I didn't register I just joined

Fimbren was completely unhurt. He was covered in blood and everyone assume he was badly wounded but all the blood was that of his enemies. Once he had bathed he looked as good as new.
"Earang" he said, "you can ride behind me on Nahar."
While everyone else prepared for sleep, Fimbren ran on ahead and back behind a ways to make sure there was no danger. After he had assured himself, he also went to sleep.
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Old 05-27-2002, 10:53 AM   #106
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After tending his wound, just a deep cut really, all it required was some water to clean the dirt out, not even a bandage, Maew sat outside the ring of firelight. He wasn't sure if a watch had been set, or if he was on it, but he prefered to sit and watch the stars for rest. He had yet to peice together his scattered memories of the battle, now he had time to do so, maybe he could put a name to the feeling of dread growing at the back of his mind. His sword rested in the grass beside him, he ran a finger down a length of it's blade and waited for the stars to rise.
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Old 05-27-2002, 01:47 PM   #107
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Laredith tended to her wound as she sat behind a tree. Thankfully, her arm was doing surprisingly well. She could move it somewhat well. However, it was still hard to move nonetheless. "Oh bother" she thought. What she didn't know was that someone was watching her. The only way she could have been able to tell anyway was two slits that looked like eyes hiding in the bushes...
"You're rum little creatures, you humans." --Bree, from HHB
ohh...and by the way...
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Old 05-27-2002, 09:19 PM   #108
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ooc: someone gimme a summary of whats going on in rpg.
Halbarad stands upon one of the battlement in Minas tirith. With his sea-grey eyes he looks out west in the direction of Moria. A woman, who's anme he did not know, was sent out to recruit members for a company to take back that place from the grasp of the orcs days earlier.
Halbarad was a kinsman of the King elessar. Indeed his father was a cousin to the king, but he had fallen in the battle of the Pelennor a few years before. He himself was there and rode with Elessar to Erech and followed the Paths of the Dead. He yearned once again for battle against the orcs, for his hatred for them didnt grow dim after the few years, but only increased. As he sighed a hand touched his shoulder- it belonged to one of the King's servants. "The King wishes to see you, lord." With a grim nod of the head he walked into the throne room of the King elessar. 'Kinsman" ,elessar started off, "as you probably know, and indeed you do, a company is being organized to take back the Mines of Moria. A certain woman was sent out on the errand of finding the suitable people for this journey. In my mind I am torn. I think you should have accompinied her, for your valour will be needed. But you are dear to me, and I dont want to lose you as i did your father." Their eyes were locked and a word wasnt spoken for minutes. The King finally broke the silence by saying : "I will give you the choice, Halbarad. For i know i cannot govern your will, and you will probably go anyway. If it is your desire, you may lead a small group of men to accompany Lara's, hopefully growing, host." At this Halbarad smiled and said 'Indeed I will, King."
Halbarad and his men were ready within a days time and sat out on a far more perilous journey any of them imagined.

ooc:where exactly is the company from bree at? sorry for joining so late
Why can we not be sober..
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Old 05-27-2002, 10:26 PM   #109
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OOC: Tar-Elendil, we are currently on the road to Moria, not far off from Weathertop. Oh yeah, that summary: We've left Bree, and have gotten into a fight with Orcs. Mostly everyone's gotten wounded, Laredith in the arm, me in the head, and others in assorted places, and we are also down two horses, mine and Katirina's.

Eäráng felt the presence of evil again, but this time it was far off in the distance. He knew this place. It was Weathertop, or at least near to it. He could see the hills in the distance. They were beautiful. He could smell the blossoms, the good smell of pines, and other smells that were pleasing. He was now adorned with a white bandage on his head, where that Orc hit him. Ouch, that smarted when it happened! he thought. It now was throbbing, because he had tapped it against a tree to try to sleep.

Something, just something, was watching them from the trees. Its little beady eyes, its large beard, its short stature, all of it was focused on them all. It decided to withdraw from the light, which it hadn't seen in a long time. A very long time.
I am Eäráng the Great!!! Bow before my Silmaril!!!
*Iluvatar kills him*
Oh, drat it!
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Old 05-27-2002, 10:44 PM   #110
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Halbarad and his men rode across Gondor trhought he gap of Rohan and then far north towards Bree in maybe a weeks time. They purposed to ask for information in the town of the lady which had been sent out on the errand. Halbarad wasnt sure what to do, and he had an ill sense of foreboding. "We shall make for Amon-Sul first and see what the land tells us. It is most likely she would make for the weather hills after she departs from Bree."
They rode to the northeast for a matter of 4hours. They suddenly halted for they could hear the rustling and mumbling of what seemed to be some small encampment. And then they found what they were looking for. A woman stood among many wounded. Yet, though she herself was wounded, she held her head high and said words of encouragement to the people.
Halbarad and his Men trodded up to them about 30 feet away and dismounted. By this time the woman's whole company was staring at Halbarad and the Men and he noticed their fingers were moving towards hilts of swords and feathered shafts.
Halbarad raised his hands as a sign of peace and said "Nay, we are friends!"
Why can we not be sober..

Last edited by Tar-Elendil : 05-27-2002 at 10:46 PM.
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Old 05-28-2002, 12:00 PM   #111
samwise of the shire
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Alaird laid looking at the stars for awhile ignoring the voices of the other greeting the newcomers but then a movement to his right caused him to slowly turn his head and see what had disturbed his thoughts. A largish rabbit was nibbling at some clover, oblivious to the hobbit. He lay for awhile suprised that the rabbit didn't smell the blood and sweat that had dired on his face and clothing. The rabbit continued feasting, oblivious to the young hobbit and his intentions of a rabbit stew. Suddenly Alairds arm shot foward and grabbed the rabbit by the hind legs.
Drawing a dagger from his side he quickly cut the rabbits throat blood spewed over Alaird already stained tunic but there would be meat for dinner that night. He walked towards the camp when all of a sudden he saw movement, a short figure had crept from the edge of some bushes to darker shadows beneath a large hawthorn tree. Alaird turned silently on his barefeet and crept up behind the figure. "It's a DWARF" thought Alaird. Many times he had walked in on his grandfathers talking to Gimli the dwarf and the tall elf Legolas when he was small and had come to love and adore them both almost as much as he adored his grandfathers. "But what he's doing I intend to find out" thought Alaird as he crept up on the watcher.
He swung the rabbit (which was the only weapon he had in his hands) and hit the dwarf SQUARLY in the head. The dwarf grunted and turned to face the hobbit. Alaird saw the sharp edge of the axe but he swiftly turned so that his back was facing the encampment and lept from the bushes backwards into the ring of firelight.
The others, company and newcomers alike jumped at seeing Alaird with a limp rabbit in his hand taking a warriors stance and shouting "ALRIGHT COME OUT INTO THE FIRELIGHT YOU COWARD!" Earaing looked up at the hobbit in suprise "Halfling...hobbit...Alaird what's going on?" Alaird kept staring out into the dark forest "It's a dwarf. He was watchin' us an' I didn't like it. Get out from behind that tree dwarf and show us your face!"
Slowly the dwarf made his way blinking into the firelight. It was an old dwarf with a long white beard and a wrinkled face, he stayed in the bushes, and blinked and shook his head as fi the fire annoyed and disturbed him. "Who are you good dwarf?"Called Lara as she sheathed her sword which she had drawn unknowingly Many fo the weapons of the company had srpung into their hands as Alird had startled them. The dwarf opened his mouth as if to say something but only a whisper came out. "Who are you dwarf?" asked Alaird "Dorin." was the answer and then he sunk back into the shadows.
Alaird looked down at the blody rabbit in his hand. He then looked around at the company which had grown in his absence. He sighed "Well looks like we might be having herbed rabbit for breakfast tommorrow. I need to set more snares as we had some unexpected company. An' wot about that dwarf an' wot about you?" he asked as he stared suspiciously at the newcomers....
PS. aZnLiTTleD Haven't you read the Trilogy? Or at least The Return Of The King? The reason why I say that is because even new readers know that the Nazgul have an evil affect on anyone who dares strike them, and as you didn't know that I assume you haven't read LOTR. Dont get mad at me for assuming wrong.
Jesus is my all in all
People who are so concerned with escapism do have a name...we call them jailers.
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Old 05-28-2002, 12:19 PM   #112
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Halbarad was angered by the suspicion of this Halfling. Long had he guarded that land the Shire for the good of that people, but he concealed his wrath.
"I am Halbarad, Kinsman of the King Elessar. I am come out of Minas Tirith to aid your company." At this he looked around at the group." For surely you will need it, your numbers are too small. I see that you underestimate the fell things in Moria. Tell me, have any of you indeed been there? For i have, years ago." The hobbit alaird just glared at him.
"Tell me friends, what evil has befallen you? Orcs are unusual in this territory." At this Lara's group looked at one another.
Why can we not be sober..
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Old 05-28-2002, 12:24 PM   #113
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An elf stepped forward.
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Old 05-28-2002, 12:42 PM   #114
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Halbarad seated himself next to Lara while the elf Eäráng told what had befell witht he black riders and orcs.
"This is evil doing. Horsemen in the guise of the Nazgul? And what are orcs doing here, they never come near the South Downs." Looking at lara he said "What were your plans to get to Moria? They, no doubt now, must change."
Why can we not be sober..
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Old 05-28-2002, 02:36 PM   #115
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Fimbren stood up and said "Nay, I don't know exactly what the plans were. But we should keep to them. I have a feeling this enemy wants us to change plans. a few orcs and riders can't hurt us especially now with our increased numbers."
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Old 05-28-2002, 02:55 PM   #116
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Halbarad glanced at Fimbren and said "Do you know the mind of our enemies? Do you know the number of riders that might try to assail us next? I dare say you dont. We shall still proceed to Moria, but we may not travel so openly as i daresay you have."
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Old 05-28-2002, 07:58 PM   #117
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Laredith simply looked on from her place behind the tree. At this point her suspicions of somone looking in on them had been started, but she didn't say anything. She was interested in what was going on. All of a sudden, she heard a quiet hissing sound. She turned around and pulled out her sword.

"What's going on over there, Laredith?" Fimbren asked. Laredith looked around and, after seeing that no one was there, sheathed her sword back again.

"Nothing," Laredith answered.

"Well, don't pull out your sword at a time like this! There are newcomers here!" Fimbren scolded. Laredith nodded and continued to listen to the debate. She felt a little irked because she didn't see what ever it was, if it was anything.
"You're rum little creatures, you humans." --Bree, from HHB
ohh...and by the way...
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Old 05-28-2002, 08:01 PM   #118
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OOC: Yeah I read it awhile ago, I just don't think. When you said that I remembered.
"Fear is a stupid emotion."
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Old 05-28-2002, 08:58 PM   #119
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"Peace Laredith and you as well Fimbren, for I fear the captain's words are true," Lara answered looking from one of her companions to the other, than turned to the visitor, "You, Sir Halbarad, are far more skilled in the ways of war and combat than I, and I believe your years go beyond mine as well. This is just my first assignment as a captain, and I request any of your judgement or ideas on the subject,"
She wandered wayward for a time, from the gardens of the gods to climb the everlasting mountains free that look upon the outmost sea, and never wandered back but stayed softly singing from glade to glade.
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Old 05-28-2002, 09:21 PM   #120
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OOC: Finally! Thank Eru for you, Tar-Elendil! You are the first one in this RPG to get my name correct! (No, not Falinaur)

Eäráng looked at the company in the silence, and then he spoke up. "You think that this added person will help increase our success in getting to Moria? Nay I say, and it is well that I do so. It might be the end of us all if you do not become serious about this quest that we are on! For I tell you tonight, there will be other attacks, yes, more fearsome than this past skirmish. Some of us might, I even dare to speak, will die from this quest. This is a perilous quest we go on, yes, a perilous one. I know that I shall not come out of this alive, and there are more of you who would die right now, if Eru was not with us! For there are more evil things in the recesses of Moria than you know about!" And with that, Eäráng found a soft, cool place to lay in and went to sleep.
I am Eäráng the Great!!! Bow before my Silmaril!!!
*Iluvatar kills him*
Oh, drat it!
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