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Old 03-01-2004, 12:17 PM   #61
Elven Warrior
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Devak: *turns around to see who has walked up on her, her eyes, that were once blue were now stained red from crying* what do you want? I really need to be alone right now, when I get like this I'm dangerous (sp). Rylkin I'd prefer if you would go back to camp, I'll be back soon, I just need to think. *she truned away and walked past the still burning tree, soon her walk turned into a run as she moved through the forest, soon she came to a clearing and then she stopped and fell to her knees crying* Solteth, why did you make me leave? I could have fought them off, I could have... *she was interupted in mid-sentance by a russle in the leaves, she didn't turn around* I thought I told you... *turns around, a man stands in front of her blocking her way* Solteth? *she looks at him more closely and she draws a breath, her eyes revert to ice blue and they become extremly wide* you're not Solteth... you're... no, you can't be... Sauron!
Sauron: Devak, I see you remember me. * tries to caress her cheek, but she pulls away* I can remember when you used to like that...
Devak: That was when you brain-washed me, sauron, I don't serve you anymore, not now, not ever.
Sauron: Now that's a pitty, oh well, So I guess you won't want your present?
Devak: *looks sapiously (sp) at Sauron* what present?
Sauron: This one *holds up an orb, it has Solteth's picture in it, he is bloody but still alive*
Devak: Solteth? No! You're lieing Sauron, Solteth's dead
Sauron: Oh? how sure are you Devak? How sure are you that he's is?
Devak: I can't feel him. That's how I know Sauron, I can't feel him.
Sauron: Yes you can, and you know you can Devak, you're sapressing (sp) it. *Squeezes to orb, Devak screams in pain* You see Devak, He's still alive you can feel him, you just didn't want to.
Devak: No, Sauron he's not I know your tricks. And you know my powers Sauron, I refuse to join you!
Sauron: I will give you three days to think it over, Good bye Devak, *poof*
Devak: *Falls to the ground in pain* Damn him...
Crazy I was crazy once they put me in this little room Rats! Rats! I hate Rats! They drive me crazy!

*devak laughs crazily*
Blue: Oh boy, She's cracked, She's gone nuts, Devak, Devak get a grip.
*Devak grabs blue by the throat*
Blue: Good grip
Duh! I've got markers!!!! :P
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Old 03-01-2004, 11:04 PM   #62
My microwave speaks to me
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OOC: OHHHH...plot twist! Ok so...I'm not going to know about that...but Sauron's doing the same to my character. Only I don't turn good...and I'm not in love with any one. How's that sound? Carrots fix everything!

Fery walked in the forest in the opposite direction of Devak. SHe wandered and pondered what to do. No one trusted her after that little stunt, perhaps she would just pretend like she didn't know anything about the use of a sword...sure that's why she was carrying around such a beautiful one. Well she would just have to tell them part of the truth if they asked why. She pulled out the hand carved sword that used to be her fathers...before. Going throug hsome basic motions her sword came in contact with another and she went into defense mode. Alhtough she put a good fight her sword was flung from her hand and she truned to face her attacker. "How are yo usupposed to make them believe that you can't fight if you do that?" Sauron asked rather nonchalantly. "Uhhh..."Went the lame reply of Fery. "Articulate aren't you?" Sauron replied. "Yes actually I am. I was one the best pupils in my old town." Fery said curtly. "You forget," Sauron said taking a step closer, "that I know everything about you." It really was strange with him standing that close to her so Fery stepped back and said "So?"..........."FERY!" Someone from camp yelled. "I have to go! THey'll wonder more if I don't." Fery began to rush off but was stopped by sauron saying "I'll be here. Tonight while everyone is asleep." ANd with that Fery was gone.

OOC:Nobady make it the next day until I have talked to Sauron...and no one fallow(sp?) me please.
Bah, Bah black sheep have oyu any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir. Three bags full! One for the master, one for the dame, one for the little boy who lives down the lane!
Bah, bah black sheep have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir. Three bags full.

I'll be gone for a while. But never fear! "I shall return anon!"
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Old 03-02-2004, 12:11 AM   #63
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OOC: Surpressing

<Damn that dirty, lying, cheating, bas***d from hell!> I thought bitterly. <I will destroy Sauron, if it's the last thing I do.>

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Old 03-02-2004, 02:47 AM   #64
The Infamous Tea Hobbit
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"Quite depressing, isn't it?" asked Pansy, as she sat by the fire with Rannyn. "I hate depressing moments."
"Me also." replied Rannyn.
"Well, ifs there's any way to cure depressing moments, its a song!" and with that she stood and cleared her voice

*teehee, here we go again*

A song and a drink will do you good,
Take a swig of mine.
I would buy you an ocean full, if I could,
Bandy, beer, or wine!
Wipe off your frowns, and have a pint
Or a mug if that's what you wish.
I'll personally have your mug shined
And seal it with a kiss!

She bowed low and smiled. "Hope that raised your spirits a bit!" she said.
"Where did you learn that?" asked Rannyn.
"My uncle taught it to me, quite an ale singer, that one"

If I can stop one heart from aching, I shall not live in vain. -Emily Dickinson

But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd
Never can quite understand
The worth of a soul and the change that is wrought
By the touch of the Master's hand.

Though she be but little, she is fierce! -MSND
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Old 03-02-2004, 06:04 PM   #65
Elven Warrior
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Devk: *walks into camp all dishelved and bloody, Blood stains her silver hair, A cut in the shape of a cresent moon on her forehead pours blood down her face, but she walks with her head held high* Pansy, could you go to my bag and get me the potion with the green lable, and make sure it's green, please
*pansy ran into the tent Devak had fixed herself before and she found the deer skin bag in the corner, she went through the bag and found the green labled potion among the red ones* (what are these for? I wonder...) * she hurried to devak with the geen potion, devak took the potion and drank it, green light surounds the camp and slowly all the blood fade away from devak but the cut on her forehead is still throbing red*
Devak: *sigh* I could use a drink right now...
Crazy I was crazy once they put me in this little room Rats! Rats! I hate Rats! They drive me crazy!

*devak laughs crazily*
Blue: Oh boy, She's cracked, She's gone nuts, Devak, Devak get a grip.
*Devak grabs blue by the throat*
Blue: Good grip
Duh! I've got markers!!!! :P
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Old 03-02-2004, 10:22 PM   #66
My microwave speaks to me
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OOC: None of you are asleep. Good I don't have to be creative right now!

Fery wolked nonchalantly into camp a while after Devak did hoping no one would notice her and she could slip into bed quietly and pretend sleep until she could do as her master wished and met him in the forest. No such luck "Fery!" Rannyn yelled after she had entered, "I'd like to know what was wrong with you after the demon's attacked this afternoon." Fery just stared for a moment and said "I do not know how to handle a sword very well...I suppose I should have told you before, but I was afriad yo uwould turn me away, and I have no where else to go." She stood before them inwardly marveling at the ease at which the lie came and she hoped it was convincing enough because she felt like they were passing judgment on her.

OOC: Please don't make your characters omnicient.
Bah, Bah black sheep have oyu any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir. Three bags full! One for the master, one for the dame, one for the little boy who lives down the lane!
Bah, bah black sheep have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir. Three bags full.

I'll be gone for a while. But never fear! "I shall return anon!"
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Old 03-03-2004, 06:17 AM   #67
Elven Warrior
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Devak: *walks to fery* You better learn I don't want you as a liability, you endangered the entire group with that stunt you pulled, I will take you out tomarrow to learn okay, It's getting dark agian, there's already a fire so... I'll take first watch, along with you fery. Pansy and Rannyn, I want you to take secound watch, and fooling around Pansy, it's very important that you stay awake okay, I don't trust this place, even though it was and has been my home for 2 years. Alright all you can go to sleep I'll wake you up for your shifts, I don't sleep so I'll take the watches along with you, see you in 5 hours Pansy, Rannyn... and if anyone leaves this camp at all... There will be hells to pay. I have a feeling somethings out there and it's not too friendly. I don't want to deal with dead bodies tomarrow okay,
Crazy I was crazy once they put me in this little room Rats! Rats! I hate Rats! They drive me crazy!

*devak laughs crazily*
Blue: Oh boy, She's cracked, She's gone nuts, Devak, Devak get a grip.
*Devak grabs blue by the throat*
Blue: Good grip
Duh! I've got markers!!!! :P

Last edited by Amea : 03-03-2004 at 06:20 AM.
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Old 03-03-2004, 08:48 PM   #68
Elf Lord
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"No dead bodies? Fine with me!" Rannyn sighed as he went to lay down, though he didnt really feel like sleeping. He rarely did, being out at sea and all. Usually he looked at the stars and thought of the stories behind them, as there were many. He looked over at Devak and Fery as they went to keep watch. He felt like they knew something, hiding what they didn't want anyone to know. He knew he shouldn't ask though as it might lead to a fight. He sighed and laid on his back and looked up at the stars. Soon though, he drifted off to sleep.
Aewionen, Maiden of Gondor
Home is behind the world ahead
And there are many paths to tread
Through shadow to the edge of night
Until the stars are all alight.

Mist and shadow
Cloud and shade
All shall fade
All shall fade

"I feel a slight tingling feeling... I think its affecting me." -Legolas during a drinking contest (EE ROTK)
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Old 03-03-2004, 08:49 PM   #69
Goddess of the evil smilies
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OOC: Sorry for any god-modding

"Devak, I couldn't sleep after that bit of information tonight. I'll watch with you. Alright?"
Devak nodded her head.
"Right then, 'scuse me while I get my bow."

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Old 03-03-2004, 11:31 PM   #70
My microwave speaks to me
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OOCarnit! You would make me sneak wouldn't you?

Fery walked to the other end of the camp and called to Devak "I have to use the bathroom...and it may be while." she said trying to be as discret as she could. Walking into the forest she went to where she had been before and sat to await her orders. Jumping out of her skin she realized he was already there waiting for her. "What is you want?" she asked. He brought his hand up as if to strick her and she flinched away, "Never be disrespectful to me! I don't like it and next time I will hit you!" he spit at her. "I'm sorry my lord. WHat is it yo uwish?" she asked. "Nothing. I jsut wanted to see if you would risk everything to come and see me. You did, you pass." with that he was gone and Fery snuck back into camp and stood gaurd.
Bah, Bah black sheep have oyu any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir. Three bags full! One for the master, one for the dame, one for the little boy who lives down the lane!
Bah, bah black sheep have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir. Three bags full.

I'll be gone for a while. But never fear! "I shall return anon!"
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Old 03-04-2004, 07:19 AM   #71
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Devak: *she feels the same things as before as she looks at Fery as she walks in*
Talenyn: And what took you so long?
Fery: Oh nothing,
Devak:*fire seemed to streak across Fery's face when she replied* I know somethings wrong, I can feel it all around me, I need to tell Talenyn about what Sauron said she needs to know, but what if it's a trap? then I will put all of them in danger *sigh*Luna give me strenght *devak walks over to Fery and pulls her aside* I don't trust you, and I don't like the feeling you're giving off. You may have everybody fooled, but not me. I'll be watching you, now get over there ansd stand watch where I can see you...
OOC: God-modeling? Oh okay I get it now, I've been doing it too so um sorry I had no clue what I was doing
Crazy I was crazy once they put me in this little room Rats! Rats! I hate Rats! They drive me crazy!

*devak laughs crazily*
Blue: Oh boy, She's cracked, She's gone nuts, Devak, Devak get a grip.
*Devak grabs blue by the throat*
Blue: Good grip
Duh! I've got markers!!!! :P
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Old 03-04-2004, 10:52 PM   #72
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OOC: I'm evil!!!! wheeeeee!

Fery walked over where Devak could see her and hear her and whispered "I'm not evil you know...I..well, I've had it hard the past couple of weeks. The village I was living at with my family...all of my family as far back as you can trace. Demons attacked one day...I was out riding Zanzibar. They all died..everyone in the village...my family. This is my father's sword. A bueatiful work of art and deadly too...in the right hands. I don't want t obe treated any different. They died and have to move on...." Fery said she didn't want pity but all she wanted was some motherly or fatherly figure to wrap their arms around her and rock her to sleep. But all she felt was a light breeze and the moonlight which seemed to taughnt her.
Bah, Bah black sheep have oyu any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir. Three bags full! One for the master, one for the dame, one for the little boy who lives down the lane!
Bah, bah black sheep have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir. Three bags full.

I'll be gone for a while. But never fear! "I shall return anon!"
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Old 03-05-2004, 07:21 AM   #73
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Devak: Fery... *walks up to her* Is there something you need to tell me? I'm very good at listening, I may not look like it but I am.
*A slight pull forced the body to turn to the direction of the clearing,He's back... *she cluched the hilt of her sword in her nerasnuos(sp)* *then the feeling went away and she relaxed*
Crazy I was crazy once they put me in this little room Rats! Rats! I hate Rats! They drive me crazy!

*devak laughs crazily*
Blue: Oh boy, She's cracked, She's gone nuts, Devak, Devak get a grip.
*Devak grabs blue by the throat*
Blue: Good grip
Duh! I've got markers!!!! :P
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Old 03-05-2004, 09:28 PM   #74
Gulio, Strength of Many
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ooc: Nauseous, I think..... another evil word to spell.

ic: Rylkin was still in the forest, sitting in a tree. Devak had walked off after nearly killing him. Rylkin let her go. She would get over it, after enough time had passed.

Rylkin was bored, so he decided to go exploring. He shifted into a small cat, and wandered around. He ended up in a small clearing where someone was laying on the ground. It turned out to be Rannyn, sleeping out under the stars.
El Poco Diablo is watching you...

It was like the Manifest Destiny all over again, except, instead of taking and consuming everything in their paths for God, they did so with the same fervor and sense of entitlement for their new god... themselves.

If you want to know more about Jesus, have a prayer need, or want to talk about anything, PM me.
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Old 03-05-2004, 10:14 PM   #75
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OOC:Gulio, I'm on the ship, and to what happened to Kalile...*mysterious pause* She is coming back, but she has lots of homework,

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Old 03-05-2004, 10:27 PM   #76
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OOC:Grrrr...my charater shalln't repeat it Amea! I'm going to be even more mysterious...Muahahahahahahaha!

"No, It's nothing really." Fery lied and turned back to keep watch.
Bah, Bah black sheep have oyu any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir. Three bags full! One for the master, one for the dame, one for the little boy who lives down the lane!
Bah, bah black sheep have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir. Three bags full.

I'll be gone for a while. But never fear! "I shall return anon!"
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Old 03-05-2004, 10:29 PM   #77
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ooc: A cat are you...?

ic: Rannyn slowly awoke and when he opened his eyes, he saw a small cat looking at him. Immeadiently, he jumped up, "Shoo!" he said as he grabbed a stick near him whacked the cat. He took a step back as the cat shifted into the form of..."Rylkin? Oh...." Rannyn dropped the stick, "I guess I forgot to tell you that I hated cats...." he smiled slightly as Rylkin rubbed his head.
Aewionen, Maiden of Gondor
Home is behind the world ahead
And there are many paths to tread
Through shadow to the edge of night
Until the stars are all alight.

Mist and shadow
Cloud and shade
All shall fade
All shall fade

"I feel a slight tingling feeling... I think its affecting me." -Legolas during a drinking contest (EE ROTK)
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Old 03-06-2004, 01:10 AM   #78
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Devak: (I know you can hear me Fery... I know your lieing, I can hear your thoughts loud and clear, as well as you can hear mine) * she walked back to her tree and jumped in the branches, You could only see her icy blue eyes*
Crazy I was crazy once they put me in this little room Rats! Rats! I hate Rats! They drive me crazy!

*devak laughs crazily*
Blue: Oh boy, She's cracked, She's gone nuts, Devak, Devak get a grip.
*Devak grabs blue by the throat*
Blue: Good grip
Duh! I've got markers!!!! :P
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Old 03-06-2004, 12:14 PM   #79
My microwave speaks to me
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OOC:Telepathy eh? Fun Fun. F is for friends who do stuff together. U is for U and me! N is for...can't remember what N is for....any one else know?

Fery just kept watching she had Devak and she she could keep some thoughts to herself such as these....but what about...other thoughts? "Well if she wants to play it that way I will too. She doesn't know it...none of them do. But I'll take her to Sauron and she'll be sorry she ever messed with me."
Bah, Bah black sheep have oyu any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir. Three bags full! One for the master, one for the dame, one for the little boy who lives down the lane!
Bah, bah black sheep have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir. Three bags full.

I'll be gone for a while. But never fear! "I shall return anon!"
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Old 03-06-2004, 02:03 PM   #80
Gulio, Strength of Many
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ooc: Yay! Kalile is coming back!!!! N is for......noisy hyperness?

ic: "That peice of information would have been nice...." Rylkin said, rubbing the back of his head. "Do you really do that to all cats you see?"
El Poco Diablo is watching you...

It was like the Manifest Destiny all over again, except, instead of taking and consuming everything in their paths for God, they did so with the same fervor and sense of entitlement for their new god... themselves.

If you want to know more about Jesus, have a prayer need, or want to talk about anything, PM me.
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