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Old 11-08-2000, 02:37 AM   #21
Posts: n/a
Re: Elbreth... Ditto.

Put in another vote for Bush. Also, having lived in a foreign country for 14 years where I enjoyed no rights at all, I would like to point out that although the American system is not perfect....things could be worse.
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Old 11-08-2000, 03:26 AM   #22
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Anyone besides me thinks that the American voting system sucks and would rather have a straight-forward, ask-every-person, no-"representatives" election?
I mean, this darn American election is taking nearly two years!

Take Russia's voting system, for example; all they do is ask every single person they can get to in the country (there are voting booths that people go to).
This way, they get the election finished in just a few months, and there is a more honest percentage of whom the population chose.

In America, the representative for the province can choose a candidate different from the one he said he would.
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Old 11-08-2000, 03:32 AM   #23
The One Ring
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Re: Elbreth... Ditto.

Well, right now it's looking a bit shaky for Gore, both in here and in the real election, unfortunately (note: just because I happen to like Nader doesn't mean I don't want Gore as president.... I certainly prefer him over Bush). I still have yet to hear any really good reasons for voting for Bush.... family values? compassionate conservatism? Meaningless phrases, really. The man may be a nice guy, but he's not qualified to be president of the USA in my opinion. Moreover, our environment will be utterly ruined. Anyone still out there in Washington or Oregon or California, vote for Gore, before it's too late!
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Old 11-08-2000, 06:15 PM   #24
Posts: n/a
Re: Elbreth... Ditto.

I was utterly surprised that I lost sleep last night over this election. I kept waking up, struggling with myself to turn on the TV to see how it was going. I told myself to just wait it out until the morning, all will be decided by then. I could not believe the news. I hope all turns out okay....may God help those in charge in Florida.
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Old 11-08-2000, 07:38 PM   #25
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Re: Elbreth... Ditto.

I hope all turns out ok, too, and that soon we'll be hearing the 43rd president of the United States is President George W. Bush. This is likely. Very likely.

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Old 11-08-2000, 08:21 PM   #26
Posts: n/a
Re: Elbreth... Ditto.

and lets not forget that bush was caught driving under the influence
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Old 11-08-2000, 08:59 PM   #27
Posts: n/a
Re: Elbreth... Ditto.

Don't bring that up. I honestly don't give a flying fig about that stupid DWI. Even though I don't like Bush, I still think that all that DWI stuff is not related at all to this race. Did he lie about it? Not really, he did what I would've done and kept is secret. Not like its really that important.

I'm disapointed Nader only got about 3% of the vote. That sux.

I hope Gore wins. I heard Nader got something like 80 thousand votes in Florida. I guess Nader did prove to be a real threat to Gore. Oh well.
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Old 11-08-2000, 10:30 PM   #28
Posts: n/a
Re: Elbreth... Ditto.

And let's further not forget that it happened 24 years ago, when he wasn't in public office, and he hasn't had a drop of beer for the past 14 years. That's dedication! Clinton couldn't even keep his paints up while in the Oval Office, and we elected him!

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Old 11-09-2000, 05:39 AM   #29
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why i voted for Gore was to keep Bush out of office - i don't want someone who
- will trash the planet
- refers to people as "@#%$" in casual
conversation (if he does this to the media (who
can make/break his career in about 3 soundbytes),
how will he treat foreign visitors?)
- executes people (if you kill someone for
committing murder, you're just as bad as the
killer. Or worse, because you're doing it in the
name of justice)
as President. in my point of view, a vote for Gore is a vote against Bush. and a vote for Nader (who i might have voted for otherwise) is a vote against Gore. See Florida for examples. to be honest, i'm not too enthusiastic about having Gore for president either, but someone who SOMEWHAT respects the environment & doesn't radiate the "stupid american" stereotype is prefferable to someone who's let TX's environment deteriorate, who insults people in the name of friendliness, & who is an accessory to dozens of murders.

aryne *
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Old 11-09-2000, 12:49 PM   #30
Posts: n/a
Re: Gilthalion...

Here! Here!

You forgot wipes his glasses on other people's clothing when they are not looking. I thought that gentlemen carried hankerchiefs with them....good thing he didn't need to blow his nose!
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Old 11-10-2000, 12:47 AM   #31
Johnny Lurker
Posts: n/a
Re: Gilthalion...

"an accessory to dozens of murders"

Make that hundreds.

And to all the murderers that got the chair, the chamber, or the injection in Texas while Bush was governor, I'll say this.

May God have mercy on your soul, because no one else will.

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Old 11-10-2000, 05:55 AM   #32
Posts: n/a
Re: Gilthalion...

I hardly know where to begin!

niffiwan Russia is not a very good example of how to run a republic. We've been doing rather well for a couple of centuries, thank you. As for why we should NOT be a "democracy" and why we are a Republic, I've just dealt with that in another thread, but in short, a democracy is a mob, and a mob can be ruled by a demogogue, and a demogogue will become a tyrant, and that's why you can't have a direct vote. There is also the matter of State's Rights. The STATES elect the President of the United STATES of America.

arynetrek I'm a little disappointed here. You're picking nits and believing a lot of propaganda. I blame the Bush team for not responding.

~Gore does not care about the environment. If he did, he would clean up the tin mine LITERALLY in his own back yard that is cited continually for unredressed pollution. Houston air quality is as bad as other industrial cities and recently during some heat waves, spiked higher than other cities in one indicator. Statistics were mined to find a black eye for Texas and the number was blown out of proportion.

~I didn't appreciate Bush using a coarse description of the New York Times propagandist, though I might have agreed as Cheney did. If coarse language precludes Presidents, no one qualifies. Especially the current occupant. And his wife, too.

~I understand your opposition to the Death Penalty. Al Gore and I disagree with you. I don't honestly know what to do about that except that each State determines its own laws and you can live in a state that is more like your idea of correct in the matter or you can try to change things. You don't have a choice between Gore and Bush because they are both against you.

~Bush is no more an accessory to dozens of murders than any other governor or president. Clinton can be argued to be guilty of treason and war crimes, however, and there are many suspicious graves in Arkansas. Bush never bombed innocent people to death in Sudan.
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Old 11-10-2000, 06:02 AM   #33
Posts: n/a
How nice.

And what would you say to the innocent people that got the chair, the chamber, or the injection.....while Bush was governer??
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Old 11-10-2000, 06:27 PM   #34
Posts: n/a
Re: How nice.

Anduin, I don't care for your tone. Death is serious, and I'm not joking around or being smug about any of this.

I've been getting a lot of "whatevers" and "how nice" type comments from liberals lately.

Name one innocent person who did not get years of due process on the Texas Death Row.

Show me that they were not proven guilty in a court of law before a jury and that they have not had YEARS UPON YEARS to change it.

As I said, I respect Pro Lifers who disagree with the Death Penalty. I won't go to the mat with anyone who is arguing for the sanctity of life. For all I care, we can send murderers and rapists to a prison camp in Antarctica for the rest of their lives.

But I notice that no abortion-supporting liberals who would forever give the benefit of unreasonable doubt to convicted capital murderers, care anything for the folks Clinton-Gore murdered in Sudan and in Serbia. If a Republican President had done such things, the Liberal media and all you city folk would scream bloody murder.

Jesus talked about folk who "strain at gnats and swallow camels."

The Governor of Texas is not executing murderers. He is executing the law of the land. Change the law. But don't hold him to a double standard when Al Gore and Bill Clinton also support the Death Penalty.

Clinton had a real opportunity, unlike George Bush, to overturn a wrongful exection in 1992. Instead, he rushed off to make sure he was in Arkansas at the end of the Presidential Campaign that year to refuse mercy to a mentally ill man who had been convicted under suspicious circumstances (which happens more often in AK than TX). Clinton killed that man on the AK death row to win an election. Bush has no choice by law of Texas. Clinton did by law of Arkansas.

To be outraged at Bush and to wink at Clinton or Gore is either ignorance or hypocracy.

I'm sick of politics and I would rather not be engaged in controversial subjects here in the future. I come here for recreation, as I've made clear before. But I find that our nation's method of self-governance is just a "whatever" to about half this nation and even here on a Tolkien board, I'm confonted with folk who seem to have little idea what is going on around you.

I can't blame you too much. You haven't been taught American History by the liberal Government schools, and the liberal elite media hide the truth from you.

Still, it would be nice to at least get a little respect for my views. Being dismissive of two hundred years of the American Way and culture puts the lie to liberal cries for "Multiculturalism."

You Gore supporters don't see that our country is being destroyed from within, as Kruschev promised. I guess a generation of indoctrination and dumbing down has done its job.

This nation has been split in two by the criminals in the White House. One side wants us to join in a world wide community of socialist nations ruled by a body for global governance. They let the ends justify their means until they betray the nation to Communist China.

The other side is slower and more capitalistic and less ruthless.

Having said that, there are wonderful people on either side who would do better to stay better informed about what their public servants are doing. The ignorance of this nation has become simply staggering in the last decade.

I don't really care for either side. I voted for Bush and for a bunch of Libertarians on election day. I vowed that if the GOP couldn't win, or if they did and then didn't deliver on their promises, I would finally desert them utterly. They at least try out of their own selfish interests to keep things free and prosperous. But if they can't defend and uphold the Constitution, then they are useless.

I have not seen many arguments here or in the elite media in favor of keeping the American Way.

And I'll tell you all something else.

I'm absolutely furious at Gore and the Democrats today. Their posturing is exactly what has divided this nation for 8 years and guarantees such division to intensify for another 4. I'm not talking about the recounts. I'm talking about the specious legal challenges and rabble rousing that Gore is engaged in through his surrogates.

I'm positively enraged at the media that is still reporting ongoing vote counts as if it is news. (It ain't news until it's over!)

I'm stunned that half of the nation is buying four more years of lies, obstruction, usurpation, and treason.

I'm disappointed that some of you are buying into it, too.

I'm proud of Nader voters because at least they are not compromising with criminals and worse. I will be happy to debate issues with Naderites or anyone else.

But I do not want to be drawn into partisan debates with folk who have not studied the news daily and have no idea of the magnitude of criminality and treason that is the actual legacy of the Democratic Party in the last decade of the 20th century.

I tell you all, I've had it!

I fully expect that Gore will behave like Nixon in 1960 and maintain the challenge until even false hope is lost. I expect that the Courts will judge against Clinton/Gore's spurious suits as they have for the last 6 years.

Then George W. will have to pick up the pieces.

What if Gore & Co. refuse to accept the Florida vote on the basis that some voters are stupid?

Will you support that?

And with that, the little hobbit sadly trudged back up the hill to his comfortable hole and fervently hoped that the Rule of Law and the Constitution would be upheld. He wondered if the South Farthing was doomed to Yankee/Socialist subjugation.
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Old 11-10-2000, 10:02 PM   #35
Johnny Lurker
Posts: n/a

Don't get angry at anduin - I think she was replying to me.

(it would be a rather flippant and stupid response if it was directed to you)

"And what would you say to the innocent people that got the chair, the chamber, or the injection.....while Bush was governer??"

I'd say to them, "Get a better bloody lawyer, because if you've got someone with more brains than a freakin' carbon rod, you'd have plea-bargained you way out of it a long, long time ago."
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Old 11-11-2000, 05:59 AM   #36
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I am aware of that, and I knew that that would be your reply.
Most people are like that about Russia; they see many things wrong, they assume everything is wrong.

Well, this is one thing that I believe is not wrong; just look for yourself;

-America spends billions of dollars on elections
-Russia spends millions at most
-election in America takes nearly two years
-election is Russia takes about three months
-Americans have to vote for someone to represent their state, and that person may not necessarily vote for who they think he will
-Russian people just vote for the president, period; no "bending the rules" or slimy tricks
-some Americans (as we have seen in the recent example) get confused by the voting system
-in Russia; go to a certain building along with a lot of other people, say to the people there who you're voting for, go back out; you're done

Just because something has worked longer doesn't mean it's the best way; tyranny has ruled for thousands of years; doesn't mean it's better than the American system, does it? According to your theory, it does, so why don't Americans switch back to tyranny since it was successfull for so long, eh?

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Old 11-11-2000, 12:26 PM   #37
Posts: n/a

JL is right, I was talking to him.....so just keep your shirt on!
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Old 11-12-2000, 05:05 AM   #38
Posts: n/a

be disappointed in me if you want, but not for my doing what i believe is right. correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't the american voting system based on the people choosing who they believe is the best person for the job? that is exactly what i did. and what you did, i'm sure.

and you might be interested in knowing that since i do live in TX, which Bush won as predicted, my vote didn't even count. so what does it matter if i'm "believing a lot of propaganda?"

i don't want to get in a fight over a difference of opinion. either way this election goes, once all the bickering is over one of two things will happen:
- Bush will win
- Gore will win
either way, Entmooters will be happy. either way, Entmooters will be upset. i guess we'll just wait & see which "side" wins.

OK, i'm sick of arguing about politics.

aryne *
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Old 11-12-2000, 05:46 AM   #39
Posts: n/a
Re: Gilthalion...

Amen sister!
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Old 11-12-2000, 06:03 AM   #40
Posts: n/a
Re: Gilthalion...

And from that post on the inhabitants of Entmoot lived in perfect harmony *key melodious elven music* /me dances!
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