Main Page
Prancing Pony
Site Info/Map/FAQ
Tolkien Bio
The Shire
Fun and Games
Songs and Tales
"Hello traveller, I'm Nob. Mr. Butterbur has asked me to give you a quick overview of the Tolkien Trail. When you're ready, he needs to speak with you."
The Tolkien Trail is a Lord of the Rings website in which you can explore Tolkien's fantasy world, Middle-earth. As you discover each area of Middle-earth, you will be able to learn about that place and also enjoy an interesting set of activities or information. We boast a unique storyline, so you can go from place to place in order or just browse. Accompanying you on this trip across the continent is Gandalf the Grey, who will assist you on your journey.
This is not your average Tolkien fan page. We were voted "Most Creative Tolkien Site" by the readers of Yahoo! Internet Life. Every area of the site corresponds to a section of Middle-earth, and contains themed content. Here is a summary of the places you will encounter on the Tolkien Trail. In order to get the full experience of the Trail, we recommend visiting the locations in order:
- Bree: Your current location. This is an introductory section where you get to learn about the site and Tolkien. Ends with the Meeting with Butterbur.
- The Shire: Home to a variety of interactive Java and JavaScript games, including a wordsearch, slider puzzle, and Mad Libs.
- Rivendell: Archive for all kinds of fan-created songs and tales, including original poetry, fan fiction, MP3s, song parodies, and humorous writing. Featured creation: The One Ring Musical.
- Lothlorien: Fan art galleries, with a special gallery for Gandalf-inspired artwork.
- Fangorn: Home to Entmoot, our popular discussion board.
- Grey Havens: Concluding section with credits and links.
If you would like more detailed information about the site, visit the old dwarf at that table for the FAQ, a complete site map, and contact info. If you would like to learn more about J.R.R. Tolkien, please speak with Strider in the corner.
Otherwise, to continue on your journey, you'll need to have a word with the innkeeper.
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Bree | The Tolkien Trail
Fan Art
Entmoot Board
Grey Havens
Credits and Links
The One Ring Musical