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Old 11-11-2002, 10:49 PM   #1
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Abortion and Handguns

Has this been done? I hope not.

Okay, how do you feel about abortion? Do you believe that a fetus is alive from the point of conception, or that it's alive sometimes through term, OR that the "fetus" is only alive when it is considered a "baby"? (this is relevant) With that answer, than how do you rationalize Abortion? Or feel about it? (to be politacally correct)
(I am against it. It is murder. Thank you.)

(I am biased about the handgun issue, won't talk about it now)
Are you against Handguns? Do you want them outlawed? Why?

(My guesstimation is that the people who are for abortion are against handguns, also that the people who are either for evolution or are catholic (the major percentage. Not all of you!) will be the people for abortion and against handguns)

What I don't get, is that people who are for abortion are so gung-ho about killing innocent little er "beings" but against having protection in your home from intruders. What are you gunna do when the big bad burglar murders your spouse (gf, parents, etc) and rapes your kids ? Chew him to death? Threaten to call the police?

Keep this civil, express your opinions without being hurtful to others...especially moi.
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Old 11-11-2002, 11:56 PM   #2
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Re: Abortion and Handguns

Originally posted by Aeryn
Has this been done? I hope not.
What I don't get, is that people who are for abortion are so gung-ho about killing innocent little er "beings" but against having protection in your home from intruders. What are you gunna do when the big bad burglar murders your spouse (gf, parents, etc) and rapes your kids ? Chew him to death? Threaten to call the police?
I don't think the pro-choice standpoint is about killing unborn babies; rather, giving the women a choice in how they run their life. If the baby isn't wanted, what's the point of bringing it into the world? Kind of goes back to Euthanasia, or mercy-killings.

Originally being from Texas, I'm well accustomed to the idea of owning guns. My family or I never posessed one, but most of our close friends did. I think it's acceptable to own a gun as long as you're mentally capable and prepared for the responsibilities that come with it.
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Old 11-12-2002, 12:08 AM   #3
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I'm for abortion and handguns. People should decide what to do with their lives, if they don't want a baby, they shouldn't be forced to, and if they feel they need protection, they should get it. Granted both should be used responsibly, but for most cases, i think we should just let people livve their own lives.
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Old 11-12-2002, 01:13 AM   #4
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Yes, I think there is an abortion thread around somewhere. Not sure though.

I am pro-choice.

As for guns, well, in New Zealand it is not so much of an issue, so I don't really have anything to contribute... Although... A farmer in the far north (of the Nth Is.) shot at a couple of guys who were driving off with his farm bike in the back of their ute (he was aiming for the tires), and the bullet ricocheted off something, and shot one of the thugs. The farmer is currently being tried for intent to cause grievious bodily harm (the guy survived.) In this case, I'm on the side of the farmer, because being in such an isolated area, where it takes HOURS for the police to come, I think it is essential to keep yourself and your family safe; if it happens to need guns, then so be it.
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Old 11-12-2002, 01:18 AM   #5
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I'm anti-death when it comes to the abortion issue (nothing wrong with a little antagonism! ), but I also support the second amendment
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Old 11-12-2002, 01:26 AM   #6
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I support abortion up to a point. I'm against partial birth abortions though - unless the pregnancy is endangering the life of the mother. I see absolutely no problem with the morning after pill (which is different from RU-486)

I support hand guns. Even the snipers got around the gun laws. Criminals will get guns regardless and people should have a right to protect themselves. In addition it's our right to bear arms under the Constitution. By the way - growing up we never had guns and I have never had a gun - although I have shot them a couple of times.
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Old 11-12-2002, 08:12 AM   #7
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More to come later.
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Old 11-12-2002, 09:00 AM   #8
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oh no it isn't
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Old 11-12-2002, 11:57 AM   #9
Elven Archer
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I think the abortion thread has been done.

I think abortion is murder because according to the Bible it's a living person from the time of conception. I've seen pictures of aborted babies and how can you not think those used to be alive?and it's just digusting some of the ways they abort them. I think it's ridiculas that you can jsut get an abortion no matter how old you are without any kind of permission by your parents. but you do have to get permission to get tattoos and stuff. my cousin knew a bunch of girls who got pregnant real young and wanted to keep the baby but their parents made them get an abortion. they're a little messed up in the head because of it. I dont' see how you can think a "fetus" isn't alive if it's growing the whole while. also what i don't get and i might be wrong about, alot of the people who don't want the death penalty are for abortion.

I support hand guns. Even the snipers got around the gun laws. Criminals will get guns regardless and people should have a right to protect themselves. In addition it's our right to bear arms under the Constitution. By the way - growing up we never had guns and I have never had a gun - although I have shot them a couple of times.
that pretty much sums up what i was going to say without saying it. although i've grown up(still growing) around guns.before i was born my dad bought all my brothers and sisters some bb guns and he bought me one too and that was way before i was born.or either that he bought us pocket knives before i was born and then bought the guns a little after i was born. ANYWAY i've had a gun since before i can remember and there's always been guns in the house and me or my brothers and sisters have ever shot ourselves with em'.
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Old 11-12-2002, 12:41 PM   #10
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Originally posted by Elven Archer
I think abortion is murder because according to the Bible it's a living person from the time of conception. I've seen pictures of aborted babies and how can you not think those used to be alive?and it's just digusting some of the ways they abort them.
For at least half of the first trimester - it is hard for the human eye to even see the fetus. Do you have any idea what a "fetus" is at the time of conception? I agree that once a fetus goes past the first trimester - it should not be aborted unless the mother's life is in danger.
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I think it's ridiculas that you can jsut get an abortion no matter how old you are without any kind of permission by your parents. but you do have to get permission to get tattoos and stuff. my cousin knew a bunch of girls who got pregnant real young and wanted to keep the baby but their parents made them get an abortion. they're a little messed up in the head because of it.
Parental consent is a state issue. I don't know which state you live in - but all states have their own laws governing abortion.

State Abortion Laws
Though Roe, Doe and Casey limit the power of states to regulate or ban abortion, nearly every state has some sort of law limiting abortion. About 4/5 ban non-therapeutic abortion in the last three months of pregnancy. Many have parental notice or consent laws for minors, waiting periods, informed consent and statistical reporting requirements for all abortions.

I dont' see how you can think a "fetus" isn't alive if it's growing the whole while. also what i don't get and i might be wrong about, alot of the people who don't want the death penalty are for abortion.
Well i support both the death penalty and abortion with restrictions. I don't think that the government should fund abortions.
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Old 11-12-2002, 04:39 PM   #11
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i am against abortion but i guess the mother should have the right to have one if she must. i mean if shes going to anyway its better to do it in a hostpital instead of in some alley somewhere.

i am not sure about handguns i think that we should have them but i am also afraid of misuse and also suicide. think about it. if you want to kill yourself really badly you are going to find a way, but having a gun laying around only makes it that much easier, and waiting to get one just gives you one more day to think it over and change your mind. i do like shooting guns though a lot. just not at anything living.

by the way: i am catholic, i do not support the death penalty (since that was mentioned)

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Old 11-12-2002, 04:53 PM   #12
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I'm pro-choice as regards to abortion, especially if the pregnancy is undesired (concieved after a rape attack for example)........if the pregnancy is accidental then both man and woman should be slapped for not having the brains to organise their contraception.

Handguns are a bit of a grey area..........I believe that a person should have the right to protect themselves and their property so easily concealable weapons (pistols I'm thinking here) should be more heavily restricted and rifles permitted.
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Old 11-12-2002, 05:37 PM   #13
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(concieved after a rape attack for example)
Studies show that it's very rare to actually get pregnant by rape. cause of all the stress and fear and other stuff. i'm not saying it doesn't happen but it's rare.at least I think it was a study that the person who told me got their info from. if your life is endanger i think you should abort the baby if there's not another choice.

this is kinda off the subject , but since it was mentioned it made me think of this, i heard somewhere that it's against the law to commit suicide. well if that's true, it's also against the law to kill someone and if you try but you don't then you get charged with attempt murder, so if you didn't successfully kill yourself would you be charged with attempt suicide? that's if it really is against the law.
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Old 11-12-2002, 06:20 PM   #14
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I support abortion, up to a certain age of the fetus. I would prefer if people were more responsible, but these things will occur in the real world.

I am totally agaist handguns or anyone owning a gun, except police, farmers and people who need it for thier work. There was recently a shooting at my university, where a student shot dead 2 people and wounded some others. I was not involved and I didn't know anyone who was involved, but it still affected me. I was at university at the time and I remember hearing helicopters flying over. Now I am terrified every time I hear a helicopter. Two people died just because some guy couldn't cope with life. Is that right? Guns suck.
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Old 11-12-2002, 07:16 PM   #15
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I am pro birth control, anti abortion, I'm so used to people having guns, it just doesn't seem like an issue to me.
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Old 11-12-2002, 08:36 PM   #16
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What are you gunna do when the big bad burglar murders your spouse (gf, parents, etc) and rapes your kids ? Chew him to death? Threaten to call the police?
I'm sure you have heard the statistics that a gun in the home is more likely to kill a family member than an intruder so i guess i won't get into that more than I have. I admit that obviosuly intruders do break into houses, but usually not to murder random people, and if you are worried about this, it is my opinion that you are living with a very irrational fear. I do not think that there is any need for guns in our society at all. Very recently a man was shot outside of my school, and lately there has been a whole string of gang related shootings in night clubs in my city, so i have been thinking a lot about this issue lately. I think the negative aspects of having guns far outweigh any "protection" they might offer. Ex. the six year old boy who shot a little girl when he brought a gun to school that he found in his uncles house. The fact that people have a constitutional right to have arms is kind of irrelevant today, as people generally do not own muskets to protect themselves from the British anymore.

Now on to abortion. I bet y'all can guess what i think! I'm totally pro choice, but actually only to a point. While i have not hugely educated myself on the subject, i'm ok with it until a certain time in the pregnancy. I do however believe that a woman should have complete control of her body, and that her life is way more important than the "life" of someone who hasn't been born yet.
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Old 11-12-2002, 08:56 PM   #17
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Originally posted by Erawyn
The fact that people have a constitutional right to have arms is kind of irrelevant today, as people generally do not own muskets to protect themselves from the British anymore.
Who knows - the war on terrorism may come to our doorstep at some point. If that time comes I will be very thankful that people have guns.

It would be very hard to abolish the 2nd Amendment. We have a different history than you and Americans still have a hard time trusting government. The right to bear arms was not instituted only because of the British - but also because people didn't trust the forming of the US federal government. They wanted assurances that the federal government would not elimate their rights. Today it might be slightly different - but still the feeling is there.

Also - if someone really wants to do damage - just build some bombs. Everyone goes on and on about how many people were killed in the Columbine shootings - but really if you think about it, it's a good thing they had guns. They had the bombs to blow up the cafeteria and other parts of the school. They just chose to use the guns first. If they had used the bombs first - far more people would have died. Don't think that eliminating guns will eliminate or reduce the number of murders.
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Old 11-12-2002, 09:19 PM   #18
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I am totally, completely AGAINST abortion. Do you people even know what the word "abortion" means? It comes from "abort" which means to "stop"; you are stopping a life. So for all of the people in the world who think that a fetus is nothing but a blob of jelly, it's actually a baby, and when it is aborted, its LIFE is being STOPPED!!

If people do not want to get pregnant, they shouldn't be having sex, or they should be very careful with birth control. If people are not wanting a baby, they shouldn't be having sex.

The most awful, horrific kind of abortion ever is partial-birth abortion. The doctor actually breaks the BABY'S neck as it comes out of the birth canal! If you're gonna push the first half out so the doctor can break its neck, you might as well push the rest of it out too, and at least give the child up for adoption to someone who wants a baby!

And what about the people who were almost aborted but their mother decided to go through with the birth. I know someone like this. Can you imagine looking at someone, anyone, and thinking, oh, so what if they aren't here today, if they were aborted!

Someone said something about it being rare to get pregnant because of rape, and my friend know a girl who this happened to and she kept the child. He is the most precious child ever. How can you kill a child before he or she is born?

That baby that is killed in the womb could have grown up to be an amazing, wonderful person!

The bottom line is, abortion is murder.

And I do not at this time have an opinion on guns.
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Old 11-12-2002, 09:31 PM   #19
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I would rather be dead than born into a life of hell.
Hence, I'm pro-choice. To a certain point. Shadowfax's description of partial-birth abortion is a bit more than even I could ever support.
As long as nobody kills anybody with handguns except for self-defense, then . . . . Well, how damn likely is that? Not very. My point? They are probably more of a danger than an aid.
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Old 11-12-2002, 09:43 PM   #20
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Originally posted by Laurelyn
[i]As long as nobody kills anybody with handguns except for self-defense, then . . . . Well, how damn likely is that? Not very. My point? They are probably more of a danger than an aid.
Criminals will still have the guns though.
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