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Old 08-25-2002, 02:31 PM   #1
Elfmaster XK
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The Drunk Elf Pirates and the Quest for the Holy Wine

Right, guys, here it is. We planned this and the charas are all there. So please don't close it mods, close the old one!

Off we go! ....
The Drunk Elf Pirates and the Quest for the Holy Wine
An introduction

When considering such a quest of importance and danger, it is necessary to assemble the most elite of the elite for your crew. That is why a small selection was made and these members were named the best in their field of expertise. These few elite are the following.

Captain Eruviel Greenleaf (EG) – As captain, Eruviel has many talents, one of which is to order as many away missions as is possible in the time that is given. She anchors the ship in dangerous waters and searches the nearby land for clues about the Holy wine. A lifetime of research has led her to this quest and she is dedicated to finding the Holy wine. Plus the fact that even if it was not known to be true I would tell you only that she be the second most drunk of all elves anywhere. Carrying 2 swords, several short knives, a bow, a quarterstaff and many other weapons she is the most dangerous Cap’n in these parts. Even if that be only to herself.

First Mate Elfmaster XK (XK) – The faithful first officer aboard the ship also possesses many talents, XK is the alcoholic elf, once spoken of by another crewmember as “elfmaster, the alcoholic elf, who haunts the infidel with divine marmite.” Indeed she has the curious ability to have alcohol in the vicinity at all times, be it whiskey, wine or even Sake. XK is the owner of a bow she calls ‘minya,’ a red dragon dagger and the skill of the ninjutsu school of ninja – that is of course, her own drunken style of the art. Writing the ships log, and generally aiding the cap’n in her duty she is dedicated to finding the wine, that she may toast with her cap’n at the end of the quest, and maybe one day be able to say the word captain instead of cap’n.

Second Mate Eärniel (Eär) – Eärniel started by calling herself ship’s cat. Why no one is entirely sure, as she is the well known sea elf worthy of many a menacing task such as being the first to enter a dangerous looking ruin. On her travels she has monopolised many different forms of the substance chocolate, and rations it - if allowing others to have any at all. Due to this addiction she can be found threatening mutiny because the crew forgot where she was hiding away with the precious. However, she would not become a mutineer for fear of losing the precious chocolate, and so sticks with her main talent that is map reading and interpreting language. Of course, being a sea elf, to begin with, land maps posed a bit of a challenge for her, but she improvised and improved.

Weapons Specialist Tanoliel (Tano) – She is the owner of the Catapult of Doom, the three-headed Cerberus cannon, and hundreds of other sharp or explosive implements of death and destruction aboard the ship. (Not to mention the demons.) Talented…(I said we weren’t mentioning them!) Talented at firing certain individuals off the ship with the catapult, her aim is impeccable when it comes to fending off rival pirates and just about any other ship that sails too close, or exploding giant octopi – when it comes to this, no one gets even close to her talent. She is also the proud owner of the Shadow-Fax-Machine. But that’s not relevant here.

Ship Bard Arathorn (Ara) – Expert musician and singer, Arathorn sings, writes and mangles songs for the amusement and entertainment of the crew. He has a gifted and inspired sense of humour that cheers the crew up when the wine seems farther out of reach than ever before. He is essentially a morale officer in disguise, as the crew being drunk get the word confused and like to think they have no morals. When he can he likes to get drunk with the officers and start them singing jolly sea shanties, whilst attempting to annoy the cap’n.

Ship Psychiatric Doctor BoP (BoP) – BeardofPants, the ever sarcastic and suggestive owner of the flaming beard. Technically she doesn’t have a title, and belongs in an institution herself, but she knows how to tame the most elusive and peculiar of the crewmembers, hence the title. Quick to join the crew so she could steal some pirate pants, she is now a trusted member, capable of many a task, but is mostly needed to do anything she can to get some sense out of The Thing.

The Thing (TT) – (Also known as Anduril.) The Spiritual guide for the crew, the Thing, in the room, (the room is locked,) came with the ship. But whenever mentioning the Thing, in the room (the room is locked) one must always follow it with ‘the room is locked,’ unless the locked status of the room changes. This is simply a safety measure for the rest of the crew. The only person authorised to go in the room that is locked is BoP, so that she might decode the cryptic clues of the Thing itself, in the room, (the room is locked.)

My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies,
Fairytales of yesterday will grow but never die,
I can fly - my friends.

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Old 08-25-2002, 02:33 PM   #2
Elfmaster XK
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The Cook, Garina (Gar) – Well, Garina is not the holder of the title ship’s cook, but where else would she get all the cheesecake? Logically the conclusion was drawn that she cooked it. She is ever enthusiastic about finding the Holy wine and helps the crew in tight situations, for she is a member who knows how to get things in a tight situation, such as cram at inopportune moments, and excessive amounts of cheesecake. She provides vital support for a ship under threat by borrowing items from others.

Sicirus, Stowaway adventurer (Sici) – Sici was originally a stowaway aboard the NAL from before the pirate crew got to her. But he planned to get out onto land before the ship sailed again and be free to explore strange new lands. However, he fell asleep and soon found himself waking to the threat of burning at the stake and walking the plank. Luckily for him the crew were in high spirits due to the recent capture of the NAL and accepted him into the crew. The question is, is he as loyal a crewmember as the others? It is expected so, but time will tell, for in the beginning they knew little of this adventurer who came to prove a very useful, yet title-less crewmember.

Thus ends the chronicle of the crew, with a spellchecker wanting to change us all, Eruviel becomes Relive, Eärniel is our new Ernie, Tanoliel the Tangle, and Marathon of Arathorn. But still, others take part in the quest and leave their mark, but most fall over board or are flung skywards at some dangerous foe, and replaced by nameless others. Some in this tale are dangerous foes to begin with, meeting a nasty and often gooey end with one of Tanoliel’s many spiky, sharp or explosive objects so that the Thing, in the room, (the room is locked,) might say “I knew that would happen,” yet be still unwilling to explain why he didn’t say so before the event. Anyhow, enough of the personalities and specialities of the crew, for it is clear they are the most elite crew to ever assemble for a mission of this kind for they are blessed with their own talents, and fortunate enough to come across a mighty ship! ‘The Nance-a-lot’ (NAL for short.) They stole the NAL and sailed away as quickly as they could, not knowing what lay in a locked room beneath. A brand new ship was theirs, made of expensive hard and enduring wood, a total of seven sails, pretty golden name plate and railings, mermaid at the bow, four cabins a stern, plus a study and map room. It was not a cheap ship to build, but acquired for nothing by the crew of pirates.
Anyhow, enough about the ship and its weapon obsessed crew. They have a story to tell. A very biased and opinionated one, but a story at any length, from the written logs of the cap’n and her first mate – most of which was illegible and probably more influenced by drunken dreams than reality, but it makes good story telling, so AHEAD FULL MATIES! And we be on our way!

Chapter One
A Quest? Where?

[Eruviel Greenleaf was sat on a small hill drinking sake. Around her were all her weapons, and the mooters she considered to be her pirate crew. This was a meeting of pirates, but their only problem was there was nothing to loot. Arathorn, the bard was mid-mangle when he stopped and ventured a question.]
Ara – Where’s your first and second mates captain?
EG – [Looks squinty-eyed at her bard] Arr, they be comin’ from the other side o’ the world on a ship! We wait here for them.
[Ara nods and continues to hum the tune he mangles.]

My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies,
Fairytales of yesterday will grow but never die,
I can fly - my friends.

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Old 08-25-2002, 02:36 PM   #3
Elfmaster XK
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-------HALF AN HOUR LATER-------
[*BANG* All jump up, weapons at the ready, except Tanoliel, who pauses, choosing between three different sharp implements to see Eärniel and E XK approaching firing a gun]
XK – Cap’n! We found a musket gun cap’n!
Eär – But guess what!
All – [come closer] What?
Eär – We found a ship!
All – Ooooooooo
EG – [Gathers weapons quickly and pulls Tano up] What? A ship? Where? Quickly, take us to it!
[The crew run down the hill towards the dock where they see a mighty ship anchored. Well, okay, perhaps not mighty, more pretty. Tall and finely crafted, this is a ship calling to the crew. EG bent down and crept along behind some boxes. XK glanced at the crew and motioned for them to follow. They reach the ramp and sneak up in a line. A large member of the ‘Otis Redding clan’ (A dock worker – sitting on the dock of the bay – get it?) stood on the ramp blocking the way.
OR man – Excuse me ma’am, this ship’s not for visitors. It’s forbidden. You can’t come up here. But you can go sit on the dock…
EG – Forbidden? Ye can’t have a forbidden ship matey! Perhaps a forbidden ocean, aye, met many of those in me day…
OR man – Oh. I get it now. You’re those crazy people who think they’re elf pirates, aren’t you. We’ve been warned about you.
[EG and XK draw swords. Tano looks at her instruments of death again and picks a different one.]
EG – Stand aside!
XK – Yeah! Know this ye villain! Elves be very proud, pirates even prouder. Don’t insult us or ye’ll be walkin’ that thar plank! Villain!
EG – [glances at XK] Villain? [whispers] but what about our villain pact? [looks at OR man]
XK – Uhh…[thinks carefully] Scoundrel! Ye scoundrel!
OR man – [Frowns]Go away you weirdos!
Tano – Don’t make me call the daemons!
XK – Don’t make me get the hose!
BoP – Don’t make me get your toes!
OR man – Help, guards! Security, someone!
EG – AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! [EG smacks the guy over the head with her sword and he collapses falling down the ramp. They run onto the ship and push the ramp into the sea, loosing the ropes, and letting the ship drift with the tide. They lie down on the deck so no one can see them and EG looks at her sword.]
EG – Humph. Maybe I should get this thing sharpened.
Tano – [scurries along deck closer to the cap’n] Captain! An idea. Perhaps you should use your other sword.
EG – [Swaps them] Hmm. Arr, my cutlass! Good thinkin’ matey!
[They lie there for a while wondering if the angry dock people have gone away, and what to do to get the ship to move.]
Garina – Cheesecake anyone? Since we’re not getting anywhere. [shrugs]
Eär – Hmm, I think we need to make the ship work captain.
XK – Who will help me unfurl the sails? [All get up to climb various riggings and undo the knots on the sails] Uh, not you BoP.
BoP – [Puts flaming stick down on deck] Wha…
EG – NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! [grabs stick and throws it overboard]
BoP – Hey! That was mine!
Eär – You can help now! [All climb up except Gar who is eating cheesecake and ‘directing’ the process]
XK – [reaches top of mast] Cap’n look! We got a plank!
EG – [Crawls over] Oooooo! What cool pirates we can be now, makin’ our prisoners walk the plank!
EG + XK – [Evil laugh] Mwahahahahahahahahaaa! [Look at crew who also evil laugh. They stop laughing. Eventually and unfurl the sails, climbing down as the wind kicks in a speeds them on their way. They stand at the bow looking out to sea. Land comes into view. It gets closer. It still gets closer.]
Eär – Anyone else see…land?
EG – Aye matey, land ahoy!
Gar – But we just set off!
Tano – I know! Turn, quick, turn!
Gar – How?
Eär – The wheel you idiots! [Turns ship towards land] Eep!
Gar – Ahhhhh!!
Tano – Oooooo, I can see canons on board
Eär – [Turns ship other way, out to sea. All stare at her.] What?
Gar – Idiot!
Eär – Hey! I’m, a sea elf you know! Direction isn’t my strong point.
[They get far enough out to sea to be away from anyone trying to recover the stolen NAL.]
XK – Well cap’n, we finally got ourselves a ship! I think I’m going to go check what supplies we have. See if we have any wine or ale to celebrate!
EG – Alright mate, we’ll stay on deck and admire the ship. [XK disappears and all admire the NAL. Stars come out; they are still admiring the NAL]

My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies,
Fairytales of yesterday will grow but never die,
I can fly - my friends.

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Old 08-25-2002, 02:40 PM   #4
Elfmaster XK
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Eär – Captain, XK is still not here. Maybe we should go check on her. She might have found some wine!
Tano – And most likely drank it all herself! [A scream is heard from down below. All look at the captain, who gets up, cutlass in hand and leads them down below deck. They see XK stood outside a room with a bottle of wine, and a broken bottle. On the door it says ‘Danger. Thing’ then the sign was torn.]
Ara – You okay, first officer?
XK – The...the…the…
[Evil Laughter]
XK – In the room! The Thing! In the room! (The room is locked!)
EG – [Goes to door and pushes it gently, then harder. It is very locked] Eh? We have a thing?
The Thing – [From the room (the room is locked.)] Not a Thing. THE THING! Pah…a thing…
EG – Oh. So there’s the Thing. In the room (the room is locked.) I see, what happened?
XK – [Comes away from door] Oh, he, or it tried to take the wine. I couldn’t save that bottle. But I got this!Ara – Hmm…Wine Thing…[Gets out paper]Eär – Umm…[looks slightly afraid to ask] I don’t suppose you found any…chocolate did you? By any chance?
XK – Not in there But in the store room [points at store room] There’s loads of stuff. [All go into store room except BoP who is examining the door.]
EG – Ooooooo! Supplies!
Gar – CHHHHHHEEEEESECAKEEEEEE!!!! [Runs to box conveniently labelled ‘cheesecake.’ Opens it and leaps back in shock]
EG – What is it now? [Leans on cutlass, on box]
Gar – [Peers in] Dunno captain. Might be human.
[Out of box appears a stowaway]
XK – A Stowaway!!
Gar – To the plank!
BoP – To the stake!
All – YEAH!
EG – [Glances at XK and nods]
XK – {puts hands together] Now, why do we want to put him to the stake?
Gar – He’s a witch!
All – Yeah! Burn him! Burn him!
Eär – I thought he was a stowaway.
XK – Good Eärniel, good!
Ara – So do stowaways float too?
XK – Er, [glances at EG who shrugs] No.
BoP – [Turns back on room and a hand appears from door] Burn him anyway! [Is grabbed and pulled into room (the room is locked.)]
Stowaway – Uh, hello. I’m not a witch, or a stowaway! Well, kind of. But can I please join the crew? Please? I’m Sicirus.
EG – Senior crew meeting!
Eär – There’s a senior crew?
EG – Aye. That be first mate, second mate, captain and weapons chief.
[all huddle, Arathorn reads song to Garina who hums tune and nods in approval]
EG – Shall we take him?
XK – Has he any wine?
Eär – Has he any chocolate?
Tano – Has he any new weapons? [glances at Sicirus] And do you think he’d fire well? [All glance and nod]
EG – [Grins] You’re in matey!
Sicirus – YAY!! So what’s the quest?
XK – Quest? We were just looking for supplies.

And so the crew were met. All the members were there. Even the Thing, in the room (the room is locked.) And they were soon to meet someone else who would lead them to a legacy, a legacy of a sacred object they would follow to the end – when they finally get arrested for stealing the NAL. So they partied on deck. Singing jolly sea shanties and drinking excessive amounts of ale and wine, and the Cap’n and her first mate stood on the bow sipping sake, and Eruviel said ‘we did it Xk. We finally got us a ship!’

(Goddamn 5000 characters only! and 90 second rule!)

My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies,
Fairytales of yesterday will grow but never die,
I can fly - my friends.

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Old 08-25-2002, 05:04 PM   #5
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OOC: Why do I get stuck with the thing, from the room (the room is locked?)
"Binary solo! 0000001! 00000011! 0000001! 00000011!" ~ The Humans are Dead, Flight of the Conchords
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Old 08-26-2002, 01:19 AM   #6
Eruviel Greenleaf
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(ooc: It seemed in the last quest you two just sort of gravitated toward each other...)

And so for many a happy day the pirate crew sailed about, rather drunkenly. But one fine morning, as the captain sipped a Mai Tai, she said: XK, the ship is great. But it's been days since we've seen any other ships! We're supposed to pirates, aren't we?
XK: Aye, Cap'n. Maybe a ship will come soon...
EG: I hope so! I think we be running out of wine! We must find some soon!
XK: Running out of wine? But--but--
Tano: Look! There, in the distance! A ship! A nice merchant ship, rich with...wine...for the plundering!
Eruviel Greenleaf in a past life.

"Whoever has come to understand the world has found only a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse is superior to the world."
-The Gospel of Thomas

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Old 08-26-2002, 05:15 PM   #7
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Eär: *steals EG's looking glass* Jep, looks like that beastie got a lot of bounty!
EG: *grabs looking glass* That's mine! You're supposed to have elven eyes! Use them!
Eär:*jumps to attention* Aye, aye ma'am! Shall I let the crew raise the sails, ma'am?
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Old 08-27-2002, 10:24 AM   #8
Eruviel Greenleaf
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EG: Yes! Raise the sails! Prepare to board their ship! Get out the grappling hooks! Don't try to swing across on a line with a knife in your teeth! Be ready, arr!
E XK: You heard her! Arr!
EG: Y'know, Earniel...I don't really need the looking glass--we're all elves!
Eruviel Greenleaf in a past life.

"Whoever has come to understand the world has found only a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse is superior to the world."
-The Gospel of Thomas

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Old 08-27-2002, 03:00 PM   #9
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OOC: I know, but what's a pirate without looking glass?

Eärl: Yes capt'n! *pokes rest of crew into action*
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Old 08-27-2002, 03:39 PM   #10
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Thing - You bring far too much attention to yourself.
BoP - Help! Help!! Oooh what a manly grip....
Thing - Thanks.
BoP - Hey! Quit the groping!
Thing - Sorry. Have a seat.
BoP looks around. The room (the room is locked) is far bigger on than she expected. It is very dark, which explains why she could not see her captor properly. All she could see of the Thing was a 6ft clocked figure, but she could not see under the hood. BoP went and sat on the black (leather) couch in the corner.
BoP - ooooh leather!
Thing - Silence! mmmkay.
BoP recoils in sudden fear and also a bit of anxiety.
Thing - I can choose to hide myself stealthily, but to dissapear completely, damn thats hardcore.
BoP - Huh? I didn't disappear. You pulled me in here, remember?
BoP tries to make out who she's talking to, but instead gets a headache from squinting too hard. Plus also gets brain freeze, even though she never ate any ice cream. Weird, huh?
Thing - But, to the rest of the crew, they would have just thought, Damn, BoP just ....... disappeared!!
BoP - But nobody noticed...
Thing - But if they had noticed...Anyway, it took a lot of strength and power (and agility) to pull you in here that fast. Like superstrength.
BoP - What are you saying? That you're "superstrong"?
BoP laughs hysterically.
Suddenly the lights get brighter, and the Thing grows about two feet (in height).
Thing (in deep voice) - Yo! Do not take me for some cheap conjurer of tricks! I am not trying to rob you! I am only trying to help you.
Lights get dimmer.
BoP - Who do you think you are? Gandalf? You didn't even sound like him...
The Thing shrinks (in height).
In the brightness a few moments before, BoP noticed that the door was left ajar.
BoP - Um...there is only one lord of the ring, and he does not....er....share wine.
Suddenly BoP dashes for the door, and escapes.
Thing - So. You have chosen.....death.
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Old 08-29-2002, 02:05 AM   #11
Willow Oran
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Meanwhile on the merchant ship...

Willow: Captain! There are pirates approaching!

Captain: (grabs the eyeglass) Let me see that... Oh bugger. Arm yourselves crew! turn the ship around! Raise the sails! Do whatever it takes to out run them!

(The ship turns sharply throwing Willow of balance and causing her to fall from where she was leaning on the railing of the ship into the water between the merchant ship and the pirates)

Willow: (shrieks in surprise before hitting the water) Help! Faeries are no good at swimming!

OOC: Alright pirates you've got yourselves a potential prisnor. Will you pick her up or let her drown?
"5. Plain Rings with RUNES on the inside.
Avoid these like the PLAGUE.
-Diana Wynne Jones
Tough Guide To FantasyLand

...it's not much of a show if somebody doesn't suffer, and preferably at length. Suffering is beautiful in any case, and so is anguish; but as for loathing, and bitterness... I don't think they belong on the stage at all.

- Isabella, I Gelosi
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Old 08-29-2002, 06:18 PM   #12
Eruviel Greenleaf
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Cap'n EG, looking over the rail, sees a faerie. "There! Not only a ship but a prisoner! Arr! It is a lucky day indeed for our pirate crew!"

The Cap'n grabs a line, and tosses it to the faerie, who, seeing rescue, grabs it. EG hauls her aboard the ship, and sets her on a barrel of dwaaarvish ale. She ties her there, and the pirates go back to boarding the merchantman.

EG: Arr!
Eruviel Greenleaf in a past life.

"Whoever has come to understand the world has found only a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse is superior to the world."
-The Gospel of Thomas

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Old 08-31-2002, 02:10 PM   #13
Elfmaster XK
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OOC: Would we let you drown???!!! If you want your name in the intro i can put you there if you want, but we were plannin on picking up random ppl along the way.

Also..Well, i'm back.
XK - Arr...a lucky day indeed!

XK throws a line to the other ship and walks across carrying her sword high. She jumps down and begins slashing around

XK - Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiya! Take that! Mwah! Nyeh! ...wait a minute. where are all the merchants?

EG - [Jumps on board.] good question *looks round*

Eär - [jumps aboard] where are the orcs! [sword at ready. sees no one. looks disappointed] Awww, i wanted to hunt some orc!

Suddenly, as Tano jumps ship a rumbling is heard from below. They all raise there swords...drums, in the deep...

My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies,
Fairytales of yesterday will grow but never die,
I can fly - my friends.

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Old 09-01-2002, 06:38 AM   #14
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OOC: Welcome back First mate!

Eär:* puts ear to the deck* It seems like there's a party going on below deck....

EXK:*looks doubtful* Ya think?

EG: Do merchants party?

Tano: I don't know, I'm not a merchant. Maybe we should have interogated the prisoner first.
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Old 09-01-2002, 02:57 PM   #15
Willow Oran
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(Watches as the crew stands on the deck of the merchant ship confused)

Willow: (thinking) You would think they would ask where everything was before attacking the ship...

OOC: Yay! I'm alive! Thanks guys!
"5. Plain Rings with RUNES on the inside.
Avoid these like the PLAGUE.
-Diana Wynne Jones
Tough Guide To FantasyLand

...it's not much of a show if somebody doesn't suffer, and preferably at length. Suffering is beautiful in any case, and so is anguish; but as for loathing, and bitterness... I don't think they belong on the stage at all.

- Isabella, I Gelosi
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Old 09-01-2002, 07:30 PM   #16
Eruviel Greenleaf
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EG: Perhaps it is something else...something dangerous! We should ask the prisoner!
Ear: Good idea, Cap'n!
E XK: Who will go back and ask?
EG: Tano, go back ask her everything.
Tano: Everything? What sort of everything?
EG: Where everything is, and what's going on, anything you think might be useful!
Tano: Aye, Captain!
Tano leaps back over to the Nal to interrogate the prisoner. . .
Eruviel Greenleaf in a past life.

"Whoever has come to understand the world has found only a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse is superior to the world."
-The Gospel of Thomas

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Old 09-03-2002, 06:30 PM   #17
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ooc: Yeah! I'm here before I'm even here! Er...alrighty then.

Tano scrambles over the railing of the Nal and sits down with a plop in front of the barrel of dwaaaarvish ale that Willow is tied to.
Willow: Shouldn't you be threatening me more?
Tano: How so?
Willow: Oh, you know--with a big sword or a musket or something.
Tano: Ah. D'ya want me to?
Willow: (hurriedly): No.
Tano: No, I didn't think so. Anyhow, you're stuck there, and you're going to talk no matter what, so I figured that this was more comfortable for both of us.
Willow: Um...right. Yep. Good thinking.
Tano: So. I am enjoined by my cap'n to ask you to tell us everything.
Willow: Everything?
Tano: Everything.
Willow: Well, I don't know everything...
Tano: No, I meant all sorts of stuff about that merchant ship. Where everything is, what kind of stuff you're hauling, what people you've got on board, the political importance of the people on board to whatever countries you're involved with, what kind of place toasters have on board your ship, and most importantly, where the wine is.
Willow: *blinks*
Tano: The first question will do just fine for now, though.

ooc: Yeah! It's wicked to have a ship again....by the way, is there a set number of 'a's to put in "dwaaaaaarvish ale" to make it official?
And, FYI: I am cut-and-pasting this to a word doc so that we can have it all when (if) we finish. It easier to start now.
Wisdom for Short Attention Spans...Ozy and Millie. It rocks.

Food Of The Gods:

Feed Me....

Another Online Dwelling Place...

"All right, I confess. It is my intention to comandeer a ship, pick up a crew in Tortuga, to rape, pillage, plunder and otherwise pilfer my weasely black guts out." -Captain Jack Sparrow

"The trouble with unknown enemies is that they are so difficult to identify." -Amelia Peabody Emerson

"Most people obey the orders of someone who is pointing a gun at their head." -A.P. Emerson

Last edited by Tanoliel : 09-03-2002 at 06:32 PM.
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Old 09-04-2002, 10:49 AM   #18
Elfmaster XK
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OOC - Not really, but we could make an official number. I'd go for...7. 7 is one of my fav no's. Dwaaaaaaarvish ale! Works for me

And good move on the cut and paste!

BTW - I wanted us to get transported to ME in the magick portal thing we find. The Nasty Anti -Tolkienites can get transported there too so we have an enemy! Well, that was just an idea

[on the merchant ship]

XK - Cap'n, i'm bored. Why is there no one here?
EG - I don't know.

[Brief pause, crew look around]

Eär - Cap'n, i'm bored. Where are the orcs?
EG - I don't know...[a sound from below is heard] Ooooo, wonder what that noise is. [again it is heard, a bit like a french voice taunting someone]
XK - Oh no! Not the taunts of the french.[silence] Oh, okay, perhaps that was just me.
[Time passes and the crew on the 'enemy' ship sit down.]
EG - I wonder where Tano is, and why she hasn't come back.
Eär - You don't think she's been...devoured by the prisoner do you?!?!?! [all look to thier own ship, and can see the prisoner, but not tano]

My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies,
Fairytales of yesterday will grow but never die,
I can fly - my friends.

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Old 09-04-2002, 05:40 PM   #19
Willow Oran
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Meanwhile back on the pirate ship...

Willow: Which was the first question again?

Tanogetting exasperated) Look just tell me what type of wine you have on board and where it is.

Willow: Wine... But the merchant who owns the ship is transporting different types of fabric.

Tano: What? You mean... No wine?

Willow: He doesn't allow alchohol on board. I saw some barrels of non alchoholic apple juice in the galley though.

Tano: No alchohol... well are any of the passengers of any iportance to any countries whatsoever?

Willow: None of the passengers currently on the ship are.

Tano: You aren't on the ship, are you?

Willow: Not politically. But my family runs a buisness making and selling faerie wine...

Tano: Oh really... I think thats enough questions for now, the captain is waiting for answers and she's can be quite impaitient at times.
"5. Plain Rings with RUNES on the inside.
Avoid these like the PLAGUE.
-Diana Wynne Jones
Tough Guide To FantasyLand

...it's not much of a show if somebody doesn't suffer, and preferably at length. Suffering is beautiful in any case, and so is anguish; but as for loathing, and bitterness... I don't think they belong on the stage at all.

- Isabella, I Gelosi
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Old 09-05-2002, 03:03 AM   #20
Eruviel Greenleaf
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Just then, Tano sees the Captain jumping back aboard the Nal.

EG: We found Faerie wine aboard the ship! arr! 'Tis a good day indeed!

ooc: Yeah. Definitely ought to go to Middle Earth. The ship, after all, is supposed to be able to travel between worlds!
Eruviel Greenleaf in a past life.

"Whoever has come to understand the world has found only a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse is superior to the world."
-The Gospel of Thomas

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