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Old 09-15-2005, 12:29 AM   #1
The last sane person
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Calling All Nazgul : Formal Info Thread

Okay, this is where we will post important tidbits for all those wishing to join to read, without having to wade your way through the chit-chat, side notes or other unrelated things within the discussion thread! ButterBeer and I will update as soon as there are Important changes in story line or thread.

Story Setting:
(inserted by Valandil)

This story begins in early September of year 49 of the Third Age. Wasn't all THAT long ago that the Last Alliance of Men and Elves gathered to defeat Sauron and his forces, when Elendil and Gil-galad fell in mortal combat with Sauron himself, and when Isildur cut the One Ring from the finger of their dread foe.

Nowadays, things are much more peaceful. Aging veterans tell stories about the war in inns up and down the lands - but war and strife are already distant things to most people who didn't see them - especially those who were too young to understand - or not even born - at the time.

It looks like the Third Age will be a glorious one for Men. Exiles from among the Faithful of the Numenoreans hold sway in two great kingdoms; Arnor in the north (where Valandil, the High King over both kingdoms rules) and Gondor in the south. Although somewhat ravaged by war, these two allies (ruled by first cousins, no less) have no major enemies and no rivals. They both seem poised for greatness.

The Elves are still mighty, but definitely a fading force. They seclude themselves in their realms and sing about times long past. Their greatest stronghold is in Lindon, where Cirdan has taken over leadership of Gil-galad's kingdom. Elrond has his followers in Imladris, where he plans ambitious building projects - like adding at least one major addition to the place every 144 years. There are also Elves in places like Lorien, Greenwood and Edhellond, and a few other Elves wander about, but rather discretely. They mostly don't seem inclined to take part in whatever events may come.

Of the Dwarves, the Longbeards are thriving the most - expanding their realm in Moria - but they keep mostly confined to their underground homes, and don't grow in number as swiftly as Men do.

Nobody has heard of Istari or Hobbits - for it's about 1000 years before any of them will come into history.

Of Sauron's minions, the Orcs suffered some major setbacks and keep themselves pretty well hidden in out-of the way places. Dragons and trolls and fierce things like that have faded into vast wilderness areas and are rarely, if ever heard about - already seeming no more than 'fairy tales'.

Sauron and his greatest servants are gone - or thought to be. But in fact, the Nazgul have begun to stir. They are much weakened, and have their own liabilities, but still... they ARE Nazgul. And now they are free from Sauron, and the control he had over them by the One. But say... where IS the One now? Did anyone see Isildur take it? And Men talk as though he is dead - but has anyone seen a body? Is it all a ruse? And now Men are ruled by Isildur's young son - these great Men ruled by one who was too young to fight in the War - how DOES he command their respect?

Yes - the Nazgul are somewhat at peace, like everybody else - but their peace is troubled by thoughts of the One. What if someone else comes forward wielding it, to make them slaves once more? What if... unthinkably... Sauron was not ultimately destroyed in that mortal combat? What if... each one must think... what if I could be the one to find it, and take it as my own? And... they get these visions sometimes, and wonder if the One calls out to them... something that seems like a 'river'...

So - now we have Valandil taking courses at the University of Southern Arnor in Tharbad. The tabloids of both kingdoms had a hay-day with this one, since the place has a 'party-school' reputation (perhaps because it IS a coeducational institution, quite rare for its day - but there's another in Pelargir and a couple others in less hospitable climes), but the official palace response was that it was the royal family's opinion that 'one can find whatever one is looking for, wherever one goes' - and Valandil always has SEEMED to be a serious student. But frankly, he has a lot of other things on his mind, as you'll see.

Valandil will be 60 later this year, which seems rather old to us people today, and those who were not of Numenorean stock then, for the histories tell us he would live to be 260! He hasn't even had to think about 'settling down' yet - although that may come in a few decades. But he has come to Tharbad, here on the southern edge of Arnor; to relax, to distract himself, to pursue a mystery. He must take care lest another mystery overtake him!

Players may be nazgul or their associates, Men or Elves, with maybe a Dwarf.
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

Last edited by Valandil : 10-13-2005 at 06:48 AM.
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Old 09-15-2005, 06:54 AM   #2
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Please note this thread is for reading ONLY except by the Watch - that's THE GUVNOR' , Captain Shah of the watch and Constable BB (biogs later) ...

please post all posts and discussion in the Nazgul and kings discussion thread. Only when and if you have a short character bio will it go in here! and it'll be posted by the Shah or myself as an edit to our regular patrolling posts.

Evening' all.

Last edited by Butterbeer : 09-15-2005 at 07:03 AM.
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Old 09-15-2005, 07:02 AM   #3
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A Brief Chronology as it relates to our RPG and MAPS of tharbad and surrounding area

Chronology from the Tale of Years (LOTR Appendices)
Second Age

3319 Ar-Pharazôn assails Valinor. Downfall of Númenor. Elendil and his sons escape.
3320 Foundations of the Realms in Exile: Arnor and Gondor. The Stones are divided (II, 54). Sauron returns to Mordor.
3429 Sauron attacks Gondor, takes Minas Ithil and burns the White Tree. Isildur escapes down Anduin and goes to Elendil in the North. Anárion defends Minas Anor and Osgiliath.
3430 The Last Alliance of Elves and Men is formed.
3431 Gil-galad and Elendil march east to Imladris.
3434 The host of the Alliance crosses the Misty Mountains. Battle of Dagorlad and defeat of Sauron. Siege of Barad-dûr begins.
3435 beautiful boomerang born
3435 (2 days later) beautiful boomerang sat on by a gondorian soldier and killed in the sacred spiritual butterfly burial grounds: becomes a wraith
3440 Anárion slain.
3441 Sauron overthrown by Elendil and Gil-galad, who perish. Isildur takes the One Ring. Sauron passes away and the Ringwraiths go into the shadows. The Second Age ends.

Third Age

2 Isildur plants a seedling of the White Tree in Minas Anor. He delivers the South-kingdom to Meneldil. Disaster of the Gladden Fields; Isildur and his three elder sons are slain.
3 Ohtar brings the shards of Narsil to Imladris.
10 Valandil becomes King of Arnor.
48 Beautiful Boomerang makes the wraith call under the butterfly moon


Here be A Chronological reference note placing the origins of Rian's character:

(approx) 510 First Age : Fall of Gondolin
(approx) 600 First Age : end of First Age
.................................................. ..........................................
.................................................. ..........................................

The centre of the City

2. And a small-scale map of the surrounding area:

3. A wider view of the City of Tharbad


the three floors of Orrodel
in order: ground, first and second:




Constable BB plods whistling down the Street, 'the 3rd Way' in old Tharbad town... it's a hazy foggy night

"All's well" cries the Town crier.

... mmm maybe a quick rest and a drink he thinks, merry face smiling. ...aaagh! there's the Guv' (Captian Shah of the watch) already got me a drink and pastry by the looks of it...

"Evenin' all!"

Last edited by Butterbeer : 11-22-2005 at 03:08 PM.
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Old 09-16-2005, 05:50 AM   #4
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Nazgul concept

Nazgul Rings and Invisibility

At the time of our RPG story, at the beginning of the Third Age, we believe that the nazgul still had their Rings. (Note: At the time when the LOTR story is set, the nazgul had no rings, it was Sauron who held the Nine. Having no rings, nazgul bodies were permanently invisible, while their clothes were visible.)

In this RPG we assume that a Nazgul ring, when it was fully mastered, could make the wraith visible or invisible at will, exactly like when Sauron was wearing the One. The wielder only had to master his Ring and know the appropriate spells. Presumably, the freshly-made nazgul, when first assembled in Mordor, had some “Advanced Training for Ring-users” by Prof. Sauron himself. After that, they could wield their Rings to their full power. The absence of reports of nazgul activity from the late Second age till TA 1300 could probably be explained by their ability to look “normal”. The Witch-King during his reign of Angmar managed to hide his identity and pass for a mortal for hundreds of years.

We assume that mortals and most elves could be easily fooled by a visible Nazgul. To remain undetected, the main idea was to avoid wizards, Calaquendi (Valinorean) Elves and the wielders of the Three, as they could see the nazgul’s fea in the spirit world and so recognize him for what he was.

Additional RPG concepts:
- Nazgul leave no reflection in mirrors.
- A nazgul can’t be in both worlds at once. If he is invisible, he does not see material objects, can’t read a letter for instance. If he is visible, he can’t see the Spirit world objects, so another invisible nazgul or a wraith can pass by him unnoticed.

Nazgul Powers and Weaknesses

The nine were of different power. The Morgul-Lord (later called the Witch-King) was more powerful in all things than the other 8.

-The nazgul shriek is a powerful spell causing terror and despair in others.
-The nazgul can cause “Black Shadow” or “Black Breath” disease in mortals at will.
-Morgul blades permit them to turn mortals into wraiths under the nazgul control.
-Nazgul are capable to communicate with each other silently by mind-speech via their rings (but not at a great distance).

However, all the above spells would hardly suit nazgul in disguise. They will give them away immediately.
Any number of additional powers and spells could be expected. Nazgul are capable of reading minds and control other’s minds to an extent. They easily catch unguarded thoughts, they can delve deeper unnoticed by most mortals. They can also break into a shielded mind, but that requires direct confrontation of wills, time, potions and torture.

Nazgul appearance

The nazgul have never died, but faded, their bodies becoming invisible. We have no indications that the nazgul turned into zombies, or mutated monsters, or walking skeletons. Instead, we know that Bilbo and Frodo looked exactly the same, not a day older, as long as they kept their Ring. So every nazgul, when visible, looks the same age he had when he was given the Ring.

.................................................. ..........................................
.................................................. ..........................................

Constable BB plods whistling down the Street, 'the 3rd Way' in old Tharbad town... it's a hazy foggy night

"All's well" cries the Town crier.

... mmm maybe a quick rest and a drink he thinks, merry face smiling. ...aaagh! there's the Guv' (Captian Shah of the watch) already got me a drink and pastry by the looks of it...

"Evenin' all!"
whistling still constable BB heaves himself into the chair next to Cap'n Shah of the Watch with a contented sigh ....

"it's hard work out there t'night' Guv ..."

constable BB picks up the beer and takes a long drink from the tankard...

"seen anything unusual around here latetly Guv?" asked constable BB.

"Evenin' all - mind how you go."

Last edited by Butterbeer : 10-07-2005 at 07:28 PM.
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Old 09-19-2005, 06:13 PM   #5
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Nazgul identity and special powers:

Tolkien wrote that 3 of the Nine were Numenoreans. In this RPG we have 3 female nazgul, though, most likely, Tolkien meant all the Nine to be males.

1. The Captain of the Nine is the Morgul-Lord or Lord Morgul. Our story is set 1250 years before Angmar period, so he can’t be called “Witch-King” yet. In Tharbad he is known as Lord Ilmenzor, Arch-Chancellor of the University. Former King of Numenor, Tar Ciryatan.
The Morgul Lord is the most powerful in ALL respects, which is canon.

2.Lord Khamul, the “Shadow of the East”, is a canon name for the Second to the Chief. In Tharbad he calls himself Galadannun, the “Light of the West”, Professor of Oriental Languages.
Easterling. Formerly ruled Rhun and Khand. Khamul has an extremely cunning and cruel mind. He is good at mind-reading, even though he is an Easterling. His canon abilities to sense the presence of the One indicate that he is good at sorcery. He is also a good fighter, but his lesser stature and slighter built are a disadvantage.

3. Lord Tolvadok, ex-ruler and very loyal to the shade of sauron, wandering scholar. Name used to be Girithron when he was alive, and he is using that as his name here in Tharbad. Good with a sword, even better with two. Can also use bows n arrows, spears, axes, hammers etc. etc. with skill. Shields his thoughts well, but that doesn't help much as he tends to show his emotions on his face.

4.Vacant, though covert operations rumoured ...

5.Lord Buzukkumarz or simply Five. In Tharbad he calls himself Pengolod, or Penny.
Easterling from Rhun. Nice guy, given to silly pranks. He is a good healer, knows herbs, animals and human anatomy. Knows sorcery, excels in potions and poisons. Not a good fighter. Likes drinking wine, eating cheese and making love to Lilly.

6.Lady Lilaenwen or Lilly. Calls herself by her real name. Half Easterling, half Numenorean. Very sexy. No sorceress. A skilled swordsman. Great to command orcs. Swears artistically, loves to screech. Hot temper. Not too bright. Badly educated, sometimes vulgar. And she seduces men without having to summon any supernatural powers!

7. Lord Udukhaturz. His real name is Aramaethor - “King-warrior”, but in Tharbad he is known as Maethor, Professor of Siege Tactics. Originally Numenorean royal. His abilities are in warfare, fighting and horsemanship because he studied those subjects extensively. The Ring heightened his knowledge to a good degree. He is good at mind-reading and mind-shielding. He can do some sorcery, but it is not his greatest ability. Well educated. Likes women and wine.

8. Lady Gordis. In Tharbad she is known as Lady Aiwendis, the only daughter of the Arch-Chancellor of the University. Aiwendis happens to be her real name.
Numenorean Lady of the royal line. A very skilled Witch, taught by the Morgul Lord himself. Good in mind-reading and mind-shielding. No good in fight, unless she uses sorcery. Even-tempered and quiet. Intelligent and well educated. Loves flowers and the Morgul Lord.

9. Lady Viniglaen or Viv. Calls herself by her real name. Numenorean from Andunie, but of uncertain origin. THE BEST burglar in Middle earth. Very good at mind reading. Hot temper. Miscievious. Not a skilled witch, but when angered, can use very powerful spells. Can hold her own in a swordfight well, but excels in hand-to-hand combat and dagger-throwing. Intelligent. Not very well educated, but tries to remedy that. Loves art and owls.

.................................................. ......................................

"Not a dickey bird... nah, it's all quiet and normal round Tharbad these days... the Guvnor took another hearty swig of his ale ... "mores the shame" replied Cap'n Shah of the watch.... thinking back to the heady days of panic on the street when supplies of pastry and ale had been disrupted by flooding upstream....

Evenin' All! Remember to lock your doors at Night, now, and mind how you go!

Will Cap'n Shah make a patrol? Will the Guv' enlighten the street with his hell for leather , win or die spirit?

...will anyone who actually knows HOW to make a link help the watch post a character biog here?

Last edited by Butterbeer : 11-13-2005 at 08:22 AM.
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Old 09-20-2005, 01:54 AM   #6
Half-Elven Princess of Rabbit Trails and Harp-Wielding Administrator (beware the Rubber Chicken of Doom!)
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Character bio - R*an

Character name - R*an

Mooter behind the character - R*an

Picture of character - This picture of Luthien and Huan is how I picture her - here
She has long, dark hair and hazel eyes, and is a lovely (aren't they all?!) unmarried elven maiden.

Brief history -
R*an is a half-elven maiden from Gondolin. Her parents met while Turgon & co. were still in Nevrast. Her mother was an elf who lived in the environs of Nevrast, and her father was a human who lived ditto. They married, and then joined Turgon's company when they left Nevrast and headed to Gondolin. R*an was born before this journey, and remembers it faintly. She was one of the few escapees from Gondolin, and was never really able to settle in among the various refugee settlements, and has instead chosen to wander Middle Earth. She relates most strongly to the Elves, but also is drawn to humans. (more later...)
I should be doing the laundry, but this is MUCH more fun! Ñá ë?* óú éä ïöü Öñ É Þ ð ß ® ç å ™ æ ♪ ?*

"How lovely are Thy dwelling places, O Lord of hosts! ... For a day in Thy courts is better than a thousand outside." (from Psalm 84) * * * God rocks!

Entmoot : Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I got hooked!

Ego numquam pronunciare mendacium, sed ego sum homo indomitus!
Run the earth and watch the sky ... Auta i lómë! Aurë entuluva!

Last edited by Rían : 10-11-2005 at 01:31 PM.
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Old 09-20-2005, 02:08 AM   #7
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Gollum Character Bio - Viniglaen, a.k.a. Viv, Nazgul #9

Character Name: Viniglaen, or Vivvie, so nicknamed for her vivid eyes...

Mooter behind the character: Lotesse

Pictures of character: ( imagine in her vivid, intense violet-blue coloured eyes, and shortish/shoulder-length dark brown hair.




A Biography Profile

Born and raised in Andúnië, Numenor, of as yet unknown lineage & family. She has recently spent some time in Osgiliath where she says that she is from, as her cover story to the citizens of Tharbad. Also fake "cousin" of Lilaenwen and Pengolod, her Nazgul companions. Living at Orrodel Mansion, with Lilly and Pen as well as Galadannun, who is really Khamul, Nazgul #2.

The youngest of the Nine, became a wraith after stealing a ring from a young Numenorian king's safe and then using the ring herself.

Physically: About 5'3", she is by far the tiniest in stature of all the ringwraiths, but what she lacks in height she makes up for in depth of character and passionate intensity. Petite, tomboyish, unusually beautiful yet surprisingly strong, she sports short, sexily tousled hair the rich dark colour of walnut wood, and fiercely brilliant large eyes the colour of a violet twilight sky peek out from under her wavy, thick long bangs. Very white skin; small pink bow-shaped lips.

Emotionally, Intellectually: Moody as all get out, possessing a temper that can match even the Witch King's himself - she is prone to unexpected violent mood swings (rather like someone I know ), but she is highly loyal and enjoys defending the weak from the strong. In that vein, as much as she steals, she gives away - to her friends and Nazgul "family," with the exception of course being the Ruling Ring and/or a Silmaril, both of which she has high hopes of someday finding.

Special Skills: Master Thief and Catburglar of all Middle-Earth, her thievery skills are absolutely legendary and unsurpassed, yet her true identity is rarely revealed in the event of an historical heist ever happening. There's a connexion between what she does and the stuff that was in the Barrow Downs, for instance. Viniglaen is impossible to deceive - she's "up on game," I guess you could say. She's extremely gifted , but unfortunately missed out on a classic Numenorian high education, as she was barely 22 years old at the time she became a Nazgul. She has put the ages of time to good use, however, educating herself the best she could by reading a lot and paying close attention to her learned fellow Nazgul.

Motivation: To find the Ruling Ring, and to find a Silmaril. What she intends to do with the Ruling Ring should she ever find it, remains to be told. O.K., I'll tell you now - she wants to build a city-state of her own, and fill it with art and treasure, and build museums and monuments, and enforce art appreciation. Stuff like that. There's more to it; I'll add more later.
Few people have the imagination for reality.

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Last edited by Lotesse : 09-30-2005 at 04:31 PM.
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Old 09-21-2005, 05:37 AM   #8
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The current rpg maps, pics and up to date info section

17 october 2005: the University reception seating plan:

22 Nov, 2005: updated teaching schedule with controversial pink colour


.................................................. ............

Constable BB bumps into the wall or somehing.

er and whistles.

then goes off to get some aspirin (for real)

Last edited by Butterbeer : 11-30-2005 at 06:08 PM.
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Old 09-21-2005, 03:30 PM   #9
Shape-shifting, men-grabbing NAZGUL
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LILLY- Lilaenwen played by CrazySquirrel
Nazgul #6

Lilly's portrait:

Tall, buxom, sexy, thin waist. Green eyes, red hair. Not too bright, but knows her advantages and uses them perfectly. Hates Elves (well, all nazgul do, but Lilly surpasses them here).

Real story: Born in Numenorean colony of Umbar around SA 1800. Daughter of a Numenorean soldier, Aldacar, and an Easterling mother, Lilly was not of the high nobility, but very beautiful and sexy. A young and noble Governor of Umbar fell in love with her, and considered marriage. When a disguised messenger of Sauron had given him one of the 9 rings, without really explaining its worth and powers, the besotted Governor right away presented it to Lilly as the bethrodal ring. Lilly naturally accepted and slowly became a wraith under Sau's dominion - nazgul No 6. Sauron was not too happy to see her, instead of the planned Governor of Umbar, but what could he do, but accept Lilly? She used to be Captain of the Six Level of Barad Dur throughout the end of the second Age and commanded hundreds of orcs. Learned artistic swearing in Black Speech. Freed from Sau's sway by the destruction of the Ring, Lilly turned invisible and ran away East, to Rhun, together with her best friend Buzukkumarz, Number Five.
Feeling a strange silent Wraith-call coming from the North-West, Lilly and Five came to Tharbad. Learning that king Valandil probably got the Ruling Ring, as a legacy from his father Isildur, Lilly decided to marry him at all costs. Well, if not "marry", then at least become a VERY close friend.

In Tharbad Lilly told the following FAKE story:

Lilly gave her real name, as she was not that important for people to remember her from the Second age.

The FAKE story used in Arnor
Lilly is thirty-one, born in Rhun. She had a Duneadain Dad and an Easterling mom. Her father ( Aldacar) was born in Numenor, of course one of the Faithful . C He came to ME before the Downfall, dwelt for some time in Pelargir. During the Last Alliance, he fought at Dagorlad among Isildur´s troops, but got seriously wounded and had to retire. He went to settle in the East, near the Sea of Rhun and river Karnen and, having lost his wife and two sons in the Last Alliance war, he married again, taking a young Easterling woman. And had Lilly and two older sons: the eldest, Galadannun (really Khamul #2), and Pengolod or Penny (who is none other than her old buddy Five). Lilly came to Tharbad to "continue her education at the Tharbad University". Here brothers came with her. Lilly bought a handsome house at Orrodel and settled there with Galadannun, Pengolod and a cousin from Gondor - niece of her father - called Viniglaen (who is also a nazgul, number 9). Lilly hired a housekeeper - Rian (who for once is not a nazgul, but a half-Elf, though Lilly thinks she is a 100% Elf). Lilly will study Wine-Tasting and Commerce at the Uni.

Last edited by CrazySquirrel : 09-21-2005 at 04:12 PM.
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Old 09-27-2005, 06:52 PM   #10
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Lord of the Nazgul (The Morgul-Lord), the Arch-Chancellor Lord Ilmenzor

Lord of the Nazgul (The Morgul-Lord)

Played by: Gordis

Known at the beginning of the Third Age as Lord Ilmenzor, the Arch-Chancellor of the University of South Arnor at Tharbad.

Looks like a king of Numenor at its high days is supposed to look. Kingly that is. Obviously has a high proportion of Elven blood. Dark hair streaked with silver, grey, almost silver, eyes. Very tall and lean. (At about 7'-7", he is taller than Valandil (7'-4"), but shorter than Elendil (7'-11").
If we follow Olmer’s theory, he got the ring at the young age of 67 (while the royal life span was 400). So he looks that age permanently.

Real story

Tolkien left the identity of the Nazgul Lord unknown. For this RPG we have adapted Olmer’s theory that can be found here:

Here it is in short: In SA 1600 Sauron forged the One Ring. In SA 1695 he attacked the Elves of Celebrimbor, sacked Eregion and took all the Elven rings, but the Three. Gil-Galad asked Numenor for help.
In SA 1700, Ciryatan, King’s heir of Numenor (born SA 1634), led the Numenorean Army against Sauron and, with the help of the Elves, freed Eregion. Then the Numenoreans made peace with Sauron, who swore allegiance, paid large tribute and brought rich gifts, among them was an Elven Ring for the Captain of the Numenorean Army. Ciryatan returned to Numenor with the Ring and "eased the restlessness of his heart by voyaging, east, and north, and south, until he took the sceptre in 1869. It is said that he constrained his father (Tar-Minastir) to yield to him ere of his free will he would. In this way (it is held) might the first coming of the Shadow upon the bliss of Númenor be seen"(UT). Tar-Cyriatan "was a mighty King, but greedy of wealth; he built a great fleet of royal ships, and his servants brought back great store of metals and gems, and oppressed the men of Middle-earth"(UT). He ruled Numenor first under his own name, then usurped the sceptre from his son, Atanamir, and, "serving his second term", was known as Tar-Atanamir the Great. The ring has given him an unnaturally long life, he lived for 617 years, till 2251, when he became a wraith. Coming to Mordor, Tar-Ciryatan became the Lord of the Nazgul and Captain of Mordor Armies.

In SA 3429 Sauron attacks Gondor, The Morgul-Lord takes Minas Ithil. Isildur escapes, but Veantur, Isildur’s second cousin and the Captain of the Moon Tower is slain. In 3433, young Ilmenzor, son of Veantur, attacks Minas Ithil. He is captured and tortured by the Morgul-Lord in the dungeons of the fortress. The Lord of the Nazgul breaks his will and reads all of his thoughts and memories. In 3434 the mighty Army of the Last Alliance approaches Mordor. Isildur’s sons Aratan and Ciryon recapture Minas Ithil and free Ilmenzor. The Nazgul turn invisible and return to Barad-Dur, which is besieged for 7 years by the Last Alliance. In 3441 Sauron, surrounded by his nazgul, attempts to escape invisible via the Ungol Pass, but is spotted by the High Elves and surrounded on Orodruin. In the Last Battle Sauron is brought down, his Ring taken by Isildur. The Nazgul hardly escape, scattering invisible in all directions.

The Morgul Lord went South, to Harad. In TA 7 he met Lord Ilmenzor, his former prisoner, killed him and took his name. In this new guise he travelled far and wide, to Far Harad and Khand and further East, waiting for things in Gondor to settle and for the High Elves to return to their realms. In TA 39 he came to Osgiliath, accompanied by Gordis-Aiwendis, the Eight nazgul. As King Meneldil’s relative he obtained the post of the Chancellor of Osgiliath University.

The Morgul Lord used his time in Osgiliath to learn what he could of the Ruling Ring’s whereabouts. Founding Isildur’s notes, he learned that Isildur took the Ring. Everyone knew that Isildur perished at the Gladden, killed by orcs, but the official record didn’t mention the Ring. But where was the Ring?

There were several possibilities

1. Isildur was lost in the river with the Ring. But, why was he visible for the orcs to shoot? Why hadn't he put the Ring on?
So, this story seemed unlikely.
2. Isildur gave the Ring to Ohtar along with the shards of Narsil, to give it to his only remaining son, Valandil. That was why he couldn't become invisible and died by orc arrows as in official version. So the ring was either with Val, or hidden in Annuminas, or hidden in Rivendell.
3. Isildur put on the Ring and disappeared, hiding somewhere with the Ring, as he didn't want to destroy the Ring or surrender it to the Elves.
4. Isildur put on the Ring and reached the other, West bank, remaining invisible. Here he was met by some Calaquendi Elves, or Elrond, or Cirdan, or Galadriel, who saw him regardless of his invisibility, and quietly killed him and took the Ring. (Olmer's theory) In this case the Ring was in Rivendell, or in Lindon, less likely in Lorien or Belfalas, guarded by Elves.

Morgul Lord couldn’t come to Rivendell (or other Elven realms), as Elrond, or Galadriel with their rings would see through his disguise immediately. And Calaquendi elves, like old Glorfindel, also. Annuminas was very insecure, ridden by elves from Lindon and Rivendell, some of them Calaquendi.

In TA 47, the Morgul Lord moved to Tharbad, accompanied by Gordis, now playing the role of his daughter Aiwendis, instead of his wife Isilien.

Lord Ilmenzor’s story

Ilmenzor was the great-grandson of the younger brother of Amandil, father of Elendil. Ilmenzor was born in Minas Ithil in SA 3380, 60 years after the Downfall of Numenor. His father Veantur, Isildur’s second cousin, was the Captain of the Moon Tower. Ilmenzor served in Minas Ithil as Isildur’s esquire, as befitted a young man of noble birth. Ilmenzor was a good friend of Isildur’s sons, his third cousins, especially Ciryon, closest to him in age.

When the war started in 3429, Minas Ithil was sacked, and Veantur, his wife and his eldest son perished. Ilmenzor remained with Isildur, as befits a squire, and they fought their way out, saving Isildur’s Queen, pregnant with her fourth son, Valandil. For his courage in battle, Ilmenzor was admitted to the rank of roquen, "knight." When Isildur went north to seek aid from Elendil and Gil-Galad, Ilmenzor asked the King to leave him behind in Gondor, as he was still uncertain about his family's fate, and wished to help to free them, or to avenge them. Isildur let him stay with Anarion, and has chosen another esquire, his young relative, Ohtar. Leading the vanguard of Anarion, Ilmenzor made several desperate assaults on Minas Ithil, before he got captured at the end of 3433. He spent several months in the dungeons of Minas Ithil, starved and tortured until the army of the Last Alliance finally recaptured Minas Ithil in 3434.

It was Arathan’s and Cirion's host that freed Ilmenzor from the dungeons, but he seemed a broken man, aged before his time, sometimes fey, too weak to participate in the War again. Ilmenzor remained in a hospital in Osgiliath till the end of the war in 3441. After the victory, King Isildur healed him to an extent, but Ilmenzor stayed in Gondor to complete his convalescence, and didn’t follow Isildur to Arnor. Later, Ilmenzor felt a strange yearning to travel, to see the East and the South of Middle-Earth, so he went South and travelled far and wide for more than 30 years.

When he returned to Osgiliath, in TA 39, people found him much changed, but perfectly sane. He brought a wife from the South, a daughter of the Lord of one of the Numenorean fortresses on the coast of Harad. Her name was Isilien, and she was a Lady of great beauty and nobility. Meneldil, rejoiced to see his third cousin return in good health, named him Arch-Chancellor of Osgiliath university, as Lord Ilmenzor was known for his learning. In TA 47 a fire happened in Osgiliath and the Chancellor’s wife Isilien died in flames. She left only one daughter, Aiwendis, who was raised in Umbar, where her mother’s kin lived. Unwilling to remain in Osgiliath after this disaster, the Chancellor and his daughter moved North, to Tharbad, where Ilmenzor took over the USAT University.

Here is the quote from "The Line of Elros" in UT:

XI Tar-Minastir
This name he had because he built a high tower upon the hill of Oromet, nigh to Andúnië and the west shores, and thence would spend great part of his days gazing westward. For the yearning was grown strong in the hearts of the Númenóreans. He loved the Eldar but envied them. He it was who sent a great fleet to the aid of Gil-galad in the first war against Sauron. He was born in the year 1474, and ruled for 138 years; he surrendered the sceptre in 1869, and died in 1873.

XII Tar-Ciryatan
He was born in the year 1634, and ruled for 160 years; he surrendered the sceptre in 2029, and died in 2035. He was a mighty King, but greedy of wealth; he built a great fleet of royal ships, and his servants brought back great store of metals and gems, and oppressed the men of Middle-earth. He scorned the yearnings of his father, and eased the restlessness of his heart by voyaging, east, and north, and south, until he took the sceptre. It is said that he constrained his father to yield to him ere of his free will he would. In this way (it is held) might the first coming of the Shadow upon the bliss of Númenor be seen.

XIII Tar-Atanamir the Great
He was born in the year 1800, and ruled for 192 years, until 2221, which was the year of his death. Much is said of this King in the Annals, such as now survive the Downfall. For he was like his father proud and greedy of wealth, and the Númenóreans in his service exacted heavy tribute from the men of the coasts of Middle-earth. In his time the Shadow fell upon Númenor; and the King, and those that followed his lore, spoke openly against the ban of Valar, and their hearts were turned against the Valar and the Eldar; but wisdom they still kept, and they feared the Lords of the West, and did not defy them. Atanamir is called also the Unwilling, for he was the first of the Kings to refuse to lay down his life, or to renounce the sceptre; and he lived until death took him perforce in dotage. 10

XIV Tar-Ancalimon
He was born in the year 1986, and ruled for 165 years, until his death in 2386. In his time the rift became wider between the King's Men (the larger part) and those who maintained their ancient friendship with the Eldar. Many of the King's Men began to forsake the use of the Elven-tongues, and to teach them no longer to their children. But the royal titles were still given in Quenya, out of ancient custom rather than love, for fear lest the breaking of the old usage should bring ill-fortune.

XV Tar-Telemmaitë
He was born in the year 2136, and ruled for 140 years, until his death in 2526. Hereafter the Kings ruled in name from the death of their father to their own death, though the actual power passed often to their sons or counsellors; and the days the descendants of Elros waned under the Shadow. This King was so called because of his love of silver, and he bade his servants to seek ever for mithril.

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Old 10-07-2005, 05:39 PM   #11
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Character biography: Eärniel

RPG-character name: Eärniel

Played by: Eärniel

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Eärniel was born in the First Aera in the hidden city of Gondolin and belonged to the House of the Fountains. She was still under age when the city was attacked and sacked. In the chaos and separated from her family she latched unto and older Elf, R*an, who helped her escape and with whom she became good friends afterwards.

Part of Eärniel's family, her mother and two sisters in particular, are said to have survived the fall of Gondolin as well although no records of their actions or whereabouts afterwards are known.

Eärniel later also had to flee from the massacre at the Elven settlement at the Mouths of the Sirion. After that her whereabouts and journeys are uncertain. It is assumed that she joined the Sea Elves under Lord Cirdan and that she remained there until somewhere in the Second Aera. At that point she relocated for reasons unknown (although an unfortunate matter of seasickness was mentioned) to Nîn-In-Eilph where the Reed-Elves were said to be present already.

She became their lady and caused their village, Linthárvar, to be built. It is believed that she has not left the marches after the destruction of Eregion until she decided to go study at the University of Tharbad.

Studies: Swan Speech, Swamp Ecology, Art History, Irrigation and Commerce
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Old 10-07-2005, 06:00 PM   #12
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Synopsis: Nîn-In-Eilph


Nîn-In-Eilph, or Swanfleet as it is called in the Common Tongue, is a swamp-area north of the city of Tharbad. Swans can be found throughout the lakes and pools of Nîn-In-Eilph. Humans don't come here since swamps are not hospitable places and the Reed-Elves are not keen on intruders either. Those who venture uninvited into their territory are met with strategically aimed warning-arrows. Sitting down in the next couple of days will certainly remind tresspassers of that warning.


The Reed-Elves are a rag-tag sort of Elves, having decendants among them of almost every Elven-race and culture that somehow all ended up, like driftwood, in Nîn-In-Eilph. There aren't many of them and they never did anything noteworthy; they certainly took great pains to keep to themselves. So history kindly forgot all about them. It happens, you know.

The Reed-Elves price their peace highly are prefer to be left out of the dealings of the outside world. They are very fond of music.


The settlement of the Reed-Elves is named Linthárvar. It consists out of several wooden pole dwellings and stands in one of the larger lakes, deep within the watery marches of Nîn-In-Eilph. No path leads to the Elven dwelling and no mortal Man has ever laid eyes on it or could confirm its existence. Apart from the Reed-Elves themselves, only swans know how to find this hidden place, and they swim calmly between the poles and rafts of the little town, welcome companions to the inhabitants.

The dwellings are decorated and carved with pictures of frogs, swans, fish, waterlillies and reed stems. Only the house of their lady depicts gulls as well. Linthárvar is never without music, even when the Elves themselves are silent, wind-chimes and wind-flutes, fashioned from reed stems, bring forth a faint, enchanting melody. Elegant metal lanterns and lamps hang from ports and walls and bathe the dwelling in a comfortable yellow glow in the evenings, a distant memory of their one-time trade relations with the now perished Gwaith-i-M*rdain smiths of Eregion.

Little hanging bridges and rope ladders connect the various floors of the pole dwellings. Below the pole dwellings, thethered platforms form their dock where several rafts, canoes and small boats are moored.


Even though the Elves travel by boat or raft through their domain they also keep a small group of horses for traveling on harder ground. Near their settlement the ground is too unsure to sustain the heavier horses. Therefore the Elves keep their horses near the edge of the swamp, on firmer ground but where they could still be hid from view.

The horses of the Reed-Elves tend to be somewhat smaller than the horses of Rivendell, due to their long life in the marches. Their hooves are also broader to be able to walk in the muddy ground but that doesn't hamper their speed.
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Old 10-08-2005, 12:27 PM   #13
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This would be the place to post the character bio, yes?

RPG Character: Mahtaliel

Played by: Willow Oran

Picture: Go here: http://www.freewebs.com/matahliel/artwork.htm and click on the thumbnail to see the larger drawing.

Biography: Mahtaliel was born in Himring just after the beginning of the first age. Her parents had studied under Aule and came to Middle Earth as followers of Feanor and his sons. She was a participant in both of the later kinslayings, which she is very much regretting, though she'll never admit it. She followed Maedhros and Maglor right up until the end of the first age, at which point they weren't around to follow anymore.

During the second age she settled in Eregion, for obvious reasons. When it was destroyed she escaped with the other refugees to the valley that is now known as Imladris. She stayed there all through the Last Alliance, but due to her history was exceedingly uncomfortable living among other elves of such varied backgrounds.

About 20 years after the Last Alliance she left and wandered around Arnor as a traveling smith, finding work in various towns and villages along the way. About 13 years before this story she came to Tharbad and, seeing that the University was in need of Professors, applied for a job. She was accepted and has been working there since. She is currently the Head of both the Art and History departments. In that time she's gotten to be fairly well known around the city and has discovered that she likes humans and loves teaching. She will accept anyone as a student, regardless of whether or not they are officially registered with the university.

Teaches: Jewelry-Making and Embalming, etc.
"5. Plain Rings with RUNES on the inside.
Avoid these like the PLAGUE.
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...it's not much of a show if somebody doesn't suffer, and preferably at length. Suffering is beautiful in any case, and so is anguish; but as for loathing, and bitterness... I don't think they belong on the stage at all.

- Isabella, I Gelosi

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Old 10-12-2005, 07:35 PM   #14
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Nazgul The Seventh Nazgûl's Biography

Udukhatûrz the Seventh Nazgûl. His name translates in Black Speech as "Udu" - "Seven" and "khatûrz" - "learned." His name is unknown, but the name he uses in Tharbad is "Maethor," "warrior" in Sindarin.

Born around 1660 SA in Númenor, the Seventh has gray eyes and dark hair. He is tall and broad shouldered, a typical Númenórean, a distant kinsman of the King. He studied under learned men in Númenor, but he always wanted to know more about the secrets of Arda, ie the powers of the wind, the fire, the earth and the water.

Of restless temperament with a love of travel, he was eager to accept the position as a military commander in a Númenórean colony on the coast of Harad, and arrived around 1700 SA. He studied the surrounding territory and was always eager to learn all he could about native lore.

One evening as he sat with his fellow officers at meat, an elderly scholar, a sage, had begged leave to see him in private. He learned that the old man was a teacher who offered to teach him many things. The old man intimated that indeed he could teach him the secrets he desired most to learn. He was a wanderer, he said, and could not stay for long, but he would come back and talk to him often.

The old sage lived up to his word and often returned to talk late hours with the lord. Udu had become enthralled by all the teacher as he would tell him of secrets unbelievable. From him, the young nobleman had learned many mysteries. Udu had been grieved when at last the old man told him that he could no longer come to visit. The old man had looked sad when he had told him that the instruction was at a halt.

There was a way, though, the old teacher said, that they could keep in constant communion, and thus Udu could learn more. "How can this thing be," Udu had marveled.

"I am a sorcerer," the wise scholar had told him, "and I have many students scattered abroad here and yon. Take this gift," the old man had said as he reached into his cloak and pulled out a beautiful blue opal ring set on a golden band, "and with it we can speak together, even at great distances."

Udu had been overjoyed when he found that his learning would continue, even though at a great distance. He had gladly received the offered gift, for it would keep him under the tutelage of the old master.

"What is your name, wise one? You never would tell me, and said that you were only a teacher."

"Though those who know of me call of me by many names, you may call me Annatar." The old man had smiled benevolently at him and then he had shuffled away into the night.

And thus it was that Sauron lay claim to the Seventh.


After the defeat at the end of the War of the Last Alliance, he, with the other Eight, had gone with Sauron when He had tried to escape through the Ungol Pass. When the High Elves had beheld Sauron and surrounded Him on Orodruin, Udu had been wounded in the fray. After Sauron had been brought down, His Ring cut off His finger by Isildur, Udu had fled, invisible, into the East.

He had wandered there for years until at last he settled in northern Khand. There, he had dallied with the women of a local lord while he was away, and later Udu had challenged the man for his wives and property. He had slain the lord and a number of his nobles, and claimed all that he held as his own. He gained in power among the people by the strength of his sword and his will and lived there for some contentment. Then, in 49 TA, he felt a strong urging to go back into the West. He left all with the promise that he would return again in a few months.

On his way, he had chanced upon Khamûl near the Gladden Fields and became curious as to why he was there. Not with any certain course or place in mind, he decided to follow Khamûl and rode one day into Tharbad. He had gone to the University of Arnor and there, his old commander, the Morgul Lord, had offered him a professorship at the University. Udu had decided to stay for a time and observe all about him. Then, perhaps, the strange urgings to go West might be explained.


If any should ask, he would say that he was the youngest son of a minor nobleman who lived around Linhir. Because of his wild youth and the misadventures that he had, Maethor had been disinherited by his father. He had been told that he could return only when he had 'reformed.'

He had spent the years of the War of the Last Alliance in the East, where he had traveled extensively. There, he had fallen sick of a "Eastern Wasting Malady" and he had almost perished. By the time he had recovered, the war was long over. If any should ask him, all he knows about the war were the things that he has heard.

He would say that he had stayed in the East, studying. At last becoming knowledgeable himself, he had found employment there as a traveling scholar and tutor of the sons of Eastern lords. While in the East, he had become proficient in the art of war, or so he would say.

For all intents and purposes, he wants to appear to others as somewhat of a foolish dandy who is more interested in the joys of the wine bottle and dancing with beautiful ladies than he is in anything.
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Old 10-13-2005, 06:49 AM   #15
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Valandil - The High King

Valandil was born under unusual circumstances the fourth son of Isildur, who was then co-ruler of Gondor together with his brother Anarion.

In 3429 of the Second Age - 110 years after the Downfall of Numenor and 109 years after the founding of Arnor and Gondor, Sauron led an attack from Mordor against Gondor - and the first obstacle in his path was Minas Ithil - royal palace of Isildur. Isildur fled with his family, the Ithil Stone and a sapling of the White Tree which grew at his palace, first to the capitol city of Osgiliath, then sailed down the Anduin and up the coast to the river-paths of Arnor, to seek refuge and aid in war from the High King Elendil, his own father.

By 3430, Isildur had gone ahead to Imladris, home of Elrond, while Elendil gathered the forces of Arnor and waited to be joined by Gil-galad and his forces from Lindon. It was at Imladris that Valandil was born in this year - unusual because the Dunedain, like the Elves, did not normally have children in time of war, so that his birth was taken as an omen - and also because he was far younger than his siblings, his older brothers being at this time 131, 91 and 51 - and all still unmarried.

Valandil saw little of his father, brothers and grandfather the next few years, for they were preparing for war - and he saw them last when he was only 3 or 4 years old (in 3434) - so that his memories of them are very dim. He and his mother stayed at the home of Elrond throughout the war, rejoicing when news finally arrived that Sauron had been defeated - saddened only that Elendil had fallen with him. Yet they waited expectantly for the return of Isildur and Valandil's brothers, all the more so after Elrond's return.

In early spring of the 3rd year from the fall of Sauron, when Isildur's return had been long expected and was now overdue, two only of Isildur's men arrived in Imladris - one of whom by name of Ohtar bowed on finding Valandil and presented him with the token of Narsil's shards - the sword of Elendil, broken in combat with Sauron - and proclaimed that Isildur had sent him forth with this treasure, told the story of the Disaster of the Gladden, and revealed that Valandil was likely now the rightful King of Arnor and High King of the Dunedain - although he had only seen 14 winters.

Under Elrond's tutelage, Valandil assembled and led a search party - to attempt to find his father and brothers. They found the field of battle - somewhat despoiled, they discovered faint traces of Isildur's flight, and the objects he had lain aside on Anduin's banks, and last of all, they found Estelmo, recovering from his wounds at a woodsman's cottage - the third survivor of the disaster.

Though distraught at the loss of his father and brothers - whom he barely recalled - Valandil accepted the fact that he must now be King. But his mother and Elrond counselled that this not be rushed - that the nobles would not accept a boy of his age. Finally, seven years later, in the year 10 of the Third Age, Elrond agreed that the time had come, and threw his full support behind the effort to gain acknowledgement of Valandil's right to rule - and to convince the nobles of Arnor to submit to him.

So Valandil came to the throne young, single, with more training at living among Elves than among Men - and little early preparation to rule, having had at first three elder brothers.

Note: Valandil is certainly canonical - but we really know little about him other than that he was Isildur's fourth son, born in the manner described above and that his life progressed according to the dates shown. I am 'reading between the lines' a bit with motivations and with the idea of Valandil leading a search party.

At about 7'-4", Valandil is significantly shorter than his grandfather Elendil, who was said to be nearly half a ranga over two (7'-11").
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Old 10-13-2005, 06:53 AM   #16
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Valandil's Advisors: Estelmo

Estelmo was Valandil's Chief Loremaster and tutor. His position was largely to honor him for his long service to the family, but he was competent enough in any regard, although some thought his tongue had grown a bit too loose with age. Still, times were peaceful and no harm had ever come of it - only a little embarrassment now and again. He was a rather large man, not as tall as Valandil, but he had grown thicker the past 40 or so years. Many Dunedain shaved their beards, as Valandil did, in token of their association with Elves - Estelmo had grown a beard for as long as Valandil could remember, though men said his face was always shaven before Gladden Fields.

Estelmo's story was well-known among the Dunedain. He had been a scribe in Old Numenor - an orphan boy of 14 (his parents having been among the Faithful sacrificed by Sauron) when the deluge came. He had been on the island - in fact, chasing after Queen Miriel up the Meneltarma when the wave struck. He was the last to see her alive, for she was caught up by it before his eyes - and he was caught up as well and saw no living thing for the next three days - though he himself survived, clinging to a tree uprooted by the force of the waters.

On the third day, morning showed him close to several ships, and they hailed him. Elendur, eldest son of Isildur and Valandil's oldest brother (though he was but 20 then - just 6 years older than Estelmo), had caused a line to be tied about his waist and secured to the ship, leapt into the raging seas and swam to Estelmo - rescuing him when they were hauled back into Isildur's ship. From that time on, Estelmo had departed from his studies as a scribe and swore his eternal allegiance to Elendur and his house. Elendur had accepted him, and he had become his personal servant and, after sufficient training in arms, his esquire. Thus he was with him every day for 124 years - growing older than other esquires, but refusing all opportunities of advancement to roquen, for he only desired to serve Elendur and not be separated from him to make a name for himself. He stayed where Elendur stayed and went where Elendur went - going north to Arnor with him and the rest of Isildur's family after the fall of Minas Ithil, returning with him to Gondor in the Last Alliance of Elves and Men - always fighting at his side.

And then, after the war - the decision to return north to Arnor to dwell, the march up Anduin and... Gladden Fields. It was Estelmo who heard the last known words spoken between Isildur and Elendur - and many puzzled at their meanings - and at the form of Isildur's escape. Estelmo thought he would surely die - and indeed he fell, but he lived. And when Men gathered quickly from the villages and farms about, and drove off the remnant of Orcs, they found him, alone - living but wounded - and one of them took Estelmo into his home.

That was late in the year - and it was there - in a woodsman's cottage, that young Valandil and his search party had found him, early the next year, after Ohtar's arrival in Rivendell. From that time, Estelmo had stayed in the service of Isildur's house, for the presumed widow of Isildur wished to honor him for his long service to her son, and for his own valor as well. With his damaged leg, he was no longer suited for arms, so he returned to the pen and the scroll and quickly surpassed most of Arnor's remaining loremasters of that time (for many of their brightest young men had fallen on the field with Estelmo's master that day).

Thus he was now 185 years of age. He had taken no wife - though he had opportunity enough in his early years in old Gondor - and even in his later years the young ladies of Arnor's court found him intriguing; for his stories and his wit and the mystique that surrounded him. Or maybe his smile and his laughter and the twinkle in his eye - and the kind words he inserted into his conversation - all the more when his listeners were young ladies.

Note: Estelmo is canonical to Tolkien, but only in that he was the esquire to Elendur, eldest son of Isildur, at Gladden Fields, and that he survived the battle - being found unconscious by woodsmen who gathered and drove off the remaining Orcs - Estelmo having been wounded in battle. He thus joined Ohtar and Ohtar's companion (the two of whom traveled to Rivendell with the shards of Narsil, as Isildur had charged them) as the only survivors of the Disaster of the Gladden Fields. All per the Unfinished Tales account. The rest about him has been invented.
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Tales of Nolduryon
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Old 10-13-2005, 06:57 AM   #17
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Valandil's Advisors: Oreturion

Oreturion seemed as different from Estelmo as two men could be - at least two men who were both fit for Arnor's court.

He was born a younger son of the house ruling Arnor's Principality along the River Lhun. He had caught Elendil's eye as a young man, and his father happily agreed to send him back to Annuminas with the first High King - where he became an apt pupil to Elendil, whose sons and grandsons were all far from him. When news of war in the south came, he made ready and went forth with the other men, and he served well - but always his gifts were of insight and perception, rather than in personal combat in arms - and he had learned to know the hearts of men, and to guess at their minds. He was intensely loyal to the House of Elendil, and he served with no need for recognition or reward, but he was a valuable man to have. Elendil made Oreturion the Warden of the Palantir of Annuminas. After the fall of Elendil and war's end, Oreturion had returned as quickly as he could (just after his master Elendil's burial) and had married a young lady of Arnor - grand-daughter of Elendil's old Chamberlain. He then began to make preparations for the arrival of the new King, Isildur - who never came. And he ultimately was the one to received Valandil into the palace at Annuminas at Valandil's coronation.

He was a little shorter than Estelmo, but still just right about man-high (OOC - from UT, what we would call ~ 6'-4" ~ 193 cm, I think). He was compact - fit and trim, clean-shaven, his hair pulled back, still dark but beginning to gray and his features hard and stern. All his movements seemed brisk and energetic. He never laughed, rarely smiled, and only spoke when asked or at great need - but he always perceived when his insights were needed, and shared them with the King as discretely as he could.

Oreturion was now about 130 years old - a Dunedain in his prime, and he understood well about power, and how and when it should be applied. He was still happily married, by all appearances. His family had remained home in Annuminas for now, but he intended to send for them soon if it appeared that this 'Tharbad Adventure' would go for more than one semester; his wife, his young son of 15 - who Men said was just like his father, and a young daughter of 30... a very strong-willed young lady and sharp-tongued at times. Valandil's occasional thoughts of taming her were tempered by the strains this might place on his relationship with her father... and he would know... for he knew all that went on in the court, it seemed.

Oreturion had proven his value to Valandil early, for the young King, on assuming the throne, had heeded King Meneldil's requests for aid in rebuilding and restoring Gondor after the War. For many years, gifts had flowed down to the southern kingdom from the north, always against the advice of Oreturion. Many of the men who delivered them never returned, for they often became enamoured of Gondor and married widows - or daughters - of Gondor's fallen, and inherited rich, fertile lands, and great estates of grain and orchards and flocks and herds - and they came to love the milder climate. Finally, Valandil saw indeed that Gondor was less in need of these things than Arnor - and that the poorer had been giving generously to the richer - and he shut off the flow of supplies and made Oreturion his chief advisor, and began at last to listen to him - and to learn from him.

Oreturion had begun to train Valandil in the use of his mind - in the abilty to read the thoughts and hearts of other men, and to screen his own mind from those who had this perception themselves... just as Valandil's grandfather had once taught it to him. This was useful for the High King in his continual dealings with Meneldil - and Meneldil grew frustrated, for at first the young King was an open book to his mind - a fruit ripe for the plucking, but with Oreturion's tutelage, Valandil soon became the stronger, when they convened at their palantiri. Once Valandil had surpassed him, Meneldil had begun to come to the palantir less frequently - and had forbidden others than himself to converse there with the High King, lest they reveal some knowledge he would as soon keep guarded.

Oreturion was the loyal, trusted, insightful servant that every king like young Valandil would want.

Note: Oreturion is non-canonical - and is a total invention for this game.
My Fanfic:
Letters of Firiel

Tales of Nolduryon
Visitors Come to Court

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Splitting Threads is SUCH Hard Work!!

Last edited by Valandil : 10-18-2005 at 11:58 PM.
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Old 10-13-2005, 07:23 PM   #18
Lady of the Ulairi
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Aiwendis-Gordis, the Eight Nazgul


Known in Tharbad as Lady Aiwendis, the only daughter of the Arch-Chancellor of the University, Lord Ilmenzor.

Looks young (about 30) and noble. Tall (6'-10'') and beautiful. Dark hair, grey-blue eyes, long eyelashes.

Aiwendis in white

A very skilled Witch, taught by the Morgul Lord himself. Good in mind-reading and mind-shielding. No good in fight, unless she uses sorcery. Loves the Morgul Lord. Even-tempered and quiet. Intelligent and well educated. Likes flowers.

Real story of Gordis-Isilien-Aiwendis

Aiwendis (‘Bird-Lover’ in Quenia) was born in Numenor around 2230, lady of the Royal family, descended from Manwendil, the second son of Elros. In 2270 she was betrothed to Telemmaitë, the King’s Heir of Numenor. Just before the marriage, Aiwendis had to travel to ME to visit her father (who was at the time the Governor of Umbar) as he was ailing from a strange disease. Her father died soon after her arrival.

An Elf-healer who had helped her father during his strange illness, but still could not to save him, gave Aiwendis an Elven Ring.

"Take this Ring, My Lady. It is my greatest treasure, but a poor weregild for the life of your father. Return home to your betrothed and give him this Ring as a marriage gift. May you both be happy." And with that he turned and departed and was never seen again in the lands of Men.

Aiwendis returned to Numenor, but couldn’t bring herself to part with the Ring. The prince Telemmaitë, however, saw it and desired it greatly. Finally he tried to take it by force. Hardly escaping from him, Aiwendis fled to the harbour and, spotting a merchant ship sailing away with the tide, begged the Captain to take her aboard, paying for the passage with her diamond necklace.

Soon she found herself in Middle Earth, homeless and alone, but still keeping her Ring. She lived first in Lond Daer, later in Tharbad, then in Umbar and Pelargir, until her Ring lead her to Mordor, where she became the Eight Nazgul. The Dark Lord was not pleased to see her, as her Ring was meant for the King Tar-Telemmaitë, not for her. He changed her name to Gordis, as he disliked her former one. Long ago, in Valinor, he had known a maia of Yavanna, with a similar name and disliked him greatly.

In the Second Age, Gordis mostly remained in Barad-Dur learning sorcery from the Morgul Lord, her Captain. She was an adept pupil.

At the end of the War of the Last Alliance, Sauron tried to escape from the besieged Barad Dur, taking the nazgul with him. Silent and invisible, they crossed the half of the plain of Gorgoroth, but were seen by the High Elves and surrounded on Orodruin. Sauron left the nazgul to ward off the approaching Army, and raced up the slopes to Sammath Naur, hoping, perhaps, to escape by some unknown passages. In the fray that followed, Gordis hardly survived. After Sauron had been brought down, Gordis, frightened and disoriented followed her Captain. Together they fled, invisible, to Harad.

In TA 7 they met Lord Ilmenzor, Isildur’s relative. The Morgul Lord killed him and took his name. Gordis became his wife, Isilien. In this new guise they travelled far and wide, to Far Harad and Khand and further East, waiting for things in Gondor to settle and for the High Elves to return to their realms. In TA 39 they came to Osgiliath, where the Morgul Lord became the Chancellor of Osgiliath University. Lady Isilien, his wife, had an elegant house with lots of flowers and was generally loved and respected in the city.

In TA 46, the Morgul Lord decided to move North, but he deemed that Gordis would be a better asset to him as a young maid, a desirable bride for any royal. So Isilien "perished" in the fire that consumed her house, and Gordis now played the part of the Chancellor’s only daughter, Aiwendis.

Fake story of Aiwendis

In Tharbad Gordis is known as Lady Aiwendis, the only daughter of the Arch-Chancellor of the University.

She was born in TA 15, daughter of Ilmenzor and Isilien, descendent of Numendil, father of Amandil and grandfather of Elendil.
Lady Isilien, Aiwendis’s mother, was the daughter of the Lord of one of Numenorean fortresses South of Umbar. Lady Isilien perished in a fire three years before this story, and Aiwendis still mourns her.
Aiwendis herself spent almost all her life in Harad, where the family of her mother lived, coming to Osgiliath after the death of her mother.


Telemmaite was the 15-th King of Numenor. In this AU game we follow Olmer's theory that the Morgul Lord was Tar-Ciryatan, the 12-th King, who ruled for his own years and instead of his son - Tar Atanamir, for 360 years in total. Tar-Telemmaite was his great-grandson.
Originally Posted by The line of Erlos, UT
XV Tar-Telemmaitë
He was born in the year 2136, and ruled for 140 years, until his death in 2526. Hereafter the Kings ruled in name from the death of their father to their own death, though the actual power passed often to their sons or counsellors; and the days the descendants of Elros waned under the Shadow. This King was so called because of his love of silver, and he bade his servants to seek ever for mithril.
Aiwendis was betrothed to Tar-Telemmaite in her mortal youth. It was after the Morgul Lord became a wraith and left the island. In Barad-Dur she saw the Morgul-Lord (the silver King) and mistook him for her betrothed, Telemmaite. It is reasonable to suppose that the great-granddad and his great-grandson looked alike.

Sauron was likely not delivering all the nine rings at one time, but used them throughout the years. The Eight ring, that was meant for Telemmaite but got Aiwendis instead, was used much later than the First one, that got Tar-Ciryatan.

The problem was that Sauron ensnared the King Ciryatan himself, but failed to get Numenor's allegiance. So he wanted to get the next king giving a ring to his fiancée Aiwendis, who was lured to the Middle-Earth.

It is implied, that the last, Ninth, ring was sent to Telemmaite in a second attempt to get him, along with the whole Numenor, this time. It was this last ring, that Viv stole from Telemmaite's safe, before it had the time to turn him into a wraith. It must have happened around SA 2500.

Last edited by Gordis : 02-17-2006 at 06:30 AM.
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Old 10-15-2005, 04:29 PM   #19
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Governor of Tharbad - Lord Azrabel

Lord Azrabel, Governor of Tharbad.

Played by Telcontar_Dunedain.

Character Info:

Lord Azrabel is a portly man in his late hundred-thirties. He is not of the Royal Line. His father was Captain of one of Elendil’s ships who was given the South of Arnor to govern.

Married to Lady Nimloth - a tall bony woman.

Lost his only son in infancy. Lost a brother in the Last War.

He has two daughters – Miriel and Malaphel. They are his most treasured assets, tickets to the great court of Annuminas. He believes one of them should catch the eye of the King.

Last edited by Gordis : 12-11-2005 at 06:50 PM.
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Old 10-15-2005, 04:31 PM   #20
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Lady Nimloth, wife of Azrabel, MM's mother

Lady Nimloth, wife of Lord Azrabel, Governor of Tharbad.
Public character.

Tall, bony woman with unpleasant character. Distantly related to the Royal Line.

Has two daughters – Miriel and Malaphel. Lost her only son in infancy. Lost a brother in the Last War.

Last edited by Gordis : 10-25-2005 at 08:37 AM.
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