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Old 08-13-2007, 06:59 AM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: A place called Fort Myers. In the evil state of Florida, a part of the United States Of America, of North America, Earth, Sol system.
Posts: 73
YayGollum's Achingly Original As Well As Mayhaps Entertaining Profiles!

Greetings. Please excuse me if it is achingly evil for me to produce a thread just for my characters, but I see no obvious system for placement of profiles. Besides, I believe that everyone making their own thread just for any characters that they come up with is the best system. Redirect me if this is inexcusable. Anyways, toss any questions, suggestions, or comments about these things at me here. I pretty much always appreciate and seek constructive criticism.

__________________________________________________ _______________

Name: Truor Tupnm

Race/Sex: Beorning/Male

Appearance: short (about five feet), long black hair, green eyes, not the handsomest dude you've ever seen, wears hodge-podge armour and a helmet, he also has a superly cool and large and silver shield with a golden bear embossed on it

Weapons: crossbow, throwing knives, poison dart blower, badly made and clublike sword (for the few times he'd be anywhere near the enemy)

Personality: stubborn, loyal, lover of lost causes, but will do much to be on the side that wins, hates elves, open-minded to pretty much anything else, curious, hates responsibility, thinks of himself first, then the other Beornings, then whoever he's with, he is pretty much me

History: he was superly bored with the Vale of Anduin and left to explore, he learned all kinds of things about all kinds of races (some Dwarves, Lossoth, corsairs of Umbar, and Woses) then he *heroic music in the background* became the king of the Vale of Anduin when he got back home after his dad died. He didn't like the job and gave it to his younger brother Tilit a while ago.

Other: has a best friend of a horse named Anthrax, a sidekick of a raven named Shadowflaps, and an annoying follower of a compulsive liar of a small giant eagle named Knockondor

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Name: Knockondor

Race/Sex: one of those giant eagle thingys/Male

Appearance: picture a really really big one of those African fish eagles, sometimes his feathers look a little out of order, but that's just because he's trying to hide little trinkets he steals, he's short for a giant eagle (around ten or eleven feet tall). I found a place with a picture of an African fish eagle, but it's only for the people who can't picture him already. Why not? I had
only seen the adult before, but now I picture Knockondor as one of the younger ones. Crazy looking.

Weapons: Well, since it'd be pretty impractical to be a giant eagle hopping around on one foot and holding a sword or something in the other, I'll just say his talons and beak.

History: born in those big mountains in Valinor, left when that crazy sinking of Numenor thing was going on, 'saved' some random kid, dropped him off at the first place he saw after getting freaked out by the scary giant eagles showing up, finds out way later that he should have been a little more choosy with the scary looking castles he leaves impressionable minds in, couldn't find his way back afterwards, he ended up getting adopted by a family of scout type giant eagles in the Misty Mountains, he was a huge Outcast there, but most accepted him anyways, he was captured by Orcs and was saved by Truor and comes back to stay with Truor a lot, trying to repay him in usually not very helpful ways, also, after finding an Entwife, he thinks that he's doing something noble by uselessly looking for any Ent to set her up with.

Personality: a compulsive and not very successful liar, superly low self esteem, annoying most of the time, but impressive to people who actually believe him, he's a coward, but loves to attack and eat Orcs, very forgetful and not able to tell most races apart, but then, lots of his eccentricities are there just to get attention, he may seem unintelligent and full of unnecessary quirks most of the time, but I found out that he actually knows what he's doing.

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Name: Trahald the Tainted

Race/Sex: Southron type human/Male

Appearance: black, roving eyes that don't miss very much, short and black hair, some pretty dark black skin, pantaloons, slashed vest, bandana covering the top of his head and missing left ear, a belt holding his weapons and various potions and poisons, average height and build. Why not?

Personality: smart, tends to think about only himself, if he's nice to anybody, it's only because he thinks he has something to gain from it, he can be very flattering, harsh, condescending, or aloof, I found out that he does have some morals, but he's just too intelligent to let them get in his way most of the time, hates corsairs but will still do business with them, as he will with pretty much anyone, if he can. Very fun to play. Yay for weaselly people!

Weapons: usually uses a bludgeon and cutlass and potions and poisons, but has plenty of other weapons in his wagon

History: kidnapped by corsairs of Umbar at a superly young age, he mostly got to work in the kitchen of some ship with a very talented chef, he learned to be a great chef himself, also how to make potions and poisons, he tried to poison his captain, but that didn't work and got his mentor killed and his left ear chopped off, a while later, he tried again, escaped, and killed the captain with his own cutlass, he ran away, begged, and picked pockets for a while in small towns in Gondor, hung out in bars, became a successful gambler, went north, ran into Boffin and Tolir, after a while, he acquired enough merchandise in games of chance that he started his own traveling business, Trahald's Itinerant Armoury (and apothecary, and toyshop), travels Middle Earth looking for profits
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Name: Boffin

Race/Sex: Dwarf/Male

Appearance: defitely more fat than muscle on him, too sickeningly innocent looking to look very smart, blue eyes most often looking off into space, golden hair, long and not very neat beard, colorful clothes that might look good at a formal dinner under a not very well made coat of mail (the clothes are under that, not the dinner), has an outrageous looking helm that was only used by his ancestors in ceremonies

Personality: absent-minded, loyal, friendly to pretty much anyone, sickeningly innocent, admires elves, is embarrassed and self-conscious in front of most Dwarves. He makes me sick most of the time.

Weapons: just a mace and dagger, sorry

History: born to a rich family in the Lonely Mountain, he was given some expensive tutors, but he wasn't a very fast learner and was just embarassing the other Dwarves by being around, so he was eventually cast out of the mountain to learn some common sense, ran into an adventuring group of elves and humans, helped them out, learned to appreciate elf type stuffs, found out that he had a talent for understanding what they had to teach, learned a few of their languages, hung out with them for a while, left to help with adventures with Tolir in the north, ran into Trahald the Tainted and makes toys for him nowadays

Other: gots a white and gold pony named Pooftop that he got from some elves
"You're either an Outcast, or you're in denial."
"Strength and stupidity in numbers."

- Myself
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Old 08-13-2007, 07:00 AM   #2
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: A place called Fort Myers. In the evil state of Florida, a part of the United States Of America, of North America, Earth, Sol system.
Posts: 73
Name: Tolir

Race/Sex: mostly Lossoth type human/Male

Appearance: one of those huge, scary, but harmless looking type dudes, bright red skin from working with Dwarves and not having skin as resistant as their's, curly brown hair, brown eyes, very Dwarvish looking clothes, pretty good armour he made himself while hanging out with Dwarves

Personality: definitely a follower, if he was left alone, he wouldn't know what to do with himself, he'd have to find some place to work for someone, not very smart, not much of a personality, is usually quiet and thinking to himself, doesn't like to talk to most people, but is superly loyal. I made him to make fun of people that like playing humans in fantasy RPGs so he's supposed to be boring. I found out later that I also don't like him because he's too sad. Always reminiscing and beating himself up about how he couldn't save the lives of loved ones. Ick. Why do I have any serious characters at all? Too boring.

Weapons: a huge war axe, and a dirk in his left boot

History: born in a small town north of the Shire where he was some kind of dumb (yet respected) guard type person, went to some Dwarves to become a blacksmith, when he was coming back to his hometown, he found that his family had been killed by trolls, after getting all kinds of revenge, he joined a group of elves and humans on some quest, ran into Boffin, they ran into Trahald the Tainted later, he is happily working for him as a bodyguard

Other: gots a horse named Fred, but he's boring, too

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Name: Gladeo

Race/Sex: Southron/Male

Appearance: Skin blacker than Trahald's, their features would be pretty similar, but this guy would look a little younger and more energetic, he'd wear flowy robes with lots of purple, some kind of hat that I haven't seen yet

Weapons: just a garrote hidden inside a sleeve, probably more sneaky things, though

Personality: Pretty much the same as Trahald but a little more inclined to be evil because it's fun, he has partners, too, but he wouldn't feel too bad about betraying them or stealing from them, very perceptive, devious and flattering and fun to be around, sees everyone as if they were a potential mark

History: Born after Trahald and when their parents had settled down someplace safer, he ended up wondering about his older brother and ran away to join the circus, he met Nandreeson there and grew up to own that circus, when it failed, he continued the family business of peddlering, mostly jewelry and things, he was a little too uncomfortably famous for killing too many in the south, so he moved north, ran into Guy in the Brown Lands, travels Middle Earth with his Gladeo's Wandering Baubles And Trinkets business, entertaining people with fire-breathing, juggling, and magic tricks.

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Name: Guy

Race/Sex: Olog-Hai/Male

Appearance: Smaller than most trolls, bigger than most humans, bald, black eyes, strong, bloated, wears browns mostly, doens't look too obviously trollish, just mostly a really big and ugly dude, very crusty feet with no shoes

Weapons: just a big war hammer

Personality: really lazy and tired and hungry most of the time, a kleptomaniac that Gladeo uses effectively, he doesn't talk a lot and doesn't look like it, but he's always thinking, has a lot of patience and will figure out really insanely hard to figure out type things after a while, it can be annoying when he shows off his intelligence since he doesn't seem too bright the rest of the time

History: Grew up around Mirkwood and the Brown Lands with a small group of struggling Olog-Hai, he was pretty young when Gladeo and Nandreeson came along, made a rare quick decision to follow them since he knew it was smarter than living out his life like a simple troll, they only let him come because he was strong

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Name: Nandreeson

Race/Sex: Wereworm/Male

Appearance: In human form, he'd be thin and weak looking, sandy brown and dusty hair, brown skin, black eyes, long nose, small fangs, nasally voice, he'd wear sandals and white and thin and inexpensive clothes mostly, also a brown cloak that's way too big for his human form but made for hiding his dragon one, his dragon form isn't too much bigger than that, but he's stronger, has good armour in his sandy brown scales, fiery breath, claws, and a tail

Weapons: Probably something for his human form, since he want to stay incognito, but right now, he'd just turn into a dragon and swipe at people or use fire

Personality: Smart-alecky and wise-crackingy and smug and things like that, egging people on just because it's fun, the wimp's friend, he looks and acts a lot like one, but if he or some other wimpish type is being messed with, he'd become a dragon and save the day, loves attention and praise and things, also, loves to eat little girls as he leaves a town, underneath most of that, though, he'd be pretty serious about his spy job and helping his people

History: was part of a Wereworm caravan in the Last Desert (which trained him over hundreds of years to be a spy among humans, mostly to find dragons or who killed the last ones), until Dulfang showed up and led him to the circus where he became a big moneymaker and friend for Gladeo, now he's mostly a magical act on the road

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Name: Bugburz

Race/Sex: an Ainur of adaptability/Male

Appearance: short, hunched over, and weaselly looking dude, black skin, big nostrils, nasty teeth, sharp eyes, wears brown rags and black Orc-mail, has a small round shield with a red eye on it

Weapons: bow and poisoned arrows, scimitar

History: showed up in that Void type place, sang along but wasn't very sociable, wandered down to that Arda place just to check everything out, avoided contact with other Ainur mostly so he could discover everything uninterrupted, he was nearing the end of his exploration of Middle Earth when he showed up just in time to see some elves showing up, he didn't get why so many of the Ainur were taking on the physical forms that they were, and since he knew that these guys weren't Ainur, he became one of the Teleri types of them and integrated himself easily, had fun with watching them discover and learn and invent things, hung out with them for so long that he got really used to his body and never used any evil and unfair powerses that a normal Teleri wouldn't have, he was captured along with plenty of others and turned into a large Orc, since he was so used to the body, it was as easy to corrupt him as it was to corrupt the others, he had never used any of his powers or talked with any other Ainur, so he didn't know any better and ended up in some big group of Orcs that eventually had to fight Noldor, the corruption wasn't very fun for him, but he grew to enjoy being evil, never used any powers that a normal Orc wouldn't have, got seriously injured in one of his first fights with Noldor and reflexively turned back into his spirit form, he then decided that working for Mel was too dangerous, so he went exploring again, since he had gotten so used to being an Orc, he thought he was being original when he turned himself into his current form of a much smaller Orc made for tracking, he hiked over to the Misty Mountains and started to carve out his own kingdom, ages later, hid from the Beornings until other Orcs moved in and he stayed with the smaller types like him, moved around to get to know plenty of Orcs in plenty of regions, since his powers were hidden even from himself, none of the bosses ever figured him out and he worked just like any other Orc until he met up with Raoul

Personality: very fun, mostly ranting and grumbling to himself, resents authority but isn't stupid enough to rebel, likes to flee instead of fight, he hates all animals, is very disappointed with the fact that Orcs seem to be killed way too easily and has decided to distance himself from all of them when he has the chance, he likes to think that he's in a clan of his own and has no problem with killing anyone who messes with him, Raoul is good for him, though.
"You're either an Outcast, or you're in denial."
"Strength and stupidity in numbers."

- Myself
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Old 08-13-2007, 07:03 AM   #3
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: A place called Fort Myers. In the evil state of Florida, a part of the United States Of America, of North America, Earth, Sol system.
Posts: 73
Name: Raoul

Race/Sex: Warg/Male

Appearance: just a giant timberwolf type thing. Big and scary looking? Why not?

Personality: loves to intimidate and horse type play around with Bugburz since he knows that the Orc hates it, he hates Orcs and Wargs, since Orcs were evil to him and the Wargs aren't independent enough for him, other than that, he's achingly sarcastic and cool.

Weapons: just his teeth and claws, I guess.

History: stuck with his pack until he thought he thought that he could survive far more comfortably on his own, left when they were out hunting humans, when he was just finding out that sticking with a pack got him all kinds of food, he was brooding in a cave and found Bugburz, before he could pounce on the Orc, it looked at him with a look just as blood-thirsty and they started trading insults until they forgot their hunger and found out that they hated pretty much everything just as much, they teamed up since they secretly wanted companionship, Bugburz taught him some Westron.

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Name: Vorolas

Race/Sex: Nandor type elf/Male

Personality: stubbornly, aggressively, and sometimes obnoxiously curious, but mostly about the few things that interest him (flora and fauna), always eager to learn more, even though he thinks he's an expert, would much rather talk about his findings than anything else, takes people for granted, easily distracted and often wanders off alone, usually oblivious to the things happening around him when he's concentrating

Appearance: Long and unkempt white hair that he apparently doesn't care to kempt, I guess. He's got an average type height and a weak build since he cares more about knowledge than strength. Could be confused with old humans since he isn't particularly beautiful and you can't see his ears, except that he'd be more energetic looking. Beautiful green eyes since those are my favorite. Anything else? Hm. He goes around with bare feet. He wears greens and browns.

Weapon: bow and arrows with some of his own poison on them, but he hardly ever practices his aim, maybe a flint dagger, too

History: a third generation elf born someplace in Eriador back when the boring elves were still migrating all over the place, he had all kinds of fun when everyone was waking Ents up but quickly became bored and had to discover something else, he migrated with the rest of them, but when they finally settled down somewhere, he kept moving and was eventually caught by some Orcs and made to work for Mel, since he was worked so hard, he got the appearance that he has, he escaped in a story that I haven't written yet and is only around because he got bored of all of the crazy lands that sank and came back to the rest of Middle Earth

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Name: Grimukh

Race/Sex: Messed up earlier version of an Uruk-Hai/Male

Appearance: stringy and boring and long and greasy and black hair, a face that isn't especially ugly, just unsettling because of all of these abnormal traits ---> yellow eyes that are a little bigger than normal and can see in the dark achingly well, larger than normal human height and build, ears with points on them that wouldn't look especially strange on a human, teeth that all look a bit like fangs which he would normally remember to hide, scars from whipses all over his back, pale white skin with a little blue mixed in that will turn bright red if he's in the sun for too long, thick gloves that hide his claw looking nailses, usually wears big black cloaks with average joe looking clothes on underneath or some light orc armour for when he needs it

Personality: messed up, as in, human and orc personalities popping up at different points, usually acts like a mad orc when he's around negative type energies, when things are more calm or he tries to think or something, he's more like an average human, he's very firm with morality type issues when he's in a human type state of mind, but when he's not, he's achingly unpredictable and violent, easy to control with fear, though, he mostly wants to fit in with normal humans and is always looking introverted, he's a follower because he's afraid of what he'd do if he was left to his own devices, he talks to his wolf a lot and loves the silent company

Weapons: a pike, his claws, and a scary knife thing. ---> http://www.knightsedge.com/knives/dussack-knife.htm

History: he is a descendant of one of Saruman's first Uruk-Hai experiments who hid in the Misty Mountains where Orcs didn't think much of them, he eventually left and ran into villages of humans in the north, tried to fit in and did for a while but is always kicked out eventually.

Other: a wolf named Norys which he is allergic to

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Name: Parvus

Race/Sex: Dragon/Male

Appearance: long and thin and snake-like, longer than your average horse but shorter, has small black scales, yellow eyes, pathetic looking nubs where wings should be, long and thin and clever fingers with small claws.

Weapons: just his teeth and claws and tail. I guess you could count his poisonous breath, but that would only kill someone if they hung around him for a while, it could just make people woozy at first.

Personality: cautious and nervous and weaselly. Very fun. Always thinking that people are out to get him just because he's a dragon. Nervous around anyone who might look anywhere near threatening. Around people who aren't, he'd just be nice and playful.

History: a very young dragon born in the southern tip of the Dark Lands, his parents were the big and scary and fire-breathing and winged types, when his parents were disappointed in him and his siblings felt like eating him, he crawled away and was discovered by a wandering peddler (Numenorean) who is just here to move things along and raised him on the outskirts of some city, that guy conveniently died for the sake of this history because of the poisonous breath and Parvus had to leave before anyone found him. He was taken from the Dark Lands on a boat full of Outcasts and now he wanders around Middle Earth with nothing better to do but steal whatever food he can find since there aren't many safe places for him.

__________________________________________________ _____________

Name: Eorache the Valiant

Race/Sex: Rohan type human/Male

Appearance: Sickening. Perfect in every way. Tall and strong and has long and blonde hair and blue eyes. oh well. Wears however much you can of whatever Rohan type armour looks like. No shield of course, though. He would never want to hide behind something. *collapses*

Weapons: a spear and a broadsword.

Personality: Again, sickening. I have trouble writing this. He's heroic. Ick! And selfless and honest and all kinds of other nasssty and popularly though of as good traits. He would think that he was the greatest thing since sliced bread, but he isn't even introverted enough for that. Full of quickly acting on instinct and selfless impulse type things. You know what I mean. *washes hands after writing all of that* Well, I can add at least one tasteful thing. If he has all of those nasssty traits, he can't be the sharpest shed in the tool.

History: Born in a small town someplace in Rohan, he grew up to be one of its greatest defending types until some Orcs caught him and humiliated him, he decided that he couldn't show his face again in his hometown until he made a worldwide name for himself.

Other: a horse who hates him, named Rogane
"You're either an Outcast, or you're in denial."
"Strength and stupidity in numbers."

- Myself
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Old 08-13-2007, 07:05 AM   #4
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: A place called Fort Myers. In the evil state of Florida, a part of the United States Of America, of North America, Earth, Sol system.
Posts: 73
Name: Dingo

Race/Sex: Werewolf/Male

Appearance: He'd wear all kinds of very nice looking clothes. Mostly black and midnight blue with a bit of silver edges to things. A hat with a long feather, probably, a cape, nice gloves, all very simple and comfortable and dashingesque. He's an older looking guy but still fit. Silver hair and icy blue eyes. Neatly trimmed oustache and a beard. When he feels like looking like a werewolf, he'd be a little bigger but only have black fur.

Weapons: just his teeth and claws, since he won't hold a weapon.

Personality: Polite and feigning interest in people that he doesn't know. Very careful around any evil looking types since he's always thinking that he'll be recruited by them again. A pacifist. Reminisces a lot. Tries to be nice and friendly and helpful to most other people.

History: born on that island just for werewolves a long time ago. I wouldn't know how long. He's pretty old. First age type. He used to be an achingly evil and violent and dangerous and evilly useful type until Mel got defeated. He eventually decided to become a pacifist so the good guys would never feel like killing him. He became a tailor and lived with humans. He'd have to leave them when they figured out what he was or when some evil type came to get him to work for them again. He is now a tailor with a shop wherever he goes.

Other: A bull named Fafafybupiafnm. Or Faffy, for short.

__________________________________________________ _____________

Name: Ornipiryakano

Race/Sex: Vanyar type elf/Male

Appearance: Tall and blonde and blue-eyed and sickeningly honest and open and innocent faced. Probably wears some normal human type clothes. I'm not a huge expert on them. They'd be simple and comfortable and newly bought.

Weapons: just a rapier that he holds unsteadily.

Personality: Well, sickeningly honest and open and innocent. Also, very uneducated with commonplace Middle Earth type things. Assumes that everyone is good since the Valar types defeated Mel. Things like that. Likes to sing and dance, but mostly when he's praising gods at the same time.

History: born in that Valinor place around the time that Numenor was gotten rid of. He saw the humans showing up as a little kid and wanted to get to know them since he had no idea what they were like. Of course, they were taken care of, and he remained curious. He ended up getting to be good friends with a few adventurous Teleri types. Even though they were told not to mess around with the humans, they got a little too close to a corsair type ship which sunk theirs. He was the only one who survived (conveniently enough for me) and washed ashore where he wandered around until he found some friendly types who'd help him out. He quickly picked up Westron by way of listening to Gondorians.

__________________________________________________ ____________

Name: Uquasino

Race/Sex: Pygmy Noldor type elf/Male

Appearance: About the size of a hobbit, maybe a little shorter, he'd be a very impressive looking dude if he was full sized, but oh well, the tallest of the pygmies, strong and muscly, armour made of pieces of giant spider, long and straight and black hair, dark eyes

Weapons: a trident and net, for fighting giant spiders

Personality: Achingly and grimly determined about things, has a gigantic ego, thinks that anyone who doesn't trust him and toss large gobs of faith at him is crazy because he is obviously the greatest elf of all time, far too stubborn for most people

History: Was once a respected elf in Gondolin, got sent on a mission from Turgon to try to make contact with the Valar types, his ship crashed on one of those magical islands, he and his crew all floated to the Dark Lands where they have been fighting off giant spiders ever since, they used to look up to him, too, but after his failure as a captain and a few bad decisions dealing with giant spiders, he was disgraced and Outcasted, he was finally caught by giant spiders, but one saved him and they survived together until they were rescued by Truor and taken to Middle Earth

__________________________________________________ ______________

Name: Exfoliant

Race/Sex: Giant spider/Male

Appearance: A giant ogre-faced spider, also known as one of those net-casting spiders, it would probably be about the size of Shelob (I think that she should have been bigger in that movie, but oh well) from the movie, maybe a little smaller. ---> http://images.google.com/imgres?imgu...%3Den%26sa%3DN

Weapons: whatever you consider a spider's usual weapons, no significant poison, though

Personality: the evil mastermind type like me but he's lazy like me, too, grand plans that he talks to people about sometimes, openly talks about being evil and eating people and taking over things, but has no ambition at all, he only helps the pygmy out to get back at the other giant spiders and because he listens and wants to suck his creative juices out

History: Born in the Dark Lands to a family pretty high up on prestige pointses, they ruled a large chunk of the Dark Lands, but were overthrown and killed, he's one of the last of his kind left and mostly stuck to stealing and hiding close to the elves, he found out about an Outcasted one and decided to seek him out, he finally found him caught by some type of really scary giant spider, he somehow freed the guy and helped him live a lot longer, they were both taken aboard the Spicy Lady and now wander Middle Earth in search of the pygmy Noldor's relatives

__________________________________________________ ____________

Name: Dulfang

Race/Sex: Easterling/Male

Appearance: About Truor's size, maybe a little taller, built like a Dwarf, long red hair and neat beard and moustache, sturdy Dwarvish armour, wears blues and oranges when relaxing, though.

Weapons: Two of those throwable type axes and one battle axe.

Personality: Achingly fun loving and out going and friendly and considerate and things like that. Fun to know and hang out with, loves playing his fiddle and trying to make up songs about his adventures, also very loyal and stubborn and things, lots of experience with traveling and adventuring, but still hasn't run into enough trouble to think badly about anything besides his own people, who disappoint him.

History: Left the Easterlings at a dangerously young age to explore, ran into Dwarves first, then dragons and trolls in the north, heard about southern Mirkwood and fought its giant spiders there, had fun in Harad and places like that, went to the Last Desert and found Nandreeson, joined the circus and stole its miniature mumak named Blunderbuss, still adventuring.

Other: has a miniature (smaller than your average real life type elephant and bigger than pretty much any horse) mumak named Blunderbuss
"You're either an Outcast, or you're in denial."
"Strength and stupidity in numbers."

- Myself

Last edited by YayGollum : 08-13-2007 at 07:35 AM.
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Old 08-13-2007, 07:07 AM   #5
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: A place called Fort Myers. In the evil state of Florida, a part of the United States Of America, of North America, Earth, Sol system.
Posts: 73
Name: Arato

Race/Sex: Dunlending/Male

Appearance: Especially scraggeldy and worn out and mountain mannish, probably missing a few teeth, long brown beard and everything, middle aged or a little younger, a little tall, reasonably strong, mostly wears animal skins and things, has a waterskin type thing, helmet with antlers or something on it, dirty skin

Weapons: just a cursed falcata from Nargothrond

Personality: resigned to the fate of dying poor and lonely and uncomfortable, very gloomy and things most of the time, but he has a pretty much unquenchable spirit that's definitely decided to search for any kind of fortune, still very proud of his family even though they were pretty much always turned into Outcasts, wary of people, since he doesn't want to suck them into his problems

History: Comes from a long line of disgraced Dunlendings, they barely manage to continue living, usually get kicked out of towns that have heard of them, but they still don't want to leave their people, since he was the oldest son in the family, he got to take the falcata family heirloom which none of them know is cursed, he decided to leave since it seemed that he had the worst luck of his whole family, he ran into Dulfang when he was caught and sold in Umbar, Dulfang's luck has offset some of his bad stuff a little

__________________________________________________ _____________

Name: Blossomshade

Race/Sex: Ent type thing/Female

Appearance: magnolia type of tree looking Ent lady, creepy and superly deep green eyes. What else can you say? I wouldn't know how tall the lady is. You know what an Ent looks like, I hope. Nine toes and fingers, as far as I know.

Weapons: just her arms and legs, I guess. I'd be afraid. Hm. Maybe she can hold a couple of huge claymores achingly easily? Nah. Too scary.

Personality: very unique and proud of it, anti-social unless it's with someone she thinks is interesting, has a morbid sense of humor, as in, she enjoys munching on birds that perch on her and planting weeds next to flowers that Entwives plant, things like that, can't think of much else right now since she's new

History: born in Fangorn as one of the later Entings, she thought of having to leave with the Entwives as a punishment since Fangorn was nice and dark and comfy, when they finally nodded off, she headed back and ran into Knockondor, who seems to think that he finally found something noble to do in trying to find some nice trees for her to fit in with

__________________________________________________ ____________

Name: Tilit

Race/Sex: Beorning/Male

Appearance: Pretty much the same thing as most images of Beorn that pop into my head, really big and scary looking, brown hair and eyes, muscly and hairy, turns into a huge brown bear, holds one of those small and round and wooden shields with the big spike in the middle, wears a troll's skin for armour, can't look too smart, either

Weapons: claymore, giant crossbow, teeth and claws

Personality: Achingly loyal and boring and proud and stubborn and one track minded, I hate him, he has a strange type of respect for Truor, but Truor doesn't like him, he recently found out that he was an Outcast, doesn't really like it, but now feels like he has to show how everyone is an Outcast just like his big brother

History: Stuck to the Vale of Anduin for forever, sometimes left to battle Orcs, ruled the Vale while Truor was gone, then left it to the humans when he found that he was an Outcast, too, met Blossomshade, who forced him to take a journey that showed him that he was an Outcast, met Dimgi along the way

__________________________________________________ _____________

Name: Dimgi

Race/Sex: Hobgoblin/Male

Appearance: About as tall as the average human, brown skin, can get really creepy looking when he's mad, but is usually so empty headed looking that he seems harmless, he wears lots of light and leather armour

Personality: Not too smart, even for a hobgoblin, sticks with Tilit since he thinks he's a really smart troll, full of hope for the future of hobgoblins even though his group of them was all killed off, he is especially proud to carry their banner which has a crow's foot as its symbol

Weapons: just his banner which is just a pretty big iron pole, he also has some bolas tied to it that he'd use to catch people for others to kill

History: Born in some northern part of some Dwarfless part of some mountains that I probably don't know the name of, lived with a very close-knit group of hobgoblins that barely managed to survive, he wasn't too old or experienced at anything yet when they all decided to head down the Misty Mountains to try finding some Orcs or trolls to help them out, the group was killed by Woodmen and he was captured to be interrogated, Tilit saved him only because Blossomshade made him do it, Tilit was wearing his troll skin at the time, which fooled this guy into thinking that he was some kind of weird troll

__________________________________________________ _____________

Name: Kimber

Race/Sex: Beorning/Female

Appearance: Short and pudgy and sickeningly cute and innocent looking and usually wearing a simple white dress, some flowers in her long and shiny black hair, and some sandals. She'd love rolling around in black bear form most of the time, though. Even though Truor would tell her to stop it.

Weapons: Teeth and clawses, I guess.

Personality: Sickeningly cute and innocent and nice and mischievous and curious about everything, smart for her age, of course, even though she's annoying. I do not like her. She was made to make Truor better. Ick. I like Truor the way he is. Argh.

History: The daughter of some Beornings who got killed while running off to attack some Orcs, she was handed off to all kinds of relatives and finally ended up with Truor's brother, Tilit. When Truor showed up to live with them for a while and she heard his stories, she decided that he would be her new parent.
"You're either an Outcast, or you're in denial."
"Strength and stupidity in numbers."

- Myself
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Old 08-13-2007, 07:09 AM   #6
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Name: Tulofuin

Race/Sex: Teleri type elf/Female

Weapon: just a parrying shield named Hurthang. It's one of those black and talking things made by Eol, of course. It likes getting her to run off and kill Noldor type elves.

Personality: Scary and independent and things. Very stubborn and strong-willed and forceful and things. Quiet and pensive and sad and reminiscing a lot of the time. Very proud and tough and unemotional and things. Naturally shies away from people, especially other elves. Definitely a night person. That's as close as I can get it.

Appearance: Average sized? Why not? Long and black and achingly beautiful hair. Green eyes, since those are the best. I guess you could call her a dark type of beauty, but only if she tried, and she wouldn't. She'd wear old and simple and practical type clothes that she made herself just for traveling. The shield would be under some cloak type thing.

History: born in whichever forest it was that Eol ran away from when that evil Melian lady put some scary magical barrier around it, she was raised to be one of his servants. When that Aredhel lady decided to mess things up, and Eol ran off, she waited for him for a while but finally decided to try finding the guy. She took the dark type weapon that she had been given for protection if she was ever off doing something for the guy by herself. Never found the guy. Hung out in the Old Forest, then Fangorn, never really thought that she had much of a purpose to life, but she did enjoy paying attention to her shield and running off to kill Noldor type elves every now and then.

__________________________________________________ ____________

Name: Haran

Race/Sex: Ythling/Male

Appearance: Kind of short and weak and malnourished, long and scraggeldy brown hair, green eyes, peach fuzz, wears brown rags

Weapons: His brain and a staff

Personality: Fiercely intelligent, full of sarcasm for the world, maybe some dry humor, pessimistic, has no patience for idiocy, very bold when it comes to getting more information, loves getting to know other people who he thinks could be anywhere near as smart as he is

History: Born on that forgettably named island of Ythlings to an achingly poor family, he had plenty of siblings and bums and things to talk to, but for some reason, he always felt out of place even though they were friendly enough, he attempted to get plenty of jobs and couldn't, found a huge library to sneak into and sleep in all of the time, nice librarians found him and taught him how to read, as soon as they helped him with that, he had no use for them, or for pretty much anyone else on the island, it seemed, sure, he could find a few scholars to debate with, but they liked to dismiss his newer ideas too quickly for him, when the Spicy Lady showed up, he left with no regrets, got to know lots of Outcasts, stuck with Tulofuin, was introduced to Woses by Truor, who thought he could use some teaching to expand his horizons a little

__________________________________________________ _____________

Name: Slatybattfast

Race/Sex: Ainur, Dwarf, Vampire/Male

Appearance: looks like your average Dwarf, maybe a little taller and stronger, though, long and black and neat beard that has grown almost to the ground, wears a simple robe and headband for his beautiful and long and black hair, sandals, black eyes, fangs

Weapons: A pair of hook swords

Personality: full of despair and reminiscence and regret and self-loathing, very sad but determined, a vigilante type, not senselessly sacrificing but organized and cold and grand, always thinking and very focused, annoyed when distracted, but when he gets distracted well enough, he gets better

History: born after the beginning of time but early enough to help out with world construction, Mel sent vampires to recruit more evil type help, but this guy went crazy and couldn't be controlled, so they took him to those enchanted islands that made him sleep to cool down, they intended to come back for him when Mel returned and could deal with him, but I guess that they forgot, Knockondor saved him while looking for Valinor one time.

__________________________________________________ ______________

Name: Mothbol

Race/Sex: Balrog/Male

Appearance: taller than the average human but pathetic next to another balrog, no power of fire, so he's just very black and smoky, has hard to see eyes and everything, dagger-like steel claws, but that's a lot smaller than a normal balrog

Weapons: just his claws and a minor fear ability that just might make some weak-willed types a little nervous, but that's about it, he could spread smoke to blind people or run away in, or he could find some water to turn himself into slime and make people sticky (gasp!)

Personality: very weaselly and treacherous and cowardly, loves bullying and torturing those that he can, leeches off powerful types, and is very fun for me to play

History: he was an especially young and inexperienced and stupid balrog when he went with some army to fight those Gondolin type elves, he was a little too nervous and things to get too close and ended up getting left behind, he had all kinds of fun with acting like a dragon and gathering all kinds of treasure to sleep on, no one really missed him, and he ended up sleeping until that part of Middle Earth sunk, he woke up after a very long while and swam his way back to a Middle Earth that confused him very much

__________________________________________________ ___________

Name: Thomas Adrian The Fourth

Race/Sex: Mountain troll/Male

Appearance: Um, large? Sounds good to me. Large and muscular and especially tough skin almost unnecessarily covered in thick iron armour that would be hard for most normal sized people to even move around. Brutish and hulking and cruel looking.

Weapons: just those hard and evil knuckle things with some small spikes on them, cestii, I think.

Personality: Intelligent, condescending, deeply loyal and respectful to the few that he believes deserve it, a bully or indifferent to pretty much everyone else, a stern leader when he has the chance, full of self-confidence and thinks that he's one of the greatest things since sliced bread since most other trolls aren't as smart as he is, he loathes other trolls

History: born in Mordor by a family of trolls that barely survived while hiding from pretty much everything, some of Gargul (the Mouth of Sauron)'s henchmen found them, though, and killed the parents, he was then raised by the guy into being an achingly loyal and intelligent right hand dude
"You're either an Outcast, or you're in denial."
"Strength and stupidity in numbers."

- Myself

Last edited by YayGollum : 08-13-2007 at 07:24 AM.
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Old 08-13-2007, 07:11 AM   #7
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Name: Narvi

Race/Sex: Am not sure how to put it. One of those statue things made by Woses that was brought to life, I guess/Male looking, but obviously, neutral

Appearance: around four feet tall, pudgy and squat and stocky and things, an expertly carved I don't know what kind of stone statue that could fool some people into thinking that it was a real Wose type person, I forget what color the stone was, shall probably edit this, that's about all I can think of. He's missing his left foot's pinky toe.

Weapons: just his arms and legs, as far as I know.

Personality: Bear with me on this. Things will be explained in the history. One good way to describe this would be to say that he's a faulty robot. There are lots of stories that I have run into about faulty robots that don't know how they'll react to something until it happens. He has respect for Dwarves and most artists, is cautious while measuring up individual elves, would avoid them normally, is aloof but curious about how he'll react to pretty much everyone else, fear of Orcs but strong desire to protect others from them, mostly by scaring, desire to create but fear that he'll lose his spirit if he puts his heart into anything, his feelings from creators make him confused sometimes, he'll want to give people chances, pride that he's unique, gratitude to creators, wonders how he was made, wants help but wouldn't readily say so. He has bits of personality traits from the Wose who made him and the famous artist that the Tolkien person came up with known as Eol.

History: He was made by some random Wose dude to guard the path to a secret cave, he got a consciousness of his own years later when Tulofuin (my Dark elf character) accidentally sliced off a toe of the statue with her black weapon made by Eol, when the lady left, he blinked, wondered what was going on, and was only moved to action when he felt the urge to help out Brandor, my Gondorian character

What? You don't know what would happen if two spirit energy vessels came together like that. I get to come up with my own conclusions. I say that the spirit energies of the people who made the two vessels come together to form a third and original personality, probably conflicting at times. Eol and this Wose dude that I made up are very different. It was hard to combine them. This character is confused and unpredictable right now. Anyways, if you didn't know, those statues that were made by the Woses had the spirit energy of the Wose in them just like Eol's weapons or the One Ring. They had the ability to come to life only to do what they were made by the Wose to do. This guy was made just to guard that path from Orcs. Eol's influence messed that up. Comments? Please?


Name: Brandor

Race/Sex: Gondorian type human/Male

Appearance: early teens, kind of tall, lanky, gangly and clumsy looking, poofy brown hair, usually has an idealistic expression, not so much of a stupid one, more of a young and hopeful one, very average and low class Gondorian city clothes probably not too good for travelling

Personality: a person who knows that he is not very talented but who loves listening to stories about average people who run into much excitement and still happen to live well, even though they started out just like him, he is easily swayed by appearances, very into hero worship, things like that, very idealistic and hopeful for everyone's futures, most would think of him as a crazy person who trusts to luck, but he's really a stupid person who believes what he hears and thinks that it could happen to him

Weapons: none, because some have survived without them, and they are expensive

History: born into one of those poorer sections of Minas Tirith to a family with a bar, he found out that he was deathly allergic to alcohol at a very early age, which was pretty sad for a family who relied on it, even the smell of the stuff made him woozy, staying at home most of the time, he heard many second hand stories from his father which the guy had heard in his bar, one of the kid's favorite characters was Truor (one of my other characters), and since he thought that he was pretty useless to his family, he decided to go on a journey much like Truor's, heading for the White Mountains to find Woses first, not too long into his journey, when he was just finding out how badly he had prepared for it, he found a cave to spend the night in and was met by a suddenly animated Pukel dude thing, thinking that this would be a good story of his own to tell, he befriended the thing and is wandering Middle Earth trying to help it figure out why it's alive and having fun with exploring

__________________________________________________ ____________

Name: Holtrinc

Race/Sex: Woodman type human/Male

Appearance: an older guy with long gray hair but still pretty large and strong and sturdy and dangerous and things, very well made for Misty Mountain weather clothes, boots, headgear, pack with all sorts of useful for survival in Misty Mountains, that most people's profiles never mention (most of mine, too) but which suddenly appear when it's convenient, blindfold over eye sockets, a glove on one hand and a bandaged stump of a wrist where the other should have been, he'd be a big bear of a guy radiating serenity, very hard to get mad but if you did, he would probably very skillfully knock you over, pin you, knock you out, he'd very likely stop himself before doing anything else, since he's all about life

Personality: a slow witted, light hearted, generous, average intelligenced, is pretty much only serious when he sees cruelty going on sort of person, very honest and solid and loyal, beats himself up about how he used to kill things ignorantly

Weapons: dagger, staff, body

History: born as well as raised in a northeast Misty Mountain Woodman town, grew up to be a halfway famous and very well respected hunter known for killing several giant eagles, trolls, and Orcs with his remarkable bowman skills, then Truor came and got very mad, giant eagles came and very mercifully only took his eyes and a hand to teach him a lesson, after trying to live in and getting fed up with his old town and its pity for him, he left to preach at other Woodmen, most won't really listen to him even though they used to respect him, but he still has hope that he can help his people so that they don't have to learn any lessons on their own, he had been doing this for many years when he ran into a young Uruk-Hai named Grimukh (another one of my characters. sorry about that. I'm getting into teams, I guess), the two now travel together mostly for safety
"You're either an Outcast, or you're in denial."
"Strength and stupidity in numbers."

- Myself
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Old 08-13-2007, 07:14 AM   #8
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Name: Khungil

Race/Sex: Easterling type human/Male

Appearance: One who's less than average (not too much less, but he'd be noticeably short) height is only noticed by the achingly dense or the achingly fearless, since he is one creepy, hardened, and seriously seasoned fighterish looking dude. He'd be wearing the same descriptive words attached to a full suit of armour, Easterling style (whatever that looks like), lots of scars, a cool as well as useful helm, brown eyes and hair, which would be kept short and cut badly, stockiness, strength

Personality: Exactly the way that you would expect one with an appearance like the one that I just described? Superly serious and loyal to his boss (Gargul, the former Mouth Of Sauron). He is a hardened warrior who is just out to protect his family and way of life and things like that, quiet, except for when he's yelling at his subordinates, who all know that he means the best for them, stuff like that. Scary, but pure.

Weapons: a poleaxe and a small as well as hidden knife

History: Born in the East. Well, someone give me some good information on where Easterlings come from, and I shall give you more information on where this particular one comes from. oh well. Grew up on a farm until he was old enough to start getting trained for the Easterling army, which was what he ended up doing. He was just another grunt during the War Of The Ring, but after that, and since there weren't many left alive, he became the leader of the Remnants Of Evil, under Gargul, who is the evil mastermind. Now, he slinks and steals and coordinates and is only kept alive because of the secret ways into Mordor's underbelly that he knows about. He wants to go back home, but knows that the way there would be too risky, especially since Gargul keeps him barely alive.


Name: Inghash

Race/Sex: Mordor type Orc/Male

Appearance: A large (a bit smaller than the average human), brown, always sort of zoned out looking Orc, not exceptional in any way, except that he is the best healer that the Remnants Of Evil have, which is not saying much

Personality: Before the War Of The Ring, he was used to a cushy job of not doing much, but now that the more popularly seen as evil types are being driven into extinction, he sleeps and zones out as much as possible until he is called on to do one of many odd jobs that he gets ordered to do as part of the Remnants Of Evil. I should write down some more stories featuring those guys, eh? He is pretty easy going, doesn't get too mad, enjoys letting others do the thinking for him, but the most thinking he gets done is wondering when he'll be able to order some more slaves to do his work for him.

Weapons: Many knives from many different cultures and a morning star

History: born in Mordor, lived on the closest things to farms that Mordor has, enjoyed being evil as well as mischevious at the slaves, ended up becoming a slave trader, and, once he got deeper into Mordor, just another slave driver, he hid when the fighting of the War Of The Ring started, when he was able to sneak away, he wondered how he could survive without slaves but was eventually found and beaten into compliance to be the healer for the Remnants Of Evil.

__________________________________________________ __________

Name: Thekk

Race/Sex: Barding type human/Male

Appearance: Very tall but not especially lanky or skinny or anything. A really big as well as sturdy and intimidating dude, but not too much stronger than someone built like that would be. Short black hair that is prematurely balding, which is something that he is kind of sensitive about, since he is supposed to be in the prime of his life. Blue eyes. Light leather armour and cap. Most often, a crazed, zealous, righteous, or bitter look on his face.

Personality: Hates any sentient race that isn't human, especially elves. Thinks that they are all crazily magical and, even if they don't look like they are about to, about to kill all humans. He tries to tell people how much of a danger they are, but is still pretty sure that he will have to be the savior of humanity. Even though he seems pretty crazy, he isn't really that stupid. He has come up with plenty of achingly intelligent plans on killing many magical things, always expects lots of praise when he gets home, but most are pretty freaked out by him.

Weapons: What else for the savior of humanity? A longsword. Or is it the broadsword? Whichever one is the most sickeningly heroic and pure. He can't afford a shield, though.

History: Born on the west side of Long Lake to a family of traders, he grew up learning to hate the elves in Mirkwood mostly because of their harmless pranks and teasings. Everybody told him not to be so sensitive, but he just thought that they weren't taking his complaints seriously. After a few tries of sneaking after elves and getting humiliated, he left his home and tried to raise an army in Dale. Found out that they weren't about to listen to an unfamous dude like him, so he killed himself a dragon, but couldn't keep his fans once he preached against elves and things. Only one dude would listen to him, and he isn't too sure about this guy's intentions.

__________________________________________________ ______________

Name: Uvathanon

Race/Sex: Variag of Khand type human/Male

Appearance: One of those large and strong and rotund types. Not the large and jolly type, but the creepy and evil-looking type that could snap your neck if he wanted to have some fun or just sit on you, if he was feeling lazy. Little information is given on the sorts of clothes that were worn in that Khand place, so I shall merely write ---> he wears whatever is fairly common in the area that he happens to be in but keeps his ceremonial clothes with him at all times, which are probably some sort of creepy cult looking outfit. Also, he'd have short and black and greasy hair, tanned skin that's probably flaking all over the place, the very disgusting sort of feet that many enjoy complaining about looking at, a mocking smile, and brown eyes that he can't usually hide from probing into everything for more information.

Personality: crazed with the religious sort of faith but still very intelligent, thinks that he is a great conversationalist, knows that he is expected to convert people to his religion but has good reasons to suspect that most aren't large fans of selling their souls to Sauron, so he enjoys probing most people to shake their faith in their original, if any, religious types of views, enjoys hearing stories about the good old days of Mel and Sauron, hates with large passions anyone associated with defeating them but is very capable of hiding such passions, stuff like that.

Weapons: just a staff, probably with some crazy-looking ornamentation.

History: Born in the Khand area, I guess. Not enough information is given for me to narrow it down. He was raised/brainwashed to be a priest for that crazy religion that the Sauron dude came up with and has a pretty unshakeable faith in it. Besides holding sermons or making human sacrifices or whatever it is that this religion should be known for, life was dull in Khand, after a while of attempting to start a religious crusade against the heathens who killed his god, he left to spread Sauron's gospel. Most weren't very sad to see him leave. He eventually ran into one of my other characters, Thekk, and is hanging out with him because the guy is all about killing magical type things. He delights in participating in the killings of elves and things but sticks with the guy with a hope that he can find a more evil and magical type to team up with to save the world in his own way.
"You're either an Outcast, or you're in denial."
"Strength and stupidity in numbers."

- Myself
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Old 08-14-2007, 01:22 AM   #9
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Hello, and welcome .

It's not our typical practice to post up an entire thread of characters, but I'll leave this one for my boss, Eärniel, to decide over. I wont close or move the thread for now.

What we generally do is simply create a character for each particular story thread, and then post it in the planning thread for that particular adventure.
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Old 08-14-2007, 01:47 AM   #10
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Hey, ciao there, Yaygollum - so, I just wanted to say how much I love your African Fish Eagle. Fantastic eagle, that. Knokondor, you say? Brilliant name! I love that photo you gave link to. Very cool... Oh, and welcome to Entmoot, newbie! Lookin' forward to reading more of your posts. I lurk more than post these days, but I've been around awhile... wish I still ever had the time for RPGs because I would so dig on getting into something with you, by the way you take your charaters so seriously and detail them out so nicely. Teh awesome, to be sure...
Few people have the imagination for reality.

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Old 08-14-2007, 01:47 AM   #11
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Got it. But then, it's still related to the R. P. G. section as well as mayhaps entertaining to read. If not here, then the writing section? No thoughts on my profiles, though? oh well.
"You're either an Outcast, or you're in denial."
"Strength and stupidity in numbers."

- Myself
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Old 08-14-2007, 05:59 AM   #12
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Well, as Tessar said it isn't typical practise, but I'm not going to step in unless this sort of threads starts clogging up the forum. We've had character threads before in which everyone posted some of his RPG-characters, but finding those threads would require some digging.

We also have a writing section, Writer's Workshop, if you're interested. But you won't need to move your character profiles, they fit here fine.

I'll have a look at your profiles when I've a little bit more time but I see you have a Beorning which I've sadly always found to be one of the most forgotten races in RPG.

Welcome to the Entmoot.
We are not things.
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Old 08-14-2007, 06:38 AM   #13
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Whoops! <--- towards the Lotesse person. sorry about that. Looks as if we posted at the same time, and I didn't notice your's until now. I thank you muchly, as a matter of course. Knockondor is one of my older characters, made when I was fed up with other people sprouting a giant eagle companion/servant sort of character out of nothingness, whenever it would be useful for their main character. He's fun. I make sure to point out that he is more comedic relief than useful. Towards writing together, *sniff* yes, achingly tragic, time constraints! But oh well. I asked in some other thread about the R. P. G. type things going on, at the moment, but haven't heard anything. You need not get involved in some grand as well as time-consuming story. Many places merely have little inn type threads for characters to pop in as well as out of, casually. Does this place not own such a thread, or would that be unwelcome? Or mayhaps you would not be the one to ask, since you are more of a lurker? Also, well, I would hope not to take my characters too seriously, but fleshing out crazy characters is all kinds of fun, for myself, yes.

Towards the Earniel person ---> Got it. I shall most probably get around to checking your writing section out in detail, when I obtain a bit more time. I gots a couple of stories about some of these characters transferred from my brain to the computer. I really need to get around to transferring the rest of them. Or hire a stenographer? Also, yes, Yay for my Beorning! Truor Tupnm (the one that I figured you noticed) was my first and is still my favorite. I've got two other Beornings, but they're just minor characters.
"You're either an Outcast, or you're in denial."
"Strength and stupidity in numbers."

- Myself
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Old 08-21-2007, 02:14 AM   #14
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Whoops! Here are a few others that I forgot to put in there before. I remembered mostly because I plan on using the stone giant for something.

Name: Rhodalite

Race/Sex: Stone giant/Female

Appearance: short for one of these things, twenty feet?, exceedingly ugly, I have no idea what she'd wear, gray all over, long hair that it most often seen in two long as well as braided pigtails

Weapons: since she's pretty much invulnerable, she'd just have her hands and whatever she can throw, also, an ulu, for no good reason but variety of weapons

Personality: loud, whiny, annoying, touchy, not too terribly bright, enjoys being flattered and torturing animals

History: born someplace in the Misty Mountains, she was an Outcast becuase of her ugliness, but more because she got especially violent with people who pointed it out, she caught a group of Orcs on their way to Mordor and was going to mess with them, but she was so eaily flattered and duped by them that they were able to get away and inform their boss of her, she was retrieved and decided to stay because she really wanted to catch Shelob

__________________________________________________ ____

Name: Mad Max

Race/Sex: Ice drake/Male

Appearance: Really long, but not so huge as far as superly old dragons go, plenty of scars and broken teeth, some dark green and some black scales but mostly a bunch of gray scales that hang loosely in some places, a crown of white horns, some of which are broken, his eyes are a dark red that's dimmed over the years, they're usually really tired or lazy looking, but get to be full of humor, insanity, or malice every now and then

Weapons: Dragony type stuff, he can breathe out sheets of ice, but he coughs often, which only produces not very effective icicles, if he catches somebody with his eyes, they'll go crazy so that they run away in a mad terror that induces them to attack anything that keeps them from running away in whatever directino they happen to be goin in, unless he really cares to concentrate, this wouldn't work so easily on smarter types, of course, he likes to headbutt people every now and then, his claws would be used more for clubbing and things, since they're not very shapr anymore, but his tail could be used pretty scarily as a whip, also, he'd love to roll over on you, too

Personality: A crazy and senile old dude who doesn't like being disturbed, he's very content with sleeping for the rest of his life in his huge ice cavern, but when someone wakes him up, he'll either scare them away or play with them, since he's very confident that he can't be killed, he doesn't remember who he was before he got to his ice cavern, but he's sure that he was a great warrior who is still very infamous, he likes making ice sculptures, mostly abstract art, of course, he loves to talk about himself mostly, but he'll humor most people who seem interesting, he could be considered really harmless if you just know how to talk to him, he'll rarely get really clear-headed, though, and that's scary

History: Well, he doesn't know it, but I do. He was a really great and scary warrior dragon that got into lots of fights and pretty much always won until his last battle with Dwarves, when he must hav gotten hit in the head a little too hard, he was already in the icy north half of Middle Earth, so he limped his way to some troll's cavern, ate the troll, and carved out his own little kingdom that he thinks is very beautiful, he has connected plenty of troll hideouts up there and had plenty to eat

__________________________________________________ ___________

Name: Gargul (formerly the Mouth of Sauron)

Race/Sex: Numenorean/Male

Appearance: tall and fit and strong and handsome looking, longish black hair, green eyes, lots of creepy chitinous looking black armour that covers him all over, a beautiful and kind of crownish looking black helmet with a cool and fearsome looking visor that'd cover his face pretty well, the obligatory as well as flowy and black cape

Weapons: just some achingly evil necromancer type magic and a longsword with a creepy hlt and lots of magical runes all over it

Personality: the evil mastermind with a grudge and a dream. Very confident and charismatic and intelligent. The type who'd enjoy toying with his most hated enemies before killnig them when they finally bore him. He'd talk in a very civil way to his servants and hardly ever shows anger, since he makes sure that everything goes his way. Very fun and evil. Probably misunderstood, though.

History: Born in Numenor to a poor family that died thanks to all of the sickenesses Sauron spread around, he ended up being dropped off at Sauron's house in Mordor by a well-meaning but obviously lost giant eagle. He grew up as a servant of Sauron and eventually got all kinds of magic (which kept him alive for a while) and his warped personality. He only lived through that War Of The Ring thing because Tolkien never mentioned what happened to him. Now, he's a little bitter and wishes to dispose of the the trash that somehow killed his master.
"You're either an Outcast, or you're in denial."
"Strength and stupidity in numbers."

- Myself

Last edited by YayGollum : 08-21-2007 at 02:51 AM.
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Old 10-20-2007, 06:49 AM   #15
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DUDE! All u have is GUYS....maybe one or tu gals.... write to ME!!!! im cooler. anyway, how du u get cool icons????
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Old 10-21-2007, 08:07 AM   #16
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No, I have a few female characters. Blossomshade the Ent, Tulofuin the Telerish type elf, Kimber the Beorning, and Rhodalite the stone giant. I'm sure that I could come up with more females. I still have a few more Tolkien type races to get to. For starters, there were seven types of Dwarves, and I only have two. Also, I wouldn't know about how to obtain cool icons. Do I even have any in this thread?
"You're either an Outcast, or you're in denial."
"Strength and stupidity in numbers."

- Myself
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