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Old 10-27-2002, 07:57 AM   #1
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dragons and other creatures

here is some info on dragons for people out there who are interested:


Dragons was the heaviest of all Morgoth servants they were also his last. There was two kind of Dragons, the firedragons, who were hot and had no wings, and then cold dragons who had fire too, but not as hot and in the same amount as the Fire-Dragons. Instead they had wings and were able to fly. Morgoth`s first attempts in making these huge and cruel creatures were the serpents. , but the winged dragons were the last of his beasts he createt. Morgoth had long tried to breed winged creatures and many a bird or eagle had lost its life in the caves of Angband where Morgoth and his servants had tried to squize the secret of flying from them. The winged Dragons was not ready before the end of the First age. But at that time Morgoth was so overwelming that only the host of the Valar could save the world from his evil reign.

Dragons are cunning and cleaver creatures with a razorsharp mind. How they precisely were breed and of what is nowhere told but we may suspect they were made by sorcery and fire. In the early tales it is told how the serpents had hearts of fire and bodies of steel. The later Dragons had.....

Dragons had sharp and keen eyes, an exeptionel sence of smell and a memory beyond imagination. If they once had senced a smell it was never forgotten, and no matter how great a treasure they had stolen and were guarding they would, by the penny, know the exact amount and furthermore know if just the tiniest jewel were missing. Dragons loved to speak in riddles and one of the few ways to get close to living dragon without loosing your life instantly were to tease it with puzzles and riddles but the highest level of awareness was needed for they are inteligent creatures and one could soon be under its spell.

Related links.: Battles.: War of Wrath.



Ancalagon the Black, a winged Dragon, he was the Lord of the winged Dragons. Morgoth brided and let loose in the last Battle of Beleriand "The war of Wrath" it is told that Earendil slew him and in his fell from the sky he broke Thangorodrim.

Related Links.: Battles.: War of Wrath. Encyc.: Ancalagon.


The father of all dragons, he first time appears between the 2 and 3 battle of Beleriand 260 years after the raising of the Sun and Moon, slain by Turin F.A.499. Glaurung was a hot Dragon without wings. In F.A.260 issued Glaurung for the first time. He came from the gates of Angband by night but he was scarce halfgrown but the Elves fleed before him to Dorthonion and Ered Wethrin but Fingon rode against him with archers upon horseback, and hemmed him round with a ring of swift riders. And Glaurung was dismayed, for he could not endure there darts, being not yet come to his full armoury and he fled back to angband. Glaurung sacked Nargothrond in F.A.495. He came from Angband with a host of Orcs into Hithlum and did great evil, and he came over the mountains Ered Withrin and down at the other side, destroyed the Pools of Ivrin and came into the realm of Narog where he found the caves Nargothrond because Turin had pursuaded the Elves to abandon there stealth / ambush strategy they used for open war. In that battle; the battle of Tum-Halad Glaurung are victorious and he enters Nargothrond. In F.A.496 comes Morwen and Nienor with a small host of Elves commanded by Mablung out of Doriath to seek Turin but instead they meet Glaurung who bewitched Nienor and she ran lost into the wood, Morwen escapes but are also lost. Mablung returns to Doriath. In F.A.499 assailes Glaurung Brethil but is slain by Turin.

Related Links.: Battles.: Battle of Tum-Halad. Encyc.: Glaurung.


A winged Dragon known from the Hobbit.

Smaug came from the Withered Heath in the Ered Mithrim when he heard of the treasure Thrór, the King under the Mountain had gathered in the Lonely Mountain in Erebor. Smaug descented upon the Lonely Mountain and drove Thrór out, ruined Dale, and devastated the whole region in Third age 2770.

Killed by Bard from Esgaroth in Third age 2941. He used his black arrow who was forged by the Dwarves in the smithies beniath the Lonely Mountain in happier days.

Smaug was a huge redgolden and exeptionel greedy, strong and cruel Dragon and he had a liking for eating young girls.

Related Links.: Encyc.: Smaug.


Dragon in Ered Mithrim.

Last edited by zavron : 10-27-2002 at 07:58 AM.
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Old 10-27-2002, 08:00 AM   #2
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The Thornhoth, people of the Eagles.

In the first Age the great Eagles had there abode upon Thangorodrim until Melkor grew to mighty and to the fall of Fingolfin, then their eyries was moved to Christhorn in the Echoriath.where they watched over the tombs of Fingolfin and Glorfindel and guarded the fords of Brithiach and the valley of Tumladen.

Not all eagles were friendly birds some were mean and cruel, but the old race from the North of past Beleriand were the greatest. They were proud, strong and noble. Descendants of those had made their abodes in the mountains of Hithaeglir.



"Lord of the wind"

Brother of Landrowal.

Gwaewar "Lord of Storm". The old form of Gwaihir is Gwaewar (Tlr)

Wassal of Thorondor but also described as descendant of Thorondor.

The Eagles in the Third Age had at least one known place; the Eagles Eyrie in the Hithaeglir. It was East of the Goblin Town and North-West of the Carrock in Anduin. From here set Gwaihir and his vasals out for their rescue expeditions to Orthanc, the Battle of Five armies, the final battle infront of Morannon and the rescue of Frodo and Sam. And they kept a close watch upon the Orcs.

Third Age.

T.A.2941. As it is told in the Hobbit, Gwaihir had 15 chieftains. When Gandalf, Bilbo, Thorin II. and the 12 other dwarves had saved themselves, for a short while, by climbing up into the trees but were surrounded by wolves beniath, Gwaihir and some of his vassals came and rescued them by flying them away to the Carrock in Anduin.

When everything was looking most hopeless in the Battle of Five Armies, Gwaihir and his chieftains and all their people arrived at the scene. And for the aid in that battle he, and all his chieftains, were given a collar of gold, smithied by the Dwarves.

Related Links.: Encyc.: Gwaihir.



"Wide-wing" Brother of Gwaihir descrebed both as wassal in Tlr. ( Lhandroval ) and descendant of Thorondor (LotR)


"The Swift" Wassal of Landroval and Gwaihir. ( LotR )


Thorndor / Sorontur ( Tlr )

King of the eagles. ( Sil )

The Eagles had their eyeries in the Echoriath. In F.A.456 Morgoth would have feet his wulfs with the dead body of Fingolfin but Thorondor, came down and smote his beak into Morgoths face and he bore Fingolfin away and laid him on a mountain-top that looked down from the North upon the hidden valley of Gondolin. In F.A.458 brought Thorondor Hurin and Huor to Gondolin. And as they came they departed for Thorondor once again at the asking of Turgon sent eagles to bring Hurin and Huor to Dor-Lòmin. In F.A.466 brought Thorondor and two of his vasals Beren and Luthien from the gates of Angband where Beren was hard wounded by Charcharoth to the Borders of Doriath through thunderbolts and lightning.

Related Links.: Encyc.: Thorondor.
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Old 10-27-2002, 08:03 AM   #3
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Muru / Moru.

She was a being from "Before the World" pervertet by Melkor. Muru is defined as a name of the Primeval Night, (Tlr) and Ungoliant is the personification of the night or the dark before the creation of the universe, the dark night before "The big Bang" so to speak where Iluvatar is the opposite. None of them can exist without the other the light or the dark, if you do not have light you cant see the dark and reverse the point here is you need a dark area to see the ray of light pierce it otherwise it will just be light in light unable to be discovered.

The lore of the old days tells; that none of the Eldar knew when she came into the world but maybe she came to the South out of the darkness of Eä in that time when Melkor destroyed the lights of Illuin and Ormal and because his dwelling in the North the heed of the Valar was turned against the North and the South was long forgotten. When the Valar established there new home in the uttermost West she crept towards the new light for she hungered for light and yet hated it.

She made her home in a deep cleft in Hyarmentir and took shape of a monstrous form sucking up all light she could find or that strayed over the walls of the Pelori and she spun it forth again in black webs of strangling gloom until no light could come to her abode and she was famished.

And the tale continues; It may well be that Melkor if none other knew of her being and her abode and that she was in the beginning one of those that he had corrupted and when he came to Arvalin he sought her out and demanded her aid in his revenge.

Valian Years ( V.Y.) 0 - 3450.

V.Y.1900 - 3450. Did Ungoliant enter the World from Eä ? lusting for the light that was and later spilled out over the World. If she did it was between these years but probably not until the Valar was feasting at Almaren and Melkor crept over the Wall of Things and entered Arda in the North where he assailed the Lamps and overtrew them.

V.Y.3450 - V.Y.3500. The Gods departed to Aman. Ungoliant crept towards the realm and the light from the South and reached the Southern Pelori and Hyarmentir.

Related Links.: Battles: War of shaping Arda. Misc.: Making of the Lamps.

Now began the Valian Years of the Trees. ( V.Y.t ) and a new reckoning of time.

In the V.Y.t 0 came the two trees Silpion and Laurelin into being. This may have been a time of feast for Ungoliant.

V.Y.t 1400 - 1495. Melkor arrived in Arvelin and sought out Ungoliant.

1495 In the great feast Manwë had declared where he sought to heal the evil that had arisen in Valinor, Melkor returned with Ungoliant. Melkor smote each Tree with his black spear to the core and Ungoliant plied her foul lips to their wounds and sucked the blod of the Trees til they were drained and thus destroyed the two Trees. Then she escaped to Middle-earth with Melkor.

V.Y.t. 1496 At the arrival to Middle-Earth at Lammoth she claimed her reward from Melkor and he gave her all the jewles he had stolen but the Silmarils he would not give but afraid of her he cried out loud and and Balrogs came to his aid and their wips of flame drowe her away and she fleed into Nan Dungortheb.

Ungoliant dwelt there for a time with other creatures of spider form that had dwelt there since the delwing of Angband and she mated with them and devoured them but her foul bred lived there long and wove their hideous webs after she had long gone into the forgotten South of the world.

Related links.: Encyc.: Ungoliant.

"Shelob". Confronted by Sam over Frodo.
"Shelob". Sam attacks.
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Old 10-27-2002, 08:07 AM   #4
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In their settlements in Middle-Earth the Numenorians acquired and breeded horses but they were hardly ever used in war except for couriers and light armored archers.



The horse of Glorfindel in Elronds house, he bore Frodo trough the ford of Bruinen when the Black Riders tried to catch him. Asfaloth is white


The Horse Legolas lent of Eomer when they met the Rohirrim in the chase of the Orcs near Parth-Galen. Arod was one of the Mearahorses.


The pony Sam was so fund of, Barliman Butterbar bought it from Bill Ferny in Bree for 12 silvershillings. It was with them until the Westerngate of Moria where they had to let him loose, from there it found its way home to Barliman in Bree.


Eorl the youngs horse, Father of the Mearas. Eorl rode it to the Battle of Celebrant. Eorls father leod captured a white foal strong and proud it was and when it was grown he dared to mount it and it bore him away and at last it trew him off and Leod`s head stroke a rock and he died. Leod`s son huntet for long the horse, he had sworn to revenge his father, but one day they came near to the horse Eorl stood up and shoutet "come hither mansbane and get a new name" and the horse came and stood before him and Eorl gave him the name of Felarof in respect of the horse love for freedom but also he told it that it owed him a great weregild and it should surrender its freedom to him. Then Eorl mountet him and rode him. Felarof understood all that men said but it would not allow anyone but Eorl to ride him.


The horse of Eomer. A Meara-horse.


Hasufel was the rohirrim Meara horse owned by GÃ*rulf. It was lend out to Aragorn II. by Eomer. the name of the horse Hasufel means Greyskin and it was large and dark grey. Its name derives from the old english word Hasu-, inflicted Hasw-, meaning grey, ashen.


The Mother of Snowmane. A Meara.


The Horse of Oromë, it is told that the Meararace is descandents from Nahar. Nahar was the first to sence the Elves when they awoke in Cuivienien. Nahar is white. The name Nahar was refering to the sound of the horse. When Orome met the Quendi they asked his name and Orome answered " Nahar, and he is called from the sound of his voice, when he is eager to run " ( Wj )


The mighty horse of Fingolfin. it is told that Rochallor was by the side of Fingolfin throughout his last battle against Melkor and when Fingolfin fell, Rochallor ran as swift as he could to Mithrim where his heart broke and he died. Year F.A.456 ( Wj )


Aragorns II. own horse, brougt to him by his people when they meet at the shores of River Isen.


The King of the Mearas, Gandalf chose this horse (or the horse chose him ) when he was permittet to lend a horse from the Rohirrim herd by King Theoden, later it was given to him. Shadowfax wouldnt ride with sadle and only Gandalf would he bear.

The name of Shadowfax has been changed during the continously rewritting of the story, the first name was Narothal then Fairfax until it became Shadowfax.

Related Links.: Encyc.: Shadowfax.


The horse of King Theoden. Snowmane became the death of Theoden as he fell upon him in the Battle of Pelennor. Snowmane was the foal of Lightfoot and of the Meara-race.


Strider was given to Frodo and he rode it from Minas-Tirith to the Shire after the fall of Sauron and he rode it to the Grey Havens when he left Middle-Earth over the sea into the uttermost West.


Eowyns horse, she rode upon it as Dernhelm to the Battle of Pelennor.
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Old 10-27-2002, 08:16 AM   #5
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The Ainur.

In the beginning Eru Ilùvatar made the Ainur of his thought; and they made a great music before him. Of this music the World was made; for Ilùvatar made visible the song of the Ainur and they beheld it as a light in the darkness. And many of the mightiest became enamoured of its beauty and of its history which they saw beginning and unfolding as in a vision. Therefore Ilùvatar gave to there vision Being, and set it amid the Void, and the Secret Fire was sent to burn at the heart of the World.

There was countless Ainur in the beginning, but we only know of some few, those who descented into the vision becomming true. All of them angelic spirits from before Time and holy but one of them is not counted amongst the Ainurs anymore for he fell into evil. Trough his own growing greed for power he lost the community with his broders and sisters. In the Silmarillion there is counted 15 including the Dark Lord but others there were in those tales lost to mankind and those are shown here as well.

Each of the Ainur had there part of the song and there special skills in creation of Arda, some of them played a big role in in the world but all of them is importent for the life and destiny of Arda.

The familytree of Ainur.

The Ainur familytree is not a ordinary familytree with broders and sisters. That is becourse of what they are, they where born in Eru Iluvatars mind, We might call him there father but they are more than just his children, they are a part of him like he is in all of them. He and they are Ea, wich is.

The Ainurs is more like spiritual broders and sisters, some of them closer related to each other some of them less, and when i say marriage is it more like a male and female close cooperation, to reach a higher goal or purpose vhere the special caracteristics each Ainur has been given, compliments his / her mates well.

In Ea lies Arda, this is the world. Those of the Ainurs who desided to step into Arda after the creation is called Vala.

men valar
women valar

the evil one
melkor (or morgoroth)
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Old 10-27-2002, 08:33 AM   #6
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Tom Bombardil.
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Old 10-27-2002, 08:35 AM   #7
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( Writings about Aiwendil are only concerned about the Maia Aiwendil, not the wizard known to Men / Elves / Hobbits / Dwarves as Radagast.)

Aiwendil must mean Lover of Birds according to the word Lin and Linaewen "Lake of Birds" in Newrast.

Maia of Yavanna`s people.

Valian Years ( V.Y.) 0 - 3450.

V.Y 0 - 1500. Uncounted years filled with labouring had gone by in the timeless ages before the Gods decented into the world in year 0. But Melkor contested the overlordship of Manwë and strife were in the world. Manwë summoned help and among those who heard was Tulkas and he came to the aid. Before his face Melkor fleed out into Eä.

1500 - 1900. Now the gods planned and schemed and ordered and for all the seeds Yavanna had planted Aulë made two great lamps Ormal and Illuin to lit the earth and these were set in 1900 upon Helkar and Ringil.

V.Y. 1900 - 3450. Now began the Spring of Arda, the Gods settlet at Almaren and the world came to life, threes and beasts swollened the earth but Melkor saw it from the outside of the Wall of Things and grew hot and he heard it from his spies of whom Sauron was the chiefest and among the Gods. Manwë had called for a great feast and while the Gods were afterwards resting Melkor crept over the Wall and entered Arda in the North and assailed the Lamps and overtrew them and the blossom of the earth was checked.

V.Y. 3450 - V.Y. 3500 The Gods departed to Aman where Aulë deemed the plains of Valinor a good place to build their new home. A great labour now began for the Gods. In the V.Y.3500 came the two trees Silpion and Laurelin into being.

Related Links.: Battles: War of shaping Arda. Misc.: Making of the Lamps.

Now began the Valian Years of the Trees. ( V.Y.t ) and a new reckoning of time.

V.Y.t 0 - 1000 This was the Noontide of Valinor though Middle-earth was still in darkness and only Oromë and Yavanna came there at times and the stewardship of Middle-earth was partly neglected and Melkor ruled there with violence. Manwë took council in his heart and with Iluvathar and summoned the gods and declared to them his thoughts and the gods decided to capture Melkor. The gods went to war and made Melkor captive ( Year 1100 ) and brought him to Valinor where he was doomed to serve 3 ages in the fastness of Mandos.

Related Links.: War of the Gods.

First Age.

No records.

Second Age.

No records.

Third Age.

Aiwendil was Maia of Yavannas people and he was chosen by Yavanna to leave Valinor and take the journey to Middle-earth. To please Yavanna, Aulë`s wife, Curumo had to take Aiwendil with him. Why this was so importent for her that the company send to Middle-Earth to aid in the strive against Sauron had one with a particular love of the things of her making, there are no explanations but it might be of the reason and love for the scorched earth she sought in her mind he could aid in the healing and prevent all Olvars and Kelvars to fall under Saurons dominion and will.

In that light it makes sence and then it hardly can be said that he failed in his mission even he was lured by Saruman / Curumo to capture Gandalf.

Left Aman for Middle-earth around Third age 1000.

Related Links.: Misc.: The Istari.
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Old 10-27-2002, 08:37 AM   #8
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Ilmare is handmaid to Varda and she is the guardian of the stars.

Ilmare became handnaid of Varda but she evolved into that posision. In the old stories she was the sister of Amillo and Salmar, a Vala of music, love and beauty and also named Lotossë and Akaïris. But her evolution passed from being the sister of Salmar and Amillo into another state before she became Ilmare. In Lt.1. Eriol heard of and sought out the Queen of Tol-Eressëa; Meril-i-Turingi. This person / character had derived from Erinti as she vanished out of the stories but as the Lost Tales were abandoned she once more transformed, now into the Maia Ilmare.

Valian Years ( V.Y.) 0 - 3450.

V.Y 0 - 1500. Uncounted years filled with labouring had gone by in the timeless ages before the Gods decented into the world in year 0. But Melkor contested the overlordship of Manwë and strife were in the world. Manwë summoned help and among those who heard was Tulkas and he came to the aid. Before his face Melkor fleed out into Eä.

1500 - 1900. Now the gods planned and schemed and ordered and for all the seeds Yavanna had planted Aulë made two great lamps Ormal and Illuin to lit the earth and these were set in 1900 upon Helkar and Ringil.

V.Y. 1900 - 3450. Now began the Spring of Arda, the Gods settlet at Almaren and the world came to life, threes and beasts swollened the earth but Melkor saw it from the outside of the Wall of Things and grew hot and he heard it from his spies of whom Sauron was the chiefest and among the Gods. Manwë had called for a great feast and while the Gods were afterwards resting Melkor crept over the Wall and entered Arda in the North and assailed the Lamps and overtrew them and the blossom of the earth was checked.

V.Y. 3450 - V.Y.3500 The Gods departed to Aman where Aulë deemed the plains of Valinor a good place to build their new home. A great labour now began for the Gods. In the V.Y.3500 came the two trees Silpion and Laurelin into being.

Related Links.: Battles: War of shaping Arda. Misc.: Making of the Lamps.

Now began the Valian Years of the Trees. ( V.Y.dt ) and a new reckoning of time

V.Y.t 0 - 1000 This was the Noontide of Valinor though Middle-earth was still in darkness and only Oromë and Yavanna came there at times and the stewardship of Middle-earth was partly neglected and Melkor ruled there with violence. Manwë took council in his heart and with Iluvathar and summoned the gods and declared to them his thoughts and the gods decided to capture Melkor. The gods went to war and made Melkor captive ( Year 1100 ) and brought him to Valinor where he was doomed to serve 3 ages in the fastness of Mandos.

Related Links.: War of the Gods.

First Age.

No records.

Second Age.

No records.

Third Age.

No records.

Related links.: Encyc.: of Ilmare
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Old 10-29-2002, 05:45 AM   #9
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please keep this thread open more info is on the way
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Old 10-29-2002, 07:13 AM   #10
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Annatar. (Lord of gifts)

Sauron served in the beginning Aulë but Melkor had him dragged to his side and Sauron became his prince and greatest serveant. Sauron was perverted to Melkors service from the early counting of time and he served as his spy in the Valian Year 3400 when the Valar had their abode upon Almaren.

Valian Years ( V.Y.) 0 - 3450.

V.Y 0 - 1500. Uncounted years filled with labouring had gone by in the timeless ages before the Gods decented into the world in year 0. But Melkor contested the overlordship of Manwë and strife were in the world. Manwë summoned help and among those who heard was Tulkas and he came to the aid. Before his face Melkor fleed out into Eä.

1500 - 1900. Now the gods planned and schemed and ordered and for all the seeds Yavanna had planted Aulë made two great lamps Ormal and Illuin to lit the earth and these were set in 1900 upon Helkar and Ringil.

V.Y. 1900 - 3450. Now began the Spring of Arda, the Gods settlet at Almaren and the world came to life, threes and beasts swollened the earth but Melkor saw it from the outside of the Wall of Things and grew hot and he heard it from his spies of whom Sauron was the chiefest and among the Gods. Manwë had called for a great feast and while the Gods were afterwards resting Melkor crept over the Wall and entered Arda in the North and assailed the Lamps and overtrew them and the blossom of the earth was checked. I believe that it was during these battles Sauron showed his color and openly served Melkor.

V.Y.3450 - 3500 Melkor and Sauron rules middle-Earth.

Related Links.: Battles: War of shaping Arda. Misc.: Making of the Lamps.

Now began the Valian Years of the Trees. ( V.Y.t ) and a new reckoning of time.

V.Y.t 0 - 1000 This was the Noontide of Valinor though Middle-earth was still in darkness and only Oromë and Yavanna came there at times and the stewardship of Middle-earth was partly neglected and Melkor ruled there with violence. Not far from the Western shores of Belegaer Melkor made a fortress and armoury named Angband and assigned it to Sauron. The Western Gods took council with Iluvathar and decided to capture Melkor. The War of the Gods broke out and Melkor was captured ( Year 1099 ) and brought to Valinor ( Year 1100 ) where he was doomed to serve 3 ages in the fastness of Mandos.

But Sauron was not found and he laid hid while Melkor was captured. After the Gods had returned to Aman Sauron continued the work, forging evil and spreading lies.

V.Y.t 1495 Melkor returns and delwes anew his deep dungeons in Angband where Sauron was hiding.

V.Y.t. 1497 - 1498 The first host of Elves lead by Fëanor returns. Fëanor killed by Balrogs. Maedhros captured by deceit of Melkor and hanged high upon Thangorodrim by a hellwrought steel-band.

Related Links.: Battles.: War of the Gods. Dagor-nuir-Giliath. Orcs.: Origin of Orcs.

First Age.

The First age are counted from the rising of the Sun, this happened at the very same time as Fingolfin and his host arrived in Mithrim after the crossing of the Grinding ice.

F.A.455 Sauron counqeres the island Tol-Sirion. Renamed to Tol-in-Gaurhoth.

F.A.465 - 466. Beren and Finrod comes to Tol-in-Gaurhoth, Finrod slayn but Luthien and Hùan rescues Beren and slays Sauron in disquise. Sauron returnes to Angband and the tower upon the island is destroyed by Luthien.
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Old 10-29-2002, 07:15 AM   #11
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sauron cont

Second Age.

S.A.750 moves Galadriel and Celeborn East to counter the evil who had arose in Mirkwood in the East. Sauron moves East and enters Mordor in 1200. During the next couple of hundred years Sauron shows up in friendly disguise but Cirdan and Gil-Galad refuses to treat with him and denies him any kind of dealings.

In Second age around the first millenium chooses Sauron, scared by the pover of the Númenorians, Mordor as the place to build his stronghold and he starts to build Barad-Dûr.

S.A.1200 - 1500. The smiths in Ost-in-Edhil in Eregion welcomes Sauron, who in disquise used the name Annatar, as a great teacher.

S.A.1500-1600. The making of great elven-rings are begon

In 1600 discovers Celebrimbor the treason of Sauron and in 1693 delivers Celebrimbor Narya and Vilya to Gil-Galad in Lindon and the War of Elves and Sauron begins.

S.A.1697. Celebrimbor slain by Sauron in the War between Elves and Sauron, With ruin and devastation came he with great forces and laid Eregion waste. Celebrimbor desperately withstood Sauron himself but at last he was taken, tormented and finally put to death

S.A.1699. Sauron has taken all of Eriador, is besieging Imladris and stands at the brink of Lhun where Gil-Galad and Cirdan desperately defends Lindon.

A battle was fought at Sarn Ford in the Second Age 1700 where Sauron was forced to retreat to Tharbad where he had forces standing but Admiral Ciryatur had sent part of his ships down further to the South to the old haven of Númenórë; Lond-Daer and Sauron is attacked again while he is on the run and he is routet utterly, he himself only just escaped with a small bodyguard to the plains West of the Ash.Mountains.

After his defeat in the War between Elves and Sauron in S.A.1700 he returns to Mordor and extends his pover Eastward. He is pondering upon the strength of Númenórë and looking for a glitches to sowe his evil seeds and when time seems fit he proklames himself as the greatest King ever to have been and ever to come well knowing that the King of Númenórë; Ar-Pharazon the Golden, would not let the insult pass. When Ar-Pharazon landed at Umbar Sauron humbles himself and is taken as prisoner to Númenórë. There he persuaded Ar-Pharazon to assail Aman. As the fleet of Númenórë reached the shores of Aman and thunderbolts and fire smothe the land, the Gods first were silent in sorrow and dismay but at last Manwë spoke to Iluvatar and took counsil and pover of the Lord of All and the fate and fasion of the world was changed.

After the Downfall of Númenor S.A.3319 Saurons spirit fleed and returned to Mordor in Middle-Earth 3320 and he lost forever his ability to show forth in a fair shape. After his return to Mordor he soon began to gather his minions and the Ringwraits around him and in S.A.3429 he assails the newly founded kingdom of Gondor. Sauron assailes Gondor in Second age 3429 and captures Minas Ithil and burns the White Tree but of some unknown reason the Palantiri escapes him at this time. He forces Isildur to flee but he is not able to conquor Osgiliath, beat Anarion and cross river Anduin.

Related links.: Battles.: Fall of Numenore. War of Elves and Sauron. Misc.: Shadow of Númenor.

Third Age.

Sometime between end of the Second Age and year 1000 In the Third Age of Middle-Earth, Manwë summones the Valar for a council ( maybe by advice of Eru ) to deside how to strengthen the contest against Sauron in Middle-Earth. The order of the Istari were created and the Maiar chosen. When this happened is nowhere told but the Istar or Wizards appeared in Middle-Earth around the T.A.1000 - 1100. Olòrin was specifig pointed out by Manwë and ordered to go to Middle-Earth.

2845. With Balin and Dwalin and some few others he sets out but he his ever persued by the servants of Sauron. Wolves pursued him, Orcs waylaid him, evil birds shadowed his path, and the more he tried to go North the more he was driven back.

One night South of Gladden near the eaves of Mirkwood he vanished out of their camp. Dispite a long search he is not found by his friends and finally they return to Ered Luin. The truth is that Thráin was captured and imprisoned in Dol Guldur in Mirkwood where Sauron torments and questioning him and takes the last Dwarvish Ring from him.

T.A.2941. Sauron is expelled of Dol Guldur and Mirkwood by the Council of the Wizards.
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Old 10-29-2002, 07:17 AM   #12
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Arien controls the ship of the Sun in the sky.

Of old Arien was a Maia of fire whom Melkor had not decieved or drawn to his service and she had tendered the the golden flowers of Vana, the queen of spring, with the bright dews of Laurelin because she was not afraid of the heats and was unhurt by it. Fair indeed she was to behold but too bright were her eyes for even the Eldar to look on. When she left Aman to steer the Sun she forsook the raiment and form she had worn and she was like a naked flame, terrible in the fullness of her splendour.

Valian Years ( V.Y.) 0 - 3450.

V.Y 0 - 1500. Uncounted years filled with labouring had gone by in the timeless ages before the Gods decented into the world in year 0. But Melkor contested the overlordship of Manwë and strife were in the world. Manwë summoned help and among those who heard was Tulkas and he came to the aid. Before his face Melkor fleed out into Eä.

1500 - 1900. Now the gods planned and schemed and ordered and for all the seeds Yavanna had planted Aulë made two great lamps Ormal and Illuin to lit the earth and these were set in 1900 upon Helkar and Ringil.

V.Y. 1900 - 3450. Now began the Spring of Arda, the Gods settlet at Almaren and the world came to life, threes and beasts swollened the earth but Melkor saw it from the outside of the Wall of Things and grew hot and he heard it from his spies of whom Sauron was the chiefest and among the Gods. Manwë had called for a great feast and while the Gods were afterwards resting Melkor crept over the Wall and entered Arda in the North and assailed the Lamps and overtrew them and the blossom of the earth was checked.

V.Y. 3450 - V.Y. 3500 The Gods departed to Aman where Aulë deemed the plains of Valinor a good place to build their new home. A great labour now began for the Gods. In the V.Y 3500 came the two trees Silpion and Laurelin into being.

Related Links.: Battles: War of shaping Arda. Misc.: Making of the Lamps.

Now began the Valian Years of the Trees. ( V.Y.t ) and a new reckoning of time.

V.Y.t 0 - 1000 This was the Noontide of Valinor though Middle-earth was still in darkness and only Oromë and Yavanna came there at times and the stewardship of Middle-earth was partly neglected and Melkor ruled there with violence. Manwë took council in his heart and with Iluvathar and summoned the gods and declared to them his thoughts and the gods decided to capture Melkor. The gods went to war and made Melkor captive ( Year 1100 ) and brought him to Valinor where he was doomed to serve 3 ages in the fastness of Mandos.

V.Y.t.1500. Arien entered the ship of the Sun.

Related Links.: Battles.: War of the Gods. Misc.: Creation of the Sun and Moon.

First Age.

No records.

Second Age.

No records.

Third Age.

No records.

Related links.: Encyc.: of Arien.
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Old 10-29-2002, 07:18 AM   #13
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( Writings about Curumo are only concerned about the Maia Curumo, not the wizard known to Men / Elves / Hobbits / Dwarves as Saruman.)

The name Curumo is the Quenya name where Curunir was the Sindarin form. Since Quenya was the language spoken among the Eldar in Valinor his name there would be Curumo and not Curunir, that name belongs to the Elves in Middle-Earth. See under Saruman for and explanation of that name.

Valian Years ( V.Y.) 0 - 3450.

V.Y 0 - 1500. Uncounted years filled with labouring had gone by in the timeless ages before the Gods decented into the world in year 0. But Melkor contested the overlordship of Manwë and strife were in the world. Manwë summoned help and among those who heard was Tulkas and he came to the aid. Before his face Melkor fleed out into Eä.

1500 - 1900. Now the gods planned and schemed and ordered and for all the seeds Yavanna had planted Aulë made two great lamps Ormal and Illuin to lit the earth and these were set in 1900 upon Helkar and Ringil.

V.Y. 1900 - 3450. Now began the Spring of Arda, the Gods settlet at Almaren and the world came to life, threes and beasts swollened the earth but Melkor saw it from the outside of the Wall of Things and grew hot and he heard it from his spies of whom Sauron was the chiefest and among the Gods. Manwë had called for a great feast and while the Gods were afterwards resting Melkor crept over the Wall and entered Arda in the North and assailed the Lamps and overtrew them and the blossom of the earth was checked.

V.Y.3450 - V.Y. 3500 The Gods departed to Aman where Aulë deemed the plains of Valinor a good place to build their new home. A great labour now began for the Gods. In the V.Y.3500 came the two trees Silpion and Laurelin into being.

Related Links.: Battles: War of shaping Arda. Misc.: Making of the Lamps.

Now began the Valian Years of the Trees. ( V.Y.t ) and a new reckoning of time.

V.Y.t 0 - 1000 This was the Noontide of Valinor though Middle-earth was still in darkness and only Oromë and Yavanna came there at times and the stewardship of Middle-earth was partly neglected and Melkor ruled there with violence. Manwë took council in his heart and with Iluvathar and summoned the gods and declared to them his thoughts and the gods decided to capture Melkor. The gods went to war and made Melkor captive ( Year 1100 ) and brought him to Valinor where he was doomed to serve 3 ages in the fastness of Mandos.

Related Links.: War of the Gods.

First Age.

No records.

Second Age.

No records.

Third Age.

T.A. 1000. Curumo was the name of the Maia in the Far West ( Valinor ) known as Saruman in Middle-Earth. He was one of Aulë`s people and chosen by Aulë to go as emissarie of the Valar to Middle-Earth. As a Maia of Aulë we was a Fire-Maia of the same kind as Sauron once were before he was bewildered by Melkor. Curumo was the first and the eldest of the Maia chosen to travel to Middle-Earth and as Saruman in Middle-Earth he became leader of the White Council who should work against Sauron. As the other Maia was pointed out; Alatar as the second and Olòrin as the third. Curumo might have feeled somehow scorned by Varda and Manwë since Olòrin was especially asked and ordered to go by Manwë and raised from number three to at least number two by Varda. Further more Curumo had to take Aiwendil with him to please Yavanna.

Related Links.: Misc.: The Istari.
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Old 10-29-2002, 07:22 AM   #14
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Eonwë served Manwë and nobody beat him in the use of arms. Furthermore Eonwë is the Herald of Manwë.

Valian Years ( V.Y.) 0 - 3450.

V.Y 0 - 1500. Uncounted years filled with labouring had gone by in the timeless ages before the Gods decented into the world in year 0. But Melkor contested the overlordship of Manwë and strife were in the world. Manwë summoned help and among those who heard was Tulkas and he came to the aid. Before his face Melkor fleed out into Eä.

1500 - 1900. Now the gods planned and schemed and ordered and for all the seeds Yavanna had planted Aulë made two great lamps Ormal and Illuin to lit the earth and these were set in 1900 upon Helkar and Ringil.

V.Y. 1900 - 3450. Now began the Spring of Arda, the Gods settlet at Almaren and the world came to life, threes and beasts swollened the earth but Melkor saw it from the outside of the Wall of Things and grew hot and he heard it from his spies of whom Sauron was the chiefest and among the Gods. Manwë had called for a great feast and while the Gods were afterwards resting Melkor crept over the Wall and entered Arda in the North and assailed the Lamps and overtrew them and the blossom of the earth was checked.

V.Y.3450 - V.Y. 3500 The Gods departed to Aman where Aulë deemed the plains of Valinor a good place to build their new home. A great labour now began for the Gods. In the V.Y. 3500 came the two trees Silpion and Laurelin into being.

Related Links.: Battles: War of shaping Arda. Misc.: Making of the Lamps.

Now began the Valian Years of the Trees. ( V.Y.t ) and a new reckoning of time.

V.Y.t 0 - 1000 This was the Noontide of Valinor though Middle-earth was still in darkness and only Oromë and Yavanna came there at times and the stewardship of Middle-earth was partly neglected and Melkor ruled there with violence. Manwë took council in his heart and with Iluvathar and summoned the gods and declared to them his thoughts and the gods decided to capture Melkor. The gods went to war and made Melkor captive ( Year 1100 ) and brought him to Valinor where he was doomed to serve 3 ages in the fastness of Mandos.

Related Links.: War of the Gods.

First Age.

F.A.536. Earendil and Elwing comes to Aman and Tirion and here Eonwë greets him and he is summoned to come before the Gods and deliver his errand.

F.A.536-545. The Valar took counsel together both for the doom of Earendil and Elwing and their follovers, but also for the fate of the peoples of the Great Lands. Preparations for the war in Valinor

F.A.545-550. Eonwë landed upon the shores of Middle-Earth and gathering Elves and Men and preparing for the War of Wrath; the Great Battle.

F.A.550-587. The War of Wrath where Angband was unroofed, the last two Silmarillis regained and Melkor bound once again in Angainor .

F.A.587. After the Great Battle were Angband was unroofed and the last two Silmarillis was regained from the crown of Melkor and guarded by Eonwë. Maedhros and Maglor sent a message to Eonwë to give up these jewels and surrender them but Eonwë ansvered that the right to posses the jewels had perished through their deeds and they should go to Aman and await their doom. but Maglor and Maedhros saw no hope for release and they planned how to lay hands of the Silmarillis. At night they in disguise crept to the camp and slew the guards and took the Jewels but the camp was aroused against them but Eonwë forbidded the slaying of Maglor and Maedhros and they fleed with the Silmarillis.

F.A.590. The End of First Age. Eonwë returned to Aman after the defeat of Melkor, the world was reshaped and Melkor outrusted.

Second Age.

No records.

Third Age.

No records.

Related links.: Battles.: War of Wrath. Encyc.: of Eonwe. Nornorë.
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Old 10-29-2002, 07:23 AM   #15
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Ossë served Ulmo and Ossë ruled over the vaves and the inner seas along the coasts of Middle-Earth. Ossë is married to Uinen. The House of Ossë and Uinen in Valmar would mostly be empty because Ossë would only dwell therein in Valmar when the Valar held counsil or he got tired of the noise of the waves upon his seas and shores.

Valian Years ( V.Y.) 0 - 3450.

V.Y 0 - 1500. Uncounted years filled with labouring had gone by in the timeless ages before the Gods decented into the world in year 0. But Melkor contested the overlordship of Manwë and strife were in the world. Manwë summoned help and among those who heard was Tulkas and he came to the aid. Before his face Melkor fleed out into Eä.

1500 - 1900. Now the gods planned and schemed and ordered and for all the seeds Yavanna had planted Aulë made two great lamps Ormal and Illuin to lit the earth and these were set in 1900 upon Helkar and Ringil.

V.Y. 1900 - 3450. Now began the Spring of Arda, the Gods settlet at Almaren and the world came to life, threes and beasts swollened the earth but Melkor saw it from the outside of the Wall of Things and grew hot and he heard it from his spies of whom Sauron was the chiefest and among the Gods. Manwë had called for a great feast and while the Gods were afterwards resting Melkor crept over the Wall and entered Arda in the North and assailed the Lamps and overtrew them and the blossom of the earth was checked.

V.Y. 3450 - V.Y. 3500 The Gods departed to Aman where Aulë deemed the plains of Valinor a good place to build their new home. A great labour now began for the Gods. In the V.Y.3500 came the two trees Silpion and Laurelin into being.

Related Links.: Battles: War of shaping Arda. Misc.: Making of the Lamps.

Now began the Valian Years of the Trees. ( V.Y.t ) and a new reckoning of time.

V.Y.t 0 - 1000 This was the Noontide of Valinor though Middle-earth was still in darkness and only Oromë and Yavanna came there at times and the stewardship of Middle-earth was partly neglected and Melkor ruled there with violence. Manwë took council in his heart and with Iluvathar and summoned the gods and declared to them his thoughts and the gods decided to capture Melkor. The gods went to war and made Melkor captive ( Year 1100 ) and brought him to Valinor where he was doomed to serve 3 ages in the fastness of Mandos.

V.Y.t 1125 - 1132. The trail of the Elves arrived in Beleriand, Ulmo uprooted ( most of it ) the island Isle of Balar in the Bay of Balar with the aid of his servants which includes Ossë and Uinen, moved it to the shores and the Vanyar and Noldor embarked upon it and were then drawn across Belegaer to Aman.

V.Y.t 1132 - 1149 Ossë and his spouse Oinen often came to the shores of the Outer lands and there he befriended the Teleri and learned them sea-lore and music of the sea.

V.Y.t 1149 - 1150. When Ulmo returned for the Teleri it was a grief for Ossë for he was ill-pleased that the voices of the Elves should no more be heard in his domain. But some he persuaded to remain and of these were Cirdan the Lord and his people the Falathrim-Elves

V.Y.t.1151. Yet most of the Teleri now embarked upon the ferry but as they drew near the coasts of Aman and came to the Bay of Eldamar they begged Ulmo to stay there voyage for they heard the voice of Ossë their friend calling and he granted them their wish and anchored the isle and at his bidding Ossë rooted it to the foundation of the sea and it became afterwards known as Tol-Eressea.

V.Y.t. 1161. After an age the Teleri at Tol-Eressëa began to long for the light of Aman and for seeing their Elvish friends and though Ossë did not like it he thought them the craft of ship-building and he brought them as parting gift strong-winged white swans to drag the ships and they made there home at Aqualondë.

V.Y.t.1496. Kinslaying at Aqualondë.

Related Links.: Battles.: Kinslaying of Aqualondë.

First Age.

Related links.: Battles.: War of the Gods. Encyc.: Osse.
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Old 11-02-2002, 12:55 AM   #16
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Uh.....Dragons are cool.....

"Vires decusque."
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Old 11-02-2002, 01:19 AM   #17
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Frankly, I don't see how this thread is supposed to generate discussion.
A day will come at last when I
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West of the Moon, East of the Sun.
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Old 11-02-2002, 03:51 AM   #18
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Zavron, you remind me very much of myself about three years ago. Maybe you should change your act, you don't want to end up like me, do you?
Falmon -- Dylan
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Old 11-09-2002, 05:42 PM   #19
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No offence, but you kinda sound like a walking encyclopedia about middle earth creatures. And are you OK?
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Old 11-10-2002, 01:43 AM   #20
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that was most interesting, long, but interesting. i especially liked the part where morgoth and sauron ruled me in 3500.
"........and his name is Melkor, Lord of All, Giver of Freedom, and he shall make you stronger than they."- sauron talking to ar pharazon.
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