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Old 09-06-2007, 08:37 PM   #1
Halfelven Daughter of the Dunedain, President of Entmoot
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Rules Are Meant to Be Broken

Anoura hid a yawn behind her hand as the latest petitioners for the Queen's wisdom left. Since being elected Queen, this was all Anoura had done. Settling arguments and passing judgement was not what she had in mind that a Queen would do. The Herald stepped into the audience chambers.

"Highness, a beggar insists on seeing you. He says he will not leave until you grant him audience," He wore a scowl. The Herald despised anyone not born of money.
"Send him in and wipe that scowl from your face. Now," He started and hurried off. Anoura sighed. She was going to have to speak firmly with him. The door opened to admit the beggar.

The man's clothes were indeed a bit ragged, but not from years on the streets. He had the look of a man that was hunted. Anoura knew when a man had fought when she saw it. She stood and descended from the throne dais.
"Highness?" he said before collapsing to his knees. Anoura rushed to him and knelt.
"Ryman! What have you gotten yourself into now?" Without waiting for an answer, she turned to the servants standing nearby. "Have a room made for him. Go! Now!" The servants fled in a flurry of green and gold. Anoura was joined by the General of the Armies, who had been standing in the shadows next to the throne.
"I sent for the Palace doctor. Forgive me if I have overstepped myself," he said as he crouched next to his Queen and Ryman.
"You have not," She looked into Ryman's darting eyes.
"I rode my horse to death to reach you," he said.
"And nearly run yourself to death! Where have you been? I haven't seen you in over a year!" Ryman was save from answering by the doctor's arrival. The General rose and offered his hand. Anoura took it and rose herself.
"Join us for dinner, Ryman. We have much to speak of,"
"Yes, Highness,"
"Acaly und Hektor fur Presidants fur EntMut fur life!"~ inked

Don't meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

"Don't be such a sour wolf" Stiles ~ Heart Monitor

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Old 09-12-2007, 05:15 PM   #2
Halfelven Daughter of the Dunedain, President of Entmoot
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The meal had begun by the time Ryman joined Anoura and the General.
"Forgiveness, Highness?" he asked.
"The doctor?"
"Forgiven," She motioned for him to sit. As the servants set the food and wine before him, the General caught her eye. His fingers flashed where Ryman couldn't see.
I don't trust him. Normally only the soldiers knew the Language of Signs. Anoura had surprised him when she caught him speaking of her in a derogatory way in that fashion.
Why? she signed back.
I don't know. There's something about him.
In time, Claudious. We will see in time. When the servants finally finished fussing over Ryman, Anoura dismissed them.
"We do not need word of what is said here to spread," Ryman nodded. Claudious bowed his head.
"To answer the question of where I have been. I have been spying, Highness,"
"Spying? On who? I expected you to have been with every beautiful woman within a five mile radius," Claudious smiled into his goblet. Ryman laughed.
"Not every beautiful woman," The comment brought a raised brow from Claudious. Ignoring the General, Ryman became serious again.
"Rebels gather, Highness. Your enemies want your throne. I came as fast as I could to warn you," He leaned forward. "You have never listened to my advice before, but I beg you, Highness, lead them away from your people. Let me help you," Claudious' fingers flashed, this time not caring whether Ryman saw.
No! I won't allow it!
Claudious! You are overstepping yourself!
Am I!?
Yes! I am going!
Then I will come with you. You cannot keep me from following!
Fine! But only you and Ryman.
Agreed. Ryman's head followed their hands.
"By the look on your faces, I can tell you are arguing over this. Look, it was only advice," Claudious' eyebrows rose in surprise. Anoura's hand rose.
He does not know the Language of Signs, Claudious. He reads faces, not hands. Claudious nodded.
I see.
When the meal was finished, Anoura rose. The men followed with heads inclined. At least Claudious did. Ryman followed the General's lead.
"I believe I will take a holiday," she said.
"Yes, Highness," Claudious said. "Even the Queen needs rest from her duties,"

The three left under the cover of darkness the next night. Anoura had a feeling deep within herself that this "holiday" would prove to be her biggest adventure yet.
"Acaly und Hektor fur Presidants fur EntMut fur life!"~ inked

Don't meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

"Don't be such a sour wolf" Stiles ~ Heart Monitor

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Old 09-16-2007, 05:18 PM   #3
Halfelven Daughter of the Dunedain, President of Entmoot
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Ryman was unrolling his pallet, while Claudious was unsaddling the horses. An old instinct deep within Anoura's gut suddenly surfaced. She spun around just in time to see someone pull itself back into the bushes.
"Claudious!" Claudious turned from the horses just as two men strode into their small camp. One held a sword at ready while the other held an arrow nocked. Claudious started to reach for his sword.
"I wouldn't do that," the swordsman warned. "My friend here can put an arrow through your heart before you could draw," The archer grinned. Claudious reluctantly moved his hand away. The swordsman motioned toward the edge of the camp. Anoura took a step and staggered, gasping in pain and reaching toward her ankle. Before anyone could react, drew a dagger hidden there and threw it, hitting the archer square in the chest. He fell and while the swordsman was still taken by surprise, she planted another one where no man wishes to be hit. He tumbled forward, holding himself.

Claudious' mouth hung open, his sword half drawn.
"Close your mouth before you catch a fly,"
"Remind me not to piss you off," Ryman opened his mouth to say something, but snapped it shut at a look from the Queen.
"You've done that before, unless I've judged wrong, Anoura,"
"I grew up in Greenwood," Ryman blinked. Anoura felt her cheeks become hot. By the Rules of the Queenship, a Queen was to forget who she was and where she had come from before taking the throne. Claudious only raised a brow. He knew the other name of Greenwood: Witch Wood.

Weeks passed. Claudious' suspicion of Ryman grew. And Anoura was stuck trying to keep the two men civil and away from each others throats. Until the day Ryman overstepped his boundary. Claudious had gone in search of firewood when Ryman approached Anoura.
"I have something to ask you,"
"About Claudious,"
"I trust him with my life, so don't even try to say otherwise,"
"No, not that. It's the way you look at one another. Are you sleeping with him?" Anoura's slap caused him so see stars.
"You filthy minded son of a bitch!" Ryman stepped back. "How dare you even think such a thing!" Ryman stammered, trying to apologize. "Do you truly think I would do such a thing!?" Anoura felt a hand grab her arm. She glared at Claudious.
"A deaf mouse can hear you," Anoura snorted. Claudious raised his hand.
I heard everything. If he thinks that, he is sorely mistaken. Anoura jerked away from him. Claudious looked over at Ryman and when Anoura had walked away, glared at him.
"Idiot!" he growled.
"Acaly und Hektor fur Presidants fur EntMut fur life!"~ inked

Don't meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

"Don't be such a sour wolf" Stiles ~ Heart Monitor


Last edited by Acalewia : 09-16-2007 at 05:24 PM.
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Old 09-19-2007, 04:34 PM   #4
Halfelven Daughter of the Dunedain, President of Entmoot
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"Well, well, well, Ryman," came a voice from the trees, followed by the owner. Claudious tensed upon seeing the newcomer, although Anoura wasn't sure why. The man looked familiar, but she couldn't place him.
"Who are your friends?"
"This... This is my cousin, Rachel, and...and her husband, Jasper," Claudious was still tense when Anoura touched his arm in a wife-like manner. Ryman seemed to be a bundle of nerves, something she had never seen him be. The man laughed.
"Ryman, Ryman, Ryman," he said. "What did I tell you I would do the next time you lied to me," He snapped his fingers and one his men brought out a young boy.
"Shite," Claudious whispered. Ryman's eyes widened.
"No! She truly is my cousin!"
"You lie, Ryman," He walked over to the boy, whose eyes were wild with fear.
"Papa," he whimpered.
"I know General Claudious when I see him," Anoura heard the emphasis on the title. Then realization dawned on her. Ryman had led them straight to the rebels! If Claudious had come to the same realization, he showed no sign. Anoura glared at Ryman.
"You son of a bitch," She whispered. Ryman's eyes were rimmed with tears.
"I had no choice," he whispered back.
"You brought us the Queen as asked. For that your son goes free. But," His smile sent a chill down Anoura's spine. "You lied by saying said Queen was your cousin. For that your son is freed from this world,"
"NO!" Ryman rushed forward as the man drew a knife. Anoura couldn't see what happened due to bodies being in the way, but Ryman's wail told her.
"Take them!" Claudious drew his sword in one swift movement and pushed Anoura behind him.
"Run!" He said as he blocked a blow. Anoura hesitated.
"Run!" Claudious' sword strokes cut down a few before he began to be pushed back. As Anoura watched, several swords slashed across his chest and back.
"RUN!!" Anoura fled. The last she saw of the scene was Ryman cradling his son and Claudious fall.

Despite her skirts, Anoura pulled ahead of her pursuers. Of course, she knew this woods by heart. Judging by the speed and actions of the men chasing her, they did not. As she ran, Anoura remembered where she had seen the man before. Marcus. A bandit leader that rumor said killed his own brother. For what, no one knew. Endura had kept Marcus and his men at bay for years. Had Endura failed or had Marcus been able to avoid detection? Anoura fought tears as she thought of Claudious' sacrifice.
"Acaly und Hektor fur Presidants fur EntMut fur life!"~ inked

Don't meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

"Don't be such a sour wolf" Stiles ~ Heart Monitor

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Old 09-26-2007, 06:54 PM   #5
Halfelven Daughter of the Dunedain, President of Entmoot
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After finally losing the men, Anoura leaned back on a tree to try and catch her breath.
"You are the last person I expected in Greenwood," Startled, Anoura drew the small knife at her belt.
"Didn't mean to startle you, Love," Anoura realized who the speaker was and threw her arm around her neck, grateful to see a familiar face. If she couldn't trust Zion, she couldn't trust anyone. Zion took Anoura's hand.
"Come, Love. You can't stay out her with Marcus about," Anoura nodded and followed Endura's leader to a tree. Zion looked around before waving her hand in front of the base of the tree. The base opened. The two women traveled through tunnels Anoura hadn't traveled in years. Zion suddenly stopped and listened.
"The others are expecting us," Anoura nodded. The others were Endura, the protectors of Greenwood. Zion pushed open a trapdoor that only a trained eye could see. Hands reached down to help her up. After Zion disappeared, the same hands helped Anoura. Faces she hadn't seen in over three years surrounded her. A young man not much older than her embraced her.
"It's good to see you again, Nour,"
"Lark!" Her embrace became warmer. Pushing back, she gave him a good look over. She noticed he had a few more scars than he had the last time she'd seen him. Looking around, she saw Dove sitting cross legged mending a coat she reconized. Her eyes wandered from the girl to the cot nearby that held a man with bandages wrapped around his torso.
"Claudious," she whispered. Zion and Lark exchanged glances.
"We thought you knew him," Zion said.
"It's because of him Zion went out to look for you. Your name was on his lips," Anoura knelt next to the cot, thankful Claudious was alive.
"Where did you find him?"
"Actually," Zion said. "He found us. The lad walked a good mile before finding Lark and I. With the wounds he bore, I'm surprised he made it that far," Lark took up the story.
"The first thing out of his mouth was 'I need to find Anoura'. Zion realized he meant you quicker than I, Nour," Lark blushed slightly. Anoura knew he had forgotten her whole name. "She immediately went out to find you," Zion held out her hand.
"Come. He rests and you need to, too," Dove looked up from her mending as Anoura rose. She noticed she had the braid behind her right ear that all Endurans wore. She had been inducted in the years since Anoura left. Zion showed her to a small room.
"Rest. I'll wake you when Claudious awakens, Child," Anoura fell asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow.
"Acaly und Hektor fur Presidants fur EntMut fur life!"~ inked

Don't meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

"Don't be such a sour wolf" Stiles ~ Heart Monitor

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Old 09-30-2007, 09:21 PM   #6
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Weeks passed while Claudious slept. During this time, Anoura's braid reappeared to Zion's approval. Lark only grinned when he saw it. His own braid was longer than the rest of his hair. Dove wasn't sure what to make of it.
One morning, Zion met Anoura at her door.
"I have something to show you," Puzzled, Anoura followed her to a study. Book upon book lined the walls. Each book either had a date or a Queen's name on it. She could guess whose name was on the book that lay open on the writing table.
"The Records," Anoura said. Zion nodded.
"Yes, Anoura. Our family has been the Keepers of the Records for as long as records have been kept," Zion opened a drawer in the table that held the book and took out a box.
"This was brought into Greenwood by your great- great grandmother, AnnaKara," Zion held up a pendent of Jade. The Endura Pendent. Anoura's eyes were wide.
"The AnnaKara!" Then she reconized the pendent. "Mother always wore that,"
"Yes. The Pendent is passed from mother to eldest daughter. Your mother was the eldest daughter. You are the eldest daughter," Anoura's mouth worked, but nothing came out as Zion placed the pendent on her.
"AnnaKara is my great-great grandmother," she finally squeaked. Zion laughed.
"Yes, Child. AnnaKara established established Endura to protect not only Greenwood, but also the whole of the Kingdom. Because AnnaKara had a ... gift..., she was forced to take refuge here,"
"The Gift runs in the family?"
"Yes, it does,"
"I've seen you use it so many time against Marcus and his bandits,"
"In time, it will surface in you. You know, most of Endura has the gift, your sister among them,"
"Yes," A knock on the the door was followed by Lark.
"Uh, Nour, you might want to come out here now. Claudious is waking up and I have a feeling he's not a morning person," In other words, Claudious wasn't going to know where he was and Lark had a feeling her would cause a slight problem. If slight could describe Claudious.
When Anoura, Zion and Lark made it to the main room, Claudious was sitting upright on the cot, the look of a man feeling threatened on his face.
"Claudious," Anoura said softly. He turned and the threatened look vanished.
"Anoura?" his voice was barely auditable. She put a hand on his bare chest. He was a mass of packed and hard muscle, and he was relaxed.
"We're in a safe haven, she gently pushed him back onto the cot. "You need to regain your strength," He gave her a puzzled look. Anoura knew he noticed her braid. "I'll explian later," he squeezed her hand before closing his eyes again. She gave a sigh of relief and after a moment slid her hand out from under his.
"That was handled nicely, Nour. Thank goodness you were here,"
"He would have causes a big problem had I not," Zion placed a hand on her shoulder.
"That was the second thing I needed to speak to you about," She jerked her head in the direction they had come from. This time Lark joined them.
"Acaly und Hektor fur Presidants fur EntMut fur life!"~ inked

Don't meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

"Don't be such a sour wolf" Stiles ~ Heart Monitor

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Old 10-07-2007, 06:15 PM   #7
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After the door closed, Anoura realized Lark held Claudious' sword and belt.
"Is this about Claudious?"
"'Tis. I confess we nearly killed him when we found him. At first we thought he was Marcus,"
"His asking for you is what saved him," Lark said. He drew the sword. "And this," He showed Anoura the Sword and Crown engraved in the blade. "We knew this was the sigil of the General of the Armies, but this," he turned the blade over to show her the hawk with a collar of stars. "Is what made us suspious,"
"That' Claudious' personal sigil," Lark sheathed the sword.
"It is also Marcus'," he said, handing the sword and belt to Anoura.
"What do you know about your General?" Anger boiled up inside her.
"Claudious nearly died for me! Do you think he would have done that had he been in league witht hat bloody bandit!" Lark opened his mouth. Anoura cut him off. "Don't even dare to say he can't be trusted. A man that will selflessly give his life for another can and will be trusted!" With that, Anoura stormed from the room, knuckles white from gripping the sword. In the safety of her room, she let the tears of rage go. No matter how much she hated it, Lark was right. She knew nothing about Claudious. Or his past.
"Acaly und Hektor fur Presidants fur EntMut fur life!"~ inked

Don't meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

"Don't be such a sour wolf" Stiles ~ Heart Monitor

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Old 10-16-2007, 12:12 PM   #8
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It was another week and a half before most of Claudious' strength returned. It would have been longer had he not been stubborn. Zion sent him to Anoura.

"I saw you fall," she said as soon as the door was closed. "I thought they had killed you," She looked up at him, trying not to look at his bandaged torso. She motioned for him to sit.
"So did I," Claudious said, complying and sitting across from her at the small table. "Zion said you needed to speak to me,"
"Yes, I want to know what happened after I ran,"
"They were more interested in you. Marcus left me for dead and went out in search of you. Ryman begged forgiveness. I confess I can't remember if I did or not,"
"Go on,"
"After a few moments, I went out myself looking for you when I came across Lark and Zion. I don't remember much after that,"
"Claudious, you walked a mile before finding them," Claudious' eyebrows rose.
"You're kidding!"
"No, and we've been here for weeks," Claudious ran a hand through his dark blond hair and leaned back.
"I've been out that long?"
"Zion tells me she and Lark nearly killed you. The sigil of the General of the Armies and your asking for me is what stilled their hand,"
"I gave them no call! I did not threaten them,"
"No, but," Anoura bit her lip.
"They thought you were Marcus," He gave a sigh and leaned back.
"What would make them think that?"
"Well, you looked like him in their eyes and you and Marcus have the same sigil," Anoura laid his sword across the table. Claudious stood.
"They took my sword because I have a resemblance to Marcus? I have never done anything to make Endura suspicious!" Anoura went numb. She, nor anyone else, had uttered the name. She rose and backed away, a hand on one of her belt knives.
"Who are you?" she asked, a dangerous tone to her voice. "No one has mentioned Endura," Claudious seemed to realize his slip. He sighed.
"You are not the only one to have grown up in Greenwood. It has been years since I last set foot here. Marcus threatened my life. I fled. Later, I was risen to General about five years before you became Queen. If that causes suspicion, I don't know what I can do to re-earn Zion's trust," He stopped and turned from her. Anoura's breath caught. On his left shoulder was tattooed the hawk. But what caught her breath was the falcon with a crown perched on a panther on his right. The sigil of Marcus' bandits.
"Acaly und Hektor fur Presidants fur EntMut fur life!"~ inked

Don't meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

"Don't be such a sour wolf" Stiles ~ Heart Monitor


Last edited by Acalewia : 10-16-2007 at 12:30 PM.
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Old 10-17-2007, 05:25 PM   #9
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"Are you loyal to Marcus?" Claudious spun around, then touched his shoulder.
"I haven't been loyal to Marcus in over fifteen years," he said slowly and a bit reluctintly. "My loyalty for five years was to Endura. Still is, you could say," A burning curiousasty took over Anoura.
"Did Marcus really kill his brother?" She had to know. Claudious paused before answering.
"For ten years, Marcus woud have said yes. His brother, no,"
"How do you know his brother is alive? Have you seen him?"
"I have. He was betrayed by someone close to him. In a fury, Marcus attacked him and left him for dead. An Enduran, I believe her name was Sparrow, nursed him back to health. What?" Anoura's eyes had widened and her jaw dropped.
"Sparrow!?" she squeaked. "She was my mother!"
"Was? She no longer lives?" Anoura shook her head.
"She died seven years ago. She fell ill and by the time we caught it, it was too late to do anything,"
"I'm sorry. She was a brave woman,"
"Sparrow nursed him to health? What happened then?"
"She told him Marcus was bragging about killing him and suggested he keep low. He never saw her again after he decided to leave Greenwood. Sparrow was the only one that knew Marcus didn't kill his brother,"
"Where is he now?"
"Keeping a low profile. Not drawing attention,"
"Hmmm. Now four people know," She smiled at the question in his eyes. "Sparrow, you, me and Marcus' brother," Claudious nodded.
"Lark wanted to speak with me, if you will excuse me?" Anoura nodded. He turned to leave.
"Thank you, Claudious. For what you did,"
"You're my Queen. I would die before I let Marcus have you," She smiled at his back as he walked out.

Once the door was closed, Claudious leaned back on it. His hand went to his stomach, where his wounds were the worst. Pain still invaded his side. He pushed off the door with a small grunt. Before he went to find Lark, he was going to have to put on a shirt. He had forgotten about the Falcon and Panther and didn't think the other Endurans would be as understanding about it as Anoura.
"Acaly und Hektor fur Presidants fur EntMut fur life!"~ inked

Don't meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

"Don't be such a sour wolf" Stiles ~ Heart Monitor

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Old 10-21-2007, 07:04 PM   #10
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"Smart choice, Claudious," Lark said with a smile as he joined him and Zion.
"I sent Dove to get Anoura, Lad," Zion said. "Lark says he has something he wanted the four of us to hear," A moment later, Anoura joined them. Claudious couldn't help but notice the small knowing grin on Dove's face as she left. That could have meant anything.
"Before we start, I'm going to tell you, Claudious, I know you know about the gifts most Endurans have. In fact, I know you know what Endura is," Zion said. "I remembered where I had seen you before and I apologize if I suspected anything about your sigil," Claudious inclined his head.
"There is no need. I would have been suspicious myself," Zion smiled then motioned to Lark.
"I had a dream two nights ago," Lark began. When Lark Dreamed, everyone listened. "Two hawks were fighting while a falcon atop a panther and a being with a braid watched. It took me that long to realize what the Dream meant: something is going to happen in Greenwood. And Endura and Marcus' Bandits will be involved," Claudious furrowed his brow.
"Two hawks? Marcus' sigil is a Hawk," Zion said.
"So is mine. You don't think I have brought Marcus down upon you?"
"I doubt it, Lad. You wear a hawk on your shoulder, but you also bear the sigil of a people you haven't been loyal to in over fifteen years," At that moment, Claudious knew Zion knew everything. She turned back to Lark.
"This is just the thing we have been waiting for. We will finally bring down Marcus. Somehow,"
"We just need to find a way to do it," Zion nodded her agreement.
"Claudious, you know the Bandits ways. Is there anyway you can get on the inside again," Claudious shook his head.
"Not without Marcus recognizing me," They hadn't heard the door open and didn't realize anyone else was in the room until they heard the shout.
"You let a bloody Bandit in here!" The man drew a knife and darted toward Claudious.
"NO!" Anoura threw her hand out. The Enduran man seemed to hit an invisible wall and bounced back, dazed, losing his balance and falling flat on his back. The only one who didn't seem shocked was Anoura, who had a dangerous look on her face. Mirth showed in Dove's eyes although her hands were clasped over her mouth.
"What did you just do?" Zion asked in a tone that meant one was in trouble. Claudious reached his hand out.
"She just prevented a knife to my ribs," Anoura dropped her hand, her cheeks slightly coloring. Lark brightened.
"She's shown her Gift!" He clasped her hand. "How long have you known, Cousin!?" Dove and Zion made a small circle around her, asking questions.

Anoura could barely answer the excited questions from her sister, cousin and Zion. She didn't think the Gift of Protection would cause this much excitement. Until Zion told her she was the first since AnnaKara to have it. Anoura glanced over at Claudious, who was leaning against the wall with a hand on his side. Obviously, he didn't think anyone was watching. For some reason, he didn't seem to want her to know he was still in pain. Claudious noticed her watching and quickly dropped his hand. He then pushed off the wall and stiffened as an Enduran woman walked in. She seemed to ignore him as she walked by him, hiking her pale green skirt as she knelt next to the stunned man, brushing her black hair over her shoulder. Echo placed a hand on his forehead. The man started and scrambled to his feet.
"I'd like to see you try that shite again," she said with an amused grin. Zion crossed her arms.
"I will speak with you later, Soldier," He nodded and fled. Then she turned to Echo. "And I have told you to watch your tongue. You spend too much time among the men," Echo rose, lips tight.
"If I didn't, they wouldn't let me Heal them," She flung her arm toward Claudious. "Like that one!" Had he been a wolf, his teeth would have been bare.
"His choice, Lass. Let him be and go about your own business,"Echo gripped her skirts, then turned and left without another word. Only then did Claudious relax. Anoura glanced at Zion, who had her head together with Lark. Dove was nowhere to be seen.
Meet me in my room. Claudious nodded. Anoura turned and saw Lark watching, a small smile on his face. She frowned at him at the same moment Zion tapped his face.
"Pay attention, Lad," Anoura joined them.

Claudious slipped out of the room, keeping an eye out for the man. Echo stepped into his path.
"I guarantee you will not leave Greenwood alive this time," she said in a low voice.
"We'll see," he growled back. She scoffed and went back in the direction she came.
"Acaly und Hektor fur Presidants fur EntMut fur life!"~ inked

Don't meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

"Don't be such a sour wolf" Stiles ~ Heart Monitor

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Old 10-21-2007, 07:53 PM   #11
Halfelven Daughter of the Dunedain, President of Entmoot
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When Anoura made it back to her room, she found Claudious deep in thought.
"You don't trust her," Claudious looked up and his hand immedatly rose.
There is a traitor in your midsts. Anoura frowned.
How do you know?
She betrayed him. She blinked. She didn't have to ask who.
Are you sure?
I'm sure. Trust me, I'm sure
Do you have proof?. He shook his head.
Just my word against her's. Who do you think they'll believe: a former bandit or a twenty year Enduran?
You have a point.
Let's leave it at that. Until we can gather more proof. Anoura nodded. They were treading dangerous ground. Although she was quite curious at how Claudious could be so sure Echo was a traitor and that she had betrayed Marcus' brother. Curious, but there would be no need to try to press him. Claudious was like a rock. He would take a secret to his grave, if need be.
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Old 10-22-2007, 08:12 PM   #12
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It took weeks before they perfected a plan to stop Marcus and his Bandits for good, with the help of Claudious' knowledge of the inside. The meeting were held in the Language of Signs, in case Marcus had any spies in Endura.

About the same time, Anoura started avoiding Claudious. Until the afternoon he caught her in Zion's study. She saw him, stiffened and then tried to leave. Claudious blocked her exit.
"Get out of the way, Claudious!" He shut the door.
"Not until you tell me what is going on with you," Anour glared at him for a few moments.
"Why didn't you tell me you were Marcus' bloody brother!?" Claudious' eyebrows rose. How did she find out?
"The same reason you didn't tell me you were Zion's bloody niece!"
"Who told you that!?"
"Who told you!?" They stood inches from each other, glaring in silence. It was Anoura that broke the silence.
"Why don't you just kiss me and get it over with?"
"Gladly," He took her into his arms and they kissed passonatly. It would have gone farther had not someone suddenly cleared their throat. They pushed away; Claudious looking embarrassed, Anoura's cheeks coloring. Lark and Dove stood in the doorway. Dove was trying, and failing, to hide a smile. Lark had a stright face, but his eyes gave way his amusment.
"'Bout time you two did something," he said. This time it was Claudious' cheeks that colored, while Anoura's turned crimson. Lark and Dove burst into laughter. After a few minutes, Anoura and Claudious joined them.
"Before I laugh myself to death," Lark wheezed. "Zion wants the two of you," Dove wiped away tears.
To discuss the finishing touches to the plan, she signed.
As they turned to leave, a question surfaced in Anoura.
"How long were you two standing there?"
"If you two weren't too busy glaring at each other you would have noticed us tanding there,"
"Lark!" The laughter renewed itself.

Lark was still chuckling when they joined Zion.
We need to discuss formations, she signed as soon as the door shut. How would pairs work?
Everone here can fight, but I've noticed the women are stronger with their Gifts. A man with sword or bow skill and a woman with a strong gift. The perfect fighting pair. Zion pressed a finger to her lips.
It could work. I will pair those with a gift with those without one. Lark, you'll be with me since you don't have a physcal Gift. Claudious, since you don't have a Gift that we know of, I'll pair you with Anoura. Dove, you'll be with Cricket. I'll pair the others as I see fit. Anything else we need to discuss?
Yes, I ask that no hand but mine take Marcus.
You are not the only one Marcus has tried to kill.
No, but I am the only one that is his blood brother. Dove's eyes widened. Zion nodded.
Vety well. We will use the excuse of his threatening Anoura.
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Old 10-23-2007, 05:48 PM   #13
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The first pair to be sent out was Echo and Stone.
"She'll find a way to betray us to Marcus," Zion said flatly. Lark looked shocked. Anoura and Claudious just stared at her. Zion smiled.
"Not only am I telekintic," she said. "I am also telepathic,"
"You've known all this time Echo was a traitor?"
"She has never been loyal to Endura, Claudious. When you wanted out, you came to us. Echo is the daughter of a Bandit, so of course her loyalty would be with Marcus. She must have loved you some to have waited so long before betraying you," Claudious shook his head in disbelief. Zion knew all this time.
"Now, let's put our other plan in effect,"

Claudious and Anoura were the last to emerge from the tree, just behind Zion and Lark. The rest, with the exception of the ones ordered to stay behind, were hiding among the trees.
"Dove, give us cover,"
"Right," Almost immediately, a mist covered the wood. The Gift of Mists.
"Let's go. Spread out and stay within eye shot,"

It didn't take long for the Endurans to find Marcus and his Bandits. Of course, their curses helped some.
Ready yourselves! Swords were drawn and arrows were nocked.
Release arrows! Arrows flew, almost all hitting their targets. The Bandits fired back, arrows bouncing off an invisible wall.
"Those bloody witches are attacking us!" Marcus bellowed. He whirled on the woman behind him. "You said they would meet in the Glen!"
"That's what they bloody said! It's not my bloody fault they bloody changed it at the last bloody minute!" Echo screamed back. At a sign from Zion, Dove lifted the mist. Then all hell broke loose.
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Old 10-26-2007, 06:20 PM   #14
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Marcus was the first to recover and charged forward. Claudious met him with a fury and strength Anoura had never seen in him. She didn't watch long because she caught sight of Echo running toward Lark with an unsheathed dagger. Anoura tackled her, causing both of them to lose the daggers they were holding. Echo gave a cry of surprise before drawing a second dagger, but Anoura's second was at her throat. The traitor started to laugh as if the whole thing was funny.
"What are you laughing at?"
"What is the point of all this," She jerked her head toward the brothers. "Your lover will die before this fight is over!"
"Not before he kills yours!" Echo kicked Anoura off her and, as soon as she was on her feet, lunged. Anoura stepped aside and turned, causing Echo to miss by a good foot. She scoffed. As Echo turned, Anoura threw and planted the dagger in her thigh. Echo threw her dagger as she stumbled, but Anoura caught it in mid-air.
"It's a pity your loyalty was to Marcus," Anoura said, her voice taking on a very dangerous tone. "Your Gift would have helped us," Anoura then plunged Echo's dagger into the traitor's heart.

Claudious jumped back from Marcus' swing.
"How many times do I have to kill you!?"
"Until I get smart enough to kill you," Intent on their own fight, Marcus and Claudious didn't notice the fighting around them had dwindled off and all eyes were on them. In his years as a soldier, Claudious' skill had improved on what his older brother had taught him. But Marcus had developed a few tricks of his own. Marcus brought his sword down and, as Claudious went to block, switched directions and slashed the General's sword arm. Claudious backed away, clutching his arm and glaring at Marcus. He dropped his bloodstained hand. They circled each other for a few moments before attacking again. In one swift movement, Marcus knocked Claudious on his back and would have dealt him a death blow had not Claudious' sword point been at the bottom of his throat. The tip of Marcus' blade rested on Claudious' chest.
"Kill me now, you kill yourself," Claudious stated, as calmly as if he were talking about the weather and not his life.
"I guess we'll stay this was until one of us gives up,"
"That would be fair," Claudious grinned. "But I have never played fair," He brought his foot up and kicked Marcus in the groin.
"Son of a bitch!" Marcus staggered back. Claudious staggered to his feet and then tackled Marcus. The two disappeared into the trees.
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Old 11-08-2007, 06:59 PM   #15
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Anoura raced into the trees before anyone could move. Marcus' bandits then started to scatter. The Endurans not giving them a second glance or thought. Zion said nothing as she disappeared. She could hear the brother's shouts and swords clashing. One cried out in pain and then nothing. When Anoura reached a small clearing, she saw Claudious leaning against a tree, breathing heavily, and Marcus sprawled on the ground. Blood covered Claudious' sword and Marcus' abdomen
"Claudious," she said softly. He glanced at her and smiled a sad smile.
"It's finished," They embraced.
Suddenly, he swore and swung Anoura around. Her eyes widened. Marcus was standing there holding a bow and an arrow was protruding from Claudious' right shoulder. His face showed the pain. As he fell, Anoura's knives flew. Marcus dodged both. But what he wasn't expecting was she had more than two. The third hit him square in the chest while Claudious' sword went through his heart. Marcus blinked. A few minutes later, he fell.
"Is he dead this time?"
"He should be," Claudious dropped to his knees next to his brother and placed a hand on his still chest. He bowed his head before answering. "He's dead," he reached up and closed Marcus' eyes. Anoura placed her hands on his shoulders. She looked down at the arrow.
"Hold still," She grabbed the arrow and pulled. Claudious shouted a curse as the arrow came out. She was sure all of Greenwood heard it.
"No you're not," Claudious took one last look at his brother before rising. He tried to move his shoulder, but pain shot through his arm, shoulder and neck.
"Come on," Suddenly, he laughed. "I'll have to get used to calling you "Highness" again. Anoura frowned. She had forgotten about that.
"But not right now. Let's get you to Zion,"
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Old 11-11-2007, 08:46 PM   #16
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Endura spent the rest of the day and most of the night tending the wounded and gathering the dead. A few tears were shed for Echo. She and Marcus were laid next to each other. As Anoura moved about the wounded, she found the last person she expected to see. Ryman lay with bandages around his head and chest. Once he realized who it was, he grabbed her arm.
"I ... couldn't ... let him ... get ... with it," he said, breathlessly.
"Shh. Don't speak,"
"I tried ... to ... get to ... him. Claudious ... did what ... I wanted ... to ... do," He licked his lips. "Let ... me ... die ... knowing ... I ... am ... forgiven. Please ... forgive ... me ... for ... what I ... did," His breathing was labored. Blood appeared at the corner of his mouth. "Please ... forgive ... me," Anoura took Ryman's hand.
"You betrayed me to save your son,"
"And a good friend's betrayal hurts the most,"
"Forgiveness," Ryman reached up and placed a hand on her cheek.
"I ... can die ... in ... peace ... now," his eyes closed. "I ... always ... loved ... you ... as ... my ... sister. You ... will be ... the ... greatest ... Queen ... we ... have ever ... known," His hand dropped and he went limp. Anoura placed a hand on his chest. Nothing. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she covered Ryman's face. She rose and went to find Claudious.

She found Claudious with the dead. He was on his knees with a boy of about seventeen cradled with his good arm. Tears streamed down his face. The boy was a spitting image of Claudious.
"Why did she let him fight?" he sobbed when Anoura knelt next to him. "Why did she bloody let him fight!?" Anoura heard grief and rage in his voice. The grief and rage of a father. Tears rimmed her own eyes.
"I'm sorry," she whispered. "If I had known --," Claudious shook his head.
"There was no way you could have known," He gently laid his son down and covered his face. "Echo should never have let him fight," Anoura wrapped her arms around him as his sobs renewed. She never thought she would be the one to comfort him. Of course, she never thought Claudious would grieve for a son she never knew he had. It then became clear why Echo had waited so long before betraying Claudious.
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Old 11-14-2007, 06:32 PM   #17
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A large bonfire burned in the Glen. The Endurans celebrated their victory with food, drink and dance. Claudious watched, his right arm in a sling. Laughter filled the air. Lark danced with a couple of the women and seemed to be enjoying himself a bit too much. Dove obviously already had too much drink and was stumbling about. Cricket had to make her sit. Zion had just sat, having danced since the celebration started. Anoura sat down next to him, laughing and breathless. He was dreading the return to the Palace. Here, Anoura was happy. There, she wasn't, making him wonder why she chose to accept the Queenship.
"What are you thinking about?" she asked, her face flushed from dancing.
"Nothing," He smiled. Another song started up. Anoura climbed to her feet, pulling Claudious up with her.
"Come on! Dance with me!" Claudious started to half-heartily protest. He was not used to using his left hand, so it was a bit awkward. Before long, they both were laughing as they danced. Claudious wanted the night to last forever.

Anoura and Zion embraced.
"Make us proud, Love," she said. Lark grabbed Claudious' elbow and leaned close.
"Watch over her, General," He whispered. "Keep her safe,"
"I promise," Lark smiled and stepped back.
"And you be careful yourself. I don't want to come to your funeral, brother, and hear you used yourself as a shield," Claudious smiled and put a hand on Lark's shoulder.
"I'll keep that in mind,"

A Few Days Later

Claudious adjusted his sling as he sat next to the fire across from his Queen.
"You never did answer my question," The General looked across the fire at Anoura, quite puzzled.
"What question?"
"Who told you?" Claudious' eyes questioned her. Then he remembered. Who had told him she was Zion's niece?
"Lark," He took a drink from the cup he was holding. "He had called you 'cousin' the day the Enduran soldier tried to knife me. I asked later if his mother was Sparrow's sister. He gave me a look as if I should have known that and said that Zion was Sparrow's sister," Anoura shook her head. "I should have known. That little trickster,"
"While we're on the subject...,"
"I put two and two together,"
"That day Marcus attacked us, you stiffened before we even saw him. You looked like Marcus, you had the same sigil, you were a Bandit and that story about knowing Marcus' brother didn't really add up,"
"How? I thought it was a good story," She smiled, seeing the joke.
"For someone who was attacked by Marcus before he 'killed' his brother, you seemed to know a lot about the brother,"
"Hmm, true,"
"Lark and Zion confirmed my guess,"
"It seems Lark had a hand in both revelations," Anoura smiled.
"Yes, it seems he did,"
"Acaly und Hektor fur Presidants fur EntMut fur life!"~ inked

Don't meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

"Don't be such a sour wolf" Stiles ~ Heart Monitor

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Old 11-18-2007, 07:12 PM   #18
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"Welcome home, Highness," Anoura's advisor bowed. "We have much to speak of," Then he saw Claudious' arm. "General! What happened to you? Are you --" Claudious held up his hand.
"Cool it, Tobias. I injured my shoulder when my horse spooked and threw me off," Of course, a good look at the back of the shoulder, on the panther's backside, would show a star shaped scar. The advisor nodded, accepting the lie.
"This way, Highness, General," Tobias led them to the Council Room. When they entered, a young woman with long black hair stood and curtsied. There was something oddly familiar about her
"The throne I held, I now return to the rightful Queen," she said, her brown eyes lowered.
"You have the thanks of the rightful Queen," The woman rose from her curtsy and left. Tobias unfurled a map and weighed it down with ink pots.
"There's been word of a disturbance in Witchwood," Anoura cleared her throat. "Sorry. Greenwood," He pointed to the area on the map. "I may have overstepped myself by sending a small squad there," Claudious shook his head.
"We heard the same. But we also heard the people there are controlling it," Tobias looked up at Claudious, a strange look in his eye. He looked as if he were about to say something. but abanadoned the idea.
"What else do we need to know?"

After leaving the Council Room, the young black haired woman made he way down the hall. Moments later, a hand grabbed her. She gave a startled yelp and was pulled into the shadows. A hand clapped over her mouth.
"Shh," A young blond haired man whispered. "It's me," She hit his chest.
"You idiot!" she whispered fiercely.
"She's back. The General has an injured shoulder or arm, I couldn't tell which,"
"He'll be easy to take then,"
"I doubt it. One doesn't become General by being easily cowed," a servant passed by. She waited until he was outside of earshot before continuing. "Have you been able to bribe La'Rynn?"
"No. He's steadfast and loyal to the Queen. We'll either have to kill him or make him disappear,"
"Like you will the General?"
"Take her General, use him to get the throne," The young woman gave him a puzzled look.
"How is capturing the General going to get the throne from the Queen, Narim?"
He chuckled.
"Easy, Marlina. In order for him to go free, she'll have to give up the throne. She won't fight it. You can trust me on that,"
"Good," Marlina placed a hand on his cheek and left.

Claudious sat at the table in his quarters reading reports. His shirt hung open, revealing the scars on his chest and stomach. He came across a note with no seal. Claudious heaved a sigh when he read it.

Keep your eyes and ears open. Those among you connive to oust you. Names cannot be said due to the fact this letter could be seen by eyes other than yours

It was unsigned, but he reconized La'Rynn's handwriting. Claudious read it twice before burning it. This had Marcus written all over it.
Your enemies want your throne
You brought us the Queen as asked
Those among you connive to oust you
"Son of a bitch," Claudious muttered. Marcus had planned this long before his death. But who did he want on the throne? Had he known Claudious was alive long before the return to Greenwood? He heard someone creep into the room. He glanced at his sword on the other side of the room. Too far. Kicking the chair back, Claudious spun around blocked the blow from a club aimed at the back of his head. The man was masked, preventing Claudious from recognizing him. He laughed.
"How well can you fight with one arm, General?" Claudious knew that voice, but couldn't place it. He never saw the second man until he had knocked Claudious unconscious.
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"Don't be such a sour wolf" Stiles ~ Heart Monitor

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Old 11-28-2007, 07:45 PM   #19
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Worry creased Tobias' face as he joined Anoura in the Council Room.
"What is it?"
"Claudious and La'Rynn are missing," She felt as if she had swallowed a clod rock.
"Missing!?" Her face betrayed her shock. He nodded.
"Sometime in the night. There was no sign of La'Rynn, but there were signs of a scuffle in Claudious' quarters. He had to have been taken by force because he would never leave this," He held out Claudious' sword. Anoura frowned. Why target Claudious? She took the sword from Tobias as a nearby servant stiffened.
"They will use him to get to you," she said. Tobias gaped. Anoura turned to the servant, whose face had turned crimson. She wasn't much older than eighteen. She wore the green and gold livery. Her red hair was gathered at the neck, a braid hanging behind her right ear. Anoura turned to her advisor.
"Nothing leaves this room on pain of death," He nodded, having regained composior. She turned back to the girl.
"What is your name?"
"Leah," she said. Then she breathed, "Zion is gonna kill me,"
"No, she won't," Anoura deliberately touched the Pendent. Leah nodded and relaxed. She knew the Endura Pendent.
"What else have you seen?" Leah had Foresight, a Gift even rarer than Protection.
"I've seen the General's death thrice. Twice before you left by his brother's hand and once since your return,"
"By who?"
"I know not. But I do know they are within these walls,"
"Go on,"
"You give up the throne to save him, he will die. You refuse to give up the throne, he'll die,"
"Damned if I do. Damned if I don't," Leah nodded. There was a knock on the door. Tobias opened it on a signal from his Queen and the Herald entered.
"Highness," he said, bowing. "An audience has been requested," Anoura nodded and followed the Herald to the Throne Room, followed by Tobias and Leah. The man didn't wait to be announced before he strode into the room.
"I bear a message for Her Highness, the Queen Anoura," he said with an air of arrogance. "My Master, Know to me as Asa, sends this message: If you value the life of the General of the Armies Claudious, you will abdicate your throne. If you refuse, both the General and his Second-in-Command, Captain La'Rynn will die. I await your decision," The murmurs of the servants and the members of her Court filled the room. The Herald was white-faced. Anoura was tight-lipped.
You give up the throne to save him, he will die.
Tobias leaned in to Anoura's ear.
"Either decision will sign their death warrants,"
"I know," she whispered bitterly. "God, I know that," She stood and made the hardest decision she had ever made.
"You tell 'Asa' it'll take more than threatening my General and his Second with death to make me give up the throne,"
"As you wish, Highness," With that, he turned on his heel and strode from the room.
"No more audiences," Anoura said and all but ran from the room. She didn't stop until she was in her own room with the door shut and locked. Only then did the tears that had been forming flowed down her cheeks. She slid down the door.
"Oh, God, what have I done?" She felt her heart break into shards as she wept.
"Acaly und Hektor fur Presidants fur EntMut fur life!"~ inked

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Old 12-06-2007, 08:34 PM   #20
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Be strong, my daughter. And remember this: you can sit and let Fate take you and do as she pleases or you can do something about it. You may not be able to change your destiny, but you can always change your fate

Anoura clutched the Endura Pendent. Why hadn't she thought of that before? Every Gift was in that jade stone. It only worked for those that believed in it's power. Closing her eyes, she concentrated on finding Claudious. A few minutes after clearing her mind, she saw him. He was in a room of stone sitting on the floor. He was rubbing and working his sore shoulder. La'Rynn lay unconscious nearby. Then the vision faded. Anoura opened her eyes and smiled.

Tobias stared at Anoura with an open mouth.
"You cannot be serious," he said.
"Does it look like she's joking?" Leah countered.
"The Queen has never --"
"The Queen has never had someone try to take the throne!" Anoura snapped. "They will not stop at taking the lives of Claudious and La'Rynn! They will try to take the throne by force and will not stop until they take my life as well! The advisor continued to gape while Leah nodded her approval. "Do you really think I would sit around and do nothing about it? Or do you think I am that dense?" He shook his head vigorously.
"No,no,no,no! I - I would never think that of you! Never!" Leah hid a smile behind her hand. Anoura could tell she was trying not to laugh.
The door swung open and a young soldier all but ran in. He bowed.
"Highness, the gates are being stormed! You need to get to safety!"
"We stand, I with you,"
"But, Highness. The Rules --"
"Screw the bloody Rules! I stand with you. I am no stranger to battle, Soldier. Gather a handful of men and bring them to the Throne Room. Bar the door once you get there. We will hold them there," The soldier couldn't decide which was more surprising: Anoura insisting to stand against the intruders or her language. But seeing that she wouldn't back down, he bowed.
"As you command, General Queen," He turned and ran out.
"You know where to go, my advisor," Tobias started.
"You're going through with this? Then I stand by your side," Anoura turned. Leah was already gone.
"Have you ever held a sword, let alone used one?"
"Well, no, but--" Anoura held her hand up.
"Go! By my order, go!"
"I cannot disobey my Queen," he said, sullenly. He turned and left her without so much as a backwards glance.

As Anoura strode through the hall toward the Throne Room, her fingers swiftly braided a strand of her hair behind her right ear.

In the Throne Room, Leah was stringing a bow. A quiver bristling with arrows was slung on her back. Leah looked up when she entered and smiled.
"Are you my Queen or my Enduran sister?"
"A little bit of both at the moment, Sister," Leah nodded as ten soldiers, all young, marched into the room. The soldier that had first spoken to Anoura barred the door.
"They have broken through,"
"Let them come,"
"Acaly und Hektor fur Presidants fur EntMut fur life!"~ inked

Don't meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

"Don't be such a sour wolf" Stiles ~ Heart Monitor

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