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Old 12-23-2004, 04:01 AM   #1
Elven Warrior
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If you could respond with your thoughts....

There comes a time in a person's life where they pause to consider their path. When you reach a plateau and look back at what you have accomplished, and at the timeframe in which it took for you to reach your current status, you tend to take a moment to reflect on your current situation and how you have managed to attain your goals and aspirations. Once satisfied that you have reached those benchmarks in your life, a tough question comes to mind...where next?

Once you set yourself a long term goal, all your focus and determination is bent upon attaining that goal, which is reaching that plateau in life and being able to sustain it. It turns to the point where survival is no longer your primary focus, instead the journey towards your goal becomes the entirity of your being. Once your goals are attained, the entirity of your being is extinguished, and it's time to find a new purpose. The steadfast standard purpose to life, thanks to human nature, is survival.

This is a tricky situation, you have spent years reaching the point where you are content and secure with your mission, and once reached, your progress forward is stopped during that moment you focus on survival. The difficulty lies within the concept of once you stop, it's that much harder to get started again...think about how much energy it takes to get a steam locomotive moving forward....sure once it's going it's impossible to stop immediately...but once stopped, it's not like you can exactly turn on the jets and start flying around again.

Human nature leaves us much the same way...determined people will be 'hellbent' upon reaching their greatest desires, and will overcome seemingly insurmountable odds to reach that goal...those roadblocks become future roadkill along the individuals pathway to their greatest dreams and desires.

Once you reach your plateau, it no longer matters how much you've achieved in how short a period of time....the true test becomes keeping that momentum into the next challenge and focus in life....and even more difficult, knowing where that focus is.

Now naturally everyone in life needs a time for their minds and bodies to rest, relax, and recouperate after a hard drive to reach a milestone in their life...but at what point does that rest become complacency, and when can it become the next drive to that next signifigant milestone.

One really needs to remember their ultimate focus in life, their primary end result, the life of their dreams...do they currently have everything they desire, or do they still lack certian fundemantal pieces to their own individual puzzle. Remembering their ultimate dream lifestyle is the only thing that will help them retain their drive and determination to keep their momentum forard, and keep them from allowing their life, like the steam locomotive, to stall and grind to a hault. Once that locomotive stops, it becomes a matter of survival, no longer a matter of advancement.

This raises the question of what happens once you have reached your dream life....well once you have attained everything you could possibly desire, you no longer need to simply survive, that has already been taken care of...no longer will you fear what is around the next corner, for you already know what's there and how it impacts your life. You have nothing more that you can attain that you have not already filled a purpose for...and you can allow yourself to simply relax and enjoy the remainder of your years, however long that may be.

Years ago I began a personal quest to overcome all issues in my life and shoot well beyond my peers from adolesence. I have done that, it has been a very successful milestone achieved for myself in half the time I had anticipated needed for it...I have found myself sitting on top of this new plateau thinking 'what next? where else can i go from here?' and somewhat baffled at (a) the speed that i have reached this point in my life and (b) the signifigance of the life i now lead. I imapact other's lives with every action I take, be it friends who look up to me to inspire them to live their lives to the fullest, be it the next person I meet on the street who wants me to make their day that much more special by doing the little things that make a difference, or be it my employees who need me to make their liveleyhoods secure through strong and capable leadership and vision for the future.

In this process of these realizations striking me, my train has stalled, and I am now in the process of getting it moving again...and once again I find myself calling upon those around me to help get it rolling forward. Again, I am asking for help from those around me...and I couldn't be more thankful that I am.

Through my journeys I have learnt that pride is an expendable resource...really when you boil down life, pride is nothing but a self defence mechanism that when unchecked, will turn into a personal ticking timebomb. Humility is critical when achieving a balance to your life, and that is reflected in those who you are around the most. The best indication of a leader is reflected in the group they lead, however large or small.

Simple survival isn't my cup of tea...achievement and advancement through life is what really makes me tick, the ability to inspire and motivate large groups of people is what makes me feel fulfilled on a day to day basis......along with the sheer joy and exuberance of a loving, growing relationship with someone close to your heart.

My natural tendancy is to find the next level and reach it by however means nescessary...this includes making myself close with those who I need to learn from. I've had many mentors over the past few years...and no, they won't ever leave me, their teachings are everpresent, and I do relate to them on a daily basis, but I feel the need for someone to challenge me to reach the next level, and to help me reach that level through adequate guidance, to tell me what's around the next corner, and tell me how to overcome it, and encourage me to overcome it on my own power so I have the experience and knowledge of how that particular problem works so If I ever reach a similar roadblock in the future I can accurately react to the situation and find a prime solution with minimal guesswork. And such my next goal is laid out....find that next leader in my life to learn from, and absorb their knowledge to the greatest of my ability, and learn how to surpass their mark in life by, again, whatever means nescessary.

It is that time once again, to be stepping up to the plate and responding to the challenge facing me...that challenge is to become a better person in and out...grow my leadership capability and let everyone see who I am in earnest. It's a simple solution to a simple problem really...the only difficulty is looking at yourself to find it instead of naturally looking out, finger extended.
If you must judge others.....do not judge others by the height they have climbed; rather, judge them by the depths they have risen from.

Think before you act, but act before it's too late.

He is a man of sense who does not grieve for what he has not, but rejoices in what he has.

You can stand tall without standing on someone. You can be a victor without having victims.

The Utopian Oldschool Champ.
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Old 12-23-2004, 10:54 AM   #2
Elven Maiden
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Interesting! Personally, I think that without keeping some sort of dreams, I wouldn't be able to keep living. It's sort of a "What's it all for" or "Why bother?" sort of teen angst-y thing, but with some sort of dreams, ambition, I feel like I want to continue trying to live them out.
What happens if I accomplish everything I set out to do? Not sure yet. I might come up with new dreams, and stuggle on until I die. I might learn to really live contentedly doing little of anything, maybe become a Buddhist for real even. I guess it'll really depend.
The thing that has really affected my "whole picture of life" thinking lately is reading "Red Badge of Courage". I've always been a lot like Henry Fleming, self-centered and full of pride. But, I'm learning ways I can grow up and become more like Wilson was in the second half of the book. (He went from being a loud, obnoxious kid to a quiet and caring friend.) How does that relate to my dreams? Well, I'm not sure yet. I guess I'm really still a kid after all.
Drgnslyer, you say you're a leader? That's kind of cool- better than being a follower. I suppose I've always been too individualistic. Not following others, but not bothering to take others with me on my own path either.
And, I think the continuing dream that I can strive for is making myself a better person. It's all very vague to me now, since I am only a teenager and haven't completely grown up yet. However, I guess that's the fun part, at this point. Or something.
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Old 12-23-2004, 11:21 AM   #3
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sounds like you're pretty confident and happy with yourself and who you are... which is the most important thing... i've known single mothers with seven kids and childless couples in their forties who i'd say are some of the most happy and stable people i know... i've also seen people who "have everything in life" terribly depressed

there's many roads to happiness, and as long as you always look forward and don't dwell on regrets i think you're fine no matter what course in life you choose... happiness is something you can only give yourself in the end
Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash and I'm delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever.
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Old 02-24-2005, 07:35 AM   #4
Lady Tipple & Queen of Blessed Thistle
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You've got quite the determination there, Drgnslyer. Simply surviving is what many (world wide) have only ever known, yet I get upset if can't watch my favorite DVD or spend time with my computer...kinda sad to think that getting yourself ahead means placing yourself on top/above others....the greatest people I've ever known took those lives they touched "with them" to higher ground. A less narrow focus and a more thoughful one...

So.... here is some True Wisdom for thought I snatched from a great little e-story:

We make a Living by what we get, We make a Life by what we give.

God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage.

If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

"Good friends are like stars.........You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.

Beer + Pizza = N'uff said

Happy to be here

The HACBR has been alerted to my postingsā€¦..Hobbits Against Constant Beer References

Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. --Ben Franklin

I want my Mooter T-Shirt!
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Old 04-14-2005, 02:50 AM   #5
Elven Warrior
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another piece....again looking for your thoughts

I think i'm going to bring this thread back from the depths to post another hard thought out piece of writing...

I'm switching jobs at the moment..the company i currently work for has been awesome to me, aside from the effects of a certian middle management figure whom is very intent on reading paperwork and numbers to gague a situation rather than look at the very human aspect...for example, she is trying to fire a manager over one statistical category that has dropped by $5 in the past year, whereas overall his store has made well over 200,000$ than the year previously...

I just got a job managing a Tip Top store, Moore's biggest competition.

To gague the response, here is my letter of resignation that was sent to the company president, vice president, regional managers *east and west canada* and a hard copy of course, forwarded to the store manager where i work currently.

As well, to clarify, I was a store manager for half a year, and saw strong increase in buisness that year, but left the position for many personal reasons.


"True Leaders are not those who strive to be first, but those who are first to strive and give their all for the success of the team. True leaders are first to see the need, envision the plan, and empower the team for action. By the strength of the leader's commitment, the power of the team is unleashed."

This quote, from the wall of a local job-search office, clearly defined to me what is required of any leader of any capacity, be it a t-ball coach, or the CEO of a multi billion dollar corporation. I instantly profiled myself against the quote, and realized that rather than lacking small pieces of the puzzle, I personify the vast majority of what is briefly outlined. Much of my time in the past three years has been the realization of such attributes and more...the growth I have experienced is truly phenominal.

I am who I am today because of the opportunities I have been given, and those who have helped me along the way. I would like to briefly recognize the achievements and dedication of a select few who have made my experiences here easier to bear.

Dustan Eager, Store Manager 107, since moved on, was the first person outside my regular circle of friends to identify a certian potential I held, and the first person ever to actively help cultivate that potential.

Les Delorme, Store Manager, 107, his consistant commitment to self improvement coupled with his innate ability to overcome hurdle after hurdle en-route to a specific objective has shown to me that even when facing overwhelming odds, one can indeed rise to the occasion and overcome all in their way.

Avtar Herr, Store Manager 089, both his friendship and mentorship forever changed my life for the better. His approach to life both in and out of the store should be modeled for others to follow. Any praise directed his way should be duly noted, as it is all well earned. He played a huge role in me realizing my capabilities not only on the sales floor, but also my capabilities in the world outside of the store itself.

Cory-Lynn Marsh, TSA/TOM 112, her unwavering attention to detail, sense of humor, positive presence, and infectious sense of well being is something I truly miss working with on a daily basis. She has selflessly devoted herself entirely to any position or task presented before her more consistantly than most if not all that I have ever had the joy of meeting.

Jim Jubert, Regional Manager, his approach to not only his position, but to his people should be the running standard throughout the company. His unique ability to calm any situation, solve any problem, and fulfill any duty is exemplary. He has developed into a 'silent mentor' for myself, simply put, his example both as a person and as a leader is a constant reminder of where one should aim for personally, and if possible, match on par. In and out he defines what "Moores" stands for.

Mike Lambert, Steve Nitchen, Dave Starret, though I have not had the pleasure of knowing any of you more as individuals, your unwavering commitment to the organization and drive to continue forward progression bode well for the future of the company. In my time here I have noticed a dramatic increase in production and quality, much of which I believe exists because the three of you work with as much dedication as you do.

I have decided to leave the company today so I may follow some hard thought out personal ambitions and desires...included in these are personal relationships, education, and career growth and expansion. I have also decided to write this detailed letter to properly acknowledge the growth I have experienced, and those who have played key roles in that growth, instead of simply parting ways leaving these people unnoticed.

I also have a certian sentimental attachment to the company, as it has seen me through three of the most tumultous years of my life, including overcoming suicidal depression, a life threatening automobile accident, myself falling in love, and the realization of what was once only a fleeting dream, the self confidence to reach out and realize my grandest desires. I truly owe much of who I am to the place that I have spent the vast bulk of my existance these past years.

As of April 24, 2005 I will be moving on in a new direction, with the aim of cultivating opportunity into reality. I would once again like to extend my profound appreciation for what Moores has given me. Thanks.

Sales Associate, Wardrobe Consultant, Keyholder, Store Manager.

Sales Associate, 2001 "Top Turn Around Team, 107"
Wardrobe Consultant, 2003 "Rookie of the Year, 089"
Store Manager, 2004 "Top Tuxedo Rental Team, 112"
If you must judge others.....do not judge others by the height they have climbed; rather, judge them by the depths they have risen from.

Think before you act, but act before it's too late.

He is a man of sense who does not grieve for what he has not, but rejoices in what he has.

You can stand tall without standing on someone. You can be a victor without having victims.

The Utopian Oldschool Champ.

Last edited by Drgnslyer : 02-01-2011 at 11:57 PM.
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Old 04-14-2005, 07:20 AM   #6
An enigma in a conundrum
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Last thing first; you gave them too much information. Honesty is good but most people handle it best in small doses. The letter is too detailed for the problem at the job and the reason you give, IMO. Regarding life's journey. A long term goal of happiness and some financial wriggle room, then take each day for its own. "Be in the moment" each day and satisfaction will permeate the soul. Then every once in a while you can look back and evaluate all you have done with a fair and clear mind. Last, last thing, remember what Mork said: "reality, what a concept". Enjoy your life.
Inigo: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
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