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Old 02-10-2002, 02:26 PM   #1
Lief Erikson
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The Pentagrid Net

Chapter 121: The Time of Life

Wandieriell smiled as he raised his hands, touching the gray bark of the tree, and I joined him in whispering in its ear, bringing it back to the life it had so long forgotten.

It came slowly, with a hard fight from its sleep. But they knew that inside it something eagerly, desperately wanted what they had to offer. The heart of the tree wanted life again. "What?" a voice rumbled from the depths of the tree, and the two Istari next to it exchanged smiles.

"We have but one thing to ask," Wandieriell whispered into the tree's heart as he continued his probing, his gentle recalling to life of the old tree. "That you protect what we placed in the center of this wood from all comers."

"Shall dooooo . . ." the voice rumbled, and the tree shuddered violently, as if freeing itself from ages of sloth.

"All comers, except those who walk along the path we have set," Wandieriell continued as he reached lower along the tree's trunk, and pressed his thoughts against those of the tree. His impressions, his wisdom, and the path they had prepared.

"Our thanks," he said as he stepped away from the tree, smiling as it came fully to live in front of him and opened what appeared to be wide, bark eyes. "Your brothers in Fangorn would be proud of you now, after all this time, finally emerging to the real world."

The tree was too full of the joy of life to be defensive after this statement. "Harooom, hah!" it said as it moved its timbers in small circles and stood to its full height, looking down upon the me and Wandieriell, who now were standing in its shadow. "Guarding this path is the least we can do for you, you who bring with you the gift of life!"

"We didn't grant you life, as you'll easily remember if you think for a moment, and let the memories come," Wandieriell said with a smile. Now will you help me with the other trees? We have a long path to walk yet before the Forest of Pentagrid is what it was."

"Quite so!" the tree returned. "But there's no need to be so hasty, we don't need to have it all done by nightfall, do we? What's the rush?"

"No rush but our own desire to be done," I answered.

"We shall awaken these sloth eaters," the tree said, turning in the soil and taking a couple strides towards the tree nearest him. Then, lowering a bough he clunked it three times on the back, none to gently, and shouted "WAKE UP! The time of life has begun again, and the Forest of Pentagrid now arises!"

Chapter 204: A seeker of answers

A man sat at the table with me, sharing food. He was a ranger, and he had sculked on the edges of the forest for months, pondering its secret, battling with its guardians in wit, not with blade. He softened them, weakened them, pieced together what little scraps he was given. He was a seeker of answers.

"Colmade, tomorrow I will enter the forest," he told me with an eager expression.

"You said that three weeks ago, and barely escaped with your life," I remarked dryly, but I was not without pity for the man. This ranger wanted to know all, to do all, to defend justice and establish peace, and to fight and destroy evil. A hero seeking the opportunity to prove himself.

"If you simply told me what lay beyond this forest's eves . . ." the ranger said, and I knew he was trying to sift me for information the same way he did the trees.

"It would be no use," I answered. "I know you, and you wouldn't rest till you had seen for yourself what was beyond there, even if I told you there was nought but a dung heap."

"The trees . . ."

"The trees are simply volatile," I interrupted, hoping vainly that he would believe my lies, "they attack without reason, and it would be best for you if you stayed away. For your own sake."

"My life won't end by the pounding of a tree's timbers," the ranger said with an arrogant grin, but not it was slightly weak. He knew of the danger those trees could give, even without the legends which had begun to spread about the forest of Pentagrid.

Chapter 215: Vanished without a trace

I found orc bodies three days later. Sixteen of them, piled on the ground between the forest of Pentagrid and my home. Slashed apart by fierce orc blows, and there were parts of the bodies of several others, who appeared to have been wounded but escaped the battle frenzy. I investigated the site and recorded it, and then took no further notice. But never did I see my ranger friend again, and soon I began to put more significance in the finding. Was he captured, driven off, or did he discover something there that he wanted to keep secret? Or was it not him at all, but one of the vicious squabbles among themselves that I am told orcs sometimes have?


Many years later . . .

What was taking so long, the warrior asked himself impatiently. He was standing under a small cluster of trees, and around him his band lay in hiding, rendered invisible by the combined cloak of their hiding places and the darkness.

The minutes ticked by, but finally, his eyes raised and he peered off into the darkness ahead. "At last," he muttered to himself, but he couldn't help feeling a surge of relief. That woman . . . Silthre, he thought was her name, had done her job well. A terribly dangerous mission, but she moved like a cat. She'd been helpful on covert operations like this one before this time.

Shrieks and cries arose in the orc camp before them as they ran in turmoil at the burning of their leader's tents. A swift move, and one that spread alarm and confusion. The war had swept across him as he remained here in the Galmaeri Lands, a place on the outskirts of Mordor, but which wasn't mentioned in most of the maps of Middle Earth. It was a small country, but that didn't prevent Sauron throwing strength against it.

"Charge!" he shouted to his warriors, and there was a glistening of silver metal as cloaks, donned to keep metal reflections from happening in the moonlight, were thrown back, and the troops rushed forward.

Erenfor drew his own silver blade in a gauntleted fist, and plunged into the battle at the head of his troops. The shock tumbled the orc tents and his trained elves sliced down the unprepared fighters. Twenty minutes later, it was all over. And this was one less orcish band to be commanded by the Dark Lord Sauron.

Last edited by Lief Erikson : 02-10-2002 at 02:37 PM.
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Old 02-10-2002, 04:14 PM   #2
Irid al'Menie
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Irid looked around her in the forest. This was a fine forest, Fangorn Forest. She had met Fangorn once before, many years ago. During her time here now she hadn't seen him, but she felt his presence. Then she saw something... A pair of ancient eyes. She turned towards the eyes and bowed. Fangorn had come out.

"Baroom... Young elf... I remember you... Hoom. I met you not long ago. Are you here on a special mission? Hoom."

Irid smiled at the Ent.

"No special reason. I came here to enjoy the sight of your beautiful forest."
"Hoom, Baroom... you can do this if you like. Weren't you the wolffriend?"
"You have remembered well, Fangorn. But i have not brought Wolves here this time. I am on my own now."

They kept talking, and then Irid was allowed to look around. When night fell she layed down on the ground and slept immediatly.

The next morning, when she opened her eyes, she was surprised. Next to her were lying two wolves. When they noticed she was awake, they started talking.

Goodday. We have heard about you, and Fangorn has asked us to guard over you. We never saw him this hastily. I am the one that is called Player, and this here is Watcher

Actually those weren't their actual names, wolves don't use names, they all now who they are, but that was an image sent through. The one who was talking, the image with him was of him chasing his own tail, and the other had an image of standing watch. The image that belonged to Irid was of her, sitting in a chamber with her hand upon the nose of a very big, grey wolf *Flyer for those who remember*.

Now the other wolf spoke:

Fangorn has asked us to guide you to another forest, called Pentagrid. Or more a town near that forest, Tomenag. He said that not long ago some of his brothers were awakened there, though it was before our pack was here. You need to get there as soon as possible...

I will ride on my horse, Morgeniel. That is faster then on foot. I still remember the speed that one of my best friends, Runner, could develope. He could easily defeat a horse. I know that you can do this too.

After this, they went out of the forest, and Irid called Morgeniel. As she looked back, she saw a glimpse of the ancient eyes following her.


5 days later

Irid got off her horse weary. She had ridden on almost constantly, followed by the two wolves. But she had made it: she was in Tomenag.
In the main street she saw an inn. There she led Morgeniel into the stables, in the good care of a stable boy. Then she stepped into the common room of the inn. She sat down in a corner. First noone really payed attention to her, but then they noticed the two grey wolves at her feet... She didn't look at anyone, but ordered a warm meal and a whine.

*OOC: This a good post? *
And they danced until the world consisted of shadowy flashes and each other's faces, so close...
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Old 02-10-2002, 07:39 PM   #3
Lief Erikson
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Strider A surprise meeting

*Sure, it's a great post .*

"Irid?" asked a questioning voice from the her left. She glanced in that direction and stared for a moment at the speaker, a tall and strong elf with a gray cloak and silver chain mail armor. His tunic was also light gray. She stared at his face hard for a moment, searching her memory, for she found that she vaguely recognized him. His face was handsome, but slightly scarred. Some of those scars were new, since she'd last seen them.

"Erenfor?" she asked as memory clicked.

"It is you," he said, his confusion disappearing and his lips curving into a smile as he stepped towards her. "It has been years . . ."

"And years."

"Yes," he said with another grin as he stepped forward. "But one who travels with wolves isn't one who is easily forgotten. Even if the last time we met was in another age. You appear to have grown up quite a bit."

"But evil is as present as ever," she said, taking a sip from her mug.

"But at least this is only the lieutenant of the true master," Erenfor returned, taking a seat opposite her and beckoning to a waiter. After making an order, he turned back towards her. "So what brings you to these parts?"
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Old 02-13-2002, 05:46 AM   #4
Irid al'Menie
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Irid smiles.

"What brings me to these parts... I'm not really sure. I know that Fangorn asked me to come here, and that he sent me these wolves. And I know it has got something to do with that forest a little further, which is somewhat like Fangorn Forest... With ents and such. But that's all I know.
But tell me, how did you fare since the last time we saw? I never really got to know your... Well, let's say healthy side. You recovered when you were back with El'nela, right?"
And they danced until the world consisted of shadowy flashes and each other's faces, so close...
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Old 02-13-2002, 02:35 PM   #5
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Tessar sat in a corner of the inn, watching Irid and.....what was that elfs name? he used to know it, it had all been so long ago.....
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Old 02-14-2002, 12:24 PM   #6
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Kaytrien wandered down the main street. She was extremely weary and needed a drink and some refreshment. She entered the inn and greeted Bropican, the innkeeper. He smiled and handed her a large mug of her favourite brew,

"So Kaytrien, you're back again to Tomenag I see. Where have you ventured these past three weeks?"

"Oh nowhere exciting my dear friend. The reason I left? - well I noticed about a month ago now, the Pentagrid forest has been very perculiar recently. I can't put my finger on what is wrong with it, but there has definitely been a stillness and tension in the air, especially about four weeks ago. So I travelled around the area and have been very confused. Nothing is out of place, but there is something wrong. Have you not sensed it here in the town?" she asked the innkeeper, a very old and respectable member of the area.

"Not really Kaytrien. I think that we simple folk of Tomenag do not have the same senses as you elves. I have lived a long life, and yet you have undoubtably lived far longer. I cannot feel the emotions of living things as you can."

Kaytrien sighed and took a deep sip of the brew. She was terribly confused at the strange behaviors of the forest. She decided to venture back to the Pentagrid, as soon as possible, and explore the forest itself. However, right now she did not want to go alone, for the Pentagrid forest held more secrets than met the eye.
'Therefore he willed that the hearts of Men should seek beyond the world and should find no rest therein; but they should have a virtue to shape their life, amid the powers and chances of the world, beyond the Music of the Ainur, which is as fate to all things else; and of their operation everything should be, in form and deed, completed, and the world fulfilled unto the last and smallest.'

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Old 02-16-2002, 11:39 AM   #7
Irid al'Menie
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*ooc: since noone posts, i'll save the day *

IC: As Erenfor told his story, Irid drank a little from her wine. Then she felt a pair of eyes staring at her... Almost unnoticabely she turned her head, and looked to the one that was staring. A blond elf, fullgrown but younger then herself and Erenfor. She searched her memory to remember where she had seen him before. She looked back at Erenfor and that moment she knew. She had met the other elf at the same place she had met Erenfor... But what was his name again? Erenfor had noticed she was thinking hard, and asked what was wrong.

"Well... Do you remember that little elf, the boy, that went with us to free those slaves back then? I'm searching his name..."

"Oh yes. I remember him. He was a mage, wasn't he? Well, I believe he was called... Ehm... Tessar, is that possible?"

"Yes, it is. Good memory of a time so long ago." Complimented Irid. "Well that same Tessar is now sitting here looking at us. Overthere, by the wall. I'll ask him to come over."

Irid put her hand on the head of Watcher, and asked him to go and get Tessar. The Grey wolf stood up and walked over to the elf. Somehow he knew what was asked of him, and he stood up and came over to the table of Irid and Erenfor.

"Hello, Tessar. That's a long time ago since i've last seen you. Sit down please. " Said Irid, and she smiled at him. She winks. "You have grown up, haven't you, since we last met Grim Wolf. What brings you here?"

Watcher sat down besides her, and she puts her hand on his head again.
And they danced until the world consisted of shadowy flashes and each other's faces, so close...
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Old 02-16-2002, 03:52 PM   #8
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Kaytrien took another sip of her drink and looked around the inn. To her right was a large table in the corner of the room, around which were two males elves and a female. Sat on the floor on either side of the female elf were two wolves. This would startle a normal person, however Kaytrien was old and had seem many great and unusual things, and nothing really alarmed her these days.

Kaytrien dimly recognised the elf clad in gray and chain mail armor. She had seem him before around the town and the forest. She wanted to go over and ask if he had any business with Pentagrid and if so if he knew about the recent queerness of the forest. However, right now the elf seemed deep in conversation and she did not wish to disturb them.

ooc: *wow guys this rpg rocks!! i wonder where the story's gonna go though...!*
'Therefore he willed that the hearts of Men should seek beyond the world and should find no rest therein; but they should have a virtue to shape their life, amid the powers and chances of the world, beyond the Music of the Ainur, which is as fate to all things else; and of their operation everything should be, in form and deed, completed, and the world fulfilled unto the last and smallest.'
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Old 02-16-2002, 04:00 PM   #9
Irid al'Menie
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*probably the pentagrid forest . I don't have any inspiration now so someone else'll have to reply*
And they danced until the world consisted of shadowy flashes and each other's faces, so close...
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Old 02-16-2002, 06:34 PM   #10
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"Doing? well not much really." Tessar said "I just got in two or three hours ago, I'm planning to go take a closer look at the forest tonight. how have you two been? I see your still dragging wolves around with you Irid"

The three passed a pleasant hour or so exchanging storys and news. surprising all of them were there because of the forest, Tessar was going to the forest because he had been having strange dreams about it, in the dreams something had been calling his name and then telling him to come to Pintagrid.

"There is a woman sitting at the bar watching us" Tessar whispered to The others "She looks like she wants to talk with us" Irid said after shooting a glance over her shoulder, so small that any who saw it might have thought they just imagined it
"Perhaps we should ask her to join us?" Erenfor questioned.
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Old 02-17-2002, 02:09 AM   #11
Lief Erikson
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*Whoa, so we're now all environmentalists, are we? *

The others looked uncertain, so Erenfor took matters into his own hands. Rising from his seat, he walked over to the newcomer, whom on closer inspection he seemed to recognize from somewhere. Inwardly, he laughed at himself. He remembered Irid and Tessar, yet had forgotten an acquaintance from what couldn't have been more than a few weeks ago?

"Excuse my interruption of your solitary drink," he said with a small smile, "but I feel I know you from some place, and I noticed that you've been watching us. Would you join us, or would you prefer for me to withdraw, and end this introduction as swiftly as it began?"

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Old 02-17-2002, 09:05 AM   #12
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Kaytrien looked back at the fimiliar elf who seemed harmless and friendly enough. Looking over his right shoulder he glanced at their table again. The other two elves were watching them with unsure eyes.

"Your introduction and the fact that you have walked over to ask me to join you intrigues me. I must agree in that I think we have met before. Something draws me to want to sit with your company."

The elf gave her an agreeing nod and Kaytrien followed him to their table.

"As I have been asked to join you," she said sitting down at the table and looking at the three elves, "I feel it is my juty to address myself properly to you. My name is Kaytrien, daughter of Sophegen and Jeffelior. My mother is an elf and my late father, a man of Northern Gondor. I have lived in many places and seen many things. It seems to me that you," she said turning to the elf who had invited her, "you have been around this area recently and before. Have you also had business with the Pentagrid?"
'Therefore he willed that the hearts of Men should seek beyond the world and should find no rest therein; but they should have a virtue to shape their life, amid the powers and chances of the world, beyond the Music of the Ainur, which is as fate to all things else; and of their operation everything should be, in form and deed, completed, and the world fulfilled unto the last and smallest.'
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Old 02-17-2002, 10:45 AM   #13
Lief Erikson
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"No, not with the Pentagrid especially," Erenfor said with a smile. "Orcs don't enter that wood, and I hunt orcs. The trees do the hunting for us, in those parts, and we know enough not to give them the opportunity to hunt us too. Those trees are unlike others, for they are both alive and warlike. We once had a person in our company who could speak to trees, and we discovered quite a bit from her.

"But my business has lately led me through the lands surrounding that country, not into the country itself. Why have you journeyed to this land in particular?"
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Old 02-17-2002, 02:49 PM   #14
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"That I cannot answer myself as I do not know. I seem to journey where my legs take me. I have before had business here and have always had a place in my heart for the town and its people. I am weary of a long and adventurous life and have come here to rest. And now I have rested, well I am ready to venture out again." She sighed, remembering old journeys and friends long gone. She had been quite lonely for a long time now.

"So," she finally said, turning to the other two elves, "where do you two come from and do you have business with Pentagrid?" and asked, interested at new faces with certainly storys to tell.
'Therefore he willed that the hearts of Men should seek beyond the world and should find no rest therein; but they should have a virtue to shape their life, amid the powers and chances of the world, beyond the Music of the Ainur, which is as fate to all things else; and of their operation everything should be, in form and deed, completed, and the world fulfilled unto the last and smallest.'
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Old 02-17-2002, 03:20 PM   #15
Irid al'Menie
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Irid smiled.

"Where i come from, I cannot tell. It has been more then an age of this world that I last saw the place I was born. That place is now probably not existing anymore. At least not as I recall it. It was a part of Mirkwood, but in a time Mirkwood was greater. If you mean the last place I have been since I travelled here, that is Fangorn forest. The reason I am here is that Fangorn asked me to do so. I have travelled several days, with Watcher and Player, who were sent by Fangorn also. There was said the reason I had to come here would be clarified here. More can I not say now, for more i do not know."
And they danced until the world consisted of shadowy flashes and each other's faces, so close...
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Old 02-17-2002, 08:41 PM   #16
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"Where I am from I will not say" Tessar replyed, after letting Irid speak her part, "But I can tell you that I have had many adventures and have been many places, most recently I have come from lothlorien, and there I saw many great and fair things."

He paused for a moment as if thinking, then he said "It will be dark soon, and I will go to take a look at this strange forest that we are all here about. Only to take a look" he hastened to add as Irid and Erenfor, in unison, each rased an eyebrow, seeming to ask if that was REALLY all he was going to do.

"In an hour" Tessar said, breaking to silence, "In an hour I will go, will any of you come with me?"

(ok just a question, Lorien IS around right? I'm not exactly a ME timeline master. that and am I moving this to fast? if yalls think so then I can go back and edit it.)
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Old 02-18-2002, 01:02 PM   #17
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A surprising entrance...

Tessar was looking from Irid to Kaytrien to Erenfor, silently awaiting an answer, when suddenly the door to the Inn sprang open.
“HELP ME!” a man cried as he came limping through the door, bearing a younger man’s body in his arms. By their ears and their faces you could see that both of them were elves. The man bearing the other had a broken, black arrow through his left shoulder and several bleeding wounds on his face, arms and legs. He was deadly white in his face, but seemed healthy compared to the colour on the face of the elf in his arms. This elf’s clothing were swept in blood. Everyone at the Inn was following this happening.
“HELP ME!” he shouted again with his remaining strength as he fell to his knees. He laid the body in his arms down on the floor as he cried with his last breath: “Orcs coming... killed my other.. ..son... ..hugh.. ...too.. ..many...”, then he fainted and fell over the dead body laying in front of him...

OOC: Guess this screwed up all your plans huh? Too bad, Orcs are coming and Arat-B*renath has fought them for the first time, and I can't say he did it any good, or what?
-Ofcurse I will edit it, if it ain't apreciated.

- Arat-Falathion
Atharon, where heroes are born. A constantly evolving forum rpg created by Lief Erikson, Falathion and its players.

Last edited by Arat-Falathion : 02-18-2002 at 03:39 PM.
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Old 02-18-2002, 04:22 PM   #18
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Kaytrien lept up from her seat and rushed to the door as the elf fainted to the floor. Irid and Erenfor followed her and together they picked him up and carried him to a long bench. Bropican, the innkeeper, ran over from behind the bar.

As he Irid and Erenfor looked over the elf and others rushed to the dead body still on the floor, Kaytrien hurried out of the inn and looked the main street up and down. A light breeze was causing a small bell to above the inn to ring and the leaves to rustle. Apart from that all seemed silent. It was now getting into the late evening and the sky was a misty gray. There did not seem to be any orcs around for the time but she did not like the stillness in the air.

ooc: hey Arat, chill the post is cool and it's brought some excitement into the story... i cant wait for what the next post is gonna bring!"
'Therefore he willed that the hearts of Men should seek beyond the world and should find no rest therein; but they should have a virtue to shape their life, amid the powers and chances of the world, beyond the Music of the Ainur, which is as fate to all things else; and of their operation everything should be, in form and deed, completed, and the world fulfilled unto the last and smallest.'
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Old 02-18-2002, 07:08 PM   #19
Lief Erikson
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*We would have had plenty of excitement later on, anyway, but that was fine. It ties in pretty well with all that has been happening lately anyway.*

Erenfor stood, smiling slightly. "Orcs, you say? They will pay for daring to come near here, as their comrades already have numerous times." He stood up, but stopped after a moment and turned back to those he had come with. "I have been the captain of a fair sized force in these parts for some time, and as yet we have demolished every enemy group that we come across. As I remember it, you two have some skill in fighting," he said, turning to Irid and Tessar. "Will you join us in destroying these enemies?"

They agreed (*Unless one of you objects, of course*), and Erenfor turned to Kaytrien. "I cannot ask you to enter this struggle, it is not your fight. But if you wish to help in the defense of this village, you are welcome to."
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Old 02-18-2002, 07:56 PM   #20
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Tessar said "Yes I will go and help with the orcs, just a moment though!"

he strided over to the man who still lived and placed a hand over him.

"There" he said a few seconts later "You should heal more quickly".

Tessar ran out the door of the Inn and nimbly swung himself up on the roof of a building that was across the street. he was ready.
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