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Old 08-22-2001, 07:00 AM   #1
Fat middle
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Script excerpts published. MAJOR SPOILERS.

Tolkien-movies has published a four points Q&A with an movies insider. They don't reveal the name of the source, but all this might made some sense, so i think they may be trustworthy.

I warn you: if you don't want to know any of the changes the movies may have from the books, you better don't read this thread. if you think you may commit suicide if you discover the films won't be 100% faithful to the book, please don't read this.

Well, you've been warned. Here's the link: http://www.tolkien-movies.com/words/08-20-01a.shtml

Please, keep the discussion of this topic in this thread so people who want to avoid spoilers don't be forced to read them.
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Old 08-22-2001, 10:44 AM   #2
Darth Tater
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I really hope this is fake, because EVERYTHING in that spoiler article sounds incredibly stoopid, against canon, and just pointless. The dialogue seems extremely unrealistic and, well, forced. Praying that is fake.
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Old 08-22-2001, 08:40 PM   #3
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Actually as a movie (which, of course, is what it is) I don't think it sounds all that bad.
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Old 08-22-2001, 08:54 PM   #4
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I think the "Boromir has fallen" part sounds stupid, and rather like some kind of "falling to the dark side" from Star Wars type of thing. I like the Uruk part though.
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Old 08-22-2001, 09:20 PM   #5
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Hmm, I'm the exact opposite of Finmandos. I, well, "like" isn't the right word, more like "stomach" the dialouge, in the Movie it'll sound alright, I'm sure, but I *hated* the Uruk part.

But of all these, my biggest beef is with Farmer Maggot. If that's all he's gonna do, then why even bother including him?

"Waaaaiiiit, I haven't read Tolkien in over a week!" --Tom Servo

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Old 08-22-2001, 09:23 PM   #6
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I don't see what the problem is. I liked the changes. The only thing is I wish I hadn't read that Merry and Pippen joke because I would have liked to enjoyed it the first time I saw the movie. I'm not the biggest Star Wars fan, but I'm pretty sure that the films used the term "turned to the darkside" and remember that the Dark Lord's creatures were referred to as "fell beasts." So I think that the changes go completely with the ideas of Tolkien. Also words from a script don't reflect who words play out on screen. Pick up a script to a movie you like and you'll notice that it sounds better in the movie than it looks on a page. P.S. Tolkien didn't exactly put alot of dialouge in FOTR so stuff has got to be made up or were are going to half to sit through the Cast Away version of Fellowship,
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Old 08-22-2001, 09:28 PM   #7
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Well, the Uruk part doesn't seem too far from the books, and it helps bring Saruman in earlier. I, for one, went crazy the first time I read LOtR and couldn't figure out what importance he had.
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Old 08-22-2001, 10:12 PM   #8
Darth Tater
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What's this Merry and Pippin joke you're talking about? i see nothing about them in the article. Anywho, there's a simple trick to seeing if dialogue is any good in a script if you're not used to reading scripts and screenplays (or writing them for that matter). Say the line out loud as if it was part of a normal conversation. If is sounds corny, fake, or, as is usually the case with bad lines, forced, then it just ain't good. That whole excerpt sounds forced.
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Old 08-22-2001, 10:23 PM   #9
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Ooh, just read the second page of spoilers, so nm about my merrypippin question. Their dialogue is very amusing, though I hope we get some Legolas/Gimli comic relief as well. Why would it be Saruman at Caradhras? thats' silly. Ooh and the opening sounds really cool.
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Old 08-23-2001, 02:56 AM   #10
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If they waited to introduce Saruman when Tolkien physically did, we wouldn't see him until the middle of T2T. And we wouldn't see him again until the end of ROTK. Where would be the fun in that?
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Old 08-23-2001, 08:34 AM   #11
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I heard awhile back that PJ himself was playing farmer maggot. If this is true (which I dont know for sure) I would say that good ole farmer maggot was left un just so that PJ could have his shot. But then I could be wrong.
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Old 08-23-2001, 07:20 PM   #12
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Dammit, I didn't know there was a second page and now they have taken it down. At the time I didn't have the time to read it so I copied it....but not the second page!!
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Old 08-23-2001, 10:13 PM   #13
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Here's the second part for you (copy/paste):

Exclusive Q&A w/Script Excerpts: Part II
Matthew Bass

More info from Leo's contact, including stuff about the snowstorm on Caradhras, whether or not the levitating Elves rumor is true, how Fellowship will open, how extensive Farmer Maggot's involvement is, and much more.

Warning!! There are major spoilers below! Read at your own risk!!

1. There was one report I read which seemed to indicate that Saruman would be responsible for the snow on Caradhras. Is there any basis in fact to this rumor?

YES this rumor is completely true. As the Fellowship is climbing up Caradhras, there are a few grumblings, mainly from Gandalf and Gimli, about the mountain's own wrath. A bit later on, as they're still trekking, Saruman is given mention. Legolas (running on top of the snow: I wonder how they shot that?) says (and I quote):

SARUMAN'S VOICE sweeps by in the wind.

This is no ordinary storm.
There is a fell voice on the air!

We cut to:


SARUMAN standing on the uppermost BATTLEMENTS, his
STAFF raised above his head . . . his eyes are closed as he

We see/hear Saruman's voice sweep past the terrified Fellowship. Then: AVALANCHE! it's sooooo cool! The "tall guys" have to throw themselves over the hobbits, then mountains of snow just collapse all around them. Bloody incredible.

2. Since Bombadil is cut, how do the hobbits get their swords? My old source said that they were provided by Aragorn in some manner.

Aragorn gives them each a small sword before they depart from the Prancing Pony. He says "Here, strap these on."

3. What is Farmer Maggot's involvement in the films?

Frodo and Sam are walking in a field (we've seen spoiler photos of this) and then Merry and Pippin come running by, arms full of vegetables. Farmer Maggot yells: (quote) Come back here! I'll skin you alive!

Here's one of my favorite parts of the script:

(looking behind him)
I don't know why he's so upset, it's
only a few carrots.

And those three bags of cabbages what
we lifted last week.

My point is, he's over reacting.

That sums up Farmer Maggot's involvement. The Hobbits depart for Bree alone, and without any of his aid whatsoever.

4. In one of the E! On-set reports, Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan (Merry and Pippin) described a scene in which there we thieving from Farmer Maggot's fields. I was told this was their introduction scene. True? False? Details?

No, in my script we first meet M & P at Bilbo's party. They really are the comic relief duo in this film. They sneak to the cart of Gandalf's fireworks and light the huge red dragon one. Funny stuff.

This comes AFTER the party. HOWEVER: the script may be different from the film. Already I've noticed one difference: in the script it goes

You're scared?


Not scared enough.

But in the trailer it's "Frightened" not "scared." Therefore the quotes and even the sequence of the scenes should be taken w/ a grain of salt. Maybe PJ will cut it with the vegetable theft coming BEFORE the party. Who can say?

5. How many large battles are there in FotR? I mean, I'm talking about armies...

The biggest battle is the Last Alliance. This is not shown in a full out battle scene but is viewed in flashbacks several times in the film (I believe four or five). The script provides no real descriptions of the battle besides the obvious (Isildur cuts the ring, Elendil dies, Gil-galad dies, not in that order but you know...). There are enough cuts to these flashbacks that I think the epic size of the battle will be realized.

Then there's the Uruk-Hai armada descending upon the Fellowship. That's scary stuff, but it also allows us to see how could our taller heroes are at what they do. It should be a pretty incredible three-against-one-hundred type of thing. A smaller, similar skirmish involves the Fellowship being chased into Lorien by Moria Orcs. See the next answer for more.

6. How are the Lothlorien elves handled? As per the book?

Just as the weary fellowship is about to turn and fight, the air is full of arrows from Lorien archers. Pretty incredible stuff. (Oh and there are no magical levitations involved in getting the hobbits up in the trees: the Lorien elves reach down and snatch them up). The elf that picks up Frodo is Haldir. After the Moria Orcs are killed, the Fellowship meets with Haldir and the elves. This is a funny scene, and involves GORGEOUS Elvish:

Mae govannen, Legolas Thranduilion.
(Welcome Legolas, son of Thranduil)

Govannas vin gwennen le, Haldir o
(Our Fellowship stands in your debt,
Haldir of Lorien)

A Aragorn in Dunedain - istannen le
(And Aragorn of the Dunedain - you are
known to us)

(heavy sarcasm)
Ah, the fabled courtesy of the Elves -
speak in words that all can

HALDIR eyes GIMLI warily.

HALDIR (cont'd)
And what is this? We have not had
dealings with the Dwarves since the
Dark Days.

You know what this Dwarf says to that -
(DWARVISH unsubtitled)
Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul!

ANGLE ON: ARAGORN pulling GIMLI to one side.

That was not so courteous.

I like that scene. The descriptions of Lorien physically go just by the book: even the interior of the palace goes as written by Tolkien. In general, Galadriel is beautifully written. It is her voice over that starts the film (she speaks Treebeard's words, though).

7. Another good question would concern how the film opens.

It begins with an Elvish speech voice over by Galadriel with subtitles. They are lines spoken by Treebeard in the book. She says (translated):

The world is changing: I can feel it in the water, I can feel it in the earth...I can smell it in the air. Much that one was - is lost...for none live now who remember it.

The screen changes to a map of Middle-Earth focused on Lothlorien, it pans up to Hobbiton. Then the title is supered on the screen; THE LORD OF THE RINGS. Gah...!!! Dec. 19 is so FAR!

Then we cut to Bilbo writing in his diary "concerning hobbits." Cute.

Anyhow, now that I've read it more closely, I like the dialouge in Lórien, but the scene with Aragorn and Frodo might confuse people, make then think Aragorn has "fallen".

But I'm warming up to the Uruks.

"Waaaaiiiit, I haven't read Tolkien in over a week!" --Tom Servo

"Hey! Look! There he goes! Oh, it's just a crumby Balrog" --Crow T Robot

"I'll just see if Bombadil has a place to crash" --Pearl Forrester

"Put a sock in it, Legolas" --Mike Nelson

"Hey Gollum. Whats up man?" --Tom Servo
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Old 08-30-2001, 11:15 PM   #14
samwise of the shire
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Tom Bombadil Oh man are Pippin and Merry in trouble with Gandalf

Lighting one of his fireworks. Oh boy and stealing carrots eesh,that's below them but I think I can forgive them.And Gimli ooooohhhhh that's too good unfortunatly I could'nt get to the rest of the script but I know Tolkien Movies well,so I'm gonna hi tail it over there after this post. My point is he's over reacting.
ps.This is gonna be great!
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Old 08-30-2001, 11:28 PM   #15
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Thanks Erewe!!
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Old 09-03-2001, 11:52 AM   #16
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After a long battle with myself (should I read them? not read them? argh) I'm going to have to ask you: does anyone have a copy?
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Old 09-03-2001, 02:34 PM   #17
samwise of the shire
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Dont spoil it for yourself

as much as I want to throw my stupid computer out the window because it wont load anything, I think the script will be funnier,grimmer,and more awsome on the big screen then it would be just READING about it.I mean the wizards duel will be soooooo COOL and Weathertop.It sounds wonderfull and awsome but it'll be even more so on the big screen. I can hardly wait.
ps.Started checking off the days from Sept 10th cause then we'll be in the DOUBLE DIGITS oh yeah.
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Last edited by samwise of the shire : 09-03-2001 at 02:36 PM.
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Old 09-03-2001, 04:59 PM   #18
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I honestly don't like the idea of the Wizards Duel, one of the best thinks I like about LOTR is that its wizards are Different from other Fantasy books, only using their powers in very serious matters. i.e The choice between fire and death on Caradhras.
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Old 09-05-2001, 10:19 AM   #19
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Please, anyone? my email is on my profile if you want...
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Old 09-05-2001, 07:09 PM   #20
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