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Old 01-25-2003, 03:42 PM   #1
Elven Warrior
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The war of 4 powers

this rpg is about a great war on middle earth. it involves four big powers they are:

MORDOR:you are the evil power.your troops are mainly orcs but have shock troops of trolls and the odd balrog.
you also have control of isengard.
Army size:15,000

MEN:rohan and gondor.you have the valiant warriors of gondor and of the rohirrim.you also have control of dol-amroth.
Army size:7,000

ELVES:lorien and mirkwood.you have the elves at your command.
Army size:5,000

DWARVES:erebor and the iron hills.the stout dwarves are your soldiers.
Army size:3,000

this rpg will be played by the first four who choose to be the leader of a power.but others can join as captains,advisors etc.

the setting is once again the dark lord of mordor (you choose a name) wishes to consume middle earth but the other 3 powers stand in his way.

this is an example of how the game will be played:

lord of mordor dispatches 5,000 heavily armed uruks for minas tirith.now the leader of men must prepare for the attack and call for reinforcements from his allies.many battles can go on at once.

join the war now!
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Old 01-25-2003, 04:23 PM   #2
Elven Warrior
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as i created this rpg i choose to be MELKOR! LORD OF MORDOR!!!
when you choose please state a bio of your character.

MELKOR:after being cast into the eternal void i was brought back to middle earth by the destruction of sauron.he directed the energies to me his master.i placed my self in the ruins of barad-dur and with the powers i had which were of the valour i went began creating vast pits and dungeons and rebuilding mordor.after many years mordor was completed the black gate was again raised and minas morgul was rid of the filthy men and was stocked with uruk-hai.but soon enoughi created three great armies.
my greatest was the last - two thousand strong totally comprised of black war trolls armed with iron axes and hammers and coated in black iron mail.their captain was Gonrok the balrog.
i was now prepared for the war of four powers
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Old 01-27-2003, 06:41 PM   #3
Gothmog the great
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the dark enemy of the world has a new advirsory leading the elfs from mirkwood against the black wrath of mordor. The great elf-bane gothmog the great takes leadership of the 5,000 strong army of elfes and joins the two great remaining powers of men and dwarfs to ovethrow the dark lord and free middle earth from his evil grasp.
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Old 01-28-2003, 11:58 AM   #4
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melkor sat at his iron throne at the top most reaches of barad-dur.he look over middle-earth and his heart burned with hatred.there was too much peace in this land.he would have to act.

his eyes scoured the earth until they fell on moria.he felt a great strenght of orcs there but ever better was the sight of the balrog.
(i told you some things were different.the balrog in moria was not destroyed by gandalf)
melkor immidiatly sent thought to the balrog.As i have said before melkor was of the valour.his gaze could pierce earth and rock.his thought and will could travel miles.

the balrog was commanded to take the orc army to the deserted fortress of isengard and to rebuild it to a greater strenght.
The balrog did as melkors will and he took his army south through the misty mountains to isengard.
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Old 01-28-2003, 12:04 PM   #5
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as the balrog came upon isengard he found that the gates were broken open but the tower of orthanc still stood strong.
He set the orcs to work immediately.they fixed the gate with three doors of great iron plates.and were opened by a complex working of cogs and chains.no force of body could open them.
the balrogs set the orcs to dig a rock chamber beneath orthanc and this was the balrogs chamber,from here he set his orders.

the old pits saruman used to breed his army of uruk-hai were once again back in action and orc messengers went to dunland to round up the dunleding men.the women were made to harvest crops and materials for the army in isengard.
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Old 01-28-2003, 12:24 PM   #6
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melkor saw that his power in the west was growing.he now looked to swelling his forces in the east.he sent the khamul second in command of the nazgul to fly on a winged steed to the sea of Rhun to recruit the easterling men.they could nit refuse the power of melkor and sent what force they could of chariots and cavalry to mordor.
meanwhile the mouth of sauron rode on a black horse to the deserts of the south to harad were he advised the kings of that land to fulfill their pact with the dark lord as if they didnt their lands would be overcome with a black plauge and their children would not be born.
So the lords of harad were terribly afraid and gave the power of harad to melkor.under the banner of the red serpant came an armie of haradrim,cavaly,archers,spearmen and what melkor wished for the most - the mumakil.
mordor was swelled with the greatest force ever mustered.
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Old 01-28-2003, 02:07 PM   #7
Gothmog the great
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In fear of the spiders that dwelt in the dark corners of mirkwood the chief stain of the elven army ordered that a great hunting party should be gathered and go destroy the danger that the spawns of shelob presented. For in time of war and the great shadow’s power rising in arms and fear none but allies could be trusted. Gothmog spoke to elrond “Melkors army had grown in great hords to the great number of 17,000 and the alliance of men,elves and dwarfs would come to 15,000.” Elrond answered “A number great enough number to turn the tide of evil.”
Melkor knowing this would never allow the formation of one great alliance and face them head on therefore thought the alienation of Rohan+ Gondor and the dwellings of the elves (divide and conquer). After the great hunt there was a great fire that burnt in mirkwood, like no other in the age before. The spider’s corpses were burned in there thousands and any spider that remained hid in fear. The massacre of the spiders was forseen by every elf that went on the hunt because even though the spiders were in great numbers they were no match for the armour and weaponry of the great elves.
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Old 01-28-2003, 02:10 PM   #8
Gothmog the great
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A great host of orcs was seen in isengard but the thing that stood out the most apart from the tower orthanc a giant winged figure glowing red as if it were covered with a blanket of lava. The creatures moan’s echoed in the air. The creature that the eagles could see was a BALROG and at once they turned towards mirkwood. Once the elven lords leant of the coming danger they set up their defences and sent word to the dwarfs.
When Gothmog learnt of the great host was not worried but when he heard of the balrog the power of melkor called to him but the light of the valar saved him and he battled a great battle in mind and drove melkor out. Gotmog the lord of all balrogs was now enraged and waited for the attack.
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Old 01-28-2003, 02:19 PM   #9
Gothmog the great
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As the elves lords learnt more news they new that they could not attack the fotress of the balrog:isengard by land for the gates were now refortified and the Ents caould not be called upon for they feared the flames of the balrog and would easily be burned.
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Old 01-28-2003, 02:28 PM   #10
Lord Manafirogh
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Have no fear Lord Manafirough is here!

As word came to lord Manafirough of the coming of melkor to Isengard he immediately sent 200 men and asked for 100 of the dwarfs to come and help him reinforce helm’s deep. Helm’s deep was to have a new gate built in metal and the walls would be built by the dwarfs with great care. He would also protect his people. Lord Manafirough would have his men ready to defend Minas Tirith. 1000 archers were ready upon the wall of the great town. No doubt he would sent word to Rohan for they were to in danger of being attacked. Helm’s deep would be Rohan’s strong hold and together with minas tirith they would not fall until all evil was banished from middle earth.
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Old 01-28-2003, 02:41 PM   #11
Gothmog the great
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The eagles were the eyes of the elves in the sky and reported any changes and offered there alligence to the alliance.
Gothmorg decided he could not wait and the forest would not offer protection from the flames of the balrog. gothmorg took 2500 elves and left the rest if any of the allies needed reinforcements.
Gothmorg marched to the great gates of isengards and shook orthac when he rammed the gates. The great company of orcs was astonished at the great dark figure at the gates and paniked for gothmorg appeard much biiger and fiercer then the balrog from morio. At the confusion a great number of eagles soared down from the sky and attacked the army of the shadow. After each pass that the eagles made the enemy was showered with arows from the elven archers. now the enemy was trapped inside a cage. Then the balrog hit many eagles down and the orcs started there defence.
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Old 01-28-2003, 03:44 PM   #12
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Melkor was enraged to see that an attack had came down so quickly upon isengard.But was confident that the balrog there would win the day.this balrog was a veteran of a 500 year war with the dwarfs in their own halls and his might had been too great for them.

the orcs were being hit by the eagles from above and the deadly accuracy of the elven archers but soon the orcs had formed a three fold wall of sheilds slanted at a 45 degree angle to parry any arrows that came over the wall.but the slant allowed the orc archers to get off shots at the eagles without being hit.

many of the great birds fell into the ring of isengard to their deaths.
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Old 01-28-2003, 03:53 PM   #13
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the windlord of the eagles saw how many of his people had been shot down and was dismayed.He called off his attack and fled to their eeriys in the misty mountains.the elves and gothmog lost their air supiriority and the battle continued.

The balrog of isengard who was named Gonrok by melkor had ordered the 450 dunleding men to get on the wall and use their archers too attack the elves.Gonrok cared nothing for these men and did not fret as he saw many of them being easily shot from the wall.The 2,500 elves had hardly lost any and gonrok estimated their number at 2,400 - still a great force.

The uruk-hai he had begun to spawn in the pits were called forth.as the attack had come so swiftly there were only 500 of them but they were fully armed in black mail and bore iron swords,spears and bows.The last of the dunleding men were shot from the wall and with them went another 30 elves bringing their number down to 2,370.
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Old 01-28-2003, 03:59 PM   #14
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the 500 uruk-hai left isengard from a secret gate a little to the north.they came down upon the attackers with a hail of arrows and a charge of spears.
If it wasnt for the great might of gothmog the elves would have been halted in their seige but gothmog kept them together and charger their ranks while being hit by poison arrows from the defenders of isengard.

A fierce battle raged but the supirior numbers of elves and gothmog destroyed the uruk-hai.But at a cost.the elves lost 350 the the 500 uruk-hai.
the elves resumed their attack.
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Old 01-28-2003, 04:08 PM   #15
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Meanwhile back at mordor melkor looked north to mirkwood and saw that their captain gothmog the balrog was not with them which meant that it allowed him a chance to attack.

He called for khamul to lead a host of 5,000 uruks,heavily armed mostly archers.also to take another four nazgul to help with the attack.they immidiately left from the black gate and hastened north.

Melkor then focused on the world of men.his ideas were to use his army of isengard to attack helms deep but the recent turn of events prevented him to do this.So he called for Gundred - balrog and high captain of mordor.gundred was great in size and strenght and was even a match for gothmog. Gundred rounded up his 500 war trolls.armed them in heavy black chain mail and gave them great iron hammers and axes.

''FOR OSGILIATH!!!!'' roared melkor.
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Old 01-28-2003, 04:12 PM   #16
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Gundred came upon osigiliath with his trolls in a cloud of fear.The defenders fled from the city for minas tirith.this force was too great for them.Gundred and the war trolls then proceeded to lay waste to the city.when all was just rubble and flame they returned to minas morgul unhindered.The man had no idea of what they were up against.
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Old 01-28-2003, 04:18 PM   #17
Gothmog the great
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The strenght of the lord of the balrogs was to great for the gates of isen to contain. Gothmog broke the hinges of the first 2 gate and the 3rd was opened by the ors so they could attack the elves. The two great balorogs clashed and the screeches overtook all the cries from the battle and the sound was deafening like monut doom erupting. All the land was struck with the fearsom roars. The 2 might giants crashed against the mighty orthanc wich still stood tall and uneffected crushing many worriors both orc and some elf.Gothmog with all his might held the balrog of the deep and and fell into a deep pit used for the forging of sarumans army. Gothmog and his powerful enemy were now battling deep underground. Now the elves and the orcs could fight freely above. then as the eagles saw there chance they swooped down as the elves charged.
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Old 01-28-2003, 04:23 PM   #18
Lord Manafirogh
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are u sick?? 500 trolls

hey man you can never get 500 trolls thats too many! I bet u can only round about 50! Minas Tirith will not fall without a fight.
the help of the man from the sea and the summoning of the dead will soon be upon the orcs.
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Old 01-28-2003, 04:27 PM   #19
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As the orcs of isengard saw their leader fall into the pits with the other balrog they were dimayed.they were left alone with the fierce elves of the wood.
The orcs fought bravely for what they were but they could not beat the elves.their strenght in arms was too much.the battle went right to the feet of orthanc were the captain of the elves struck down the last of the orcs.
The elves had been seriously reduced in number.only 700 remained and most bore wounds they would remember for some time.They all went to the edge of the pit to look down on the clashing titans.
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Old 01-28-2003, 04:30 PM   #20
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