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Old 04-10-2002, 07:05 AM   #1
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The Mighty Three

Eärniel sat on the thone alone and greatly did she miss her companions. Alone she felt and it was as the bliss had faded and the world had turned cold. she said to herself "As much as I need time to decide my actions, this will lead myself nowhere. My indecisiveness has brought me only sorrow and loneliness. The sea may be eternal but I am not and neither are my companions. Our time is running out. She stood up from the throne and in a flash of inspiration she cast it into the sea. "What use are thrones here? I am Eärniel as I have been and will be. One of the Mighty Three, yes but also a mooter. I am both and most not forget it. A wise lesson I learned today and I shall heed it. For both I am and among both I shall walk!"

She left in search for her companions, she wandered through the many threads of the entmoot to where her friends had gone. She called out to them to wait for her and by chance they heard her faraway cries. Anduril and BeardofPants were glad that their companion had chosen to join them and answered Eärniels calls. The sound of their voices filled Eärniel with joy again and their calls led her to them. And they rejoiced in their meeting. Then Eärniel spoke "Come my friends for I shal lead you to a place where our hearts can be at ease...."
We are not things.
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Old 04-10-2002, 07:25 AM   #2
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Hearing that Earniel had found a realm of joy and happiness, BeardofPants decided to meet her there, and such was the joy in her heart, that she hereby skipped like the little girl that was once lost deep within her soul. Whence she came to the place of being, she gazed around in awe. For the granduer of this heavenly place far exceeded her wildest dreams. And finally, under the azure blue sky, she felt at peace, with her ever faithful companions beside her, who did'st help her through her long dark silence, who did'st mend the fraility of her heart, and maketh her soul as one with the Mighty Three. And thus, it came to pass that Earniel, Anduril and BeardofPants sat in thy hallowed meadow, picking daisies, and playing with each other's hair, that BeardofPants came to ask:

"I wonder if thine divine beings are doomed to walk alone with me in this place of supreme splendour? Mine heart doth decry to thy heavens that it shall not be complete, until thy pastures are filled with the good people of Entmoot. Where art thou fellow mooters?"

And yet, BeardofPants felt blessed by the warmth of love that she did'st share with Anduril and Earniel, even though their spirits did not completely mingle as one. But BeardofPants was sad, because she missed the intimacy of thy human embrace, so she did'st seek the simple embrace of Earniel and Anduril, trusting them always, to guide her through her moments of doubt. And it was at this moment, that she looked at her green icecream, and wondered what gift Anduril had bestowed upon both her, and Earniel.
"Binary solo! 0000001! 00000011! 0000001! 00000011!" ~ The Humans are Dead, Flight of the Conchords
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Old 04-10-2002, 07:31 AM   #3
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And Anduril bemused himself that day, watching BeardofPants and Earniel playing with eachother. And he too wished that there might be additional beings to enter and stay in their presence - to bask in the glory of this wonderful place.

Then BoP was startled.

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Old 04-10-2002, 07:44 AM   #4
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"Anduril! Earniel!" She cried to her companions, "Look! I have caused there to be rendered a crack in thy hill that did'st loom over head beyond that which my eyes can not reckon. What doth this manifestation mean?"

BeardofPants pointed with a shakey finger, to the limestone parodies that which lay beyond their path, and she wondered exactly what this manifestation meant.

BeardofPants breathed heavily. "Oh! Mine beloved companions! Doth thy loyalty still exist to be bequethed to mine strange existence?"

And BeardofPants felt strangely alone, scared of her very being, for the power that did'st manifest itself upon those limestone creations, did exist beyond her reckoning, and control. And there she tarried, with a deep forboding in her heart, waiting for the very bolts of the heavens to cometh to her place, and smote her, like that which evil hath been smote before her. And ere she tarried, waiting for some obscure message to be passed into existence, for that she would'st understand how doth thy messages of thy Ainur manifest upon her simple being.
"Binary solo! 0000001! 00000011! 0000001! 00000011!" ~ The Humans are Dead, Flight of the Conchords
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Old 04-10-2002, 08:06 AM   #5
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And Anduril looked at BeardofPants, and indeed she was breathing heavily, and Anduril was thus pleased, because the beauty and majesty of BoP doth always take a more carnal and lustfull appearance when heavily became her breathing. But this did not cloud Anduril's thoughts.

"Behold BoP! It is not your power which attempteth to show itself, but rather the power of the Nameless One, who at this point is nameless as a result of not coming forward and naming him/herself."

And Earniel sayeth, "Be fraid not, O BoP, for no lightning shall you smite while I am in existence!"

And Anduril and BoP were glad, for that was a close one. But now a greater thing was present on their minds. Whatfore was this strange Nameless One, and whyeth did it crack rock?
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Old 04-10-2002, 08:19 AM   #6
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And it was then, that BeardofPants saw that her companions were right. This manifestation of darkling power had not come from her after all. So she turned to her loyal friends, and beseeched them to embrace her, for she had suffered a nasty delusion. And yet, deep within her, she could still hear the remnants of a nameless cry entombed within her mind, coercing her to do evil upon this world....
Helpless, she fell to the ground, her very being quaked by that which existed within her heart.
"Binary solo! 0000001! 00000011! 0000001! 00000011!" ~ The Humans are Dead, Flight of the Conchords

Last edited by BeardofPants : 04-10-2002 at 08:22 AM.
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Old 04-10-2002, 01:10 PM   #7
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Yet Eärniel stood up and took BoP's hand. Eärniel gently placeth BeardofPants on her feet again and at her touch BoP felt her fear being washed away. "Do not be troubled BoP", said Eärniel. "What evil it is that touched our safe haven I do not know. But it has no power over thou. Rise my friend, feel the strenght of our trust in thee. Thou were not placed in this world to do evil, that I know. It calls out to thee, aye, I have heard it too. But it does not call to thee for thine own evil for thou hast none, in thou lies the pureness of the fresh white snow on the high mountainstops. It calls to thee because thou dost not know thy own power yet and art therefore the most vulnerable of us three."

Eärniel turned now to Anduril. "It is important that we reveal the identity of this nameless evil that has shaken our dearest companion so. In our being together lies our greatest strenght, that has now been sorely tested. Such a shadow of foreboding lies now on my heart that even my purest seawater can not cleanse it. I fear for the future if we do not move quickly. What dost thou advise, my wise friend?"
We are not things.
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Old 04-10-2002, 02:22 PM   #8
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Anduril stood forth, and a new light shined in his face, as if sunlight manifest in flesh.

Anyway, then Anduril said: "It is Klonwe, the Beast of Fear, and he stalks us."

And then BoP rushed forth into the embrace of Anduril, for she desired to be free of such a stalker, such a Beast of Fear, and Klonwe was scaring her.

And then Earniel sprang forth, as if reaction as lightning, only faster. And she formed a protective force-field around The Mighty Three, such that none may enter into.

And then the cracks grew wider; and rubble fell from the cliffs, as if mudslide; and then cracks grew even wider, as if earthquake; and then....

But luckily Anduril thrust forth his ice-cream, the Koeknut rightly bestowed upon him. And he cried, "Hail Klonwe, Beast of Fear! Get thine gone from this here safe haven, this place of peace, tranquility and also freshness! Thy fear is of no use here!" And suddenly Anduril's Koeknut glowed with white light, and it's name became known: Klonwekilla its rightful name is, and it did glow brightly, and also luminescent.

And suddenly a mound of earth did rupture, and from within did outspring Klonwe. And the Beast of Fear was manifest accordingly to each of the Mighty Three's perceptions, and also their greatest fears.

But BeardofPants had the greatest fear, for she had been afraid for a while, and this she did see:
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Old 04-10-2002, 06:25 PM   #9
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"Arrrrrrrrgggghhhhh!!!!!!!" Did BeardofPants scream. For the manifestation of Klonwe was none other than, her worst fear. Thus, BeardofPants was gladdened in her very heart, that Earniel hath placed the sheild of protection + 4 around her trembling being. Thereupon, she placed her hands over her ears, in an agitated fashion, for she could hear Klonwe's voice tolling deep within her mind. And he doth speak'th to her,

"O Maegquener, I know'st thy secret name, for thou'st will is mine to command! Step out from thy cloak of obscurity, and meet thy doom, mortal!"

However, what BeardofPants heard, was completely different from what Klonwe actually said, for tis is said, that all who hear his voice will succumb to their deepest fears, and so, upon her reckoning, this is what she did hear,

"This is thou'st mother! Why doth thou never call me anymore? Thy doth not love me anymore... Why doth thou not use thy palantir stone to speaketh to me more often..."

And so the rant went on, until, BeardofPants mind was nigh split asunder by her mother's very horrifying manifestation. Thus, when Anduril didst look upon her form, it did seem to him to be a shadow of her former self, and he took pity upon her vulnerability, but he could not help her, for he doth see'st his own nightmare. And yet, Earniel didst look upon BeardofPants form as well, but she could not look'th beyond her manisfestation of doom. Everywhere, Earniel looked, all she could see was furlong, upon furlong of acrid, bitter sand....

"Fear is the mind killer... fear is the mind killer...." So spaketh BeardofPants under her breath, preaching the litany that had been taught to her in another lifetime, another realm.

"Fear is the mindkiller. I do not fear thee O mother of mine. I do not fear thee. Thou will'st cease to exist!"

And suddenly, every fibre of her being was fraught with a power of divine source, as if from from Manwe himself, and it did'st cause the Beast of fear to show his true form. Lo! Behold, before thine three companions, his true form was revealed....
"Binary solo! 0000001! 00000011! 0000001! 00000011!" ~ The Humans are Dead, Flight of the Conchords

Last edited by BeardofPants : 04-10-2002 at 06:29 PM.
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Old 04-11-2002, 03:21 AM   #10
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And suddenly Anduril became aware of the situation, for he had been long submerged in his own nightmare. Anduril had become as vegetable, void of perception and all logical thought - for rightly was this Anduril's worst fear.

And Anduril sat there, and he did not know all that was happening, for he was as vegetable, or in other words, dereft of thought proccess.

But suddenly Anduril became aware, and all signs of non-thought left him gradually, and he saw all around him: BeardofPants, quivering with power as if seismic, Earniel, fighting the fears that are worst manifest, Earniel's force-field +4, which doth glow with bluish-tinge, and also doth have lightning sparks running all over.

But in the distance, Klonwe was revealed, and his true nature sprouted forth to the preception and also comprehension of BeardofPants and also Anduril.

But Earniel was in the midst of her battle...
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Old 04-11-2002, 03:42 AM   #11
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Eärniel turned away in horror from the ghastly images that tormented her mind for they spoke of her greatest fear. Land as far as the eye can see, dry, dead, ablaze. A red sun singed the very earth turning it into a desert of dry hot sand. No drop of water could ever endure here. The sun seemed to burn her skin and a voice droned on in her head: Surrender to my voice. Your shield is useless, nothing can stop the drought. The sea is dead, the land is dry. No more outings to the swimming pool.... no more weekends by the sea....Not even enough water to take a bath...

The manifestations shook Eärniel to her very core and powerless she fell down holding her head as to drown the sound and heat.
She didst but glimpse her companions as they too wressled with their own fears. But she could not aid them as they could not aid her. The heat intensified and Eärniel cried with pain. Tears ran down her face and with that it brought a memory of docile waters. She clung to that memory trying to expand it as the sea does at high water. She thought of rain, sweet rain that bathes the earth. She thought of wirling waters at the beach. She thought of waters wild caught in the eye of a storm. And to herself she repeateth: "thou canst fight the Sea but thou cannot never win. The Sea is eternal, she can not be beaten nor contained."

The memory of the Sea drowned the searing hallucination. And Eärniel rose again with the strenght of tsunamis. To those who looked upon her a light shone within her. She faced Klonwe now in his true form and did not turn away anew.
We are not things.
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Old 04-11-2002, 05:15 AM   #12
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And so it came to pass that BeardofPants, Anduril, and Earniel faced Klonwe in his true form. And such was the silly sight, that The Mighty Three rolled around on the grassy meadow banks, laughing with merriment. For thine deception of thine eye was an amazing magic, pulled off by a rather stunted little gnome in the brightest pair of green pants ever before beheld by mortal man.

"Yah! I'll get you! I'll get you next time!" He cried, running off into the distance.

But BeardofPants, Earniel, and Anduril did'st not hear him, for their merriment was so great. Thus, they tarried ere a while, in the heavenly green meadow, whereupon they had'st defeated their greatest challenge: the fear of thine own inner mind. And so, whilst the sun was bearing down upon thine divine hair, and the grass was softly caressing their bare skin, it came into being, that BeardofPants did'st notice something seem'th strange about Anduril.

"O Anduril, mine friend, and loyal companion, why art thou so silent on this wonderful day? We did'st defeat thine awful gnome, and we overcometh the terror of our minds, so why art thou so withdrawn?"

And thereupon, both Earniel and BeardofPants turned towards him, with outstretched arms, and noticed how his face doth flinch as if in mortal pain...
"Binary solo! 0000001! 00000011! 0000001! 00000011!" ~ The Humans are Dead, Flight of the Conchords

Last edited by BeardofPants : 04-11-2002 at 05:19 AM.
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Old 04-11-2002, 07:50 AM   #13
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And Anduril doth fall forward into the arms of BeardofPants, for his legs hath given way, and he wath light-headed.

"O BeardofPants, it hath been revealed to me, via divine revelation, the path I must take."

Earniel disabled the force-field +4, and looked over at BeardofPants and Anduril, and it was a sore sight, for Anduril was all sweaty, and weak, and BeardofPants wath supporting him.

"Anduril, wherefore art thou so weak, as if in pain of mighty measure?"

"O dear BoP, it is that way; ever I receive revelations, it doth hurt muchly; such that I cannot stand upright, nor think clearly - let me rest for a while."

And BoP took Anduril to the meadow and the three lay down in the presence of the waterfall, and they did rest.

"Tell us, O Anduril, what hath befallen thee?" Earniel was confuzzled.

Anduril recovered his eratic breathing, and spewed forth his new wisdom: "Thy hidden power, BoP, lie in that place which ith known as Googleplex, beyond the hills of Rushme. It is there that thy shall find the true nature of thine majesty and strength and divineness, and also it is there that I shall receive my first lead in terms of mine own mission - mine namesake, and the origin thereof."

And The Mighty Three were elated, but also were sad of heart, for the longed to tarry yet a while in this place of peace and nice scenery. But they knew what must be done.

Anduril, when fully rested, sprang forth and cried:

"Behold! I manifest the means of our transport! For as we are yet mortal beings, we may not be constrained to travel via foot or steed. Exist, Veyron!"

And before there very eyes did Veyron exist, and manifest. And then did Anduril open the doors, and they did climb in, and they did sit. And this Veyron was different, for it hath three seats, not rightly the mere two, and they were thus comfortable.

And then did Anduril, the prophesied driver, turn the divine key, and the special and powerful engnie did start. And they made haste....
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Old 04-11-2002, 08:03 AM   #14
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Within it's cavernous limits, and as the time doth flow by in this marvelous piece of machinery, BeardofPants did'st wonder if thine vehicle caused copious amounts of pollution... But not for long. For ere a time had passed, when she became uncomfortably aware of a growing attraction to the idle power of that which layed within Anduril, and it began to occupy her every thought, and breath. But when Anduril gazed upon her wreath of wild bushy blonde hair, and her sleep encrusted green eyes, he did wonder what occupied her so.

"O BeardofPants, what hast thine encumbered within thine head?"

"Nay, 'tis nothing... I just have a strange feeling in my belly, that dost tell me that your power has not dissipated yet, but still lies there, dormant within your being."

And so, sayeth BeardofPants, as she lean'th back into her comfortable seat (made of course from synthetic plastic - not leather), and appraised Earniel's sketches of the Mighty Three...
"Binary solo! 0000001! 00000011! 0000001! 00000011!" ~ The Humans are Dead, Flight of the Conchords

Last edited by BeardofPants : 04-11-2002 at 08:05 AM.
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Old 04-12-2002, 04:47 AM   #15
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Eärniel looked outside through windows of Anduril's strange vehicle. They moved at a great speed and the landscape at the outside seemed blurted and distorted. And Eärniel could not distinguish any detail of the outside world. But as she watched the lands fly by her, she tried to bring order in the wild waters of her mind. For it seemeth spinning with the strange names she hath heard so much lately and the events that hath taken place. Eärniel knew that speed was needed yet she wondered whether her companions and herself were not too hasty.

Their fight with Klonwe hath left her with a strange feeling. For though she hath defeated her own fear of the drought and the end of the Sea, it hath been but a close victory. And Eärniel found that she began doubting her own powers in which she hath had always great confidence. She didst not like the way her thoughts took her and it distressed her greatly.

But then Eärniel got angry with herself for worrying such. She tore her gaze from the speeding world and dismisseth her doubts and fears to the back of her mind. She told herself it was nothing but her weariness that causeth her such dark thoughts and that she needeth but rest. She conjured a soft blue pillow and put it behind her head. Thus she spoke to her companions "Forgive me my friends, but I am in much need of some rest."

And Anduril replied "Take the rest thou need so, o Eärniel. We shall wake thee when we reached our destination."
We are not things.
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Old 12-08-2010, 10:39 AM   #16
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Many years later, after Andúril had had his fill of watching Eärniel deep in restful slumber, he felt it time to awaken her, to coax her to consciousness. They had reached their destination, Googleplex, beyond the hills of Rushme.

"Thou must bring her to life with thy touch," BoP suggested. Andúril held out his hand, yet covered with the holy plastic packet. BoP looked into his eyes as she carefully, sensually and erratically removed the protective sheath to reveal the sacred hand of Arcturiel. A children's choir could be heard in the background.

Anduril carefully considered his options. Where was he to grasp? Earniel's delicate body lay vulnerably outstretched. He examined every inch of her form, from head to toe, every part.

BoP looked on, her breathing heightened.
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Old 12-08-2010, 05:22 PM   #17
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A plastic gecko, appearing out of nowhere and wielded with acute precision, hit Andúril right in eye.

"We'll be keeping our hands to ourselves, thankyouverymuch," said Eärniel who had been rather enjoying her nap.

She stood up while dusting herself off. "Well," she said, "It's been fun. But I think it is about time to move to pastures green."

"Oh, I believe that's my cue," she said as a nice, colourful sunset appeared in the background.

With a wave of her hand, she walked off into the sunset.
We are not things.
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Old 12-09-2010, 02:04 AM   #18
The last sane person
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And lo! Beknownst or not to the Mighty Three, there was yet a new watcher to this celestial play. For amongst the heath and flowers wild, upon the great green sward; World weary warrior, and vigilant keeper Sane layest in a dreamless slumber. As though heeding a siren's call, so too did Sane wake from her silent repose upon the heath, the scales falling from her eyes as she gazed upon the visage of Andúril. A cry, a gasp and words of prayer melded into one whispered breath as she did so wonder at her sudden transport to a place so holy.

"Mine eyes deceivest me! I had not dared to hope against hope when I beheld thy visage, thy shining presence into the penumbra of the soul! Yet my heart believes it most true; It's the awakening of the Mighty Three!" A sentence, no more. Loathe to break the sanctified air, Sane didst bow her head in joy and reverence, weeping but a single tear, for not all tears are heralds of evil.
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

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Old 12-10-2010, 04:11 AM   #19
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Behold! Kittens!
"Binary solo! 0000001! 00000011! 0000001! 00000011!" ~ The Humans are Dead, Flight of the Conchords
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