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Old 01-22-2002, 08:18 PM   #1
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Location: Mirkwood
Posts: 19
Theoden <~~Cont. quest

I was told in the council that I was to go to Rohan. In Rohan, I need to find a small city in Gondor, were I will find Aranon (sp. I think) and he will help me to Hobbition to find Jack, the hobbit who knows Clach (the wizards name is Clach now) personaly.
I set of...

"I dont know Elron, Rohan is a long way...and I dont think me alone, just an elf, can get back to Mirkwood."
"Try, you will pass Kyle (Kyle is my name now) I am sure Aranon can help."

As Kyle set out, he looked back only once to the sky of Rivendelle, and walked out of the gates. Kyle looked at the sun and ran as fast as he could barly touching the ground, as most elfs do. As he looked around again, he wondered if he would make it, he settled in for the night, and fell asleep. when he woke up he looked around and saw he was surrouned by men.
"What's this?"
"Shush, we will find use for you little one!"
"Agh....what is going on?"
"I am Ivan, lord of Rohan, keeper of the righteousness of Gondor."
"I am Kyle, and I need your help finding a man named Aranon."
.................................................. .................................................. .....
A man stepped forward.
"I am Aranon, what bussiness does an elf have in Gondor?"

-I will keep up when the Aranon dude emails me at Thewho2001rules@aol.com
I woudlve gone with you My brother...
My Captain...
My king...

I made a promise Mr. Frodo, a promise... dont you leave him Samwise Gamgee, and I dont mean to, I dont mean to.
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Old 01-22-2002, 08:23 PM   #2
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Theoden <~~~~Cont Ladymidnight read

I am sorry, I didnt read the post, I will put Drelin in the next quest....well, I have so far

Aranon: Man
Drelin: Elf
Kyle (me): Elf
I woudlve gone with you My brother...
My Captain...
My king...

I made a promise Mr. Frodo, a promise... dont you leave him Samwise Gamgee, and I dont mean to, I dont mean to.
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Old 01-22-2002, 08:32 PM   #3
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Cont from Lady Midnight read

I mean my next post, Like when Aranon takes me to Rohan u stop him, well I will do it here!

As Aranon told the rest of the riders to leave him with Kyle,
He took his Bow, and sword, and Kyle told him his quest.

"I see, Elron always has trusted me...I will help you, if you can help me."
Kyle turned and saw an elf, a female elf.
"Kyle, I must come with you, the Elven King told me, you may need my bow, and healing powers..."
"Yes, ok."
"we must hurry, if we expect to go to Gondor, and get help there."
-They walked together toward the sunset, Kyle with his sword, Aranon with his Borad Axe, and Drelin with her bow.

- Does Ladymidnight or Willaim Wallace wanna do some of it?
IM Me at Thewho2001rules or email me
-sorry I am so "Bossy"
I woudlve gone with you My brother...
My Captain...
My king...

I made a promise Mr. Frodo, a promise... dont you leave him Samwise Gamgee, and I dont mean to, I dont mean to.
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Old 01-22-2002, 10:05 PM   #4
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*Never mind, screw up. Don't mind this.*

And they carried them to the flatlands
But they died along the way
And they built up with their bare hands
What we still can't do today.

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Old 01-23-2002, 03:51 PM   #5
Michelle The Fair
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Arwen Undomiel

Suddenly o the wind there arose a strangely soft sound. It started low like the humming of a gentle breeze in the trees. "I wonder what that is?"Kyle mused alouded. " Let's go see."

So with wepons drawn they approched the sound. As they drew nearer the sound grew into a beutiful melody. Drelin motioned to a stand of trees to the right. "Over there." Kyle was the first to reach the the trees. As he peered through the low hanging branches of a willow tree, he beheld a wonderous sight.
In the glen was a young maiden.she was dancing a twirling about to a song played by unseen musicians.she moved and glided across the glen asgracefully as a leaf caught on a breeze. her feet made no sound as they touch softly to the ground. Somewhere a twig snapped and the moment was shattered.
"And so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
Gandalf the Grey

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Old 01-23-2002, 06:51 PM   #6
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Theoden <~~~~~cont quest

Ok, since you are posting on my quest does that make u part of my fellowship, if so, I need your Bio, just email me at it, do u have email at AOL? like I said just email me at:
or IM me

-so far I have

Willaim Wallace

-wanna join?
IM me or email me with Bio and I will try to add u in, just reply but I am not sure when I will finish.
I woudlve gone with you My brother...
My Captain...
My king...

I made a promise Mr. Frodo, a promise... dont you leave him Samwise Gamgee, and I dont mean to, I dont mean to.
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Old 01-23-2002, 06:58 PM   #7
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Theoden Quest

Kyle looked at Drelin, and at Aranon.
"What, should we go back to Rivendelle, Gondor seems so far and I am not sure if we can make it."
"Dont worry, Gondor will help us, keep a high head." said Drelin
Aranon seemed to want to hurry, so he said contently, "pack up, we will make it to Gondor, in mabey three days."
"When we get to Gondor when will we go to Hobbition and meet the hobbit who knows Crench? "Soon Kyle"
as they slowly made it across the country side they werent sure who knew they were here. "Orcs!" shouted Kyle. Does Crench know we are on to him?"

=-I will contenue when I atleast talk to Ladymidnight, or Willaim Wallace
I woudlve gone with you My brother...
My Captain...
My king...

I made a promise Mr. Frodo, a promise... dont you leave him Samwise Gamgee, and I dont mean to, I dont mean to.
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Old 01-24-2002, 07:50 PM   #8
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Theoden Quest (it gets good)

Aranon steped into the mornng light with a puzzeld look.

"If Crech knew I was here, how could he know we were going to Gondor. Mabey Elron told the hobbit, and he is working for the wizard and he has told him we are going."
"Tis all puzzeling." Drelin managed to say as he looked at Kyle, who was at the time sharpening his sword. Kyle looked at Aranon.
"What is to become of us once the orcs find us, and we are merely back in Mirkwood help captive to tornment to death?"
Drelin stared into Kyle's eyes.
"If the great Elron has sent us to Gondor, then in Gondor's name I will not be here to see the great land of Mirkwood, and Fangorn fall into the hands of a wizard."
Aranon looked at Drelin. "I believe only we, two elves, a mortal, and who ever we find in Gondor can defeat him, only we have the power to bring Mirkwood back to the elfs!"
"We must hurry, Gondor cant wait." Kyle said putting his sword in the pouch and loading his quiver with arrows.
As the three ran they all were wondering if the orcs whould find them. If possibly Crech had been doing something in Mordor, if Gondor would be effected. Kyle merely touching the ground had a determand look on his face. Aranon in the middle of the two looked at them and now ran ahead. Aranon, being a man had great speed, and ran as if he wanted Mirkwood back as much as Kyle. They entered Gondor on the fifth day they set out.
Each one looked at one anouther as they walked toward the gates of Gondor. When they arrived Drelin walked up to the gate.
One of the guards screamed, "Drelin! it's Drelin!" and soon almost fourty mortal men were running toward the gate wanting to see the man from Gondor.
Drelin spoek up. "My men of Gondor. We come here to seek help in Rohan. We need warriors willing to fight, horses that ride like the very wind inself. We need the help of a king."
One of the men grabbed a sword and ran into the biggest tower that the two elfs could see. When he returned a man with gold helmets and swords of silver came wandering out looking around. Drelin ran up to him and bowed.
"King Kragin, my lord it has been too long."
"Perhaps to long may faithfull friend."
Kyle looked at Aranon who was standing in all the Awe of seeing any were with such advance civilizations, the two haddent been out of Mirkwood, untill it was overcome so Kyle too without being to opheuis was amazed. A man walked toward the two elfs and said, "I am Ivan, I am here to join you, and help you."
Just then the gates were blown down and atleast fifty-seven Orcs raided the city. They came screaming and in the last of the line was Crach. The Orcs were fighting like no other monster, and it was all the men could do to hold them back.
With Drelin with his sword, Aranon and Kyle with there Bows, they fought for the land of Mirkwood, and the land of Gondor.
Soon many men and Orcs had fallen and Kyle Drelin and Aranon weakning the orcs fled back and Crach still waiting. He rose his arms, and a heavy blast of lightning filled the sky. Crach let out a laugh, and the world went dark. Drelin was alive Kyle was alive Aranon was alive, all wounded, they had strerenth but they were taken by the enemy
I woudlve gone with you My brother...
My Captain...
My king...

I made a promise Mr. Frodo, a promise... dont you leave him Samwise Gamgee, and I dont mean to, I dont mean to.
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Old 01-24-2002, 09:05 PM   #9
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Theoden quest

When Kyle awoke he was surrounded by orcs
(sorrta like merry and pippin in 'The Two Towers'
his weapons were gone, and his companains, Drelin Aranon and Ivan lay unconciense in the back of the cave. Kyle tried to think of what happend but he couldnt remeber. "How could Clench know I, was the one from Mirkwood, I didnt think anyone saw me on my ecscape, thought I am sure he has many spies just like the hobbit. I wonder what Elron is doing, where my family is." Kyle thought. Just then from out side the cave came a warrior a halfling, one half elf, half mortal, with a bow, and a healing staff, she set off, inside the cave to rescue Kyle and his friends.
From inside the cave Chlench knew she was comming, and so did the Orcs....

-I will contenue later
I woudlve gone with you My brother...
My Captain...
My king...

I made a promise Mr. Frodo, a promise... dont you leave him Samwise Gamgee, and I dont mean to, I dont mean to.
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Old 01-25-2002, 06:48 PM   #10
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Theoden quest

Kyle turned to drelin, who had just awaken.
"I hear footsteps."
"Someone is coming, lets hope it isnt Clench."
"Yes, is Aranon, or Ivan awake?"
"No, keep your voice down the orcs will hear us."

By now the footsteps were getting louder untill a cloud of smoke filled the air, and a dark figure stepped out with her bow loaded firing at the orcs, she had downed atleast ten, and the rest backed of laying down there swords.
"I am Nuanna. I am half elf, half mortal. and have come to help you." She had a staff, the staff of Bynaria, used as healing. She replenished the health of all, Kyle, Aranon (who had awaken in the middle of the battle leaving her quite confused) and Drelin, and Ivan. They grabbed there weapons and headed toward the main entrance of Clench's lair.
"How did you find us?" Asked Aranon looking around puzzeledly.
"I was raised in Hobbition, and there was one hobbit, who used to mind to himself, untill a strange figure, Clench came and took him, when he came back he wasnt himself. So I followed Clench here and saw him take you into his lair.
"If we get there, what if Clench is too powerfull, or we fall to Orcs."
"Dont worry. If we do fight orcs I wont let Clench get away."
As they headed toward a tight corridor, they heard voices, not of the elvish language, but an evil languaghe.
"No dought the Orcs!"
The compainions got there weapons ready. Kyle with his sword Aranon with her bow, Drelin with his sword, Ivan with his Axe, and Nuanna with her staff and Bow.
The orcs fought powerfully, and the five were weakning.
"Dont hold back!"
"Agh, I...I..can..t.." Kyle began to say before he was thrown to the ground.
"Get back, run!!!!!!!"
"Dont let them get you!"
as they ran, the orcs follows, Clench had won the battle, and probobly fled to Mirkwood for more orcs, or to Mordor for connections with the evil there, or Isengard for more help.
Either way they were beginning to despaire, they headed to a feild, that the orcs couldnt find, and healed. It seemed Clench had his success, and the world had fallen into the hands of evil

- I will contenue later.
I woudlve gone with you My brother...
My Captain...
My king...

I made a promise Mr. Frodo, a promise... dont you leave him Samwise Gamgee, and I dont mean to, I dont mean to.
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Old 01-25-2002, 08:37 PM   #11
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Theoden quest

Kyle looked at the night sky, and wondered what do to.
"Were could Clench have gone?"
"Mabey he is back in Mirkwood, should we split up?"
"No, we will look, and find...the fellowship cant stand to be scatted.
"Then how long will it take?"
"I am not sure."
"But we will have success."
As Nuanna looked out with her keen elvish eyes, she spotted a small carriage going down the plain.
"Look, I see a buggy! it may be three mabey four hundred yards away!"
"You thi-."
"I know! it has to be!"
They chased the carriage in hopes of finding a disquised man that whould be Clench.
"How do you know?!?"
"No one is allowed in Mirkwood now, and the way he is going, north east is the only way to get to Mirkwood!"
"Ok! Lets go!!"
When they finally cought up with him, he looked like an old man in a robe, with his face covered.
"Excuse me, do you know were this road leads to?" Said Kyle.
"I believe it is Mirkwood, I am knew to this place, and I am not sure were everything is, I am from Rohan."
"Oh, ok well, good-bye."
As they walked off, Nuanna used her sight to
look were he was headed.
she said, only elves know that!"
"And elves arent from Rohan."
"I think we got him."
Nuanna readied an arrow and began aiming at the carriage.
"Sheewg!" the arrow shot, and the horses fell.
the man got out took of his robe,and it was indeed Clench.
"Whats going on!" he yelled.
The five charged on.
"Agh, they have come to play."
"Get him!"
Nuanna, Aranon, and Kyle got the bows ready at at once they shot. He was hit, but he got back up. Then the two men, Drelin, and Ivan charged with there swords, only to be swung back.
Drelin held his head high and through the sword through the air, and fell Clench.
He didnt get back up.

-the story isnt over, see what happens next....
I woudlve gone with you My brother...
My Captain...
My king...

I made a promise Mr. Frodo, a promise... dont you leave him Samwise Gamgee, and I dont mean to, I dont mean to.
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Old 01-26-2002, 11:06 PM   #12
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Christon sat in a chair at the Gold Dragon. A pint before him, he remembered his horrible flight from Moria. Upon returning to his home, he was set upon by orcs. He barely escaped as it was. There was only one thought in his mind. Revenge. He puched the mug away and retired to his room.
(first one feel free to join in)
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Old 01-26-2002, 11:14 PM   #13
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I want to join, i tried to IM you, but ill just post my Bio
Weapons:Axes of all size
Bio: From Moria Escaped the destruction, and on quest for revenge.(Abridged version come see my quest to get more)
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Old 01-27-2002, 01:59 PM   #14
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Early the next morning he heard a commotion. Somone had completly destroyed a hobbit room. Suprisingly no one was hurt but Christon heard a lot about black riders, and southerner, and Bill Ferny. He decided that no one would be of any help here and set off in search of another town.
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Old 01-27-2002, 06:46 PM   #15
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Christon was bored and wished someone else would friggin join in
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Old 01-28-2002, 09:59 PM   #16
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Sup. I'll be...a ranger named Teg. hi. thanks.
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Old 01-29-2002, 09:51 PM   #17
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Theoden quest (sorry so late)

"Drelin, how?
"Well, I guess when an elf, who knows how to use a sword gets mad he gets power."
Kyle looked at Drelin.
"Could I?"
They walked over to Clench.
Only his robe lay on the rough ground.
"Whats going on?"
"I dont know, mabey he got away."
"But were?"
"Fangorn passage."
They ran to the start of the maze leading to Fangorn Passage.
As they entered they saw footprints leading to a small corridor secretly mashed behind a bush.
When they walked a mile they were shocked.
There was a breeding ground of orcs being made.
Almost unbelievable.
"Faster if we are going to send you to Gondor we have to work faster you Orcs." Clench scrame.
"Wow!" Said Kyle.
"How do we stop this?" Said Drelin.
"We have visitors." said Clench looking over at the five.
"Oh, no!!"
The cave drew dark, and a blinding light rose to the top of the cave.
A white figure looking like Elron raised his hands and then
the next thing they knew the Orcs were gone, but somehow Clench resitend and they looked at each other, clench and elron, kyle Ivan drelin, aranon, and Nuanna all at Clench, they readied there weapons, and ready for the final battle.
I woudlve gone with you My brother...
My Captain...
My king...

I made a promise Mr. Frodo, a promise... dont you leave him Samwise Gamgee, and I dont mean to, I dont mean to.
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Old 01-30-2002, 06:23 PM   #18
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whats with the 5000000000 quest threds?
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Old 01-31-2002, 08:19 AM   #19
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Theoden What?

I don't understand, but will i be enough for you to continue the story?
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Old 01-31-2002, 11:51 PM   #20
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I don't get it.

this makes 9 posts that have something to do with "quest".

could you please just put all you're quest posts in one thing?
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