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Old 03-25-2004, 10:03 PM   #1
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The Lord of the Rings discussion: Chapter 1, A Long-expected Party

Chapter 1: A Long-expected Party

Note to Newbies: This discussion has LOTR spoilers. If you haven't read the LOTR, go read it now.

The first chapter of The Lord of the Rings introduces some of the most important characters in what will eventually become the War of the Ring. We learn quite a lot about the nature of hobbits, and realise something is not quite right about Bilbo's ring. The name of this chapter is interesting: the first chapter of The Hobbit is called An Unexpected Party; a little wink to us from Tolkien, I think.

The first part of chapter one gives us background on Frodo and Bilbo and hobbits in general, quickly followed by Bilbo's party and disappearance, and the passing of the Ring to Frodo. These events occur some sixteen years before the War of the Ring. It is obvious in this chapter, and in the next few, that Tolkien is in 'The Hobbit mode'. He's still writing a sequel to The Hobbit, in style and content.

For those who haven't read the prologue or The Hobbit, it is quickly realised that there is some peculiar about Bilbo Baggins: he has treasure and possesses (apparently) perpetual youth. We meet Frodo Baggins as respectable gentlehobbit, though he is a Brandybuck, and Brandybucks are 'queer', so we know that Frodo is perhaps no ordinary hobbit either. Though Sam barely plays a part in the chapter, we learn a bit about him, too. We know he is a common gardener, working class, but he enjoys Bilbo's tales of dragons and elves and has even learnt his letters -- so he is not quite 'ordinary' either, judging from his father's disapproval. (And later in The Two Towers we are told not many hobbits learn their letters.) Gandalf is immediately seen as wise and trustful, though mysterious as well. Though some people think hobbits are a simple people, I believe this chapter shows them as complex individuals. We see them as thieves and gossips, and displaying vain, arrogant, humorous and angry behaviour.

In this chapter we first see Frodo's interaction with the Ring, though all he does is take the envelope containing it and glance at it inattentively. It is not exerting any power on him at this time, at least not obviously, even though Frodo is its new owner. I wonder if Frodo has seen the Ring before, or touched it before. Do you think he would feel something when he becomes the Ring's owner? Later chapters show that Frodo is unaffected by age like Bilbo, but I wonder if, during the years he owns the Ring, whether the Ring exerts its influence in other ways. In the next chapter, it is revealed that Frodo feels restless and wonders what is outside the Shire. Perhaps this is the Ring's influence. (And perhaps we should leave that discussion to the next chapter.

Tolkien shows us his unique brand of humour in this chapter: The number of guests at the party is 144, one Gross, a term not considered 'proper.' Mr Proudfoot thinks his family's name should be Proudfeet when it's pluralised. The gifts Bilbo leaves his relatives (my favourite being his gift to Lobelia: silver spoons.) I've read that some people think Tolkien didn't use humour well in the LOTR. For example, we have to be told the reason for the joke in many cases. In this chapter we need to be told why Bilbo's present to Milo is amusing: because he never answers letters. What do you think of Tolkien's sense of humour in the LOTR?

This chapter has a modernism, something which is obviously foreign to Middle-earth: the dragon firework fashioned by Gandalf is described as passing like an 'express train.' I wonder if either Tolkien did not find this when he revised the LOTR for the second edition, or whether he thought it didn't need altering. To defend Tolkien, he is translating this from Westron to English, and perhaps came upon a term he couldn't find a modern word for and decided that an express train was the best translation.

My favourite part of this chapter is Bilbo's speech, when he says, "I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve." It is rather confusing, and I sympathise with the poor, confused hobbits.

Now discuss away!
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Old 03-25-2004, 10:59 PM   #2
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The thing that struck me most about chapter 1 of the LOTR is the interaction that cassiopeia has mentioned already between Frodo, Bilbo and the Ring.
How is it that Frodo, a hobbit that could not bring himself to do any harm to the Ring:
Gandalf held it up. It looked to be made of pure and solid gold. ‘Can you see any markings on it?’ he asked.
‘No,’ said Frodo. ‘There are none. It is quite plain, and it never shows a scratch or sign of wear.’
‘Well then, look!’ To Frodo’s astonishment and distress the wizard threw it suddenly into the middle of a glowing corner of the fire. Frodo gave a cry and groped for the tongs; but Gandalf held him back.
‘Wait!’ he said in a commanding voice, giving Frodo a quick look from under his bristling brows.
We all know that at this point of the story, Gandalf has no real plans as how to deal with the ring, and because of the attraction that Frodo has for the ring, and the trust that Gandalf has of him, he seems like the perfect person to take care of it for the time being. But if Frodo at this time had already shown such possessiveness with the ring, was there any way that Gandalf could have found that would involve letting someone else carry the Ring?
You might want to look at this thread, that deals with this topic extensively: Why did Frodo volunteer to take the Ring?
“What does the term american refers to” asked the boy, and the wise man answered: “Lets look at the dictionary then.”
As an adjective American is:
1. Of or relating to the United States of America or its people, language, or culture.
2. Of or relating to North or South America, the West Indies, or the Western Hemisphere.
As a noun American is:
A native or inhabitant of America.
A citizen of the United States.

Then the boy asked, “What is America then?”, and the wise man looked at the dictionary again:
1. The United States.
2. also the A·mer·i·cas. The landmasses and islands of North America, Central America, and South America.

Confused, the boy asked, “Does the term american refers solely to a us citizen or to any person in North, Central or South America?”
The wise man replied: “What do you think?”, and the boy answered: “It is clear to me that while the term american is used to refers to us citizens, one can also use it to refer to any person who is from that continent too,” the boy thought for a while and asked the wise man, “Am I right?”, and he replied: “But of course.”
The boy wondered, why is it that some people refuse to acknowledge the fact that the term american refers not only to US citizens but to anyone of the American continent?, but then sadly, the boy understood, that it is the calamity of ignorance.
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Old 03-26-2004, 03:43 AM   #3
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Originally posted by Maedhros

We all know that at this point of the story, Gandalf has no real plans as how to deal with the ring,
On contrary. He knew pretty well what kind of ring was in Bilbo's posession And made his plans accordingly.
In this chapter we learned that Gandalf for some time bothered Bilbo quite a bit, being inquisitive about the ring, and that Bilbo's entire deal with the Birthday Party was set up with good old wizard help to make it 'easier to give up the ring' . Why he went out of his way to persuade Bilbo to give up the Ring ? Wouldn't it be easier if he would go with Bilbo to Elrond and then in the safety of the walls of Imladris they would decide what further to do with the Ring ?
Because it's safekeeping place became known. When Gandalf became aware that Sauron has found out of the true place of the Ring's safekeeping, he staged a great show with flashy Bilbo's disappearance infront of as many people, as it could possible, so the news, that the Ring is not in the Shire any more ,would get to Sauron faster and in more indirrect and thus is more believable way.

Another little surprising observation, that Gandalf was not that grandfatherly nice with Frodo and made the way into his house rather under treatening notion. I guess that his eagerness to get into the house even by means of blowing the door
"out trough the hill" could be explained by his anxiosness for the Ring safety.

It warmed my heart reading how carefully Bilbo preserved old worn stuff from his adventure, for him it was more precious then the value of his home, because it was the reminders of his unforgetfull adventure and unique experience. This and his eloquent way of speaking, and his itelligence made him stand out of the crowd, like a black sheep in the flock. Instead of admiration and respect he got mockery and was tagged as a queer .
No wonder that he eventually got tired of all this pretense to be nice to everybody who doesn't give a damn about him, and went to the place where was treated much better.

I feel very sad for poor Bilbo, that he had to leave his house being already very old. If you at such age risked to leave the place where you spent most of your life it means that you had been extremely unhappy there.
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Old 03-26-2004, 06:02 AM   #4
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A few points:

Maedhros: You're in Chapter 2

Party Attendance: If you read this part more carefully, practically everyone living nearby was invited, as well as some from other parts of the Shire and a few beyond... and many of those NOT invited were inadvertently overlooked - but just came anyway. It tells us that the guests were all given a splendid supper, except for those invited to the special family dinner party held at the pavillion by the party tree - this was the 144. Can't blame you for missing this - I did myself the first few / several times I read it. So the party actually included just about everyone around - and the 144 was a 'select group' from among those who came to the party.

Bilbo's Age and the Point of the Party: It has now been 60 years since Bilbo joined the Dwarves on their adventure to Erebor. This is his 111th birthday - he uses the term "eleventy-one" which is quite charming. He also uses the occasion of the 'long-expected' party to do something rather unexpected again... since he chooses this time to 'disappear' from the Shire, quite literally - by intentionally slipping on the Ring while concluding his birthday / farewell speech - and then going away, leaving Bag End, and The Ring, to Frodo (who incidentally, is turning 33 on the same date, September 22 of 3001 (1401 'Shire Reckoning') - and we learn that 33 is a hobbit's 'coming of age' - like our '21' - and indeed, they seem to live about 25-30 years or so longer than modern-age humans, in general). This action of Bilbo's forshadows a similar event later in the story.

EDIT: btw... good job Cass - and I should have said so to start with! Any time we talk about a chapter, I'm sure different things jump out to different people - and you did a great job getting this up and allowing discussion to start. As for the 144 thing - lots of people seem to miss that - I've even seen trivia questions answered and accepted that way. Besides, it's among that group that the main action of the party takes place.
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Old 03-26-2004, 10:34 AM   #5
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Originally posted by Olmer
When Gandalf became aware that Sauron has found out of the true place of the Ring's safekeeping, he staged a great show with flashy Bilbo's disappearance infront of as many people, as it could possible, so the news, that the Ring is not in the Shire any more ,would get to Sauron faster and in more indirrect and thus is more believable way.

I think, on this point, I have a different reading. Gandalf used the
flash for the opposite reason, to disguise Bilbo's use of the Ring.

Bilbo: "Though that flash was surprising; it quite startled me, let alone the others. A little addition of your own, I suppose?"
"It was. You have wisely kept that ring secret all these years, and it seemed necessary to give your guests something else that would seem to explain your sudden vanishment."
And about the "I don't know half of you..." I imagine I'm about as swift as a hobbit. I had to stop and work out exactly what Bilbo was saying before I went on reading. Took me awhile, too.
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Old 03-26-2004, 10:43 AM   #6
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Originally posted by Olmer
On contrary. He knew pretty well what kind of ring was in Bilbo's posession And made his plans accordingly.
I think you're wrong there. Gandalf did not make any plans in this chapter. Bilbo's plans of leaving the Shire was his own idea and his own decision, Gandalf merely approved them. The disappearance joke with the Ring was also all Bilbo's idea. I would guess Gandalf was not happy about that, in fact he added a little flashing of light at the moment of Bilbo's disappearance, to draw attention away from the Ring as the source for the magic. He wanted the Ring to be a secret.

Neither did Gandalf yet know the true nature of the Ring. When he says farewell to Frodo at the end of the chapter, he says:
I have merely begun to wonder about the ring, especially since last night.
I think Gandalf may have thought that the ring was one of the rings that the Elven-smiths made in Eregion long ago, but of the lesser ones. That would explain why he often questioned Bilbo about the Ring, but still wasn't seriously alarmed.
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Old 03-26-2004, 11:02 AM   #7
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About Tolkien's humour: I would like to know what's wrong with the description of the farewell presents? It's delightful. I also love the way he is describing the Hobbits, he does it with subtle and discrete humour, and with great affection.

I'm also fond of the Hobbit-words we learn in this chapter: 'tweens', 'eleventy-first', and 'jools', and 'filling up the corners'

And there's this quote from The Gaffer, which, if we are to believe Sam for the rest of the story, just him in a nutshell: "Elves and Dragons! Cabbages and potatoes are better for me and you. Don't go getting mixed up in the business of your betters, or you'll land in trouble too big for you."
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Old 03-26-2004, 11:10 AM   #8
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Originally posted by Tuor of Gondolin

Gandalf used the flash for the opposite reason, to disguise Bilbo's use of the Ring.

If he wanted to disguise the use of the Ring he would made Bilbo
quietly disappear after the party without making him 'the talk of the town' and beyond. Of course ingenious hobbits took this as magic, but they who were looking for the Ring would know at once that disappearence connected with use of the Ring. It was its calling card.
Ironicaly Gandalf staged all this show to throw Sauron of the track, because he was thinking that Sauron was looking for the Ring, but all this spies, who was lurking around Shire, was sent by Saruman, who became suspicios about such close guard by Rangers of seems to be perfectly ordinary area.

ToArtanis .This happened when you just skimming over the pages. Dig deeper. Don't take literally what just lays on the surface. If you will read carefully next chapter it will reveals you that Gandalf, indeed, knew very well what kind of ring it was.

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Old 03-26-2004, 11:16 AM   #9
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on the sauron connection, at this point in time he had not captured gollum, thus knew nothing about the ring being taken by bilbo... sauron would not become aware of "baggins" and "the shire" for many years
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Old 03-26-2004, 11:22 AM   #10
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Olmer, Gandalf did not know that the ring of Bilbo is the One Ring. He had some speculations. He went to Gondor afterwards, as he says himself in the Counsil of Elrond, and figured it is the One Ring - and then came again to the Shire, to warn Frodo about it.
Gandalf knew it's the One Ring 16 years after Bilbo left (3017) and told it to Frodo in April 3018.
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Old 03-26-2004, 11:42 AM   #11
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Originally posted by brownjenkins
sauron would not become aware of "baggins" and "the shire" for many years
But Gandalf didn't know about this, he saw the spies around the Shire,and ,naturally asumed that this is the spies of the Enemy (Who else if not Sauron? Saruman had been considering as a good guy at the time).
Why did he had a watch around the Shire and DOUBLED it for past seventeen years? Is not it too much commotion for a simple ring?
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Old 03-26-2004, 11:46 AM   #12
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Originally posted by Olmer
Why did he had a watch around the Shire and DOUBLED it for past seventeen years? Is not it too much commotion for a simple ring?
Because Gandalf suspects it's the One Ring. He doesn't know. He assumes. Why do you think he let Frodo stay in Hobbiton, if he had the Ring?
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Old 03-26-2004, 11:57 AM   #13
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Originally posted by Olmer
But Gandalf didn't know about this, he saw the spies around the Shire,and ,naturally asumed that this is the spies of the Enemy (Who else if not Sauron? Saruman had been considering as a good guy at the time).
Why did he had a watch around the Shire and DOUBLED it for past seventeen years? Is not it too much commotion for a simple ring?
Olmer, Rad and brownjenkins are right. At the time when chapter 1 takes place, Gandalf did NOT know that Bilbo's ring was The One Ring, he was just slightly suspicious about it. The thing you mention about the watch around the Shire happened later.
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Old 03-26-2004, 12:07 PM   #14
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Originally posted by Artanis
Olmer, Rad and brownjenkins are right. At the time when chapter 1 takes place, Gandalf did NOT know that Bilbo's ring was The One Ring, he was just slightly suspicious about it. The thing you mention about the watch around the Shire happened later.
The double watch around the Shire started in the same year that Bilbo the Shire - "3001- Bilbo's farewell feast. Gandalf suspects his ring to be the One Ring. The guard on the Shire is doubled. Gandalf seeks for news of Gollum and calls on the help of Aragorn."
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Old 03-26-2004, 12:11 PM   #15
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Originally posted by Radagast The Brown
Why do you think he let Frodo stay in Hobbiton, if he had the Ring?
It's not about Frodo, it's about the Ring.
Because at the time it was safiest place to keep.
Imagine, you got a thermonuclear charge capable to turn Middle -earth upside down. Will you walk around with it hanging on your neck? No. You will handle it with extreme caution and take it out only in extreme emergency case. And while it was stuck in some deep hole ,kept hidden and protected by unsuspecting of its damaging power hobbit, it was nothing to worry. Just neded an additional precousions as double-guarding the area.
The need to move it arised later and good old Gandalf sacrificed Frodo (innocent soul) handing to him (instead taking it with bilbo to Rivendell) this destroying body and soul devise.
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Old 03-26-2004, 12:13 PM   #16
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Originally posted by Radagast The Brown
The double watch around the Shire started in the same year that Bilbo the Shire - "3001- Bilbo's farewell feast. Gandalf suspects his ring to be the One Ring. The guard on the Shire is doubled. Gandalf seeks for news of Gollum and calls on the help of Aragorn."
But I think Gandalf only begins to suspect it AFTER the events of and surrounding the party.

As we know from later material - Saruman has assured the White Council that the One Ring is safely gone - and I believe Gandalf states he only started to wonder if it was not so AFTER the Party.
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Old 03-26-2004, 12:15 PM   #17
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Originally posted by Olmer
It's not about Frodo, it's about the Ring.
Because at the time it was safiest place to keep.
Imagine, you got a thermonuclear charge capable to turn Middle -earth upside down. Will you walk around with it hanging on your neck? No. You will handle it with extreme caution and take it out only in extreme emergency case. And while it was stuck in some deep hole ,kept hidden and protected by unsuspecting of its damaging power hobbit, it was nothing to worry. Just neded an additional precousions as double-guarding the area.
The need to move it arised later and good old Gandalf sacrificed Frodo (innocent soul) handing to him (instead taking it with bilbo to Rivendell) this destroying body and soul devise.
I think you have it wrong Olmer... Gandlaf was quite 'hands-off' about the whole thing, except for his insistence that Bilbo NOT take it with him. He did not plan where Bilbo would go after leaving the Shire - that was entirely up to Bilbo. He thought it prudent to keep Bilbo's ring in a place where he could know where it was at all times, observe it if needed, etc.
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Old 03-26-2004, 12:19 PM   #18
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Originally posted by Valandil
But I think Gandalf only begins to suspect it AFTER the events of and surrounding the party.

As we know from later material - Saruman has assured the White Council that the One Ring is safely gone - and I believe Gandalf states he only started to wonder if it was not so AFTER the Party.
I did not sat he suspected before the party, only in the same year.
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Old 03-26-2004, 12:25 PM   #19
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Originally posted by Radagast The Brown
I did not sat he suspected before the party, only in the same year.
OK - Olmer seems to be saying that, and I thought you were agreeing with him.

In either case, I think I'll have to re-read what it says about 'spies around the Shire' - I don't think Saruman would have known yet either, in 3001. Wonder if this is one that JRRT missed in his re-writes... or IS it in Chapter 2? I'll check.
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Old 03-26-2004, 12:29 PM   #20
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Originally posted by Artanis
At the time when chapter 1 takes place, Gandalf did NOT know that Bilbo's ring was The One Ring, he was just slightly suspicious about it. The thing you mention about the watch around the Shire happened later.
The watch doubled not "later" but exactly at the time when it became evident that is no immediate danger to the ring and it could be kept in th hole for some time more.

Trust me, Gandalf DID knowfrom the beginning, what kind of the ring it was and J.R.R.T in his book backs it up in very straightforward words.

But this discussion is for the next chapter.
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