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Old 01-26-2002, 11:42 AM   #1
A'mael Dalharen Eldarele
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The Saga of the Nârmacil, the Flame-sword: The Game!!

Aiya! and welcome to the Saga of the Nârmacil! I wish you good luck and hantalë (thanks) for joining this quest for the sword of flames. The problems that this sword may cause if it fall into the "wrong" hands is yet to be discoverd in our journey.

PS! New enterers.. please register in the "Character Registration" topic on the RPG forum.. thank you!

Good Luck!

His sword was named the Nârmacil, the flame-sword. Arat-Cúrion was his name, a beautiful elf who had lived in the Undying Lands of Valinor all his life. He was an ordinary elf really, with good looks and great wisdom, but he had something not alot of other elves were hungering for; fishing. This is also how he discovered the sword, because he didn't create it himself. One day at sea he got "i Nârmacil", the flame-sword on his rod, and the beauty of this sword reached deep into his heart. On the edge of the sword there was attached a red stone, and the edge itself was formed as a T blessed in fire. The blade was long and sharp, and it started to glow red when evil was near. But the power of the sword wouldn’t yet be discovered, because centuries of peace came and Arat-Cúrion kept the sword secret and spoke to no one about it.

After hundreds of years Arat-Cúrion married M*reia, a beautiful elf that returned to Valinor from Middle earth after the fall of the One Ring. Together they brought their son, Arat-Falathion, to life. His strength and will to learn was great. With golden hair like his mother and grey eyes like his father, he was brought up as a wonderful elf. Early he got the name Laurë Elen among friends, meaning Golden star, because his hair was like gold and his eyes like the stars.

Centuries pasted and Arat-Falathion grew up to be among the strongest elves walking in Valinor. Then Cormarë came, the festival in honour of Frodo Baggins, at the 30th of Yavannië. It was held beneath Taniquetil, the throne of Manwë. The world of Arda was now near the end of the 4th age, and it was here that the saga about the Nârmacil should begin, because this festival wouldn’t turn out like they all expected.
Arat-Falathion came together with his father, his mother and all of his friends. Manwë and the other Valas joined this great festival as well, like they always did, and people from all Valinor came to the festival. But before the party began Manwë rised from his throne and he shushed the crowd. He had a mind on his face, full of sorrow. The poem that he now spoke to the people was written down and remembered as the most sadly poem ever made. Here I will only write down the first part of the poem:

Analómë i lemi calaor Valinor
analómë i lemi calaor Endóre,
nan i lemi sintalanar
ar i mornië ná minë yonta lúmë órë
m* rómen.

Translated to the common language, westron, this said:

Tonight the stars shine over Valinor.
Tonight the stars shine over Middle earth,
but the stars are fading
and the darkness is once again rising
in the east.

When he had finished his poem everyone cried, even the strongest among men. And he said:
“The birds have told me about a new rising of the orcs in middle earth. A new darkness is coming in from the east, stronger and faster then I can remember it from the past. This time we must face the darkness before it is too late. “Antamacillyani ar cúlyai!”, he then yelled, meaning: ”Give me your swords and your bows!”.
We are going to war!”

Manwë awakened a fire in those who had listened, a fire that no one had seen since the 3rd age. This was when Arat-Cúrion made up his mind, and brought his sword, Nârmacil, the flame-sword, up from his hidden chest where he had kept it secret. People who saw this sword was overwhelmed by its beauty, and most of them all Arat-Falathion, his son. Arat-Falathion took his bow, Cúné Hortacálë, meaning bow of lightspeed. He was told by his father to stay close to him; that would keep him safe.
The story was written:

His sword was named the Nármacil, the Flame-Sword.
He was an Elvish lord, who’s brilliance with the sword of flames
was known in all Middle earth and Valinor.
As soon as he draw his sword, everything went silent.
The sky got filled with red-white flames from the flaming blade of
Nármacil, and all evil standing next to him died. It was the flame
of light, with the power of hope and all good; cause this elf was
good by heart, and the Nármacil obeyed the heart of its master.

So Arat-Falathion went to the docks in Alqualondë with his father and friends to fight evil in middle earth....

Where were you during the festival?

Are you one of Arat-Falathions friends?
or are you unknown for him?

As I see that we have many different creatures in our RPG.. elves, humans, hobbits, halfelves, dwarfs and even a Vala in our storry.. I guess our start of the journey, and where we celebrated Frodo (or "if" we celebrated Frodo) is quite different. I surely hope tho, that our roads will cross in the fight against the evli darkness that once again rises in the east.
- Arat-Falathion
PS! at the end of this "intro" no one knows yet the hidden power of the Nârmacil. Not even Arat-Cúrion, nor Manwë.
Atharon, where heroes are born. A constantly evolving forum rpg created by Lief Erikson, Falathion and its players.

Last edited by Arat-Falathion : 01-31-2002 at 01:29 PM.
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Old 01-26-2002, 01:55 PM   #2
Thrain of the Shire
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Great start -- meanwhile on the other side of the world....

Numenor the not very respectable hobbit sighed as he looked in the mirror and tugged his waistcoat straight.
"Why so sad?" his friend, Rosalina asked. "It is a celebration day, after all".
Numenor nodded. "Yes, you're right. It IS a celebration. A celebration of one hobbit who did something with his life."
"Now, Numie, don't be so grumpy. You're only 33, you've got a lot of time to do things. After all, you do come from a great line"
Numenor smiled. That was true. He was descended directly from the great Peregrine Took, and now he had come of age, he had the most important role in tonight's ceremonies, despite the whispered doubts of the rest of Hobbiton. Mind you, the rest of Hobbiton had doubts about the whole celebration. Most of them would rather forget Frodo, Merry, Sam, Pippin and the rest and pretend that everything had always been this peaceful, this quiet. This boring.

He straightened himself up and turned so Rosalina could admire him. She was a good friend and always managed to cheer him up. She and good old Magnanamous were the two people who kept him sane. Funny how the descendants of the famous four always seemed to stick together.
As if called by his thoughts, Magnanamous Brandybuck came through the door.

"Well, Numenor, lad -- are you ready?" His eyes twinkled. He always enjoyed this particular ceremony, saying it made so many hobbits uncomfortable that it was worth the trouble. He had always had a strong sense of humour.
"As ready as I'll ever be".
"Do you have everything?"
Numenor checked. From the old chest in the cellar he had taken the short blade and that was hanging at his side. He had the helmet -- and he had the strange necklace that had always been passed down in his family.
"I have everything...let's go."

The three of them made their way to the centre of Hobbiton where, every twenty years since anyone could remember, this small ceremony had taken place. Numenor remembered the last one, when his own father had his role. The last time he had ever seen him.
This wouldn't do. Numenor gathered himself and marched to the platform in the town square where the lights had already been lit to surround him with a soft, golden glow.
The square was crowded. Although most of the hobbits in the Shire didn't agree with the ceremony they certainly weren't going to miss the feast that came afterwards!

As Numenor stepped up onto the dais, he pressed the green stone in the centre of his necklace. And, just as it had for his father so many years before, the light of the lanterns changed from gold to an ethereal silver, and from nowhere, the voice began to speak.

And such a voice. Even the most respectable hobbit found himself thinking of forests and hills and far off mountains, and mists of a spring morning and flowers on the hillsides turning to face the sun...rabbits and deer gambolling together in the meadows....

No one understood the words the voice spoke. Even Numenor, who everyone knew spoke some strange languages, spoke no elven well enough to understand this poetry. But everyone understood what the voice was saying, in images of courage and bravery and light overcoming darkness so foul it would destroy the universe...and the role hobbits played in the saving of Middle Earth....

AS the voice finished speaking, and the images in the Hobbits' minds began to fade, a sadness fell over the crowd.

Numenor gathered his breath to speak the words that would begin the feast -- for once he'd be the most popular hobbit in the town -- when suddenly, the lights went out and, from nowhere another voice began to speak...

But this was no soft, silvery elven tongue. This voice was harsh and dark and sounded like knives being grated against stone.
And in the mind of every hobbit appeared black flowers, turned towards the dark, flowers that smelt of rotted flesh,the mountains blackened and belched smoke, the hills cracked and opened, swallowing every living thing on them...fire bursting from the cracks and sweeping over the slopes burning until only the black flowers stood....
...and, in the distance, a shadow rose...tall and dark....and every hobbit knew that this shadow was their doom....

The crowd broke and ran, scattering to the corners of their houses, whimpering as they ran...too scared to think of anything other than hiding, hiding from the darkness...

As the square emptied, the voice seemed to lose its strength until finally, when only Rosalina, Numenor and Magnanamous were left, it had gone completely. Slowly the lanterns began to glow again.

"What was THAT?" asked Magnanamous.
"I don't know, but I hope I never have to go through that again" said Rosalina, holding tight to her friends' arms."Has this ever happened before?"

Numenor stood and thought -- "I don't think so. But I'm sure it isn't good news, whatever it was. And I think we need to do something."
Magnanamous looked at him "I'm thinking you don't mean go to the feast..."

Numenor looked up at the sky, where the stars were only just beginning to sparkle again..

"No, although eating would be a good idea. We have a long night ahead of us. That voice reminded of something I'm sure I read in the Sam GamGee archives. And don't think we've got much time to find out what it is"

"What could it be?" Asked Rosalina

""I don't know for sure" replied Numenor, "but I do know that I saw creatures I have never seen before. Short, bowlegged creatures with black skins and armour, armies of them, led by other monsters with red, burning eyes.....and..." he paused, glancing down at Rosalina...
"and what?" she prompted, annoyed that he seemed concerned about talking openly in front of her...
"and I had the curious feeling that they were coming this way....."
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Old 01-26-2002, 02:11 PM   #3
A'mael Dalharen Eldarele
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you gave it a worthy followup then ;)

OOC: ...this can actually turn into something good Your followup was great! I wonder what Numenor think is coming their way..
Atharon, where heroes are born. A constantly evolving forum rpg created by Lief Erikson, Falathion and its players.
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Old 01-26-2002, 04:17 PM   #4
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In the ancient melody of the Ainur...
Long before Arda began...
Eru wove the song of many harmonies...
There was one...
A movement which told of a fell evil that would arise...
A mournful yet powerful song...
It quickly won over the melody of Arda...
And none resisted It...
The driving song pounded through with deep voice...
Manwë fell under its menace
all was to be lost...
Then Illuvatar stood and with his fist, smote the arm of his throne...The sound filled the hall and all voices stopped...
Illuvtar spoke " Do not yet be saddened by this melody.."
"I will create one who will be taught as a counter to the poison"

The Valar were then sent to Arda .
Eru began to create and teach KÆDEN..
He was sent to the tower of Oiolossë
And waited for this melody to arise...

Until in the hall of Manwë...
A Halfling sang the melody which he knew so well...
And he wept...

(This post actually was written by Carden, but he didn't realize he had logged in under my name. So take it as his, please.)
Yet such is oft the course of deeds that move the wheels of the world: small hands do them because they must, while the eyes of the great are elsewhere.

Last edited by Gildor : 01-26-2002 at 04:30 PM.
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Old 01-27-2002, 05:36 AM   #5
A'mael Dalharen Eldarele
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this could get interesting...

OOC:Great thing we have a strong Vala on our side.. tho I hope the Valas dont forget what happened when they fought Melkor in the 1st age. Middle earth were crushed, and thats why they desided to not interfear to much in the comming battles, they didnt want to destroy what they had created.
I surly hope that KÆDEN takes this in mind, and remember the terrible act in the ancient times. And besides, it would be sad for the story itself if KÆDEN just wept out the darkness; end of story
The Valas gave alot of vise help to the elves in the first age tho, so I guess they will now as well
- Arat-Falathion
BTW! I dont think I should post further on from what happend with Arat-Falathion in Alqualondë, untill we get some more happenings from the other characters... hope you all reply soon
ok Gildor.. we'll take it as Carden's post!
Atharon, where heroes are born. A constantly evolving forum rpg created by Lief Erikson, Falathion and its players.

Last edited by Arat-Falathion : 01-27-2002 at 05:54 AM.
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Old 01-27-2002, 11:11 AM   #6
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ooc: I plan to stay in Valinor and intercede for you there. No need to worry. I will take you to middle earth and then return to valinor.
"We will have peace","Yes we will have peace...we will have peace when you and all your works have perished - and the works of your dark lord to whom you would deliver us. You are a liar,Saruman,and a corrupter of men's hearts. You hold out your hand to me and I percieve only a finger of the claw of Mordor. Cruel and cold! Even if your war on me was just - as it was not,for were you ten times as wise you would have no right to rule me and mine, for your own profit you desired-even so, what will you say of your Torches in westfold and the children that lie dead there? And they hewed Hama's body before the gates of Hornburg, after he was dead. When you hang from a gibbet at your window for the sport of your own crows, I will have peace with you and Orthanc. So much for the House of Eorl. A lesser son of greater Sires am I, but I do not need to lick your fingers. Turn elsewither for I fear your voice has lost it's charm.
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Old 01-27-2002, 01:53 PM   #7
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Christon led his pony twords Bree. He could not wait for some ale and a good bed in the Prancing Pony. Suddenly he heard voices. He could not understand the gutteral muttering, but was sure it ment no good. Then something crashed on his head and everything went black.
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Old 01-27-2002, 02:08 PM   #8
A'mael Dalharen Eldarele
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great =)

OOC: Ok Carden. Great idea also =) Having a Vala in the game is cool for sure!
Now we have the celebration story from the High-elf, the hobbit, the Vala and the Dwarf. I'll wait and hope that maybe a human or an elf from middle earth will tell their beginning of the story as well, before I continue on the happenings in Alqualondë. Great! =)
Atharon, where heroes are born. A constantly evolving forum rpg created by Lief Erikson, Falathion and its players.
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Old 01-27-2002, 06:20 PM   #9
Michelle The Fair
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Mer Aislynn sat in her room, that overlooked the valley, idlely brushing her hair. "Mother I still don't know why you won't let me join the others. I am just as good with a bow as any other in Rivendalle" she said angryly.

Her mother turned sharply towards her and said, "I know that, but dear you are still so young, and you have a very special gift. If you were captured it could very well mean a bad end for all of us. The fewwer that know about it the better."

"You can't keep me her for forever" Mer Aislynn said.

Mer Aislynn laid down her brush and looked around her room. Then stood and walked out on to the balcony and looked down into the valley. "Mother," she said, "I have lived here my whole life and not once have I ever ventured out of this valley. I know in my heart that my destiny lies elsewhere. But I fear what might happen if I leave here."

Her mother came up and put her arms around Mer Aislynn. "Everything will be fine, don't fret."

In the distance, a shaddow rose seaping into the edge of the valley. Mer Aislynn looked up and saw a pair of red, burning eyes. An then they faded away. When she went to bed that night her dreams were plauged by dark shapeless shadows. When she awoke the nxt day she knew something evil was headed their way.
"And so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
Gandalf the Grey

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Old 01-27-2002, 06:40 PM   #10
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Christon woke up with a pounding headach and could see very little. He could smell blood in the air. From the squeels he heard it sounded like they were slaughtering his pony. Rolling over he found that his axes were gone. Suddenly he heard in rough COmmen, Its awake! then it all went black again.
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Old 01-28-2002, 10:43 AM   #11
A'mael Dalharen Eldarele
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meanwhile in the shining of the sun, in Valinor, in Alqualondë:

Uncountable numbers of beautiful swanships were following the easy motion of the water by the docks. The Teleri elves were already in their ships (the most beautiful ones of them all), and Arat-Falathion, with all the rest of Valinors men, gathered on the docks. There they were sent to each others ship, mostly without a thought of bringing families together; though Arat-Falathion was lucky enough to stay by his fathers side, and even his friend, Undulë, came in this very ship. The rest of his friends, among them Mánorë, Arthol, Eärnath and Baldorë, were sent to other ships. The sun was shining brightly over the docks, making it all magical and beautiful; and from this wonderful land they sailed towards Middle-earth, knowing the darkness was waiting.

Arat-Falathion, Arat-Cúrion and Undulë sat beside each other in the boat, only a couple of seats behind the front. Arat-Cúrion was polishing his sword by breathing on it and then using his clothing to make it shine in the lovely sunshine. Truly it was a beautiful sword, and his son and Undulë watched him work.
“That is one lovely sword you have there Cúrion”, a voice suddenly said. All three turned around quickly, and their jaw dropped. A wizard was standing there, covered in white. “Gandalf?” Undulë said igerly, “you are the great Istar that all the songs tell about!”. The wizard laughed: “Oh, I’m afraid you are wrong my friend. I am Texol, although I came to the docks with Gandalf, the great Istar; he who has experienced such times before. And I’m safe to say he is in one of the other boats.” He smiled, and in this very moment the sun was blocked by his body, making his white clothes and grey hair shine like he was a Vala; and the three elves looked at him, and they were shocked by his greatness and couldn’t take their eyes off of him. As Texol understood they were waiting for his word again, he said: “But as I said before I got interrupted, you have got an interesting sword there, master elf.” The wizards eyes reached the sword again, laying over Cúrions knees; reflecting the blinding light of the sun. “Oh, thank you, Texol” Cúrion said, smiling proudly. “May I take a closer look?”
This question seemed to upset Arat-Cúrion a great deal. He rised quickly from his seat, and pushed the sword back into its sleeve. His face had quickly turned red of anxiousness. “Don’t come any closer! This is MY sword!” Cúrions voice was shaking and loud; almost shouting. But Texol didn’t seem to be affected by this sudden happening at all and said in the same gentle voice of his: “Very well then Arat-Cúrion. I wasn’t going to steal it from you. It is a beautiful sword and I understand your reaction.” He smiled and then turned away talking to himself silently.
With his right hand on the edge of his sword, Arat-Cúrion got carefully back into his seat. For a long time the three elves didn’t speak at all; the two young ones were shocked by the happening.

After some time, that felt like hours, Undulë tried to get into conversation again. “Great thing the Valas promised us good weather at the sea.” He laughed a little of his humorous saying, but the Arat-family just agreed silently by nodding their head, showing their uninterest. “Laurë Elen, please speak with me, I’m bored, and we still got a long, boring journey on these waters.” Arat-Falathion didn’t react much to his talking friend; he was still looking down on his feet. “I don’t feel like talking Undulë, I’m sorry, but I feel something in my heart, and I do not know what it is.” Receiving these words, Undulë rised up and left his friend. He walked to the very front of the ship and looked out over the great sea, and he felt the wind blowing gently through his hair, whispering a forgotten language in his ears. But what was this blurring for his eyes miles in front of them? Was it land? Was it shore?!
“Look!!” Arat-Falathion suddenly said, pointing on his fathers sleeve. Arat-Cúrion looked down, and in the very same moment Undulë came back to tell them about what he had seen ahead; but he didn’t say a word, his eyes and mind were totally focused on one thing: The red glow that was shining out of Arat-Cúrions sleeve...
- Arat-Falathion
Atharon, where heroes are born. A constantly evolving forum rpg created by Lief Erikson, Falathion and its players.

Last edited by Arat-Falathion : 01-31-2002 at 12:22 PM.
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Old 01-29-2002, 10:40 AM   #12
A'mael Dalharen Eldarele
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Out of Content

OOC: Arat-Falathion and his friends will now come to Middle earth, and I hope the different characters can get together soon, and making this a real RPG As it is all "intro" stuff atm.
Ofcurse the story needs a start where most of us are seperated.

I see that Michelle The Fair (as Mer Aislynn) and Aragorn (as Drelin) are both living in Rivendell, maybe you two travel together from rivendell (if you leave), it's your desition ofcurse

What the Vala will do, what the hobbits will do and where the dwarf is, we don't know as of yet.

...I also hope that Nariel Starshine (as Loriel), Laiqualassë (as Miril), Littledude87 (as Christon) and Lysander (as Lysander) will come into the story as it developes. That goes ofcurse for Aragorn (as Drelin) as well. I hope that all who subscribed in the Registration post will join as we get more into the story after their own choise.


As for the story at this moment I find it very interesting, there is something frightening and questionable with all the "intro" stories, making me curious of what to happen next. Great!

- Arat-Falathion
Atharon, where heroes are born. A constantly evolving forum rpg created by Lief Erikson, Falathion and its players.

Last edited by Arat-Falathion : 01-29-2002 at 01:25 PM.
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Old 01-29-2002, 09:00 PM   #13
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*"Five more minutes....wha? I never signed up for this! This is an outrage, this....oh, this is that sword RP thingy....nevermind!" *

"Drelin, are you alright?" a voice was heard at Drelin's door.

Drelin turned to see his best of friends, Laurea, standing at the door. The light flooding over her sking, making her look even more beautiful. If that was possible, as she was a fair elf-maiden. Drelin smiled.

"Yes, I'm fine." he replied.

"Are you sure, you missed the call for dinner?" she tilted her head slightly.

"Really? I'm sorry. I was just....thinking." he replied.

"Okay, then." she replied, "You've been doing a lot of that lately. More than usual. If you don't mind me asking, what about?"

"I'm not sure. I get involved in deep thought, and it takes a lot to get me to notice...anything. But then, when I'm finally dragged out of thinking, I just...forget."

"Okay..." she replied with a puzzled look on her face.

She walked out of the dimly lit room and shut the door. Suddenly Drelin heard a voice. Not a fair voice of the elven kind. A dark voice. Pain racked his brain. He fell to the floor. He then had the vision. Dark, decayed, ground. Thousands of orcs. Armies. Then, on the other side of the hill, elves. Clad in armor and bearing swords and sheilds. Helms and armor. In the front, there was one who bore a sword so beautiful, he had never seen the likes of it, not even in history books. It seemed to glow red and as the two armies neared each other the sword would glow brighter. He saw a wave of darkness, and then he fell into unconsiousness.

*Yay, my intro! Hope it doesn't screw up everything that the RP aiming at. I do that sometimes. *

And they carried them to the flatlands
But they died along the way
And they built up with their bare hands
What we still can't do today.


Last edited by Aragorn : 01-30-2002 at 07:58 PM.
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Old 01-30-2002, 06:53 AM   #14
A'mael Dalharen Eldarele
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OOC:welcome to the game!

Aragorn: It didn't screw up at all I liked it alot, and I got an idea of when this scene that your character dream about will happen ! This is what RPGing is all about, nobody should at this moment be totaly sure of how the story will develope, they should only have an idea. Everyone that has joined the story, is a part of it, and its maker

Great thing that you draw the sword into Drelins dreams! Maybe you should add that this very sword glowed red. Because thats what it does when evil is near...

PS! correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Elrond go with the ships to Valinor together with Frodo, Gandalf, Galadriel, etc, etc?? This was in the very end of LOTR (end of the 3rd age). So if you are living in Rivendell at this moment (in the end of the 4th age), he shouldn't be there, but in Valinor (or in one of the swanships with Arat-Falathion) That is if he didn't somehow travel back to Rivendell from Valinor during the 4th age.

- Arat-Falathion
Atharon, where heroes are born. A constantly evolving forum rpg created by Lief Erikson, Falathion and its players.

Last edited by Arat-Falathion : 01-30-2002 at 08:56 AM.
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Old 01-30-2002, 08:24 AM   #15
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And they carried them to the flatlands
But they died along the way
And they built up with their bare hands
What we still can't do today.

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Old 01-30-2002, 10:28 AM   #16
A'mael Dalharen Eldarele
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..as the white swanships are getting closer...

“I can feel the evil arise.” Texol, the wizard, had come back to the three elves. Arat-Cúrion jumped up as he heard his voice and walked a couple of steps backward, looking at the wizard. “Do not fear me Arat-Cúrion, I will you no harm.” Texols voice was warm and kind. He smiled at the frightened elf. “Please, Cúrion, he is a friend of Gandalf!” Arat-Falathion was still sitting in his seat, he was tired and looked at his father with begging eyes; filled with tears.

“Why are you crying, my son?” Arat-Cúrions face changed into caring for his son. “I don’t know father, there is something rising in my heart, is this evil? Is this darkness?” Texol held his hand at Falathions shoulder. “Yes it is, Arat-Falathion. You haven’t felt such times before and therefor this feeling scare you; but do not cry and do not fear the darkness surrounding your heart, but be strong, be proud and rise tall, because something tells me you will serve great deeds in the fight against the new darkness arising.” With these words Arat-Falathion stopped crying. He dried his eyes and stood up. “Thank you, great Istar, I will.”

Arat-Cúrion now felt like he owed Texol a great deal, because he had brought his son out of the darkness that had filled his heart, and he said. “This fills me with great appreciation and I now owe you more then I can give you, but I will let you look at my sword, the Nârmacil.” Cúrion walked over and reached for the edge of the sword. “Do not take your sword out of its sleeve!” Texol looked at the red glow with fear. “This sword bear a power beyond its looks. I have never seen or heard of anything like this.” The three elves looked again at Cúrions sleeve, and to their amazement the red glow was increasing in intensity the closer they got to land. The glow was covering most of the swords edge now. “That red stone at the end of your sword. It reminds me of something,” Texol said. “Please come with me when we have reached shore, and I’ll bring you forth to Gandalf, he’ll know for sure what to do; he who bears Nayra, the third ring.” Again Texol turned away in his own thoughts, talking to himself.

The three elves walked to the front of the ship now, they wanted to look in over land as they arrived. Closer and closer they came to shore. “Ahh. It looks beautiful! What ever evil is growing in Middle earth, it hasn’t reached for the Gulf of Lune yet.” A voice came up behind them, and there a beautiful female elf was standing with a look in the eyes declaring she had been here before. And she looked around as the land on each side of them passed by. And on each side of them they could see the tall appearance of the mountains of Ered Luin rising up above the few white clouds on the blue sky and disappearing beyond their vision.
As they arrived at the Grey Havens birds sang in the trees, the sun warmed the silent water, playing with its reflecting light; and the grass covering the wonderful hills and land was dancing with the warm, silent breeze of the wind.
They had arrived, they were in Middle Earth...
Atharon, where heroes are born. A constantly evolving forum rpg created by Lief Erikson, Falathion and its players.

Last edited by Arat-Falathion : 01-30-2002 at 10:34 AM.
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Old 01-30-2002, 12:23 PM   #17
A'mael Dalharen Eldarele
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Out of content

OOC: As I understood from Thrain of the Shire (as the hobbit Numenor)'s post, the darkness is just about to enter The Shire and therefor it hasn't reached the Grey Havens yet. Because of this all they see around them as they arrive at the Grey Havens is peace, happines and harmony. I'm willing to bet though, that they really soon will face the darkness, and hunt ALOT of orcs! YEAH!

- Arat-Falathion
Atharon, where heroes are born. A constantly evolving forum rpg created by Lief Erikson, Falathion and its players.
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Old 01-30-2002, 03:33 PM   #18
Nariel Starfire
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Arwen Undomiel

Loriel ran faster than she ever had. The trees were green streaks around her and the pound of drums was lounder than ever. Or perhaps it was the pounding of her own heart. She stopped, not because she was out of breath but because she could not hear if they were still pursuing. Orcs were not so easy to lose as the storytellers had made her believe. Oh, if only Moraelin had come with her. He would know what to do. Running would not be it. But alone, she could hardly stand against a hundred Orcs, even if she did have lethal aim. She was approaching the River. She'd never make it. Then, with a giant leap, she made it half way across. Then she leapt again and crossed it. It would take the orcs a while to cross it, giving her more time. THere. There was Rivendell. She hoped they would let her in.
It is the failed skydiver who leaves an impression upon the earth.

"But what about the R.O.U.Ses?"

Yours Truly, The Tisroc
-You forgot to say "May he live forever"
-That's because I don't want him to live forever!
- The Horse and his Boy--C.S. Lewis
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Old 01-30-2002, 04:46 PM   #19
A'mael Dalharen Eldarele
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hectic entranse.. :) welcome

OOC: The darkness is coming fast. It now seems to me like orcs will reach Rivendell very soon, if or what will happen when that occur is not for me to tell.

I was just wondering about one little thing, did you come from Mirkwood and over the mountainpass to Rivendell, or did you come in from another angle?
-You see, I'm drawing down all the different characters journey on a map over Middle-Earth. I just want this to be right


- Arat-Falathion
Atharon, where heroes are born. A constantly evolving forum rpg created by Lief Erikson, Falathion and its players.
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Old 01-30-2002, 05:21 PM   #20
A'mael Dalharen Eldarele
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OOC: Aragorn: please check your pm and reply to me.

- Arat-Falathion
Atharon, where heroes are born. A constantly evolving forum rpg created by Lief Erikson, Falathion and its players.
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