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Old 01-04-2003, 09:48 PM   #161
Lief Erikson
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"Ah, Hruad!"

Brilindil noticed the man standing across the hall, talking to some white haired old woman. Another man was apparently also in the conversation.

Hruad glanced around in his direction, spotted him and waved. "I'll be with you in a moment!"

Brilindil started heading in his direction, Adrian close behind him. As they got nearer, they were able to hear a little of the conversation.

"I have my own place with those of the representatives that are present, so I'll be there, able to watch everything that happens."

"I will mingle with the others of the court, keeping a close place," the bland faced man said.

Brilindil reached them.

"Don't worry about me," the old woman said, glancing at Brilindil. "I will find a good place for myself to watch the parade."

"So what have you been up to, me dear fellow?" Brilindil asked, slapping him on the back. "Business associates?" he asked, motioning with a hand at the two retreating figures.

"Of a kind," Hruad answered.

"Adrian's companions hurried off too fast for me to catch 'em," Bril said. "But I've brought Adrian. Her name is Adrian Baggins- she came here on the road to adventure and glory!"

Adrian rolled her eyes, and Hruad smiled a little. "Adventure, Adrian? You look a little small to get tangled with things like that, if you don't mind my saying so."

She did mind, and let him know. She socked him in the knee, and he took a wobbled step backward, grunting in pain. "It's ridiculous for you to say anything like that! Too small! My brother was no bigger than I am, and he was the Ring Bearer! Us hobbits have changed the course of the world, and I am apprentice with the blade to Lord Aragorn, if you wanted to know."

"Astonishing credentials," Hruad remarked, rubbing his knee.

"We're on our way to Gondor!"

"And we are welcoming home our own heroes right now," Hruad answered, limping toward the courtyard. "Come with me if you want a good view of the specta- you surely are accustomed to sights like this though."

Adrian gritted her teeth a little and followed him.

Something slammed on one of the side doors, and the three of them turned their heads in surprise. The side door was bashed against again, and rocked on its hinges, only barely holding.

Bril hurried to open it, and a shadow fell into the room. The Ontor stepped in.

"I should have known," Hruad muttered through gritted teeth.

Bushbark followed Boulderhead in a second later.

"What are you two doing here?" Hruad asked. "And how did you get into the citadel?"

"Ambassadors license," Bushbark said with a grin.

"They took you for ambassadors?" Hruad asked in disbelief.

"They didn't have much choice in the matter," Boulderhead grunted, "if they didn't want to make a scene."

"Can I talk to you later?" Hruad asked. "Find a seat with Adrian and Bril and watch the parade."

"We've finished our journey . . ."

"I really have to go," Hruad said as trumpets blared outside. "The king is emerging now- talk to you later!"

He hurried out, and the others looked at each other.

"This way," Bril said, motioning them with one hand to some seats by a window.

Last edited by Lief Erikson : 01-04-2003 at 09:52 PM.
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Old 01-04-2003, 09:50 PM   #162
Lief Erikson
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Elise was staring long and hard at the king, studying him and the spell that was laid upon him.

The king was just beginning the small speech he'd prepared in praise of Athalt and his soldiers. He was clad in scarlet and purple robes and had a gold necklace around his neck, with a gleaming jewel at the end. He was wearing his golden crown, and was standing at the top of the dias, with Athalt a few steps lower.

She could feel the source of the spell, lingering somewhere in the court complex to the king's far right.

She ran around the back of the crowd of courtiers, pulling her hood and cloak closer about herself. She could now feel it more closely, she realized as she hurried across a small stretch of grass and onto a cobblestone path.

She looked a little more closely at the nearest building. No, it wasn't there.

She continued to the next one, glanced at it, and then stopped. Yes, the source was almost certainly coming from in there. It was a rather tall building with a good view of the parade.

"You may not enter," said a guard at the door.

Her eyes flashed and she loomed over him, terrible power coming from her direction.

"Sorceress," the guard hissed, taking several steps back and drawing his sword. "I'm sorry, you may not pass."

She struck him with her staff on his right arm, and his sword fell useless to the floor. He opened his mouth in a cry of pain but she tensed her fingers and his body went rigid, crumpling upon the floor. The guard twitched a bit, but he was no longer a problem.

Stepping over him, she continued up the stairs. She reached a hallway and turned the corner, careful to remain as quiet as possible now. She had reached the door that the man was in. Him and several courtiers.

She seized the doorhandle and turned it, quietly. She stepped inside at the back of a group of men. None of them noticed her except one, who turned his head the moment she came in. Their eyes locked, and they knew each other.

A blade hissed from a sheath, and a darkness filled the room, radiating from the man.

"Do not let her get away!" the creature of darkness screamed, and Elise saw the spirits of soldiers through the walls, running to surround the building.

The courtiers weren't there any longer, except as shadows. Elise's enemy stepped through them, raising his Morgul blade.

Now was not the time for the confrontation- Elise didn't have the power to confront him in his place of strength.

Elise turned and ran, the darkness hurtling after her.

Aasinav turned his head in the direction of the buildings.

Brilindil felt the burst of power from the entryway and stood up in surprise.

Elise screamed as a weapon scrapped across her side and slashed with her own weapon, killing the man instantly. A soldier blocked her way, and she smote his weapon to smitherines in one blow. Light blinded the men and they fell back from her. She ran, camouflaging herself among the buildings, and they had lost her.

"There are more," the sorcerer snarled through bared teeth. "This is not over yet."

Last edited by Lief Erikson : 01-04-2003 at 09:52 PM.
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Old 01-05-2003, 12:07 AM   #163
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Asaar turned his head and saw a cloaked figure running, an old person by the looks of them, and a man stealing after the figure. The man had an ill-favored look and carried a dagger, the dagger was unsheathed and held in such a position that a backstab would be easy.

“Not while I’m watching!” muttered Asaar and he easily dropped off the edge of the balcony he had been standing on, landing softly only a little behind the man and striding silently after. Maybe this didn’t have to be violent.

“Excuse me!” Asaar said loudly, tapping the man on the shoulder.

“I was hoping you cou-” Asaar dropped flat on his back as the man slashed awkwardly at him.

With all his might, Asaar lashed out with both of his legs and sent the man and his knife flying. The figure had turned around and was watching, seeming torn over what to do.

Asaar was on his feet quickly and he dived at the man, a throwing dagger suddenly in each hand and ready to stab.

He thought he saw some people come around the corner, but as he half turned his head, the man caught him in midair, some how having managed to get up, and wrapped an arm around Asaar’s neck, holding him easily as he was a foot or more taller than Asaar.

Frantically struggling, Asaar stabbed with his knives but the man disarmed him easily, wrestling the daggers away with a well-muscled arm, and the world slowly tunneled black. The world snapped back to focus for a second as the man used one of Asaar’s daggers to nick Asaar’s arm, and the man said some thing about him ‘being in league with the sorceress.’ And ‘taking you to my Master.’

Asaar tried to yell for help, or anything. Just some thing to attract a little attention. But nothing would come out. The man had taken his arm off Asaar’s neck and was now squeezing him in a huge bear hug, crushing Asaar’s thin frame against his bulky one.
Asaar could almost feel his ribs groaning, ready to break.

And then the man’s grip loosed and he dropped Asaar, screaming and clutching his leg where one of Asaar’s daggers protruded. How had he managed that?
Asaar lay, helpless, and watched as the man’s eyes widened in rage and he brought his heavy fist up to smash Asaar’s face in… And then there was a flash of light and the man fell limply, landing on Asaar and crushing him further. The old figure stood nearer now, or was it farther? Asaar couldn’t quite tell and he didn’t care.

The world didn’t tunnel this time; it simply went out like a candle.
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Old 01-05-2003, 12:48 AM   #164
Lief Erikson
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". . . the only one that actually got to me."

"A budding hero, just what we were looking for."

"Brave, but foolish. How could we use him?"

Aasar groaned a little, and his eyes fluttered open. He could see people standing about him, discussing him?

Elise walked across the floor, continuing what she had been saying to Hruad. "Besides, he's too young. Young and cocky."

The door burst open. "What's going on?" Brilindil asked loudly. "I sensed that little turmoil, I think you should know!"

"I see you found him first," Aasinav said to Elise, walking in from behind Brilindil. Adrian had come in as well.

"The whole company's collected now," Hruad remarked with a small smile, from his chair.

"NOT QUITE!" Boulderhead said loudly, pushing his way into the room with ease. Finding a position in the room afterward where he wouldn't be in everyone's way was a little bit harder.

"Never mind, I'll sit outside the room and talk," he said, crawling back outside. "You forgot all about us, Hruad."

"Much has been happening," he answered.

"Like what?"

"I think I'll have to answer that question now, for all of you," Hruad said. "There isn't anyone else who will be just popping in here, is there?"

"If you don't count me," Gil-Thalion said, attempting to climb over Boulderhead. Bushbark gave her a helping hand, picking her up and putting her down inside the room.


"I assume this is the last member of your band?" Hruad asked Adrian.


"Then I will get to the point. A sorcerer has been unmasked today, one who is playing King Vahatres like a puppet. He is in control of Enedwaith.

"He knows that we know about him now, and consequently will do everything in his power to kill us."

"We don't have to get involved in this," Brilindil said. "Why should we?"

"I'm afraid all of you are already in this, because of Asaar's action," Hruad said. "There is no turning back. We're stuck together now, with whatever troops our enemy has at his disposal coming to get us. Luckily this parade is going on- it won't be interrupted until Athalt Cranain is suitably welcomed. We have a little time, therefore, to flee the city."
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Old 01-05-2003, 12:55 AM   #165
Adrian Baggins
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I was shocked about this. I wasn't even a Ranger yet. Aragorn wasn't going to be happy so I declined him although I knew I had no choice but to go "I would be honored to go with you but I have to get to Gondor so that I can begin my training."
Adrian Baggins
wizard, elf, mortal, hobbit
Owner of the 3 unknown rings


H. Hysterically cold
I. Insanely unhuman
E. Effortlessly mocking
I. Irresistabely hott

"You're a team player, a save-the-day superhero *pause* I hate people like you." ~Hiei
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Old 01-05-2003, 01:00 AM   #166
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“Wha- Oh!” Asaar began and tried to sit up but fell back, clutching his sides.

A blush sprang up to Asaar’s face as every one turned to look at him, oh well; at least he wasn’t dead or something…

“What is going on?” Asaar asked, his face still flaming but trying to speak steadily.

“The last I knew I was being crushed by a tough man and… You were there.” Asaar said raising an arm and pointing at Elise. At least he thought it was her, maybe not, he had been rather preoccupied…
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Old 01-05-2003, 01:20 AM   #167
Lief Erikson
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"I'm afraid that you have no choice," Hruad said to Adrian. "Believe me, it gives me no pleasure to force anyone into this, but it wasn't I who decided that this must be. It is your young, brave friend there," he said, pointing to Asaar.

"They have his face and they have Elise's face. Anyone that they see who is similar to that is also as good as dead."

"But if we flee now-"

"That is precisely what we will do," Hruad told her. "Together. We need each other to survive. They will be watching rivers and roads, so we will have to cut across country. But come, there is on time to lose."

He looked down at Asaar. "What is your name?"

"I'm Asaar."

"Are you able to walk, Asaar?"

He pulled his legs over the side of the bed and got up, shakily. "Uh, yes. Yes, I can walk."

"Good. Because you'll have done a lot of walking soon, and fast walking at that. Boulderhead and Bushbark can't carry all of us."

"Oh yes!" Bushbark said, "we were planning to tell you about our trip! We found the Hytorax!"

All eyes instantly went to him.

"But it fell in a underground pool," he finished lamely.

They turned away in annoyance.

"Come on," Hruad said, walking quickly out of the room, the others following quickly after him.

They hurried down a flight of stairs and entered a large entry hall. Quickly they hurried down a side passage- the entry hall had been full of soldiers.

"Athalt Cranain's soldiers," Hruad told them.

They soon had passed out through a back door. "They are with us," Hraud informed the guards letting Brilindil come up to the front as well.

"Very well," they said, stepping aside to let them pass.

*By the way, everybody, I'd prefer it if we didn't let this degenerate into a bunch of fight sequences on the escape. I know some of you are probably itching for a scrap after all of this setting up, and we'll get there. But I don't think we're there at present- the sorcerer doesn't have an army on their tail. Yet.*
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Old 01-05-2003, 01:51 AM   #168
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Several long tables had been set across the citadel lawns. Courtiers, nobles and soldiers sat alike on them, and there was celebrating going on outside of the city as well. Athalt sat at the head table with King Vahatres. Dinner had been served, and the soldiers were still gaping at the large buildings, pools and gardens of the citadel.

Most of the talk across the tables was discussion of the battles on the borders of Dunland, naturally enough. Only in the areas that were only soldiers, the conversation was more about the citadel and homecoming celebration.

Night slowly crept across the sky, and the soldiers slowly left the citadel, heading for hotels, for their homes, for inns, and a few for taverns and bars to carry on the party.

"Captain Athalt," Vahatres said as he prepared to go.

"Yes?" he asked, turning back to the king.

"I have quarters arranged here for you and some of your officers," he said with a welcoming smile. "You can remain here, if you wish."

"Thank-you," he answered. "My thanks indeed, your majesty, but I would rather stay with my men tonight."

"I understand. Well good night to you."

The night rolled on, but after visiting a couple of the taverns for a little while, Athalt chose not to remain in the midst of the celebrations. He strolled the streets for a time, listening. But eventually he reached a part of town that was quieter. This was where the residents lived, and it gave him some time to think.

"Do you have a place to sleep tonight?" a voice asked.

"I . . . I don't know," Athalt answered, stirring himself.

"Come to our house," the man said again, and Athalt looked more closely at him. His face was difficult to discern in the darkness.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Girig Hamere. I live just down the street from here; I was coming back from the celebrations. They were getting a little too rowdy for me. You're one of those soldiers under Athalt Cranain's command, isn't that right?"

Athalt stood up and walked over to him. "I was in the battles on the Dunland border."

"Come with me then, friend," Girig said, patting him on the shoulder and leading him down the street. "No man of those brave souls should have a bed on the street tonight."

That morning, Athalt left their family. In payment for their kindness, he told them some stories of the battles- they wouldn't accept money. He made sure that every word of it was truth. They deserved the truth, after all of the inflated victory tales that had been spread around last night. Girig, his wife and his son Dieg could all tell that he was telling the truth as well, and appreciated it.

"I hope to meet you again sometime," Girig said, shaking his hand heartily.

"Perhaps we will."

"What is your name?" Girig asked.

"My comrades call me Small Rider in jest. That will do for now."

Girig grinned. "Whatever you say, Small Rider."

Athalt smiled again and clasped the man's hand firmly. Then he headed down the street again, toward the citadel.
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Old 01-05-2003, 02:20 AM   #169
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One of the guards approached Athalt Cranain as he passed through the entryway of the citadel. "Sir, the king is expecting you."

"What for?" he asked in surprise.

"I don't know. But he said it was urgent, and you were to be sent to him as soon as you were found."

"I see," Athalt said, and walked quickly on in the direction of the citadel.

A man was walking across an intersecting path toward him. He soon reached and joined him.

"Athalt, it is good to see you," the man said, and Athalt looked at him in surprise.


"None other. I actually came to you because I wanted help with something. One of my friends, a man named Hruad, has disappeared. Last time I saw him was at court yesterday, looking a little anxious. Since then I've checked around and-"

"I'm sorry," Athalt cut him off as he reached the hall to the king's quarters. "The king wants to see me, and I cannot keep him waiting. Could we discuss this later?"

"Yes," Dolais said unhappily, and Athalt gave his shoulder a squeeze.

"It's good to see you again, Dolais. I'll be right back."

He quickened his pace, and soon he stood before the king. The king and one of his councilors. The man was clad in silver and green, and his hair was slick and back. He had a sheathed sword at his side, but what Athalt was looking at was his eyes. His eyes and his face. His face was hard, but Athalt was a hard man as well, and it wasn't that that drew Athalt's attention. The man's eyes were calculating, cold, and ruthless. There was more behind that man then met the eye; a lot more.

"I sent messengers looking for you last night," Vahatres began.

"May I ask why?"

"There has been a breech in security, and I need the best man we have here to clog it up."

"You flatter me."

"On the contrary," Vahatres said. "I don't believe you know my friend and councilor, Dagankor?"

"No," Athalt said, turning his attention to the man behind the throne.

"It is a pleasure to meet you at last," Dagankor said. His voice was deep and silky. He stepped down from the dias, his lips turning in a smile as he extended a hand to Athalt.

Athalt nodded to him and turned toward Vahatres. "What is the point of this mission, sire?"

"Dagankor?" Vahatres said, motioning for him to explain it.

Dagankor had lowered his hand again, and was looking hard into Athalt's eyes. He turned away at once though, stepping back up to Vahatres' side. "We have gained information of a plan that has been created by two people in the government, and their associates. This plan jeopardizes the safety of our entire country, and a stop must be put to it at once.

"Last night they completed the first stage of their plan. They broke into one of our chambers of secret documents and stole the information they needed on a magical item known as the Hytorax. Have you ever heard of it before?"


"It is a magical item of tremendous destructive power. These same enemies are planning to use it in a revolution against the crown.

"On the night that they broke in, they wounded two of our guards and killed a couple others."

"What are the names of the people who are involved in this?" Hruad asked.

"The two government officials are named Hruad and Brilindil. They have several allies, one of whom is a sorceress of great power. Another is a boy, about a teenager, perhaps a little older. He is armed with daggers- we have pictures and descriptions written up of both him and the sorceress."

"I'd like to see them, and whatever else they have."

"We believe that they will be traveling toward the Barrow Downs," Dagankor said. "To steal the Hytorax, now that they know enough about it.

"On their way out, they stole several of the swiftest horses from the citadel. That will likely make them harder for you to catch, but I hope that you can manage it."

"I will try," Athalt answered. "Thank-you for the information."

*By the way, Eärniel, Imarwyn's horse is one of those that was stolen. That should keep her involved .*
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Old 01-05-2003, 09:44 AM   #170
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OOC: Funny, Lief I was thinking along the same lines as soon as I read "they stole several of the swiftest horses".

"STOLEN?!" Imarwyn cried angrily. Several people around looked at her strangely but for once Imarwyn could not care less. She had just come down with all her luggage from the room she had been giving for the night when she heard the bad news. "Are you telling me that Merrah, MY Merrah is stolen?"

The master of the stables hardly dared to meet her gaze. "I- I really don't know how this could have happened.... The stables are always guarded and... and this has never happened before...." he said weakly.

Imarwyn grabbed the man's collar and smacked him hard against the wooden wall oft the stables. The man made a feeble protest but didn't struggle overmuch. "I don't care whether this has happened before or not!" yelled Imarwyn. "I want my horse back! These are the stables of the citadel and you're telling me that you can't even stop a simple horse thief?"

The man protested again, this time with a little more vigour. "These were not mere horse thieves. They say one of them was a sorceress. What can a normal man like me do against magic?"

"A sorceress?" spat Imarwyn as she pushed the man again against the wall with more force this time. "What would a sorceress want with MY horse?"

"I- I don't know. What do I know of the business of sorcerors?" squealed the man who was beginning to doubt that any sorceror could be worse than this angry woman. "Why don't you go and ask them?"

Imarwyn narrowed her eyes. "I think I will." she hissed and she pushed him aside and entered the stables. Inside she walked past the boxes of the horses until she found one to her liking. She opened the box and started saddling the horse. The master of the stables entered but he didn't dare to stop her. "What are you doing?" He asked uncertain.

"Since you've allowed my horse to be stolen, I'm borrowing this one until I have my own back." Imarwyn said calmly as she secured her pack on the back of the horse.

"What?" shrieked the man. "But you can't do that!" He ran over to her and attempted to pull the reigns out of her hands but Imarwyn was faster. She spun around and placed the point of her knife against the man's breast. "In my country you would have faced a terrible penalty for letting my horse be stolen. You should rather thank the gods that I let you off so easily. Now what's the name of this horse?"

"T-Tiamar." murmered the man pale-faced.

"Then I will return Tiamar when I have Merrah back and after I have taught that sorceress not to come between the rohirrim and their horses. Now get out of my way." With this comment Imarwyn sheated her knife and swung in the saddle.

Tiamar obeyed immediatly and with Imarwyn on his back the horse quickly exited the stables, leaving a very confused and worried stable master. As he watched the woman pass through the gate of the citadel the man sighed heavily. This was one more missing horse for which he would have to give an explanation. Maybe it was time he considered another job.

Edit: Yeeha! 2500 posts!
We are not things.

Last edited by Earniel : 01-05-2003 at 10:11 AM.
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Old 01-05-2003, 10:27 AM   #171
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ooc: Are you gonna let us in or are you just going to forget that BushBark and I are In Nered!!!
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Gil- galad was an elven king.
Of him the harpers sadly sing:
the last whose realm was fair and free
between the mountains and the sea.

His sword was long, his lance was keen,
his shinig helm afar was seen;
the countless stars of heaven's field
were mirrored in his silver shield.

But long ago he rode away,
and where he dwelleth none can say;
for into darkness fell his star
in mordor where the shadows are.

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Old 01-05-2003, 11:29 AM   #172
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*Did you read my posts? Zavron and Bushbark are with Hruad, Elise, Aasinav, Adrian, Gil, Asaar, and Brilindil. That's the company at present.*
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Old 01-05-2003, 11:47 AM   #173
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Athalt wheeled his horse around, toward the city gates and started toward them at a quick trot. He had thirty of his most trained soldiers with him, but he had one final errand to make before he went off on this job.

"Glimdrell!" he called to the elf as he was brought over. Athalt had sent some of his men to collect him- there were few enough elves in the world nowadays, and having one on hand could be useful.

"I need your help."

"What for?" Glimdrell asked curiously.

"I need you to help me trace a group of traitors to the realm."

"Traitors . . ."

"They are trying to use a dark magic to take control of our kingdom."

"That fits with what I have learned, and the very reason for which I've come to these parts," Glimdrell answered.

"Here is your hor-"

"I have my own horse."

Athalt nodded as he lowered the hand with which he'd been beckoning a troop to bring the animal. "Good."

He kicked his heels to his horse's sides and headed forward with his men. The thunder of galloping hooves from behind him was the only warning he had, and he turned his head to see civilians leaping out of the way to avoid being trampled by the wild horsman.

"Bad move," Athalt muttered with a small smile as the rider approached him. Quickly Athalt speeded up to match the rider's speed and laid a hand on the bridle, slowing the horse.

"Riding that fast in the city is illegal except in times of war," he told the man. A second later he realized it was Imarwyn. What could she be doing in such a tearing hurry?

"I need to get out of here fast- now! I can't waste another minute!"

"Where to?"

"To find those that stole my horse!"

Light dawned in Athalt's mind. Of course! "Then join with us- we are heading that way now. We know the direction they will be taking and will be more equipped to deal with them once we do find them than you alone would be."

"How fast are you going to be traveling?" Imarwyn wanted to know. Her eyes were locked on the city gate again.

"Very fast- we need to catch them."

"Then I will go with you," she said reluctantly.

Athalt signaled his men to press onward, and they were soon out of the city. As soon as they had passed the heavily populated area, they picked up speed, and upon leaving the outer dwellings, increased it again to a gallop.

"I can see them!" Glimdrell announced loudly. "They are far away now, many miles. It is only barely that I can see them. They are approaching a forest!"

"That has to be the forest of Dwinei," Athalt said. "We'll reach it in a day's journey at present pace."
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Old 01-05-2003, 01:39 PM   #174
The Chocoholic Sea Elf Administrator
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Imarwyn's cheeks burned with anger. Her own horse. Stolen. She could imagine how hard her brothers at home would laugh if they would hear. Serves you right, Imarwyn; she told herself. You should have rejected that offer for a room in the citadel and found yourself an inn in Néred. But the more accomodating rooms in the citadel had been too tempting off course. Still, who would have thought that someone would steal horses from the stables in the citadel itself? A sorceress indeed. Imarwyn gave the stable master's words little credit. That man would have said anything to escape the blame for the theft.

Still she was glad for the presence of the company and the elf. She had acted on anger when she had heard of the theft and had not realised then that she could do little on her own. And the elf was indeed a much better tracker than she would ever be.

The company held the pace high and the forest of Dwinei came in view fast. Soon, Imarwyn told herself, soon Merrah will be back with her and than she could have a little chat with whoever had had the insane idea of stealing the horse. Imarwyn allowed herself a little smile. Oh yes, she would.
We are not things.
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Old 01-05-2003, 03:19 PM   #175
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We entered The Dark forest and left the light behind.
''If we are going to the Barrow Downs then you will need me to guide you to where I saw The...What was it again?'' I asked puzzled.
''Hytorax.'' Informed BushBark.
''Ahhh yes that was it! I will show you where it was...If I can Remember?'' I said witha struggled Frown.
''What do you mean IF?'' Said Hruad warily.
''Don't worry, I will remember...I hope.'' I plodded on Through the Forest.
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Gil- galad was an elven king.
Of him the harpers sadly sing:
the last whose realm was fair and free
between the mountains and the sea.

His sword was long, his lance was keen,
his shinig helm afar was seen;
the countless stars of heaven's field
were mirrored in his silver shield.

But long ago he rode away,
and where he dwelleth none can say;
for into darkness fell his star
in mordor where the shadows are.

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Old 01-05-2003, 03:24 PM   #176
Legolas's beloved sister and Queen of the Wood Elves of Mirkwood
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Bushbark rolled her eyes. "You'd better remember Boulderhead!" She muttered very quietly under her breath! "I definately can't!"

"What did you say" Hruad asked
"Nothing, nothing" Bushbark said.
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Old 01-05-2003, 03:36 PM   #177
Lief Erikson
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*Zavron, please remember that we're still a long way from the Barrow Downs, it'll most likely be a couple weeks before we reach them. Just reminding you, because the other trip to the Barrow Downs and back that you and Blackboar took was impossibly fast. I didn't too much care that it was impossibly fast, but this is involving the whole RPG and company, and I'd rather not have something strange like that happen that involves everyone.

Oh, and one other thing. I think that we should probably halt our company at the edge of the forest, even if we cut through it for a little while. Because this is a good entrance point for Glistenfae.*
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Old 01-05-2003, 08:08 PM   #178
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I heard a rustle and voices coming from outside of my forest; dwine. I quickly ran to the edge of my forest where i could hear the voices. There was a group just standing outside of MY forest. They hadn't seen me yet but i quickly drew my sword and jumped out and grabing the first being infront of me i drew my sword under their neck. "Why are you here?! Outside my forest! Who are YOU!" I screamed.

(good enogh?!)
"This is the day you will all remember that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow"
Elizabeth: "Will!"
Will: "Elizabeth!"
Jack: "Monkey!"
"It's captain Jack Sparrow, captain..."
"If you were waiting for the opportune moment that was it."
Red coat, "Impersonating a judge."
Jack: (Oh, ya that was fun look on his face)
"Do us a favour...i know it's hard...but stay here and try not to do...anything...stupid."
"Yes...but why is the rum gone?!"

*~~Elvish Faerie~~*
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Old 01-05-2003, 10:23 PM   #179
Lief Erikson
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*Lol! Sure that's fine, if you don't mind sounding like an escapee from a lunatic asylum. Jeepers, what a starting post . Certainly different from anyone else's.*
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Old 01-05-2003, 10:31 PM   #180
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Youd be jumpy too! lol. Me an insaine islam! never lmao yeah well insaine suits me! lol i've had that idea in my mind forever and i know it's very original! and i love being original!
"This is the day you will all remember that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow"
Elizabeth: "Will!"
Will: "Elizabeth!"
Jack: "Monkey!"
"It's captain Jack Sparrow, captain..."
"If you were waiting for the opportune moment that was it."
Red coat, "Impersonating a judge."
Jack: (Oh, ya that was fun look on his face)
"Do us a favour...i know it's hard...but stay here and try not to do...anything...stupid."
"Yes...but why is the rum gone?!"

*~~Elvish Faerie~~*
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