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Old 07-18-2004, 07:28 AM   #1
Fair Dinkum
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Originally posted by Grey_Wolf
Words in Swedish that have different meanings depending on
looks and pronounciation:


planet (flygplanet, (the airplane) - planet (Tellus, (planet) - planet (vånings-, (floor, in a house)

Eh Jon, you forgot to mention the meaning as 'floor'. Shame on you.

What a wonderful list, Grey! Thanks!
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Old 07-18-2004, 07:44 AM   #2
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Originally posted by Linaewen
Eh Jon, you forgot to mention the meaning as 'floor'. Shame on you.
Oops, I did.

I've learnt that Dutch is more similar to Swedish than I first thought. I could understand most of all the streetnames I came across in Eindhoven .
An unwritten post is a delightful universe of infinite possibilities. Set down one word, however, and it immediately becomes earthbound. Set down one sentence and it’s halfway to being just like every other bloody entry that’s ever been written.
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Old 07-18-2004, 07:48 AM   #3
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Originally posted by Linaewen
Eh Jon, you forgot to mention the meaning as 'floor'. Shame on you.

What a wonderful list, Grey! Thanks!
You're welcome, Lin.
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Old 07-18-2004, 05:56 PM   #4
The Elvish Temptress
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Originally posted by Janny
Weil sie Kase essen und 'Monkeys' sind?
Hehehe, du meinst "Affen"?

Wenigstens hast du die richtige Einstellung Franzosen gegenüber.
What I am and what I would are as secret as maidenhead.
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Old 07-18-2004, 06:04 PM   #5
The Blobbit
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Das hab ich total nicht verstehen...


Hmm... I know.. something...

At least I have the right something against French people?

erm... ubersetz bitte...
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Tradition means giving votes to the most obscure of all classes, our ancestors. It is the democracy of the dead. Tradition refuses to submit to the small and arrogant oligarchy of those who happen to be walking about. ~ Mercutio... erm, GK Chesterton.
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Old 07-20-2004, 10:30 AM   #6
Elf Lord
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Originally posted by Grey_Wolf
Words in Swedish that have different meanings depending on
looks and pronounciation:

andén (av and, (the duck) - ánden (av ande, (the spirit)

ávlade (av avla, (beget a child) - avlade (av avlägga (get a degree) ; våren 1965 avlade han studentexamen och en dotter)

backar (att ha läskedrycker i (beercrates) - backar (med till exempel en bil (reverse a car) - backar (skid-, (as in downhill slope)

bar (dåtidsform av bära (carry) - bar (pub) - bar (utan kläder, (naked)

bánan (gul frukt, (a banana) - banán (bilbanan, (racetrack)

bila (planhugga, (cut off) - bila (åka bil, (go by car) - bila (bredbladig yxa för planhuggning, (broadbladed axe)

bildrullen (i kamera, (roll of film) - bildrullen (i trafik, (idiot driver)

b*ten (av bit, (the piece) - bitén (av bita, (been bitten) - biten (intresserad, (very interested)

blad (i bok, (page in a book) - blad (på träd, (leaf) - blad (i flygblad, (leaflet)

bäcken (kroppsdel, (hips) - bäcken (bestämd form av vattendrag, (the creek) - bäcken (skål i vilken patient inom vården kan göra sina naturbehov, (bedpan) - bäcken (cymbal) - bäcken (fördjupning i jordskorpan, (depression in the ground)

bord (möbel, (furniture) - bord (på båt, (deck)

brunnen (av eld, (been burnt) - brunnen (med vatten, (well)

buren (fågel-, (birdcage) - buren (av bära, (been carried)

cykel (att cykla på, (bike) - cýkel (i till exempel menstruationscykel, (a woman's period)

element (jord, vatten. eld och luft, (as in one of the elements) - element (som värmer husen om vintern, (radiator)

elände (olycksalighet, (unhappiness) - elände (slutet på elen, (powerout)

far (reser, (travel) - far (pappa, (father)

fara (resa, ( to travel) - fara (något farligt, (danger)

fatta (gripa, (to grab hold) - fatta (förstå, (to understand)

filen (den sura mjölken, (sourmilk) - filén (köttbiten, (filé) - filen (verktyget, (file) - filen (körfältet, (lane) - filen (data-, (file)

fiskarna (djuren, (the fishes) - fiskarna (människorna, (the fishermen)

gula (äggula, (eggyolk) - gula (gula blommor, (a yellow thing)

gått (av gå, (gone) - gott (smakar bra, (taste god)

heta (varma, (hot) - heta (benämna, (called)

hov (på hästen, (hoof) - hov (på slottet, (court)

hundring (sedel, (100 of a currency) - hundring (hundleksak, (dog toy)

hänger (som en tavla gör på väggen, (a picture hanging on the wall) - hänger (på kaféer, (a person who hang out) - hänger (sig åt något kul, (doing something fun)

hästbiten (biten av häst, (bitten by a horse) - hästbiten (förtjust i häst, (delighted in horses)

inkastad (som boll blir som hamnat utanför planen i vissa bollsporter, till exempel fotboll (throw-in) - inkastad (stad i inkariket, (city in the inca kingdom)

jord (i blomkrukan, (earth, for plants) jord (den planeten vi bor på, (The Earth)

kalla (kyliga, (cold) - kalla (benämna, (call) (se också heta, )

kanal (tv, (TV-channel) - kanal (vattenled, (waterchannel)

kastrullen (i köket, (pot) - kastrullen (på fiskespöet, (roll for a fishingpole)

kål (grönsak, (vegetable) - kol (att grilla med, (to barbecue with))

kön (Hårt k, som man står i, (queue) - kön (Hårt k, som man spelar biljard med, (cue) - kön (k = sch, det man är, man eller kvinna, (sex) - kön (k = sch, den kroppsdel man har just för att man är man eller kvinna, (sex)

led (på kroppen, (fingerjoint, for example) - led (av lida, suffer) - led (soldaterna stod i raka ..., (as in rank and file)

leda (ett land, (govern a country) - leda (ligger först i tävlingen, (be in the lead) - leda (uttråkning, (suffer from boredom)

leder (leder en tv-gala, (head up) - léder (knäleder, (kneejoints) - leder (en tävling, (be in the lead)

lider (någon som har ont; från lida, (be in pain) - lider (vagns-, garage för hästvagnar och slädar, (sheds for horsecarriages)

listen (lurigheten, (the cunning) - listen (på väggen, (strip along a wall)

lätt (att utföra, (easy to do) - lätt (väger lite, (weigh to little)

man (manligt kön, (male) - man (på en häst, (mane) - man (man ska..., (you)

módern (inne, poppis, (being popular) - modérn (mamman, (the mother)

panna (ovanför ögonen, (forehead) - panna (stek-, (frying pan) - panna (ved-, (furnace)

planét (flygplanet, (the airplane) - plánet (Tellus, (planet) - planet (vånings-, (floor, in a house)

régel (norm, (rule) - regél (lås, (lock)

reklamera (lämna tillbaka en köpt vara, (return a bought product) - reklamera (göra reklam, (advertise)

råd (ha ekonomiska möjligheter, (aford) - råd (förslag, (suggestion) - råd (expertpanel, (board of experts)

rått (givit råd, (have given advice) - rått (kallt, fuktigt, (cold an' humid) - rått (okokt, inte tillagat, (uncooked)

skotten (nationaliteten, (The Scot) - skotten (de avlossade kulorna, (the fired rounds) - skotten (i en båt, till exempel: "på grund av en läcka stängdes de vattentäta skotten", (bulkheads)

skär (rosa färg, (pink) - skär (öar, (islets) - skär (brödlimpa till skivor, (cutting slices) - skär (egg eller något annat vasst, (edge) -skär (som man gör med skridskon, (going by skates)

sl*tet (ett evigt slit, (hard work) - slitét (utslitet, (torn out)

slå (att vinna över, (defeat) - slå (som i "dörren slår igen", (the door closes) - slå (i frasen "slå upp förlovningen", break off an engagement) - slå (misshandla, (hit) - slå (kapa hö eller gräs med lie, (cut grass)

släckt (när det är mörkt, (put out the lights) - släkt (mamma och pappa med flera, (relatives)

stégen (som man går, (steps) - stegén (som man klättrar på, (stairs)

str*der (strider för sitt land, (fight) - stridér (många strider, (fights)

såg (verktyg, (saw, the tool) - såg (av se, (saw, from see)

sår (ett frö, (seed) - sår (som gör ont, (wound)

tomtén (hustomten, (plot) - tómten (jultomten, (Santa) - tomtén (som huset står på, (grounds) - tomtén (trädgården, (garden)

tonårsmamma (mamma i tonåren, (teenage mother) - tonårsmamma (mamma till tonåring, (mother of a teenager)

utsikt (vy, (view) - utsikt (framtidsperspektiv, (thinking about the future)

vass (vass kniv, (sharp, f ex knife) - vass (vattenväxten, (reed)

vind (luftdrag, (draft) - vind (sned, (crooked) - vind (mellan ytter- och innertak på hus, (attic)

v*ner (av vina, (whine, f ex wind) - vinér (flera av alkoholdryckerna, (many of the wines)

vittring (som i doft, (scent, when hunting) - vittring (som i söndervittra, (going to pieces)

värden (manlig värdinna, (host) - värdén (värden för miljoner, (values)

åkér (reser, (travelling somewhere) - åker (gärde, (a field)

...and there you have it.
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Old 07-20-2004, 11:48 AM   #7
The Elvish Temptress
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Originally posted by Lalaith
Hehehe, du meinst "Affen"?

Wenigstens hast du die richtige Einstellung Franzosen gegenüber.
Okay, the translation of my own post.

Hehehehehe, you mean "Affen"?

At least you have the right attitude towards french people.

Now something for myself:
I'm brining a friend of mine something to drink from Austria but I want to write on the bottle what it is - in swedish.
Could somebody please tell me how you call:
schnaps that is made of apples and pears?

I hope somebody can help me.
What I am and what I would are as secret as maidenhead.
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Old 07-20-2004, 12:05 PM   #8
The Blobbit
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Affen = ape?
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Old 07-20-2004, 12:10 PM   #9
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Originally posted by Janny
Affen = ape?
Yup, Affen are apes or monkeys
What I am and what I would are as secret as maidenhead.
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Old 07-20-2004, 12:29 PM   #10
The Blobbit
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Wow, these Germans have a word for everything.
~ Homer J. Simpson.
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Tradition means giving votes to the most obscure of all classes, our ancestors. It is the democracy of the dead. Tradition refuses to submit to the small and arrogant oligarchy of those who happen to be walking about. ~ Mercutio... erm, GK Chesterton.
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Old 07-20-2004, 04:07 PM   #11
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Originally posted by Lalaith
Okay, the translation of my own post.

Hehehehehe, you mean "Affen"?

At least you have the right attitude towards french people.

Now something for myself:
I'm brining a friend of mine something to drink from Austria but I want to write on the bottle what it is - in swedish.
Could somebody please tell me how you call:
schnaps that is made of apples and pears?

I hope somebody can help me.
We call a drink of apples (calvados) and pear (slibovic), that is the brand names.
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Old 07-20-2004, 04:59 PM   #12
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Originally posted by Grey_Wolf
We call a drink of apples (calvados) and pear (slibovic), that is the brand names.
Hmm, thank you.
In the meantime I have just called it: Snaps (Äpple och P.... don't remember it)
What I am and what I would are as secret as maidenhead.
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Old 07-20-2004, 05:43 PM   #13
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I'm not good at brandy brands (heh) but I guess you can just call an apple schnaps äppelsnaps (äpple + snaps = äppelsnaps) and a pear schnaps päronsnaps.
When are you coming to Sweden? Or are you here as of this moment? - your location says Sweden/Finland.
An unwritten post is a delightful universe of infinite possibilities. Set down one word, however, and it immediately becomes earthbound. Set down one sentence and it’s halfway to being just like every other bloody entry that’s ever been written.

Last edited by Jonathan : 07-20-2004 at 05:46 PM.
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Old 12-05-2004, 04:06 PM   #14
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I'm not sure if i am spelling this right, but here goes.

Aanii Boozhoo
Waasigiizhuk kwe ndizhnikaas
Nopaming ndoonjiba
Waagosh doodem
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Old 12-05-2004, 04:10 PM   #15
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No further need for Japanese...

*wipes sweat from brow*

Je ne sais pas... qu'est-ce que c'est la langue?

I don't know... what is the language?
~ I have heard the languages of apocalypse and now I shall embrace the silence ~

Neil Gaiman
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Old 12-05-2004, 04:34 PM   #16
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*Pretends to understand what all the rectangles mean.*
Then Huor spoke and said: "Yet if it stands but a little while, then out of your house shall come the hope of Elves and Men. This I say to you, lord, with the eyes of death: though we part here for ever, and I shall not look on your white walls again, from you and me a new star shall arise. Farewell!"

The Silmarillion, Nirnaeth Arnoediad, Page 230
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Old 12-05-2004, 04:48 PM   #17
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They're "spoilers." I put them there for anyone who doesn't understand what language I'm writing in. Highlight them and the English will come up.

Tu comprends, oui?
~ I have heard the languages of apocalypse and now I shall embrace the silence ~

Neil Gaiman
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Old 12-05-2004, 04:51 PM   #18
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Then Huor spoke and said: "Yet if it stands but a little while, then out of your house shall come the hope of Elves and Men. This I say to you, lord, with the eyes of death: though we part here for ever, and I shall not look on your white walls again, from you and me a new star shall arise. Farewell!"

The Silmarillion, Nirnaeth Arnoediad, Page 230
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Old 12-14-2004, 06:55 AM   #19
Fair Dinkum
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Da jia hao!

Hey all, it's me in China. Hope you guys are all doing well.

Wo dui xi huan Zhong Guo. (I really like China). However that's spelt. I have been trying to practise my Chinese as much as possible, but I don't know a great deal and this is a big problem when people start talking to me as if I'm Chinese (because I look it!). People here start 'attacking' you to get them to buy their wares! It's scary!

Anyway, I'm gonna go now. Zai jian!
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Old 12-14-2004, 07:16 PM   #20
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I hope you're enjoying yourself! Don't buy everything they try to sell you!

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