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Old 05-28-2002, 10:33 PM   #121
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Originally posted by Eäráng

Eäráng looked at the company in the silence, and then he spoke up. "You think that this added person will help increase our success in getting to Moria? Nay I say, and it is well that I do so.
OOC: Halabarad brought a company of hosemen with him.

Maew remained where he had rested through the night, a little away from the others. He watched the arrivle of the newcomers with conceiled interest, trying to figure how they would effect the delicate equilibrium of tensions and straining egos within the camp. What he really needed was time to think, his nights vigil had done little to clear his mind, he could find no logical reason for his suspicions, but the whisperings of intuition were too loud to ignore.

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Old 05-28-2002, 11:32 PM   #122
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" We shall take new counsil in the morning. For now, take the sleep you can get, for you are weary from battle. My Men and I shall take up the watch." At this many began to curl in blankets and hides except for one.

Brooding on the words of Eäráng, Halbarad sat next to one of his Men while they both smoked their pipes. He noticed the hobbit alaird seemed still to be glancing at him at times. "Come Master Halfling, have you a pipe? Sit and smoke with us."
Why can we not be sober..
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Old 05-29-2002, 12:04 AM   #123
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Dai had fallen asleep after they had rested for awhile. The arrival of the small group of men did not awaken him. He slept under the tree where Flik was tied to. The cold and roughness of the stone he had laid on to rest and had fallen a sleep on had awoken him. He looked at the newcomers. Who are they? Enemies? He thought as he laid there. He moved his hand towards his sword, but then he saw the others talking to the group of men. I guess they are our friends, no harm. They look normal enough for me, I'm tired, such things will not bother me now. He muttered to himself and place his pack that was returned to him on the stone to lay down on.
"Fear is a stupid emotion."
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Old 05-29-2002, 08:26 AM   #124
Finrod Felagund
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"WAIT!" said Fimbren. "Listen to me, Halbarad may have greater age and experience than you Lara but not more than me. Do you know how old I am?!?!? And I fought in all the wars of Beleriand, I was at the battle of Fornost, I defended Lorien. If anyone should lead because of their age and experience, it should be me. Perhaps more so because of this!"
Fimbren held up his hand and upon his middle finger was the ring of Barahir. Everyone gasped.
"This was a gift from king Elessar, not to keep, but to hold for a tme as a sign of friendship, and in memory of my friend Finrod, to whom it first belonged. Yet, despite all this, I follow Lara. I follow Lara, but I will not have Halbarad come and take her place, great as e may be. Continue on course Lara, that is my opinion. It will be faster and I feel speed is an asset at this point. Besides, that dwarf leads me to believe that we are being watched by some of those we have been sent to help. More defense yet. Lara, please, continue on course!"

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Old 05-29-2002, 11:50 AM   #125
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Halbarad walked up face to face with Fimbren. "Listen Friend. I desire not to take the leadership of this host. I was merely giving council for we could possibly come safely to Moria. I care not of your age. Tis just a number. As far the ring, you put to much value in things made and crafted by hand. And as for haste? Why run blindly into the arms of an enemy which we do not understand? As i said, we must take council in the morning. Im not going to have these people die just for your folly, Fimbren."
Standing in the middle of the camp Halbarad raid his arms and spoke with a clear voice."New Friends. Do you hear Fimren talking? He thinks im trying to take over this comapny. Was she not sent out on the errand by the king? I was sent out to assist her. And im doing that right now. By not letting you take the council of Fimbren and run unneedingly to your deaths. But sleep now and we will carry on this debate in the morning. You need sleep for you have met battle. I fear you wont get too much of one of those in the days to come." Glaring at Fimbren he walked to a group of his men, curled up in blankets and hides, and fell asleep.
Why can we not be sober..

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Old 05-29-2002, 12:08 PM   #126
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Fimbren seemed to grow in size.
"Fmbren," aid Lara softly "Calm down"
Fimbren turned towards her and his whole body relaxed. "I'm sorry, but beware. Not all good meaning counsel ends up for good, and that which seems safest is not always safest. And he seems to not understand respect for leadership in you, or age and experience in me. He is a foolish boy to insult a Noldo, you know our tempers."

Fimbren turned and walked away from the camp slowly, gazing at the stars.

Last edited by Finrod Felagund : 05-29-2002 at 02:42 PM.
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Old 05-29-2002, 12:20 PM   #127
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From halbarads blankets he chuckled at Fimbren.
"And whats seems quickest is almost never the quickest. You overlook so many things, friend. And don't talk to me about Numenore , for i know all about it. I learned much lore from my father and my Kinsman Elessar. And Boy? Maybe a boy to you in years, but not so with these many people here. Dont flaunt your years in front of me. It is annoying. And I know the linage of the ring. Do you forget I myself am from the line of Elros, son of Earendil?And i turned on none. If trying to save your lives mean ive turned on you, then i have turned on every single person in this host. And refrain from calling me boy, Master Elf. I care not if you are an elf,man or dwarf. I was sent out to aid this party and that is what I shall do. Heed not Fimbren's rash words. For as he said, he has a short tempure."
Halbarad's men laughed and Halbarad himself lay down and slept, and didnt awake till late that night.
Why can we not be sober..

Last edited by Tar-Elendil : 05-29-2002 at 12:27 PM.
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Old 05-29-2002, 12:31 PM   #128
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Fimbren heard the Gondoreans laugh and knew what they were talking about. But he controlled himself.

Late that night Fimbren crept among the group and awoke Katt and Alaird, "Come hobbits, I need your help." Then, with the hobbits in tow he tiptoed over to where Dai was sleeping. "Dai..." he whispered, Dai awoke. "Will you come with us, we need your help?" Dai was wary but after a moment answered...
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Old 05-29-2002, 12:34 PM   #129
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ooC: i hope this isnt a plot to kill me
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Old 05-29-2002, 12:41 PM   #130
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Halbarad awoke in the night and saw Fimbren with two hobbits huddled over one named Dai. He didnt move but kept his eyes open enough to see what was going on And what is this? I am beginning to trust Fimbren less and less. He tries to twist my council and make me out evil. Trying to take over their small company. If i wanted leadership i would have stayed in Gondor.
Why can we not be sober..
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Old 05-29-2002, 01:15 PM   #131
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Dai finally agreed, if only to keep an eye on Fimbren.
The four; Fimbren, Alaird, Kat and Dai walked over to where the horses were. Fimbren mounted Nahar and then said, "you three, find some horses, just take any, wer'e not goimg far and we'llbe back before morning. Take some of the Gondoreans horses, they'll be less tired and the Gondoreans won't need their horses as much, the rest of us have been fighting, we need more time to recover."
Alaird, Dai and Kat each mounted one of the Gondorean horses and then the three of them followed Fimbren into the night.
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Old 05-29-2002, 01:26 PM   #132
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Seeing this Halbarad shook one of his men out of sleep. "The Elf with the hobbits took a few of our horses." The man replied "Do you think they will betray us to the orcs?" Halbarad paused before he answered "No, i do not think so. Arouse the other men. Post a heavier guard. Do not wake the others, they need sleep." With this the Gondorians soon surrounded the whole encampment in pairs.
Why can we not be sober..
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Old 05-29-2002, 02:38 PM   #133
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OOC: what day is it? I thought Halbarad arrived the morning after the battle, is this the second night in this camp?
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Old 05-29-2002, 02:40 PM   #134
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OOc:thought halbarad arrived mid-afternoon and this first ntie in camp?
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Old 05-29-2002, 02:40 PM   #135
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OOC: Yes.
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Old 05-29-2002, 02:43 PM   #136
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Originally posted by Tar-Elendil
ooC: i hope this isnt a plot to kill me

The thought crossed my kind... but...no.
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Old 05-29-2002, 02:45 PM   #137
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ooc:..lol ya dern elf
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Old 05-29-2002, 03:17 PM   #138
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Lara shook her head when she heard of her compaion's deeds with the Gondorian horses. Fimbren and Halbarad's little dispute the night before had set stress upon the young commander. She would now need to play the meadiator between the two groups, a job she wished not to have.

She approached Halbarad as he stood staring off into the darkness.

"I am very sorry for my companions behavior sir," Lara said stading beside him.

Halbarad turned and smiled, "There is no need for you to apologize my friend. You had no hand in this, I believe."

Lara shook her head, "No, I had no knowledge of it whatsoever. I fear some of my companions can be a bit impatient and at times immature whatever their age."

Halbarad turned back to the darkness, "I know what it is like to be a first time commander, and I believe you are doing a fine job young Lara."

Lara smiled widely, and brushed some loose hair back behind her ear to hide the red flush that was creeping up her cheek. To get such a compliment from a high ranking officer and a relative of the king was an honor, "Thank you sir," She answered a bit too loudly.

At that Halbarad laughed...
She wandered wayward for a time, from the gardens of the gods to climb the everlasting mountains free that look upon the outmost sea, and never wandered back but stayed softly singing from glade to glade.
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Old 05-29-2002, 03:30 PM   #139
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"Sir?No need for that. Call me Halbarad please, Lara." But he said this with a smile. "Sit and talk with me. When did you set out on this errand? I have seen you a few times within the city." She began to talk but Halbarad could give little heed to her words. He sat there and was enchanted by her beauty.
Why can we not be sober..
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Old 05-29-2002, 03:54 PM   #140
Nariel Starfire
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When the battle had ended, Kal found her horse had run off. She knew Linsul would return soon, but for the time being, she was on her own. As the group left and made camp for the night, Kal noticed that she had a horendous cut in her left leg. She limped down to a nearby stream and washed out the cut, then bandaged it with a tear of cloth from her cloak. She felt very dizzy. Being half elf, she did not normally need sleep, but suddenly she was also tired. She tried to rise and join the group, but it felt as if her leg was nailed to the ground. She heard the hum of speech, but for some reason not even her keen elf ears could hear what was being said. THe world began to darken, and, not being able to stop herself, collapsed on the ground, and slept deeply.
In her dreams, she felt a cold rush and saw dark creatured following the mark of her wound to kill her.
It is the failed skydiver who leaves an impression upon the earth.

"But what about the R.O.U.Ses?"

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