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Old 01-29-2001, 07:19 AM   #121
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a
Re: Explanation

Slythre's eyes opened and she looked up at the red sky of the late afternoon. For a moment, she just sat there, enjoying it's beauty. But then, the whole of what had happened came back, hitting her like a club.

Seizing the tree trunk for support, she got to her feet. Had the elves and others already gone? And if so, where to? That was a pretty easy question to answer. They'd probably gone to the Entmoot. And even if they hadn't, perhaps the ents which were there would help her find them. She owed her life to them, and she had nothing left. Her life was all past now. She was broken, and hunted. If anyone could help her now, it was them. And perhaps her talents would also be useful on their side.

Quickly, she made her way into the forest, hurrying as quickly as she dared towards the Entmoot, but with all of the stealth that she could manage. Her wounds hampered her, but her experience and abilities were great, making her virtually soundless.

Agravigan's focus on Faradin was distracted by a flash of movement. Quickly, he changed his gaze to that direction. He nearly fell over with surprise when he saw Slythre just outside the clearing.

He'd been highly disappointed when he'd slipped out after Faradin and tracked him through a herb collecting errand. But now, he really had something to report to his master. Also, Agravigan felt personally betrayed by Slythre. He would be glad to see her returned to her master.

Slythre hesitated for a long moment at the edge of the clearing, and then gradually moved away. No, this was not her fight. None of this had anything to do with her. She felt no desire for revenge, and not even any real sense of betrayal. All of these people were up to their necks in desires, reasons, and goals. She had none of these. She lacked purpose.

But no. It was true that she'd made a decision. A bad decision, which had changed her friends into enemies and destroyed her life. But was it possible to make it right again? She'd caused this Book of Secrets which they were talking about to be stolen. Was it at all possible that she set her mistake right again, and alter the damage that she'd done? If so, it was only by returning the book back to it's owners. Or if not its owners, at least its keepers. She had nothing else, therefore this would probably be the best action to take. It would at least partly repair herself in her own vision, even if not in anyone else's.

Straightening, she moved forward and entered the clearing. Its occupants looked over at her, and she walked towards them.
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Old 01-29-2001, 04:54 PM   #122
Posts: n/a
Re: Explanation

Mal turned, as Slythre approached, and gestured for her to come closer. Turning to the others, he explained, "Slythre was imprisoned by the Balrog, and tortured. She had been serving one under him, decieved as to their motives and means, and when she discovered, the torture nearly killed her. But she might know more of the balrog's future plans, as well, or at least have some hint that could help us. I-" and here Mal cut off, grimacing for a moment, and said, in another gasping breath, "My injury, it seems, still pains me a bit. Forgive me, but I must rest a moment or two."

Pain obviously filled his features, as he left the others to talk with Slythre, and curled up across the clearing by a tree. As soon as he lay down, his back to the others, the pain left his features, and he reached into one of his cloaks many pockets, drawing out the Palantir. Remembering Slythre's former companion, with the magic eyes, he drew his cloak about the orb as he inspected it. He might see through solid rock, thought Mal, but nothing could pierce the darkness of this cloak!

As the others conversed, he inspected the orb. He looked into its depths, slowly puzzling its use, and soon had deciphered the means to operate it. As he looked about the land, he could see from above a clear path of destruction from the forest, and following that line along its course, saw a fortress, not weak as the other, but strong and tough to assail. Nodding at that, he removed his vision from the orb, and began figuring out how it worked - and how he could defend against it. Soon, he pocketed it again, and returned to the others. I do not like being spied upon, he thought, but none shall do so with the likes of this again!
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Old 01-29-2001, 08:53 PM   #123
Elbreth of Carhouth
Posts: n/a
Re: Explanation

Dania helped Narsh to his feet, although she had insisted on his resting more, they both felt that they needed to get back to the rest of the group. Shoulder bound tightly, the smell of the herbs mixed with the blood to form a nose-wrinking stench.
Dania checked the clearing, making sure they left no sign of their being there, and no trail to follow. Then together, at a quick pace, they headed back to Fangorn Forest.

"What happened?" Dania's eyes opened widely as they approched the group, chared remains of organic material were everywhere, and she could see even a few Ents were down.
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Old 01-29-2001, 09:04 PM   #124
Posts: n/a
Re: Explanation

Mal gave a wry grin as they entered the clearing, though it was more a grimace than a grin. "The dark one. While we were off, investigating and attacking his fortress, he was about his business in the wood. He found some treasure he was after, and took off again. That's as much as I know, at least."
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Old 01-29-2001, 09:26 PM   #125
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a
Re: Explanation

"And I believe I know where he might have gone next," Slythre said.

All eyes turned on her. "During one of my times at the fortress, I was brought in on Nardran while he was in the middle of writing a letter. It was addressed to a person called Arvec, at a castle called . . ." she frowned in concentration. "I'm not sure. Iron Soul or something. It was along those lines. Have any of you heard of either Arvec or the castle? Oh yes, a person named Marondras was also mentioned."

At this, she got a very definite reaction from both Mal and Syntia. Syntia looked quickly at Mal. "Marondras? Could it be the same person?"

"Perhaps," he said grimly. "It is possible that he survived. But after the punishment the Valar gave him, I'd be amazed if he was."

"What did he do?" Slythre queried.

"If it is the same person, and I've got a feeling it is, he is responsible for the darkening of the Trees of Valinor."

"I thought that it was Ungoliant and Melkor."

"Yes, they were those who directly caused their destruction. Ungoliant crept into the Blessed Realm from the south, which was undefended. It was Marondras who caused the disintigration of the defenses in that area, for he had been corrupted by Melkor. He gave the cover needed for the giant spider to get right up to the trees, and destroy them. After his treachery was discovered, he was punished by the Valar for his crime, and was presumed dead."

"So now you believe he's returned again?"

Syntia shrugged. "It is possible. And if it is true, it is certainly logical that he joined the Balrog."

"Do you have any idea where the castle is located?" Mal asked.

"No. I was lucky to get what information I did."
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Old 01-29-2001, 09:48 PM   #126
Elbreth of Carhouth
Posts: n/a
Re: Explanation

Dania looked around at the group, "do you think we could pick up their trail? Or would that be wise? How great of a castle or fortress is this?"
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Old 01-29-2001, 10:08 PM   #127
Posts: n/a
Re: Explanation

Mal spoke up from the back of the group, saying, "I believe I may know where this fortress is located. If I am correct, this Castle Iron Soul, or whatever it is, may be a fortress I noticed near Helms Deep. Heavily defended, and much better fortified than the one taken by the Corsairs." As the others looked at him, wondering where this information came from, Mal simply shurgged, gave a small smile, and looked away.
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Old 01-29-2001, 11:15 PM   #128
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a
Re: Explanation

"All right," Slythre said slowly. "In that case I guess we should start there. But that is quite a ways away from here, it'll take a journey. Are you sure that the castle near Helm's Deep is the one were looking for?"
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Old 01-30-2001, 01:01 AM   #129
Posts: n/a
Re: Explanation

Is that a hint, Lief? I am going off of that conversation Unvar and Nardran had (for out of character knowledge) and off of the Palantir for in character knowledge... If I am wrong, feel free to correct me, you seem to be keeping the story coherant. ~grin~

Mal gave a shrug, and said, "Truthfully, I could not say. All I know is that I spotted a castle there while... investigating this area. I know not whether it is the one we seek or not, however..."
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Old 01-30-2001, 03:43 AM   #130
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a

*No, that is the right castle. I just couldn't see how either Mal or Slythre could know that. I suppose the Balrog left a rather sloppy trail. <laughs> I hope you don't mind if I continue the sentence you started. I just don't think it's particularly cool for him to take back what he had said before.*

" . . . I do know that the Balrog's trail was leading in that direction."

None of the party had been with him the entire time, so none could refute the fact that he might have gone off and followed its trail.

Syntia shook her head. "You're awfully sharp."

Slythre nodded. "All right then, I assume that's the way we're going to go. It certainly is worth checking."
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Old 01-30-2001, 04:28 AM   #131
Posts: n/a
Re: Decision

Balrog's were never known for their sense of stealth.
Bash things, sure, set things on fire, can do. Go quietly? Maybe not... =P

Mal bowed to Slythre's compliment, saying only, "I've spent a good deal of time perfecting the art of gathering knowledge."

He continued, "However, as a walker of the woods I am not at my best. While I am sure I could find my way, perhaps the good ranger could direct us in the quickest path to where we seek?"
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Old 01-31-2001, 02:40 AM   #132
Posts: n/a
Re: Decision

*Good news and bad news

I just got involved in a relationship and it's taking up some time, so I was wondering if everyone could take over my character until I can resume playing him. Playing this game just doesn't seem as important anymore.*
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Old 01-31-2001, 04:37 AM   #133
Elbreth of Carhouth
Posts: n/a
Re: Decision

*I guess it's up to me then, since I'm the only other ranger.*

Faradin shook his head reluctantly, "I don't know that side of the forest well enough. I'm sorry."
Dania looked thoughtful, "I might know what you are talking about. I was through that area a number of years ago... Yes, there is a way. As long as the landmarks are still there, I can get us there in a few days time."
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Old 01-31-2001, 05:54 AM   #134
Posts: n/a
Re: Decision

"Hopefully that will be enough time to get us there and stop this dark one before it completes whatever plan it has," said Mal, still trying to figure out what this Book of Secrets was, and what was the key to its importance.

Setting the matter to the back of his mind, once more, he bowed to Dania, and said, "Well then, fare lady, lead the way, and let us make haste!"
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Old 01-31-2001, 06:09 AM   #135
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a
The Journey

The group moved off through the wood, keeping a pretty good pace. They left the forest pretty quickly, and soon were moving across the plain, avoiding the conquered fortress.

Night followed after them quickly, though, catching up with the footsore travelers, and bidding them sleep.

They sat in the cold darkness, not daring light a fire for fear of giving their presence away to unwanted guests. Mal sat against a tree, looking up at the stars.

Slythre stepped noiselessly out from the shadows in front of him, and walked over to him, her cloak wrapped tightly around her to keep out the cold.

"I cannot sleep," she said. "And the memories of what has recently transpired are too great." She sat down before him, hugging her knees. "And I have a question."


"What happened to you on Orthanc? I saw you wield a magic of the like I have never seen, and slaughter our enemies with ease. What was it that defeated you on the tower, and what is the magic that you possessed?"
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Old 01-31-2001, 06:36 PM   #136
Posts: n/a
Re: The Journey

Mal gave a small, sad smile.
"Let us just say I am a lot more than I appear to be. Once, I was quite powerful - and even what you saw on the tower was a fraction of the power I once wielded. Yet, I fear I made a mistake, one I never would have made of old. I was eager at regaining part of myself, and let loose with my power... and drew the attention of others. I knew my mistake when I sensed the presence of M'ertan, the one you saw fell me."

Here Mal grows quiet, and he wonders why he is revealing this much, but shrugs and goes on. "M'ertan is a servant, no more, a watchdog of the deathlord, and it is his task, apparently, to make sure that my and my kind who remain in Middle Earth are no so open in meddling in affairs."

Mal stops again, and a harsh note enters into his voice, as he says, "But I will serve no one! Not Manwe, not Morkoth, not Sauron - I serve only myself!" He pauses for a breath, anger in his eyes, and then slowly blinks it away.

He stares at Slythre blankly for a moment, as though he does not recognize her, and then closes his eyes. He whispers, "The night grows long, child, and we have a hard travel ahead of us."

Slythre realizes he wishes to be left alone, and retreats to a place of rest. She wondered over his words, but then left that behind as her own demons began to plague her. Few got much sleep that night, amid the nightmares of the past.
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Old 01-31-2001, 07:18 PM   #137
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a
Re: The Journey

*Nice post. And interesting too.*

By the time the first rays of dawn broke through the clouds, the group had already been on the move for an hour. All of them were strong, in their own different ways, and all were perfectly capable of getting up early. Not neading comfort, and not having many personal belongings with them, they had been able to begin early.

As they moved forward, Faradin suddenly called a halt. "Take cover!" he said roughly, ducking behind a tree.

Quickly the group vanished, as if it had never been.

Slythre peered upwards through the branches to where Faradin had looked, and saw the shape of two large bats, circling the place.

"They must have noticed our movement," Narsh whispered. "All we can do is hope that they don't decide to come down and take a closer look."

Slythre knew that they were easily a match for the two bats, but if their disappearance was noticed, it could put the Balrog and his men on their guard.

One of the bats swooped lower, peering into the trees through its red, vicious eyes. A few minutes later, they flew away, towards the mountains.

"Well that's the first peice of proof that your theory is correct," Slythre whispered to Mal.

"All clear," the ranger said.

An instant later, they heard a loud beating, like on a drum from further away in the forest. The noise repeated itself a dozen times, and then silenced.

"Perhaps not so clear," the ranger corrected himself.
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Old 01-31-2001, 08:50 PM   #138
Elbreth of Carhouth
Posts: n/a
Re: The Journey

*Wow! We've started already.*

Dania frowned, she hadn't expected quite so much trouble at simply leaving the forest. She'd been counting on the tree cover to hide them for a ways.
"We'll have to move silently, no talking unless absolutly necessary, and then only as low and with as few words as possible. Spread out a ways too, that way we can give eachother warning."
The group spread out, Dania upfront. Each person was a few yards from the others, and could just see them through the trees. Each keeping those around them in sight, if someone suddenly disappeared, they would know.
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Old 01-31-2001, 10:52 PM   #139
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a
Re: The Journey

"My lord, we sent out a group of soldiers to the Entmoot, but Slythre and all the others were gone."

"Well we can waste no more time on them," Unvar said angrily to Agravigan. "If only we'd gotten there a little bit sooner, we'd have been successful."

He broke off, looking away, towards the far away mountains. "Good work. You did what I asked you too, it's only one of my blundering captains who lost them." He looked over at his generals. "Prepare the troops for a march. I want everyone ready to move within the hour."
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Old 02-02-2001, 10:16 PM   #140
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a
Re: The Journey

They moved on in this fashion for several hours, and finally came to a stop. The mountains appeared to be little closer than they had before, and the band was growing tired. Slythre's wounds were still aching, and sometimes stabbed pain through her, making her stumble, or slow down. For her and Mal, whose wounds were also still painful, the journey was much more draining than for the others. But neither gave any complaint, and when nightfall finally blackened the sky, the group slumped down in the trees with relief.

The day had passed without any attack, but Slythre had a feeling that this would soon change.
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