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Old 01-01-2003, 03:06 PM   #121
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"Ohh, its getting quite spooky now!! Cold, so cold, the bark on me does not like it"
Bushbark shivered though it was like a tree swaying in the wind,
"I can't wait to see these Legend creatures though, Oh I'll be an old wise ent to everyone that knows me when I get back, seeing the world at my ripe young age! I hope they respect me, though I'm being quite impetuos!"
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Old 01-01-2003, 03:26 PM   #122
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''Yes we will get a lot of respect when we get back.'' Little did I know that we would be world renown for our adventures when. Also little did we know that it would be a Long time before we ever got back.
Visit http://nilore.suddenlaunch2.com
Gil- galad was an elven king.
Of him the harpers sadly sing:
the last whose realm was fair and free
between the mountains and the sea.

His sword was long, his lance was keen,
his shinig helm afar was seen;
the countless stars of heaven's field
were mirrored in his silver shield.

But long ago he rode away,
and where he dwelleth none can say;
for into darkness fell his star
in mordor where the shadows are.

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Old 01-01-2003, 05:01 PM   #123
Adrian Baggins
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We camped on the other side of the Sarn Ford that night and I had a feeling we would reach the Tharbad on the Greyflood in two more days.
Adrian Baggins
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H. Hysterically cold
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"You're a team player, a save-the-day superhero *pause* I hate people like you." ~Hiei
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Old 01-01-2003, 07:35 PM   #124
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Aasinav rubbed the knuckles of his left carefully, a mild compulsive habit that still, from the cool scholar, seemed calm and rational rather than a sign of nervousness.

"I am a scholar, you see, of ancient history. I was investigating the history of the barrow-downs, and the kingdom that stood there long ago. My searches indicated that the downfall of the kingdom, an event long shrouded in the mists of time, was tied to another myserious artifact of the past - something known only as the Hytorax."

He paused, and switched to rubbing the knuckles of his other hand. Hruad raised an eyebrow, as though waiting for him to get to the point, while Elise remained silent, her eyes burrowing into him as she listened intently - though he had the feeling he was telling her nothing new.

Meeting her gaze, he continued, "Now, in addition to my other scholarly pursuits, I have some small skill in... certain arts. Mainly in matters of divination and discovery of course, as well as in the ending of certain wards and spells - arts suitable to my research, mainly. In any case, I discovered signs of the Hytorax's power resonating throughout the Barrow Downs - very subtle signs, but when I traced deeper, I discovered what it meant. Some powerful sorcerer, as it were, seemed to be tapping into the artifact's power indirectly - and using it to weave dark magics upon this kingdom. I could not locate the Hytorax at the time, so inquired among parties who are... concerned with such dark sorcerer's as the one at work here. They gave me your name... and so, I have brought my tale to you."
Through Truth, Power.
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Old 01-02-2003, 01:41 AM   #125
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Elise tapped her fingers on the couch arm and thought about what Aasinav had said for a moment.

Divination? Spells? She did not recognize him and the thought of a mortal human messing about with magic was always something to worry about in her opinion. Although it was true she did not know all the Isitary that had been sent to Middle Earth, or all the Maiar. Still, she doubted that he was either.

“What he says is true.” Elise said quietly. Only Hurad could hear her unless the old man had the Valar’s hearing… “I have had little enough time to contemplate the whole thing but I agree with him.”

Hurad gave the slightest nod and handed her a goblet of wine which she took a sip of, the wine wasn’t particularly strong, but it was still very good; clearing her thoughts and allowing her to ponder the situation.

“Who,” Elise said slowly an calmly, turning back to the man as she thought of how vague he had been at one point in particular, “are these ‘parties’ you speak of?” She locked eyes with him again. It was nice to meet some one in Middle Earth who could finally look her in the eyes. While they were useful tools, it was nice to not have to be always looking at this man’s forehead or nose.

Her brown robe slipped and the dark green sleeve of her dress showed, the silver leaf embroidery on the cuff catching the light for a moment before Elise resettled herself. Aasinav arched an eyebrow but merely gave his reply and filed the information away for later.


Sorry if that isn't very good. I have been writing diffrent RPGs for hours and I'm not sure if I'm starting to miss stuff...

Just one more post for tonight I think.
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Old 01-02-2003, 02:03 AM   #126
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“Now if some one with a sword comes running at you, what do you think you should do?” Asaar asked Gil. Both of them were leaning against an old oak, panting for air because they had just finished with a long knife-training lesson. More of an exercise for Asaar as he was doing the teaching and more of a lesson for Gil as she was doing the learning.

“Ermmm… Get in close and go for the stomach?” Gil said tentatively, making a little upward stabbing motion with her blade and raising an eyebrow.

“Well I suppose you could try that. You would be lucky to leave fully intact though.” Asaar said slowly. “No, unless you can drop him at something like ten paces away with a throwing knife.” Here Asaar paused to pull a very small blade from his boot top and throw it at a tree, neatly splitting a leaf in two before he turned back and continued “You run as fast as you can.”

“But what if you HAVE to fight?” Gil asked as Asaar walked over and dug his knife out of the tree’s trunk.

“Then you do what you suggested.” Asaar said with a grin.

“Or you slice them in two with your sword.” Adrian said and made a chopping motion with her arm, smirking.

“I was speaking of daggers specifically, Adrian.” Asaar snapped. He didn’t like the hobbit very much and spent most of his time talking to Gil and as far away from Adrian as he could get.

Adrian shrugged, “Don’t get snappy with me boy. I’m just trying to show Gil how it’s really done.”

Adrian gasped and fumbled for her sword as a dagger zipped over her head, knicking a few hairs off that had been sticking up. Asaar was grinning like an idiot and spinning another dagger around his hand while performing a sort of skippy dance.

Asaar yelped as Adrian’s sword slashed and came within an inch of his head.

“So now we understand each other, right?” Adrian said in annoyance. “I’m a swords woman, you’re a little blade tosser. Right?”

Asaar shrugged and retrieved his dagger, sheathing it with a flick of his wrist and a grin on his face, already turning to Gil and starting a joke he must have told before. He and Gil finnished the punchline together and burst out laughing, hanging on to each other so they wouldn't simply fall over.

‘Does NOTHING stop him from smiling!?’ Adrian thought peevishly.
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Old 01-02-2003, 03:42 AM   #127
Lief Erikson
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"I wanted to take this to an important authority," Aasinav told Elise. "So I took it to a person in court."

"My political views aren't a major secret," Hruad informed Elise.

"Will you be willing to do something about this?" Aasinav asked. "Or did I come to the wrong person?"

Elise and Aasinav each turned their eyes toward Hruad, and he could not think clearly with the two powerful wills bent on him. He couldn't tell what it was about them that made him feel this way, but he managed to shut them out of his mind and consider the matter for a moment.

Aasinav and Elise appeared to have sided with each other, both in agreement that he should and must do something about this. He had just recently made it completely clear to Elise that he wanted to do something about it, and he did!

"If there is a spell at work," Hruad said, his rational mind beginning to come to conclusions, "then as you say, Aasinav, there must be an enchanter behind it.

"If there is an enchanter behind this spell, than I must know who it is. Then we can at least know for certain who it is we're fighting against.

"What do we know for certain about this Hytorax? Both you, Elise, and you, Aasinav, tell me that it is of vital importance to our opponents within the court.

"And Aasinav," Hruad continued, turning to the man. "There is something in your story that doesn't fit with Elise's tale. She claims to have found an orc on the edge of the Barrow Downs, seeking the Hytorax. If the sorcerer is already using it, then how come he needs to obtain it?"

"For increased protection," Aasinav suggested after a little thought. "He knows that as his scheme against Vahatres becomes more advanced, people will notice more and question more. He will want that item as safe as it can be. He might also have spotted me in that area, as I conducted my research. I disappeared, but they may have feared that I had found more than I had.

"In any case, if they move the Hytorax now, then we could lose whatever knowledge we have of its whereabouts, and exchange its present location for a more dangerous one yet."

"Then we must stop them from obtaining it," Hruad said. "But how?"

"We go to the Barrow Downs," Elise said, "and retrieve the Hytorax first."

For a moment there was complete silence. The scheme appeared deadly, impossible! The spirits of the dead dwelt there, spirits that had claimed the lives of thousands that had originally lived in that land, and of many other travelers that had been passing through there later. And yet what was the alternative? To watch Enedwaith fall under the enemy's power.

"Is there no other way?" Hruad asked. "Could we not simply kill the sorcerer?"

"Perhaps," Elise said, but she looked doubtful. "And it isn't likely at all, if the Red Flame is really involved, and this sorcerer is one of them. They could easily replace their lost associate, and we'd be hunted down and killed."

"We need to know who we are up against, anyway," Hruad said. "Do any of us know precisely what the Hytorax does? It might not be possible to break the sorcerer's link with it simply by taking it."

"If you really think finding the identity of the sorcerer is so important," Aasinav said, "then we should try two days from now."

"Why then?" Hruad asked, looking a little confused.

"Because that is the day of the victory march," Aasinav said with a small, wry smile.

Hruad hit himself on the forehead. "Of course! Athalt Cranain returns that day, and the court will turn out to meet him, along with much of the population of Néred."

Elise looked at Aasinav and one of her eyebrows quirked a little. "Would your small 'arts' cover identifying the linking spell of a sorcerer?"

"I could try," he said doubtfully.

"We will all work at identifying likely candidates," Elise said. "But we aren't many."

"I will get you both quarters here at court," Hruad told them. "And we had best keep our eyes open for citizens of Enedwaith or newcomers here that might be interested in helping our country out of its present crisis."

"Simply asking around for help is dangerous," Aasinav remarked.

"Be careful whom you ask," Hruad answered. He glanced out the window, and saw that it was night. They had been talking by candlelight; he had lost track of the time.

"Come with me," he said, standing up and leading them out the door. "You will both be guests here, at my expense."

He found them both separate rooms, a floor beneath his. "Goodnight to you," he said, turning and heading back up the stairs.
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Old 01-02-2003, 10:47 AM   #128
A'mael Dalharen Eldarele
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Glimdrell Silvershadow has entered the game

The sun climbed up the mountains in the west, setting the sky in a flaming voyage of the morning dawn. The birds flapped around from treetop to treetop, singing merry songs for the arrival of a new day.

"The golden woods of Lothlorien still keep its memory of old glory, elves are leaving for the Undying lands of Valinor, few now are left..." Glimdrell said to himself, touching the golden leafs of a tree as he walked through the western borders of the forest.
"And no orcs have been seen outside of Moria for many months," Glimdrell sighed and looked to the mountains in the west, where the sun was rising, "...and yet there is a warning in my heart telling me of evil acts still passing in this world... If only the news would reach me..."

A bird came flying down from a tree and landed on Glimdrells shoulder. He smiled and said, "Long has it been since you brought me ill news, my feathered friend. The world is filled with happiness and merry songs now, and few remembers me and the rhyme they once gave me." The bird sang a few merry tones and Glimdrell chuckled "haha, yes indeed my friend. These are much merrier times then those you saw at your birth." The bird flew away in a merry song and joined a few other birds flying in circles above the treetops.

"I wonder if it is time for Glimdrell Silvershadow to leave his home in the Golden Wood, and search for news in the west..." he said to himself as he looked at the mountains once again. "Long has it been since I last saw the tall men of the south, and the little folk that were passing our boarders..." He grinned, "too long have I rested in my homeland, where news seldom reach me anymore."

In this very moment a flock of birds were approaching from the southwest, they cought Glimdrells attention right away and he walked to meet them. Suddenly they were flying all around him in circle, singing in their merry way. Glimdrell smiled, "news at last..."


Long had the birds sung together before they reached for the sky again and in thought Glimdrell whistled. At once a beautiful, black horse came in full speed and stopped head to head with the elf. Glimdrell smiled and patted his nose. "Long has it been since I needed your aid in travell, my friend." The horse neighed pleasently and Glimdrell sprang up on his back.
"Please take me to the Dunland as quick as you may!"

Glimdrells hair flicked in the wind as the horse bore him along the riverside westward through the mountainpass. "So the Hytorax has been found," Glimdrell thought. "Only little do I remember of the old tales about the kingdom that lay in the Barrow Downs. Too unlucky were their fortune, and too powerfull was the Blue flame, Hytorax..." He shivered by the thought of it. "...and a new breed of orcs, red flame signature... foul are the acts of such deeds!"
"Full speed, my black friend! Full speed!"


By nightfall they reached the rocky mountains, and quickly they found the secret path leading through the mountainpass, frost started to cover the earth and rock, making it hard and slippery to go on. They only stopped one time through the night for food and drink before they continued, and by dawn the third day they had reached the west end of the mountains.

Looking south the Dunland appeared before their eyes. "Fast and tireless you have been," Glimdrell said as he dismounted the horse. From his pouch he got a small lembas waffer and broke it in two. One he gave the horse. "This will recover your strength, for I must ask you to take me further into the Dunland." The horse neighed and nodded.
Unhoocking the goblet Glimdrell said "Once I shall name you in the tongue of elves, my dear friend." He patted the horse and took a little sip of the strengthening liquid. "Off we go again then!"


Four more days had passed and the blackening of nightfall had once again surrounded the lands. Suddenly a glimt of light, like that of a burning fire in a campsite cought Glimdrells eye a mile away in the east. Glimdrell quickly dismounted his horse. "Here we must part, for now I need to go with silence and stealth." He patted the horses nose and smiled giving the horse a little taste of another lembas waffer. "We shall meet again before the end, now go home..." and so the black horse left the silvan elf in the shadows of the night...


Glimdrell slowly approached the light, but didn't want to get too close. He knew the way of going undetected by scouts and guards, he had to be carefull. He put the hood above his head and closed the surcoat around him, becoming invissible to the human eye as the shadow of the night made his cover...
Atharon, where heroes are born. A constantly evolving forum rpg created by Lief Erikson, Falathion and its players.

Last edited by Arat-Falathion : 01-02-2003 at 12:52 PM.
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Old 01-02-2003, 10:48 AM   #129
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Out of Content

ooc: Sorry for making my entrance post so incredibly long, but my entrance came a little late compared to you others... Hope you didn't fall asleep too many times I guess the time at the end here would be about the same time as the night after Athalt and the rest of the camp had the strange encounter with the Ent and Ontor... I guess I have to make the next move in order to get interactions between our characters, as my character really know how not to be seen... so just go on with your thing Lief and Eärniel... I might not start open interaction just yet ah well...

- Falathion
Atharon, where heroes are born. A constantly evolving forum rpg created by Lief Erikson, Falathion and its players.

Last edited by Arat-Falathion : 01-02-2003 at 10:57 AM.
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Old 01-02-2003, 02:42 PM   #130
Adrian Baggins
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I wasn't very pleased with Asaar's over-protectiveness of Gil and his cheek, but I had to live with it. I would live with it for Gil, although it was kind of funny when I swung at him. He jumped at least two feet in the air. We camped about a half a days walk from Tharbad. This meant we would get to Gondor ahead of scedual. We were making good progress.
Adrian Baggins
wizard, elf, mortal, hobbit
Owner of the 3 unknown rings


H. Hysterically cold
I. Insanely unhuman
E. Effortlessly mocking
I. Irresistabely hott

"You're a team player, a save-the-day superhero *pause* I hate people like you." ~Hiei
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Old 01-02-2003, 02:59 PM   #131
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Getting closer some guards were watching the borders of the campsite, the fire that had cought his attention in the firstplace was kept alive to make it easier to scout, and some tents were gathered around. "Must make my move very slowly here, if I'm not to be seen" Glimdrell thought pulling the surcoat even closer around him and dragging the hood tighter down his face.

Slowly he approached the camp in a little gap between two guards, but he knew he had to get their attention away from his spot in order to pass.
On the ground he found a small stone that he took a grip of and tossed about 8 feet behind him, making a noise that could remind of human activity as it hit the grass. As the guards noticed the noise and looked past Glimdrell to the spot where the stone had landed, he could easily sneak past them.

Quickly he hided in the shadows casted on the tents by the fire. How should he make his next move? So long it had been since he last confronted a human being, would he still remember the speach of the Dunlendings? He once knew it well, but it was long since he had spoken any language but that of birds and beasts.

He knew he would be revealed anyway when the morning came... maybe it was just as wise to wait, men always find courage and better thought at the rise of dawn. Glimdrell settled with that thought, and waited in the shadows, silently...

ooc: When you find me in the morning I will still have my surcoat and hood on, making it impossible to see that I'm an elf, if not judging by my size... all weapons are conseald under my surcoat, so little elven signs are revealed by my appearance as it is now...

- Falathion
Atharon, where heroes are born. A constantly evolving forum rpg created by Lief Erikson, Falathion and its players.

Last edited by Arat-Falathion : 01-02-2003 at 03:01 PM.
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Old 01-02-2003, 03:11 PM   #132
Lief Erikson
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*Sorry Arat-Falathion, but I don't know why Glimdrell entered the camp. Is he just scouting it out, or is he seeking news?*
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Old 01-02-2003, 03:16 PM   #133
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*Seeking news, and yes... I know it's a rather pathetic entrance, but oh well :P**
Atharon, where heroes are born. A constantly evolving forum rpg created by Lief Erikson, Falathion and its players.
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Old 01-02-2003, 03:29 PM   #134
Adrian Baggins
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The next day we traveled to Enedwaith and I finally got my pipe-weed. We went to the capital of Enedwaith because a friend of mine lived there and had invited me and anyone who was with me to come.
Adrian Baggins
wizard, elf, mortal, hobbit
Owner of the 3 unknown rings


H. Hysterically cold
I. Insanely unhuman
E. Effortlessly mocking
I. Irresistabely hott

"You're a team player, a save-the-day superhero *pause* I hate people like you." ~Hiei
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Old 01-02-2003, 03:38 PM   #135
Lief Erikson
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*It doesn't have to be pathetic. He did sense that evil and he is rather behind the times, so it's fairly logical.*

"The captain says we should continue keeping sentry duty," one of the two guards said.

The other prodded the bushes with his drawn sword. "We're good enough at seeing in the dark, but there's no one here. Could have been a rabbit. There's really no need for this, when we're this close to Néred."

"The captain's instincts have kept us save in the past, and it would be good to follow his security measures. Now stop your whining!" The older guard sheathed his sword and walked back to his position, his younger comrade following.

"If you really are concerned about it, talk to the captain about it in the morning! His tent is the one directly to your left after you reach the second campfire that way!"

The younger guard glanced in the direction his elder was pointing, and went quiet.

Glimdrell was pleased he had hung around to listen to that small conversation. It might have been safer for him to have met these troops in the morning, and it would have meant less questions. But at least this way they could be sure that he meant their leader no harm.

He moved noiselessly through the shadows, passing tent flaps and soldiers until he reached their captain's tent.

The man stood in the center of his tent, his brow furrowed in thought.

"Good evening," Glimdrell said.

Steel leapt in the night, and Glimdrell's dagger neatly parried Athalt's sword. Athalt had come in unbelievably fast; few that weren't elves could have been ready for it.

"I mean you no harm," Glimdrell said, taking a step back.

The light of the candle on the desk danced in Athalt's eyes, but for a moment he was silent and motionless.

"I actually came for news," Glimdrell continued, lowering his knife.

"Who are you?" Athalt asked, moving his sword back to the on-guard position.

"My name is Glimdrell," he answered. The language of these men was not that of the Dunlanders, so he was probably safe. "I mean you no harm."

"Then lay down your weapon."

Glimdrell did so.

"What news did you want?" Athalt asked calmly, sheathing his sword.

"For many years I have dwelt in a wood, separate from knowledge of what is happening in the lands. I seek this knowledge now."

"I can tell you some of the basics," Athalt said with an amused smile. "But if you want more detailed information, you would do well to travel with us to Néred, the capitol of my country. There are court members there that will be willing to speak with you and tell you what you want. I know one of them- a man named Dolais Dularae. He will be able to tell you what you need."

"Thank-you," Glimdrell said, bowing his head.

"What are you?" Athalt asked.
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Old 01-02-2003, 04:56 PM   #136
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Yawning Imarwyn walked to her tent, she had made a final check up on Ruafus and Merrah before she went to sleep. Not that it had been necessary but it made her feel better. She hated to admit it to herself but she was a little nervous about seeing Néred soon. Some of the excitement of the soldiers must have rubbed off on her.

A movement to the left caught her eye and she stopped. For a few seconds she peered into the shadows that surrounded the tents but she could see nothing out of the ordinary. "Go to sleep Imarwyn," she murmered to herself, "your tired head is making you jump at shadows."

She walked on but before she had taken 4 steps she heard the familiar tell-tale sound of metal to metal. She spun around, immediatly her hand lay on her dagger. Jumping at shadows was one things but shadows normally didn't make such a sound. Her eyes scanned the silent camp around her and rested finally on the captain's tent. The sound had come from that direction and the lights were still on. Imarwyn silently sneaked closer. It normally wasn't her habit of peering into men's tents but she made an exception now that her curiosity was aroused. Who was playing with swords so late in the evening?

As she peered through the small opening of the tentflap she could make out a little of the inside; she could see Athalt and a man clad in a surcoat who stood with his back towards her. As she hear them talking she suppressed a chuckle. Athalt Cranain's company sure seemed to attract a lot of night-time intruders. This man was apparantly a little luckier than Imarwyn had been. He didn't seem dangerous but his voice was strange and his accent was unlike Imarwyn had ever heard before. But that is none of my business, she concluded. But as she turned to walk away she inadvertedly made a sound for the hooded man heard it and said "I will tell you if the young lady that is eavesdropping shows herself."

Imarwyn entered the tent wondering how the newcomer had known she was a woman when he had his back turned towards her. "I heard the sound of metal. I wanted to check it out." she said as explanation.
We are not things.
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Old 01-02-2003, 05:09 PM   #137
A'mael Dalharen Eldarele
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Glimdrell smiled underneath his hood as the woman entered the tent.
"Now where were we, ah, yes. I see you live a little too far away from my borders to recon my name" Glimdrell whispered, as he seldom spoke openly, though the whisper was high enough for all to hear.
He pulled his hood back and tossed the black surcoat behind his shoulders, letting it fall like a cape and reveal the silvercoloured inside of it. His hair was flowing and gleaming in the dim light and the silver yewells were shining. "I am Glimdrell Silvershadow, the Silent Assasin of Lothlorien!" he now spoke in all the elven glory of his voice.

Athalt, Imarwyn and the soldiers around him was for a second astonished as the elf revealed his true appearance. This elf was almost glowing in the dim light.

"News was brought to me recently by birds of the west, I was told to go to the Dunlands, that should lead me on my trail." Glimdrell smiled, "I thank you for not cutting my throath, and I must say your guards made it more difficult for me to enter then I am used to." He smirked for a moment. "And I must say this woman here has some awareness. Did I get any of your names?"

"Athalt." The captain said promtly. "And I am Imarwyn," the woman replied. "Alright," Glimdrell said. "I'll be following the camp tomorrow morning then. I thank you again Captain Athalt, and I would be pleased if I got to sleep outside..."

yes, I found it best to edit as we posted at the same time Eärniel
Atharon, where heroes are born. A constantly evolving forum rpg created by Lief Erikson, Falathion and its players.

Last edited by Arat-Falathion : 01-02-2003 at 05:23 PM.
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Old 01-02-2003, 05:42 PM   #138
Chieftain of The Order of The Blue Flame
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I walked steadily Forward until I fell right into A Barrow. I managed to get to my feet when I caught a Glimpse of Gree in my eye. I looke towards where it was and saw what it is...The HytoRax! I had heard of it before in many legends. It seemed to be The Hytorax, it matched every description I had come across. I leant forward to get it when the floor beneath the Stone colapsed and it fell deep down below the earth until I heard a Large Splash.
''Whoops!'' I said.
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Gil- galad was an elven king.
Of him the harpers sadly sing:
the last whose realm was fair and free
between the mountains and the sea.

His sword was long, his lance was keen,
his shinig helm afar was seen;
the countless stars of heaven's field
were mirrored in his silver shield.

But long ago he rode away,
and where he dwelleth none can say;
for into darkness fell his star
in mordor where the shadows are.

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Old 01-02-2003, 05:45 PM   #139
Chieftain of The Order of The Blue Flame
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''Err....BushBark? Do you know if there are any under-ground Rivers under the Barrows?'' I asked slowly.
''I have heard there are Lots!'' He said puzzled at my question.
''That's just what I thought, and feared. Well at least we might be able to find it again. Does anyone know where the Rivers lead?'' I added as an After-thought.
''No, I don't.'' Replied BushBark.
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Gil- galad was an elven king.
Of him the harpers sadly sing:
the last whose realm was fair and free
between the mountains and the sea.

His sword was long, his lance was keen,
his shinig helm afar was seen;
the countless stars of heaven's field
were mirrored in his silver shield.

But long ago he rode away,
and where he dwelleth none can say;
for into darkness fell his star
in mordor where the shadows are.

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Old 01-02-2003, 06:23 PM   #140
Legolas's beloved sister and Queen of the Wood Elves of Mirkwood
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Bushbark peared around cautiously,
"I am not sure about this area, it seems cold, and unprotected, I feel like danger is always just around the corner in this place.
What do you reckon we should do?"
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