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Old 06-07-2003, 03:47 AM   #101
A'mael Dalharen Eldarele
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Glimdrell nodded his approaval to Athalt as he entered with his soldiers. He nodded back quickly. "Dagankor!" Athalt said rising his voice. "Long did I have a bad feeling about your presence!"

Athalt advanced at Dagankor, but Elise stopped him. "He is mine now!" She grinned evily.
Atharon, where heroes are born. A constantly evolving forum rpg created by Lief Erikson, Falathion and its players.
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Old 06-07-2003, 11:12 AM   #102
Lief Erikson
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Dagankor laid down his sword, reluctantly, on the floor. The black blade did not reflect the sunlight pouring in from the window, but rather seemed to suck it in. He still had more weapons than that at his disposal, though. He turned his eyes on Vahatres.

"Traitors!" Vahatres roared. "Traitors, all of you!"

"You don't understand," Imarwyn said, soothingly, but he ignored her. He was reaching for his sword.

Athalt seized his arm. "Please listen to us! Dagankor is the real traitor here, a part of-"


Vahatres threw him off and snatched his sword from its scabbard. Elise's staff blazed with light, and she struck. The sword exploded in a hundred tiny fragments of red hot metal, and Vahatres withdrew his hand with a cry.

"You are not yourself," she said, and struck him in the chest with her staff.

He was driven against the wall, the breath knocked out of him.

Blazing white light shown in his eyes, in his mouth, blasting through him with terrible fury.

Elise glared at Dagankor, furiously. "I have you, I'll break this link . . ."

Only Dagankor wasn't there. She turned her head instantly toward the door, just in time to see him streak through it.

One of Athalt's soldiers screamed, from outside, in pain.

"He has his sword," Athalt said with a curse, drawing his own weapon and leaping through the open door in pursuit.

Vahatres seized Elise by the throat with both hands, bearing her to the ground.
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Old 06-07-2003, 12:13 PM   #103
A'mael Dalharen Eldarele
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As Vahatres sat upon Elise, choking the woman with all his strength, Glimdrell advanced. He would have managed to put Vahatres to sleep if it wasn't for Vahatres' boot that connected with his cheek. Glimdrell fell backward to the floor in pain.
Atharon, where heroes are born. A constantly evolving forum rpg created by Lief Erikson, Falathion and its players.
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Old 06-07-2003, 12:38 PM   #104
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Vahatres snatched a sword from the ground, just as Tareod jumped on him from behind. They both went down, Vahatres fighting madly.

Elise reached her hands to her throat, choking and trying to regain her breath.

Hruad helped Tareod with Vahatres, but it was hard. Fimbren joined them and with the toe of his boot, knocked the sword out of Vahatres' hand.

Vahatres fought savagely, but the men managed to pin him. Elise staggered to her feet.
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Old 06-07-2003, 03:09 PM   #105
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As soon as Imarwyn saw Dagankor slip away she went after him. She was already at the door when the soldier screamed. Behind her she heard Athalt curse and give chase too.

She leapt over the fallen soldier. There was little she could do for him safe try to catch Dagankor. Running, she quickly unsheated one of her knives. Dagankor had less headstart than he would have wanted but he was far from defeated just yet.

As Imarwyn turned a corner Dagankor's black blade jumped up, aimed at her face. Acting on pure instinct, she brought up her knive. The weapons met only inches before her eyes. The sorceror's blade nicked the skin of her hand but was turned aside.

The force of the unexpected blow knocked her back and she fell on the stone slabs. Dagankor raised his sword to strike again just when he caught sight of Athalt coming. Not wanting the face two opponents the sorceror cursed and fled.

"Get him!" Imarwyn yelled at Athalt as he ran past her. She quickly got on her feet and followed. Growling with frustration she whipped out her other blade. 'He's going to pay for that,' she thought. 'I'll gladly see him handed over to Elise.'
We are not things.

Last edited by Earniel : 06-07-2003 at 03:23 PM.
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Old 06-07-2003, 07:21 PM   #106
Lief Erikson
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There was still some fighting going on about the citadel. Small groups of Shadowhand men were fighting with Athalt's soldiers. There were few soldiers aside from Shadowhand men still in the citadel, and they seemed uncertain as to which side to join.

Dagankor fled out from under the archway of the citadel's gate, across a wide paved square before the doors. Athalt was close behind him, and Dagankor's eyes narrowed as he glanced back at his pursuer. Athalt was gaining on him rapidly. His blade was not magical like Dagankor's, and was nothing in comparison with it. Dagankor had magical powers, but the soldier was trained and skilled. At least the elven warrior hadn't pursued him. Humans were easier to deal with.

Dagankor stumbled over the edge of his robes. He was still dressed in rich, black and dark green garments with gold lining. They were hardly right for flight.

"Get me a horse!" he cried out to one of his men, who was temporarily without an opponent. The man nodded and ran toward the stables. Two of Athalt's men intercepted him though, and a moment later he fell to the ground, dying.

Dagankor turned to Athalt, who was slowing down a little. The captain was wary. He knew that Dagankor was dangerous and didn't want to be caught by surprise.

Dagankor raised his blade, summoning his magic through it. "You cannot fight me! I have controlled Enedwaith. My power rules this kingdom. Get back, if you have any desire to live."

His panting rather spoiled the effect, however, and Athalt didn't retreat. "Your power is broken," he said, raising his sword.

"Perhaps the Istari could have broken it," Dagankor said, "but she didn't."

Athalt swung his blade, and it clanged hollowly off of Dagankor's as he raised his weapon to parry. Shivers went up Athalt's sword, and a couple small cracks appeared in the metal.

Dagankor's spell was ready. He struck with it, and clasped his mental hands upon Athalt's mind. His eyes pierced through the captain, as he wrestled with him in the spirit realm. Athalt of course could not see what was happening, and fought blindly.

Dagankor's magic held him hard, and then he squeezed it inward, pressing and crushing.

Athalt fell backward several feet, screaming madly. Dagankor didn't hesitate long enough to kill him. There was no point. He had many enemies, and escape was what mattered.

He fled again, running for the stables. An enemy attacked him, jumping into his path, but Dagankor slashed the man's sword in half, and his bled nicked the soldier's shoulder as well. The soldier cried out, reaching down to the wound. The injury was blackened and smoldering as dark magic worked its way inward.

Dagankor used the spell he'd used on Athalt on a couple other soldiers barring his path, and they resisted less successfully. He swung his sword at another soldier, cleaving through a sword and arm.

A blade slashed outward from Dagankor's right, and he gasped as the steel dug between his ribs. He hacked downward, shattering the weapon, and stumbled backward again. The blade was half stuck in him, and seizing it with his bare hand, Dagankor threw it out.

He called to his horse with his mind, and it burst from its stall, galloping toward him.

Dagankor swung himself up and kicked its flanks with his booted legs. His left hand was clutched to his side, and blood dribbled freely out from between his fingers. None opposed him, and sparks flickered from the ground at his horse's footfalls as it galloped for the gate. The doors exploded inward before his horse's front hooves, and a couple of Athalt's men fell to the side. Dagankor managed to sheath his sword.

He was thundering through the city now, his steed leaping over carts but trampling people at will. Dagankor moaned slightly at the pain from his side.

The addition of Athalt and Fimbren had foiled Dagankor's plans for a peaceful conquering of the kingdom. Yet peace wasn't necessary to victory. They had Vahatres and would soon free his mind. But a war was begun now, between them and the Shadowhand. The Shadowhand had several castles already in their power, and parts of Enedwaith were under their direct control. Their orc armies weren't very big yet, as it was only a few weeks ago that Vahatres had given his authorization for them to start work, but they did exist. And soldiers were mustering to their banner. No, this was far, far from over . . .
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Old 06-08-2003, 06:35 PM   #107
Finrod Felagund
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Fimbren ran up to Athalt.
"What happened?"

Athalt replied "Dagankor escaped!"

Fimbren dropped his head, "I think we are now at war."

Athalt nodded.

Fimbren frowned, "I will go in a few days to Aragorn and Eomer. They will help us."
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Old 06-08-2003, 08:55 PM   #108
Lief Erikson
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Athalt shook his head. He was rubbing his ribs painfully with his hand, and his mind felt obscured, as his eyes would be if a blanket were thrown over his head. He felt pain coming from several parts of his body at once.

"No," he said, fighting through the fog and shaking his head again. "No. There is nothing they could do to help us. They would come, but they'd come too late. Aragorn would, at least. Eomer lives much closer to Enedwaith. Perhaps there is some hope that you could get his assistance. Tell Tareod, and get his assistance. His word would be trusted above that of a newcomer elf- you might need him."

He struggled to his feet, and squinted ahead. His eyes seemed to be having trouble functioning, now. His mind was working a little better, though.

He stumbled a couple steps and scooped up his sword, which lay naked on the cobblestones. He sheathed it, and peered up at the citadel above him.

"Let us rejoin the others. If they have freed Vahatres' mind yet, we may have a council of war."
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Old 06-11-2003, 09:50 AM   #109
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"Yes" said Fimbren, "Tareod would be great help...but I am no newcomer, I have met Eomer many times and am close friends with Aragorn as well. Perhaps...well, lets find the others first."
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Old 06-15-2003, 03:28 PM   #110
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"Yes. We need to see how Elise is faring," he said. He glanced back at his men, for a moment. Large numbers of the Shadowhand soldiers were surrendering to them, now.

"This battle is won, but there is still much left to do. And much also depends upon the freeing of Vahatres' mind. If, once freed, he accepts us as allies and friends, then there is a hope. But with my soldiers alone we cannot confront the Shadowhand; we need his help. His and that of other nobles of this kingdom."
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Old 06-17-2003, 05:44 PM   #111
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Imarwyn sighed. "We have recaptured the citadel and we still have Vahatres. But I fear that Dagankor's escape will cost us dearly yet."

The three of them returned to Dagankor's quarters. In the meantime their friends there had been succesful in restraining the king. Athalt quickly informed the rest of Dagankor's escape.
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Old 06-21-2003, 12:32 PM   #112
A'mael Dalharen Eldarele
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"So war is upon us..." Glimdrell said with a sigh. He knew how he would have to dart in and out of shadows, in and out of sight, in order to stay alive on a battle field. A feat that even his magical surcoat couldn't promise succsess.
Atharon, where heroes are born. A constantly evolving forum rpg created by Lief Erikson, Falathion and its players.
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Old 06-25-2003, 11:56 PM   #113
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Rubbing her throat and using her staff as a support, Elise staggered to a balcony and gasped for air as she watched the sorcerer flee far below and away from her. There was nothing she could do about him now, at least not from this distance. Some times she regretted ever having come to Arda, and the promises she had made. But there was much good she could do, and so much work to finish. After Sauron had been defeated, Elise had suddenly found herself burdened with many little tasks, finding the Hytorax being one of them. The Hytorax was quickly spiraling out of control though, and had become more than a little matter certainly.

Leaning out on the railing slightly Elise frowned as she remembered how the ‘scholar’ had so cleverly snatched the stone out from under her nose. Finders keepers though, and she could not have simply taken the stone from him after he first took it in the tomb. A dry chuckle escaped Elise’s lips as she remembered how she had used what little magic she could to shield the man from the stone’s evil effects. What a fool she had been.

Something that bothered Elise greatly was the sword the sorcerer had been wielding. It was… difficult… to obtain one of those blades, especially now that the Dark Lord had been destroyed. Where in Eru’s name had he gotten one?

Letting her fingers rub gently over the intricate carvings on her staff, Elise’s eyes scanned the surrounding city and smoothed her face. It would be of little use to walk back in like a thundercloud and scare her allies away.

She could not hide what she was any longer, and while her powers could still not be fully shown, there were few whom she had not performed some magic in front of. Hundreds of years with out letting a single person know what she was, and now it was all thrown away over this.

Casting the tatters of her brown robe aside, Elise fingered the green stone around her neck and looked up at the sky.

“I pray that all will come about aright, but I fear in my heart…” Elise said softly, weary of the mortal world. A great sadness and a longing to return to her true form welled up within Elise, and not for the first time. Pressing it down was never easy, but Elise was strong, and she would not be broken.

“There is much to do, Elise. Gather yourself together and make sure it is done!”, and with those firm words, Elise turned and strode back inside. There were so many things to do, but if she never got them started then she would never get them finished.
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Old 06-26-2003, 03:34 PM   #114
Finrod Felagund
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Fimbren and the others found her quickly. "Elise," he said, "You need to rest, your burden is great, come, sleep."
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Old 07-02-2003, 11:12 AM   #115
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Rising Storm

The King's Citadel, Néred, Enedwaith

"Sleep?" Elise shook her head sadly. "That is a luxury for me in these times, one that we cannot afford right now. Too many tasks still lie before us." She softened the words with a kind smile, before noticing a messenger standing beside the door.

The others turned their gazes on the page as well, and the young boy flushed beneath all the attention. "Um... that is, you wanted to be told as soon as his Majesty was awake again. And, um, he is. Awake, I mean."

Elise nodded. "Then take me to him."

Some of the others followed after her, in case Vahatres was still filled with rage, but most of them decided to take Fimbren's advice - and seek out some rest. Athalt had secured them all room's before heading out with his men in search of Dagankor.

Elise arrived in Vahatres' chamber, accompanied by Fimbren and Glimdrell. The king was lying in bed - surrounded by several soldiers that Athalt had assigned to watch him. The men were obviously torn in their duties, but had seen the king's madness, and would follow Athalt's orders. Few others in the castle yet knew what was going on - and it would all depend upon what happened in this room tonight.

The king himself no longer seemed maddened, but had a confused look about him, as though he had been cast adrift. Elise smiled inside - with Dagankor gone, the spell he had cast was weakening. She should be able to, with luck, break it entirely.

Fimbren tensed, and she glimpsed Glimdrell's had sliding to his weapon, but Vahatres seemed unaware of their entry. She motioned the others to remain by the door, and approached the king slowly, the guards parting before her.


The open road, Enedwaith

Even as Dagankor rode from Néred at full speed, another rider in black rode towards it like a bird in flight, the wind whistling and howling around the rider and the rider's horse. Covered in black, a cloak flapped in the wind as the traveller made for Néred, wondering what was occuring in the heart of Enedwaith.


Fortress of the Shadowhand, Enedwaith

"We are glad you have come quickly, Aasinav."

"Your diligence in the past has been noted."

"We expect to see equally acceptable results for this mission as well."

The council sat before Aasinav, each member nodding his head at the sage as he stood before them. Darkness covered the room, and Aasinav could make out little of the features of the Shadowhand's Ruling Council. He knew who they were of course - everyone did. But tradition from long ago ordained they remained concealed during the council sessions.

He bowed to them. "My research has gone faster than expected, and I can devote my time thoroughly to whatever mission there is. What will my task be?"

His words were true enough - he had gotten far enough in his own research that he wasn't irritated about being distracted, as he often was.

One of the council members, a young woman, spoke again, her words soft and lilting. "It seems the situation in Néred has grown beyond Dagankor's control. The city is now in the hands of a band that you are familiar with."

Aasinav almost smiled. He'd practically expected this.

"In any case, they've forced Dagankor out, and may have freed the king. And we simply can't have that happen. We need you to keep an eye on them - discover what they plan, and make sure we can prevent it. Is this agreeable?"

Aasinav nodded. "Of course. I shall inform you as soon as I learn more."

He turned and strode from the chamber. As expected, Dagankor had underestimated the heroes. But Aasinav believed in one thing, and one thing only - knowledge. He already knew most of their weaknesses. His shadow would already be aware of everything going on, and could make sure nothing took him by surprise.

Victory was practically assured.
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Old 07-02-2003, 11:13 AM   #116
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Taking Sides

Two weeks later...

Lond Daer, Néred

Dagankor looked about the abandoned city. Not much was left of what had once been the greatest city in Enedwaith - but it did make an excellent place for him to rally soldiers to his cause. And they had come, eagerly, when he had sent out messages telling them of the events in Néred.

Of how the traitors from before had found new leadership, and usurped the rule of the city. Of how they had made us of the spirit power of the Hytorax to bewitch Vahatres and enslave the powerful of the city.

The military leaders of Enedwaith had rallied to the words of the former advisor of the king. Especially as many of them knew that if Vahatres was indeed bewitched - and should be found slain - the country would need a new king.

"There you are, Dagankor!" The booming voice of Grifwold, one of the strongest general's in the force, echoed from behind him. Dagankor turned calmly, concealing a frown. Grifwold would not be easy to manipulate - the man was actually loyal, even if he had bought into Dagankor's lies. Something more would have to be done to bring the man into check.

But then, Dagankor was an expert at enchanting the minds of the powerful.

"Ah, General Grifwold, a pleasant surprise to see you! I had just been about to see you out for a discussion. I've decided to place my soldiers under your command after all - as the highest ranking general here, military command should be under you, should it not?"

The general looked taken aback, and then a broad smile grew on his face, matched only by the one hidden inside of Dagankor.

The retaking of Néred would be easier than he had thought.


The King's Citadel, Néred, Enedwaith

Vahatres crossed his arms. The messenger kneeling before the throne shivered beneath his king's gaze, but managed to finish stammering out the news he had brought.

The king sighed. "I do not blame you for the news you carry, though it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. You are dismissed."

The messenger bowed quickly and then fled the throne room.

Vahatres sighed again. "Dagankor rallying soldiers - my soldiers! - to his banners. Spreading lies throughout the kingdom. I have tried to quell them where I could, but... it took too long to break the spell on me, sadly. Dagankor had already spun too large a web."

"All is not yet lost, your Majesty," Athalt replied, gesturing the others to follow him. Adrian Baggins, Glimdrell, Glistenfae, Gil-Thalion, Elise, Aralle, Fimbren, Imarwyn and Asaar followed behind him. The heroes, after breaking the enchantment on Vahatres, had been invited to stay at the castle - until they had figured out how to stop the Shadowhand. Yet things looked darker and darker with every day.

Elise nods. "We have been deciphering the scrolls Dagankor kept in his room - and learning more every day. We haven't uncovered everything, but we are starting to suspect that the Hytorax was only one of a number of magical treasures they had acquired - and are using to enhance their power."

The king nodded. The spell over him broken, he was a strong and powerful man, but there was so much left to do. "We shall have to investigate that. I hope some of you will be willing to take on such a mission - Athalt must remain in charge of our defenses, as Dagankor rallies more troops to his side. Hruad and Dolais have gone to their regions to seek military support for us."

He stands, and glances off to the side, where a corridor to the castle's guest rooms leads. A shadowy figure can be seen approaching them.

Vahatres looks back to the heroes. "We don't need your answers just yet. We still need to build our own forces, and learn all we can from Dagankor's scrolls. But when the time comes, you will be needed. If you wish to back out, we will understand."

Athalt glanced down the side corridor. Vahatres had conferred with him over most of their upcoming plans, but he knew nothing of whatever figure was approaching. He looked to the king, and raised an eyebrow, not wanting to question him in front of the others.

Vahatres smiled. "We do have one secret weapon in our pocket, though. An emissary from Rivendell, when they heard that the Shadowhand was involved in our country. One who is quite the expert at infiltration - and has experience with the Shadowhand's ilk. One who can ensure that you are able to deal with the Shadowhand once and for all."

The figure stepped into the light. Cloaked all in black, a wide-brimmed hat covered his eyes, and he flipped a pack of cards from one hand to the other.

Looking up, he grinned at the party, and bowed to them as he tucked the cards away.

"Allow me to introduce," said Vahatres, "Malagar D'Orthand."
Through Truth, Power.
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Old 07-04-2003, 01:24 AM   #117
Lief Erikson
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"A pleasure to meet you, Malagar," Athalt said, extending a hand.

The man clasped it at once.

"I am sorry," the captain continued, "but I haven't made your acquaintance, yet."

"Not a surprise," said Mal, "I'm fairly new here."

"However, he is not new to our enemies," Vahatres said, turning his eyes toward the company. They looked at him expectantly, and he continued. "Mal, along with a few companions, were responsible for the demise of the Shadowhand's leader, Vardor, about two years ago.

"Vardor nearly was successful for bringing back Morgoth to the world, though that tale is not commonly known. His genius in leadership and success at following his leader's orders were great, but his followers cannot likely be far better off, separated from him. They have skilled and brilliant men on their side. Like Aasinav, and . . . ah, Dagankor . . ." Vahatres' face twisted in distaste as he said the last name.

"We are lucky," he finished, "to have Mal here."

Hruad pulled his horse's reins, slowing the animal to a stop as they reached a guard post. "We need to speak to Thetiran, the region governor," he said. "I am Hruad, council representative, and this is Dolais, another representative. Through messengers, we asked that a meeting of governors be called here."

"Yes, yes," the guard said at once, pulling open the gate to the pleasant green lawn, and dry path of the grounds. "Please, enter."

"Thank-you," Hruad said with a smile. He touched his horse's flanks with his silver spurs, and rode through the open gate.

The house before him and Dolais was large. A couple hobbit servants were just visible at the doorway. One of them was sneaking small treats into his mouth, taken from a bag he'd likely pilfered from the kitchens.

Hruad grinned broadly, and pointed him out to Dolais. The hobbits stopped and turned immediately as the two horsemen approached.

They dismounted, and the hobbits immediately took their horses' reins and led them away on a side path.

Hruad stepped in, onto the threshold of the house.

A tall man dressed in gold and green stepped forward and motioned that they follow him. They did, and he led them over the carpeted floor of a hallway, and to a door. He pushed it open, and announced them.

"Hruad and Dolais, from Néred, sir."

He stepped aside, and they passed him. There was one man, his hair graying, seated behind a table. One man.

"Sir," Dolais said, a slight note of worry in his voice. "Where are all the other governors?"

"They saw no reason to attend," Thetiran answered.

"But . . ." Hruad said haltingly, stunned. "But, but sir, why? This is important news, from Néred."

"From Vahatres himself, yes, they know. But you see, the issue is already being discussed, and there's nothing the governors can do anymore. The entire situation is out of our hands."

"What do you mean?" Dolais asked, sharply. "Your military units-"

"Our military units are out of our control," Thetiran said. "They have been sent on, to Lond Daer. A military council is being held there, and information is being brought there as to the facts of the case in Néred."

"Ah, I see," Dolais said. "Then we're simply at the wrong place."

"Yes," Thetiran said. "You could go on to Lond Daer, and you'd be much more likely of getting what you want. But then again, you might not want to."

"What do you mean?" Dolais asked. "And why has the council been moved there?"

"The council was summoned by General Grifwold and by Dagankor," Thetiran said. "Dagankor has spread news that the revolt has taken place and seized command of the mind of Vahatres."

"WHAT!" Hruad cried, furious. "The wretched s-"

"What evidence does he have to back up his claims?" Dolais asked.

"Go there yourself," Thetiran said, "and find out. I don't know the details, but we've sent our most trusted military leaders to the council to make our decisions for us."

"When does the council start?"

"Five days from now," Thetiran said.

"Then we have some time," Hruad said, exchanging glances with Dolais, who nodded instantly. "We must reach it as soon as possible, and represent our side, telling the truth."

"Nonsense," Thetiran said. "Dagankor is holding this meeting- it's too dangerous for either of you."

But Hruad stared at him sharply, his face full of determination. "We must do what we can do. We have to go there, and now."
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Old 07-04-2003, 07:12 AM   #118
A'mael Dalharen Eldarele
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Glimdrell's eyes widened and his ears rouse as he heard the name mentioned. He had heard this name before, Malagar. It was a name that filled Glimdrell with peacefullness and hope. The rumors of this man and his company had spread like a wind in his region after the great defeat of Vardor.

Glimdrell smiled and listened as Athalt and Vahatres spoke. He had nothing to say to this man, yet so much to admire. A true hero of his own right...
Atharon, where heroes are born. A constantly evolving forum rpg created by Lief Erikson, Falathion and its players.
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Old 07-04-2003, 12:13 PM   #119
Lief Erikson
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"I am positioning your troops at the back of the northwest field," Grifwold informed Dagankor. He picked up a glass of wine from the table he was seated at, and took a gulp from it.

"I have no difficulty with that," Dagankor said. "One thing I would appreciate is possibly the reinforcing of scouting positions on our borders. I have fears that the enemy might try to infiltrate our council with their magic."

"I see," Grifwold said thoughtfully. "Well, I'll keep that under consideration, but as yet I really see no need for concern about that. They'll hardly risk an open attack- it would strengthen your case against them."

"I have magic, but I don't know if it is strong enough to take them, combined," Dagankor said. "Let's see." He ticked one off on each finger. "We have Brilindil the wizard to deal with, and Elise, and Fimbren, even though he's not a wizard." Dagankor's face twisted angrily. "Fimbren, even though he is not a wizard, is a very dangerous enemy. An elf of great power- he was the one that defeated my entrapment attack on the enemy in Néred.

"Then finally, they have the power of the Hytorax itself. And this is only the revolting party. They probably have other magic of which we know nothing. We even know, from Captain Athalt Cranain's reports, while he was still loyal to us, that they have a griffin on our side. That shows that they have gained back the old supporters of the Istari order, the order that was ruled by Saruman, the traitor."

"Your own followers are hardly more wholesome," Grifwold said with a soft smile. "Orcs, trolls, wildmen. Your symbol also doesn't seem the greatest, and the fact that you once served Vardor . . ."

"We broke off from serving him, and since then we've been a freelance group, studying magic. We have done other things, of course, but magic has been our primary focus.

"Enedwaith is the first country we really stepped out of our natural reserve to contact. We have contacted you as your friends, and we have never sought to be anything else.

"Orcs and trolls, well, we have always had the ability to command them. Perhaps they are unsavory companions, but it is always better to have them on your side then to have them against you, is it not?"

"What sort of a position was the Shadowhand in before it joined us?" Grifwold asked.

"A difficult one," Dagankor said immediately. "With Vardor's demise, many of our troops broke away from us, and we were surrounded by rival forces. Through large efforts, we managed to draw many of them back under our banner. But that was nearly our final hour."

Grifwold poured himself another goblet of wine, and set the jar back down on the dark wood table with a heavy clunk. He glanced about the folds of the scarlet tent's walls, at the furniture, drawers, and the suit of armor neatly collected in a corner.

"Things are being drawn to a difficult point, Dagankor," Grifwold said. "I think we will very likely need Shadowhand assistance, after this is over. There is going to be huge turmoil over the country's fracturing. Everything that was once strong is weakened. This revolt will likely split the country into a bloody civil war. Do you know if there is any way to prevent that?"

"The more united the upcoming council remains on this issue, the smaller the war will be," Dagankor said.

"Then it is for us to make the decisions. What is your case, Dagankor? I hope it is a good one. We need something strong if we are to convince and draw to ourselves the military leaders."

"I can present a strong case, provided that there is not magical interferance from outside," Dagankor said. "I do expect that enemies will try and infiltrate us. If they are stopped, the council will become united."

"They do need to receive good representation though, so the council can make a good judgement . . ."

"No they don't," Dagankor insisted, mentally digging his magical fingers deeper into Grifwold's brain. He fought the man for an instant, fought him hard.

"Very well, you're right, we don't need the fracturing . . ."

"Good, thank-you," Dagankor said, easing his grip. Grifwold was shaking slightly, though of course he didn't know why, and couldn't know it. Dagankor gently soothed the general's mind with peaceful thoughts, and the man relaxed. "You will not regret your decision, sir."
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Old 07-11-2003, 02:45 PM   #120
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As more of Dagankor's scrolls were deciphered, it became more and more obvious that the Shadowhand were seeking to harness magical power on an unprecedented scale - and that they would have to be stopped before they succeeded.

Malagar met with the various companions one by one, seeking each of them out in turn, and feeling them out to take their measure.

To each one, he spoke of their coming trials, and of the mission that they would face - confronting the Shadowhand directly, and stopping whatever plot they were putting into effect. Wiht each one, he made sure they understood the danger inherent in the mission. And to each one he placed the question, without blame - "Do you still wish to go?"

He spoke somewhat more with a few of them. With those of especial skill of specialization - such as Glimdrell - he took time to discern how they would best aid in their coming mission.

Finally, he met with Elise last of all. Every time he had seen here, he had felt a strange sensation, and his suspicions had risen more and more. Yet he left those suspicions unspoken, and only asked of what she was capable - rather than asking who - or what - she was.
Through Truth, Power.
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