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Old 02-26-2001, 09:15 PM   #101
Posts: n/a
Re: Back in Edoras

The B'rak burrowed through the earth, smelling the sweet scent it was looking for. As it dug through the ground, it felt another force tugging it to the north, but faint, like the last snack it had hunted down. Still, it couldn't go on any more side trips, or master would be displeased.

It stopped for a moment, quivering in the earth, and felt stone walls up ahead. It paused for a moment, confused, and then decided to sit and wait, until the scent left the stone place.
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Old 02-26-2001, 11:35 PM   #102
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a
Re: The Hunt

Slythre just stood and stared for a moment at the obsidian armored figures lunging after Mal, Faradin and Dania. Mal sidestepped and escaped while the others fled into the crowd, their opponents in hot pursuit.

Rohirrim soldiers drew their blades and attacked the figures, only to end up in crumpled heaps, killed in seconds. However, their fall did give the group valuable seconds in which to make their escape and disappear in the crowd.

A little bit later, a larger squad of soldiers rounded the corner, weapons drawn. They attacked angrily, using skill and wrath and somehow managing to press the warriors back. One of the warriors slumped to the ground with a half dozen slash wounds in him. Already, seven of the Rohirrim had fallen, and the rest were falling back.

It was none of her business now, Slythre realized. It was better to fight them later. Now was the time to run.

Even as she decided this was the right course of action, the obsidian armored figures came to the same decision, quickly disengaging and escaping down alleyways.
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Old 02-26-2001, 11:55 PM   #103
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a
Re: The Hunt

"You ssshould keep better control of your men," the broodlord snarled at Sethris. "I lost one of mine because of thisss, and they are not as replacable as yours."

"They aren't my men," Sethris responded. "If you had had better control of your warrior instincts, this would not have happened. Your slaughter of the populace was what forced them into action. They would have aided you, otherwise. You dragged failure down on your own head."

The broodlord nearly killed him for that, but somehow managed to restrain himself. Sethris was his only link to Vardor, besides Lord Thaldsan, and he couldn't afford to have that severed. "We won't kill your weakling civiliansss again."

"That will help you in this," Sethris said. "Besides that, our quick discovery of their location has proved your abilities. But now they will be more cautious. I would like to offer you a companion. He will not be an annoyance, and his tracking abilities will make him worth having, I think."

"Who is thiss companion?" the broodlord asked suspiciously.

Sethris beckoned to the figure who stood behind him. "He is our second to last Nrake. We have one other, but he left, going outside Edoras for a time."

"I can find this Dania. I smelled her once before, and know her scent." He spoke in a low, rasping voice. He wore brown and black garments, with a short sword at one of his sides. But he rarely used this weapon, usually merely attacking with his hands and teeth.

His scenting skills were called into doubt however, when he led them to the city gates, and insisted that she was not in Edoras.
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Old 02-27-2001, 08:10 AM   #104
Posts: n/a
A desparate plan.

Ulrog looked over his shoulder. The sounds of combat had died away moments ago. He had never expected it to go in the orcs' favour but he had hoped it would buy him more time than this. He cursed himelf for not thinking of gaging her earlier. That little scream would surely have put the wolf-man back on his trail. He led the horse down onto a small track which led to the clump of trees where he had met the master before. He could see it in the distance. Here was where he was to bring his captive. The master would know when they got there. He always did.
Already Ulrog could smell the wolf-man getting closer. He was running out of time. Slowly an idea formed in his mind. It was risky but it was all he could think of.
"I'm not done for yet", he muttered.
Ulrog quickly tightened the ropes fastening his captive to her horse. Then he grabbed a fallen branch and hit the animal as hard as he could. Ulrog watched in satisfaction as the horse bolted down the track, heading straight for the meeting place.
The wolf-man's scent was getting even stronger now. Ulrog ran off at an angle from the track, planning to to circle round to the meeting place. Hopefully this would work.
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Old 02-27-2001, 03:21 PM   #105
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a
The Chase

Suddenly, the orc heard a loud whinny from the horse somewhere ahead. Quickly running forward, he saw through the branches as a black scaled and brown clothed creature leaped out of the undergrowth, streaking toward the horse.

Was this the one who'd been sent out to the meeting place? It didn't look like it, but nevertheless, there was nothing he could do to stop the creature now that it had met its target. It slammed into the horse, bowling it to the ground. Then, it tore away the ropes attatching it to the captive and seized her in its arms, letting out a howl of triumph.

Fool! Ulrog nearly said aloud. You've just announced your location to the trackers!

Quickly drawing his bow, he removed an arrow from the quiver. He looked over his shoulder, careful to make sure that the wolfman was not already bounding out of the woods. Then he closed in on the creature, not intending to shoot it, but at least find out that it was the one who she was to be delivered to.

The creature suddenly bolted into the brush, holding the struggling figure over its shoulder as if she were weightless.

Then the wolfman and the elf did appear, dashing out of the woods close behind. After stopping for a bare two seconds at the horse's body, the instantly turned and dashed after the creature.
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Old 02-27-2001, 09:44 PM   #106
Posts: n/a
Re: The Hunt

Mal crouched from a rooftop, watching the obsidian form and the man he was talking to as the argued at the gate. He had seen Faradin slip out of there but an hour before, Dania with him, right past the watch of the guards. Obviously the arrival of these men, and that strange creature that led them here, was not coincidence.

As they argued, Mal sat back on the roof, twirling a dagger in one hand. Faradin and Dania had gotten out, and he had glimpsed Gungar helping Narsh hide in a small abandoned building in the city, though Mal hadn't revealed himself to them. At the moment, they had to keep as split up as possible. He had not gotten a chance to see where Slythre had gone, so she was likely hiding out in the city as well.

Looking down at the conversation taking place, he saw that they were splitting up. The 'watcher' lord sent all of his men with the, the lizard, or whatever it was, and then went back into the city on his own. The man he had been arguing with gave a vexed stare at his back, and then headed towards the palace.

Mal slid down the wall, and dropped to the ground silently behind the figure. Utter silence, utter secrecy. He walked across the street no more than a shadow - one might have thought it the use of his magic, but was truthfully no more than the excelling of a skill to an art. He walked right by a figure in broad daylight, without the man ever knowing he was there. He followed, trailing unseen and unnoticed, the man the 'watcher' had conversed with. This conspiracy reached high, and he was through being the one hunted. Let them beware - he would have answers.
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Old 02-27-2001, 09:55 PM   #107
Posts: n/a
Re: The Chase

Harnauro flew through the woods, leaping over low branches and bushes, dashing around trees after the creature that fled from him, lightning fast. Even burdened with carrying the girl, its speed was amazing, springing across the overgrown woods.

Beside him, Harnauro glimpsed the elf starting to fall behind, but turned his attention solely to the chase as the creature tossed on a burst of speed, leaping deeper into the brush.

A wicked grin grew on Harnauro's face, for as he ran, he felt adrenalin burning away the last remnants of the touch of the creature from the day before. Still hesitant to take wolf form, he instead bunched his leg muscles, and hurled himself into the air, grabbing a branch and swinging himself up into the tree, barely pausing, and then running on. Instead of dodging across the overgrown earth, he raced along the tree limbs, agile and sure as he began to overtake the creature.

Soon, nearly overhead, he threw himself from above, hurtling straight towards the creature, which somehow sensed him, and sprang aside. Harnauro crashed into the ground at a roll, coming back to his feet and pushing off from a tree he landed near, swinging back around into the creature's path.

It gave a hideous cry, and flung the girl at him, forcing him to catch her as it leapt away again. Harnauro wasted no time, his anger pushing him on, and dropped her form to the ground as he ripped apart the rope binding her with one hand, then jumped after the fleeing form.

It moved quickly, but Harnauro bent down low as he ran, grabbing up a large stick, and jumping into the air for better aim, sent it flying into the creatures back, tumbling it to the ground.

It quickly regained its feet, but by that time Harnauro was there. It sliced at him with its claws, but he ignored the scratches, which healed even as they were made, and grabbed it by the throat. Slamming its back against a tree, he bared his teeth before its face, a rumbling snarl echoing from him.

"You will tell me all you know," he growled, his teeth an inch from its face, "Or you will die a thousand tortured deaths!"
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Old 02-27-2001, 11:44 PM   #108
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a
The Chase Ends

A wild look entered the Nrake's face. He was pinned by a well nigh invulnerable being! The Nrake saw that fighting was useless, and this creature would probably end up killing him. But that would only be once, and if he did give away his mission objective, then he would be taken to those who really could make him die those thousand tortured deaths. Loyalty to his master was a must, and anything less than a full answer to this being would probably mean a horrible death.

He looked at Harnauro through his black eyes, blazing with hatred. "Then there is only one option."

With a sudden effort, he jerked upwards, his scaly hand slipping out of Harnauro's like a snake. Then he slashed his own head off.
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Old 02-28-2001, 12:07 AM   #109
Posts: n/a
Re: The Chase Ends

Blood spurted over Harnauro, who cursed at the enemy's end. I'll have answers yet, he thought, and turned back down to slip, unseen and unheard, among the trees. The orc was back their somewhere - he would have answers from it!
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Old 02-28-2001, 12:19 AM   #110
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a

Sethris entered the courtyard and entered a sidedoor, hurrying up a flight of stairs until he reached the top. He was still wondering at the Nrake's strange behavior. Perhaps they could have escaped, he thought doubtfully. He just hoped that his best warriors weren't being sent on a wild goosechase.

"Perhaps it's best they go, though," he muttered to himself as he entered his room, closing the door behind him.

At least now they wouldn't be attacking civilians and soldiers at will. The countryside was wide, open terrain, perfect for their hunt, without anyone getting in the way.

The table was large, made of dark polished oak. Walking over to the other end of it, his cloak swishing around his feet, he carelessly picked up a dagger, tapping his hand with the blade. And whirled around, sending the dagger flying through the air, aimed straight for the intruder's heart.

Only to be knocked aside by the man's hand, which moved up impossibly fast, hitting the hilt and batting the weapon off course.

It hit the wood of the door with a thunk and stuck there, quivering.

Mal gave a wry smile. "You have good reflexes. But perhaps not good enough."

"To face a wielder of the shadow magic, a Maiar."

"When did you hear me following you?"

"No matter how quietly you move, my door's hinges are rather good at letting me know such things."

Mal walked around the table and crossed the room until he was close to Sethris. "You will tell me everything you know of the group you work for at once. What connection do you have with that group of armored warriors which attacked us in the market place?"

"A business association, mostly. They are working for us at present, partially for their own reasons and partially for ours."

"And what are your groups? Why have you had Dania and Narsh imprisoned, but tried to kill the rest of us instead of taking us to? What makes them so special to your plans?"

"I'm surprised that Dania didn't tell you. She'll be in need of a guardian such as you, before long."

"You haven't answered my question. I give you one last chance to do so."

Sethris raised his head, looking into Mal's eyes. "To do so would mean a horrible death. Worse than anything you could or would do to me. I will answer none of your questions."
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Old 02-28-2001, 12:28 AM   #111
Posts: n/a
Re: Questioning

Mal looked long and hard into the man's face. He seemed confident of himself, and Mal had not the time to try and pry deeper into him.

"Very well. Then I will bargain. I will let you live, and in return, I wish only a meeting with your superior."

Sethrin raised his eyebrows. "I can scarcely see any reason you would wish to meet my superior unless you planned treachery."

Mal laughed at him, a sneer on his face. "Fool! I once served Melkor himself! What do you think to presume of my motivations?"
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Old 02-28-2001, 12:52 AM   #112
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a
Re: Questioning

Sethris paused, considering. "I'll inform him of your request," he said hesitantly, with an edge of fear in his voice. But Mal could tell it was not fear of him. "Where will you be if his answer is yes?"

"The question is where will he be. I have the power to know whether or not he is alone."

"You have no power he does not have, I think," Sethris said. "How about at the castle Iron Heart. Spies have recently informed me of its location, and the fact that it is currently deserted. It is near Helm's Deep, I can show you exactly where on . . ."

"I know where it is," Mal said sharply.

Sethris blinked. "All right. If he agrees to your request, he'll be there a week from now."
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Old 02-28-2001, 01:24 AM   #113
Posts: n/a
Re: Questioning

Mal nodded sharply, and then vanished out of the door. Sethris watched carefully, and then closed and locked it. Vardor would be informed of this, indeed.

Meanwhile, Mal slipped along his own course, into the castle itself. Dania had only been one reason for entering the city, and he would need all his trength for this mysterious foe.

The guards at the palace entrance simply glanced from side to side, at what sounded like the hiss of the wing moving past, but paid no more heed. Soon, Mal was within the palace proper, and on his path to the treasury.

It was guarded a bit more harshly, and the door allowed for no easy entrance. Frowning, he realized that it would be no easy task to enter there at the moment. Rapidly changing plans, he snuck back out of the palace as easily as he had entered.

Once back into the central part of town, he went looking for Narsh and Gungar. He found them, still hiding in a building, and saw that Slythre had joined them.

"You're safe, I see," she said as he entered. He nodded.

"I may be safe, but I have some business to attend to as well."

The others looked at each other, puzzled, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I hope to deal with what goes on here, and the force that captured Dania. All I know, however, is that this city is not safe for you or the others. Leave her as soon as you can, and see if you can help Dania and Faradin - they were being pursued by those who keep attacking us."

Startled glances were once more passed around. Mal continued, as he backed up into the shadows of the room, "Once you meet them, and if you can escape pursuit, take the river east and north. If you go far enough, and fast enough, they may turn aside - certainly they will shy away from Lorien, if you go near that place."

Slythre whistled low. "That is a long journey you describe."

"Aye. But what we deal with has a long reach. For now, though, simply try and meet up with the others. I will rejoin you when I can." His gaze turned away from their's, as he continued to back up, and soon his form was completely engulfed in the wall's shadow. Slythre lunged forward, but there was only air remaining.


Mal opened his eyes. He looked around - he was in the king's vault. The place was dark, no windows, no openings, save the giant locked doors. His eyes could see, though, and he looked around at wealth and riches - though less than one would have expected. Shrugging, he began his search.

Minutes later, he held a bracer in his hand. Dark leather, dyed black, and inset with various gleaming black gemstones. He set it on, fitting like a tailor-made glove, and a sad smile flickered about his lips. He closed his eyes once again, letting the darkness dance around him, and when he re-opened them, he was in Castle Ironheart.

No signs of any living nearby. The last who had remained were nevertheless long gone. He looked about, at the walls so recently washed with blood. He had a week to prepare the place. A grim smile came upon his lips. A week, and then he would have some answers.
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Old 02-28-2001, 01:57 AM   #114
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a
Re: The Hunt

Ayna got to her feet, rubbed her wrists painfully and walked over to the wolfman. "What was it?" she asked, motioning to the creature.

"Something so completely given over to the enemy that it will die before giving away secrets. We have no time to bury it. Elrov, do you and Ayna wish to join me and our company or go your own way?"

"They might have more spies around and I'd rather not lead them to my home. It could easily end up the same as Ayna's." When Ayna looked away, head lowered, he bit his lip angrily, wishing he hadn't mentioned the place.

"Very well. Dania and Faradin are nearby. We can join them and find out what happened the others."

Ayna's head lifted as she heard Dania's name mentioned. Harnauro gave no sign that he noticed the abrupt recognition, but wished that he knew exactly how she fitted into all this. Elrov sheathed his sword and they set off. Soon they might have some answers as to what was going on.
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Old 02-28-2001, 02:04 AM   #115
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a
Re: The Hunt

*Whoops! Sorry, I didn't realize that Harnauro had already gone off chasing down the orc. Perhaps we should say this is after they capture him.*
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Old 02-28-2001, 02:05 AM   #116
Posts: n/a
Re: The Hunt

As they walked, Ayna finally found the courage to ask the question gnawing at her insides.

"You have saved me from death - and worse - many times now... and yet, I know not who, or what you are. As a wolf, I thought I sensed intelligence in you but... not this. I never foresaw this."

Harnauro sealed his lips, continuing forward at a hard stride. For a while, her words hung in the air, and he finally broke the silence. "I was once a man. I earned the emnity of someone powerful. He cursed me, and made me what I am. Best you know no more than that."

Ayna bit her own lip, before saying anymore. She stared at his back as he walked on, and let the matter drop. Up ahead, she heard the sound of others talking, and one voice sounded familiar to her. As she noticed this, Harnauro quickened his stride, leaving the clearing and approaching Faradin and Dania.
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Old 02-28-2001, 02:06 AM   #117
Posts: n/a
Re: The Hunt

*Well, if Dania and Faradin are nearby, he would probably go to them before hunting the orc. So, once they all meet again, they can go a-hunting.*
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Old 02-28-2001, 02:18 AM   #118
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a

Vardor's face appeared in the fire, an image, not truly there but still a part of this kind of communication.

"My lord, in one week he will be there to meet you at the Castle Iron Heart," Sethris said.

"And who exactly is it?"

"I don't know his name. But he wields shadow magic of the kind you sometimes use."

Vardor was motionless for a moment. "Very well, I will meet him there. The eagle alliance is going according to plan, although they won't know who they serve until it is too late. I suppose my new operative there will keep things moving on scheduale. Have you pinned down Dania, yet?"

Sethris cowered for a moment. "No, my lord. She continues to elude us, and the Nrake says she's left the city."

Vardor snarled, and twin lines of fire flared from his eyes, cutting through Sethris' head.

With a scream, he fell back on the ground, agony filling him.

Vardor released the connection and the fire before him was quenched as if doused with water, although nothing really touched it. This man was probably there now, already plotting how to trap him. But it would take a great deal of power for him to move there, unless his shadow magic was stronger than he thought.

Perhaps in his weakened state he would be the one to answer questions, not Vardor. On the other hand, he may already have prepared the place, and used his mental influence on Sethris to make him suggest Iron Heart, still thinking it was his own free will.

With so little information, it was impossible to know what to expect. Preparing for the worst, he faded from the rock tower, reappearing far away. Right next to Malagar.
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Old 02-28-2001, 02:25 AM   #119
Lief Erikson
Posts: n/a
Re: Contact

Slythre and the rest of their band left the woods, only to stop in their tracks. Ayna, Harnauro, and another man they didn't know were just leaving the trees as well, moving towards Dania and Narsh.

After hesitating a moment, and then joined the rest of the band as well.
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Old 02-28-2001, 04:16 AM   #120
Posts: n/a

The B'rak awoke, confused. The scent had vanished from the stone place, suddenly, and it couldn't tell where it went. It sniffed about, and then perked up. It smelled it, faint, but there, back along the way it had come. Burrowing through the ground at a rapid pace, it accelerated towards its source.
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