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Old 10-04-2000, 11:23 PM   #81
Saruman Brokenwhite
Posts: n/a
Re: Hobbiton

http://www.geocities.com/robertwgard.../sauganast.gif "Grima!" the wizard then removed his old ragged cloak and stood up, unleashed in his full might, his red cloak flowing around him.

http://www.geocities.com/robertwgardner2000/grima.jpgGrima cowered before the presence of Sauganast the Red, uncloaked. But not so very long ago, Wormtongue had nearly brought about the ruin of a kingdom with his deft thought and quick mind. Sauganast was the fourth wizard he had seen in his day, and he knew something of what they would and would not do. Now he sought some advantage or delay that would further hinder Sauganast.

"He will not kill us!" cried Grima to the men. "Do not threaten him! Make no sudden moves! He will not kill in cold blood." He straightened and stood a little taller and even began to swagger a little when he saw in the wizard's eyes that it was all too true. Rage flickered across the countenance of the old man.

"You see? He is bound by his moral code! What shall he do when Sharkey arrives, I wonder?"

Upon hearing that, Sauganast leaped from the cart right into the midst of the men and with a great flash and a blast like lightning a foot away, they were all flattened to the ground like wheat before a hurricane.

The booming sound of it echoed down the hillside and throughout much of the Shire it was heard. The brick factory itself, the nearest building, shook for a moment with the shock and then was still, while the mighty sound echoed on.

At the tiny basement windows at the bottom of the factory, near the riverside, brutish, squinting faces briefly appeared. The sharp eyes of the wizard saw the loathsome folk, briefly though they dared to look.

He laughed, leapt upon the cart, and rode away far more swiftly than he rode in.

Even had the men and Grima been conscious, they would not have heard him. Indeed, it was late in the day before any of them could hear anything at all.

By the time Tater and Saruman arrived, Tater holding a large club, and Saruman clutching a small bag, Sauganast was gone. At Sharkey's bidding, Tater shook Grima awake, and though he could not hear, he was able to tell them all that had happened until the blast.

Saruman's eyes narrowed. He looked long at the factory and the basement windows. Tater was waking the men. The others came running up at that time, having delivered the hobbits to the Lockholes.

Saruman ordered them to brick up the basement windows and then Tater was to carry out his assignment in Buckland. When all had been set in motion, the wizard decided to pay a visit to the hobbits in prison. They would be made to forget about the old man and the cart of gold. There must be no hope of resistance, or the entire enterprise would be jeopardized. Just a little longer, and the enslavement would begin.

It was time to begin encouraging a large scale immigration of Men from the South.

Saruman sent messengers with new signs to post and new rumours to spread. Sharkey promised a grand life, in a cultivated land, with halfling servants for every one who signed up. They could bring their families. Plenty of room. No one refused. No questions asked.

Within a month, Saruman of Many Colours planned to be Lord of the Shire, with the core of a loyal army that would swiftly dominate all of Anor. If he could only keep control until the immigration began...
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Old 10-05-2000, 08:15 PM   #82
Elbreth of Carhouth
Posts: n/a
Re: Hobbiton

It took a few days, but the group eventually got back on their feet. Not all were fully recovered, but they were well enough to move on, and the Ranger felt it unsafe to remain for much longer. Packing up all their gear, the troupe moved off, at a slow, pace.
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Old 10-11-2000, 05:06 PM   #83
Posts: n/a
Re: Hobbiton

Far away from were the group was camping a powerfull mind was disturbed. For the first time in years he could no longer feal his little slave. What had happen to her. Was she death ?? No of course not, if she was dead her spirite would have been captured immediately, thanks to special magic item she had been give. So if she's not dead, she had break free from him. Very well, he though, she think she can win over me...we'll see very soon who is the master and who is the slave. He summon one of his aprentice with a single though. Few minutes later the aprentice arrive.

-You wanted to see me master ??
-Yes were are we with our pet project ???
-Well the bodies is fully grown and almost all the runes and magical symbol are written on it. We only need a soul to gave it live.
-Perfect get ready you should have a soul before the next full moon.
-Yes master. He bow before leaving the room.

Ahh finaly if the experiment succeed he will be the most powerfull sorcerer on the world, he will have the secret of reincarnation. for now he only need a soul and he know exactely were to find one.


Xivigg awaken sudently fealing an intense pain inside her. She quickly cast a spell to ease the pain but it only increase in intensity. Now she was getting affraid. What was happening to her ?? She let her mind examine inside herself to find what was happening to her. What she saw drain all the collor from her face. This spell was simple but deadly, using energy to feed himself was it from spell or her own life energy with each passing moment this spell was getting stronger. The more she will cast spell the stronger he will became. In the end she will die and their is nothing she can do to prevent that. Her eyes catch those of the ranger, he look puzled by her strange behavior. She smile at him and lie down, her back facing him. To find love and losing it in the blink of an eyes, it was unfair. With this last though she start crying quietly.

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Old 10-12-2000, 01:12 AM   #84
Posts: n/a
Re: Hobbiton

Wow! It's taken me a long time to read this story but I'm glad I did! This will be very fun. Lots of wacky characters.

Shanamir bent over Xivigg, looking conceredly as tears ran down her face. It was still beautiful, despite the pain that he saw there. "Lufyla?" he asked, not wanting to intrude, but hoping he could somehow ease that pain.

"No, my name is Xivigg," she said, "And you must know I'm a sorceress, not a minstrel." He admitted that he had guessed that much. She wouldn't look at him, but told him her story as well as she could. He looked at her with compassion, and realized that she had changed her heart. Sauron no longer had power over her, but he would destroy her eventually if this went on. If only we could win the war and destroy the evil lord! he thought. But he had no idea what was happening in the East. {neither do I--what is happening?} He tried to reassure her but sorrowfully realized that she could only bear this pain alone.

Convar approached them, so Shanamir helped Xivigg to her feet and they followed the rest of the group toward Hobbiton.


Sauganast was looking for someone. Someone important, but he wasn't sure who. As a Maia of Manwe, he had been sent here to help the rest of the Istari in Middle-Earth, but he particularly wanted to look for a mysterious and powerful being living nearby, whom he had sensed long ago but had never met. He had finally narrowed down this ancient being's location, and it had to be very close to this spot. Perhaps as far north as the ice bay, or as far east as Bree, but he had ruled out anything west or south of the Shire, and had definitely decided it wasn't in Hobbiton. Of course, as an Istar, Sauganast couldn't resist helping out the folk of Middle-Earth while he was looking, but he decided that it was time to leave Curunir alone for now and head East.

Ahead of him, the red wizard saw the burned and destroyed holes and houses of Crickhollow. Sadly, he looked for someone to ask for directions, but there seemed to be no one about. He walked south for a bit along a dusty road, and finally saw smoke rising from a small chimney in a nearby hill. The hobbit hole was concealed from the road by some large trees, which was probably why it was intact. He knocked gently but no one answered. The smoke from the chimney ceased, and he heard someone shuffling around, like a frightened mouse running to hide when it hears a cat nearby.

Sauganast called, "Hello in there! It's a friend here, and I'm looking for directions. Does anyone know a way through the Old Forest?" Total silence. The red wizard sighed and raised his staff, muttering a few words as he pointed it at the lock. The small round door flew open and showed him the front hallway of the dwelling. He looked at the empty entrance hallway, and stepped inside, bending over to avoid losing his hat. "Hello?"

Suddenly, two young hobbit boys charged around the corner. "Fear! Fire! Foes!" they cried, brandishing a cooking tong and a kitchen knife. The wizard quickly fended off their surprisingly strong blows with his staff, and then disarmed them. He smiled. "I'm not a foe! I'm a wizard. Have you heard of Olo---I mean, Gandalf? I've heard he's been here, or at least in Hobbiton." The boys stared at him. "Gandalf!" they cried, and looked excitedly at each other. "Oh, yes!"

Edited because I wasn't sure whether part of it was consistent with Tolkien--I hope it is now!
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Old 10-12-2000, 01:46 AM   #85
Elbreth of Carhouth
Posts: n/a
Re: Hobbiton

* Bravo! Good work guys, looks like there's a little life in us yet!*

The group marched until noon, Shanamir and Xivigg straggling a little further behind. Finally Rose, who somehow found herself at the head of the party, called a rest. They took a short break beneath a grove of nearby trees, and munched on what each had in their bags for lunch.
As Xivigg came up, her face was white with pain.
Rose immediatly jumped up, "Dear me! Are you not well? Is there something I can do? I do know a little regarding herbs, you know."
Xivigg could not speak, but Shanamir nodded his head, though he feared it wouldn't help any.
Rose got bussily to work, muttering to herself, "Goodness gracious, I do hope it's not catching!"
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Old 10-12-2000, 03:11 AM   #86
Johnny Lurker
Posts: n/a

The spectre of the shadows (that's me) uttered this single word, with a look of pure death towards where his right hand once was, now replaced with a fearsome spiked ball. Indulging himself in a momentary respite from his motionless wait in the shadows, the ball slid from the metal cuff where his forearm once was along a hefty chain, whipping through the air in the shape of a figure eight in an instant, then pulled back onto the cuff.


And with this, he faded back into the shadows, leaving only air in the place where he was.

(Note for posterity: This is my first post on Entmoot outside of the "General Messages" forum. The RPG on IronParrot's board has been going rather slowly, so I decided to check this forum out. And I'm glad I did... although frankly I don't quite understand what's going on...)
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Old 10-12-2000, 05:58 PM   #87
Posts: n/a
Re: "Soon..."

The pain was growing with each pace she took. Attacking everything inside her. Soon she won't be able to walk anymore. The only comfort she had was the proximity of the ranger but even that was dilute by the pitty she saw in his face. She want no pitty from anyone, she was Xivigg a mighty sorceress and .... this damn pain again. From ahead of the party she saw the little hobbit call a pause. Good little thing now she will be able to rest a little. She sat down barely conscient of what was happening around her. Why weren't leaving her ??? She was a death weight and they don't need death weight. They should leave her here to die. But they won't good people don't see the danger of keeping her. If they won't leave her then she will quit by herself, if the pain would ease a little. Someone was putting some slugish stuff in her mouth and she swallow it having no strengh to do otherwise. Few moment later she fall asleep.


No she's not dead yet
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Old 10-12-2000, 06:59 PM   #88
Elbreth of Carhouth
Posts: n/a
Re: "Soon..."

***Welcome JL, glad you could join. Looking forward to it!
The storyline is kindof what happened in Hobbiton while those in the Company of the Ring were off on adventures. If you've not read the books, you can either speed read them, or e-mail one of us to get a run down on what's going on.
Mine's <a href="mailto:bethengel@crosswalk...lkmail.com</a>***
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Old 10-13-2000, 01:44 AM   #89
Posts: n/a
Re: "Soon..."

Elanor, Xivigg isn't a follower of Sauron... i think she is some other beings which is good because then this RPG can lost longer then the war does anyway, ummm something a little wierd im proposing then again Xivigg and Shanamir and/or the elves (if there still with us) can turn it down if u want
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

Anga, stood near the front of their little party thinking of all that had happened all that this group had gone through, he saw Rose, the first one he had met and had in one way or another gotten him involved in this business, administiring to that sorceress. He saw the deep pain she was feeling and he saw something else in his eyes something that disturbed him....

His mind drifted to his youth his home in the Mountains, a wanderer in a family of wanderers the life he was destined to lead. He remembered the first time he felt what he saw in that womans eyes, but he shook it off and continued to day dream. He saw Dain of the Mountain glourious king among his people, and last of all he saw that peculiar man he saw the night before he had left for this land. The man who had spoke some foreign words to him and then disappeared as quickly as he came. Then he snapped to attention and saw at last what those words meant.

He walked over to Shanamir and whispered something in his ear, all the while looking at that women. Shanamir could barely hide his shock as Anga continued to whisper but when the dwarf was finished Shanamir couldn't contain himself any longer and he allowed his face to show what he felt. A mix of feeling unable to be described in words but only something which you could understand first hand. Shanamir shook his head slowly allowing everything to digest. He looked at Xivigg then at Anga then back to Xivigg.

He finally spoke "You don't have to..." he choked on the words

"If only I didn't If only I didn't"

My friend, bless your soul but... you can't I wouldn't let you if I could"

"Bar Bar Skal E Mel Anga Sule!!" The dwarf spoke the words as if possesed as if he didnt want to knowing them all now knowing what his fate was.

The whole camp was staring at him the elves were looking at him even stranger then the rest were. Shanamir walked away from the group he glanced back and saw Anga, his friend through so many close calls just standing there looking at Xivigg he sighed he had to decide what to do...
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Old 10-13-2000, 01:59 AM   #90
Posts: n/a
Re: "Soon..."

ok, I'm a little confused...
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Old 10-13-2000, 07:51 PM   #91
Shanamir Duntak
Posts: n/a
Re: "Soon..."

Shanamir was trying to think fast but his scar was hurting him like open wound... what was it again? Could it be the feelings of Anga?

Definitely, something was wrong.

"Anga! Do not! I'm sure there is something else to do without ending your life! Please listen to me..."

"In all my life, I've never seen something like what's happening to our friend. But, somewhere near us is a great master of the land, a being as old as the satr themselves. Maybe he could help us, or at least tell us what we could do to help. He lives not far from here, in the old forest with his lady, Goldberry. We must hurry and find our way to the old forest!"
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Old 10-15-2000, 12:47 AM   #92
Saruman Brokenwhite
Posts: n/a
Re: "Soon..."

Excuse me folks, I'm appropriating Sauganast for a moment!

When the Ranger and the dwarves were on their feet, and healed enough to get about, Galdor and the elves left Rosie with herbs and a flask for their care, and hurried away. News had come, and it was grim.

Many men, many many men, were marching from the Dunlands through old Hollin. Rangers and Elves were moving to intercept this invasion. Galdor urged Shanamir to remain in the Shire, to watch after his party, and to help deal with problems already afoot.

Galdor had not been long gone, when Xivigg took ill, and Anga Sule began muttering in strange tongues.

Rosie began to try to calm the disturbed dwarf, and had just gotten him to sit still and drink a swallow of the Elven cordial, when the fevered ramblings of the dwarf were interupted. Though no one noticed his approach, Sauganast the Red had returned in their midst.

http://www.geocities.com/robertwgard.../sauganast.gif "Listen to me," he cried, appearing in a whirl of red cape and cloak. "Saruman of Many Colours, Sharkey as he is called lately, is harboring a pack of goblins and fighting orcs in the new mill by the Water in Hobbiton. I must go now, for other matters require my wizardry in the South. Farewell!"

And with that, he was gone.

Shanamir, Ranger of Eriador, had much now on his mind and in his care. Rosie was still weak, the dwarves were healing, but Anga was hallucinating, there were Orcs in Hobbiton, and the minstel/sorceress was dying.

And there were still the men of the abandoned Elven tower, who had tortured him, and who had slain his friend. Their repayment would have to wait. But they would be repaid in full one day, the ranger vowed to himself.

But what was he to do now?
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Old 10-15-2000, 02:34 AM   #93
Posts: n/a
Re: "Soon..."

Anga was getting worse and more violent, poor Rose was doing everything she could to keep him under control. He firmly believed it was his duty to die for this girl the old man he met in the mountains willed it so. He started to scream the words over and over thrashing violently, he never slept and the whole ordeal took a toll on poor Rose. Shanamir seemed preocupied and the rest of the little company was unnerved by what Sauganast had told them. Convar was restless and demanded to go right into the Shire but Shanamir had other plans for the group now...
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Old 10-17-2000, 12:04 AM   #94
Posts: n/a
Re: "Soon..."

Shanamir was trying to make a decision. Somehow he had become the leader of this strange party.
Sudently a message explode in his head. He could feal all the pain
-Shan please listen to me....i iii'm dying and not.... nothing you can do will change that. But you can........ AVENGE MYSELF.
These last words carve themselve in burning letter in Shanamir's mind.
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Old 10-17-2000, 06:58 PM   #95
Elbreth of Carhouth
Posts: n/a
Re: "Soon..."

*Wow, this has really taken off. And poor Shanamir now left with the task of leading, when he's so busy too. This will be fun!*

Rose, exhausted with the effort of caring for the group, and weary from her own wounds, finally plunked herself down by one of the trees. Her charges were asleep, at least for the time being, and she'd been on her feet constantly.
She meant to take only a break, until she was again needed, and sit in the shade a while. Despite all gallant attempts, her weariness drove her to a light sleep against the trunk of the tree. A light and easy sleep from which she would be quickly wakened if needed. It was only then that she found refuge from her worry, for it was thoughts of her dying friends that filled her mind.
Had someone happened to walk past her while she slept, she would be heard to mutter vehemently, "No, not either of them will die as long as Rosie Cotton is caring for them. I pledge my dinner on it."
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Old 10-18-2000, 01:44 AM   #96
Johnny Lurker
Posts: n/a
An explanation for Tater's disappearance...

(If he doesn't mind, of course.)

After the encounter with Sauganast, Tater was in a state of... less than full consciousness and lucidity. It never occurred to him that there might have been something in the drink he commandeered inside that house, but it had taken effect. Dizzy and stumbling, and trying to find his way to Buckland, Tater made a fatal mistake. He took a wrong turn down an empty, shadowy alley, just as the sky became overcast. The alley was plunged into darkness. Even through the fog of his poisoning, Tater realized that there was something wrong with this, and tried to turn and get back onto the main road. He stumbled as he turned, and as he tried to right himself he heard a sharp whistling over his head.

"What the-"

He had no time to react as the mace coursed through the air towards the target it missed the last time. Quick as a flash, it flew over his shoulder and around his neck, then crossed its original path as the chain contracted brutally around Tater's neck. His lifeless and decapitated body fell to the ground, the head nowhere to be seen.

The clouds dissipated, but there was no one to be seen in the alley.


(A few seconds later)

Saruman was concluding his "tour" of the prisoners. As he stepped into a dank, dark cell, the door swung shut behind him, cutting off the light into the cell. Saruman whipped around to face the door and re-illuminated the cell immediately, and the hobbit prisoner screamed and passed out. Saruman saw some motion in the corner of his eye and turned to face it, but when he had turned, there was nothing...

... but the head of Tater, with a severely tapered neck. Saruman immediately saw that, written on Tater's forehead in blood with a sharp point were the words, "You're next", and a simple sketch of something.

Some sort of fish... a shark.
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Old 10-20-2000, 09:58 PM   #97
Elbreth of Carhouth
Posts: n/a
Re: An explanation for Tater's disappearance...

*wow, what a twist! Everyone left again did they? We need some more people to pick up the story*
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Old 10-21-2000, 01:43 AM   #98
Shanamir Duntak
Posts: n/a
Re: An explanation for Tater's disappearance...

Sorry... I had two big exams this week and 3 more next week, so I'm kind of busy... but I'll come back with something good... just hold on some more days... thanx!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

Oh Oromë... please help me!
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Old 10-23-2000, 02:53 AM   #99
Saruman Brokenwhite
Posts: n/a
Re: An explanation for Tater's disappearance...

"Grima!" Saruman cried.

Wormtongue came running. The wizard pointed at the grisly message.

"Dispose of this, find the rest of it, and dispose of it as well."

He did not watch, but turned and went his way back to Bag End to plan for this unexpected contingency.

http://www.geocities.com/robertwgardner2000/grima.jpgGrima Wormtongue lifted the head by the hair and looked at the heavy face, frozen in agony.

"Well, Tater. This is not the way to get ahead!"

He chuckled wickedly to himself, and found a sack for the gruesome warning. This he took with him to the factory as a little treat for the goblins within.

Grima found a tall, broad-shouldered brute who gave orders when Tater wasn't around. He told him that Tater was dead, and to send his men out through Hobbiton and then on the Road to Bywater and beyond to Buckland if necessary, but to find Tater's corpse, and bring it to the factory.

Spud, as they called him, stumped off and soon had men turned out and it was not long before they had found the corpse and retrieved it as Grima bade.

When all the men were gathered that night, Saruman, Old Sharkey to them, bade Grima hold Tater's horrifying head aloft.

"This is the penalty for stupidity! This is fate of those who drink too much and watch too little. Be warned! Be wise! The enemies that have defeated the Dark Lord are out there, and we must move swiftly, before many of them discover our presence and move in force against us. Tomorrow, you shall do in Buckland, across the Brandywine, what you have done here in the Shire. Waste no time! You must establish control quickly, and then half of you will return. On the double! And be wary! Or you may end up like Tater. Is that clear enough?"

Spud stood up and said, "It seems like to me, Sharkey, that whoever done this to Tater, is lookin' to do this to you. You reckon we ought to leave here now?"

"Your consideration for my health is touching. You need not fear for me. Spells of guarding and of guiding are woven about me that no enemy may pass without my foreknowledge. And the enemy who comes within the reach of my eye or my voice will face Saruman of Many Colours uncloaked!"

The wizard's voice grew louder and keener as he spoke, and he seemed drawn up to a great height, like a cloud stooping down over the room, with lightning in his eye, and thunder in his voice. Their limbs felt loosened and their bowels felt weak and there was awe in their eyes and fear in their hearts.

"NOW GO!!!" the wizard cried, and they fell over one another in their haste to leave the rough hall they had built. When morning came, they were far on the way to Buckland and would occupy it before the next nightfall.

Saruman returned again to Bag End, where he had a deviltry indeed in the works. The wizard was not without resources, and he would deal with whatever enemy there was that lurked in wait for him.

The lurker might just discover that it is best not to meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle, and quick to anger.

Meanwhile, Grima took the head downstairs to the dungeons beneath the factory, where the goblins stayed all the day.

They all were placed on alert and two of the swiftest were sent as fast as could be north as messengers.

North they ran, running to Mount Gundabad, capital of the Orcs of the North, seized long ago from the Longbeards, in the wars between the goblins and the dwarves.

Saruman anticipated that a brigade of goblins might be enticed to come down to reinforce his efforts. Afterall, The Shire and Buckland were hardly enough. Bree was next, and the terror of an orc brigade might provide the edge he needed when the time came.

So as the men went east to take Buckland, the goblin messengers ran through the night as far as they could, hiding in the day, and running again the next night...
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Old 10-23-2000, 03:11 AM   #100
Johnny Lurker
Posts: n/a
Re: An explanation for Tater's disappearance...

"running again the next night..."

It's just so tempting...

A) Is it a full moon?
B) Are they carrying a torch?

(Edit from here on)

You see, this spectre is not stupid. He understands that he cannot kill Saruman (It's not that he doesn't hang around in dark places... it's just that it'd mess up the plot) or take him on in a head-to-head competition (or else we'd have a repeat of the Gauntlet episode, complete with second-guessing and illegitimate declarations of victory). And, until he can have a discussion with the local Red Wizard, he is bound by the darkness. However, since Saruman's powers are still limited, and he is still reliant on his underlings and troops, he is vulnerable.

The spectre can also predict the effect of a pair of goblin heads jammed into some machinery in one of the factories... or the look on Saruman's face if the anticipated Orcish army never arrives...
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