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Old 01-08-2007, 08:22 PM   #81
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"ahhh" hissed the dirith as he and the foul best plumeted to the ground.
Then out of the dust dirith rose and started towards Eruanna and boromiar,
"you shall die fools"
Captain Jack Sparrow: When you marooned me on that god forsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate: I’m Captain Jack Sparrow.

Cortana: So have you got a plan to get out?
Master Chief: I was gonna shoot my way out. Mix things up a little.
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Old 01-26-2007, 07:22 PM   #82
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Eruanna stepped back. She knew she was no match for a Nazgul. Behind her, Boramir cursed. Shw continued to back away until he was in bow shot. Arrows flew through the air at the Nazgul.
"Acaly und Hektor fur Presidants fur EntMut fur life!"~ inked

Don't meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

"Don't be such a sour wolf" Stiles ~ Heart Monitor

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Old 01-29-2007, 03:47 PM   #83
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"ahhh hissssss, fool know man can kill me"
he drew his sword after stumbling back a bit and charged boromair and they exchanged combat.
Captain Jack Sparrow: When you marooned me on that god forsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate: I’m Captain Jack Sparrow.

Cortana: So have you got a plan to get out?
Master Chief: I was gonna shoot my way out. Mix things up a little.
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Old 01-30-2007, 06:49 PM   #84
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Pippin cocked his head and thought for a moment after Merry had dissapointedly told Oak Leaf that they couldn't take her to see Saradoc. He hadn't wanted to cancel their plans completely. In all reality he was curious that Merry would have some interesting plan to get Oak Leaf in. He wondered if there was another way to get a meeting with Oak Leaf and Saradoc.
"Merry," he said after a thoughtful moment, "Could we convince uncle Saradoc to come out here to meet Oak Leaf?'
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Old 01-31-2007, 12:26 AM   #85
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"You know, Pippin, that just might be the best idea you've ever had!" Merry said enthusiastically. "Besides, he could use a walk, bless him! I tell you what, I'll go and see if I can fetch him if you'll wait here with Oak-Leaf. Sound fair?"

__________________________________________________ _____________

After what had seemed like a decent walk, Raenambar found himself at last standing outside the gates of Caras Galadhon. Breathing deep the crisp autumn air of Lothlorien, he turned to Revion, grinned, and said, "I think it shall do me some good. To be out of the City, that is. I've cooped myself up for too long a time. My heart longs for new things, for wonder and adventure... it's funny, though. No other Elf I know craves such things. Do you know why that is, my friend?" He asked with naive sincerity.
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Old 01-31-2007, 01:00 AM   #86
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Pippin nodded in reply to Merry's suggestion ans then watched his cousin race down the path.
Revion thought for a few moments mulling over Raenambar's question before answering.
"I wonder," he said, "If it's because we become comfortable. We like where we are and how we live and become accustomed to it. We fear the unkown possibly?" At this Revion looked at his friend with questioning eyes before looking away and pondering another moment. "Of course, we're immortal, surely here's more we should be doing. And I've noticed, it's a dangerous trait sometimes, especially in times of war." Revion felt his throat begin to closed up slightly as he thought of how turbulent his life had been. "Nothing ever stays the same for long." Revion said these last few words a little quietly and tried to hide the fact that he had choked on them slightly.

Last edited by Pip : 02-01-2007 at 08:46 PM.
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Old 02-01-2007, 04:47 PM   #87
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The fell beast cut into boromairs armour and stabbed him with his morgul blade just as a contingent of fire archers came round the corner dirith retreated.
Captain Jack Sparrow: When you marooned me on that god forsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate: I’m Captain Jack Sparrow.

Cortana: So have you got a plan to get out?
Master Chief: I was gonna shoot my way out. Mix things up a little.
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Old 02-01-2007, 08:06 PM   #88
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"Yes, I know what you mean," Raenambar said sympathetically, but in truth he did not know for certain. "I know that your family was slain in Mirkwood," Raenambar continued, trying to reason out Revion's words. "It must have seemed so terrible and different when they were no longer there for you." Still, Raenambar could not bring himself to fully understand them. It felt as though a wall had been built between him and understanding. He could only shrug as he continued down one of the paths leading south.

__________________________________________________ _________

Merry found himself winded as he stood before his father, Saradoc, in Brandy Hall. His father gave a chuckle as he looked down at Merry who had just burst in breathing hard and unable to talk.
"Yes? What is it, Meriadoc?" he said with a chortle. "Having a bit too much fun are we? Hmm? And where's cousin Peregrin? Is he not with you?"
"Just... just a... a moment, father," Merry said between gaspes. "Ho! I... I haven't... ran like that... in... oh, too long!"
"He, he, he, seems like you could use a good run," Saradoc said with a grin. "Say, where is it you've been? I haven't seen either you or Perigrin around Brandy Hall all day. Ah, don't tell me! You haven't a need! I can tell by the look on your face. You've gone into the Forrest again, haven't you?"
"Yes," said Merry, shame faced, "but I think you should know that..."
"Oh, Merry," interrupted Saradoc, "what am I to do with you?"
Merry swallowed and said, "You could start by following me. See, there's this talking tree, named Oak Leaf, she says she knows you, but Pip and I just couldn't bring her into Buckland. Folks would have a cow! So we thought we might get you to come see her."
"Hmm," Saradoc said, "Oak Leaf, you say? My, it's been awhile. I guess I'll go. It'll be good to see fresh face. But before I go I need you to grab some things for me so that I can make her some of my famous "draughts"."
At the very hint of chores Merry's face drooped. "Oh, very well," he said mornfully, "what do we need?"
Saradoc only laughed.

Last edited by Tuinor : 02-01-2007 at 08:10 PM.
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Old 02-01-2007, 09:32 PM   #89
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Revion could hear a small amount of uncertainty in Raenambar's voice so he decided to explain. He composed himself while following his friend down the steps before responding.
"Well, yes, there was that. But there was more to it than that. After they died I couldn't stay in Mirkwood, it held too many memories and the grief was always there. I had to leave or I would have been lost to it. I ended up leaving, deciding to help in anyway if I came across trouble from the enemy. I never stayed in any place for too long, something always made me need too move on."
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Old 02-01-2007, 11:15 PM   #90
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Raenambar nodded as his friend explained, but suddenly his elfin ears picked up a strange sound on the wind. It was a strange, meloncholy wail that seemed to drag on for many moments without end and ended with a shriek. The very sound of it seemed fell enough to freeze one's blood, but for Raenambar there was a sudden wrenching pain that began its burning torment at the center of his back and worked its terrible way through his entire body. He grimaced in pain and moaned as the torturous noise forced him to the ground. His vision began to darken, and no noise could penetrate the tormenting echoe in his ears. The last thing he remembered before darkness overtook him was a single, dreadful thought: "I remember this..."

__________________________________________________ _____________

Saradoc trotted cheerfully behind poor Merry who was already exhausted from having to run about Buckland fetching ingredients for his father's "Famous Droughts". He had complained earlier at all the work he had done, but Saradoc had cheerfully replied, "You should feel good about yourself; this is a special drought, and only myself, and now you, know it's ingredients."
Merry had only scoffed, "Hmph! Does it do anything special?"
"No," replied Saradoc, "but it tastes good!"
"It would be worth more," Merry mumbled, "if it could do something like make you taller."
Saradoc chuckled in reply.
Now the two of them were headed back for Oak Leaf. It was getting late, and Merry couldn't help but wonder how his friend had faired while watching Oak Leaf.
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Old 02-01-2007, 11:29 PM   #91
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Pippin has paced for a while as he waited for Merry and Saradoc but as the housr passed he found himself nearly border to death, sitting by Oak Leaf waiting. As he saw them coming up the road he ran up to greet them.
"Merry, what took you so long? Hello Uncle Saradoc."

Revion caught Raenambar as his friend suddenly collapsed. He had been frightened from the first look of pain on the elder elf's face.
"Ranambar?" he said shakily, patting his friend's cheek trying to get him to come aroud.
"Raenambar!" Revion was frightned now. He had heard the same noise the other elf heard and was sure it was the reason for Raenambar's episode, which also meant he knew nothing of what to do about it. But he knew who might. He pulled Raenambar's arm around his shoulder and half carried half dragged his friend to seek help with Lady Galdriel.
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Old 02-02-2007, 12:01 AM   #92
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Darkness enveloped him, surrouned him. He could not recall who he was, where he was, or what he was doing, but he knew he was there. Desparation filled him, and as he fought to move he found that he could not. In fact, he could not even feel. Nothing, no thought, no strain real or imagined left any sensation at all. Nothingness. Nothingness all around. Fear was a true understatement of what he knew, and that was all that he knew. Fear... and Nothingness. Suddenly, sensation flooded him as he heard... no... remembered? He could not tell. All he knew is that he knew.
He knew that he had heard a voice hissing and terrible filling the shell of his body. He recalled no words and knew not whose they were. He knew only the hatred and malice in its hissing voice.

Then, he felt himself drawn elsewhere. He suddenly could see. He could hear flames roaring and crackling all about him. He felt the hilt of a mighty greatsword in his hands. He looked before him and saw what he knew was himself. What was the exact image of him stood impaled upon the end of the greatsword that he himself held. He could feel anger; rage, even; but there was also confusion. As he watched his other self dying, all feelings melted into sorrow. Anguish flooded him, and he would have wept if he could. His soul mourned, though he knew not why, and fled back into the safety of unconciousness.

__________________________________________________ ________

Merry nodded and smiled gladly at Pippin, happy at last to finnish the whole affair. He started to answer Pipin when Saradoc suddenly interrupted, "Well, hello there! Good cousin Perigrin, how are you? And how's your father? Doing well I hope! Well, now, look who we have here! If it isn't Lady Oak Leaf. Greetings!" Saradoc bowed low to the Hourness, "I brought you my famous droughts, and plenty of them, too! Merry was generous enough to collect an abundant supply of ingredients, that's what took so long!"
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Old 02-02-2007, 12:15 AM   #93
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"Oh," was Pippin's only reply as he stepped back next to Merry to let his Uncle work.
Revion tightened his grip on Raenambar as they neared the tree that they had met with Galadriel in.
"Hang on Raenambar," he whispered quietly as the reached the base. Revion headed up the tree with only a quick glance at the leves standing watch there.
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Old 02-03-2007, 10:50 PM   #94
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Boramir stumbled backwards, hand over the wound on his shoulder.
"Boramir!" Eruanna cried. She pulled him back toward the archers. Faramir appeared at his brother's other side.
"I am not going to say anything" he said.
"You better not" The three retreated behind the archers.
"Keep us covered!" Faramir shouted at a few of the archers.
"Help me get this off him"


Elnar could feel something to the south. He knew his sister was somewhere to the south, but last he heard she was in Rohan. He didn't notice the worried glance from Anfal.
"What do you see?" he asked. Elnar shook his head.
"Nothing" he closed his eyes and let himself travel south. He barely heard Anfal's startled cry as he collasped.
"Acaly und Hektor fur Presidants fur EntMut fur life!"~ inked

Don't meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

"Don't be such a sour wolf" Stiles ~ Heart Monitor

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Old 02-04-2007, 07:03 PM   #95
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As Revion continued to haul Raenambar up the stairs to the Lady's flet, Raenambar suddenly gave a quiet, pitiful moan. He began to mumble words, but they were incomplete and hard to make out.
"N- no... ture-... w-why... no...no!" Among other incomprehendible sounds came from his lips. Then, he fell quiet and spoke no more.


The Lady's guards could only stand flabergasted at the sight of Revion carrying his friend. Between the two of them one said, "What do you make of that?"
The other replied, "I know not, but it's not likely to be anything good."
"Perhaps the "Dark Heart" has done something, or, what's more likely, unleashed something that is beyond his control. What if he has betrayed us to the Enemy?"
"You might be right," said the other, with anger and fear building up within him, "He's gone and betrayed us! And the Enemy has given him his just reward for it! Oh, but I'll not stand for this any longer! He has got to go! Tonight!."
"I second that, friend," said the other, "Come, let us go and discuss this with our Lady. Surely she shall see the wisdom in this."
With that said, the two guards followed up the stairs not too far behind Revion and Raenambar.
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Old 02-05-2007, 12:37 AM   #96
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Revion became extremely worried when Raenambar began mumbling things and then fell silent. He tightened his hold around the older elf's shoulders for the last few steps up to the flet. In his worried haste he forgot about manners and hurridly burst through the doors to the dwelling there, drawing the attention of Galadriel and Celeborn to the two of them.
"Forgive me, my Lord and Lady. Raenambar needs help," was all he offered in explanation.
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Old 02-05-2007, 05:21 PM   #97
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Lord Celebor quickly rushed down to aid Revion, while Galadriel stood and watched with deep concern written on her fair features. Celeborn helped to lay Raenambar's lifeless body out on the floor and then began to check his vital signs.
"Cold," muttered the Lord of Lothlorien, "very cold. His heart beats, but barely. He must be taken immediately to a physician. Hurry!" He said to his personal guard who had been shocked at Revion's sudden intrusion.
"Not you, Revion," Celeborn called after the young Mirkwood Elf, "You must stay. I need you to tell me what happened."
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Old 02-05-2007, 08:10 PM   #98
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Revion look worriedly after Raenambar as he was hurried out before beginning to relate what happened to Celeborn.
"W-we were speaking about leaving when we both heard something. I don't know exactly what it was. A cry, a wail? Whatever it was, before it faded Raenambar collapsed and slipped into the state you just saw him in. He muttered a few things but they were too inteligable to make out."
Revion looked nervously at Celebrn hoing he would know what happened and how to help Raenambar.
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Old 02-05-2007, 09:42 PM   #99
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Eruanna and Faramir ducked arrows as they removed Boramir's breastplate.
"Shields!" she cried. Boramir couldn't afford another injury, while she and Faramir could not afford one at all. Eruanna pulled aside the clothing around Boramir's wound just as she felt a presence.

Acalewia? Do you hear me?
Not now, Elnar!
Where are you? I felt a strangeness to the south
Nazul in Gondor. She hissed. The wound was deep. How far mentally can your talent reach?
Which one?
I am not in the mood for games, Little Brother
As far as I can reach
Help me. Boramir has taken a wound from a Nazul
I'll do my best
"Acaly und Hektor fur Presidants fur EntMut fur life!"~ inked

Don't meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

"Don't be such a sour wolf" Stiles ~ Heart Monitor

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Old 02-06-2007, 11:34 PM   #100
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"A cry, you say?" Celeborn asked. Revion nodded. Celeborn bowed his head, as if some grief had arisen in his timeless memory. For a moment he was silent in speech, but with a long look back at his Lady he began again. "This thing that afflicts him, I fear it is a servant of the Enemy. More I cannot yet say, but know that here, in Caras Galadhon, you shall be safe, for now..." and with those words came bursting into the room the two guards that had followed Revion.
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