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Old 01-15-2004, 02:14 PM   #81
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Nazgul The siege of Khazad-Dum (the 3rd battle)

So Sauron gathered to him in the north of middle-earth a mighty army of Uruk-Hai, Orcs and Trolls. The Easterlings were a mighty force now as they had been ferociously trained by Uruk-hai veterans of the great battles in Beleriand.

Sauron was also eager for this as his defeat by the hands of Durin had stirred the embers of a rage so deep and evil that it would have been better for the worlds sake not to have been disturbed. Morgoth had also sent a band of Balrogs to aid the siege as these demons of might needed a battle. In the Vanguard Sauron had prepared a host of Easterling wain riders with great horses who pulled carts covered in sheilds for protection and inside many Orcs were. Then the great Mumakils and Trolls dragged seige engines and artillery such as Iron catapults and horrific Ballistas. And under a huge black covering of leather 2 Mumakils and 4 trolls dragged the most devasting weapon ever devised my Sauron. It was a battering ram. A great iron ram of over 50 feet held aloft by many chains and pulleys. Its head was carved into the likeness of a ravening wolf the eyes and mouth were hollow and inside a fire was set. The ram was named after Morgoths hammer ''GROND'' it was. And as it was pulled its weight carved a trench in the ground. So the Armies of Sauron marched down the Anduin vales and their ranks pressed from the feet of the misty mountains right to the banks of the Anduin as they passed on the western side of it. Whenever the river crossed their path southwards a squad of Orcs would build bridges but they had to be strong and stout for the Grond to pass over them. The wain riders came first and the Dwarven horns sounded indicating they had been spotted. But the Wain riders came and and halted in the Gladden fields and the Orcs leaped out. But Lo! they were not armed with weapons but with spades and digging tools. They immediatley began to dig trenches in a cresent shape closing in on the Easten doors of Khazad-dum. But the Orcs that looked upon the doors were dismayed for they were great-of thich black stone and mithril. But as they looked north and saw the glow of the Balrogs and the cloud of Sauron they contined their work. When they trenches were dug they were filled with oil then sent ablaze and behind these fire pits the siege weapons set up. The siege had begun.
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Old 01-15-2004, 02:52 PM   #82
Lord Manafirogh
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While the Seige of Khazah-dum, Feanor increased his power in Menegroth wether or not Thingol aproved. He saw that the elves of Menegroth did not have the same skill the noldo had. So he made training acadamies for those people had little experience in battle. The training was brutal for Feanor was eager to make them ranked among his people in fighting skills. Also great new swords were built and at this time Feanor built a sword of might for himself. The sword would be to the likes of Fingolfins sword but instead of ice it would have a ranging flame for Feanor put his will and iner flame into this sword and made it might ineed. The sword was made especially to match Feanors iner Flame. He had not finished it yet but so far it was long and a blade to match even Gurthang.
The host of Curufin and Celegorm drew close to the gates of Khaza-dum and were but hours away.
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Old 01-16-2004, 01:48 PM   #83
Galdor the tall
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gundariun the new realm of durin

Now after 70 years of none stop building the vast mansions and realm of gundariun was finished. It was said to be like the mansoins of aule in valinor. It had many great towers which were higher then the peaks of the encircling mountains were gondolin stands the elf realm of turgon. The realm was the greatest ever made only the skill of aule could serpass the skill of durins people, but the only thing lacking from this beautiful realm was the charm of the elfs. It had three towers one for each of the dwarf kings but the one of durin was the greatest. the bridge of gundariun could take 100,000 dwarfs at a time. But the gate was the fairst thing in middle earth it was wrote out of stone, mithril and gold. Feanor himself put a charm and elven writing on it. upon its gate it said "who comes to the realm of durin, only friends no foe may enter" in the high elven tongue. If morgoth was ver to set sight upon it he would be scared and amazed by this work of beaty. But trees grew in and flowers blossomed in gundariun as the white lady loving Azaghal walked in the realms of the dwarfs and she made it so beatiful and fair. the fountains were like those in valinor and melian made picture nited hreself of aule and the valar. She also put a charm on the bridge so it may never be broken only by the power of a valar. and those who set eyes upon will remeber the beaty for evr but what it is and whose realm it is they will never know
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Old 01-16-2004, 02:00 PM   #84
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khazad dum

Durin the deathless say the building going on around his realms but was not scared his two sons and army were prepared for this battle long ago. But SAURON KNEW nothing of the secret gate that durin carved himself were many dwarfs could go through without the enmey knowing a thing. All the army of Durin was cald in armour made of mihtril and iron only the chieftains wore mithril with pearls and gold, the roode on there rhino's to war but azaghal and durin rode the greatest rhino's who were found in the west were the easterlings dwell. Durin had a Army 250,000 strong and but 100 of them were rhino riders and the rest infantry
Durin send word to feanor for aid by the Ravens of the dwarfs who could speak the languages of elves.Durin did not fear the fire of the balrogs or Sauron who he embarassed in battle. All the dwarfs wore there war masks which were horrific. In side the walls bihind the gate many dwarfs stood to fight and charge at the enemy as Khazad dum could not fall. Durin deviced new war weapons such as the khaduz the dwarf caterpul. But the rest Sauron would ahve to see when the gates of khazad dum open and the greatest trained army in the world come out for war.
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Old 01-16-2004, 02:25 PM   #85
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Nazgul The doors are broken!!

The siege had been raging for almost a day now and Sauron was growing inpatient. The once fair lands about the eastern gate of Khazad-dum were now desolate and charred. The Orc catapults had done little to damage the great doors but had hit the mountains causing landslides of great amounts of rock which fell about the gates. These rocks were taken and used as ammunition so they would not run out. The Order for Grond to be taken to the gate had not be cried for Sauron wished to weaken the gates first before unleashing Grond.

As night fell and the great fire pits were the only light, mighty horns and trumpets blew - Grond was coming.
The trolls heaved the huge weapon into place before the Doors of Durin and they pulled on the chains, drawing the wolf head back until it reached its peak then they let it drop. With an almighty crash the head slammed into the gates, causing the very mountains to tremble. The Dwarves inside heard this and their hearts quailed. Five times Grond battered the Gates of Durin and five times the doors repelled it. But now signs of it weakening were showing. Were the mighty hinges of steel went into the mountains great thick cracks had appeared. The stone of the doors was crumbling, only the Mithril bars held it firm but that alone could not hold for much longer. A large horde of Easterling archers lined up before the Gates so as when they were broken anything that came out would be hit with arrows.

Grond was drawn back for the sixth time and was loosed. It fell with a dreadful inevitability and the doors were buckled with a terrible rending sound of stone cracking. The doors fell inward and were no more.
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Old 01-16-2004, 03:20 PM   #86
Lord Manafirogh
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The host of the Noldor

The host of the Elves of Curufin and Celegorm sent scouts ahead before closing in to Kazhad-dum. The scouts witnessed the breaking of the doors and unseen came back to Celegorm and Curufin giving information regarding the position of the host of Sauron. Now Curufin wished to have this formation.
He wished first to send his cavalry to charge down the Hurk-hai and place their archers (which carried swords also) behind the infantry and still be in range of the opposition. This seemed fitting to Celegorm so they agreed. Their Cavalry was huge, 10.000 horses, 7.000 heavy cavalry which carried long terrible spears. This cavalry was to be put in front with their spears pointed straight and charge and dismay the host of Sauron from behind by surprise. 3.000 were light cavalry to strike with speed and swiftly return to formation.
The archers had light but tough armour, they wore golden/light brown helms shaped like leafs and elven symbols were upon them. The archers carried bows of wood and arrows of metal heads. They had swords also, their armour was white and they shone like stars.
The infantry was marvellous to look upon. They marched in straight formations and they had armour of the best kind from Menegroth and Eithel Sirion. They carried white shields like mirrors to blind the enemy and burn their eyes with the aid of the sun and then strike them down when their vision was poor. They bore chain coats of metal underneath their armour. Long swords they carried of tough steel. Their helms were white and a sharp point at the top. Their helms were shaped around the face revealing only the mouth, eyes and cheeks (covering their noses). The their armour (some) had symbols of the white tree of valinor and some words and banners of elven kings and their houses.
In formation the marvellous army of the elves would soon come behind the host of sauron and ambush them from behind.
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Old 01-17-2004, 04:23 PM   #87
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Nazgul Ambush to retreat.

Now at the rear of Saurons force came the Balrogs sent by Morgoth and they scorched the earth were they went. But has they turned from the North they saw a great shining which looked like a glow from the sun which came from the earth!!

They roared aloud and they turned with a mighty host of Uruk-Hai who wore black steel plate armour and iron mail. Their Black hair was like a ragged mane about their necks. Their scarred faces were marked with white and red war paints and were ferocious to look upon. sixty thousands were they and they turned to follow the Balrogs path of destruction back North. Curufins cavalry quailed at the sight of the demons of fire and the horses bucked and ran in fear. This onslaught of the Balrogs was too much for the unprepared Elves. Never before had they witnessed the fear of the dark flame of Morgoth and they fell upon their faces in fear. Curufin rode up upon a mighty golden horse which did not fear the Balrogs and he tried to rally his Elves.

Curufin charged with a spear at Balrog but Celegorm cried his name for the Demons were too great for him. The spear flew straight and true but it did not pierce the Balrog. The whip of Flame came down and smote Curufins horse and it was killed. Curufin was flung from the saddle and landed heavily. His armour was scorched and blackened but before the dreaded mace could smite him Celegorm rode like the wind and drew Curufin from the ground and he was still alive but barely. With his ither hand he blew his horn for the retreat. The most part of his army had not marched north of the misty mountains so the retreat was in haste and Celegorm rode to the western gates of Khazad-dum, his ambush had failed.
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Old 01-17-2004, 05:39 PM   #88
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As the doors collapsed the ranks of Dwarves packed behind them leaped out in a glory of shining armour and the blowing of horns. Easterling archers unleashed a volley on them and many Dwarves fell pierced in the neck or face, were the armour was weakest. The Dwarves spilled out clambering over their fallen brothers in a rage and they swept over the archers before their doors, their assault was so wild that they drove away all the Orcs about the doors. But their wild frenzy did not last and Orcs regrouped and flung their bodies wrecklessley upon the bright dwarven spears. The Axes of Khazad-dum shone in the last lights of the day before they were stained with black blood. Still more Dwarves poured out and Sauron was dismayed as his hordes could not hold ground against this ferocious enemy. So forth came a stouty battalion of Easterling longswords and they crashed in upon the Dwarven flank which was piled with Orc bodies. The Dwarves led by Dain were driven back to their open gates and Sauron unleashed his might. Trolls, wargs and Uruk-hai charged into a great battle of flying spears, hewing axes and cleaving swords. All about the battle lay the dead, mutilated corpes of Orcs,men and dwarves. Dain blew his horn and with great loss drew his Dwarves back inside but were follwed by a Saurons body guard of Armoured Trolls. They broke the rear gaurd defense and barrelled into Khazad-dum.
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Old 01-17-2004, 06:09 PM   #89
Lord Manafirogh
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The Arrival of the Elves.

Curifins host came at last to the west door of Kazhad-dum. He blew his horn and many joined him. The sound of the horns shook the ground and the dwarves knew at last aid had arrived. The doors were opened and Curufin and celegrom were greeted. They were uttely shocked by the great craft of the dwarves when they entered Kazhad-dum, mightiest of the houses of the dwarves.
Celegorm and his captains were told what had happened so far. Celegorm wished to speak to Dain, who was in charge. However Dain was in combat and could not come to greet the elves. Celegorm was given a present and so was Curufin. Underneath their armour the dwarves advised them to wear a mithril coat. The gift was well received and the two brothers promised to die defending Khazad-dum if they had to. The Dwarves were happy to hear those words for they were shaken from the last battle and the breaking of their alliance with the elves. They spoke of the dreaded creatures of Morgoth which the elves had never seen before. The explained how they were umbushed and their plan had failed and how they had finally arrived at the doors.
So now the whole army marched inside Khazad-dum in a straight and disciplined formation, they entered and they were stunned by the beauty of the many carving on stones the dwarves had made but elves loved trees like dwarves liked stone and caves.
Now Khazad-dum was filled with elves for the first time and the dwarves were glad they had arrived but some still wished they weren’t for they were proud.
The archers were sent upon hidden rocks and high places ready to shoot the enemy. The infantry were shown their way around the place and the key possitions. Now some marched to the bridge. In the front line came Dwarves with big square sheilds and heavy armour. Next came a large host of infantry. Next came anoher line of dwarves with heavy sheilds walkind underneath them and at the same time defednig the elven archers at the back. In formation they marched for the bride.
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Old 01-18-2004, 01:33 PM   #90
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Nazgul The Bridge of Khazad-dum.

With the Trolls onslaught so fierce the Dwarves fell from their gates and the trolls barrelled passed the doors into a large stone chamber with shafts of light arching down from slants in the coned roof to the west there was another large set of doors. In this first chamber was a valiant but doomed host of Dwarves who would hold the retreat back into the western doors.

Their silver spears flew and many trolls fell dead, their huge bodies crashed to the ground causing others to fall over them. The Dwarves rushed out with their axes and hewed the fallen ones. Then in rushed a press of Orcs like a black tide and the Dwarves were consumed beneath countless bodies which still clung to them even when dead. So those Dwarves perished and the Orcs attcked the second doors which were wood and stone and were not reallt built to withstand assaults. The Orcs hacked and cleaved not knowing that beyond the door was the bridge of Khazad-dum. A narrow path of stone with no rail or parapet and only wide enough for 1 to walk across in single file. Beyond this bridge was Durins hall. Now it was filled with rank upon rank of battle hardend dwarves not to mention the serried ranks of Curufin and Celegorm. There were a few great bastions in that hall now manned because of the extra forces brought by the noldor. As the inner doors collapsed the first rank of Orcs charged into nothing and fell into the black chasm on either side of the Bridge, their screams piercing the hall. A thousand arrows flew and destroyed the next company of Orcs that came forth. But now Sauron came passed the broken gates of Khazad dum and with him a Balrog. He commanded that the Orcs put clamber together with their sheilds above and infront and covering their sides like an armoured snake and sent them onto the bridge. This formation got them well nigh over half way across when a dwarf ran upon the bridge and smote the front runners to ruin but still arrows rained and he was peirced by a dwarven arrow and fell off into darkness and his name was Kiri so his deed should not be forgotton. Now the front was opened arrows fell into them but not enough and the Orcs spilled out onto the Swords and Axes of the Noldor and Naugrim.
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Old 01-18-2004, 03:39 PM   #91
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The Bridge is taken back

Now the orcs were making their way to the other side the bridge. This is where the formation of the Noldor and Naugrim came in handy. The Dwarves with their square large shields defended themselves in similar fashion to the orcs. This is where the elves played their part for they are mighty archers and masters of bow and combined with the masters of axes they would be indeed tough to beat even by the mightiest of the enemies.
The plan had been prepared for the dealing with the enemy while they tried to cross the bridge. The dwarves had planned to charge down the enemy on the bridge with long terrible spears and create mayhem and brake their ranks and defective shields. Then when the opportunity came the elves would play their part and shoot down the remaining orcs upon the bridge.
The shout for the heavy armoured dwarves with long spears came. They were dressed like knights and carried a long spear. The elves prepared upon other high places and rocks and made ready their bows.
The knights marched in formation, four in width and a long line. They were heavily armoured and heavily defended by shields. The front dwarves held their long shields while the 6th or so row defended with shields in similar fashions of the orcs. If the front line was destroyed they would quickly be replaced by the next line and so on. Not only were they defended by armour but by archers as well. When he shout and horn sounded for the spear men to come the orcs didn’t know what to expect. Soon they found out but it was too late for many of them were thrown of the bridge and shot down by the archers from many directions. This kept going until the bridge was taken back and the orcs would need to come up with a different plan.
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Old 01-19-2004, 01:47 PM   #92
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Nazgul The dark flame.

The Orcs were dismayed at how well defended the Bridge was but the shadow and fear of Sauron driving behind them threw their wills into madness. Huge, black Armoured Trolls or Saurons Bodyguard came bearing great round shields which curved slighty backwards at the edges and were of overlaid iron. They barrelled onto the bridge, in single file, with the Orcs in close ranks behind them covered in shields. also some had stripped their dead fellows of mail and wore two coats now. The Trolls swept through the Dwarven spears and cast their heavy shields down on the ranks before them. From their backs they carried heavy, short spears, hammers and axes all of dark steel. The battle was ferocious. Screams of agony, arrows twanged, axes smote, armour squealed as it was cloven all about the hall of Durin there was carnage and the Orcs were coming now as a black stream, countless, unstoppable.

From behind the Orcs now brought great lengths of wood which they used as a bridge and now hundreds more swarmed across. The Bridge was lost now. Now Dain came forth with the Dwarves of his house and he blew his silver horn and the hall trembled as the horns of the sons of Feanor joined them. But the hosts of Sauron were undeterred as they were past hearing their fear had consumed them. Their fury and hate was fuelled by their ravaging fear and they fought like savages and brought great wreckage to Dains host but Celegorm took most heavily the brunt and took great casualties. He drove into the thick of the fighting but came before a great wall of Trolls but still did not stop. He smote down three, with mighty blows but then his will quailed as he looked past the Bridge and what was coming upon them. The dark flame had come.
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Old 01-19-2004, 03:23 PM   #93
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Nazgul The fall of Celegorm.

With a great gush of red flame the Balrog came. And orcs before him fled or were withered by its flame. It came across the bridge and orcs were knocked off. All about it Dwarves cried in their language and were afraid but celegorm of all dared to defy it and he raised his sword. The Balrog whipped its flames and Celegorm was burnt but he still stood and smote the balrogs arm. The whip fell into ashes and all the about the battle gained in wrath.

The Balrog reared up and its flames licked the ceiling a darkness veiled it and only the mightiest of will could look upon it. And so came down the terrible mace and smote Celegorm and he crumpled beneath the weight and was slayed. Curufin cried in anguish and fought with a white fire but it availed him not and he did not reach his brother for Sauron had come. Tall and dark, more powerful than the minds of elf or dwarf could concieve. Into the battle he charged and clove through the ranks like a thunderbolt through a forest. He and the Balrog wrought too much grief that day for they slew too many and none could withstand them. Curufin blew his horn but this time for the retreat into a deeper bastion inside Khazad-dum but Dain was steadfast and would not yeild. He rallied his dwarves to him and continued the battle and celegorms heart qualied for he could not forsake dain to fight alone and so returned to the slaughter.
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Old 01-21-2004, 01:41 PM   #94
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Nazgul Captains of Morgoth.

Before Sauron lead his hosts to Khazad-dum Morgoth was troubled for he was ever envious of the might of his enemies captains so as Morgoth contended with the might of Feanor he wished for captains the likes of which he could send into battle unlike Gothmog the Balrog or Glaurung or Even Sauron. He wished for Captains of Orcs strong enough to stand up against any Elf,Dwarf or man. And so he searched his legions throughout Angband and he devised Tournanments of Combat and found a captain. A champion among Orcs.

The first of his captains was AZOG. He was a great Orc with a huge iron clad head, and yet agile and strong. He was a fell orc and full of guile. He had fought in the first battle and was the champion of that slaughter. He had fought in the second battle in Dorthonian and in Nan dungortheb and had slain many Elves and Dwarves especially for he hated them.

He had been undeafeated through Morgoths tounaments and was sent under Saurons command to the siege of Khazad-dum.
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Old 01-22-2004, 12:25 PM   #95
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Durin and Azaghal's stand in the hall of the king

Durin staying within the walls of khazadum was devistated at the ruin of his realm he and his son pretected the in side of the stone mansion as Durin knew that the gates of khazadum would not hold for eternity. Durin riding this humungous beats called "khad" the greatest rhino in the lands of middle earth it is said to have come from the bleast realm of the valar as a gift to the people of middle earth long ago. Durin now angry and fierce came to the gate to make his final stand before leaving to retreat to ganduriun . Azaghal still inside the hall with his knights of belegost fierced of all his knights was Thror hammerhand he was one of the chieftains and advisers of the council of the dwarfs. Dain was no longer with his father and brother as he led the dwarfs of nogrod to the battle outside near the great lake. He was young but brave as he carved deep into the lines of uruk-hai they were no match to the young dwarf king of nogrod. He chucked his shield on the floor and wielded it 2 handedly. Durin rode back to the gate killing every beast and orc in his way no orc dared to withstand the might of his axe, he stopped and shouted in the western tongue of middle earth and said "somebody challenge me u fools" but the orcs just ran from the axe that slew there lord. He rode deep into the enmey ranks near the gate and slew all he could, he say one of the captains riding near the gate but he was very large for a orc, durin drawed for his spear and hurdeled it in his face he dropped of his wolf. Now seeing the light of the day he saw the blood spilt of his kin now he shouted for a retreat to the hall of the king "khazad dum kad " he shouted and all but the host of the dain listened to the retreat. now filling up the hall with as many dwarfs as he could they stood the final battle now azaghal lord of belegost drawing for his well known dwarfish blade called "kings might" in westren tongue the 2 kings and knights stood tall in stature and know orc or balrog dared to fight look upon this muster in the hall.
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Old 01-22-2004, 12:44 PM   #96
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the secret door and chamber

DURIN KNOW SEEING HIS REALM WAS SACKED AND DESSTROYED intended to go throught the secret chamber through the other side of the mountain him and his army i mean what was left of it would go through it after the final battle in the hall.
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Old 01-22-2004, 01:02 PM   #97
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Nazgul The death of Dain.

With the Onslaught of Durin and Azaghal so fierce they drove Saurons forces out of the gates and there was battle again. Sauron and the balrog although unchallenged were obliged to flee aswell as they were surrounded. Azog held his uruks in tight formations and their spears were long and cruel.

Sauron was both wrathful and in fear at the coming of Durin and left the battle but his malice still drove his Orcs and now great balrogs came from the north like a cloud of flame. Azaghal and Durin cried for the retreat and fled back into the ruins of Khazad-dum. But too close came the Orcs and they lost many in the retreat and they fought long in the first chamber. But the Balrogs came and drove them across the bridge of Khazad dum and the great tempory ones of the Orcs. But before the Bridge stood Dain alone as the fire of battle was in him and he wished to do his father proud and for a while the Orcs could not hinder him and the Balrogs were not upon him yet. But then Azog came. His mighty iron clad body was yet strong and agile and he mocked Dain calling him ''beardling'' and ''stumpy'' and Dain in his wrath charged Azog but the Orc was too cunning and leapt aside and as he did brought his sword crashing down upon his head splitting his helm and cleaving his head. The Orcs howled with glee and they mauled his body.
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Old 01-22-2004, 03:09 PM   #98
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Nazgul The sack of Khazad-dum.

As Azogs Orcs pushed deeper into Khazad-dum they found the great chambers and bastions undefended and they pushed all the way west where they found the great gates open and a trail of many hurried feet leaving west. Durin had abandoned Khazad-dum but it rent his heart to leave it.

With him went the remainder of Celegorms forces which were now less than 3,000 and the dwarves who had maybe a score of thousands. Azog ordered trolls to pull the gates shut as they opened outwards and they were barricaded wth great stones and made impassable. And before them the chamber was taken by a balrog and it was for ever vigilant upon them.

Sauron was pleased and the Orcs stripped the heaps of Elf and Dwarf of their arms and they gathered a great store of weapons. Now Saurons forces were geared to the likes of their enemies but the fine silver and steel was made foul with filth and grime. But Azog of all took Dains waistcoat of Mithril and covered it in the mail and armour of Celegorm. He wore his own Iron helm and bore his own cruel, curved sword. Sauron now had to hasten back to his fortress in the north and took with him 30,000 remaining Orcs and the Balrogs except for the guardian of the west gate. Azog was made general and lord of Khazad-dum which was now renamed Mori- the black pit and to him 10,000 of his fighting Uruk-hai were now armed with the weapons and armour of Dwarf and Elf.
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Old 01-23-2004, 12:41 PM   #99
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Nazgul Mithril.

Azog now lord of Moria set his hosts to plunder the yet undiscovered Dwarven holds. They found grand armouries and weapons the likes of which Orcs had never before held.

But down deep in the mines they found Mithril. The pure, undefined lode of it smote their eyes and Azog hungered for it. But it was no good for the Orcs to dig it up as their hands could not craft it. So Azog dug up great lodes of it and sent it by armed guard to Sauron in the North. When Sauron recieved the great wagons full of the precious metal his eyes shone red as he was a craftsman himself he had been taught by the great Aule.

So whilst his Generals began mustering again he shut himself in the armouries of Barad-Dur and began forging the Mithril but into what was yet a secret.
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Old 01-24-2004, 12:37 PM   #100
Lord Manafirogh
Elven Warrior
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: London
Posts: 187
Curufin now returned from the disaster of Khazad-dum and told Feanor all that had beholden. Feanor was furious and could no longer wait and let Morgoth strike again. He spoke in public of an attack on the enemy and in Menegroth he said “Will you wait until Morgoth himself marches to your beautiful lands and ruins all that you have made and all that you love? Will you not fight for your children and for your lands? I will march with you and all my people will fallow.”
He spoke to Thingol and said “Have you not seen enough to be convienced that morgoth is grown superior to you or any alone race in Beleriand. We must join forces and attack him before he makes his next move. We must strike before it is too late.”
Feanor had grown in power in Menegroth now and was a highly spoke commander because of his skill in speech he had many people on his side but even then with out the approval of the king the army of Menegroth would not march. Thingol was asked once again be Finarfin for he was still bitter for the doing of evil killed his two sons.
Finarfin and Finrod his son were with Feanor, they would fallow the high king of Noldor. Fingolfin was ready for he had made a promise to Feanor in Valinor that he will help Feanor and fight morgoth along side him as long as they lived. Maedhros people were ready to march also for they had lost their lord and wished to have revenge. From Dor-Lomin came Galdor the Tall son of Hador. With him Fingon son of Fingolfin would come. Curufin was lord of Himland and Himring until Maedhros returned.
Fingolfin also would march along side Feanor and on Feanors left would stand Finarfin.
The three brothers planed to gather the biggest army of men and elves and meet in front of eithel Sirion and march into Ard-galen and challenge Morgoth to bring forth his army.
Feanor had been preparing for this long before the attack on Khazad-dum. He had finished his sword and made it mighty indeed, some said it matched the strength of Gurthang only pure of evil and with a burning inner flame inside its metal. The sword was 5 feet in length from pommel to tip and could only be wielded by a warrior has might has Feanor. Its guard and pommel were inspired by the shape of a leaf and its steam. Its blade was the keenest of all in beleriand and remained one of the greatest swords ever made by elves or dwarves or men. Around the inside adge of its hallow pommel the fallowing inscription was written in Elvish:
“Feanor son of Finwe made me, he and his line only shall wield me.”
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