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Old 02-05-2006, 10:42 PM   #801
of the House of Fëanor
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Around 5:30 Weds., at Orrodel House - Buz gets home

Buz burst through the back entrance, noisily stomping the mud off his big boots and taking off his trusty crimson woolen riding cloak.

Most of all, Pengolod/Buz was annoyed that his buzz had worn off, and that he'd been luckless at bringing home a stag to impress and delight Lilaenwen with, but something else was irking him, that something which comes to any member of the Nine when things are going on amongst them that could spell action, or trouble. It was high time he got together with some of the men of the group, and pitched in to help with what ever this arriving task was to be. Buzukhumarz had no way of knowing that it was his own dear Lil who was in danger of becoming disfigured and broken-spirited, at the hands of his own comrades. How could he know? He'd been out of touch with the Nine for the most part during the last few days, and rarely if ever took part in their complicated plots, anyway. How could he know the level of vicious and gruesome evil that was headed straight to the feminine target that was his own lovely tempstress of a girlfriend?
Few people have the imagination for reality.

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Last edited by Lotesse : 02-05-2006 at 11:11 PM.
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Old 02-06-2006, 01:55 PM   #802
Shape-shifting, men-grabbing NAZGUL
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Orrodel, Wednesday 5 - 6.30 PM

Viv's words about dresses and cosmetics changed the subject of the conversation quite effectively. Any other time, Lilly would have teased Viv for finally joining the ranks of TRUE women for hours upon hours, but now she instantly forgot about Viniglaen's stunning revelation.

Becoming all business-like, as dressing for a romantic encounter was a VERY important thing, Lilly went to her bathroom to wash. Viv followed her into the bedroom and stretched on a plush sofa to rest, lulled by the sound of running water coming through the open bathroom door. Unfortunately, Lilly's strident voice soon joined the splashing as she started boasting again.

"Can you imagine, Viv, there are all those uncountable mortal girls all over the King, and the stinking she-elves, AND our all-airs-and-graces, noble through and through Gordie, but still, STILL, mark you, he chooses me, Lilaenwen! You see, Vivvie? In less than two hours I will get the Kinglet, body, crown and all! I will be his Queen! I will make you my lady in waiting, Vivvie, and your Ray the Captain of Guards, if you like!"

"That is SO generous of you, Lil" laughed Viniglaen, rolling her eyes. "But it is really dangerous and unwise to try to snatch the King right from under Gor's nose! What will the Captain say?"

As usual, Lilly waved the obstacle aside. "He will say nothing. He will have a Nazgul-Queen in Arnor, as he wishes, AND he will keep his Gordie all for himself. Actually, he should be grateful!"

Viv shook her head; something was telling her that the Captain would hardly be grateful.

Meantime, Lilly returned into the bedroom wearing a golden coloured shimmy. She has chosen a low-necked emerald green gown, with yellow, almost transparent sleeves. She was going through her wondrous collection of jewellery, when she suddenly added, laughing.

"Have I told you of a trick I played on Gordie? No, of course, I didn't: you were always away with your lover!'

"What trick, Lilly?", Viv asked apprehensively.

"I told Val... that his precious Aiwendis was in love with ANOTHER!" Lilly blurted triumphantly. "Isn't it the truth, after all? " she added with a wink.

Viniglaen paled and sat bolt upright on the sofa. "What 'another'? Are you CRAZY, Lil? Did you name the Captain? I mean, the Chancellor?"

Lilly laughed so hard she couldn't speak. Finally, she managed to squeal "Oh... no... not her "father"... that would have been a BOMB!.... No, I named our Udu!"

That was a little better, but still quite foolish. Viv was preparing to start a long reprimand, when she heard heavy footfalls on the stairs.

"Buz!" hissed Lilly urgently in thought speech. "Don't tell him anything! Just play along!"

Viv nodded, worried and bewildered. She had no time to think about Buz, but now she felt sorry for him. He was so loving and trusting. Definitely, Lil had no heart.

Buz burst through the door and stopped perplexed, looking at the two girls. Lilly ran to him and kissed him tenderly. Buzukkumarz brightened.

"Buz, darling", said Lilly, "could you, please, fasten that necklace around my neck? We are going to the University palace, Vivvie and I. Gordie is holding the Ladies Sewing Circle meeting tonight and she wanted to introduce us to the noblest Tharbad ladies".

"Hmm..." muttered Buz, fumbling with the necklace, "may I accompany you?"

Lilly looked shocked. "Of course, not, my silly darling! Ladies only!"

Buz darkened again and shrugged his shoulders. He needed a drink badly.
"Then I will lead you to the University and continue on to a tavern. What is the use to sit here all alone, or with Tol? He is not a cheerful companion."

Stealing a moment, Viv went briefly to her room to comb her hair and to change. Embroiled in Lily's schemes against her will, she hated every moment of it.

Soon the company was ready. They proceeded across the Augon Vin towards the North gate of the University and walked to the Palace.

Buz left them at the doors of Aiwendis's wing, and strode alone towards the "Star of Earendil", a very decent establishment he had stumbled upon right alongside the Rotting Cod, to soothe his parched throat. But once there, the wine appeared sour to him. After a few glasses, he rose swearing and made his way to Orrodel to think.

The two girls stood hidden in the shadow of the doorway. When Buz's footfalls receded, Lilly turned to Viv and whispered
"I am off to meet the King. Go to Gordie now, have a nice time. Tell her your story, she will be an attentive listener, not like me. But, I bet, she has nothing interesting to tell herself, poor thing! Only DO keep quiet about my little JOKE. And about me and the King! If anybody asks, we were here together!"

Viv tried to argue, but strong Lilly's hands pushed her inside, where she was greeted by numerous Palace servants. There was no way back, Viniglaen had to meet Gor now. And she hated doing it, with so much on her conscience.

Last edited by CrazySquirrel : 02-21-2006 at 02:20 PM.
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Old 02-06-2006, 03:02 PM   #803
The last sane person
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Dawn of Thursday,
Half way to Lond Daer

A loud falcon's scream rent the morning air and Shah quickly stuck out his fist. Black wing landed on it, and deposited her cargo into Shah's palm.

"What? Charcol? Did you raid a barbeque BlackWing? I pray you did...if not, that means-" BlackWing cut off her dear friend.

"It means exactly as we had feared. I flew as much as my wings allowed, that village has been raided and nought but ashes remain. And yes, it looks as if Raiders have taken all that were left alive."

"Damn it! MEN!" Shah roused his troops, as the rain the morgul lord had summoned wednesday night hit them. "Fall to it men! Saddle the horses and arm yourselves! To the river! We have pirates to deal with!"

The men were stunned, but the rain and situations roused them into action, and soon they were racing off to meet with Marty. "BlackWing? Can you make it to him and tell him we are on our way? Tell him what is up. " Shah and his men were now on the grassy flats, avoiding the mud hole that the dirt road had become, galloping for all they were worth. Blackwing was crouched on Shah's fist, wings tucked back and head down in her most aerodynamic postition.

"Gladly, and I shall fly to lady Mahtaliel after that."

"Bird, you are a wonderful beast!" Blackwing bowed her head and gave an affectionate cry.

"Old man, I owe you nothing less for healing me. Off I go, I pray to the winds that you reach the other men in time!" She opened her wings and shot off like a dart up into the sky, soon lost to sight in the stormy clouds.

Shah looked up, rain washing his face. He smiled and shouted his commands to Raendil, who nodded and branched off with six men, to create a pincer. Volricom gave a stallion's bellow, and both men and horses gave off their war cries as they made a desperate race to the river.
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
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Old 02-06-2006, 04:31 PM   #804
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The University Palace, around seven PM, Wednesday.

A tall maid let Viniglaen into Aiwendis's study. Viv noted a worried expression on the maid's face, and a good deal of hidden fear in her eyes. But she had no time to think about it, as she had to face Gordie.

Aiwendis was sitting in a rocking chair near an open window, pale and unhappy, a forgotten book on her lap. Outside, the tall laurel trees moaned in the wind. The night was falling, but not a single candle burned in the room. Aiwendis sighed and slowly turned her head to look at Viv.

"Here you are, little one. What news?" she asked with a sad smile.

"Nice to meet you, Aiwendis" replied Viv. "Why are you so sad?"

Aiwendis rose nervously and leaned on the window sill. "This weather is getting on my nerves" she admitted. "This wind...Can't you smell the Sea, Vivvie? It breaks my heart. I used to love the sea so much while I was alive!"

"So did I, Gordie", replied Viv, "so did I. Those of us from the fair Yozayan dream of the Sea constantly. But we can't approach it anymore..." There were tears in her violet eyes now.

Aiwendis turned to her in sympathy. "Sorry, little one, I distressed you. But you looked worried anyway. Do you feel that unease in the air, something brewing, something that is about to happen?"

"Oh, then you felt it as well!" cried Viv. Do you know, what can it be? Did our Lord say something about it?"

'No, he didn't, he hardly spoke with me today. He spends all his free time in the Observatory. But I have no doubt he feels it more keenly than any of us."

There was an uncomfortable silence. Soon Aiwendis turned to Viv and looked at her intently, with her bottomless gray eyes, the color of the stormy sea.

"Viniglaen, you know something, but you are reluctant to tell me. And you seem strange somehow. Not as you used to be. What is it, Viv?"

Last edited by Gordis : 02-06-2006 at 04:32 PM.
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Old 02-06-2006, 08:21 PM   #805
Lady Marion Magdalena
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Thursday morning

Mahtaliel hated waiting.

Wednsday morning she had found herself barely able to concentrate on her teaching, distracted by empty seats and worry.

Wednsday afternoon she was jittery and caught herself pacing or doing busywork more often than she would have liked.

Wednsday evening she forced herself to eat and thought about visiting with her older colleagues, but Bumbledore was alseep and Jas was absent from his rooms.

After passing a sleepless night she had finally given up on trying to find distractions from worry and retreated to the top of the walls once more, ignoring the wind and rain.

Now she was just waiting.

She wondered what sort of wait this one would turn out to be.
Would it like the waiting she had done in her childhood? Like the times when her cousins had always returned from their hunting victorious and more confident than before and she would run down to greet them?

Or would it be the more recent sort? The type of waiting where you could never know if you were waiting for friends or enemies to arrive until they showed up on the doorstep and if it turned out to be enemies you'd better react quickly and push the thought that the waited for friends would probably never arrive anymore out of your mind.

She hadn't dared to wait in the first way since her fifty-sixth year. Resigned to waiting in the second, she fingered the keys hanging at her waist and kept her eyes looking southwards.
"Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; Leave me my name!"

- The Crucible

"nolite hippopotamum vexare!"

Last edited by Lady Marion Magdalena : 02-07-2006 at 01:40 PM.
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Old 02-07-2006, 12:44 AM   #806
of the House of Fëanor
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Viniglaen and Gordis, Worried About Lilaenwen

"Viniglaen, you know something, but you are reluctant to tell me. And you seem strange somehow. Not as you used to be. What is it, Viv?"

Long, mournful shadows swayed drunkenly around the room, cast from the garden cypress trees and lamppost outside Aiwendis' window, and the human-sounding wails and whimpers of the wind would have unnerved a mortal girl. No wonder Gordis' lady-in-waiting had such a tight and drawn look about her. Viv put her hand to her forehead, looking down, and then looked up and into Gordis' eyes.

"Something's not right," she said. "I just left Lilaenwen, and you know how she likes to play man-games and so forth, right? She always wants a conquest; it's what makes her happy. Morgoth knows we all look for our own brand of happiness, wherever or however we can get it, living like this. But listen, Gor, something's not right. I fear she's headed into some kind of trap, or... "

Gordis came up to Viv, and took both her hands into her own, and looked Viv steadily in the eyes.

"Where is she going right now?" asked Gor.

"She says she got an invitation from King Valandil, and that he wants her, and she kept going on and on about how he was going to make her his queen, and that our Captain would be pleased, and so forth. Gordis, please don't get angry with her! She's just being herself. But something tells me that it's just highly unlikely that this King would invite her to his home and promise all this; I mean, my owlspy Lomi informed me that Valandil was in actuality acting very concerned and smitten with YOU, less than a day ago. All of it is so confusing, and something just doesn't fit."

"What else do you know, Viv? I'm not angry," Gor added, softening a bit, seeing the tension and the struggle on Viniglaen's face. "Don't be troubled, young one; I know how hard it is for your little heart to be keeping secrets from us. That Lil knows better than to be coercing you into her games. Here," she said, handing Viv a snifter of the crystal bottle of Haradrian orange cognac she'd had at her sidetable.

Viv gratefully accepted the proffered cognac, and sipped the contents thoughtfully for a moment, then impulsively drained the whole snifter. She set the glass down, and sat heavily upon Gor's lush midnight blue velvet chaise lounge near the window. The rain was coming down jagged and angry, now.

"Now Viv, tell me. You say something doesn't fit. What is it?"

Sighing hard, Viv looked up and faced Gordis.

"I can't put it in words, I just know something's going to happen to her, and I feel very strongly that she's in danger. From herself, from strangers, maybe even from Khamul for all I know, but - well, something feels terribly wrong, and you'll know better than I about that King guy, but he - he never struck me as the kind of fellow to profess undying love for the kind of woman that is our Lil. You know what I'm saying?"

"Oh, more than you could realise," said Gor grimly. "It sounds like Lilly might be walking into some kind of trap tonight."

"But who's trap?"

Gor thought for a moment.

"The last thing I want," Gordis continued slowly, "is for harm to come to that brat, because even though she can be intolerable, and obviously she's deliberately been trying to foil my assignment with that King, still I would not wish her harm."

"Who's trap?" persisted Viv.

"Viv, I have to go to our Captain about this, right now. There's no time to waste. I have no idea who's trap, but he must know. Maybe he'll have a desire to speak with you himself, and if that's going to be the case, perhaps you ought to stay here tonight for a few more hours, until we get this all straightened out."

Viv was visibly relieved. She did not feel like being alone; there was too much uncertainty and danger in the crazy night wind, and she wanted to be near the Morgul Lord in case he called for her, and in case she might need some protection for the night. She made a mental note to herself to mention to her Captain the status of her relationship with the Kingsman Raendil, not only for the good of her Family, but also for very personal reasons.

"One more thing," added Viv as they got ready to leave, "She told me that she'd told that King that you were, in fact, having an affair with our Udu. Maybe Udu found out about that little game, though I have no idea how he could have."

"Well, we shall mention that as well to our Captain." answered Gordis, irritatedly tying the satin ribbon of her cloak about her neck, an angry look in her eyes. Her lips were narrowed in a tight line, she looked so angry, but being the reserved, laadylike sort, she kept her fury at this news inside her.

The women donned their cloaks, pulling up the hoods close to their faces against the creeping, chilling nightstorm damp of the halls of the Chancellor's palace, and together made to leave to seek out their Morgul Lord.
Few people have the imagination for reality.

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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Old 02-07-2006, 10:03 AM   #807
Head of the Department for the Invention and Propagation of Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice!
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Great, Jas thought. Just when it was getting to be a bearable dream, it becomes a nightmare!

Well, now what? So he was a frog. It wasn't such a disaster... frogs lived, too, didn't they? And presumably, they had supper when they were hungry. And he was still hungry, and there was the supper lying there waiting for him.

He walked towards it. No, wait, he wasn't walking. He was hopping. It was difficult. He found it made his legs ache to be always bent like that, and yet, he couldn't stand upright. Well, then, he would hop, if there was nothing else for it. None of that would matter when the void in his stomach would be filled.

Yes! He had reached the table. With superhuman, or rather, superfrog effort, he lifted himself up and made to gobble a huge leg of chicken... but, what was this? The table was full of, well, chicken, but it looked so- slimey! so unedible! so... there was no other word for it- yucky!!


Jas flapped into the corridor outside his room. There were too many things in his once snug and comfortable room that reeked of humans. It was too dry for one. His skin itched, and his huge clumsy webbed feet were of no use. He needed... what was the word? an image came into his head, of something cool, soft, rippling, soothing... and with a shock, the human part of him realized he was forgetting words, and starting to think in images! Water, man, water! cried the rapidly dying human Jas, while the froggy part sagely craoked something that sounded oddly like, 'no, not man, anymore'.

He hopped some more. He was getting better at it. Hop, breathe, hop. It was nice. But what was nicer, was... what was it again? water.. came the buried whisper of a once-human mind.

Out one corridor and into the next, and then two more. But what was this? An obstacle. An instinct told him that beyond lay liberty... liberty from these walls that closed in upon one... instinct and that memory of his, so faulty, supplied one last piece of information before giving up altogether: "Push It"

He pushed It.

It opened.

His eyes beheld a heavenly sight. Moonlight curling and swirling over a silver darkness, a garden of surpassing beauty, and there it was, beyond the edge of hearing, but to his hungering ears, like a bugle... the sound of running water. Quicker than thought, a single, contented croak came out, and he was not just hopping, but practically skipping towards the sound. And there was another It. Smaller this It was, but still, an obstacle. Well, he knew how to deal with them now. He pushed again, and this time, he found the fountain... the fountain that gurgled merrily, in the enchanted garden, where ghosts lived and no mortals lingered.

His happiness was complete, with only a single fly in his ointment; namely the absence of any flies to complete his supper with. But, flies have a way of turning up where they're not wanted, and where they are. He could wait. Meanwhile, he was in for the loveliest swim of his lifetime.

It was lucky for him, that Gordis the Eighth, did not visit her fountain that night. It would have added one more sorrow to her already laden plate, and who knows what further trials he would have to endure at the hands of the Chancellor's daughter?

At nine o'clock the next morning, no one had spotted Jas, and he had woken out of his sleep slightly bewildered, and still hungry. He thought and thought what to do, and hit upon a solution. He would sing, and thus attract flies. (One can see how inexperienced he was. A true frog would have warned him off singing at once... flies hate it from their blood)

His melodious warbles floated through the air, and landed in the delicate ear of a passing elf. Her name was Eärniel.
"I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
Death thought about it.
"Cats," he said eventually. "Cats are nice." -Terry Pratchett, Sourcery

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Last edited by Serenoli : 02-07-2006 at 10:16 AM.
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Old 02-07-2006, 04:34 PM   #808
Shadow Lord of Morgul
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“Captain, there are horsemen approaching on the shore, knights from the looks of them!” the agitated voice of one of the pirates called out. “There,” he pointed, “you can see them through the trees!”

A brown signal flag was hauled up the mast of the Sagkúr - the message to the other ships in the small fleet that a land-based enemy had been sighted.

“Wretched place to launch arrows,” Captain Ollotarnon said to Captain Ulfast.

“True,” the other captain replied, “but the taste of our barbs might discourage them for a while.”

A two-color flag was run up - the signal that all ships were to haul towards the shore and the bowmen would fire. A fierce volley of arrows was soon unleashed into the woods along the shore, and screams proved that at least some of the arrows had been true.

“Turn the craft to port side and head downstream! We must put distance between these fools!”

“Raise oars!” the keleustes cried and began to pound their mallets on their drums. “Raise oars!”

The pilots turned the ships skillfully to the left. “Dip oars!”

The beat on the drums grew fiercer. “Stroke!”

The oarsmen drove the boats rapidly down the river. Then when at last the sight of their enemy could no longer be seen, the captain told a slave, “Wine for Captain Ulfast and me.”

As they stood drinking in the prow of the boat, the two men smiled at each other. “The captives from the three villages that were destroyed are far away, safely on their way to Umbar. True that the peasants had little gold, but they are a fair folk and will bring good prices on the auction blocks. Altogether, Captain Ulfast, this has been a successful foray. The question is now - is it time to call this venture over and return to Umbar or to lay to the opposite shore and wait for a better day?”

“Captain Ollotarnon,” the darker man laughed, “Is there any need for haste? The rest of the ships should be here by tomorrow, and with a greater force, we will be better prepared for richer game. Let us finish our wine.”

Captain Ollotarnon raised his goblet, “To Harad!”

“To Umbar!” the other man replied.

“To fair winds!”

“To rich spoils!”

“To success!”
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Old 02-07-2006, 04:54 PM   #809
The last sane person
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Thursday, Marthalion's patrol

Marty and his scouts had pulled back into the woods to ready their bows and quivers, each man pouring their own version of (greek fire?) onto the arrows. With the message given to them by BlackWing to hold their ground for the twelve patrol men galloping to aid them. But they had been spotted. Marty barely noticed in time the raising of the flags on the main corsair ship.

"DOWN! FOR THE LOVE OF LIFE GET DOWN!" His men hit the deck, but two of them not fast enough. His lieutenant and a private in his patrol were hit, one in hte shoulder the other in the stomach.

Once the volley had ceased, the men had their fire going in the sheltered area underneath the trees. Arrows were lit and bows were ready.

"Alright men, keep the bows lowered until you have your target, go for their rigging! I want every arrow to count! FIRE!" At once and as one, a hundred and six steel bows of Arnor sang a shrill, flaming death song for the corsairs. Even with the rain, the mainsail of the leading ship was smoldering with the unquenchable fire. The captian was calling for scattered men to cut it and cast it into the river. Limp bodies hung over the sides, some with regular arrows, and others with fire still burning in their bodies.

"SECOND VOLLEY! GO!" Marthalion and his men drew, prayed to Manwe, and fired. More hit their mark, and more flame erupted. "Hit the deck!" By now the pirates had gathered their wits to send back a volley, but it whooshed over the river patrols head, after they had ducked behind their trees.

Suddenly, Marty caught with the tail of his eye riders comming from behind. "Kiral! Go flag down Shah, tell him to grab some arrows and sneak to another spot and return fire, give us some relief!" Marty doged to grab his bow as a pirate's dart burried itself near his hand. "Sons of whores!" His face disfigured by a savage snarl as he selected a steel arrow, sighted and shot. Another savage snarl of satisfaction escaped him as he saw his man tumble with Marthalion's arrow lodged in his throat.

finish it later
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
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Old 02-07-2006, 06:33 PM   #810
Warrior of the House of Hador
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"Professor," called Sapthan. "A letter for you."
"A letter. From who?" replied Khamûl.
"I did not recognise him yet he was not from around here. I think he was from the east if I could tell anything from his accent," said Sapthan.
"Udu," muttered Khamûl, snatching the letter from Sapthan and storming up oi his apartment and opening the letter.

"My Lord Khamul,

The trap has been laid, the bait has been placed; all that needs be done is just spring it. Go to my house on Menetar Street about 6:30 tonight. You cannot miss the building - it is the triangular one by the livery stable.

If at all possible, arrive a little early, and we can have a few drinks and discuss our plans. Perhaps later we can celebrate our victory with a late night toast.

Since you have not previously viewed it, I am sure that you are curious about the facilities that I have had constructed. There is a large central chamber with cells on two sides. Fine, well-built racks rest upon one side, along with other needful instruments. These cells are quite satisfactory to contain mortals, but they were never designed with the intent to hold any of our kind.

That matter has been taken care of with the construction of two other cells, down a corridor removed from the others. These chambers have been heavily enspelled, unescapable to anything or anyone other than those that should have more power than do we. As we both know, dungeons can be rather noisy. I have eliminated the possibility that screams might be heard outside by enspelling all of the walls so that no shrieks can escape and be heard.

There is another rather cunning feature about one of the cells. I call this, for lack of a better word, the ‘Quiet Room.’ When the doors are locked and sealed with spells, anyone or anything imprisoned inside will find their wails of agony reflected from the walls, floor and ceiling until the sound becomes so great that their minds are rendered with agony or their hearts burst with the sheer pressure of their own cries. I think you will find this room ingenious.

I shall expect you around 6:30.

Your colleague,
Udukhatûrz the Seventh"

'Victory?' thought Khamûl. "It seems that Udu is more naive than I suspected. This is not a victory. Only damage control. Lady Lilaenwen has already interfered in the Captains plans more that she should have.'
"Sapthan," said Khamûl, after returngin to the ground floor of the library. "Where is the Chancellor?"
"In the Observatory, he arrived a few minutes after you went upstairs, yet he said he did not wish to be disturbed," replied Sapthan.
"Well I'm sure he won't mind one visitor," answered Khamûl, turning and walking up to the Observatory.
"My Captain," said Khamûl, entering the Observatory.
"I thought I told Sapthan I did not wish to be disturbed," replied the Morgul Lord coldly.
"You did, yet I though that you would wish to hear what I have to say."
Then Huor spoke and said: "Yet if it stands but a little while, then out of your house shall come the hope of Elves and Men. This I say to you, lord, with the eyes of death: though we part here for ever, and I shall not look on your white walls again, from you and me a new star shall arise. Farewell!"

The Silmarillion, Nirnaeth Arnoediad, Page 230
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Old 02-08-2006, 10:30 AM   #811
Head of the Department for the Invention and Propagation of Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice!
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A strong wind whipped Tolvadok's fair hair from his face, as he strode purposefully down the streets of Tharbad towards Menetar. His face was set and grim, and he was trying to figure out his course of action. He decided the best way to act would be to snoop around, until he knew exactly what the King was up to, and if he smelt any traps, he could then prevent Lily from turning up.

He turned a corner, and it was there before him, unmistakeably triangle, looming over the rest of the street. He walked up straight to its front door, intending to ring the bell on the pretense of looking for someone else, so he could find out who lived there. But as he reached up to pull the bell-rope, he suddenly felt a familiar presence... one of the Nine, surely it wasn't... Udukhaturz?

'Tolvadok, what are you doing here?'

He tried to disguise the intense astonishment he was feeling, and replied, 'Just passing by, didn't realise you lived here. See you later.' And he walked off fast before Udu could say anything more.

Udukhaturz... now what was he up to? He was now sure that the King was just a lure for Lily... or had the King trapped both Lily and Udu? No, wait, that was just silly. Udu would never be caught like that. Either way, this was something he should report to the Captain. He could have confronted Udu, but that might have resulted in some heavy fighting. No, it was best to let the Morgul Lord know what was going on, and let him decide.

He strode on, just as purposefully as before, making his way to Tharbad University.


It took some time to locate the Chancellor, but some asking around elicited the information that he had been closeted in the Library for most of the day, so he made his way there.

Throught the main hall, and up to the Scriptorium, he went, and there he found a man, perusing a complicated looking book. As he entered, the man informed him frigidly that the Library was closed for the day.

"I have not come here to read books, but I was told the Chancellor is here. I need to see him very urgently."

"On no account is the Chancellor to be disturbed now. You had better come back tomorrow." With that, Sapthân went back to his book, stroking his trim beard, and taking no further notice of Tolvadok.

Tolvadok sized the man up. Tall, well-built and with the dark hair and eyes that spoke of a Númenórean descent, and with a hint of sorcery about him. It would be dangerous to try spell-work against him, in that case. Time was running out, running out for Lily, and much though he disliked her, he did not intend to let her walk into a trap without doing everything he could to help her.

The man looked up, slightly annoyed now, "Why are you still here? Haven't I told you you can not see the Chancellor today?"

"Yes, I was just wondering-" and Tolvadok's voice took on that polite tone he knew so well how to use, "-if you couldn't give this letter to him when he is free?"

He pulled out the "King's" letter and held it out.

"Very well, give it to me, I'll make sure he gets it."

He stretched his hand out, and Tolvadok grasped it. Sapthân's eyes widened in horror, and he gave a single gasp. He tried pulling his hand free, but it was no use, Tolvadok was standing, and he was sitting, and had not time to get up, and the Nazgûl's grip was merciless, and unshakeable. With a shudder that travelled up and down his body, Sapthân sank slowly on to the desk before him, his hand still in the iron grip of Tolvadok.

The Nazgûl pulled his hand out of the iron glove he was wearing, and the glove was stuck to Sapthân's hand. Softly, he pulled the glove, and it came off smoothly, the poisoned spikes on it leaving behind only the tiniest red perforations on Sapthân's long-fingered hand. The poison was quick-acting, and the man would not be unconcious for very long. But it was enough. He then whispered the smallest of memory spells... just enough to make sure that Sapthân would not remember his face. Let him remember everything else, but Tolvadok's features would be blurred for him. Tolvadok knew it was dangerous to try and erase too much memory; especially as he knew better than anyone else that his own skills lay more in the battle field. But small spells were easy, and they worked well.

He then turned and took the stairs that led upto the Library. He found all three levels of the Library empty, but the higher he went, the more he felt the presence of other Nazgûl near him. There was one final door, the steps which led to the observatory, and he made his way to it. As he pulled the door open, he found before him the Morgul Lord, and Khamul, and he knew they had sensed his presence too. They were waiting for him.

"Good evening, my Lord", he said courteously, and nodded at Khamul, "I am sorry if I am interrupting, but I had something important that I had to bring to your notice. Its about Lilanwaen."
"I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
Death thought about it.
"Cats," he said eventually. "Cats are nice." -Terry Pratchett, Sourcery

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Old 02-08-2006, 01:35 PM   #812
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Captain's orders

Observatory atop Minas Aran, Wednesday around 6 PM.

Khamul was in the midst of his heated speech, bringing up again all Lilly's faults and his own grievances, when the Morgul Lord, with a gesture of his hand, commanded him to be silent. There was another nazgul approaching, whom both of them immediately identified as Tolvadok the Third.

"The Observatory becomes a popular place today," noted the Morgul Lord dryly.

They waited in silence, and soon the thin figure of the Third nazgul appeared on the roof, his fair hair whipping in the wind. Looking at his pale countenance and delicate features, one would have never believed that the enemies had nicknamed him "Gothmog" after the fiery Barlog. Indeed, Tolvadok was fierce in battles, but otherwise always cold and withdrawn.

The Third nazgul bowed to the Morgul Lord, nodded to Khamul, and uttered a courteous greeting. Then he addressed the Captain.

"I am sorry if I am interrupting, but I had something important that I had to bring to your notice. Its about Lilanwaen."

The Morgul Lord laughed. "I see our vivacious Lilly had managed to irritate everybody. Khamul here was complaining about her behaviour; it seems that the vixen had even dared to kiss him, among other things. Has she done the same to you, Tolvadok?"...

The Captain laughed again, seeing Tol's blushing face.

"I see, she has!"

"As a matter of fact, it was not the reason..." started the Third, visibly embarrassed. Khamul smirked.

"You should have expected it, Tolvadok," the Captain continued, serious now. "Lilaenwen always tries to get in power by flaunting her wares in front of her betters. Once you were appointed the head of the Orrodel group, you have become her target. If you do not watch yourself, you will end up in her bed, which might be rather pleasant, but, what is worse, you will end up fawning under her heel."

"My captain", interrupted Tolvadok, urgency in his voice. He didn't wish to hear more with the memory of Lilly's rosy lips still fresh and stinging.
"My Captain, Lilaenwen is in danger. Someone has set a trap for her, it seems".

"Who may that be?" asked the Morgul Lord with a frown.

"It seems, it is Udukhaturz." replied Tolvadok. In a few words he told the story of the love letter from the King and how he had found Udu in the triangular house. While he was speaking, he noticed that Khamul's face progressively darkened. Soon the Second could remain silent no more.

"My Lord" started Khamul, glaring at Tolvadok, "I was coming to this part of my report, when we have been interrupted. As I have pointed out, Lilaenwen deserves severe punishment for her misdeeds and follies. However, remembering your orders, I have refrained from taking action myself, especially considering that she is Tolvadok's responsibility now, not mine. But an hour ago, I have got a message from Udukhaturz, telling of his cruel plans towards Lilly and asking me to join him. Being always faithful to you, my Lord, I decided to take the letter to you to ask for your orders on the matter."

The Morgul Lord took the proffered letter and studied it in silence.

"You said you have never heard about it before, my lord Khamul" observed the Captain darkly. "Why then Udu speaks of "our" plans and "our" victory?"

Khamul shifted uneasily, eyes riveted to the polished granite of the Observatory floor. "Udu mentioned this to me before, but I waited till his plans were ripe, before reporting to you. Udu was ever a rebel, he would have never told you himself."

"I know that", said the Morgul Lord icily. "He is a fool if he thinks to keep secrets from me and act without my permission."

"If you command, I can still prevent Lilaenwen from walking into the trap," proposed Tolvadok. Somehow, to his own surprise, he found the idea of Lilly's torture disturbing.

The Morgul Lord walked to the parapet and looked at the busy Arandel square below. Khamul's and Tol's eyes followed him anxiously. The Captain's next words surprised both of them.

"You have my permission now."

They stood for some time in silence. Tol's long-forgotten heart ached. Khamul smiled cruelly.

"Go and join Udu. He might need your help. Keep it secret, don't confide in any of our kind. You may do what you want with her mind and soul, as for her body, her hröa, as the Elves put it, it is far too lush to be permanently damaged. Don't inflict any wounds that won't eventually heal. You have my orders. Go now."

Last edited by Gordis : 02-10-2006 at 05:54 AM.
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Old 02-09-2006, 06:33 PM   #813
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The Triangular House
Wednesday afternoon

“Ulfang, when the lady arrives, tell her that her admirer has been detained and will be along later. Show her into the Red Salon and seat her on the divan. That way when she passes into unconsciousness, she will not fall and destroy any of my furniture imported from the East.” Maethor stood beside the cold hearth, his arm extended over the mantelpiece, his fingertips tapping on the wood.

“And you, my lovely Tatyana, will add a few drops of this draught to her wine,” he said, reaching into his robe and drawing out a vial and handing it to Tatyana. “Not too much, my love, and not one taste! This draught would put a balrog to sleep for days!” He looked at the vial thoughtfully. “Perhaps, though, considering, that would be just as well; at least the Lady Lilaenwen would be quiet. Yes, a dram or two more will not hurt her.”

“Yes, my lord, I will put in just a bit more,” she smiled.

“Now when she is sleeping blissfully like a babe upon the divan, Ulfang, you will send one of the men to light a lamp in the upstairs hall window. When I see its glow, I will know that all is in readiness.”

“Master, do you expect any trouble?” asked Ulfang.

“Not if everyone does exactly as he or she is told. Flatter her. Admire her clothing and jewelry. Tell her anything, just so it pleases her. She loves that and will eat it up like sweet cake.”

“Master, is there anything else that we should remember? I do not want there to be any problems either,” Tatyana asked, walking gracefully and reclining upon the divan.

“Remember that though she might not look it, Skessa is a most powerful creature. However, I find most of all her loud voice obnoxious. She never stops talking, and when she screams, all the glassware in the building might explode. Keep her quiet! Do not give her any reason to be upset.”

“Master, will that be all?” Ulfang asked.

“Yes, I believe so. You are dismissed.”

“Now, Tatyana,” Maethor said as he walked over to the fireplace and reclined beside her on the couch, “we have a bit of time...”

“Yes, my lord,” she purred, reaching over and touching his face, “we do!”
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Old 02-10-2006, 11:47 AM   #814
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"Yes M'Lord," said Tol, turning to leave as Khamûl bowed.They left the University grounds in silence, not a thought or word uttered until they reached the gate.
"Where do you think you're going," said Khamûl to Tol as he tuned left out of the University Gates.
"To Udu's house, as the Captain ordered," replied Tol.
"Not tht way you aren't. That way leads straight past Orrodel, the way that Lilaenwen will be going. Do you not think that sensing both you and I travelling past orrodel in the same irection will alert her? She may be a little foolish, but she isn't that stupid. Is she not still a Nazgûl? We will go this way," said Khamûl turning right.
"So," said Tol a few minutes later. "What has Lily done to anger you?"
"Never you mind," said Khamûl. "Yet it warrants such punishment."
"I trust it does," said Tol.
"Punishment which I am permitted to implement," said Khamûl coldly.
"That I do not doubt. Yet in this situation I deemed it right that the Morgul Lord should now," said Tol coolly.
"I'm sure you did. Yet let me make one thing clear. If ever you betray me again then you will be made to pay," said Khamûl.
"Is that a threat Lord Khamûl?" said Tol.
"Why yes. And you would do well to remember your place Toldovak the third," sneered Khamûl as they turned the corner on to Menetar Street.
Then Huor spoke and said: "Yet if it stands but a little while, then out of your house shall come the hope of Elves and Men. This I say to you, lord, with the eyes of death: though we part here for ever, and I shall not look on your white walls again, from you and me a new star shall arise. Farewell!"

The Silmarillion, Nirnaeth Arnoediad, Page 230
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Old 02-10-2006, 05:13 PM   #815
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The world was a hazy blur to Sapthan when at last he finally woke up on the floor of the Scriptorium. He shook his head groggily and then sank back into oblivion.

A huge yellow dragon was approaching him, breathing fire that smelled of Eastern incense.

“Hail, friend,” the beast hissed as its great tail lashed back and forth, knocking over trees behind its great bulk. “Go back! You cannot pass this way!”

“Who are you to impede my path?” challenged Sapthan, who was mounted upon a huge red roan stallion.

“One far older and wiser than you!” the dragon exclaimed. “Go back now if you value your life!”

The metal swished as Sapthan’s sharp sword left the scabbard at his thigh. He touched his heels to his horse’s sides. Urging the great steed forward, Sapthan hoisted his sword aloft, and charged towards the dragon’s face.

The dragon leered and opened his mouth, and out bellowed fire and steam. Sapthan screamed and dropped his sword as he felt a searing fire rip down through his arm. He plunged to the ground from the side of the horse and lay in the dirt, groaning. He looked up into the eyes of the dragon as it curled its long tongue down, reaching towards his face...

“No, no!” he shrieked as he awoke again, his right arm and hand in agony. He struggled to his feet, holding on to a chair for support and looked down at his hand. Angry tiny red wounds glared up to him. How he get them?! He tried to remember. There had been a man... what had happened then? Who was he? Sapthan remembered that he had wanted to see the Chancellor and there had been an argument, and then... and then... he could do nothing but the dragon’s tongue reaching out for him.

His head reeled, feeling dizzy as a wave of nausea hit him in the stomach. His hand on the chair trembled unsteadily. He had the vague sense that he had been poisoned, and tried to remember a spell that might counteract it.

“Chancellor!” he moaned as darkness overtook him again and he fell face forwards onto the floor.
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Old 02-10-2006, 05:41 PM   #816
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“My lord,” Tatyana murmured as Maethor embraced her and kissed her passionately, “ohhh... my lord!”

An insistent knocking at the door brought curses to lips that had been busy kissing. “What is it?” Maethor asked angrily. He had already sensed the presence of two other Nazgûl but he did not think it would harm to tarry a while longer with the voluptuous Tatyana.

“Two visitors, Master,” came the hesitant voice of Ulfang.

“Urk!” Udu hissed as he disentangled himself from twining limbs. “A moment!” he replied.

A few minutes later when Udu was fully dressed, he walked to the doorway. “Who are they?” he growled as he opened the door, revealing the sight of a flustered Tatyana, who was sitting up on the divan and pinning her hair.

“Professor Galadannun and another man whom I have never seen before, Master. I showed them in to your reception hall, and they are there now waiting.”

“I have been expecting the Professor. Bring them in here, and we will talk.”

After bowing his way out the door, Ulfang was away on his assigned mission, and Maethor walked back to Tatyana. “The Professor is part of my plan... the other one... I am not sure why he is here. You will play hostess, my love,” he said as he took her in his arms and found her lips.
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Old 02-10-2006, 06:27 PM   #817
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Awiendis and Viniglaen descended a flight of stairs onto the veranda and walked through the palace garden ravaged by the early autumn gale. While they were screened by the Palace building, the going had been easy, but once they turned the corner into the Bar Amrun, the wind became a living thing: it threw twigs and yellow leaves in their faces and sent their cloaks flapping and billowing behind them.

Aiwendis led the way, still angry and frustrated from the revelation of Lilly's last joke. An affair with Udu! How silly! She was little concerned about the King now, much more was she worried about the Morgul Lord's reaction. A few times in her life she remembered him jealous, without any reason that she could see. His temper was frightening: he cared little about his women, but hated to share them with anybody. "I hope he understands it was but a silly lie!" she prayed desperately.

Soon the looming walls of the Keep cut the wind again. Aided by Viv, Aiwendis pushed a heavy gate of the Library grounds open. At this gate, she and the King almost kissed ... Was this sunny warm morning only yesterday? She couldn't believe it. Obliterated by wind and darkness, the tender moment seemed a thousand years ago.

The dark ancient tower of Minas Aran loomed on their left; the wind sent spray from the fountain into their faces. The two women climbed a few steps leading to the front door.

"It may be locked!" cried Aiwendis to Viv, but found her words carried away on the wind. "If it is locked, be ready to use your barrette, Vivvie" repeated Aiwendis in mind speech.

But the door was not locked. Slightly surprised, Aiwendis surveyed the empty Entrance hall. There was nobody around to greet them. Khamûl seemed to be away, they couldn't feel his presence in his rooms upstairs. The door to the library stair stood ajar. That was unusual. Frowning, Aiwendis hurried upstairs to the Scriptorium, Viniglaen at her heels.

They didn't see Sapthân at once, though they felt someone's presence. The room was dark, the air heavy with the reek of mortal blood, sweat and sickness. In a moment, Aiwendis spotted a figure lying face-down on the floor by the wall, behind the librarian's table. Hearing Gor's mental warning, Viv quickly surveyed the entire Scriptorium, looking for hidden foes, but found none. They were alone with the wounded man.

"Who is it, Gordie?" asked Viv. "And what has happened to him?"

"It is the assistant librarian, Sapthân. He might be sick or wounded, I don't know yet" replied Aiwendis. She shook her head and added in thought speech "Time is short, Viv, hurry on, report to the Captain. We might still save that little skessa from her long deserved Doom."

Viv nodded and disappeared into the other doorway, leading to the Observatory stair.

Aiwendis turned the unconscious man onto his back. Running her hands over his body and limbs, feeling for the difference in temperature, she soon found a set of tiny red wounds on the palm of his right hand. The hand and forearm were swollen and hot to touch. If anything, it looked like poison.

Aiwendis never really liked the man, he was only one of an endless line of fawning mortals the Morgul Lord kept around him. They desired either wealth, or immortality, or secret knowledge beyond the measure of their kind. This one was no worse than the others, perhaps better than most. Aiwendis herself stopped to care about mortals, once she left their company entirely, so many centuries ago. But she knew that Sapthân was in her Lord's favor, so she had to help him.

Putting a cold hand on his burning forehead, she sang an incantation to ward off poison and strengthen the body. Soon Sapthân's heartbeat slowed and became more regular. He moaned some words, something about a dragon...then he opened his eyes and finally focussed on her face.

"Lady... Lady Aiwendis"

"Sapthân, what has happened to you?" she asked worriedly.

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Old 02-10-2006, 11:10 PM   #818
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Viniglaen ascended the spiral of stairs to the observatory in a noiseless, gliding instant, and the Morgul Lord sensed her approach and opened the door just as she reached it.
Few people have the imagination for reality.

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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Old 02-11-2006, 01:07 AM   #819
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“I... I do not know,” Sapthan murmured, and he found himself looking up into Lady Aiwendis’ face. “There was a man here... I am not sure of who he was... I am not even sure of what he said,” he stammered.

He felt embarrassed to be in such an awkward situation. The lady would surely think he had been drunk and had fallen and hit his head.

“I suppose I must have felt faint... Perhaps I have been working a little too much in the library. Why else would I have fallen? Here, let me get up.” He struggled to his feet. He felt his hand hurting brutally.

“I seem to have injured my hand in the fall.” He felt very foolish as she looked at him calmly, and he stood there staring like an oaf at his wounded hand. Finally, he smoothed his hands over his rumpled tunic and felt like a schoolboy in the presence of an adult.

“Do not be concerned about me,” he said, regaining his composure. “Now if you will excuse me, I must be about my work.” Sapthan bowed to her formally and made a hasty retreat away, wondering what really had happened to him. He must consult his books of esoteric knowledge to see if there was anything that would be of help.
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Old 02-11-2006, 04:29 AM   #820
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You would do best to remember your place, Tolvadok the Third... the words rankled in Tol's mind. Yes, he had to remember his place. Too often, he had restrained his tongue and his hand when in the presence of Khamul, only because Khamul was his senior.

He seethed, and as usual, his emotions showed all over his face, in an unpleasant grimace, and Khamul, correctly interpreting his silence and expression, laughed jeeringly in triumph. It was a good day for him. The Captain had rebuked him somewhat, but on the other hand, he had got to put down Tolvadok, and soon, Skessa would be getting her due. Yes, it was turning out to be a lovely day.

The gale had driven most people off the streets, and Menetar was deserted and empty, unlike its usual wont.They sped up, anxious to reach Udu's house before Lile did. Idly, Tolvadok wondered if the present weather was annoying Lily... she never did like her hair messed up, especially during her important rendezvous.

On reaching Udu's house, Khamul pulled the bell-rope, and the door was answered by the faithful Ulfang.

"Where is your master?"

"He is busy at the moment-"

"Tell him I've come to see him, and I'm sure he'll be only too glad to busy himself with me." With that Khamul brusquely pushed past Ulfang, who had certainly intended to stop them at the door. As Tolvadok also followed Khamul in without a word, Ulfang resigned himself, and went to announce
the two to Udu.

A few mintues of uncomfortable silent waiting later, Ulfang came to lead them upstairs to a room, where they found Udu waiting for them. A lovely lady who had been reclining on the divan rose to greet them as they entered.
"I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
Death thought about it.
"Cats," he said eventually. "Cats are nice." -Terry Pratchett, Sourcery

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