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Old 01-03-2004, 04:58 PM   #61
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The Orcs were now stuck in thick fighting in the pass of sirion for it was held strongly by Fingon and his host. The Orcs in Dorthonian were slowly being beaten back and all of Dorthonian was amidst a savage battle for if the Orcs won that pass they would be able to attack the rear of Himring and Sirion.

So Meadhros and his brothers fought on. The attcack on Himring was going bad for the defenders as their captain Meadhros was in Dorthonian they had no strong leader. A great many trolls came and with them pushed great seige towers full of Orcs. They brought iron battering rams for their assault on the gate and for now they held.

About this time the fires on Eithel sirion were extinguished and Feanor and Fingolfin readied themselves. But they knew the moment the gates were opened they would be slaughtered by arcers. So the battle continued and still the Legion of Fire led by Gothmog had still not comitted themselves to battle.They were waiting..........
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Old 01-03-2004, 05:54 PM   #62
Lord Manafirogh
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The battle at Dorthonion was going well and Meadhros was slowly driving the orcs back. The swords of the Noldor were long and terrible and the armour of the orcs could not resist them. Even Caranthir had prepared his host and they crossed the river gellion and came to the march of Maedhros and continued their road to Dorthonion. Soon they would be there and that host would prove vital to the victory of Meadhros and the aid of Himring.
The men of Estolad could not sit around and watch while their allies fought for freedom and die in doing so. They made a host of 20.000 strong and marched to the aid of Himring. Word too came to Amord and Amras and they prepared to come to the aid of their brother. They prepared all the men that were fit to fight and marched along the river gellion until they reached Himring. Maglor most important had good friendship with Maedhros so hearing that he needed aid he did not refuse it. He marched straight for Himring. So soon in Himring great aid would come and a strong leader.
Word too was sent to Cirdan the shipwright by Finarfin but none knew whether he would help or not and none knew how much he had grown but they knew he loved not war but the sea and ships.
Now Turgon seeked aid from the eagles and begged Thorondor to aid his Father Fingolfin. All the Noldor had to do is hold their fortress. Feanor was held back by Fingolfin for Feanor had gone mad and wanted to rush to war. And the archers were doing them a great favour and upon the walls they stood and when orcs would use their ladders and get close they would draw their swords and fight until the very last breath.
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Old 01-03-2004, 06:21 PM   #63
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Nazgul The Might of Meadhros.

The Orcs in Dorthonian could not hold ground and were being driven out but it was not to be for with great loss to their own a great host of Uruk-Hai spear came from the hosts and opened up a gap in Maedhros' ranks. Then Orcs came and swarmed over the defenders pile their dead upon them so the living were buried alive.

Soon Meadhros found himself surrounded but he would not yeild and slew heaps of Orcs, But soon his attackers saw that this warrior was a Prince of great power and indeed their lord would reward them for his capture. So Trolls came and still Maedhros would not surrender until a Troll fell upon him crushing him. He was bound by an iron net and dragged away by 3 Trolls.

Dorthonian was momentarily undefended and the Orcs swarmed through. But as they came out from the Pass's of Dorthonian they were hit by a thousand Dwarven arrows. The Dwarves had come. The Orcs charged into the solid ranks of Dain and the Battle for Nan Dungortheb began.......
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Old 01-04-2004, 08:48 AM   #64
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The Battle of Himring

The Battle of Himring had well started. Morgoth had sent 210.000 strong orcs with some war tralls but no balrogs or dragons. Maedhros had left a steward in charge but he was a great leader. However the battle was going well. The orcs had thrice tried to destroy the gates of Himring but had failed for the archers upon the walls were many and the steward had come up with a plan. First he threw oil in great mass down on the orcs then archers with fire arrows fired into the host bellow near the gates. The fire burned many orcs and they fled in terror. Catapults from the walls within Himring fired upon the formatted orcs who fired back with their dreaded war machines. Himring had 70.000 strong elves and they lost around 10.000 defending the walls so far. The orcs however had lost more for they had a dissatvantage they were being attacked from above, they had lost 40.000 so far leaving their number to 170.000. Still they had a great host waiting to enter Himring has soon as the doors were destroyed. Suddendly a great host of men is silver armour an white baners came from behind that great host. They charged down the orcs from behind and took them by surprise. Their cavalry did most the damage and the orcs were dismayed and had no idea what hit them. Then trumpets were blown and shouts came to himring “MAGLOR IS HERE, MAGLOR IS HERE”
Indeed he was and with him he had brought 80.000 elves, many swords man and 10.000 on horses and 10.000 archers who also carried swords. Now the host of Morgoth was being attacked from two fronts and were in dismay. Still they fought on because they had orders to fight until Himring was taken. They were in the middle and stuck between the walls of Himring, where archers form the walls shot thousands of Orcs down and the other side attacked by Maglors host. The war looked well but it was about to get better when a horn blew and Amros and Amrad came and brought with them 35.000 strong elves. Their host had grown strong for they had less wars and more time in peace. They enforced Maglor’s force and now the battle crossed to the elves advantage. The three sons of Feanor did their father proud and were renowned in songs after the battle.
The battle raged on and the orcs had lost many now. Their number was down to 90.000. Heavy casualties the elves also had and their number was down to 100.000 and many of them were inside himring and the host of Maglor had suffered a lot for they were outside and fought long with the orcs. Maglor had only a host of 30.000 left out side attacking the orcs from the other side and Amras and Amrod remained with 15.000. The war was heavily balanced until a last horn sounded and the host from estolad had finally arrived and they were 20.000 strong and they had great and grim swords men. The battle quickly singed to the advantage of the elves and would soon be won. The orcs were now being attacked from three fronts. From the walls of Himring, from opposite end of Himring and from the right flank by the men of Estolad. The orcs were utterly destroyed but heavy casualties had been caused to the elves of Maglor but less to the Elves inside Himring for they were well defended by the mighty walls of Himring. The orcs fled in dismay but were killed for they had no where to go for they were surrounded and slain. Great was the loss of Morgoth, one thing he could look forward to was that great was the loss of elves also but now they had the upper hand and soon would bring aid to Dorthonion.
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Old 01-04-2004, 09:16 AM   #65
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The war Continues

The battle of Himring was won and the orcs had fled and few escaped. Now the host at Himring took the wounded and treated them and Maglor heard news that Maedhros was in Dorthonion. He wished to gather all the men that were not affected that much by the battle and gather them as soon as he could for no news of Maedhros came in Himring. So he gathered all he could from Amras and Amrod and his own and the men of Estolad were given choices wether to join the host marching to Dorthonion and many answered Maglors call and joined him. Now Maglor gathered 30.000 elves and men and marched to Dorthonion, and left Amras and Amrod briefly in charge of Himring.
The war in the pass of Sirion was going well for Fingod was determined to defend that part and soon he would be joined by Finrod and Beleg but Beleg had orders to aid Maedhros in Dorthonion so he had to split his amry with the greatest host heading to Eithel Sirion.
Now Beleg was near Nan Dungorthed and here he split his army has planed before. He sent 25.000 strong and in charge was Gwindor of that host. Soon the Dwarfs would have aid from Maglor and Gwindor and Fingod by Finrod.
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Old 01-04-2004, 11:40 AM   #66
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Now as most of the enemies of Morgoth had concentrated their greatest power in the east at Himring, Fingon was struggling in the pass of Sirion as there was just a minor force there to withstand a mighty Orc assault. Tol Sirion was being scaled and the defenders were in dismay. A great host of Wolf riders came rode down many of Fingons host holding the pass.

They swarmed around Tol sirion like a sea around a bright rock but Fingon was not dismayed for he could see in the east things had gone well for his kinsman and aid would soon come.

The Wolf riders came out of the pass, the captains wished to ride east with haste and crash into the rear of the dwarves fighting there. But it would not be so for coming with great speed the host of Nargothrond with mighty Finrod at their lead. The wolf riders turned their direction south to meet this new threat.

The horses of the Noldor and the wolves of Angband crashed together in a mighty clap. Orcs spearman rushed to dismount their enemies but the ferocious host of finrod slayed them with arrows and sword. They were driven from the pass of sirion their ranks broken but great losses to his own men Finrod had broken the siege of Tol sirion and the west was won.

Now Gothmog and his balrogs and Glaurung and his dragon horde had not unleashed their might for they had wished for the orcs to win th pass's of Sirion,Dorthonian and Himring but it was all a mess. The Uruk-Hai fighting in Nan dungortheb would soon be crushed for they were fighting against too many mighty hosts.

Gwindor and his elves of Nargothrond now joined the fighting and plunged into the thick of it as Gwindor fought with rage for many of his friends and kinsman had been killed. But soon he had cut a path deep into the Uruk-hai and with him were but a few of his stoutest men. He had gotten lost in his rage and was now surrounded. The dwarves fought frantically to reach him but it was too late. A rouge arrow hit him in the thigh and went through the other side. A black poisend arrow which caused great agony too the very bones. An Axe swung for his head, but Gwindor mange to parry it with his broken sheild. The Axe blade clove through his arm above the elbow. But Gwindor still fought on and the Uruk-hai feared that he could not be slain until a troll swung a great hammer crushing Gwindor beneath it. At his death the Uruks were given new strenght but it was too late. The hosts of the dwarves broke them wide open and the the elves of Nargothrond chased them through dorthonian and watched them flee north.

Horns blew for the retreat and all that was left fled back north. Glaurung turned in disgust at the Orc scum and Gothmogs rage was terrible. But many prisoners had been captured and Morgoth was not fully enraged for he had caused great damage to the before un-scarred south. His hosts returned and he closed the gates behind them.
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Old 01-05-2004, 01:30 PM   #67
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Nazgul Broken Alliance.

Dain and Azaghal the dwarf lords sent by their father to aid the Elves of Beleriand looked at the remnants of their 100,000 army in dismay for over half of them had been killed in battle and these losses appaled them.

Azaghal demanded a council with Feanor and said,


But Feanor soon became enraged for it was not his fault that he wasnt at the battle for he was kept within the walls of the Eithel Sirion by fire and orcs. He retaliated with harsh words and Azaghal left the halls with his dwarf body guard forsaking the alliance and returning to the Blue mountains with 35,000 of his remaining army.
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Old 01-07-2004, 01:28 PM   #68
Galdor the tall
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Strider the realms of Durin after the battle

Durin longer melded in the wars of elves and he demanded to have no more dealings with them withiin his realm. But his son Azaghal now falling in love with the daughter of Sister of Turgon, still showed love for the elves an dthe rule in his realm became different to those of his brothers and Father. But Durin losing the trust of his own son decided to build an old realm like the one of belegost but this realm would be greater than any other realm either of dwarfs, elves or men. This realm was to be called gundariun the word made by Durin meaning the great. The building soon began and it took many years untill it became so big it took up all of the blue mountains.
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Old 01-07-2004, 01:57 PM   #69
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Morgoth sat upon his iron throne and peered upon the south. The breaking of the Alliance, and Durin forsaking elves and men were good tidings for Morgoth, but this new realm of the dwarves posed a threat for him. He knew now that the kingdoms to the south were weakening with time for men were not immortal and soon a mighty strike from him could bring about their utter demise but this Bulwark in the east of Gundaruin posed him a threat for he could not occupie the south with such a dangerous foe to the east of him.

Now in Middle-Earth Sauron and his hordes of Orcs and Easterlings had now for long ruled in the North in the Empire of Utumno and had waged war of Khazad-dum and Durins people for a long age. But now Sauron thought to end this war and negotiate with Durin now he had broken the alliance. Sauron saw a great oppertunity with Durin if he could somehow gain his alliance for if that was acheived a mighty attack on Beleriand would come from East and North surely destroying all that stood before them. So Sauron bid his time and pondered........
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Old 01-09-2004, 12:22 PM   #70
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Now a long time past were all sides mustered their strenght as they had now witnessed the real horrors of war they wanted to be prepared. Morgoth in Angband suffered his defeat but now concentrated on building another army for all of his casualties had been Orc,Uruk-hai and Trolls. His most dangerous troops had not been in battle and were still at their full power.

The dwarves however had been working from sunrise to sunrise on their fortress of Gundaruin that stretched the lenght of the bule mountains. They had built almost half way and it was a sight to behold.

(Galdor describe Gundaruin now)
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Old 01-10-2004, 02:40 PM   #71
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Nazgul Saurons move.

So in the east Sauron took the which made him look to the likes of Aule as instructed by Morgoth and to Parley with the Dwarves.

So Morgoth with but a small host of Easterling men came to the eastern gates of Khazad-Dum and Sauron blew his horn and called for Durin to come forth and parley with him.

When the guardians of the gates looked upon the mighty form of Sauron they were afraid and awed for they thought Aule was upon them which is why they did not attack. A large host of Dwarves came which was thrice greater than that of Saurons and they surrounded him with their iron bows drawn.

Durin came among them in his armour and Mithril helm, his axe in hand and he stood before Sauron and said,
''For how many ages have we been at war Sauron master of disguise and deceit and now you come upon my doors in the form of our beloved master asking for parley?? Nay change form and maybe my mind will change from what is set at now.''

And Sauron saw the smouldering flames in his deep eyes and he knew that Durin wished to slay him. So he changed form to that of a large man with a nobility about him. He was clad in royal garments and Durin was eased.
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Old 01-11-2004, 11:40 AM   #72
Lord Manafirogh
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Feanor was worried about the dwarfs and the broken alliance. He wished much to have their aid and arms in war for he knew they were mighty. However he could not tell them what to do and they should make their own decisions regarding who they join.
Fingolfin on the other hand feared they would turn against the Noldor and men of Dor-Lomin and he wished much to debeta and try to solve this with Durin Master of all Dwarfs. So Fingolfin speaking in behalf of both Feanor and Thingol and Hador sent a small Company to travell long to Moria. The elves wished to have good relationship with the dwarves for they needed them at this desperate time and Feanor told the messenger
"On behalf of all the Noldor and Thingol and also Hador we wish you join our alliance and we promise never to offend your kin again and ask for your pardon, for there was great confusing in Dorthonion. We wish to speak and listen to what you say Hurin lord of Moria, mightest of all fortresses."
And that the messengers said to Hurin when he arrived only 4 days before Sauron himself came to the gates of Moria.
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Old 01-11-2004, 12:06 PM   #73
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In secret though Durin had just waited for this moment for so long and now his arch enemy stood before him. The messengers from Beleriand had spoke with him already but Durin had not yet decided on joining the alliance again he was still in council.

Now that Sauron had come he had acted as though he would consider joining him but the thought made him sick to his bones. So he edged closer. His swing must not miss for Sauron was a mighty adversary and if he missed the first blow it could prove fatal for him. So whilst Sauron was talking he had his arms spread wide and said, ''think of what we could accomplish if we put our petty differences aside and become comrades and friends'', as the sentence finished Durin swung his mighty axe and clove Saurons flank. His Red robes were scattered exposing the black armour beneath and durin cried, ''LOOK HE IS CLAD LIKE HIS HEART!! ON THE OUTSIDE HE IS SMOOTH AND BEAUTIFUL BUT BENEATH THE SURFACE LIES A BLACK MALICE!!'' and he swung again but this time Sauron was ready. From beneath his cloak he drew a mighty black, iron sword and parried Durins Axe. He raised the sword above his head to bring it upon Durins crown and split his head but Durin was fast, a sprinter and came into close quarters and with his left hand drew a long knife and pierced Sauron. About the two combatants a battle raged. The Easterlings had reacted with greater haste for the dwarves were worried about their lord the easterlings had charged and slew many. Sauron reared up and grew dark. His battle had begun.
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Old 01-11-2004, 12:30 PM   #74
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Nazgul Sauron Vs Durin

Rain heaved down upon them. Thunder clapped and dwarves issued from the gates of Khazad-dum. They had heard the great commotion and many battalions had come forth. But Sauron was not so foolish as to come to the doors of Durin unprepared. A little further north he had a ferocious host of Uruk-Hai lying in wait. The easterlings had sounded the alarm and they had rushed forward.

They broke into the fresh dwarves and held them at bay whilst the easterlings fought with Durins guards.

Sauron had not yet damaged Durin in any way and was being consumed by rage. He cast aside his sword and came at Durin bare handed. Durin hewed Saurons fore arm and black blood spewed forth. Sauron cried out and smote upon Durins helm with his fist. The crown crumpled like tin and Durin toppled from the force but he was unhurt but shaken. He rolled aside as Saurons great iron clad foot came crashing down. Durin leaped up and was cast down again by Saurons fist, his breast plate shattered. But Durin was the Father of Dwarves and was built as hard as the foundations of the earth. He knew he could not defeat Sauron like this so in a last desperate move he hurled his Axe at Saurons face. With suck speed it whistled through the air and Sauron could not parry it. With a terrible sound of cloven steel the Axe slammed into his gaurded face, cleaving through the steel and piercing him. Saurons body was destroyed but his spirit fled back to Angband. The Uruk-Hai fled and the easterlings were run down and slaughtered. This loss was terrible to Morgoth but his retribution would be swift.
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Old 01-12-2004, 03:49 PM   #75
Lord Manafirogh
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Of the Plantiri

Many wonderful things Feanor had made in Aman. Among the Silmarils were the plantirs. Those that watch from afar they were called. They had the power to see far and wide by looking into them and seeing the wide lands and seas inside. Seven of them Feanor made and they could prove vital to the war of the silmarils. Feanor had taken them with him and spread them to his allies.
One was given to Thingol and Melian and Melian was mighty and learned to take full advantage of the Plantirs quickly.
One was given to Fiingolfin in Eithel Sirion.
One was sent to Himring.
One was given to Finarfin and his son Finrod in nargathrond.
One was given to Hador in Dor-Lomin.
Two Feanor had himself and one he sent to Durin has a gift. Durin was might so looked far and wide even reaching Menegroth where some of his dwarves dwelled.
Another thing that Feanor could not get out of his head was regarding the capture of his son Maedhros and he urged Thingol to finally strike Angaband rather then let Morgoth grow strong in peace.
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Old 01-12-2004, 03:51 PM   #76
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Nazgul Saurons return.

Saurons disgraced spirit came back to Angband and he begged before Morgoth for a new body. If it was any other less than Sauron, Morgoth would have banished his spirit to an eternity between realms but no. Morgoth needed such a captain as Sauron to Govern and control where his own concentration is not focused. So from his right hand Morgoth took a black ring of some evil metal and upon it were carved many horrific runes of sorcery and in it was a great power and Morgoth gave this to Sauron.

As his body was regenerated it came back in power ten fold. He was in the form of a huge dark lord to the likes of Morgoth. He wore a terrible helm that was the form of some evil phantom of black steel. Sauron was thankful to Morgoth and returned to the east and now his whole being was focused on the destruction of Durin. He gathered to him a huge force of Uruk-Hai, Orcs and Trolls and the Easterlings had now grown in might and numbers and he prepared his assault of Khazad-Dum.
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Old 01-12-2004, 05:11 PM   #77
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Melian wife of Thingol had seen what had happened in Moria and she told Feanor of those tidings. Melian senced great loss for the dwarves and a darkening on the sky. This was said to be around the time Sauron had put on the ring Morgoth gave to him.
Feanor now saw his chance to renew the alliance with Durin. Feanor wished to repay the favour to Durin when his people marched from the blue mountains to aid Feanors host in Dorthonion.
Feanor ordered a host of 50.000 to march to Moria and do what they could to help the dwarves at Khazhad- dum. The largest of that host were from Nargathrond and Eithel Sirion. Some men also went for they wished to see the fortresses of the Dwarves that many tales they had heard. The elves travelled long and un rested. Around the time Sauron was thought to have made his forces ready the elves came near Baranduin and soon crossed it.
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Old 01-14-2004, 01:06 PM   #78
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Nazgul The breaking of Meadhros

Even as Saurons forces massed in the east, Meadhros was brought before Morgoth in the deepest dungeon of Angband were the only light came from the Balrogs who stood as sentinals beside the great iron doors of the vault.

Meadhros had withstood the Orcs torture and had revealed nothing to them so Morgoth had the son of his enemy brought before him. Meadhros was unchained and he stood before Morgoth and in his heart he knew that the power of Morgoth was indominable. But still he defied the dark lord and looked upon his face but his will wavered as their eyes met. In them Meadhros saw the destruction and carnage wrought by his armies upon Meadhros' people. And there he saw his father - Feanor chained by his arms and legs to great iron posts and he was engulfed in a black flame and Meadhros' heart quailed. He fell to his knees as a slave of Morgoth.
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Old 01-14-2004, 01:33 PM   #79
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Now as Meadhros was bound to the will of Morgoth he did his bidding and Morgoth controlled him.

Meadhros was taken into the tremendous smithies and armouries of Angband and there his face was grim. Upon him was set arms by the Elven slaves which were captured. They had wrought mail in the likes of round fishscales but these were jet black. Over this he wore bronze armour plate with steel forged with it. Upon this Morgoth had marked a curse in which only those of bloodline with Meadhros may hinder him, no others. And this curse was bound with Morgoths will and could not be broken by none. His helm was of a different kind. Dark gold and black steel it was and it rose to many sharp points of iron. Upon the brow were three dragon heads snarling and ferocious. Aloso there was a strange steel visor which covered his face save his eyes which now glowed an evil red. Upon this were many intricate designs and hideous faces. About him he wore a black and scarlet cloak indicating his rank. For weapons, in his right hand he held a dark, sword its name was cursed none were able to mutter it. Its edge sharp enough to cleave the greatest or armour. In his left hand he bore a huge red sheild and upon its field was a horrific face of an elf his features twisted and distorted in agony. Even the Orcs who looked upon it turned they faces in fear.

Meadhros the captain of the dark was upon the world. May the valar have mercy upon those in his path.
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Old 01-14-2004, 04:47 PM   #80
Lord Manafirogh
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The host of Curufin was closing in to the gates of Kazhad-dum and hoped to reach it in time.
Back in Eithel Sirion, Fingolfin seeing the Enemy move decided to prapare his host and he send messengers to Menegroth, Dor-lomin, Nargathrond and Himring urging them to prepare theirs host for a dark time could be seen even by the eyes of children.
Feanor on the other hand was growing sick of Morgoth sitting in his throne plotting against him and holding his son hostage. He urged Thingol to finally attack Angband. Thingol held cuncil with Finarfin and Finarfin still bitter about his two sons agreed. He offered his help and promised he would march also to angband to meet his enemy and the darkness which brought him so much grieve. So Feanor High King of the Noldor slowly became a strong commander both in Eithel Sirion and Menegroth and commanded many things. Thigol hated this but the people of Menegroth grew to love Feanor for he dwelled there alot and tought them many wonderful things in craft. Feanor was also a Powerfull speaker and he made many speeches regarding the Siege of Angband.
"We must strike the enemy, We are letting him grow stronger while our king sits in his throne safe and sound"
Thingol warned Feanor never again to cross Thingol.
"Too far you have gone this far, Feanor son of Finwe. I warn you not to trouble my people again. I will decided wether we go to war or not. One more time and i will banish you from my lands."
Feanors eyes burned hot but he held his tongue for he needed the alliance of Thingol who had the strongest army of all allies safe the dwarves. Thingol however could not do much to stop the Seige of Angband. Feanor had too much power in Menegroth and people now listened to him. Melian was loved but she did not interfer with war.
Soon the great host of Elves and Men and possibly dwarves would march to the doors of Angband and strike a deadly blow to the enemy.
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