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Old 11-11-2004, 11:10 PM   #61
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Finally, as it neared dark, Calyniel got up, and went towards the palace, hoping she might find a crowd to mingle with for a while. She was in luck... there was a large group of Kishin women heading to the palace for some party. She joined them, unnoticed, and went with them into the palace. As she walked, she kept her ear open for gossip, hoping it might be important, but all she heard she already knew... Mostly they only spoke of Eladda's death. It took a lot of effort to keep her usually effortless carefree expression, and was even harder for her to smile and laugh when they seemed to expect her to.

As they continued to walk, she heard something that confirmed what she already expected. "I heard" she heard a women say quietly, conspiratorially, "that he wasn't the only spy, and that they think they'll catch his partner soon. What do you think?"

That was adressed at Calyniel, and for a moment she nearly panicked, but she managed to answer nonchalantly anyways. "I guess they will." She shrugged, as though she couldn't care less. "What difference does that make? It's not like he's endangering us any. He's just a spy. Why should you think the spy had a partner, anyways, and what makes you think the partner, if he does exist, would stay near here?"

"Where else should he go?"

"Anywhere! Everywhere!" said Calyniel, not wanting to give away anything.

Just then the movement of the crowd brought the two apart, and Calyniel nearly breathed a sigh of relief... that was close! She continued moving untill they got to the doors of the room in which the party was. She considered going in... after all, that was the way she usually spied... by listening to gosip and talk at parties and gatherings... it was amazing how revealing those things could be. But she sensed she wouldn't find out enough that way, and that her visions had shown the tunnels for a reason. She slipped out of the crowd, hopefully still unnoticed.
"...but I love not the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend: the city of the Men of Numenor."

"'I would,' said Faramir. And he took her in his arms and kissed her under the sunlit sky, and he cared not that they stood high upon the walls in the sight of many. And many indeed saw them and the light that shone about them as they came down from the walls and went hand in hand to the Houses of Healing."

Last edited by ethuiliel : 11-12-2004 at 05:06 PM.
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Old 11-12-2004, 11:17 PM   #62
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[ooc: just for the record, we had left, and it was while they were leaving that we met, TB, but not that things have switched up... Also, you definitly gave me Zaminzan not Gorneldor, but we can switch things up for you.]

Kirsianri sped down the hall ways. So long had she kept the others waiting that they hadn't been able to leave the day before, and was thretening to do so again. Onem had sent her the knoledge that Cylaniel had made exceptional speed as all ways, making the usual two month journey in under a day's ride. At least one thing was looking up, and now Pathan had called her attention to someone else who just decided to come out of no where, not giving any reasons to see her.

"Yes," she sniped, entering the room where the man had been waiting, though truly trying to hold back her temper as she answered a rather anoying question that Pathan often asked. Then she turned to the man.

"You have come at a rather pressing time, sir...?" she said.
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Old 11-13-2004, 12:53 AM   #63
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OOC: I never said exactly how long it took her, I wasn't sure how far it was. But... I guess it's probably easier if she does have exceptional speed for some reason... I guess her horse, though I haven't even named him, is quite special...


Calyniel wandered around for a while, until she noticed that a lot of guards were stationed in a small, seemingly insignificant area. She guessed that that was probably where Eladda was caught, and turned aside in another direction. As she walked down that hall, she saw someone in guard uniform walking up and down the same hall, but his back was turned away for the moment. Realizing she had no excuse to be there, she ducked through the nearest door, quietly closing it behind her. She stumbled about in this dark, unlit room, until she tripped over a box and, reaching her hand out to steady herself, pushed against another box, moving it slightly. She got back to her feet, and walked over to that box, curious because she thought it had been against a wall. She felt along the wall, and found a slight, barely perceptible, indentation. She pushed against it, and found a small door, just over a foot tall, and barely wide enough to slide through. She did so, and found herself in a narrow, dark, tunnel, just high enough for her to crawl in, then turned to move the box back over the hole in the wall. After a moment's thought, she slipped off the dress she had on over her other clothes, and lay it on the ground, after removing a layer of dust from the ground... she didn't think it'd be a good idea to ruin the dress, she probably wouldn't be able to explain that if she were seen.
She began to crawl, slowly, quietly, until, finally, she heard quiet voices. She stopped and pressed her ear to the wall to hear better, but couldn't make anything out just yet.

OOC: I know I'll overhear something about Balaparthion (sp?), but should I make most of the rest up?
"...but I love not the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend: the city of the Men of Numenor."

"'I would,' said Faramir. And he took her in his arms and kissed her under the sunlit sky, and he cared not that they stood high upon the walls in the sight of many. And many indeed saw them and the light that shone about them as they came down from the walls and went hand in hand to the Houses of Healing."

Last edited by ethuiliel : 11-13-2004 at 12:55 AM.
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Old 11-14-2004, 07:56 PM   #64
trolls' bane
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Originally Posted by trolls' bane
"Gorneldor. And my two friends, Anderegiel, the Ranereth, and Khimûriu, the Ompatha'in. Go! Quickly!"
"Yes sir," the man said, again, hesitantly.
Zaminzan was one of the names I use. Gorneldor sounds more like a man's name than a tree's name.

"Ah it's about time!" said Gorneldor, bowing. "I'm very sorry about delaying you. I hope you don't mind my intrusion. This is Anderegiel, the Ranereth, and Khimûriu, the Ompatha'in.
Now, I plan to follow you on this. But, would it surprise you to learn that this city has several flaws in its walls' construction. If you need better defense, I would be glad to help. But first," he lowered his voice to a wisper, "I'm mainly here to root out a spy within this very house, probably this very room. I have a trap set..." he glanced around the room at the occupants.
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Old 11-14-2004, 09:47 PM   #65
Camellia Baggins
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Rania rode through the moutan pass, and wondering weather or not to change her form. No she thought, this is not the time. smouthing her hand over the glossy mane of her horse, a loyal companion since birth. Cassandra was a mustang Rania had been there when she was a foal and was quick to rase her, and brake her in. Never her sprit, just her physique. At heart she was a wild thing, as wild as rania herself. Her hair louse she was found sweet in nature, and mysteriouse. Any secret she harbored she hid it well she was a fair shimmery golden beauty with expressive face and a body men could lust after if she ever let one near, wich was never as often as men wouldi've liked. In fact if one got clouse, she changed into a fox. before scampering off. Admitedly warry of men, she found it easyer to never be seen by one, or confronted eather. but when her spirt grew retless she herself could turn her, and horse into a hawk. Livving in the wild suited her. She was a strong, cappabble girl,laid her own fires and slept in trees most comfortabbly. She planned to summer in a medowland. Whare rivver run fresh, and she could clean up her apprence. her weppons of choice she carried easealy were a bow, and a endless suply of arrows, a dagger, hiddin in the boot. a elvish sword and a sling shot. i have neglected to mention rania was as elvish as a elves could get. she reached the peek smileing she saw she had far not to go and began her desent.

Last edited by Camellia Baggins : 11-14-2004 at 10:12 PM.
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Old 11-14-2004, 09:54 PM   #66
trolls' bane
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ooc: No offense. I just can't understand an entire paragraph without punctuation. Unless it is a list.
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Old 11-15-2004, 07:26 PM   #67
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ooc: If its okay, Camellia Baggins, can I meet up with your charcter during your journey through the mountain pass. My charcter is about to leave Mordor and enter Rathlas. I have no idea if that is in fact where you are or if you are heading there but I would like to meet up with you (even though I am a male elf)
so we can both be put into the mix of the story. But it is up to you. For now I have no plans yet but to reach Rthlas and explore the meaning of the stone around my neck and why everyone is wanting me for it. (You know they want to use me for my stone come on )

Okay its dinner time so I will finish this post after dinner and homework.
"I know less then half of you half as well as I should like. And I like less then half of you half as well as you deserve."
Bilbo Baggins
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Old 11-15-2004, 08:31 PM   #68
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ic: Dulin and Orodroch made there way around the steep cliffs and desserts that made up the desolete lands of Mordor. Since the plant life finally ceased, Orodroch plodded along misreably giving Dulin looks on anger and occasionaly spitting at him with what was left of his spit. Dulin only ignored him but made sure that he was given plenty of water and food along the way.

Finally after a few days of plodding the horrible terain(sp) the two companions reached a small mountain and when they came to the other side a large river flowed between Mordor and a lush green forest that psread far out into large mountains. Dulin smiled broadly and lead his llama to the river and allowed him to get a well deserved drink. Dulin also filled his own water skin and swigged at it happily as the cool water touched his parched tongue adn chapped lips.
Dulin wiped the water from his mouth and lead the reluctant llama away towards the shallower part of the river so they could cross.
"Stop being stubborn now." He siad to the llama.
"If we don't cross as far away from this land as we can we will end up being caught by something. Youdon't want to go back there do you?" He asked Orodroch who answered at once by pulling the elf across the river by force. Dulin gasped as he fell in the cool water and jumped back up as they reached the shore.
Dulin gave the llama a hard look but then laughed and gave him a pat on the neck causing the llama to hum happily.
"Let's head for the mountains and see what we can find on the way there." He said gently to the llama.
"Maybe I can find the answers to this odd stone I have here." Dulin said as he rubbed it unconsciously.
"I know less then half of you half as well as I should like. And I like less then half of you half as well as you deserve."
Bilbo Baggins
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Old 11-16-2004, 11:49 PM   #69
Camellia Baggins
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Rania mett the meddows rolling in the wind grass with a sigh. It was soft, springy she stared up at a blue sky. Looking about seeing she was alone, she walked to the rivver run, stripped down to her undergarments and swam. She laid on her back and floated. her hair splaying around her face, when a splash sent her flying. A boys head emerged, imbarresed beyond beilf she fled to the bank, and out. but before she could change form, the boy had ahold of her ancle, in his warm grasp.
" Llet go of me you, you"
she sputterd
" its martinelli"
the boy said in a warm tennor
" then stand aside sir, whoever you might be. and let me dress."
she demanded
" why you are dressed."
martinelli told her
" i am in my undergarments sir, now turn away"
Rania said in a rage, Martineilli took off a travveling cloak
" Pray then, ware my cloak. I do not care how you are dressed, i find you bold, a dareing girl at that. Fear me not."
he told her offering the cloak she took the cloak, and wrapped it around herself. She glanced at him with warry eyes, he had a dark brown shock of hair, falling into perceing green eyes. A finely chisiled face tall, yet musculer. dressed in simple traveler clouthes.
" You find me atractive, and i must say for a girl in undergarments wrapt in my cloak you are fair in beauty."
he told her coller etched her cheeks. She handed the cloak back,
" Your obviousely oppen to faltery, and are as suspetabble to it as the next man. It dose not matter my oppion"
Rania told him loftaly
" do you plan to summer here?"
matineilli asked of her
" what if i am, find your own meddow good sir."
She retorted
" i meerly ask out of criosity, then i shalt go. we will meet agan."
martineilli chalenged, why dose the challenge sound like a promise, and bring a tingle to the skin. she thought to herself, and why is my heart beating so wildy.
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Old 11-17-2004, 05:31 PM   #70
Lostyia Delr-Padroot
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At the peak of a hill two old friend bask in the color of the sunset preparing themselves for the start of the adventure they both knew was bound to happen.

"She's grown."

"Your going to do it. Your going to follow the prophacy. You know it would be a better idea if you bought this copper flute from me instead of that old wooden one. I'll even give you a deal." the old dwarf said anxously trying to change Padroots train of thought even though he new she was stuck in her ways.

"It's time." the old woman took it apon herself to open the truth.

Finding every excuse possible he couldn't found a worst on to use."Your old..." being a proud woman of her age she would not take that as a bad thing. "Even so, I plan to live another 2,500 years."

"You mean 2,236 years."

"Yes, another 2,236 years scence I only a mear 2,764 years wish to live my life to the fullest and if that means followin a prophacy than I shall. I've done my studing Pavhowlh and I know that this girl is a good one to follow and protect."

"For now" he said in an irritated tone.

"For now" she repeats in a calm toan.

Trying once more "There's a little town just south of.."

"Silence."her eyes turn a exotic shade of purple.

"I won't silence. that may hush a crowded inn, or hundreds in a town, even thousands in an army, but LOSTYIA DELR-PADROOT you will not silence..."

"You." She says a she whisps away is voice."you will not be silent. There is a large difference between you and those you speak of. they choose to stop becaus of importsnt information that they miss otherwise. For that they are wise. you are a fool and so you are forced to. As for the prophacy I will follow it untill i see fit not to."
in a bit sweeter toan she added "I will give your voice only so you can order us some drinks for I am poor and wish not to spend my money but yours for the inconveince you gave me." " Having to use my powers, how foolish!"

As the sunset finishes its last drop of color on the town before them he relizes that she has already chosen and won't change her mind. For the life of him he has not quite figured out how to change her stubbornous. But knowing her for most of his 135 years he knows to change that would be a sin.
well pickles.
bears i love mystical creatures.
emokid, i.d. selling -metophysically
she raises her wooden flute to spite pavhowlh.

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Last edited by Lostyia Delr-Padroot : 11-18-2004 at 02:11 PM.
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Old 11-18-2004, 11:31 PM   #71
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"I know not who you think you are, Gorneldor," Kirsinari said, her tone dangerously sweet. "To tell me the flaws in a city built by your own, Telokin people. I know the weaknesses. I know." At that last, her voice became lower, almost a snarling wolf. "As for the so called spy you claim to have set a trap for, for get it. I need not the help of yet another man."

"The only things I'm truly interested in are far from here. Other than the fact that you travel with both a Ranareth and an Ompatha'in." she said, eyeing Anderegiel, and Khimûriu. "It's no wonder why they didn't tell me right off."

Why was she being so snippy? Others had come to her in years past like this, and she'd not treated a one of them like she was Gorneldor.
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Old 11-19-2004, 12:52 AM   #72
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As Calyniel lay silently, she began to be able to hear what was being said. The first voice she heard was a solid baratone she didn't recognize. "Lady," she heard--barely--some rustling. "The next piece of the Key." Another piece of the key found... Calyniel had to make sure to remember that

"How manny more are there to be found?" a tennor man's voice asked, a voice which she recognized as Kaven, the senior advisor to Areanna.

"Three." A warm alto voice said, (She was sure it was Areanna herself). "Two in my sister's posession, and one in a traveler's hands." Which traveler? Calyniel wondered... well it was still useful to know.

"How can you be so sure?" Kaven asked.

"I know my sister well, and Onem has shown me the traveler." Areanna said.

"Do you believe that this is what Eladda was speaking of when we caught him, Lady?" the baratone man asked, and Calyniel, though hidden, bit her lip, filled with fear and grief, but desperate to be silent.

"No." she said. "He found out about the woman called Evelyn. She'll be taken care of soon enough." Taken care of? That seemed to confirm her vision.

Calyniel waited a little longer, but heard nothing more of importance, so she slowly crawled back the way she came, ready to deliver the news to Kirsinari.

OOC: Thanks for helping me, Narinya_Cocachitawa, I don't think I could have come up with this alone... well I know I couldn't.
"...but I love not the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend: the city of the Men of Numenor."

"'I would,' said Faramir. And he took her in his arms and kissed her under the sunlit sky, and he cared not that they stood high upon the walls in the sight of many. And many indeed saw them and the light that shone about them as they came down from the walls and went hand in hand to the Houses of Healing."
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Old 11-20-2004, 12:00 AM   #73
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ic: Dulin and Orodroch walked along a narrow path through the mountains enjoying the scenery, the soft gurgle of the streams, and the fat juicy grass occasionaly eaten on the way.
Dulin smiled, he was glad that the llama was not angry at him anymore and that they could be friends again. In other words Orodroch would stop spitting at him at radnom moments of the journey.
Dulina dn Orodroch decided they would camp out near the base of the other side of the mountain where the small stream they were following ended and met the large river.
dulin put out his soft mossy bed mat and lied down and covered himself with his blanket that he had since he was a young fifty year old child. It was amazing to him that it had survived for so long. He had stoped keeping up with his age now a days amd just lived his life free of wondering how long he had been alone and simply thought about where he would go.

As soon as Dulin was about to close his eyes for the night a shadow by the fire light caught his eyes in the distance.
"I know less then half of you half as well as I should like. And I like less then half of you half as well as you deserve."
Bilbo Baggins
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Old 11-20-2004, 12:22 AM   #74
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Calyniel came to the end of the tunnel, and picked up her dress. She dusted it off and pulled it back on. She then pushed the box covering the door slightly aside and peered out. Seeing nothing, she climbed out of the tunnel, and closed the hole in the wall, then pulled the box back in place. She went to the door, slowly, so she wouldn't trip over anythign in the dark, and put her ear to the door. She heard nothing, so she gently pushed the door open and stepped out. She saw the retreating back of a guard, and began to walk in the other direction... right into the path of a guard who had been pacing another hall. "Who are you?" he demanded.
"Calyniel." she said truthfully, seeing no reason that her name should betray her.
"What are you doing here?"
"I got lost. I was going to the party, but I realized I forgot something. So I went back, and I got lost."
"Why should you come down here? And why are you so late? The party started an hour ago."
"I thought this was the way out." She said, quietly. "I'd been wandering around trying to find the way out ever since I returned. I have a horrible sense of direction." She said the last rather wistfully.
"I don't believe you! Come with me!"
"But... I'm telling the truth!"
"We'll see about that soon enough. Come along now..."
"...but I love not the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend: the city of the Men of Numenor."

"'I would,' said Faramir. And he took her in his arms and kissed her under the sunlit sky, and he cared not that they stood high upon the walls in the sight of many. And many indeed saw them and the light that shone about them as they came down from the walls and went hand in hand to the Houses of Healing."
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Old 11-20-2004, 05:51 PM   #75
Lostyia Delr-Padroot
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The crowd started to gather around waiting in antisipation for the next beheading. its quite sad really this crule display has turned to a sport for the residents. bets were becalled at a random speed.
"ill go for 50 that this one is a spy."
"ill do 100 that it is some poor servant that forgot something and made her mad."
"i change my mind i go 150 for the spy. remember last week its probably the partner."

"oh how rite they are" the old dwarf said in a whisper.

"what are you doing here this is not your place."

"don't you think that youll need old resourcefull me?"

"knowing you youll just make a bigger mess of things. but i guess its to late now. go to "the GREEN EYES" inn and get our way out ready talk to Hassen-olk tell him you are a travling wonderer looking for some bad ale. he'll get you set up we have no time to waste." the old hag said sternly.

"do this do that all you do is order me around."

"you have to pay the consequnces for being an uninvited guest some how."

as he left the humogous executioner came out with a ragged looking kishin. he started to go on his usuall spiel on how trators have to pay etc. and so on. then he got to the juicy part. " here is one of the worst kinds of filth a spy, a fool if i say so my self.....

occ: sorry have to leave i will finish monday.
well pickles.
bears i love mystical creatures.
emokid, i.d. selling -metophysically
she raises her wooden flute to spite pavhowlh.

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Old 11-21-2004, 10:53 PM   #76
Camellia Baggins
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scirus i would love if our charectors could meat up right now im in a meddowland just beyond the shire im on my way to meet kin in evlesdale could somewhare in your adventures could we meat up in the misty moutans? gotta go back to my mystery novel bye
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Old 11-21-2004, 11:06 PM   #77
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By fire light rania looked mysteriouse. the flames were a foot high, the fire warm. She had cooked a potato, spiliting it oppen she melted some butter on it, and ate. The stars were luiminouse in a dark sky. She heard foot steps, desendeing quiclky into the meddow, with spead she gatherd watter from the rivver, doused the fire, before changeing form. Watching, she saw a young man set up camp on the other side. Laying down on her haunchs, she fell asleap not wanting to deal with this intruder untill morning.
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Old 11-22-2004, 06:28 PM   #78
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Originally Posted by Camellia Baggins
scirus i would love if our charectors could meat up right now im in a meddowland just beyond the shire im on my way to meet kin in evlesdale could somewhare in your adventures could we meat up in the misty moutans? gotta go back to my mystery novel bye
O.C: Unfortunatly my charcter is right now suppose to be beyond Middoe earth and in Rathlas.(sp) He left Middle Earth afetr his adventures in Mordor. The whole story is in another land so it is kinda hard for my charcter to be in the Shire and Misty Mountains when he is in Rathlas. I thought your character was near or in Rathlas. If not then our charcters are not in the same spot yet. Though they can meet up in Rathlas in one point of the story if that is possible but not in Middle Earth since the whole story is staged somewhere else.
"I know less then half of you half as well as I should like. And I like less then half of you half as well as you deserve."
Bilbo Baggins
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Old 11-23-2004, 05:15 PM   #79
Lostyia Delr-Padroot
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co-posted with ethuiliel

“All who betray the great Areanna are fools and this sad sap is the reason why any last wishes.” She began to speak but could not say anything for the executioner kept going. “Take her as an example. Take her as a warning…” the stage where she was laying on was high enough to see every one below. As she looked to take her last glance of the world she saw a hooded figure start glowing, looking to the executioner she could tell that over his arrogance that he could not tell there was anything out of the ordinary.
“And now time to meet your death” she could see the glint of silver swinging up and coming down.

“Nooooooooooo!” she screams in her head “not like Eladda!!”

“Oh calm down you fool, people might suspect something. I don’t like this being your babysitter you know. But you can stop making a big deal. Soon they are going to figure out and we need to be long gone. Why isn’t she here yet? This was her idea. Want some ale. Guess not. Good I’ll have yours.” “I’m Povhowlh by the way. Don’t worry I know who you are.”

Bong bong bong. The bell rang
“That’s our cue, put this on don’t want any one to recognize you.”


“Are we going. Well quite simple, out.”

They left out of the inn through the front door. Povhowlh started swaying back and forth and she thought it was the right things to do to help him to the carriage. “Good, keep a good hold and don’t let go until we are all the way in. I am just a drunk old fool keep that in mind if anyone tries to stop us. Run if I tell you to but only if I tell you to.” He whispered so lightly, she could barely here over the drip drop of the rain clashing against the ground.

It wasn’t until they were a distance away till she dared to speak. She was in wonder of whom these two people were. The Povhowlh character was completely soaked with a hefty bag he was holding close to his heart. Guessing it was money she turned her attention to the cloaked one. Surprisingly enough it had not one drop on it. And the more she concentrated on this figure she realize it was the glowing figure from earlier.
well pickles.
bears i love mystical creatures.
emokid, i.d. selling -metophysically
she raises her wooden flute to spite pavhowlh.

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Old 11-23-2004, 05:22 PM   #80
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"Who...Who are you? What happened? Why? Why am I not...? What's going on? How did I get from there to here? What happened? Who are you?" Calyniel babbled, confused, as soon as they were far enough from the execution site that she felt relatively safe... though she'd probably never feel safe again.
"...but I love not the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend: the city of the Men of Numenor."

"'I would,' said Faramir. And he took her in his arms and kissed her under the sunlit sky, and he cared not that they stood high upon the walls in the sight of many. And many indeed saw them and the light that shone about them as they came down from the walls and went hand in hand to the Houses of Healing."
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