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Old 04-26-2007, 03:44 PM   #61
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The elf opens a door and walks down a hall, lit only by torches. He comes to a set of stairs and at the top slides open a large window, large enough for two men to go through. He aims his arrow with a smile and begins shooting orcs off very quickly. He never misses. He stands there as if he has no worries of being shot due to the large window. He yells to Darius "These fools couldn't hit the white side of the White Tower!" He continues firing for a few more moments before slamming the windows closed and turning and going up another winding stair case up to a tower. In the top (Which is very large) there are about forty barrels, empty. He opens a glass window and rolls one out, allowing it to land splat onto a uruk. He continues to throw them out..
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Old 04-27-2007, 04:09 AM   #62
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"Indeed" yells darius with a smile whilst firing through slits.
He smiles thats some elf darius thinks to himself he runs up the stairs until he reaches the elf.
"I'm all out of ideas i dont know what to do theoden has lost all hope and the men turn to us and aragorn for leadership"
Darius then stands there and takes two arrows from his quiver fouling 2 orcs he then runes over to a stack of barrels and thinks...."I have an idea" but i need gun powder he looks up and smiles at the elf the elf nods he knows what Darius means.
Captain Jack Sparrow: When you marooned me on that god forsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate: I’m Captain Jack Sparrow.

Cortana: So have you got a plan to get out?
Master Chief: I was gonna shoot my way out. Mix things up a little.
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Old 04-27-2007, 11:44 AM   #63
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"You plan to make your own fires of Isengard? Where do you expect to find the powder then!?", asks the elf as he rolls a barrel out. As it hits the ground there is a splat, and the elf looks down to see a crushed orc.
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Old 04-28-2007, 01:17 AM   #64
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"my friend" said darius and put his arm across the elfs shoulder and looked down at the crushed orc, "theres always a way to get what you need for instance those isengard beserkers they carry bombs do they not or those sappers, what i need to do is kill a sapper take his bomb and get back up to the castle window unharmed from arrow fire, easy enough wouldnt you say?"
Captain Jack Sparrow: When you marooned me on that god forsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate: I’m Captain Jack Sparrow.

Cortana: So have you got a plan to get out?
Master Chief: I was gonna shoot my way out. Mix things up a little.
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Old 04-28-2007, 11:01 AM   #65
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"Yes, why not try it with this on," he said handing a brownish cloak which he pulled from his pack. "Its from Rivendell. It will help you blend in with the land scape. Its also thick enough to stop an arrow or two, they tell me. But if the arrow is on fire... It could cause alot of smoke," he says with a smile. "Be careful," He says and he turns and pushes another barrel, smashing yet another Uruk.
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Old 04-29-2007, 05:56 PM   #66
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Darius raps the cloak around him and says "I will becareful" with that he ties a rope around him and finds a window he then ties one part of the rope to a large metal meat hook then swings out of the window.
When he lands he sees the brutish creatures walking around and standing by camp fires talking in their own strange languages and feasting on dead men and elves.
Darius stays low to the groud and uses the darkness to his advantage he unhooks the rope from him and lets it hang so he can climb back up if needed.
He see's two orc sappers leaning against one of their bombs to the west and goes in for a closer look. there is one beserker there aswell but no other guards.Darius draws his bow and looses an arrow into the back of a sappers head then throws a throwing knife into the other both sappers fall dead.
The beserker looks around for a sign of the enemy then all of a sudden he is takled to the groud and loses his sword he turns over and see's Darius above him Darius strikes down with his sword but the beserker launches himself into Darius and knocks him over, darius scrambles to his feet and goes to grab his swords but it is kicked away by the beserker. Darius is then kicked by the beserker and he rolls away darius jumps back up and takes out a knife which he thrusts into the beserkers stomach the beserker stumbles back and darius punches him in the neck. The beserker dazed pulls the knife out tackles Darius to the ground and holds the knife to his throat Darius attempts to hold the knife back but his strength is failing him as he is fatigued, just as the beserker is about to strike the killing blow Darius grabs the beserkers sword and pushes the beserker off him and swings the sword with all his remaining strength and slices the beserker in half. Darius sighs and leans against the bomb but then he see's tourches in the distance, Darius grabs the bomb and ties it to himself useing another rope he covers himself in the cloaks and ran through the undergrowth until he reaches the rope he attaches him self to the rope and begins to pull himself up. "I dont have enough strength left" Darius says with a smile just as he thought that he wouldnt make it with the seemingly endless tide behind him the elf begins pulling him up.When Darius reaches the top he thanks the elf and plants the bomb in a barrel.
Captain Jack Sparrow: When you marooned me on that god forsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate: I’m Captain Jack Sparrow.

Cortana: So have you got a plan to get out?
Master Chief: I was gonna shoot my way out. Mix things up a little.
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Old 04-29-2007, 06:21 PM   #67
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"Now what?", asks the elf. "You almost got yourself killed out there. Now that we have the bomb they will try and get to us," he says and he turns to the stairs and yells, "Bar the doors. We may have company comming!"

Suddenly a ladder slams onto the window and an orc starts climbing up. The elf kicks the ladder and sends the smashing onto each other, however one runs up with a torch and throws up up at the window. The torch falls into the room, setting one of the barrels on the far end on fire. It quickly starts to spread twards the bomb, and the room is filled with smoke. "Ides now!?" cries the elf as he tries to drag the barrel away and to the stairs. "We can't throw it back out. They will use it now, they are angry" he cries as the fire spreads across the barrels and onto the tapstres.
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Old 04-30-2007, 02:06 AM   #68
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"Always thought on your feet didnt you" yelled Darius, he ran up and kicked the barrel down the stairs and ran down after "try to stop that fire spreading!" Darius yelled back up the stairs "I have an idea" with that he pulled off the top of the barrel and pulled the bombs wick up through a hole in the barrel the wick was now 30cm long now that might give him enough time.
He slammed the lid back on and bottled it shut with nails and a strong rock, the uruks battered against the door.
The slf slammed the last fire door shut on the stair case and came down.
"we need to reach the highest tower!" yelled Darius he grabbed a tourch and they began their rush against time to reach the top.
Captain Jack Sparrow: When you marooned me on that god forsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate: I’m Captain Jack Sparrow.

Cortana: So have you got a plan to get out?
Master Chief: I was gonna shoot my way out. Mix things up a little.
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Old 04-30-2007, 05:13 AM   #69
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The elf leaned on the door holding back the tide of Uruks, the smoke starting to come down the stairs, there was a great crash as another bomb exploded on the outside of the wall, leaving it weak for the Uruks to push down. "Its no use to try and stop the fire! We have to get out of here, they are comming through. The highest tower should be that way, come!", he yelled pointing left. Darius followed the elf along and up the stairs just as another bomb exploded, pushing the weak part of the wall in and a tide of orcs and wild men rushed in. The elf slammed the door and looked to Darius, "What now?!"

((OOC: I am going on vacation today so I may not make another post for a few days!))
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Old 05-01-2007, 03:46 AM   #70
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"The only thing we can do" Darius ran like never before until he reached the next level he grabbed a torch lit the wick and tossed the bomb out of the window and onto the bridge leading up to the gate (causeway or whatever its called ) the barrel crushed two orcs then with a mighty explosion shattered the bridge uruks, orcs and wildmen were tossed aside by the hundreds, isengards army was smashed by tumbling rocks from the bridge and burned by the fires. The bomb set off many other explosions off all around the sea of uruks and orc's. Darius smiled "that should stop them from a direct advance up the causeway and through the gate" Darius looked at the elf and said "always got to adapt to the situation" he smiled.
"Now lets finish off any horde that managed to make it into the keep.
Captain Jack Sparrow: When you marooned me on that god forsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate: I’m Captain Jack Sparrow.

Cortana: So have you got a plan to get out?
Master Chief: I was gonna shoot my way out. Mix things up a little.
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Old 05-03-2007, 08:08 PM   #71
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"Indeed!" The elf says with a chuckle as he opens the door. They fight the way down the stairs, killing wildmen and orcs and find their way into the hall and a great fight starts. Men of Rohan fight, being killed quicker than they can come, hundreds of orcs. Arrows fly by, bombs explode outside and spears are tossed and swords slashed. Smoke covers the room and goes out the small windows, and the room grows very hot. Suddenly with a great crack the great tower to the left that had housed the barrels falls into a pile of smoldering rocks, wood, fire and corpses of orcs. Another explosions rattles across the wall as a larger whole is blown into the wall, more Uruks rush in. "Keep fighting! We must hold them off!"
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Old 05-05-2007, 03:54 AM   #72
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"You act like your worried" laughs Darius as he beheads another 2 orcs with his sword "but yes we wont be able to hold this position for long at least we killed a couple of thousand before we were finally over run by these incredible ugly fiends" Darius smiled as he stabbed a uruk hai threw the stomach then turned turned around and slew another orc.
Aragorn, Legolas and gimili fought with more ferocity then Darius had ever seen.
"Any plans" Said Darius "I would prefer to die somewhere cleaner."
Captain Jack Sparrow: When you marooned me on that god forsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate: I’m Captain Jack Sparrow.

Cortana: So have you got a plan to get out?
Master Chief: I was gonna shoot my way out. Mix things up a little.
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Old 05-05-2007, 12:25 PM   #73
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Gamling the old stabs a Uruk general in the face and swings around and beheads a wild man. "Keep holding them back!", cried Gamling. The elf looked at Darius as he stabbed a Half orc in the chest "We can't hold any longer! Fall back to the Glittering Caves!" he cried as he blew a loud horn and the door to the caves came open slowly. Rohhirm poured in, and archers fired on apraoching Uruks, keeping them out of the caves. Darius and the elf make their way in as the fire in the wall grows greater, and another explosion is seen ripping another hole in it. As the King and the other heroes enter the caves the doors close and their is not darkness, for the crystals glitter and give light. Aragon opens a small slit at the door and stares out at the uruks "Parley. You will all die if you do not retreat, foul Uruks, for no fell beasts have yet taken the Hornburg. You have been warned," he says and the Uruks responed "This is no parley!" and fire arrows at the slit, Aragorn ducking to avoid them and closing the slit. The elf sits down and looks at Darius "Any ideas, Rhohirm?" he looks up with a grin face. The sound of arrows and spears hitting the door is loud, the uruks beat on it as hard as they can.
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Old 05-06-2007, 05:44 PM   #74
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"Well seems we are in quite of a situation arn't we?" Darius strode back and forth "Reinforce any part of the hornburge we can, all riders of rohan arm yourselves with any weapons you can, if we have hot tar, melted iron anything, get it ready we have to beat them off" with that he turned to the elf "I'm putting you in charge of our remaining elves along with Aragorn anything you can do would help a lot"
Captain Jack Sparrow: When you marooned me on that god forsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate: I’m Captain Jack Sparrow.

Cortana: So have you got a plan to get out?
Master Chief: I was gonna shoot my way out. Mix things up a little.
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Old 05-06-2007, 09:30 PM   #75
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The elf sighs, stands and looks around at the wounded soldiers, lying on mats, along with the unwounded standing ones. It was hard to tell them apart. Wounded was clasified as nearly dead it seemed, anything else was stil 'Well'. Refugees stood around the walls also, many in the darkness. The elf pulls a small crystal from the wall and walks over to a dark hall, using the crystal to light the way. Not a single crystal lines the wall, and he walks deep into it, holding the glowing purple light. A wooden and rotted door is at the end and as the elf opens it it creaks, and inside it is well lit by crystals, and the walls are lined with helms, swords, armour and other weapons. An old lost store room. The helms are unlike the modern Rohrirm helms, far different, but they are still in good shape. The elf slides on one of them. The armour is almost the same as the modern, aside from that rather than being tan it is dyed a bright red. He pulls off his own battered and almost ruined elven armour and slides some of the Rohrirm on. He turns and walks out and yells to Darius "A lost store room back there. Gather up anyone who needs weapons or armour and have them pick up what they can back there. Should be enough for about thirty people," he says grimly. He then turns to the elves and yells "Rest while you can, but be at a ready!" and then turns around, sighing. The beating on the door grows louder, and it starts to push in, light streaming in on the sides. "Might not have time for the armour, Darius," he says pointing to the door. The door slams down, flat, crushing six Rohirim, but as it falls the horn sounds. "Whats that for!?" cries the elf. Suddenly Theoden and Aragorn ride by along with at least a hundred Riders into the horde. They cut through them like butter. The elf stands starring at Darius, not saying a word.
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Old 05-07-2007, 08:59 PM   #76
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Darius smiles speechless, He draws his sword "FOR DEATH AND GLORY" he runs out and door and outside the elf laughs and draws his sword and begins cutting his way through the horde of orcs side by side with Darius the remaining Rohhirim and elves throw their armour on and charge out. The stunned Uruk hai and orcs are taken a back by this sudden courage and begin to be beaten back as the riders with Aragorn and Theoden at their lead charge down.
Captain Jack Sparrow: When you marooned me on that god forsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate: I’m Captain Jack Sparrow.

Cortana: So have you got a plan to get out?
Master Chief: I was gonna shoot my way out. Mix things up a little.
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Old 05-09-2007, 11:36 AM   #77
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The orcs turn around and start to flee but are quickly blocked by hourns, preventing the escape. A slaughter begins. Suddenly over the hill a supprising sight comes- Gandalf- riding shadowfax rides over the hill, followed by an entire army. They rush into the battle. Orcs fly in all directions, running into the "forest" of hourns- screams come from within- and the wild men, stand terrified, hundreds of their kind and orcs lying dead, and they surrender. The Rohirrim stand victorius. The elf smiles to Darius, and yells "Victory! But not the end, I fear. While we may have driven these beasts off, look around. At a great cost, for their is much to be done," he says as Theoden rides up.
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Old 05-09-2007, 05:15 PM   #78
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Darius bows as Theoden rides up. "We are victorious"
Theoden turns too Darius "your help was essential in the battle of Helms deep, as was yours master, elf?" "Well Darius i think it is time for you and your friend too reveal your true identitie "your not a man of Rohan?" says the suprised "zyour not an elf? or are you?" replys Darius
"I am Darius of Rivendale, i come as one of the last elves choosing to fight alongside men until sauron is defeated,, or otherwise"
"I suppose you are an elf aswell from your mastery of the blade?" says Darius curiously.
Captain Jack Sparrow: When you marooned me on that god forsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate: I’m Captain Jack Sparrow.

Cortana: So have you got a plan to get out?
Master Chief: I was gonna shoot my way out. Mix things up a little.
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Old 05-10-2007, 11:39 AM   #79
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The Elf smiles, supprised to find Darius an elf. "I am what I appear to be. I am Yaknae, son of Uko. And where do I hail from? I hail from the west, from far away. I came here at the request of Lady Galadriel. Do not think I am stronger than you, Darius for I am not. I have only trained far longer, and know more," he appears to search for a word, "Shall I say, skills? I think in fact it is you Darius, whom is stronger. But that we shall see. For even more trying times are ahead. And what is to be done next? What of the prisoners? Shall they be sent back to Dunland?" he says turning and looking at the wild men taken prisoner.
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Old 05-10-2007, 11:47 PM   #80
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"I understand you a wise friend"
"We shall send the wildmen back to the dunland where they shall never attack our lands again on pain of...." Theoden paused searching for the right word.."slaughter" he laughed "Now lets us clean up here and burry the bodies tonight is a night for mourning, tommorow in is a day for feasting and celebration"
Captain Jack Sparrow: When you marooned me on that god forsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate: I’m Captain Jack Sparrow.

Cortana: So have you got a plan to get out?
Master Chief: I was gonna shoot my way out. Mix things up a little.
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