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Old 01-21-2006, 08:54 AM   #761
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Orrodel, Tuesday evening

"What are you scheming now, Lilly" asked Buz, his voice slurred from emotion. "What is this game again?"

Lully's face turned an ugly mask of anger "To Ungoliant with you both! You never loved me, Buz, if you are staying aside while this little scoundrel tries to rape me! And don't you come into my bedroom anymore!" With that, she violently slammed shut the remnants of the door, and made a regal retreat upstairs to her room.

Buz looked helplessly at Tol. The other was still shaking from anger, but soon managed to appear calm again, looking back defiantly. Buzukkumarz disliked Tolvadok, (well, who didn't?), but Buz also knew that Tol was stern and grim and certainly not a woman luster. There was many a salacious joke going around about his and Khamul' chastity...

Buz shook his head and went to the wine cabinet. He produced two large goblets and two bottles of Dorwinion.

"Sit down, man', he said pouring the wine,"and explain to me what you want here in Orrodel and what in Angband you and Lil were doing there on the floor?"
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Old 01-21-2006, 11:29 AM   #762
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Tolvadok took the proferred goblet and tipped it all in at once. He did not enjoy drinking, but after that encounter, he felt he needed the drink. Buz refilled his goblet in silent sympathy. He knew more than anyone else how much one needed a drink after dealing with Lily... as a result, he himself was almost perpetually drunk.

Tolvadok, meanwhile was feeling friendlier to Buz than he had ever done. He shuddered to think what he might have done, if Buz hadn't rescued him in time. But, now he had some explaining to do. He hoped he wouldn't get the same reaction as with Lily, but this time, no matter the outcome, he wouldn't try any polite sweet-talking... he would just state the facts as they were, and Buz could do what he wanted about it.

"Yesterday, I had a conference with the Morgul Lord, and he told me that he was putting me in charge of Orrodel in the stead of Khamul. After some delibaeration, we decided that the best way to install me here- without causing undue suspicion, would be for me to come as a member of the staff. So, I am your new housekeeper, and I'm also in charge here." This last he said with a flat tone of authority, as if daring Buz to challenge his right to be there, as Lily had done. Buz said nothing, so he went on.

"When I came here for my interview, and told Lily of this, she flared up, and attacked me, and her... bodice tore, purely accidentally, and then you came and discovered us. And thats the simple truth."

And it was the truth... almost. He did not mention that he and Lily had almost kissed, partly because he had no wish to give the jealous Penny any reason to suspect him... but mostly because he did not wish to admit the fact, even to himself.
"I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
Death thought about it.
"Cats," he said eventually. "Cats are nice." -Terry Pratchett, Sourcery

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Old 01-21-2006, 11:47 AM   #763
Lady of Letters
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Tuesday evening

Oreturion was sitting at his desk, writing, when he heard the door behind him open and close. He did not turn round, knowing from the sound of the limping steps that it was Estelmo who had interrupted him.

"Are you busy, Oreturion?" Estelmo asked. There was no answer, but he knew better than to take silence as a rebuff, so he continued, "I've hardly seen you today, and it's time for my evening walk - will you come down to the river with me? I need to stretch my legs. And it's a fine evening."

Oreturion assented, and they left the room together. "How did you spend the day, Estelmo?"

"Oh, in this and that. The time goes so quickly here, don't you find? Though I couldn't tell you what I do with it. I sit down for a nap by the fire, and find half the day gone. But you always seem to have so much to do. How have you been occupying yourself?"

"I have plenty of correspondence to fill my time."

Estelmo laughed at the characteristically evasive answer, but said nothing further until they reached the riverbank. There were few people in sight as they turned away from the busier area of the city, the younger man matching his usually quick pace to the elder's leisurely stroll. There was an almost imperceptible relaxation in Oreturion's bearing when he was with Estelmo, since perhaps the only time he felt himself able to unbend, even a little, was in the company of his friend. A stranger would not have noticed the difference, but Estelmo knew what it meant, and he thought now was a good time to make use of it.

"You know, Oreturion," he said genially, "I'll never understand you. Why are you always so guarded? I mean, what was that answer you gave me back there? 'I have correspondence to fill my time'. How long have we known each other, and that's the only answer you can give to a simple question? Anyone would think you were afraid I was a spy."

Oreturion kept his eyes on the path ahead, avoiding his friend's questioning look. "I would never doubt you, of course, but one can never be too careful," was his only answer.

Estelmo laughed again. "If you don't mind me saying so, old man, that's nonsense. Go off-duty for a while, can't you? After all, think where we are. This is peacetime, and we're here to keep the King company while he has a good time at university. I don't know about you, but I've had more arduous tasks in my life! Take some advice from someone who's known more trouble than you have - recognise an easy ride when you see one, and enjoy it. Look around you. What could happen here?"

Estelmo stopped walking and gestured vaguely at the scene before them. It certainly did look peaceful. The stars were out, and the slow-moving river went its quiet way in the darkness. Oreturion gazed around, coming finally to meet his friend's eyes, and conceded the old man's point with a rare fleeting smile. On the way back they talked of other things.
And all the time the waves, the waves, the waves
Chase, intersect and flatten on the sand
As they have done for centuries, as they will
For centuries to come, when not a soul
Is left to picnic on the blazing rocks,
When England is not England, when mankind
Has blown himself to pieces. Still the sea,
Consolingly disastrous, will return
While the strange starfish, hugely magnified,
Waits in the jewelled basin of a pool.

Last edited by sun-star : 01-21-2006 at 11:50 AM.
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Old 01-21-2006, 06:57 PM   #764
The last sane person
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Wednesday Dawn
By the city gates

Shah and Mahta had descended the walls; both troubled by what they had seen. And sensed. "I don't like this. It's probably a good distance away, one of the outlying towns. I hope its nothing more than an over zealous bonfire..." Shah had started pulling on his armor, calling one of his sergeants to go fetch master Marthalion and Raendil, writing excuse notes for the both of them.

"Really, Shah, you don't honestly think it's a bonfire?"

"No, but I can hope. Barliman! Barli!" Shah nearly roared, the young Barli ran up.

"Sir! What’s the ruckus?"

"Tell the men to arm themselves well and saddle the fleet horses. Also bring the roster and add the men whose shift will start now. I sense trouble and we are going a little further than normal. Also saddle my horse and put the armor on it! Hop to it man!"

"Shah, please, watch yourself..."She raised a hand to forestall an exasperated response, "I am not doubting your skill, but this is all uncanny. I don’t like it one bit." They were quiet for a good ten minutes, preparing horses, armor and grim faced patrolmen

"Neither do I love, neither do I.” Shah girt on his sword, and grinned. “Old girl, you best dust off that armor and mace. Looks like you might use them, only, I hope, not on the chancellor.”

Mahtaliel smiled and both Raendil and Marty rushed up to the armory, armored and ready. Both Ithilion and Volricom didn’t have armor. “Sorry sir, but we didn’t bring the armor for our mounts…could we borrow some?”

Shah shook his head in mock disapproval. “For shame boys, you don’t bring your vital armor for your horses during peacetime schooling? Shame! Nah, have the grooms outfit them, I’ll outline the problem and the route we will be taking.”

The four of them gathered around a map, watching intently as Shah traced the routes and the source of the potential problem. “Ah, well, that’s a considerable distance Shah. How will we get the message back?” Marty stroked his chin, “Not even Volricom can make THAT distance in a day.”

Shah grinned and went outside, giving a sharp whistle. “No, that he can’t but she can.” Shah stroked a puffed up falcon that landed on his outstretched fist.

“Well, if it isn’t old BlackWing. Yeah, I guess she could out distance us…I take it she will be carrying dispatches to our friends here…” Ray nodded to Mahta.

“You betcha, and I in turn will relate to Oreturion and Estelmo. Come, to the gate with the lot of you.” Shah, Mahtaliel, Ray and Marty walked out onto the street with the assembled scouting/war party standing by nervous steeds, awaiting orders.

“MOUNT UP!” As one, the unit mounted up, and all started donning helmets and checking shields.

“Alright men, we know the drill, and you all have the maps. Marthalion, take the second patrol group out around the west. We will meet up at the first check point and move together from there!”
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

Last edited by The last sane person : 01-22-2006 at 02:43 AM.
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Old 01-21-2006, 09:00 PM   #765
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Monday Mid-Afternoon, in the backyard garden in Orrodel

Viniglaen made herself comfortable in the garden chaise-lounge, streching her legs out on the cushions and tucking her arms behind her head, eyes closed, soaking up the gentle afternoon sun. Lomi was perched next to her, impatiently scratching the tufts of feathers between her eyes with her lovely long talons.

"You asked me to glean for you news of the young Kingsmen and their love dalliances, or whatever," said Lomi, "therefore, I followed the one and overheard a conversation which you may find interesting. Or not, but you asked me to - "

"Oh, Lomi, enough with the preambles already, just tell me!" Viv said, still with the semi-smile on her face that had been lingering since her kiss with Ray.

"Earlier, the young Kingsmen were lingering outside the smithy, apparantly waiting for someone, and I sat above them in a tree and listened to them. Your lover," at this Lomi slightly rolled her big yellow eyes, "the young sir Raendil, asked his friend if it wasn't the Lady Lilaenwen that he was, and I quote, ' after.' To which, the young man responded thusly - (at which point Lomi eerily parroted the exact voice tone of Martalion) 'You must be kidding! I know what kind of woman she is. No way in hell would I go after her. She was just for a quick bit of fun, but I am not interested.' "

"You can recall all that verbatim? I'm impressed Lomi!"

"My lady, it is no big deal. Don't get too impressed; it's what I do."

Viv, delighted by her dear cranky owl friend, just smiled. "O.K., then, go on, what else did he say?"

"The young man that my lady fancies, this Raendil, he replied by asking why, and his friend the young sir Martalion explained that, quote, 'She is a social climber, and that kind of woman cares nothing for others but just about how to get to the top. I avoid women like those.' "

"Anyone with half a brain will be wise to avoid a woman like my crazy sister!" laughed Viv good-naturedly.

"My lady! May I finish?"

Viv just leaned back again and lazily shut her eyes against the soft sunrays, as Lomi continued.

"Then, the young sir Martalion carefully advised his friend, your Raendil, to - and I quote - ' watch it around Viv,' he seemed a bit concerned. He stated that it was necessary for the young sir Raendil to be extremely careful around your family."

At this, the smile finally faded from Viv's face, and she sat up.

"That was it?" she asked Lomi; "That was all they said?"

"Yes, my lady, that was all they said. They were joined by an elven woman after that, and nothing else notable was said."


"My lady, I have mice to catch, you know. Is there anything else I can do for you at this time?"

"No, no, thank you very much for all that, Lomi."

Lomi made to take flight.

"Listen," said Viv, "If you're hungry I know for a fact that there's dozens of well-fed little mice living over there in our Orrodel stablehouse. Please, help yourself any time."

"I already know about those mice," said Lomi, and off she went.

Viv went in the house to get changed and ready for her supper date with Ray, and kept her ears and senses open for Lil, so she could pass on the news about Marty as she'd promised.
Few people have the imagination for reality.

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Last edited by Lotesse : 01-21-2006 at 09:07 PM.
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Old 01-21-2006, 09:35 PM   #766
The last sane person
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Having watched Marty lead the main force out the western gates, Shah and Raendil rode forward to take their route. Mahta striding alongside them. "I'll see you to the door old friends. Raendil, you'd best watch over this old turkey. He sometimes makes mistakes."

Ray laughed a bit, "Gladly, I'll keep him safe for you." He gave her a cheeky grin and kicked Volricom into action, passing out of the gate ere she could reply. The two older friends just grinned at each other and shrugged. No sooner did Raendil leave their sight did he come galloping back with a injured man infront of him.

Ray was on red alert. He had just been itching for action, and when Barli had come with his message, Ray had immediately woken up, excusing himself from Viniglaen’s presence and donning his armor and running back to the stable for Volricom. On his way to the guard house, he ran into Marty in a similar hurry. They wore an identical grin.

Ah, now for some business! I was beginning to get a little tired. Perhaps this is what I need thought Ray as he watched his armored friend lead the party down river. What he enjoyed more was watching Mahtaliel and old Shah talk. Why, the old dog, flirt….

"I'll see you to the door old friends. Raendil, you'd best watch over this old turkey. He sometimes makes mistakes." He watched Mahta give Shah one of the looks he knew so well coming from concerned females.

“Gladly, I'll keep him safe for you.” He couldn’t help himself and burst into laughter and a grin as he and Volricom bolted for the gates, followed by the other 2 scouts. But ere he could go half a furlong he saw something that stopped him dead in his tracks.

“ALAGOS! RIAN! What happened?!” Blood. Lots of it. Raendil immediately scanned the area, and saw that most of it was coming from the first rider of the white mare. He caught Rian out of the tail of his eyes, running as though Morgoth was on her very heels.

She stopped for a brief moment when she heard her name being shouted. He and Volricom ran along side Alagos and his injured friend. "We really ought to stop meeting like this. What happened?" His voice shook a bit, out of concern, he attempted to put a grin on, but he was too pale. Alagos was even paler.

"I don’t know Raendil, I think he was attacked by beasts on his way back. He needs a doctor."

"I can see that. Here, let me and Volricom carry him, I'll take him to the Doc's house. I can't think of a better person to take care of him. Follow along!"

Alagos reluctantly transferred the unconscious Tyaron to Ray and Volricom. Volricom immediately drew himself up, and took off straight into a gallop, not jarring either riders. To Ray it seemed as though the stallion was standing still and the world was moving.

He saw Mahta and Shah in front of him in no time, and didn’t bother to stop. All he and Volricom were focused on was getting to the old Doc's house in time.


"Sweet Eru! Now what happened?!" Mahta's sharp eyes had immediately spotted the bleeding Tyaron draped in front of Ray.

"Gods only know, but whatever it is, this day has sure turned out to be a bad one old girl!" Shah kicked his horse into action, barring Alagos from storming off after Volricom. "I say! You there! Halt! What has gone on here! Hold hard there my friend!" Shah urged his mount to go alongside Alagos and stop them. Alagos turned and glared at the man in front of him, blocking his way. He looked ready to smite Shah.

"Hold hard! Ere you try to flatten my face, I am the head of the forces here at Tharbad. What happened?" Shah noticed Alagos following the swiftly retreating form of Volricom. He added in a softer tone, "There isn’t a faster way to the healers than on the back of that horse and his rider. Your friend will be fine. What happened?"

By that time Mahtaliel had caught up with the pair who had now stopped. Trailing in third came Rian, white with concern.
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

Last edited by The last sane person : 02-15-2006 at 01:37 AM.
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Old 01-22-2006, 12:09 AM   #767
Half-Elven Princess of Rabbit Trails and Harp-Wielding Administrator (beware the Rubber Chicken of Doom!)
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Early Wednesday morning,
on the streets of Tharbad and at the doctor's

Alagos quickly sized up Shah and liked what he saw in that brief instant, but he wasn't about to be separated from his friend, especially in the precarious shape he was in. Hwesta pranced impatiently as Alagos rapidly answered Shah's inquiry.

"I don't know all that happened, sir, because my friend passed out from blood loss shortly after I found him riding into Tharbad," he answered quickly. "All I could get from him is that some wild animals attacked him on the road. Now please, can you direct us to the doctor that Raendil was taking him to? I'll talk all you want once we get there, but my sister and I need to be with our friend." As he spoke, he reached down and helped his sister up behind him on Hwesta.

Shah was surprised at the mention of Ray's name. "You know Raendil?" he asked.

"Yes, yes, yes, I met him in Imladris years ago," replied Alagos hurriedly. "Now please take us to him, or at least point us in the right direction! We must get to him!"

"Come on, old girl, let's get these good people to their friend," said Shah as he leaned over to help Mahta up behind him, but she anticipated him and leapt lightly up on her own. The two horses and four riders took off down the road, following where Volricom had swiftly borne Ray and Tyaron a few minutes before.


"Good thing he's an elf," mused the doctor as he expertly examined Tyaron's wounds, cleaned them, and applied bandages. "If they aren't killed right out, they usually pull through right enough. My favorite type of patient! He's in great shape - he should be fine now that I've stopped the bleeding."

"Well, you've killed your share, so this guy will "up" your percentage and make you look better!" said Ray, feeling safe enough to make that jest on the strength of the doctor's looks and words, in addition to his own experience with injury and death.

Just then, Alagos and R*an burst in the room, followed closely by Shah and Mahta. The doctor looked up at Shah with an "he'll be OK" look, and Shah breathed a sigh of relief as he interpreted the look for Alagos and his sister. "Looks like your friend will be ok," he told them, and then turning to Ray, "Good job getting him here so quickly, Ray!"

"He'll have Volricom to thank for that when he wakes up," said Ray, deflecting the praise off to his horse.

The doctor finished cleaning and bandaging up Tyaron, then turned to look at Alagos and R*an. "You his friends?" he asked as he washed the blood off his hands. They nodded. "Well, you elves are hard to kill - he should be fine in a day or two, as soon as his blood volume gets back up. But it was close - he bled quite a bit."

As the doctor pulled a sheet over Tyaron's now neatly bandaged legs, Ray added wryly to Alagos, with a sly, pointed glance at R*an, "And when he wakes up, be sure to tell him to take better care of the family jewels - one of those bites was awfully close!" R*an smiled and blushed as Mahta and the others roared with laughter at that old favorite among jokes.
I should be doing the laundry, but this is MUCH more fun! Ñá ë?* óú éä ïöü Öñ É Þ ð ß ® ç å ™ æ ♪ ?*

"How lovely are Thy dwelling places, O Lord of hosts! ... For a day in Thy courts is better than a thousand outside." (from Psalm 84) * * * God rocks!

Entmoot : Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I got hooked!

Ego numquam pronunciare mendacium, sed ego sum homo indomitus!
Run the earth and watch the sky ... Auta i lómë! Aurë entuluva!

Last edited by Rían : 01-22-2006 at 07:09 PM.
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Old 01-22-2006, 12:57 AM   #768
Lady Marion Magdalena
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Laughter subsiding, Shah brought the talk back to buisiness.

"Raendil, we'd better get a move on before our patrol leaves without us." He paused, considering Alagos, "I ask you to join us, but I get the feeling you'd like to stay and keep an eye on your friend."


Shah cut him off, "Just in case. We'll need someone here too."


"Good work, Doc." Shah turned to Alagos and Rian, "I hope your friend recovers soon. Iluvatar willing we'll see eachother again in a couple of days."

"It's good to have met you. Safe journey."

Shah and Mahta left Ray to say goodbye and started back to the gate. Walking this time with Shah leading his horse.

"Animals don't usually attack riders," Mahta finally broke the silence, "Especially not in this season when there's plenty of game about."

"I don't like it either, but that's just one more reason for me to go out."

"Just... be careful."

Shah snorted, "I'll be as careful as I can be. The moment we come across any concrete signs of trouble approaching I'll send you a bird. And if it comes to that... well, you've got the keys to the armory. You know what to do."


They continued in silence until they were almost through the gate. Shah stopped suddenly, pulling them over to the side of the archway and guiding his horse to stand between them and the road. "How far behind us is Master Raendil?" He asked, a note of mischief in his voice.

Mahta peered around him and over the back of the horse, "He's still a good street length behind, why?"

"Thought a degree of privacy might be nice." He replied.

Wrapping his free arm around her he pulled her in close for a kiss. She leaned in closer, returning it and they stayed that way till hoofbeats alerted them to the presence of company. Breaking away slowly Shah mounted his horse.

"Take care, Shah."

"You too, old girl. Don't let them drive you too crazy."
"Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; Leave me my name!"

- The Crucible

"nolite hippopotamum vexare!"
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Old 01-22-2006, 12:37 PM   #769
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The Kree spirits listened in on what that Mahta person had to say and thought:

"Calling Us animals! We are much more sophisticated than mere animals! We'll teach her to go around thinking of herself as knowledgable." the seething nothingnessess whispered between themselves.
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Old 01-22-2006, 06:58 PM   #770
Half-Elven Princess of Rabbit Trails and Harp-Wielding Administrator (beware the Rubber Chicken of Doom!)
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Wednesday mid-morning
Itazel and Danor's house

Tyaron lay in bed with his eyes closed. On the edge of consciousness, he could hear voices - voices that he loved but couldn't put a name to yet. He lay there, not knowing or even caring where he was, content to hear the well-loved voices speaking soft and low. The voices made him feel warm and safe, despite the growing awareness of pain in his legs.

As he gradually became more aware, he realized that the voices were those of the two people he loved the most in this world, ever since his family had been lost in the Fall of Gondolin so many years ago. He opened his eyes slightly and looked at them - the dark-haired brother and sister talking quietly with each other by the window. He was in his room at Itazel and Danor's house, but had no recollection how he got there. Exhausted, he closed his eyes again, content to just listen.

The proverb is that a listener never hears good about himself, but that was far from true this time, for what he heard made the tears start to his eyes in gratitude. Alagos and R*an were talking about their times in Gondolin and how much Tyaron's friendship had meant to them and their family. Scene after scene was recalled, ushered in with a "Do you remember ...." and then a tale of how Tyaron had aided them, or encouraged them, or made them laugh, or comforted them when they cried.

Alagos mentioned a time when Tyaron's passion had inspired him to keep pressing on when he had wanted to quit, and R*an said in surprise, "Passion? I don't think of him as passionate - he's so controlled!"

Alagos looked at his sister and answered quietly, "R*an, he's one of the most passionate people I know. The only reason that he's controlled is because he has to be - when he loses control, blood is sure to follow. Don't you remember the time - no, I think you were visiting with a friend - well, let's just say there's been a few times when the matter had to come before King Turgon himself to resolve, because it was so serious and he could have been exiled for his actions. That last time, Idril herself pled for him, against Maeglin - and she was right, as was shown later when more information finally came out. I've never seen a man more passionate for justice and against any form of cruelty to others. He puts me to shame sometimes, for I tend to take things more lightly than I should and walk away from situations that I sometimes shouldn't."

Alagos looked at R*an's thoughtful face and continued. "I guess you haven't really seen this side of him, although I never thought of it before ... I've seen it a lot, especially in battle. But still, I'm rather surprised you haven't perceived it, especially after Sunday night ..."

"You mean when he kissed me? He kissed me - well, not like I imagined a man in love would kiss! I felt like he was - I don't know, I guess almost kissing me from a distance. I felt like he was watching me, not ... oh, I don't know quite how to express it." She sighed in frustration. "The problem is that our parents had such a wonderful marriage that I suppose it has spoiled us! Maybe that's why neither one of us has married." Her voice softened as she continued, "I can still see them ... there was one time, Alagos, when they didn't know I was in the house ... I came in to get a book and ended up just quietly watching our mother as she moved around the house - she was so lovely, I loved to just watch her ... and then father came in and took her in his arms and kissed her - I've never forgotten it, the passion I saw in his face for her, and the things he said to her..." She looked down at her hands in her lap. "I just can't imagine marrying someone who wasn't passionate about me the way our father was for our mother."

Alagos put his hand over his sister's hands and gave them a squeeze. "I know what you're saying, but don't judge Tyaron on what he says and does compared to what you saw our father say and do - that's not fair. A man will say and do things with his wife that a man who is only courting a woman would never feel free to do until after the marriage. If the only thing holding you back from marrying Tyaron is your belief that he's not passionate, then believe me, you are entirely wrong on that point! If you do marry him, I have a feeling that you'll get far more passion than you bargained for!

R*an was silent for a moment, then looked up at her brother thoughtfully. "Perhaps I'm wrong - I need to think on it - just remembering those times in Gondolin, I can see what you're saying ... I just never thought of it that way."

"And besides," continued Alagos, "you certainly never encouraged him - in fact, quite the contrary! - and his sense of honor would prevent him from being as passionate with you as you seem to want."

R*an looked up at him defiantly. "His sense of honor certainly didn't stop him from forcing his courtship on me when he knew I didn't want it!" she said angrily.

Alagos was silent for a moment, staring into his sister's eyes intently. Finally, he asked her quietly, "R*an, are you entirely blameless in your dealings with him?"

They locked eyes; it was R*an who finally backed down. "No," she said solemnly, looking at her hands in her lap again. "No, I'm not blameless. Your perception does not mislead you. I have indeed wronged him."

"I thought so," said her brother quietly.

R*an looked up at her brother again, this time with all the defiance gone from her eyes. "I do need to do some thinking, don't I?" she said in a voice that was slightly unsteady. Alagos put his arms around her, holding her head on his shoulder, and whispered, "Yes, you do."

Tyaron continued to lay quietly, not wanting them to know that he was overhearing their conversation. If only they would leave for a moment, or change the subject, so he could "officially" wake up without them knowing he overheard their conversation! It was bitterly ironic to him to hear that R*an's misinterpretation of his self-control as a lack of passion was what kept her away from him, and now that she was starting to truly see him as he was, and possibly even desire to marry him, his own actions the other night that were brought on by that same passion would make that impossible. Or would it? Would she even have to know? It was only one slip - but his sense of justice nagged at him and told him that she would have to know before making her decision. He shoved that thought firmly down into the darker recesses of his mind, telling himself that it was ridiculous to have to share every part of himself with her before proposing - and besides, what was the thing that she was keeping back from him? Why should he be totally forthcoming if she wasn't?

After a few moments of silence, R*an decided that a change in subject was in order. She pulled away from her brother and started playing with one of her braids. "Alagos," she said lightly, examining the plaited hair critically, "what do the archers say about the swordsmen, anyway?"

Alagos grinned at her. "I'll only tell you if you marry Tyaron, for only then will you be able to tell me if it's true or not!"

R*an managed a suitably-sickroom-subdued but still shocked, "Alagos!!" before dissolving into giggles that she tried to stifle behind her hands in order not to disturb the injured man resting on the bed, and Tyaron, in one of his greatest feats of self-control in his entire life, stifled his own laugh and remained quiet and still, giving no sign that he had heard anything.
I should be doing the laundry, but this is MUCH more fun! Ñá ë?* óú éä ïöü Öñ É Þ ð ß ® ç å ™ æ ♪ ?*

"How lovely are Thy dwelling places, O Lord of hosts! ... For a day in Thy courts is better than a thousand outside." (from Psalm 84) * * * God rocks!

Entmoot : Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I got hooked!

Ego numquam pronunciare mendacium, sed ego sum homo indomitus!
Run the earth and watch the sky ... Auta i lómë! Aurë entuluva!

Last edited by Rían : 01-22-2006 at 07:11 PM.
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Old 01-23-2006, 12:51 PM   #771
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The Kree flowed through the City along it's narrow streets. They looked into lit windows and in one of them they saw that person from which they had been forced to flee in the wilderness. Seething wrath rose in their hearts at the sight of the Lone Rider. They decided to attack when he was alone later that night.

Inside the room Tyaron and the others felt the air turn icy cold as if some terrible presence was nearby.

Last edited by Grey_Wolf : 01-24-2006 at 03:51 AM.
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Old 01-25-2006, 07:06 AM   #772
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Tuesday evening,
Professor's Apartments,
Tharbad University

Dreams, thoughts and memories swirled around Jas' head until he felt he was drowning. With an enormous effort, he pulled himself out of it, and suddenly, he was awake, wide, stark awake, and intensely aware of his surroundings.

He realized with a sinking feeling that he was still in a strange place, he was not back home yet. He wondered exactly how long he'd be stuck in this nightmarish dreamworld? It was a nasty thought, but he had no time to ponder. An ear-splitting headache and a strangely empty feeling in his stomach were taking up all his attention.

Dusk had fallen, and the room was in semi-darkness. Automatically, he reached for the candle beside the bed, and lit it, before he realized he didn't know where anything in this strange place was kept. And, then he realized that though it was a strange place, which he had no recollection of having ever visited before, it was also very familiar. He knew without looking where every candle in the room was, and he lighted them, and in the wavering light of the candle, the small carpeted room was exactly as he remembered it. Except he didn't remember it.

At first puzzled, he then decided there was no point being puzzled at a dream. After all, all sorts of strange and illogical things take place in dreams. And when he recollected there was a larder downstairs where he could find enough food for a king's feast, he gave up thinking at all, and went down to get himself supper. He thought he knew where all the wine was kept too. If he had to be stuck in a dream, at least he could enjoy himself while he was at it.
"I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
Death thought about it.
"Cats," he said eventually. "Cats are nice." -Terry Pratchett, Sourcery

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Old 01-26-2006, 05:26 PM   #773
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Wednesday mid-morning
Itazel and Danor's house

From pretending to be asleep to actually being asleep was a not-too-surprising transition for Tyaron to make, considering the events of the last two days and the blood loss he had suffered from his injuries in the attack. Alagos glanced over at his friend, then whispered to his sister, "He's still sleeping - I think I'll go check on Hwesta, and when I get back we'll try to get some fluids into him." R*an nodded her approval, and her brother quietly left the sickroom.

R*an sat quietly by the window for a few more minutes, then moved to the chair next to Tyaron. She studied his face as he lay there asleep, trying to see what, if anything, had changed in all those years. Most of the changes she had noticed these last 2 days since their reunion had been in his eyes - they were deeper, more reflective, with both an intense light and a quiet sorrow. But there were changes in his face, too, although slight, as is the way of the Elves.

She noticed a tiny scar under his lower lip and wondered how and when it got there. As she examined the scar in the quiet room, she smiled as she remembered that in the composite man discussions, while Alagos' broad shoulders were often a fierce contender, Tyaron's mouth typically blew the competition away. He had a full lower lip that pushed up slightly in the middle, giving him a perpetually thoughtful look that was very attractive. The younger maidens, giggling, asked those whom he had kissed if his mouth was as nice as it looked, and those maidens (very few, for Tyaron was determined to gain admission to the upper eschelon of swordsmen in Gondolin and worked many hours towards that goal) would just smile with a twinkle in their eyes, doubling the determination of the younger girls to attract his attention and making them doubly resentful towards R*an when it became clear that she was the object of that attention.

Before she had even come of age, Tyaron had decided that she was the one for him (elves often choose their mates early in life). He enjoyed watching her grow and change from his close vantage point as a privileged family friend, and looked forward to the day when her eyes would have more than a friendly love in them when she looked his way. He had no doubt that those eyes would change one of these days, for he was a man used to achieving his goals, and she was already very attached to him and often turned to him to share her joys and sorrows, and for help in difficulties. He was in no hurry; was not Gondolin the safest place in Middle Earth? There was all the time in the world, and until that time, he would enjoy perfecting his skills with the sword, making him even more worthy of her love and admiration. He had actually made even Glorfindel work longer than usual at his victory at the latest trials, and he was still quite young, only 20 years past his own coming of age.

R*an kept looking at his mouth, tracing its contours with her eyes. She remembered his laugh and how she loved it so much - his eyes would twinkle and his mouth would scrunch up, then just explode in a joyous smile that lit up his whole face. She remembered when she had first wondered what it might be like to kiss him ... and shortly after that, when she had overheard some of the maidens whispering that he was besotted with the Pereldar maiden and no one else had a chance with him anymore. That had given her an odd feeling, and she was very thoughtful as she walked home. Coming up to her house, she saw her brother and Tyaron on the steps, stretched out in the sunlight and laughing over the antics of one of their friends at the latest archery trials. As she approached, Tyaron quickly stood up to greet her with his usual smile, nudging her more indolent brother with his foot with a laugh. R*an returned the greeting and held his eye longer than she would have normally, and was strangely excited to see the change in his face - a watchful, hopeful expression came into his eyes, and he seemed to be holding his breath.

She liked the sensation. She, the Pereldar maiden, could control one of the strongest men in Gondolin, and the other maidens couldn't.

Remembering all this, she hung her head in shame as she remembered what it had led her to do.

Tyaron stirred in his sleep and moaned, reaching his hand towards his bandaged leg. She took his hand and held it, keeping it away from the bandages, speaking soft, soothing words. Suddenly, the room seemed very cold - had the sun gone behind a cloud, or was it just her memories? She shivered, and then saw Tyaron react to the cold, too - his body tensed and drew in on itself, and he grew even more restless. She put his hand gently down on his chest and got up to get some more blankets, putting several on him and wrapping one around herself.
I should be doing the laundry, but this is MUCH more fun! Ñá ë?* óú éä ïöü Öñ É Þ ð ß ® ç å ™ æ ♪ ?*

"How lovely are Thy dwelling places, O Lord of hosts! ... For a day in Thy courts is better than a thousand outside." (from Psalm 84) * * * God rocks!

Entmoot : Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I got hooked!

Ego numquam pronunciare mendacium, sed ego sum homo indomitus!
Run the earth and watch the sky ... Auta i lómë! Aurë entuluva!

Last edited by Rían : 01-26-2006 at 05:31 PM.
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Old 01-27-2006, 06:15 PM   #774
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The Kree saw the light go out in the room. They prepared themselves to enter the house, to rip and tear apart the man who caused their humiliating retreat.

But since they couldn't just flow thru walls they had to enter thru the Main Entrance and there is where they met with an obstruction in the shape of an ordinary horseshoe hanging over the doorframe. (hung there for luck, as everyone knows). They tried again and again, but with no luck.

They then decided to withdraw and try another tack. Perhaps the man will be out walking some evening and then we'll have our chance.

Last edited by Grey_Wolf : 01-28-2006 at 03:12 AM.
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Old 01-27-2006, 06:37 PM   #775
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Meanwhile six in situ Shree-Kryhnn had begun longer expeditions in the City. Rumours were spreading in the populace of bloody murder occuring in the narrow streets off the Palace and University.
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Old 01-30-2006, 05:21 PM   #776
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I should be doing the laundry, but this is MUCH more fun! Ñá ë?* óú éä ïöü Öñ É Þ ð ß ® ç å ™ æ ♪ ?*

"How lovely are Thy dwelling places, O Lord of hosts! ... For a day in Thy courts is better than a thousand outside." (from Psalm 84) * * * God rocks!

Entmoot : Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I got hooked!

Ego numquam pronunciare mendacium, sed ego sum homo indomitus!
Run the earth and watch the sky ... Auta i lómë! Aurë entuluva!

Last edited by Rían : 02-02-2006 at 07:52 PM.
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Old 01-31-2006, 05:03 PM   #777
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The six Shree-Kryhnn staying outside the walls were beginning to feel faint from lack of sustenance (ie blood), so they decided to go back into the city to join their comrades.
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Old 01-31-2006, 07:17 PM   #778
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University, Tuesday evening.

After sending the clouds flying North-West, the Chancellor descended the endless winding stairs from the Observatory. He passed through the now empty Scriptorium, and down into the Hall. Sapthân was nowhere to be seen, but the Chancellor had little doubt that the Black Numenorean was in his secret study in the dungeons, trying to master some unsavoury spells. Khamul was in his apartment, but the Morgul Lord had no business with him at the moment. So he left the Tower, locking the door carefully behind him, and went out into the cold windy night.

Sure-footed in the darkness, he made his way towards the Palace, meeting only a couple of ghosts on his way. Both the Headless Soldier and the Drowned Maiden scurried away like mice, frightened by the perilous light of the Nazgul Lord's crown.

The Chancellor turned right towards the Professor's apartments and went along the corridor, scanning for signs of life behind the doors. Both Udu and Tolvadok were away, doubtless they had already moved out going to their new dwellings in the town. Old Bumble was at home, fussing around noisily. The next apartment, Jas Fernik's, seemed empty. The Chancellor raised his brows: that was unexpected. Without knocking, he opened the door and soundlessly glided inside.

The small carpeted room was utterly dark. Looking around, the Chancellor noticed an open trapdoor to the larder. Now he heard a faint noise coming from downstairs and caught a whiff of Jas's smell. With a cold cruel grin, the Chancellor made himself comfortable in a large shabby armchair and settled to wait.

In a quarter of an hour, the gleam of a single candle appeared on the larder stair, soon followed by the candle itself, held precariously in a shaking hand. Soon the hapless Wine-Professor was in the room, a large basket with food under his arm. Unaware of his distinguished guest, Jas put the candle and the provisions on the table, produced a plate, a knife and a wine glass, and started to eat. He had hardly finished chewing the first piece of ham, when he was interrupted by a cold voice coming from the deep shadows beyond the ring of light.

"Good evening, Professor. I am glad to see that your health is restored. I had to chancel today's Wine-tasting class. It was quite awkward, considering that it had to be the first lesson of the semester, and that the King is among your students. Are you aware of it? "
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Old 01-31-2006, 07:24 PM   #779
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..., three of the longranging Shree-Kryhnn wandered the grounds of the palace and the University. Foolish students out on a walk fell prey to this lethal trio.

Last edited by Grey_Wolf : 02-03-2006 at 11:10 AM.
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Old 02-01-2006, 01:07 PM   #780
Head of the Department for the Invention and Propagation of Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice!
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Life is a search for happiness. Jas, with the basket of food and a wine bottle under his arms had much to complain about regarding life... such as being stuck in a dream. But he had nevertheless achieved something resembling happiness, or at least peace, as he contemplated complacently the excellent meal he would have shortly.

Humming softly to himself, he laid his supper, and then jumped visibly as he heard a cold drawl behind him:

"Good evening, Professor. I am glad to see that your health is restored. I had to cancel today's Wine-tasting class. It was quite awkward, considering that it had to be the first lesson of the semester, and that the King is among your students. Are you aware of it?"

Shaking, he turned around. Seated in an armchair rather stiffly, but still looking like he owned the room, was a tall man, who if standing would have towered over Jas. His silver eyes were glinting ominously, and though he talked nonchalantly, there was an air of interrogation about him. But Jas noticed no such subtle details, he only felt the face was somewhat familiar, and suddenly remembered: that voice, that hair, those eyes... it was the nasty man from the earlier dream! - and Jas felt his heart sink.

"Oh, no, not you again! Are you being paid to haunt me or what? And why do you keep talking through the back of your head? If you are a permanent fixture of this ghastly place, at least try and make some sense! What King? What class? What semester??"

Once again, Jas accomplished what a thousand years of living in Mordor had never done- he made the Chancellor's mouth drop... figuratively speaking. No one had ever dared to speak to his face like that since... well, eternity! Even his hated and despised enemies in the heat of battle were more frightened of him than otherwise. Surely, the man couldn't be suffering from after-shocks still! It should have worn off by now. For a moment, the two stared at each other, and it was Jas who broke the silence.

"Well, if you're going to sit here looking like a stuffed frog saying nothing, I have no problem; as long as I can have my supper in peace. In fact, the great philosopher Gyth says dreams are really our own imagination... not that everyone agrees with what he says, but who knows? So I'm just going to eat, and imagine you're not there. Empty armchair, no ghastly ghostly man. Right."

He attacked his plate with vigour. Behind him, he heard a stirring. The Morgul Lord was gaining the use of his vocal cords again.


"You-don't-exist you-don't-exist, nasty-figment-of-imagination, you-don't-exist, you..." chanted Jas.



"How dare-"

"you-don't-exist, you-don't!!"


"Professor Fernik!"


They were both standing now, glaring at each other. Everytime, the Morgul Lord opened his mouth, Jas interrupted. It was a deadlock... and the Morgul Lord was fast losing his patience and discretion... Jas was getting quite intolerable!
"I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
Death thought about it.
"Cats," he said eventually. "Cats are nice." -Terry Pratchett, Sourcery

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Last edited by Serenoli : 02-01-2006 at 01:12 PM.
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