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Old 01-04-2006, 09:50 PM   #721
Lady Marion Magdalena
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"Grubby?" She protests, "No, my friend, you're thinking of your own shorts," Shah gave her a strange look, "I mean shirts. Mine are overwashed if anything! Still, a visit to the tailor may be in order. Mending is one thing, making new clothing entirely is beyond my skill."

"Mm... How's the rum? Strong by the sound of it."

"Oh hush. Have you eaten yet?"

"I was about to ask the same, well, we both know better than to drink on empty stomachs. Barkeep!" Shah shouted across the room, "What's on the menu tonight?"
"Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; Leave me my name!"

- The Crucible

"nolite hippopotamum vexare!"

Last edited by Lady Marion Magdalena : 01-04-2006 at 10:10 PM.
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Old 01-06-2006, 01:32 AM   #722
The last sane person
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Shah grinned at his friend’s momentary slip of the tongue. “Barkeep! What’s on the menu?” Kiran, who was the chef, scuttled out from behind the counter and shouted the day’s menu over to them.

“Grilled Pork chops in a pepper sauce, juicy an plump. The butcher gave us some premium cuts this time around, we have some good stout mashed potatoes with butter and gravy and some good greens to go with it. We also have a grilled trout with lemon and garlic…”

“Say no more, bring us one of each! You make me hungry with that talk Kiran, no secret you are a damn good chef.” Shah laughed and waved him over, giving him coins and the order. Mahtaliel threw him a look, but he outflanked her. “I invited you out, I pay. That is that. Next time you invite me out, and pay or just cook. If you can…”

“Is that a challenge? My cooking is just fine, thank you.”

“Well, whatever you say. So, you hungry?”

“Certainly, I’ve built up a healthy appetite. Must be from being around humans so much.” She grinned and drank some of her amber ale.

“I take that as a complement. Humans are good for the appetite; we keep you elfy lot on your toes! Not about to let you rest on your laurels.” Grinned and attacked the loaf of bread Kiran brought, along with the butter.

“I hope he took it easy on the garlic, or else my students will never forgive me.”

“Ha! Your secret weapon revealed: Dragon breath! You best not breath while near the forge.”

“Oh, to Angband with it, I’m the teacher, I’ll eat what I want. I’ll just eat the side of greens and brush my teeth a few more times than usual.” They both laughed hard, and the food was brought. Dishing it out, Shah gave her a healthy portion of the trout and pork chops.

“Hey, made enemies, got trounced and told off…you need it. I’ve just been loafing atop walls and doing military checks…though perhaps tomorrow my scouts and I will go out and see what there is too see. Raendil and Marty have signed up with the guards, both have experiance. They'll be coming along probably, I’ll be taking charge of them, of course. Lord knows what mischief they might get into.”

They both dug in, and Mahta grinned over her food at him. “Oh really?”
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

Last edited by The last sane person : 01-20-2006 at 04:34 PM.
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Old 01-06-2006, 01:54 AM   #723
Lady Marion Magdalena
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"Adopting again Shah?" She asked.

"Yes... As if you don't do the same with your students!"

"It feels unnatural to not have some sort of family. I do what I can."

"You never did say what happened to yours."

"War got them, same as yours, though in an earlier Age." She pauses and takes another sip of her ale, "It drove most of them mad first. It would be selfish of me to miss them."

"But you do anyway."

"Yes..." She takes a bite, "The trout's good tonight."

"Better than your cooking would've been." He earns himself a light thwap to the shoulder.

"Among elves it's traditionally the male's task to cook. It's me who should be worried about your cooking."

"What d'you say we test which of us does the better cooking sometime?"

"Sometime? Sound's entertaining. Not tonight though."

"Course not. Tonight... We drink!"
"Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; Leave me my name!"

- The Crucible

"nolite hippopotamum vexare!"
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Old 01-06-2006, 07:15 PM   #724
Half-Elven Princess of Rabbit Trails and Harp-Wielding Administrator (beware the Rubber Chicken of Doom!)
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Tuesday, a little before 2 pm
Commerce classroom

R*an sat in the empty classroom, waiting for the other students to arrive. She had parted from her brother and gone back to the University to enquire about attending the Commerce class, and had gathered from the teacher that it would be fine (he was rather vague, but the general impression seemed to be that one more pretty girl in the class was a thing that was fine with him, and then as she was walking out, his aides confirmed that it would be fine for her to take the class). She rose and looked out of the window as a vague buzzing sound slowly defined itself as a group of excitedly-talking young ladies. Looking out, she saw a group of them under a tree, trying to not obviously stare at the young King, who was talking with a fellow class-mate. R*an looked at him and liked what she saw. She wondered if he could sing well ... he certainly danced well ...

She was very much looking forward to this Commerce class, especially since she saw in the teacher's office that Valandil was going to be in it.
I should be doing the laundry, but this is MUCH more fun! Ñá ë?* óú éä ïöü Öñ É Þ ð ß ® ç å ™ æ ♪ ?*

"How lovely are Thy dwelling places, O Lord of hosts! ... For a day in Thy courts is better than a thousand outside." (from Psalm 84) * * * God rocks!

Entmoot : Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I got hooked!

Ego numquam pronunciare mendacium, sed ego sum homo indomitus!
Run the earth and watch the sky ... Auta i lómë! Aurë entuluva!
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Old 01-06-2006, 07:57 PM   #725
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The Shadow of Fear

University Palace, around noon, Tuesday.

Her cheeks burning in shame, Nimrael followed the Chancellor. She was not one for eavesdropping regularly. She would have never done it now, had she not been so badly worried for her Lady.

The Chancellor motioned Nimrael to enter his study, and closed the door firmly behind them. The maid's wet eyes were firmly fixed on the carpet, and her hands began to shake. Nimrael was a honest and gentle girl; she felt not only sorry for being caught almost at her first offence, but also thoroughly ashamed.

Nimrael was expecting the Chancellor to reprimand her angrily, but he was only fixing her with those unsettling silver eyes of his, saying nothing. The maid's fear increased, and soon she was shaking all over, as if in bitter cold. She was silently praying for him to say something, even to slap her, only to stop gazing at her like upon an inanimate object.

At length, when Nimrael felt almost faint from fear, the Chancellor called her name. She felt compelled to raise her eyes and look into his. The Chancellor spoke in a cold level voice, every word resonating through all her being:

"Nimrael. You will never spy on your Masters again. You will never tell a word of what you see or overhear to any that lives. You will report any unusual happenings to me directly. Do you understand?"

Nimrael's teeth were clattering uncontrollably, so her reply was almost unintelligible "Y-yes,... Lord. N-nevvver ...spy, ...n-nevver tell, ...rep- report to you."

"So be it." The Chancellor nodded and dismissed her. Shuffling her feet like an old woman, the maid crawled back to her room, too exhausted to cry.
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Old 01-07-2006, 04:07 PM   #726
Head of the Department for the Invention and Propagation of Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice!
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Tolvadok goes on a picnic

A picnic basket in one hand, and the waitress' hand in the other, Tolvadok trudged through the streets of Tharbad, cursing himself for that moment of madness that caused him to ask out this girl. Her name was Yerri, and besides being pretty in a light-haired, bright pink cheeks kind of way, she also happened to be very cheerful. A more total antithesis to Tolvadok could not have been found in all the continents of Arda, if a man were to search for three centuries.

He had had to wait for her for an hour-and-a-half before she could get out of work. Ample time to regret. So, maybe she could be a good mortal slave, someone to keep an eye out for things, useful... but he was not very good at making servants by inducing fear, and was even worse at doing it through charm. He would not admit it to himself, but he was actually nervous at going through with the picnic.

When she finally got off, she asked him where he intended to picnic, and of course, he had to confess that didn't know any place around Tharbad, but needed to get away from the city for a while. So now she was leading.

They went south-east, crossed the bridge and were on the other bank. The guards did not hinder them, and they passed on, and then Yerri turned to the right, and there was a small path. They followed it for a while, until suddenly they were out of shade of the woods, in a clearing right by the river. The sun shone down merrily on the water before them, and the waters sparkled, as if glad of the sun and its warmth. Tharbad spread out before them, its high walls reflecting the bright noon sunlight, and its noise and bustle was not heard here, only its beauty remained.

Yerri turned to him, her face expectant, a half-smile on her lips, waiting for the approval she was sure she had earned. After all, here they were, so close to the town, and yet, away from it, and beauty was all around them. Who would not praise?

But Tolvadok felt dizzy, and sick. It had been bad enough crossing the river, but now there were no stones between him and the rushing waters that could engulf him at any moment, and the cruel sun beat down on his face, like a hammer of gold, and he wished desperately for night, and darkness, and asked himself again why he had been foolish enough to come here with Yerri.

But he showed none of it on his face. He smiled, and only said, "It is perfect" in a tone so sincere, that the smile that had been threatening for so long on Yerri's face burst out in all its glory. She did not reply, but set about arranging everything swiftly and with skill.
"I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
Death thought about it.
"Cats," he said eventually. "Cats are nice." -Terry Pratchett, Sourcery

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Last edited by Serenoli : 01-07-2006 at 04:09 PM.
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Old 01-07-2006, 06:39 PM   #727
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Lilly's little scheme

University, Tuesday, before 2 PM.

After giving a slip to fangirls, Valandil sat in a quiet corner listening to faint sounds of swans. He had little sleep the previous night, and the night before, for that matter. So now the sun made him drowsy, he stretched in a tall grass, and drifted into a peaceful slumber.

About three hours later, he was awakened from a sweet dream featuring himself and Aiwendis. Someone was sitting next to him, calling his name in a soft voice. He tried to open his eyes, but found them covered by small hands.

"Now, my King, divine, who I am?" asked a melodious feminine voice. Valandil felt a sweet aroma of a perfume in his nostrils and a softness of a woman's bosom touching his head.

Still disoriented from the after-effect of his dream, Valandil whispered "Aiwendis?" with his suddenly dry lips. He reached up and gently removed the hands from his eyes.

There Valandil had one of the biggest surprises of his life. Kneeling behind him was the green-eyed redhead, the one he met yesterday in The Herring, Marthalion's sweetheart. Well, for another man's sweetheart, she surely acted strangely. Valandil quickly lifted his head from her almost bare bosom and sat bolt upright.

"Lady Lilaenwen!"

While Valandil stared at her at a loss for words, Lilly managed to overcome her annoyance at hearing Aiwendis's name. She smiled sweetly and shook her head.

"No, I am not the Chancellor's daughter. She is too tragic for practical jokes. Also, she will hardly bother to bring some lunch to you." Lilly indicated a basket with a bottle of wine, and some wonderfully-looking sandwiches.

"As for me, I never forget my friends, be they old or new. Here, have a sandwich, Your Highness. The Commerce starts in less than an hour, you will have no way to eat otherwise."

Valandil, still blushing for having foolishly uttered Aiwendis's name, thanked her and took a sandwich distractedly. The situation was absurd. But something Lilly had said was far too interesting for him...

"Are you a friend of the Lady Aiwendis?" he asked.

Lilly cocked her head and went pensive. Valandil couldn't fathom why so simple a question needed so much reflection. Finally she replied "No, I hardly know her, I am new to Tharbad, but I heard a lot, who didn't?"

"Then why do you call her 'tragic'?"

Lilly sighed, and poured them some wine. Her voice took on a sing-song quality.
"Broken heart, My King, what else?! She had been very much in love with one man, they say, and then, when you came to Tharbad, her father forbade them to see each other... Sad story, but so very common."

Valandil bent his head, the bright day suddenly dimmed. "Who is he?" he whispered.

The King's head was bowed, so he was unable to see the wicked smile on Lilly's lips and the evil gleam in her green eyes. While searching for the King throughout the University grounds, she met Udu. Just like the day before, Udu was hateful. He didn't reply to her smiles and warm greetings, but scowled at her instead and went by, calling her "Skessa" mentally. Lilly was determined to have her vengeance. She touched Valandil's hand compassionately and said "He is another professor, perhaps you have seen him, Maethor by name. He is a pure-blood Numenorean and a very handsome man. No wonder poor Aiwendis is attracted to him".
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Old 01-08-2006, 04:44 AM   #728
Head of the Department for the Invention and Propagation of Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice!
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Tolvadok goes on a picnic - Part 2

The two of them, Yerri and Tolvadok sat under the shade of a willow tree in silence, munching sandwiches. Tolvadok was still battling with his fears, and a sudden shyness, and for Yerri, she felt the moment was too solemn and lovely to be interrupted with ordinary chit-chat.

But she couldn’t stay long in silence, and longed to know more about this mysterious man sitting beside her. She smiled at him, and began, “I don’t know anything about you, except your name and that you like reading books. So, tell me something.”

“What is there to tell? I am a scholar, and I’ve come here to study at Tharbad Universty, like so many others. And, now I’m thinking of taking up a housekeeper’s job to pay for my classes. A common enough story.”

She laughed. “More common than you think! Why that’s my story, word for word. Only I never found the house-keeping job, and got stuck as a waitress, and I have almost quite given up hopes of ever actually getting into the Uni.” She paused then, and her cheery face was momentarily clouded.

He noticed this, and changed the topic -“You’re not a native of Tharbad, then?”

“Precious few are. People come here from all over Middle-earth… and many of them settle here, even after getting their degrees. I come from Ruhin, a town on the southern coast of Enedwaith, and my sister still lives there. She’s a carpenter’s wife, and I have two nephews there, who I haven’t seen for three years. But I don’t want to go back. Tharbad has become my home now… where are you from, then? Do you have any family?”

The natural answer to this question would have been “I’m from Mordor, and my master is my only family”… only Mordor was defeated, and Sauron was gone. And so he thought of his other home and family- the place he had been born in, and his father, his brother… he had destroyed that home, and murdered that family.

He looked up, and saw her looking at him with big, sorrowful eyes. She had seen the expression on his face and said quickly, “I’m sorry I asked, don’t answer if you don’t want to.”

“There is nothing to hide. My family is all dead… killed in a war years ago. My home was in the North, a small kingship in the Rhovanion, but it exists no more, and I doubt you ever heard of it.”

They were silent again, then, both thoughtful. Tolvadok had felt his dizziness abate while he had been talking. It took his mind off the water, but now he could hear them again- the evil whispers of Ulmo in the murmuring of the water, and he wished they could go on talking again, if only to drown out the voice of the river.

Meanwhile, it was getting late. They had come there in the hot afternoon, but now the sun had lost its heat, and was leaning to the West… and it was getting cold. Yerri shivered slightly, and Tolvadok drew closer to her, almost unconciously, and she gratefully snuggled upto him under his cloak.

“Girithron?”, came her muffled voice from inside his cloak.


“I’m sorry I was such bad company. I’m usually so very cheerful, never this serious, and I hope I didn’t spoil it for you.”

“I think that was me- I tend to be gloomy, you must have been infected by me.” This time, his smile was real. Warmed more by the smile than by his arms, Yerri went back to looking at the red sky, and the sun setting over the river. They might have stayed like that a long time, had not Tolvadok suddenly remembered Orrodel- and he also remembered that the Morgul Lord had told him to watch Viv carefully, because she was getting too close to a mortal. How could he reproach her, if he himself watched sunsets with a lovely mortal lass in his arms?

Cold and business-like at the thought, he got up, and telling her hurriedly that he was late for an interview for the house-keeping job, he began packing everything up. Yerri helped him, but she was rather bewildered at this sudden change. But, when they were walking back, she put her hand in his, and he did not resist, so she was reassured again.

She lived at the inn, in an upstairs room, usually called the attic in other houses, so he said good-bye to her there at the inn-door, with a promise that he would see her again. Tolvadok then left for Orrodel, his mind not at all at ease with himself, but Yerri that night was in a trance of content happiness, and did not torment herself with useless questions as he did.
"I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
Death thought about it.
"Cats," he said eventually. "Cats are nice." -Terry Pratchett, Sourcery

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Old 01-09-2006, 03:57 PM   #729
Lady of the Ulairi
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University, around 1.30 PM, Tuesday.

The Chancellor paused on the path leading to the forge, listening to the steady powerful banging coming from inside. Mahtaliel was clearly doing some heavy metalwork in the main forge. Wincing inwardly, as the nearness of big flames always made him uneasy at best, the Chancellor entered the building. He passed an empty classroom and stopped in the open doorway to the forge.

Mahtaliel was working on a sword. Holding the hilt with her left hand, protected by a thick glove, she flattened the glowing blade more and more with a hammer. The Elf was dressed only in a light blouse, the bulging muscles in her arms outlined by the glow of the forge. The heavy hammer seemed a child's toy in her strong hand. Her face, only dimly visible in the dancing shadows, was stern and immobile in concentration.

For some time the Chancellor remained in the doorway, silently watching the Elf work. Two thousand yours ago in Ost-in-Edhil, Annatar, the Giver of Gifts, must have stood like that, watching Celebrimbor work on the Rings...

At that thought, the invisible diamond Ring on the Morgul Lord's hand, the mightiest of the Nine, started to warm and to throb as with its own heartbeats. The very air became oppressive, charged with images of a long-forgotten past. Deep shadows moved in the corners. The Elf must have felt something, as she suddenly dropped her tools and stared at the doorway, stark horror on her face.

Shaking, Mahtaliel faced the doorway. She thought she saw again the towering figure of Annatar the Golden Maia, returned from the shadows to get her...Elven-fair tanned face, slanting yellow eyes, a mane of golden hair and that voice...

"I am sorry for having startled you, Lady".

It was not the voice she remembered so well, not the deep, melodious, compelling voice of the Golden Deceiver, but a voice cold, hollow, and emotionless. Mahtaliel let out a shuddering sigh and squinted at the figure in the doorway. She noted long dark hair and grey piercing eyes.
No, it was not Sauron. It was the Chancellor. Only the Chancellor... And the shadows in the corners were only shadows... She was in Tharbad, in her forge, and the Enemy was brought down forever...

Struggling to keep her emotions in check, Mahtaliel said weakly "You should have made your presence known. What do you want here?"

"My apologies, Professor. There was no point in knocking on the door in that din. As to your question, I would appreciate some explanations regarding the deplorable public incident you provoked this morning"

Mahtaliel felt the surge of anger. Her forces were returning to her. "I provoked no incident, Chancellor. It was Galadannun's doing entirely. I will not allow ANYONE to maltreat my students".

"As far as I know, it were you who called him names publicly, while he remained polite to you. Professor Galadannun was doing his duty. He is new to the Library, and cannot know all our books by sight. He had the right to check if the book in question had been stolen".

"You want to say that my students are thieves?" hissed Mahtaliel.

"Can you vouch for everyone, Professor? You scarcely know this one. You are defending her, because she is an Elf. You are most partial to your kin, Professor. The USAT is a human University, and all the students are bound to have equal rights, regardless of their race."

"You want to say that I despise humans?" Mahtaliel was becoming really angry now.

"I only want to warn you against that mistake", replied the Chancellor smoothly. He waved his hand, showing that he had not yet finished. " And another matter. Your language is quite rude sometimes, Professor. I will be most obliged if henceforth you would watch your tongue while speaking in front of a young maiden."

"You mean your 'all airs and graces' of a daughter?" sneered Mahtaliel. "During my exchange with that swine Galadannun there were two young maidens among the audience, not just one. Rian has not complained about my choice of words, neither has she fainted!"

"Rian? Rian from Gondolin?" The Chancellor's voice sounded distinctly mocking now. "A maiden who has found no husband in four thousand years could hardly be called "young". An old maid, that describes her far better."

"Get out of here, you... " Mahtaliel yelled.

The Chancellor bowed his head slightly and left without another word. Mahtaliel picked the hammer and returned to her work, trying to forget the unpleasant visitor as soon as possible.

Last edited by Gordis : 01-09-2006 at 06:31 PM.
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Old 01-09-2006, 06:46 PM   #730
Half-Elven Princess of Rabbit Trails and Harp-Wielding Administrator (beware the Rubber Chicken of Doom!)
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Tuesday afternoon, various places

Hooves flying; dark-haired man bending low, one with the horse, moving with her movements. Tyaron looked over his shoulder for the hundredth time, but saw nothing for the hundredth time. Hwesta felt his unease; her ears were flicking back and forth, and she kept tossing her head.

Tyaron saw a small stream and decided to give the tired mare a short break. He spoke to her and brought her down to a trot, then a walk, letting her breathing slow down before he dismounted. His legs were damp with her sweat, and felt suddenly cool as the breeze touched them.

"Sorry to work you so hard today, cousin, but ... I don't know, I just want to get back. There's something wrong here - you feel it too, I can tell," he said, lifting up her forelock and blowing on the dampness, then rubbing her favorite spot. But she didn't relax and push into his hand, like she usually did. Her nostrils were flaring; he could see the deep, dark red inside as her breath blew out and she tossed her head uneasily, shaking his hand off. "Get a drink, Hwesta; I'll keep watch," he said, and the mare lowered her head for a drink as he fingered the arrows in his quiver.

Tyaron scanned the countryside while she was drinking, and then got a drink himself and topped off his water skin with the cool, clear stream water. He let her rest far shorter than he would have normally, but it was clear that she wanted to keep moving, too, so he remounted. He tried to keep her to a slower canter to conserve her energy, but soon they were back to the four-beat gallop again.

- - - -

Alagos sat in a tree at the practice range, swinging his feet. His disobedient arrow had just finished performed admirably, after the little correction session he had given it with his knife, and now he had nothing he had to do for several hours, and he was just enjoying the day. He thought back on his meeting with Ray and Marty, and a little smile crossed his handsome face. He thought of a saying that he had heard in his travels - that a man only needs three things: a good friend, a good enemy, and a good woman. He had the first, in Tyaron, and now hopefully in Ray and Marty and perhaps Valandil while he was here in Tharbad. He was still hopeful for the last, for he was an optimist. He had had his share of the second, though, and was hoping for a long period of peace. "Then why do you keep making more arrows?" a voice said inside him, as his eyes strayed to the latest batch he had just started, lying in the shadows under the tree. He had no answer.

- - - -

R*an looked up as someone came thought the door, and her eyes met those of the King, who paused for a brief moment, and then smiled.
I should be doing the laundry, but this is MUCH more fun! Ñá ë?* óú éä ïöü Öñ É Þ ð ß ® ç å ™ æ ♪ ?*

"How lovely are Thy dwelling places, O Lord of hosts! ... For a day in Thy courts is better than a thousand outside." (from Psalm 84) * * * God rocks!

Entmoot : Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I got hooked!

Ego numquam pronunciare mendacium, sed ego sum homo indomitus!
Run the earth and watch the sky ... Auta i lómë! Aurë entuluva!

Last edited by Rían : 01-09-2006 at 06:48 PM.
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Old 01-10-2006, 04:44 PM   #731
The last sane person
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It was a solid four hours and thirteen bottles of spirits and uncounted pitchers of ale later, both Shah and Mahta had what looked to be a small army of shot and beer glasses arranged infront of them. Both were considerably pinked in the cheeks and laughing.

"Hah! Look, I have drun more than you, and my shot glasses prove it!" Shah roared as he slammed down his umpteenth shot glass and collected the empty bottle well behind his defensive lines of beersteins and shotglasses.

"And look, you drunk old goose, my lines are just as much as yours!" With that she emptied the last of her ale.

"Pff. Aye, beer doesn't do much, I see your defensive lines severly lack the shot glasses."

"Meh, I've drunk an equal amount of beer to match you whiskey, not to mention that I have been..." she hiccuped, "whiskey and rum to match."

"But you're more drunker than I am. Hah, I bet you cant shtand straight! And besides, my mannish liver can take more spirits than yours." Shah laughed and nearly fell over, prompting Mahtaliel to reach over in an attempt to drag him back straight.

It sort of worked. They both ended up sitting slantwise in their seats. "Y'know, I have no reason to drown my liver mate. I think we'll both...erk...be out cold ere a true winner is reached..." Shah listed to a side yet again. Mahtaliel began to nod her head, but thought the better of it, since it made her dizzy.

"Shah, I think your spirit drowned brain might still have some good ideas yet. Mayhaps some fresh air would do us good..." Shah nodded, winced and they both made concentrated efforts to stand up. After a few attempts, they were both up and with their cloaks drapped haphazardly, leaning slightly on one another headed out the door.

"Come on old girl...to the river side. I..dun..dunt want any of me lads..er..warriors to see me such. Same for yous." He held out his arm in a lopsided gesture of courtesy, she took it and attempted to straighten up.

"Good idea, lead the way!" She laughed and they both wobbled their way down to the piers. The fresh air did do them some good, but not enough. Mahta was admiring the veiw far more than where she was going.

"Oof!" As such, she tripped over a cobble stone, going sideways into Shah.

"Hey!" Shah wasn't exactly well balanced either.


They both went down into the river, fortunatly not too deep. Mahta had knocked him over, but he still had her arm. They were wet, cold, sputtering for air and utterly alert and awake.
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

Last edited by The last sane person : 01-19-2006 at 07:44 PM.
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Old 01-10-2006, 07:04 PM   #732
Shadow Lord of Morgul
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Nazgul The New Wife

Tuesday, University Grounds

When Maethor arrived at his new house that afternoon, he was pleased to find that his servants were busily preparing the unoccupied rooms for his use. He had decided that instead of having the warrior Ecco take Nossenis and present her to Khamul that he would do it himself.

Nossenis scowled at him when he told her, “There is no time for you to become comfortable in this place... I am giving you to a friend who needs a servant of your talents.”

“You cannot do this to me!” she cried wrathfully, clenching her small hands into fists.

“Silence, woman! I do as I please!”

“Not to me, you do not!” she screamed as she picked up a just-unpacked cooking knife and ran towards Maethor.

A few quiet words intoned softly, and the woman fell to her knees. “Mercy! Do not hurt me! Please, Master, please!”

“Woman, your words are endless! Get up and follow me. You, too, Ecco. Both of you will now serve the Lord Galadannun... for as long as he needs you.”

The two followed Maethor out of the house, across the street and through the northeast gate of the university. Udu espied the young king and Lilly passing by. “What is Skessa doing with him?” he wondered. “No doubt he is new game for her. She always thinks all she has to do to get her way is flaunt her pretty face, her ample bosom and all her many charms, and all men will fall at her feet. That never worked with me, though she has tried it before.”

By thought speech, he sent her two words: “Shameless skessa!”

“Isn’t he a fine catch, though?” she taunted back by thought-speech.

“Forget it, Lilly!” he replied in thought-speech. “He is out of your league!”

The string of names she directed his way in thought-speech would have burnt the ears of a mortal man.

Laughing, Udu sauntered on towards Khamûl’s apartments, a scowling Nossenis and an amused Ecco behind him. Once inside Khamûl’s quarters, the two men greeted each other and then Udu got down to business.

“My Lord Galadannun, let me present to you the lovely Lady Nossenis.” Udu reached his hand out and with his thumb and forefinger, he tweaked Nossenis’ already scowling face into a grimace.

“See how lovely she is? She will make you a fine wife. I give her to you as a gift. She is yours. My servant, Ecco, too, but should you ever no longer have need of him, send him back. The woman is yours to keep forever.”
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Old 01-10-2006, 08:20 PM   #733
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Tyaron slowed Hwesta to a walk yet again to let her catch her wind, then dismounted and walked alongside her. Night had fallen - early, it seemed somehow - and the air was full of strange noises. He fit an arrow to the string and strained his ears for any signs of pursuit, but heard nothing definite.

Normally, if he had been walking, he would have found a tree to spend a night like this in, but he had R*an's mare to protect. Perhaps he should have stayed put at their last resting spot - a fairly defensible place, with a good view of anything that might be coming - but the mare seemed to prefer to keep moving, and the countryside was fairly open, so he decided to keep going.

Just one night ago, he had pleaded with the Valar to take his life. But now that his life seemed to be in danger, he found himself a bit more attached to it than he had thought he would be. He pondered this as he walked, wondering if it was just because of R*an's mare that he was being so vigilant, or if there was something inside of a person that knew that life itself was valuable and worth fighting for, even if your most cherished dreams were lost. Was there something beyond dreams? Were dreams pointers to realities that were solid and unshakeable, unable to be lost as dreams could be, and yet unseen at this time? There was more than one type of seeing: physical sight was one, dream sight was another, heart sight was a third; how many others were there? And why was he willing, even desiring, to fight for his life when everything in him cried out for death? Was he seeing something else?

A spark of hope glimmered briefly, then died down. Stupid, worthless thoughts - thinking was a game for fools - thoughts like this were castles in the air that crumbled at the first touch of real life ("but what is real?" a voice inside him asked). The facts were that his hated passions, that he had fought against for so long, had led him to compromise himself with a prostitute, and that shut him off from the woman he really wanted. "It's R*an's fault - she shouldn't put me off like this when I've been so faithful to her!" he thought angrily, then was ashamed of the thought. He went back to his black mood; reveling in it, embracing it. If only he didn't have Hwesta with him, he would love going down in a good fight. But he couldn't stand the thought of R*an losing her beautiful mare. Why couldn't life just work the way it should? Why did it keep getting out of his control?
I should be doing the laundry, but this is MUCH more fun! Ñá ë?* óú éä ïöü Öñ É Þ ð ß ® ç å ™ æ ♪ ?*

"How lovely are Thy dwelling places, O Lord of hosts! ... For a day in Thy courts is better than a thousand outside." (from Psalm 84) * * * God rocks!

Entmoot : Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I got hooked!

Ego numquam pronunciare mendacium, sed ego sum homo indomitus!
Run the earth and watch the sky ... Auta i lómë! Aurë entuluva!

Last edited by Rían : 01-11-2006 at 01:40 PM.
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Old 01-11-2006, 08:34 AM   #734
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The Spirits followed Tyaron, planning yet again to ambush him.

They began shaping themselves from the very air into solid forms so evil and hideous even the ring-wraiths would flee from them.
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Old 01-11-2006, 03:36 PM   #735
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"A wife? I think not. I do not know this woman, and even those I have known I have not ever married as you well know, yet I thank you for this generosity. I'm sure they will serve me well and faithfully," said Khamûl.
"I'm sure they will," replied Udu, before reverting to thought speech. 'Outside. Lily and the Young King.'
'It may mean nothing,' replied Khamûl.
'You know Lily better than that, but do as you will. I have already been involved with Lily in public one time to many,' answered Udu, as he turned to leave.
"What is your bidding master," said Ecco.
"I will send up my assistant, Sapthan to show you to your quarters and the rest of the library, for I now have some business to attend to," said Khamûl, turning and walking down the stairs to where Sapthan was in the Main Hall.
"Sapthan, would you show my two servants to their quaters and then show them around the library," said Galadannun, leaving without waiting for an answer.
"So she fainted," Khamûl heard Lily say, even though he was 100 yards from where she was standing, and the fact that his Ring slightly enhanced his hearing had nothing to do with it. Where ever Lily was she made sure she was heard, she had always been the same. She had been punished by Sauron many times for giving away her position whilst hunting elves in Great War.
"My dear sister Lilaenwen. A word if you please," called Khamûl across the courtyard. Lily scowled, but slowly walked towards him.
'What do you think you're doing,' said Khamûl, resorting to thought speech.
Then Huor spoke and said: "Yet if it stands but a little while, then out of your house shall come the hope of Elves and Men. This I say to you, lord, with the eyes of death: though we part here for ever, and I shall not look on your white walls again, from you and me a new star shall arise. Farewell!"

The Silmarillion, Nirnaeth Arnoediad, Page 230
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Old 01-11-2006, 04:40 PM   #736
Shadow Lord of Morgul
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Nossenis had cursed Maethor under her breath when her former master turned her over to Lord Galadannun, but Udu wore a smug grin upon his face. He felt at last that he had gotten the better of the other wraith. He had other affairs to consider - the matter of the modifications he planned to make to the cellar of his new house at the corner of Rath Galen.

Udu had just completed the architectural sketches showing the cellar converted into one large chamber, a number of cells, and interconnecting hallways. Two cells would need certain modifications that only he could make, for these would be special cells. Embedded in the stones of the walls would be arcane symbols, runes and secret words with spells so powerful that the only two Nazgul who could break them would be either the Morgul Lord or Khamul. At least Maethor thought the spells should work.

“A perfect place for entertaining ‘notable guests,’” he thought. He hoped the very first one to grace the special cells would be the lovely Lilaenwen. “Eventually,” he thought, “she will go too far in her never-ending schemes. If no other is able to discipline her the way she should be, it will have to be me.”

He could already see the helpless expression on her face as she realized she had just been imprisoned in a cell that she could never escape. “Lilly might be here a long, long time,” he thought. At least the spells would make the cell not only inescapable, but soundproof, even for the loudest wraith.


Ecco and Nossenis had little time to survey their surroundings. Their new master, Lord Galadannun, had told a tall, solemn looking man to show them to their quarters and then around the library. Even though he was handsome, Nossenis felt a bit frightened of the man, for he seemed dark and foreboding. He reminded her of some of the cult members in the East, those who practiced the dark arts in the dead of night. All of the people in the land from which Ecco and Nossenis had come from told tales that any who had the foul luck to fall into these strange ones’ hands would be placed upon sacrificial altars in dark groves.

Just thinking of it brought shudders to Nossenis. She found the Lord Galadannun far more pleasing, and he was much more handsome than her Lord Maethor ever was. She began to think that perhaps it was a good idea that she was now Galadannun’s servant. She thought she might grow to be very fond of him.
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Old 01-11-2006, 05:28 PM   #737
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In front of the Commerce building 2.30 PM Tuesday

Lilly was standing with the King and the group of young ladies in front of the Commerce building. After her venomous arrow pierced his unprotected heart, Valandil seemed distracted and withdrawn. Lilly had no trouble to get a firm, vice-like grip on his arm, and lead her prey towards the Commerce building, flaunting her catch proudly in front of other girls, who turned positively green from envy.

They were discussing the incident with swooning Aiwendis, and the King could give no clear explanation what had caused her to faint in the first place.

"So she fainted!" exclaimed Lilly, ready to give a very explicit, if totally opinionated, explanation of this phenomenon. But her sarcastic remarks were interrupted right at the start by Khamul's voice.

"My dear sister Lilaenwen. A word, if you please". The Easterling's voice was positively dripping with honey, a sign that nothing good was in store.

Lilly hid her disappointment at having to let the King's arm go, and exclaimed, for everyone to hear "Oh, my dearest brother Gal! What a pleasure to meet you here!"

'What do you think you're doing,' said Khamûl, resorting to thought speech.

Disregarding his question, she approached the scowling Khamul, threw her arms around his neck and planted a wet kiss on his cheek. Lilly felt great satisfaction observing a tic of disgust on the Second's face; she knew full well how he hated kisses.

'What do you think you're doing?' snarled Khamûl again in thought speech.

'Why, kissing you of course! Can't I kiss my very own darling brother?'

'I mean, with the King?' Khamul was visibly shaking from anger, his eyes ablaze.

Lilly pouted, feigning to be offended. 'Our relations are totally innocent!'

She turned and run towards the Commerce building. All the students were already inside. Lilly paused in the doorway, and Khamul heard her chiming laughter and caught the parting thought:

'Totally innocent... YET!'
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Old 01-12-2006, 09:02 PM   #738
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The meeting with Khamul had gone surprisingly well, and Maethor was pleased with the way things had turned out. He had had doubts about ever sending East for the sour-tempered Nossenis, but she was the only one among his wives who could speak Common. In addition to that, she was an outstanding cook, and that was always an asset when entertaining visiting nobles.

“Khamul has her now,” he thought gleefully, “and may she be just as pleasant to him as ever she was to me.” Back in the East, he had considered getting rid of her by having her sewn into a sack and dumped into the nearest river, but he had not. Mercy had nothing to do with it; good cooking did.

The sun was far too bright that day for his taste, but it was just one of those unpleasantries that had to be borne. He grinned at a richly dressed dowager and two lovely young maidens who passed him by and was pleased when he saw that he had coaxed cheerful smiles from the group. Life in Tharbad was not too bad.

He returned briefly to the visiting professors’ apartments and collected the remainder of his clothing and gear. Then he ambled across the university grounds and walked across the street towards his house. He noted at the back entrance facing Menetar that there was a quite a few delivery wagons filled with lumber, large metal girders, building stones and all the paraphernalia of a remodeling project. As he walked inside, the guard stationed just inside the door bowed low. He nodded briefly, walking past the guard and going down the cellar steps.

Dust filled the air and several of the workmen were coughing. A number of wall partitions had been torn out and the outlines of a large central room were taking shape.

“Master,” Ulfang greeted humbly as he bowed. Maethor noted that the gruesome scar that went from his left eye to the corner of his mouth seemed an even brighter red than usual, always a sign the man was perturbed about something.

“Is there some problem with construction, Ulfang?” Maethor inquired.

“Aye, Master, there is concern among us that with the central partition being torn out to make room for the large room, there would be too much weight there upon the auxiliary supporting posts, weakening the structure. Perhaps we do not understand some part of your plans?”

Maethor pulled his architectural sketches from inside his cloak and walked over to a large pile of lumber at the side of the cellar. Spreading out the plans upon the boards, Maethor tapped his finger on a line as Ulfang looked. “Simply put in a large support beam across the ceiling here and set it upon two posts there,” he said, his finger tapping on the paper. “With this much strength at the base, it would take Dagor Dagorlath to bring it down!”

“Yes, Master,” he said, looking down at the plans, “I understand now.”

Ulfang took him down a corridor and showed him the progress that had been made in tearing out some old storage rooms. Then when they came to an open area where the debris had been mostly cleared, Ulfang seemed apprehensive. He had an idea from what the lord had told him that there was to be something unusual about the two cells which were to be built there, something he did not understand but feared nonetheless.

The Easterling’s father had been a young man when the lord from the West had first arrived in the land. With only a few men, Lord Maethor, in one fierce battle after another, had claimed title over his enemys’ territories, herds, flocks and all hpossessions. Ulfang knew Lord Maethor to be a powerful wizard and warrior who never seemed to age, but he knew little else than that about him.

Udu sensed the man’s unease. “There is nothing for you to fear here now, nor will there be until later when all is completed.” Ulfang looked at him uncertainly. “Do not fear the cells nor what will be housed in them. All will be in my power...after certain things are done.”

Ulfang shuddered. He had seen his lord forced to reveal some of his magic powers back in the east when Maethor had been severely pressed during battles. Ulfang could still remember the terror-stricken faces and screams when the men’s heads began to freeze atop their shoulders, finally crackling and breaking into ice crystals.

“Ulfang, it is most important for the men to construct the three encircling walls about the two cells with the utmost care. When they are completed, it should be impossible to slide even a pin between the cracks.”

“All will be done as you have specified, Master.”

“Good,” Udu murmured, looking deeply into the man’s eyes. “You are indeed a worthy servant and will be rewarded.”

Udu left the cellar to the sound of another section of wall being torn out and walked up the stairs to the main house. He passed up to the second floor upon a set of circular stairs and walked down the hall and opened his bed chamber door. A tawny-skinned, dark-eyed beauty stood by the bed, folding a garment.

“My lord!” she exclaimed in an Eastern tongue. Throwing down the garment, she turned and rushed towards him.

He gathered her up in his arms, his lips catching hers in a passionate kiss.

“I have missed you,” she said, burying her face into his chest.

“Tatyana, we have a lot of time to make up for,” he said, walking back over to the door and locking it, “and we have all afternoon.”

Last edited by Udukhaturz : 01-12-2006 at 09:08 PM.
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Old 01-13-2006, 06:33 AM   #739
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The Kree Spirits having solidified into vicious claw and sharp-toothed entities flowed forward stealthily slowly closing in on unsuspecting lone rider.
The attack was imminent.
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Old 01-13-2006, 09:20 AM   #740
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As Lilaenwen stepped aside to speak with... oh, a bit more than just speak with... her brother, Valandil breathed an inward sigh of relief. She was certainly attractive enough, but didn't seem like the kind of girl he could take home to his mother. For better or for worse though, her presence HAD induced the little knot of young noblewomen (what WERE they doing still on campus?) to step aside and let them pass. Now some of THEM seemed like the kind he might be expected to bring home, but all of them together were just a little bit overwhelming.

He overheard behind him, "Yes... the teacher is Professor Bummellore... Bumbledore, Rumpeldoor, something like that." His eyes widened a bit, then narrowed once more, as he wondered what that was all about. Then he walked up the few steps to the building entrance, re-checked his schedule for the correct room number - yes, this one on the right - and stepped inside. As he walked through the doorway, he saw from the corner of his eye that all the young ladies were now coming inside the building as well.

There was only one other student in the classroom and SHE was looking at him. He breathed one more inward sigh of relief when he recognized that it was the Elf maiden, Rian. Their eyes met, and he smiled at her, for fair she was. A sudden thought struck him and he approached her.

"Good afternoon, Lady Rian," he said.

"Why, good afternoon Your Highness," she replied with a smile of her own. "Are you in Commerce also?"

"Why yes, and just call me 'Valandil' - or 'Val' if you like. Say... is this seat taken?"

She looked over his shoulder and answered, "No, not yet - but you'd better be quick, it looks like the class is filling up." He followed her gaze and saw that the young ladies were beginning to file into the room, each in turn glancing his way as they made small talk with one another. Rian continued, "This other one I was reserving for my friend Earniel - but that is certainly unclaimed," indicating the place he had asked about.

Outside the window, they saw Earniel walk by, heading in the direction of the front entrance.

As he settled into the spot he leaned over toward her once more, "Lady Rian - could we make a threesome; you Earniel and me?" She didn't quite seem to know how to respond, so he continued, "That is... I see in our class syllabus that our very first assignment is something called 'group projects' - in which we work together on a commerce project in groups of three. Could we work together? We might even have regular meetings at The Red Herring or some such place."
My Fanfic:
Letters of Firiel

Tales of Nolduryon
Visitors Come to Court

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Splitting Threads is SUCH Hard Work!!
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