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Old 12-29-2005, 07:32 PM   #701
Lady of the Ulairi
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Near the Library, Tuesday, around 10 AM.

"Yes, her... and ... Professor... Galadannun, and Sapthan! and Mahtaliel!" whispered Aiwendis worriedly.

Then she turned, and, without another word, started to run across the lawn towards an abandoned guard-tower near the main entrance to the Library court. Valandil watched her hurrying away, still slightly dazed by the intense moment they just shared together. Aiwendis was half-way to the tower, when her long blue scarf fell from her shoulders and remained on the path unheeded. Valandil came to his senses and sprinted after Aiwendis. He scooped the scarf and, still running, brought it close to his face, inhaling its faint fragrance.

He caught up with Aiwendis just before they broke through the half-open tower door. There were several people inside, but nobody turned to look at the newcomers.

Professor Galadannun stood facing Mahtaliel the Elf who spoke with venomous disdain,
"It is sad, yes, but as you are an ass I believe the interference was welcome. If you'll excuse me Master Buttocks, I have business elsewhere this morning." She turned to leave, "Ah... Rian, if you would care to come with me?"

Aiwendis stopped dead at the door. The King, caught in his momentum, almost knocked her down in his haste and stopped, clutching her shoulders, but she paid him no heed. Hearing Mahtaliel's words, Aiwendis felt her face burning from anger at the base insults thrown at one of her own. Then a wave of rage, coming from Khamul, hit her full force. Her ring was burning her finger. Time slowed. Like in a dream she watched Khamul's hand tighten on the hilt of his sword.

"No, no, my Lord! Stop! Don't kill her, Khamul!" she cried to him mentally, but there was no reply, only a wave of intense hatred.

Just before Khamul's blade started to leave his scabbard, Aiwendis cried out piercingly, wavered and went limp in Valandil's arms. The general attention turned to her. Khamul bit his lip and stayed his blow. Mahtaliel turned to look at the swooning Chancellor's daughter, shrugged her shoulders and left, beckoning to Rian to follow. Galadannun, still purple from rage, stalked away, followed by bewildered Sapthan.

Valandil was at a loss: the situation was new to him. He found Mahtaliel's words exceptionally rude, but still he could not fathom that they could cause a gentle noble lady to swoon. Yes, his mother was right, he knew nothing of women...

"Aiwendis, Lady Aiwendis, Are you unwell?" he asked in a shaky voice.

There was no reply. He lifted the slim body of his ladylove and carried her to a bench under a window.
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Old 12-29-2005, 09:06 PM   #702
Half-Elven Princess of Rabbit Trails and Harp-Wielding Administrator (beware the Rubber Chicken of Doom!)
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riding into Tharbad

Tyaron bent over Hwesta's neck, reluctantly enjoying the pleasure of riding a beautiful horse despite his dark mood. He twined his fingers in her flowing mane, holding his face close to her glistening neck. Here was a beautiful and uncomplicated female! Why were women so difficult? He was tired of trying to figure them out - they didn't seem to live by the same rules that he did. He would just concentrate on engraving the dagger, and other things that he understood and could control.

He was hoping to get to Tharbad that night, if the mare was willing. If not, he would just have to find as safe and defensible a place as possible to let her rest; he felt slightly uneasy about the encounter with the wolves the previous night, as they had not acted like any wolves that he had ever come across before.

The wolves followed along, under cover, as closely as they could, and then when the swift horse outdistanced them, the spirits left their used-up vessels and flew on swiftly ahead...
I should be doing the laundry, but this is MUCH more fun! Ñá ë?* óú éä ïöü Öñ É Þ ð ß ® ç å ™ æ ♪ ?*

"How lovely are Thy dwelling places, O Lord of hosts! ... For a day in Thy courts is better than a thousand outside." (from Psalm 84) * * * God rocks!

Entmoot : Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I got hooked!

Ego numquam pronunciare mendacium, sed ego sum homo indomitus!
Run the earth and watch the sky ... Auta i lómë! Aurë entuluva!

Last edited by Rían : 12-30-2005 at 03:55 PM.
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Old 12-30-2005, 03:36 AM   #703
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"Tyyyyaaaaaarooooooooonnnnnnnnnn! Tyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrooooooooooooonnnnnn nn! Weeee willl fiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnd youuuuuuuu againnnnnnn!"
the spirits whispered to the fleeing rider."We'll ussssse ootheerrr ssssubjectssss annnd youuuuuuu willlllllll nnnnnnneverrrr know wheeeeennnn youuuuu willl beee assssaullllted agaaaaiiiiiiiinnnn!"

Last edited by Grey_Wolf : 12-30-2005 at 03:40 AM.
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Old 12-30-2005, 03:49 PM   #704
Half-Elven Princess of Rabbit Trails and Harp-Wielding Administrator (beware the Rubber Chicken of Doom!)
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Tuesday, late morning
around town

R*an left the University grounds swiftly, holding her books close. That obnoxious Professor Galadannun! Did he have to be everywhere she was? What next - was he going to move in with Itazel and Danor? Well, at least ALL of the university staff wasn't like him - Professor Mahtaliel was very interesting, and so was the assistant librarian, Sapthân, with whom she had been having such a pleasant conversation when Professor Galadannun had so rudely interrupted them. She wondered how her next class was going to be, later that afternoon. For now, she would put her books somewhere safe - at least the one from her parents - and then perhaps find her brother and have some lunch with him.

She heard her name called by a voice that she loved and looked up to see her brother hailing her. "R*an! I hoped to catch you after your class ... what's wrong?" he said with concern, as she got closer.

She filled him in on the events of the morning, and he frowned when he heard what had happened. He knew how precious the book from their parents was to her. At least Galadannun hadn't touched that one. "Well, I'm not too surprised to hear of Galadannun's behavior - it's certainly consistent with how he acted Monday morning! Good thing not all humans are like that!"

"I'm not surprised, either, especially since at our first meeting, he pointed a dagger at my throat when all I was doing was working in the kitchen!" said R*an in disgust.

"He did WHAT?! said her protective brother, stopping dead in his tracks.

R*an had to take several minutes to calm him down and convince him that Galadannun wasn't worth spending any more time thinking about.

"Well, I don't want you to EVER be alone with him again!" ordered Alagos angrily.

"You don't have to worry about that!" replied R*an, rolling her eyes. "I have NO desire to be with him at ALL - alone or with people around!"

"Seriously, sister, there's something wrong with that man - I want you to keep aware around him - don't let him get you into a classroom alone on some innocent pretext or other. And keep your dagger with you."

R*an didn't like being told what to do, but she knew her brother was motivated by his care of her, so she let it pass. "I will, don't worry," she told him. "I don't like the feeling I get around him - it's more than just the revulsion of being around an unpleasant person - it's ... just something ... I don't know, he just makes my skin crawl, sometimes. Those few days at Orrodel were VERY strange!" and she told him about seeing Lilly passionately kissing a man in the garden that looked exactly like who she said was her brother.

Alagos's face reflected his feelings on that very expressively. "Well, let's hope that she's lying about him being her brother, then, or that you were mistaken about who the man was. The other option is too disgusting to even think about!"

R*an took his arm. "Let's just stop talking about them now," she implored. "I've had enough for one day, and it's still morning!"

"Let's go over to the Red Herring and get some tea or something, then, and forget about them. And I have something pleasant to share with you!"

"Good! Tell me, then, brother; I'm in the mood to hear something pleasant. But first, where do you think is a safe place to keep my books? I'm probably being over-cautious, but I don't want to leave them just lying around now - the way I feel now, I wouldn't put it past Galadannun to steal them! He certainly seemed to want to keep that one for some reason, even though it was probably just to hurt me."

They discussed the matter, and then deciding upon a place, hid the books. With a lighter heart, R*an followed her brother to the Red Herring, listening to his story about meeting with Ray and Marty as they went.
I should be doing the laundry, but this is MUCH more fun! Ñá ë?* óú éä ïöü Öñ É Þ ð ß ® ç å ™ æ ♪ ?*

"How lovely are Thy dwelling places, O Lord of hosts! ... For a day in Thy courts is better than a thousand outside." (from Psalm 84) * * * God rocks!

Entmoot : Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I got hooked!

Ego numquam pronunciare mendacium, sed ego sum homo indomitus!
Run the earth and watch the sky ... Auta i lómë! Aurë entuluva!

Last edited by Rían : 01-01-2006 at 10:12 PM.
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Old 12-30-2005, 04:56 PM   #705
Warrior of the House of Hador
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"It is sad, yes, but as you are an ass I believe the interference was welcome. If you'll excuse me Master Buttocks, I have business elsewhere this morning." She turned to leave, "Ah... Rian, if you would care to come with me?"
Khamûl's face turned red and his hand automatically slipped down to his sword hilt.
'Insolent daughter of Finwë,' thought Khamûl. 'She shall pay.'
"No, no, my Lord! Stop! Don't kill her, Khamul!"
Khamûl didn't reply, his hatred of Mahtalliel overwhelming all thoughts and reason. As his blade started to leave his scabbard he heard a scream from behind him. He turned and saw Aiwendis, limp in the Kings arms. He stayed his hand.
'Gordis. Are you ok? There was no reply.
"Aiwendis, Lady Aiwendis, Are you unwell?" said the King.
"Sapthan, come," snapped Khamûl. "You are to go to the library, allow nobody in who does not have a letter of appoval from the Chancellor."
"Where are you going sir?" replied Sapthan.
"That is none of your concern," said Khamûl, turning and stalking away towards the professor's apartment.
"My Captain," said Khamû;, opening the door to the Chancellors apartment. "Lady Aiwendis has collapsed near the library, the King is there, but I do not know whether it is a acunning plan to ensnare him or whether she is genuinly ill. I did not want to blow my cover by running back to cure her."
"A cunning plan? I think so. If not then it will be the King reporting it to me, trying to earn himself some brownie points. For now I shall leave them alone. You have done well. Is all fine with the library?" replied the Chancellor.
"Yes, save one minor misunderstanding with Professor Mahtalliel, but that will be sorted easily," said Khamûl.
"Beware of Mahtalliel, Lord Khamûl. She is as dangerous as her kinsman Fëanor," said the Chancellor.
"I understand My Lord," said Khamûl, leaving and making for the Forge.
"Yield," shouting one of students, kicking Mahtalliels sword into the flowerbed.
The students began to filter out until it was only Mahtalliel and Rian outside the forge.
"Beaten by a student. Apparently I overestimated you Mahtalliel," said Khamûl sarcastically.
"Apparently so," replied Mahtalliel icily.
"At the request of Professor Mahtalliel I have let the book matter lie," said Khamûl.
"I see you have at last seen sense and listened to Sapthan and Professor Mahtalliel have told you it belongs to me, what more proof to do you need?" replied Rian.
"A thanks you would have been more appreciated," said Khamûl. "You can go now, I would like to have a word with Professor Mahtalliel."
"Now Professor," said Mahtalliel. "What is it that you want."
"To discuss your conduct outside the library this morning," said Khamûl.
"Conduct? I don't know what you mean," said Mahtalliel.
"Insulting me outside the library, giving the book back to Rian," said Khamûl.
"If it's a question of authority," began Mahtalliel, before being interupted by Khamûl.
"There's no question. You don't have any over this. The library is in my command and I shall do as I will. I do not need your permission."
Then Huor spoke and said: "Yet if it stands but a little while, then out of your house shall come the hope of Elves and Men. This I say to you, lord, with the eyes of death: though we part here for ever, and I shall not look on your white walls again, from you and me a new star shall arise. Farewell!"

The Silmarillion, Nirnaeth Arnoediad, Page 230

Last edited by Telcontar_Dunedain : 01-04-2006 at 02:35 PM.
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Old 12-30-2005, 05:30 PM   #706
Lady Marion Magdalena
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"So it is a question of authority." Mahtaliel said flatly, "Galadanunn, don't be a power hungry fool, you knew perfectly well that book belongs to her."

"What part of 'You have no authority' do you not understand Professor?"

"There is nothing about it to understand, Galadanunn. You are persistantly harrasing one of my students and attempted to withhold her personal property. It is fully within my authority to intervene."

"Insulting me publicly is rightful intervention?"

"No, it isn't. That was purely personal. I don't like you Galadanunn, nor do I trust you. You seem more interested in bullying than teaching, you are the head of an unruly household and you are the most discourteous man I have ever had the displeasure of meeting."

"And you the most uncouth elf. Do you desire to have me as an enemy, Professor?"

"Is that your intent?" Mahtaliel laughed derisively, "Fine. Wonderful! I can always do with one more enemy."

"Were I in your place I would not laugh."

"Oh you would. Go on Galadanunn. Meet with the Chancellor. Tell him I am unbearably rude, that I interfere where I am unwelcome, tell him anything you like. Tell him I am mad for I can see you think so. He will do nothing. It is all the truth and I am sure he knows as much by now."

Khamul turned to go, seething that he was not being taken more seriously. Mad or no he would make this elf pay for her insolence.

"But Galadanunn-"

He stopped, "What?"

"You may be my enemy to your meager heart's content, but you will leave my students alone."

Khamul smiled poisonously at her, "You have no authority as to how I treat the University's students. I will report your behavior to the Chancellor."


"You will soon regret becoming my enemy. I have left many enemies in my wake in my lifetime and you will be no exception."

He left.

Mahtaliel closed the door behind him and leaned against it, feeling suddenly drained. The man had a stronger will than most. She would have to work harder, goad him more in hopes that he would concentrate on her instead of bothering the students. But he had acknowledged her as an enemy. That was a start.

Smirking sadly, Mahtaliel fired up the forge and pulled an unfinished blade down from the wall.
"Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; Leave me my name!"

- The Crucible

"nolite hippopotamum vexare!"

Last edited by Lady Marion Magdalena : 01-02-2006 at 09:41 PM.
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Old 12-31-2005, 06:03 AM   #707
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So far Tolvadok's search for Rian had been fruitless. After some searching, he found the house where she had been lodging, but was told that she was out, probably up at the University. He decided it would be hard to find her in there as he didn't know any of her classes, and after some aimless wandering, decided to have some breakfast at the Red Herring.

After a quiet cup of tea, and some toast, he had got up to leave, and was even calling the landlady for his bill, when the door to the inn opened. Two elves walked in, and Tolvadok recognised them as the ones he had seen last night. They were making for a table in the center of the room, but he intercepted them, and addressed her: "Are you the Lady Rian?"

She nodded her assent, and he went on, bowing slightly as he introduced himself "I am Girithron, son of Dinorth at you service. Could I have a word with you, please?"
"I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
Death thought about it.
"Cats," he said eventually. "Cats are nice." -Terry Pratchett, Sourcery

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Old 12-31-2005, 06:38 PM   #708
Half-Elven Princess of Rabbit Trails and Harp-Wielding Administrator (beware the Rubber Chicken of Doom!)
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. . .
I should be doing the laundry, but this is MUCH more fun! Ñá ë?* óú éä ïöü Öñ É Þ ð ß ® ç å ™ æ ♪ ?*

"How lovely are Thy dwelling places, O Lord of hosts! ... For a day in Thy courts is better than a thousand outside." (from Psalm 84) * * * God rocks!

Entmoot : Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I got hooked!

Ego numquam pronunciare mendacium, sed ego sum homo indomitus!
Run the earth and watch the sky ... Auta i lómë! Aurë entuluva!

Last edited by Rían : 01-03-2006 at 04:05 PM.
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Old 01-01-2006, 12:37 AM   #709
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Viv, Lomi & Laslech make their way back to Orrodel House - around 12 noon - 12:30 pm

Ray and Viv had parted ways at the South-West entry of the University of Tharbad campus, as Ray's house was just across Augon Aran and around the way. Viv didn't feel like following her owl all around Tharbad, so she gave Lomi the whistle that meant 'come here,' and waited, still smiling stupidly from the fantastic kiss.

"Yes?" said the owl, as she came to a clumsy, feathery halt upon Viniglaen's outstreched arm. Lomi was always off-kilter, and seemed perennially annoyed about something or another.

"We need to go the other way," said Viv, "I left Laslech in the Uni stables and need to pick her up."

"Shall I fly, then, my lady, to our ultimate destination, whatever that might be?" asked Lomi, with the dry sarcasm of a snobby butler who asks rhetorical questions for self-amusement.

Viv was still to wrapped up in her moment with Raendil to care about or notice dry owl wit.

"Mmm, no need. Just come along with me, we'll head back to Orrodel. We'll take conference in the backyard garden, you and I."

"Lovely idea."

Lomi slightly trolled her great yellow eyes, and let her feathery lids sink lower, resulting in a wonderfully deadpan squint.

Viniglaen casually made her way up through the campus grounds toward the forge and the stables, en route to get Laslech. Lomi dutifully bounced along, perched like a feathered, glaring puffball upon Viv's strong, outstreched arm.

Arriving back at Orrodel, it must have been around 12:30 in the afternoon, but for Viniglaen, time had stodd still and was still waiting for her, at the precise moment of that kiss from Ray. She let Laslech roam free and wander about the sprawling backyard garden of Orrodel House, after taking off all the mare's tack and giving her a thoughtful brushdown.

"MY LADY!" Lomi said, quite out of the blue, giving Viv the biggest startle-jump of the day.

"Good GRIEF, Lomi, WHAT?"

"The news I have, are you not interested?"

Last edited by Lotesse : 01-01-2006 at 04:24 PM.
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Old 01-02-2006, 04:02 PM   #710
Half-Elven Princess of Rabbit Trails and Harp-Wielding Administrator (beware the Rubber Chicken of Doom!)
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Tuesday, near noon
The Red Herring

"I am Girithron, son of Dinorth at you service. Could I have a word with you, please?" said Tolvadok, as he intercepted R*an and Alagos in the Red Herring.

"Certainly," answered R*an, as her brother looked at the pale, golden-haired man with barely-concealed suspicion. Tolvadok glanced his way, as if considering asking if he would mind stepping back and letting them speak privately (he could usually get women to be very sympathetic to him, and open up more than they intended to), but Alagos wasn't about to let that happen in the mood he was in, and he took the lead by asking, a bit brusquely, "What is your business with my sister?"

R*an gave him a sibling warning look, and she could see that he relented a bit. "Shall we sit over here?" he said, a bit more politely, motioning to an open table. Tolvadok assented, in his curious, slightly absent way, and they all sat down. Alagos did not move to order drinks, but the stranger started speaking, anyway.

"I will only take up a minute of your time - I am new to this area and was wishing to attend the University here, as I have heard well of it. However, I am not blessed with an overabundance of funds, and I need to find a job to support my academic endeavors. I had seen an ad about a major domo position at a place called", and here he paused for a moment, feigning trying to recall the name, although it was burned into his mind by the Morgul Lord, "Orrodel, if I recall correctly. The pay was excellent, and it would allow me to take several more classes than I had hoped was possible, which for a serious student such as myself is a wonderful blessing. Someone had pointed you out to me as the person who held the position last, and I wondered if you would be so kind as to tell me what you can about the place, so I can increase my chances of getting the job and going to school."

R*an paused slightly, not quite sure what to do. She didn't feel like she could tell the complete truth to a stranger, but it WAS good pay and the man seemed to really want to attend the University. And Professor Galadannun didn't live there anymore, although she imagined he would certainly visit. But perhaps Galadannun was only rude to women.

Tolvadok watched her carefully, although to the casual observer he seemed to be listening politely, although a bit absently. This conversation was a bit pointless in one aspect, because the Morgul Lord had told ordered him to get the job anyway, but it was good to go through the usual things for appearance's sake. Also, the Morgul Lord had wanted to find out what unusual things, if any, R*an had seen, and what she was likely to pass on to others.

R*an sighed slightly, and then replied, "I'm not quite sure what to say. Frankly, I only worked there for a few days, then left by mutual agreement, for the former head of the household, a Professor Galadannun, apparently took a violent dislike to me from the very start, although I did nothing wrong - on the contrary, I put a very disordered, dirty household well on the way to running smoothly and well." She was still piqued about Galadannun's lies about her work. "So normally, I wouldn't recommend it, but with your situation - well, it certainly does pay well, and if you can put up with the household ways and with Professor Galadannun, who will probably be visiting with his relatives there, then I think it would be worth it for you. One of the ladies there didn't seem to like elves, but that won't be a problem for you."

Alagos had been watching Girithron while his sister spoke, fascinated by his rather unwordly appearance and attitude. Alagos was one of those intensely alive and present people, and this man was odd to him - he seemed interested in what Rian had to say, but he had the air of a person whose mind was already made up. And he noticed that while Girithron was smilingly courteous, he also tended to lean back involuntarily, and once wrinkled up his nose slightly, as if in disgust... Alagos gave a mental shrug and gave it up - at least he was polite to his sister, and didn't seem to be a threat at all, but still ... one could never be too cautious.

Tolvadok had seen R*an's expression when she mentioned Lilly's attitude about elves, and he leaned in sympathetically, then cleared his throat and moved back just a bit, feeling the waves of disapproval and suspicion from the brother. Also, it was difficult to keep his "sympathetic face" expression while close to elf-stench. "Such a shame the unfounded prejudices some people have! It must have been very unpleasant for you there! Are there any other things that I should be aware of? Any, say, unusual aspects of the household that a major domo should know about? Just so I can be prepared to not lose my temper or anything like that - I really need this job!"

A waitress came by the table with a basket of fresh-baked bread. "Be right with you, ducks!" she said cheerfully. Tolvadok decided to step up the sympathy factor a bit and pretended to eye the basket hungrily. "Would you mind terribly if I had a bit of bread while you tell me about the household? I have been a bit hungry of late..."

"Oh, certainly - please go right ahead!" said R*an and Alagos together. Alagos stood up, murmuring to his sister, "I'll be right back," and walked off. Tolvadok grew tense - this was his opportunity - he had to make the most of it now that the obnoxious watchdog brother was gone for the moment. He put on his most downtrodden look as he bit into the fresh bread with assumed relish, and looked at her with his blue eyes imploring her aid.

R*an wasn't quite sure what to say - she wasn't one to talk intimately with strangers about other people, even sympathetic and needy strangers. If it had been a woman - but this was a man. She sighed again out of perplexity, taking her time to think through what she wanted to say, as Tolvadok figited with impatience, counting the seconds until the brother returned. "Well, they did seem to keep some odd hours ..." she began, as Alagos rejoined them. "Yes, not like us plainer folk!" he interrupted with a smile as he squeezed R*an's knee under the table. "It's obvious they have a lot of money if they're in that house! And rich people just do things differently, don't they? I'm sure you'll do just fine there - you not being an elf or a woman."

Tolvadok paused a bit before responding, not quite sure what to say, but sensing that he wouldn't get any more information from the sister now that the brother was back. "I see - thank you very much for sharing your experience with me," he said politely to R*an, and then to Alagos, "and your opinion." Addressing R*an again, he added, "As you have said, it pays well, and for a lover of knowledge such as myself, I would be willing to put up with a lot in order to attend the University. Perhaps they will be more courteous to me, as I am not elvish - absurd prejudices some people have ... but I will leave you now and not take up any more of your time away from your attentive brother."

Tolvadok stood up - Alagos courteously but a bit stiffly following suit - made his graceful farewells, and walked slowly out of the Red Herring, followed by the interested looks of some of the more maternal ladies and available maidens.

R*an turned to her brother. "What was that all about? Why did you stop me?" she said with irritation.

Alagos sat back down next to his sister. "I need a drink," he said, and signalled a waitress over.

Another waitress followed Tolvadok outside, carrying a basket. "Sir, don't forget your food!" she said with a laugh. "It's very good - hot out of the oven, and some of our best ale!"

"My food?" said Tolvadok, surprised.

"Yes, sir, the food that you ordered. Have you forgotten already? The elvish gentlemen said that you wanted some food for a picnic later today, and brought me over your money and asked that I pack a nice basket for you and give it to you when you left. And here it is!" She smiled again, and Tolvadok saw possibilities with her ... and filed away in his memory the destested he-elf's actions - thwarting his goal with the she-elf, and topping it off with a condescending act of so-called charity. Well, at least he hadn't touched the food, so it wouldn't have a stench to it.

He smiled at the pretty young lass. "What time do you get off today?" he asked politely. "Would you perhaps - or do I ask too much - like to join me? I had planned a solitary picnic with my book, but I would much prefer the company of a lovely young lady such as yourself!"

She smiled at him with bright eyes. He had read her correctly.
I should be doing the laundry, but this is MUCH more fun! Ñá ë?* óú éä ïöü Öñ É Þ ð ß ® ç å ™ æ ♪ ?*

"How lovely are Thy dwelling places, O Lord of hosts! ... For a day in Thy courts is better than a thousand outside." (from Psalm 84) * * * God rocks!

Entmoot : Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I got hooked!

Ego numquam pronunciare mendacium, sed ego sum homo indomitus!
Run the earth and watch the sky ... Auta i lómë! Aurë entuluva!

Last edited by Rían : 01-03-2006 at 04:07 PM.
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Old 01-02-2006, 11:12 PM   #711
Lady Marion Magdalena
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It is late afternoon when Mahtaliel puts away the blade. It is an old project, combining several old and experimental techniques and using a tricky blend of metals. It is still giving her some trouble, but she has made some progress today.

Feeling entirely grimy she leaves the forge for her house and takes the time to bathe and dress in something clean. The tunic and loose trousers she chooses are wearing thin at the elbows and knees, fraying at the hems but there's no help for it; everything she has for clothing is in similar condition. Perhaps it's time to replace a few pieces.

She goes down to work on the plans for the next days lessons, but the downstairs of the house is cold today. Gathering the papers she goes back to the forge. She lights the lamps in the adjoining kitchen and begins to work in there.
"Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; Leave me my name!"

- The Crucible

"nolite hippopotamum vexare!"
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Old 01-03-2006, 08:21 AM   #712
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"Aiwendis, Lady Aiwendis, Are you unwell?" Valandil asked, looking down on her.

There was no reply. He lifted her slim body and carried her to a bench under a window.

He felt rather awkward. The two of them had stumbled upon a row involving University professors, staff and one Elven student. Aiwendis had gotten so upset that she had fainted - and now he was left all alone with her. It was one thing for the two of them to be alone at the Library, still another now, with Aiwendis in her condition. Why HAD she fainted anyway?

Seeing the Elf, Rian, had reminded Valandil of his long walk with another Elven maid the night before - Rian's friend Earniel! This made him feel even more uncomfortable. How could he explain that to Aiwendis?

He looked down upon her, and it recalled to him his dream - only he had not seen her sleeping there. He gazed long, and longingly, at her face and her form. He realized that he still held her scarf and gently placed it upon her, to preserve her modesty. He sighed... there was only one thing to do.

He lifted her up in his arms again and stood, striding on toward the Chancellor's mansion. He was almost there when he spotted them... or had they spotted him first? A gaggle of the young ladies who had been following him before.

"There he is!"

"Hey! He's carrying someone..."

"It'... AIWENDIS!!"

By now they were gathered about him in a knot, with looks ranging from disapproval to... envy? A few of them gave him a piece of their minds.

"What have you done to our FRIEND, Your HIGHNESS?"

"You... MASHER!"

He didn't like how this was going at all. He tried to excuse himself and force his way through them, but his progress to the front door of the mansion was painfully slow.

Finally he reached the door. Someone had seen him coming, and a group of servants came out, led by a young lady who appeared to be of noble birth - of the Gondorian variety, he should say. She nodded and smiled curtly at him as she directed two of the servants in taking charge of her Lady. She then invited the other young ladies to wait in the parlor as she attended to Lady Aiwendis. As they marched past Valandil their looks ran a wide spectrum. Most turned up their noses and gave an indignant "Humph!" - but even some of these, smiled and winked at him as they passed, or brushed against him as he stood with his back to a wall.

Well - that was that! He was freed of both charges. Nobody was around. No good going to the Library now - so he went back for his materials, then scurried off to a quiet corner of campus. But why on earth would he hear swans there? he thought as he settled in.
My Fanfic:
Letters of Firiel

Tales of Nolduryon
Visitors Come to Court

Ñ á ë ?* ó ú é ä ï ö Ö ñ É Þ ð ß ® ™


Splitting Threads is SUCH Hard Work!!

Last edited by Valandil : 01-04-2006 at 02:46 AM. Reason: added adverb
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Old 01-04-2006, 02:31 AM   #713
The last sane person
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6pm Tuesday

Captain Shah had just taken his leave of the walls, having the night off; he was wandering about town, not willing to go home just yet. As he passed the arts building, he had an idea. Veering off to the side path, he circled around to the far side of the building. He located the building he wanted and walked up, knocking on the door as he came to it.

None other than Mahtaliel answered the door. Shah grinned at his old friend, observing that they were both dressed rather scruffily. “Hello old girl!”

Mahtaliel was surprised to see Shah off watch, seeing as this was usually the start of his shift. “Well, this is a surprise. Come in. Doesn’t your shift start about now?” Shah took off his cloak and walked into her little living quarters. “Actually I got lucky today, there were a bunch of rookies today, they got the butt end of the roster. I remember those days; glad they are over. Anyways, thanks for inviting me in, now I am inviting you out for a drink.”

“Oh? Well, I have to prepare for some classes tomorrow…” She thought for a bit. “Come to think of it, after today’s excitement, I could use a stiff drink. Come my scruffy friend, lead the way.”

“Ah good, I can drown myself in good company then.” They both grabbed their cloaks and headed to their favorite pub, the Ruptured Dingy. Fortunately Captain Shah was as tall as Mahtaliel, so she didn’t have to bend down to look at him, and they made quite a pair trudging down the darkening streets.

As they were walking to the bar from her quarters, Shah noticed a few scratches and a few missed smudges of grime. “I take it you had more than just some forge work today. You mentioned excitement? Do tell, it’s been mostly uneventful for me.” He pulled her a chair once they were in the Dingy and went to get them some good ale.

“For starters” He said with a grin.
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

Last edited by The last sane person : 01-04-2006 at 08:50 PM.
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Old 01-04-2006, 07:17 AM   #714
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University, after 10 AM, Tuesday

Two University Assistants, Gawen and Belegar, summoned in a hurry by a servant, pulled a stretcher into the Engineering classroom and stopped in wonder at the sight before their eyes. The Chancellor, his face impassive, stood looking down at Professor Fernik, who was snoring happily in a big armchair. Several students peered shamelessly through the open door.

Belegar giggled, but stopped dead when the Chancellor fixed him with his cold silver eyes. Ilmenzor's gaze was reputed to stop all mirth in others in no time.. At a gesture from the Chancellor, the assistants lifted the small Jas's body and deposited it on a stretcher. His rose house slippers, which had fallen to the floor, were placed alongside him, as well as a bottle of Linhir.

"Carry him home, and put him to bed", ordered Ilmenzor.

With a bow to the Chancellor, Gawen and Belegar lifted the stretcher, and pushing their way through a small croud of smirking students, made their way to the Professor's apartments in the Palace.

They were scarcely through the garden gate, when they were assailed by a flock of brightly clad girls.

"Look! There is another one!"
"Another victim! First Aiwendis, then this one!"
"Was there an accident?"
"Who is that?"
"I know him, 'tis the Wine-drinking Professor!"

Jas opened his eyes to the sight of white clouds slowly moving across the blue sky. He floated through a beautiful exotic garden, full of bird voices. Or were it human voices? He turned his head a little and glanced left and right. Brightly clad young ladies milled around, smiling at him. Jas beamed at them happily. That dream was certainly worth having.

Last edited by Gordis : 01-04-2006 at 07:18 AM.
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Old 01-04-2006, 12:41 PM   #715
Lady Marion Magdalena
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Mahtaliel took a long sip of ale, and shook her head ruefully, "It was a... little more excitement than I'd been expecting. First thing after breakfast I... exchanged words with the new Languages Chair. And managed to seriously offend him."

"He messed with a student, I take it?" Shah asked knowingly.

"Yes. He had it coming."

"I'm sure. What next?"

"My sword-smithing students wanted to test their work. We sparred. I trounced one."

"And the other other?"

"If I ever see Glorfindel or that lousy little wandaring upstart Gildor again... Suffice to say, Master Raendil had had a bit better training than I expected."

"Hence the mildly beaten up look. Didn't know you had him in your class, I would've warned you. Your pride's gonna need more than just ale tonight."

"So's the rest of me, Galadanunn came by after and we had a somewhat more heated conversation. I do believe we're officially enemies now." She spoke lightly, but there was a strained undertone to her voice.

"He didn't threaten you did he?"

"Not specifically, no."

"I'll take that as a 'yes, he did'."

"As you wish," She said tiredly.

Shah took a closer look at his friend, "You look ready for something stronger. Making enemies takes it out of you, eh? And I'll bet you didn't sleep last night either."

"On the contrary, I retired early and woke late."

"And in between?"

"I woke early and retired late." She admitted, "There were a few hours in the early morning when I couldn't sleep." She stood up, "Second round Captain?"
"Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; Leave me my name!"

- The Crucible

"nolite hippopotamum vexare!"

Last edited by Lady Marion Magdalena : 01-04-2006 at 12:55 PM.
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Old 01-04-2006, 02:05 PM   #716
The last sane person
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Nodding, Shah stood up to go get some spirits from the bar. He didnt like what he heard about that other professor, he decided to keep a watch on the dodgey fellow. But he did have a chuckle at the antics of Raendil.

"So, tell me more about Ray, how'd he do?"

"Oh, well enough. It took me a second to realize that the first sequences of attacks were those of Glorfindel. I wonder how he got old Glor to teach him...Anyways, I blew it though, because I let on that I knew the style, which I do well enough, and he switched."

"Yes, I do remember hearing that he is good friends with Gildor and his warriors. Not surprised he fights like they do."

"Hmm, though I do believe he improvised on the last bit. And it was with short swords that we were sparing." Mahtaliel looked a little frazzled, even though she was a decent looser, it still stung.

Captian Shah laughed outright, "Mahta, I am sure you still have it, but short swords and swords in general arent your style. I wouldnt want ot be up against you when you have a mace or some such weapon in your grasp."

Mahtaliel nodded, and her mood brightend a bit, I thought that would cheer her up. They walked up to the bar and ordered their drinks.

"A rum and whiskey for me, and do give us the bottles." The bartender grinned and handed them two full bottles he pulled out from under the counter.

"it be a while since we saw either of ye here. Whats kept ye? Allus more fun with you two around, trouble be bound to follow!" The old bartender laughed and got them also a good pitcher of ale.

"No, no trouble tonight, we've expended all of that during the day. And its been busy, school started and the rush is on." Mahtaliel grinned and picked up the ale, Shah grabbing the whiskey and rum, they headed backto their little table in the corner.

"You might wanna dab that cut of yours in the rum. It'll kill just about anything even thinkin of givin you an infection."

Mahtaliel looked down at her arm and winced. "Yeah, Raendil disarmed me, though I moved too slow to block completely. Must've clipped me. No big deal."
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
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Old 01-04-2006, 03:42 PM   #717
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University, 10 -11 AM, Tuesday.

Aiwendis was lying on a bench in an empty guard-tower with the High King fussing about her. Soon he stopped rubbing her hands and calling her name, and just stood there looking at her longingly. She felt his warm gaze on her face, neck and bosom, on her hands, legs and tiny feet clad in blue leather shoes. Aiwendis lay still. Much weakened by her mind confrontation with Khamul, now she felt cozy, warm and at peace. She knew she had to open her eyes and advance the romantic scene somewhat, but she felt strangely reluctant to do so. She would have to explain her fit and tell some lies about Mahtaliel, carefully mixed with the truth. Reluctantly, she started to select the appropriate facts and choose the necessary words, preparing for her revival.

At this moment, without another word, the King took her firmly in his arms and carried her outside. Taken by surprise, Aiwendis lost her opportunity for a romantic tete-a-tete with the King. Now she was swiftly carried through the public gardens, people milling around. She shivered inwardly, hearing MM's and LL's voices. Would her reputation be ruined by this morning's happenings?

Nimrael, the Gondorean maid, took the situation in her competent hands. Soon Aiwendis was undressed, put in bed and tucked into several layers of blankets. Some warm liquid - oh yes, the hated tea with honey! - was poured down her throat. Aiwendis coughed and sat upright in bed, to be pushed back gently, but firmly by Nimrael's hand. She lay there feeling miserable. From the parlor she heard faint voices of the waiting girls.

"I tell you" Malaphel's voiced hissed, "she did it on purpose. Has any of you seen Ai fainting before? No! and neither did I!"
A hum or approval followed the words.

"You are right" replied Miriel. "I bet she let him kiss her, if not worse, and then fainted as if in modesty. That's what it is all about!!"
Several envious voices rose, making other venomous conjectures.

Aiwendis motioned to Nimrael. "Get them out of here" she hissed.
"But my Lady, your friends are anxious about your health". Nimrael's mortal ears failed to hear the conversation in the parlor.
"They are worse than orcs!" cried Aiwendis, her eyes blazing dangerously. "Get them out NOW, before I do it myself!"

Nimrael pursed her lips disapprovingly, but obeyed. Having seen the offended girls to the door, she didn't return to her Lady immediately, but went outside, skirting the Palace. Near the entrance to the Chancellor's rooms she spotted Belegar and asked him to tell Lord Ilmenzor that his daughter was unwell.

"Perhaps it is time to tell him everything, as is my duty", thought Nimrael, returning to Aiwendis's rooms.

The Chancellor came to see his daughter around eleven, right after his second lecture. He appeared silently at the door, making Nimrael jump, when she heard his voice behind her back. The maid could never fathom, how such a tall, powerfully built man could move so noiselessly.

"What is the matter with you, my daughter? Are you ill?"

Nimrael couldn't discern even a trace of warmth in the Chancellor's voice. She was not permitted to overhear more, though, as Lord Ilmenzor motioned for her to leave, and closed the door firmly behind her. Nimrael stalked along the corridor to her room, then took off her heavy leather shoes, returned on tip-toe to the closed door and pressed her ear to it.

She was surprised to hear nothing - nothing at all. The bedroom door was not too thick, so Nimrael was sure that not a word had been uttered for a long time. Neither did she hear any noise, floorboards or bed creaking. So, when the door was pushed violently outward, the maid was taken entirely by surprise. She sprawled on the carpet, whimpering.

"A word with you, if you please, Nimrael" said the Chancellor coldly.
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Old 01-04-2006, 04:44 PM   #718
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Tharbad University

Having to find a way to use up the several hours between Swan Speech and her Irrigation classes, Eärniel decided she'd explore a little more of the university, before the need of studying would require those few free hours.

And studying there would be, serious amounts of it even, oh yes. Eärniel looked back at her Swan Speech notes with some apprehension. Professor Galadannun's behaviour hadn't improved much since the last time she had seen him, the night before, but luckily it hadn't deteriorated further either.

But how much she disliked the man for his manners (or lacking thereof), Eärniel had to admit he at least knew what he was talking about in the Swan Speech lessons. And he was very adamant about having his students possess the same level of skill by the end of the year, which had ominously sounded more like a threat than a promise to Eärniel's ears.

So she and her class mates had been handed several pages of exercises to be finished before next lesson to do just that. Eärniel decided that no way in Mandos she would ever be caught practising. Either she'd lock her door of her lodgings, or she'd go deep into Nîn-In-Eilph to practise, somewhere were the swans wouldn't hear her of course. The feathered bastards would sink and drown with laughter otherwise, so much was sure.

She finally put her notes away and paid more attention to her surroundings. Her wanderings had brought her to one of the halls of the university buildings. The many ship models displayed in the hall indicated that the Ship Building classes were held somewhere around here. But the building was silent and apparently empty, the lessons must have ceased for the day.

Curiously she passed by the wooden models and cocked her head to one side to take a closer look. It was an Elven ship but the model was incredibly shoddy. Most part of the rigging was just wrong and the aft was built too high. Her fingers were itching to correct one or two of the glaring mistakes. Whoever had made it was either a bad observer or had no interest in depicting the ship thruthfully.

She walked towards another vessel. Here the creator obviously had been more interested in its subject. Eärniel was therefore not surprised to notice it was an early Numenorean ship. To pass the time she made a game of it to guess which model was which ship. Yes, the Hirilondë was exactly as she remembered it. Although she thought the Entulessë had had a broader stern.

There was one ship she did not recognize and had never seen before. The little card beneath it stated it was the Alcarondas, the ship of Ar-Pharazôn, the heretic-king. She looked at the model with some distaste. The model almost showed the same faults as its architect had had. It desired to be more than it was or could be. The Alcarondas didn't want to be a mere ship, it didn't want to be even the best ship. It wanted to be an image of power, of strength, and most of all: of dominion. On such a ship one wouldn't even be able to feel the the waves of the sea anymore. Why anyone would want to build something like that was beyond Eärniel's comprehension.

Reckoning it was about time for her Irrigation classes, Eärniel left the hall and calmly walked to the appropriate building, blissfully unaware of all the commotion happening at the other side of the University.
We are not things.

Last edited by Earniel : 01-04-2006 at 04:45 PM.
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Old 01-04-2006, 05:57 PM   #719
Lady Marion Magdalena
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Mahtaliel poured some of the rum onto her shirt sleeve and started cleaning the cut; speaking angrily all the while.
"I would've taken care of it earlier, I didn't actually notice it until I started working on that old blade of mine and then I got interrupted. Did I mention Galadanunn is one of the Chancellor's foreign friends? That's why he was hired as a full professor right off. Anyway he must've gone straight to the Chancellor after he left because barely an hour later Ilmenzor has the audacity to come into my forge to tell me off!"

"Please tell me you didn't do anything stupid," Shah sighed.

"Don't be silly, I know to be on my guard with him. He'd love to seriously discredit me somehow. But he wasn't telling me off in the usual style, he was being gentlemanly about it."

"And that upset you?"

"It gave me the chills. I mean, you know how personal a forge can be... it was like... I don't know what the right analogy would be but it reminded me a little of Eregion. And then I got angry and... well... he left. And I forgot about the cut completely and took it out on the blade I was working on."

"I can tell." Shah poured her a shot of whiskey, "Drink up and let me help you with that cut, you've probably managed to make it worse than it would've been by ignoring it while swinging a hammer an' all that."

"Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; Leave me my name!"

- The Crucible

"nolite hippopotamum vexare!"
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Old 01-04-2006, 09:32 PM   #720
The last sane person
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Shah smiled and rolled up the sleeve, examining the cut. It was long and shallow, nothing terribly serious, but he was careful in examining it anyways.

"Mahta, you old goose, the chancellor must really have distracted you. You usually treat this stuff right away." He dabbed his fingers in spirits and dried them off before wiping the excess blood away, also noting that Mahtaliel's own administrations had been agitated and reopened the cuts. Using the old affectionate nickname he had for her, one of many.

"Well, like I said, it unnerved me how gentlemanly he was about it." Mahta took another drink of her ale, watching Shah clean the cut and bandage it.

Shah took out a sliver of cloth that had come from her shirt, which was stuck to the edge of the wound, Mahtaliel didn't blink an eye. Taking out a clean handkerchief, he cut it and placed part of it along length wise of the cut, sprinkling a tad bit of whiskey on it, then bound it snuggly with the length of the rest of handkerchief.

"Next thing we know, you will be giving Master Elrond a run for his money." She grinned at him and poured them both more ale.

"Nah, just battle taught, you learn from experience how to deal with these things. Though I bet your experience in years vastly swamps mine." He put a hand on her damaged arm with a cheeky grin; she narrowed her eyes and had a rueful half grin.

"No one is perfect, Mahta. No one and no people are without their faults. So long as you don’t blindly ignore them and keep repeating it, but learn and move on." He laughed, grinning unrepentantly. "It'll be right as rain in a day or so, you’re a fast healer. Though you might want to invest in a new shirt or two…” He looked down at his own clothes, “Come to think of it, so do I.”

She grinned and took a swig of her rum, “Grubby old relics of days gone past that we are. Yes, I suppose I ought to do something, though if it was a contest between relative fraying in between our clothes, I am not sure who would come the victor.”

Downing a shot of whiskey he laughed, “I do believe in the grubby shirt category, you’d take the gold medal, though when it comes to capes and pants, mine best yours by a long shot!”
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
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