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Old 12-01-2005, 02:29 AM   #601
The last sane person
The Black Númenórean
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His body was humming after the race, even though it was a few hours past, Ray was grinning from ear to ear, as he washed up and changed clothes. Yes, I do think things are going fine between Viv and me.... Even Volricom is happy! After the race, Raendil brought the stallion over to Orrodel along side Viv and Laslech. Volricom put it in no uncertain terms that he did NOT want to be separated after the race. Ray shrugged and gave in. He didn't want to part with his respective female either!

Heh.... Not that she is actually mine . He admonished himself. Yet, anyways.... Chimed in his heart. Yes, it was a good race...Great race! With that he grabbed his sketch pad and his satchel and dashed off to his first class. He checked his roster and noted where the building was located. He had plenty of time to get there, so he was content to walk and take in the morning scenery. He reached the class shortly before he was due and walked in to take a seat in the middle row.

In came the professor, Mahtaliel gave a nod in his direction, to which he stood up and bowed. "You are early, the rest of the students ought to be filing in a few moments." Ray grinned and bowed again, sitting next to the heater. It wasn’t really a classroom per say, more of a forge with chairs scattered about and workbenches pulled up to a chalkboard. All these would be pushed back when it was time to actually use the forge and make jewelry.

True to the professor's words, the rest of the small class wandered into the room. Lo and Behold! Whom did Raendil see? None other than Viniglaen walk through that door, face flushed and head down. This day just keeps getting better... Something caught Viv's notice and she looked up from her seat and catching his eyes, giving a sly smile. Mahtaliel turned around and greeted the class, surveying the small group of students before her.

“Welcome to the University of Tharbad, and welcome to my class where you will be learning one of the beautiful skills we have to offer. That is the design and creation of jewelry. This is not one of the easier classes; mind you, but one of the most rewarding should you decide to stick with it.” She paused and again took a good look at the faces of her students, and found those that were truly attentive. She knew who would stay and who would leave. She went on to describe that which was needed in the class, what supplies would be provided and ought to be purchased, and Raendil *was * listening. Or at least, most of him was. The part of him that wasn’t was busy sneaking glances across the room at Viv.

She was listening to the teacher and writing notes on her little tablet, occasionally tucking an unruly lock of dark, bouncy hair behind her ear. His breath caught. The room was not dim, but by no means bright. The brightness of the sun filtering into the room was being dulled by the red glow of the forges, which cast a warm, hazy light about the class. It made Viniglaen look resplendent. This is beyond my words…somehow I think I will have more trouble focusing on just the class work here. Little did he know that Viv was thinking the same of him; he who was sitting close to the shadows nearer the forge.

The light played and bounced off of him, merrily dancing about his already dark features, giving them a range of colors and shades, from gold to blooded red, giving dramatic contrast between the illuminated and shaded parts of him. It was her turn to have her breath caught, as she snuck a glance over his way. He was listening with keen intent to Mahtaliel describing the different pieces they would be required to make as the quarter progressed, and should they take a liking to any one piece, they could keep it.

She saw the way the forge fire played on him and in his eyes, thinking, Wasn’t Feanor described thus? As one whom fire would leap about and play upon? A creature of fire.

Fire. Dimly her mind registered the longstanding Nazgul fear of fire. Sauron. She quickly diverted her eyes back to Mahtaliel, not so much out of fear, for she wasn’t as fearful as her fellows nor her nature so perverted. Stop, you silly woman, he is not in any way, shape or form like either of those two beings! Stop that! The teacher gave the first requirement out to the class, “I’d like you all to start drawing up your designs and concept sketches for the first piece, the bracelet. Have that ready and also the list of possible materials you would like to use for it. Class dismissed.”

Viv’s head was still trying to clear as Raendil bounded from his corner and made his way to her seat. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here, I see horse racing, dancing and mischief aren’t the only thing we have in common.” She looked up in surprise as she found Raendil standing right behind her, smiling at her. His skin still had an orangey-bronze color to it, but at least his eyes don’t look aflame. Less like some demigod of fire. “So it would seem Master Raendil.” They were not yet out of earshot of their classmates, and quickly exited the building. “Have you been working with forges long, Ray?” They dropped the formalities once they were out of the way of other students.

“Yes, actually, in my father’s thanedom, we are nearer to danger, and fighting is often. When I wasn’t at my lessons, or with my father’s warriors, I was in the smithy repairing and creating armor and weapons. But I wished to broaden my horizons, so to speak, and make things of beauty, not just of war. So I took up jewelry making, but it had always been a hobby of mine.” They were still nearer the administration buildings and loitering around, unsure exactly what the other was doing after class. “Uhm, what’s your schedule? Do you have anything after this class?” She reached around and tugged his schedule from his bag and looked at it for a bit, then grinned impishly up at him. “Care to do lunch? We are out pretty early and all. What’s a good place to go and eat?”

Is it just my eyes then? Oh, calm down you ninny! He is a mortal. Just a mortal… a statement to which her heart replied with a sharp pang, for she thought she still saw traces of that fire playfully hiding here and there.

“I’d love to…and the places I know are probably crowded these first days. I have a better Idea. Care for a picnic?” He grinned and she nodded her head. And they went off to gather what they would want.


Viniglaen laughed and uncorked a bottle of wine she had picked up on their way to the art museum’s grounds, they were seated on a blanket with food and drink about them. “How does it taste milady? Is it worthy of our palates?” Viv grinned and poured herself a small taste into her cup, and smelled then tasted it. She nodded her head in approval and was about to say exactly what the wine was. Before she could say anything, Raendil propped himself up and gave a small smile, forestalling her words.

“Wait, let me find out for myself.” With that he leaned over before either he of Viv could stop him and brushed a small feather light kiss across her lips. That dumbfounded them both.

Sweet Eru! What did I just do?

Dear lords! Did he just kiss me?

Without allowing himself to linger, Ray leaned back to his original position beside a tree trunk. He fully expected a slap, but as that didn’t come, he recovered the situation. He and Viniglaen traded smiles

“Linhir Red '34.”

“Huh? What?” That broke the pause and they both returned to the present.

“The wine, is it not? Smooth flavor, excellent aroma, somewhat more mellow. Linhir Red ’34.” He grinned and added, “Delicious.”

“Oh! Yes, actually it was. It’s over all one of the most delicious wines for lunches.”

“Oh, yeah, the wine was okay, I was talking about you though.” Raendil couldn’t help himself and Viv blushed slightly. “Your pretty good at wine tasting. Is that how they try new wines where you come from?” She retorted.

“I Wish.” They both started laughing.

OOC: Still aint finished, dern it!
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

Last edited by The last sane person : 12-04-2005 at 08:01 PM.
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Old 12-01-2005, 04:53 AM   #602
Lady of the Ulairi
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A gossip to start

University, Engineering building, before 4 PM.

Aiwendis rested in the Morgul Lord’s arms, cosy and warm, wishing she could stay there forever…

"Have you attended the Ladies Sewing circle lately, Aiwendis?"

The question drew her from her sweet dreams, as cruelly, as a pail of cold water on her head. She blinked, disoriented.

"I… no, I don’t think I have. Why?"

The Morgul Lord took a step back, releasing her from his arms. He wandered absently to the black and silver ship, his back to her now. She felt cold and forlorn again.

"The old cats at the Sewing Circle may be stupid and unpleasant, but they direct the public opinion in this city. You should go there regularly, my dear; otherwise your reputation will suffer. Moreover, it is a wonderful place to learn all the city gossip and to start some, if needed. Go there at the first opportunity".

Aiwendis concentrated. The romantic part was clearly over. He was giving her an order, and she should not misinterpret it.

"What gossip do you wish me to start, My Lord?"

The Chancellor nodded. Aiwendis was listening attentively.

"Start the talk about Tharbad and its former glory and prosperity. It used to be the chief city of the North, the main fortress of the Dunedain, the centre of trade, while Lond Daer Ened was the haven of the fleet. Now Lond Daer is abandoned, and Tharbad is slowly falling into decline. All of Arnor is, actually, while Gondor prospers. They build ship after ship in Osgiliath. Soon they would usurp all the sea trade along the coast. They have already gained a foothold in Tharbad, aren’t those Gondorean soldiers guarding the Bridge and the other bank of the Gwathlo?

The Chancellor approached and smiled at her. "I know you can be trusted to suggest all that unobtrusively. Better let them say it all themselves. Anyone who has dwelt in Tharbad for long knows that it is not the same as it used to be before the War."

"Elendil was old and broken by the Downfall. He spent his days on Emyn Beraid, gazing at the Sea. He couldn’t get over his losses and look ahead. He never built a single ship, as Numenor was no more, and that was the only place he desired to go."

"But now, it seems that the things are about to change. Isn’t it important that Valandil at last came to Tharbad in person? He sees the plight of the city. He will study ship-building to build his Navy and a great merchant fleet. Soon Lond Daer will be reconstructed, and the port re-opened. Great ships will come to Tharbad bringing treasures from the coasts far to the South and skins and furs from the Far North. Young men will serve in the Kings Navy, they will uphold the former glory of the Sea Kingdom, and bring home tales of new lands and strange peoples. Riches will flow into Arnor, and all of them will be passing through Tharbad."

Aiwendis nodded. "I understand, my Lord, I will suggest it unobtrusively. Actually, I heard the talk of Arnor’s decline already, but indeed, the coming of the King opens new horizons. Do you think that the public opinion will make him change his mind?"

The Morgul Lord laughed. "A King must heed the Voice of his People, Aiwendis, especially if every citizen of Tharbad will think alike. You will not be the only one to start the talk. I have agents everywhere. Udu and Buzukkumarz will get the same order, aren’t they spending all day in taverns? In the docks the news will make quite a stir. Many old salts are unemployed now and eager for action."

Aiwendis bowed. "I see, My Lord. I will do as you say".

"Then, come, let us have this dinner at last. Then I will have to deal with Khamul, Oreturion and the Library."

He offered her his hand, and they left the Engineering building together, heading to the Palace.

Last edited by Gordis : 12-01-2005 at 10:45 AM.
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Old 12-01-2005, 03:13 PM   #603
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University, 4 PM, Monday

The Chancellor and Aiwendis were crossing Bar Aran on the way to the Palace, when one of the University assistants met them and bowed before Ilmenzor.

"My Lord Chancellor, lord Oreturion sent me to tell you that he had finished his studies in the Library for today."

"Thank you, Berendur," replied the Chancellor. "Please go to the Forge, Professor Mahtaliel is giving her Sword Smithing lesson now, so find her assistant, Raisa. Ask her to bring the Minas Aran Keys to the Library. I will be waiting there."

"And the dinner, father?" asked Aiwendis in a small voice.

"I will eat later," replied the Chancellor over his shoulder.

He stalked to the gates of the Library grounds and entered the iron doors of Minas Aran. Light filtered through the multicoloured windows of the Entrance Hall, forming patches of colour on the white stone floor. A huge statue of Elendil seated on a throne, the sceptre of Andunië in his hand, was looking down disapprovingly with immobile stone eyes. A wide double stairs near the statue led to the first floor, to the lofty apartments where long ago Elendil himself stayed. Now the rooms were reserved for the Librarian. The Chancellor sent forth his senses, but detected no familiar presence: Khamul was not there yet.

On the right from the entrance, was another heavy door leading to the winding stair that spiralled within the thick wall, giving access to the upper storeys of the Minas Aran Tower, where the richest library of the Edain in Middle Earth was kept. On the Chancellor’s orders, that door was kept locked at all times.

Now the Chancellor found it shut, but not locked. He entered and started climbing the narrow spiral stair. He was almost at the door of the Scriptorium on the second floor, when his sensitive nostrils quivered. There was a smell of living blood, not mortal blood, but Elven. He also felt their presence somewhere above, on the third floor. The Elves must have passed through the Scriptorium and climbed the other stair to the Library proper.

"Goluglob! (she-elves)" hissed the Morgul Lord under his breath disgustedly.

He decided to deal with the intruders later, or leave it to Khamul. Meantime, he entered the Scriptorium, where he had left Oreturion early in the morning. The man was gone, but the reek of mortal blood still lingered in the room. Following the smell and using his other senses, the Chancellor soon found the books that the King’s advisor had been reading. A treaty on the Laws and Customs of the Eldar by Pengolod of Gondolin and the book on the precious stones and their properties by Erestor of Imladris were neatly stacked on the writing table. There was the third book though, and the Chancellor soon found it, underneath a small pile of other books awaiting their return to the Main Storage. It was written by an unknown Elven loremaster and spoke of the customs of Eregion.

The Chancellor sat for a long time musing over the books. Was Oreturion sincere this morning when he asked to see the books on Elven customs? Perhaps he was, but the Morgul Lord could not quite believe it. More likely, last night’s talk of the Rings and Eregion has stirred some suspicions in the Advisor’s head. If so, Oreturion was dangerous and should be watched at all times.

At this moment, the Chancellor detected footsteps coming upstairs from the Hall. He went to the door to meet Mahtaliel’s assistant Raisa, a plain, but cheerful girl, a monocle firmly planted on her freckled nose. She was carrying a set of keys.

"My Lord Chancellor" exclaimed the girl, blinking. "I thought it were the Ladies Earniel and Rian who asked to bring the keys…"

"Give the keys to me, I will close the Library when the Ladies are finished," replied the Chancellor coldly. "Now go"

The girl bowed slightly, much too slightly for Ilmenzor’s liking, and went back to the Forge. The Chancellor followed her downstairs to meet Khamul, whose powerful presence was drawing nigh to the Tower.

Last edited by Gordis : 12-03-2005 at 06:10 AM.
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Old 12-01-2005, 03:17 PM   #604
Half-Elven Princess of Rabbit Trails and Harp-Wielding Administrator (beware the Rubber Chicken of Doom!)
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Monday, 4ish PM, downtown Tharbad

Viv rode through the streets of Tharbad, enjoying the lovely day, and thinking back with pleasure (and some butterflies in the stomach) of her time with Ray. This made her face glow even more than usual, and she laughed inwardly at how the men stared at her (and the women, too, although with different expressions, and with a few dirty looks at the men!) Not that she cared - she wasn't into that, like Lilly was - but it was sometimes amusing to see them run into walls or stumble over a curb as they admired her!

Then she noticed one man that was NOT staring at her. It was an elf, and he looked preoccupied - he was standing at the side of the road, looking off into the distance, and wringing his hands slightly in a nervous, unconscious manner. She briefly admired his form - her Master hated elves, but one had to admit that they were attractive in their own way, and she was just a teensy bit curious about them, and had some time to burn, and her Master wasn't around, and this might come in handy some day, too ...

She thought for a moment, and then leaned over to speak in Laslech's ear. "I'm going to nudge you in just a minute, and I want you to rear up a bit, OK? Might as well try one of Lilly's tricks!" Suppressing a giggle, she walked the mare over towards the Elf, and then gave her a nudge. Laslech, always ready for some fun, obligingly reared up and added a wild whinny for good measure, as Viv gave her best imitation of Lilly's female-in-distress act.

The man reacted with lightning reflexes; he grabbed the bridle with his left hand, and placed his right hand just below Laslech's withers, steadying her movements. He spoke to the mare in a language that Viv had never heard before, half crooning, half commanding. Then, switching to the Common, he added, still in that soothing but commanding voice, "I don't think you were frightened at all, cousin! I think you were just having a little fun, weren't you!" Laslech suffered herself to be calmed down, and the Elf looked up at Viv with an engaging little crooked smile.

"Are you all right, my Lady?" Then, looking at how Viv sat her horse, he added, "On second thought, I can see you're an expert rider, and probably didn't need my assistance!"

Viv looked down at his hand resting on Laslech's neck. His fingers were on the hem of her cloak. They were long, strong fingers - a nice hand. He noticed her glance, and quickly removed his hands. He stepped back and gave a slight formal bow.

"I wish you good day, my Lady, and I hope my actions were not displeasing to you. It was just instinct - I was afraid you were in danger."
I should be doing the laundry, but this is MUCH more fun! Ñá ë?* óú éä ïöü Öñ É Þ ð ß ® ç å ™ æ ♪ ?*

"How lovely are Thy dwelling places, O Lord of hosts! ... For a day in Thy courts is better than a thousand outside." (from Psalm 84) * * * God rocks!

Entmoot : Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I got hooked!

Ego numquam pronunciare mendacium, sed ego sum homo indomitus!
Run the earth and watch the sky ... Auta i lómë! Aurë entuluva!

Last edited by Rían : 12-07-2005 at 01:36 PM.
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Old 12-01-2005, 05:11 PM   #605
Warrior of the House of Hador
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University, Library, 6pm.
"He is in the libary waiting for you Professor," said the Chancellor's servant. "Shall I show you the way?"
"No, I'll be fine," replied Khamûl turning his head and walking towrads the library.
"Professor Galadannun," smiled the Chancellor, as Khamûl walked through the tower door a few minutes later. "Glad you can make it. Shall we start?"
Without waiting for an answer, Lord Ilmenzor started making his way towards a set of stairs, where the apartments were.
"You can bring your horse to the stables if you wish. It is on the far side of the University I'm sure my servants would be more than happy to show you where things are," said the Chancellor as they approached the stairs.
"Thank you, Sir. Your help is most appreciated" replied Khamûl, as they reached the top of the stairs.
"As you see, we have a master bedroom for yourself, a study, a living room and a washroom. There are also three small rooms for servants along the narrow corridor," said the Chancellor, as Khamûl inspected the rooms.
"Thanks you sir," said Khamûl. "Shall we continue to see the rest of the building."
"I will show you the Library later, Professor. It seems we have got some unexpected guests already" replied the Chancellor. "Go now and deal with them, they are at the third floor. Be most polite, but tell them that no one is allowed in the Library without my leave"
He took the set of keys, that used to belong to Mahtaliel, and offered them to Khamul. "Here are your keys, by the way. Guard them well, and keep the Library safe", said the Chancellor, turning and making his way back to his own apartment in the Palace
"Professor Maethor will be here to see me soon. Could you possibly have a servant bring him up here?" asked Khamûl, as the Chancellor walked away, his back turned.
"It will be done," replied Ilmenzor. "But before he arrives I have a task for you. As I am sure you are aware we have a couple of unwanted guests. If you would kindly remove them."
Then Huor spoke and said: "Yet if it stands but a little while, then out of your house shall come the hope of Elves and Men. This I say to you, lord, with the eyes of death: though we part here for ever, and I shall not look on your white walls again, from you and me a new star shall arise. Farewell!"

The Silmarillion, Nirnaeth Arnoediad, Page 230

Last edited by Telcontar_Dunedain : 12-04-2005 at 04:38 PM.
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Old 12-01-2005, 06:11 PM   #606
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12:15 and 12 seconds pm

it was 12-15 and 12 seconds pm ...

no, wait!, it was now 13 seconds ...14 ...

boy time flies ...

But Beautiful Boomerang still dozed on ... even snoozy the watch dog, adopted as a puppy by the watch, had casually flipped an eye-lid open once or twice that whole intense hectic morning ... his glossy black coat glinting ... his beautiful alive eyes watching the motes of dust play whirlfully on the shafts of light now warming him as the day progressed ...

the rather odd, eccentric, and always wrong, nay excitable, cuckoo from the clock on the far wall behind the front desk sprung out in a hurry and with a zippy spring ridden "CUCKOOPHHH!"

the mad little thing declared it was one pm ...

it always sounded like it had a cold, poor thing ...

the time, actually was now 12-15 and twenty two seconds pm ...

Boom dreamed on ...

Snoozy, with an indolent scratch, relaxed ... all was well ...

Last edited by Butterbeer : 12-01-2005 at 06:14 PM.
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Old 12-01-2005, 07:15 PM   #607
of the House of Fëanor
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Viv & Laslech Meet and Toy With an Interesting He-Elf

Monday, 4ish PM, downtown Tharbad

"I wish you good day, my Lady, and I hope my actions were not displeasing to you. It was just instinct - I was afraid you were in danger."

Vivvie couldn't help it, she laughed lightly, her brilliant violet blue eyes flashing with mirthful mischief.

"Actually, I am O.K.," she answered, "I must admit, I asked my my mare to do that!"

"How - how odd," answered Alagos, genuinely perplexed.

"I wanted to have an excuse to meet you," Viv explained, a smile still at the corners of her mouth. "I noticed you immediately, and, well, the thing is, you bear an uncanny familial resemblance to our former household Major Domo, an elven lady named Rian."

Alagos cocked his head, and squinted up at Viv, still astride her horse. "Lady Rian happens to be my sister," he answered. "My name is Alagos. May I ask who you are?"

"Of course!" Viv said, "I'm one of the ladies of Orrodel House, Lady Viniglaen of Osgiliath. Pleased to meet you!"

She extended a hand down to the he-elf, and as she shook it, she realised that, although the man-elf was quite pleasant to lay eyes upon, curiously he smelled rank to Viv. Having never really spent time close to any elf, Viv was unprepared for the effect of the strange and acrid smell. 'So this is what Lil always goes on and on about,' she thought wryly, yet belying nothing of this reaction in her tone and smile to Alagos.

At the mention of "Orrodel", Alagos hesitated for a fraction of a second, remembering the unpleasant scene of that morning, but then realized that this lady could hardly be faulted for the manners of her relatives.

When Alagos took Viniglaen's fine-boned yet firm-gripped hand in his to shake it, a very confusing feeling came over him, a sense of something he could not identify. She seemed extremely fair, yet felt - oddly, somehow slightly foul. It was as if some force from within her spirit could be picked up coming through her skin at the touch. But he shook off the feeling, and figured his mind was playing tricks on him.

"Your sister and I share a class at the University, a jewelry design class," Viv continued, shifting her weight on Laslech's back and suppressing the urge to wipe her hand on her dress.

"Yes, yes Rian loves hair trinkets so much she wanted to learn how to design and forge them herself," said Alagos, with a cute crooked smile.

"So do I!" Viv said.

"Then you'll get along swimmingly with her, I should think," answered Alagos.

"I don't understand why my uncle let your sister go from Orrodel House," lied Viv, "he can come across as a bit brusque I think for the tastes of most people, but I'm quite sure he never meant her any harm."

"Oh, my lady, don't be silly! There is no need to explain anything to me," said Alagos graciously, masking the truth of how he really felt about that entire episode.

"O.K. then," said Viv lightly, as she turned Laslech to make to depart. "It was lovely to make your acquaintance, Alagos! I must get going right now; perhaps we shall see one another again soon. It IS a small city," and with that, Viv gave him a little wink, and flashed him another smile.

Alagos made an elegant departure-gesture with his long hand, saying "The pleasure was all mine!" 'What an odd little bird,' he thought to himself. 'Beautiful young lady, quite charismatic, but... an odd little bird.'

'Elves are strange,' Viv was thinking, 'I've got a lot to learn about these creatures. Lil and them were right, though; what a smell! I wonder why...'
Few people have the imagination for reality.

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Last edited by Lotesse : 12-07-2005 at 07:32 PM.
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Old 12-01-2005, 09:02 PM   #608
Half-Elven Princess of Rabbit Trails and Harp-Wielding Administrator (beware the Rubber Chicken of Doom!)
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Monday afternoon, the streets of Tharbad

Laslech sensed her mistress' desire to go, and moved her head over towards the Elf, hoping for a nice parting scratch. Alagos smiled and obligingly scratched her on that delicious place under the forelock, and Laslech arched her neck in ecstasy. Alagos laughed, and gave her soft muzzle a little kiss. "And it's a pleasure meeting you, too, my lovely lady, although I must say that you have more whiskers than the last lady I kissed!"

He watched for a minute as Viv and Laslech rode off and slowly disappeared into the crowd, then he unconsciously started his nervous hand movements again as he set out walking in the opposite direction.
I should be doing the laundry, but this is MUCH more fun! Ñá ë?* óú éä ïöü Öñ É Þ ð ß ® ç å ™ æ ♪ ?*

"How lovely are Thy dwelling places, O Lord of hosts! ... For a day in Thy courts is better than a thousand outside." (from Psalm 84) * * * God rocks!

Entmoot : Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I got hooked!

Ego numquam pronunciare mendacium, sed ego sum homo indomitus!
Run the earth and watch the sky ... Auta i lómë! Aurë entuluva!

Last edited by Rían : 12-06-2005 at 09:11 PM.
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Old 12-01-2005, 09:57 PM   #609
Shadow Lord of Morgul
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University Library, Monday, around 6:45 PM.

After leaving the Singing Swan, Udu was in a nasty mood. “What a miserable afternoon,” he thought. The situation with Lilaenwen in the jewelry store and inn had been intolerable, but at least he had been able to purchase some souvenirs for his wives, all twelve of them.

He considered going back to his house on Rath Galen and more thoroughly investigating the cellar. With a few minor renovations - tearing out a wall here, building a wall there, a cell here, a cell there - the place would do quite well for guest chambers. He decided against going back to his house, though, for there were far too many calculations and estimations that would be needed to be done. He would be too short on time for any of that, for he had an appointment at 7 o’clock with Khamul at the library.

Back in his apartment at the university, Udu found that he was thirsty. He went to the well-filled wine cabinet, took out a bottle of local vintage, uncorked it, and began drinking it straight from the bottle.

“Come unarmed,” Khamul had warned. “Khamul has always been so trusting,” Udu thought sarcastically as he put the now empty bottle on top the wine cabinet. He cursed Khamul silently as he took off his sword belt and draped it over a chair. There were still the daggers, though - one at his belt, one in each boot, one strapped to a harness across his back, one strapped to his thigh, three in his cloak - “There, that is all,” he thought as he put them away in a drawer. He cursed Khamul again and went back over to the wine cabinet.

At 6:45, he made his way to the library, a place where he had never been before. A waiting servant escorted him to Khamul’s study, and then excused himself. Udu wished that he could do some investigating of the library on his own but there was no time for that.

“Professor Galadannun, old fellow! How well you look!” Udu said as he looked for Khamul’s wine cabinet. After finding a satisfactory bottle, he uncorked it and sprawled down on one of Khamul’s chairs, throwing his left leg nonchalantly over the chair arm.

“Maethor, very good to see you. I see you have made yourself right at home.” He glared disapprovingly at Udu.

“Might as well be comfortable, I always thought.”

“You wished to discuss Lilaenwen?” Khamul spoke warily.

“Yes. If she continues to behave as she does, dancing in the manner of the East, acting like a fool in public, she will sooner or later draw attention where we do not want attention - the King and the other authorities. I do not think you want that any more than I do.”

“No,” replied Khamul. “What do you suggest be done?”

“I thought perhaps you would have a suggestion, old fellow,” Udu said, smiling in that unpleasant way he had. “There is another matter that I wish to discuss with you. I have bought a house with an ample cellar. Perhaps together we might consider certain improvements - guest apartments in the cellar, a place for ‘interviews’.... a few sturdy racks for them to stretch out.... irons... pokers... a few grates where they can warm up when they get too cool... a stout post with the appropriate restraining devices... a few minor improvements. Perhaps you would be interested?”

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Old 12-02-2005, 11:59 AM   #610
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Library Tower
Monday, around 18.00h

"Ladies, I must ask you to replace the books on their proper places and leave the library."

Eärniel and R*an looked up with some surprise. They had not heard the professor entering, which was unusual. However, the carefully stacked books on the table had taken up much of their attention in the last hours.

"Pardon?" R*an asked. "Leave? Why?"

"Why, because evening has fallen! The library will be closed for the rest of the evening. You will find that goes the same for the other university buildings. " Galadannun said, trying to keep any hint of smugness out of his voice. He took a certain pleasure in kicking the two Elves out while they were obviously enjoying themselves but there would be too much questions if he also showed it.

Eärniel, still holding a book in her hands, looked through one of the windows where the sky was indeed beginning to darken a little.

"Very well," she said. "Perhaps I can finish this book here tomorrow. At what times is the library open, professor?"

"At none," Galadannun replied curtly. "The library stays locked at all times."

"Why? What use is a locked library, that students can't even access, to an university?" R*an asked incredilously.

"Should you wish to visit the library again," Galadannun said, his tone slightly indicating that he would rather they did not, "you will have to get permission from the Chancellor himself."

"But why?" R*an insisted.

"I do not make the policy, I merely enforce it. You will have to ask the chancellor that. Now if you please, put the books back."

The two Elves obeyed and left the tower, but clearly were not satisfied with the concept of such a restricted library. Galadannun, glad to be rid of the them, locked the door behind them as soon as they crossed the threshold.

"That is three times, I have met this man," Eärniel said with a sigh, "and each time there is something amiss. And I haven't even had a single lesson of his. Ai! This is not going to be a smooth year..."

"Of what use is a library full of books when you can't even read them?" R*an muttered, still somewhat annoyed.

"Of little," Eärniel agreed, equally dissatisfied. "But I suppose we can call ourselves lucky we at least got to spend a few hours there before being thrown out."

She looked with some interest back to the tower. Such a tower would have decent foundations, she mused. But she hadn't seen any door leading to lower levels.

"I wonder what would be in the cellars of the tower," she said aloud, thoughtfully, "if the tower has any."
We are not things.

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Old 12-04-2005, 09:59 AM   #611
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Mahtaliel sighed, "Look it up, any book about the properties of gems will tell you the same. There may be some variations depending on the culture of the writer but the ones I've named appear quite consistently," she paused, "I must admit to wishing that you would tell me what's wrong that makes you suspect me."

Oreturion paused some time before answering. Then he seemed to visibly relax before replying, "Yes... what you tell me now seems to follow the pattern of what my research has uncovered."

He then continued, "Mahtaliel, I will take you into my confidence only to tell you this much, as what you have told me already confirms and agrees with all that I have discovered this day."

"Well you know that I am a servant of my King - and I am a true-hearted one at that. There were some strange events at yestereve's reception... and though I have no solid cause to firmly make a claim, yet my heart forbodes that my King may be in danger here. I do not know the nature of the peril, but in my own mind I am convinced that there was some manifestation of it last night. It is my duty to discern and discover the source of this danger. The gemstone pointed toward you, so I needed to know what it meant."

"However, I have now satisfied myself that you intended no harm to my King. I bid you good day, ma'am," and with that, he bowed low.
My Fanfic:
Letters of Firiel

Tales of Nolduryon
Visitors Come to Court

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Splitting Threads is SUCH Hard Work!!

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Old 12-04-2005, 05:10 PM   #612
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"Perhaps," replied Khamûl. "Yet if I did then there is something that I wish for you to do for me."
"There is? Pray tell Professor," said Maethor, curious of what the second could want of him.
"From what I can tell you are planning on bringing friends from the east as maids and servants. I also need servants and maids, and after sacking the elf whom I briefly employed at Orrodel I'm sure I won't be the most popular employee in Tharbad. So I wish for sarvants and maids, of the same calibre of yours, to arrive when yours do. In payment for this, and only upon their arrival I will help you and your men install some extras into your new house. Do we have an agreement?" replied Khamûl.
"On one condition," said Udu. "You tell me why you were in the Gladden Fields when I found you. I can guess, and a good guess I have, but I think there is more to it than I think. Do we have an agreement?"
"We do," said Khamûl.
Then Huor spoke and said: "Yet if it stands but a little while, then out of your house shall come the hope of Elves and Men. This I say to you, lord, with the eyes of death: though we part here for ever, and I shall not look on your white walls again, from you and me a new star shall arise. Farewell!"

The Silmarillion, Nirnaeth Arnoediad, Page 230
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Old 12-05-2005, 03:34 AM   #613
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University Library, Monday, around 7:00 PM

“Khamul is still as tricky as he ever was,” Udu hid his thoughts deep in his mind. “He now wishes servants from among my own household, does he? No doubt he is jealous of me because I now hold control of parts of his old kingdom.” Udu smiled, enjoying the thought that at least in something, he equaled Khamul.

He studied Khamul’s proposition, reflecting upon how he might gain from it. Udu considered the servants who would be arriving soon - four men, skilled warriors, and two of his wives.

One of the women could speak common, Nossenis, whom he had been planning to employ as his housekeeper. Nossenis could have a sharp tongue and was not as lovely as the younger Tatyana. “Both women are very loyal to me.” Their loyalty, of course, was encouraged by the fact that if they should ever betray their lord, they would meet their deaths through long, painful ordeals. He concluded that perhaps turning over the sharp-tongued, sometimes evil tempered Nossenis might be one small way to help even his grudge against Khamul.

Udu reflected upon which one of his warriors that he would spare to Khamûl and concluded that Ecco, who was totally dedicated to him, would make an exceptionally good spy.

“Nossenis and Ecco can keep watch on Khamul, report to me his every doing that might be of interest to me.”

He looked to Khamul and repeated his words, “Yes, we have an agreement. When my servants arrive, I will discharge Ecco to you. He is a fierce warrior, dauntless, good with both sword and scimitar and has few equals in throwing the dagger. He is versed in the arts of poison, too.” Udu smiled. “If you should ever have use for that skill, he is your man.”

“Now there is my servant, Nossenis, a lovely, charming woman, fair of both form and speech, able to speak common, excellent cook. She would make a good housekeeper. There might be one small problem with her, though; the fact she has never lived in anything other than a tent in her whole life. I am sure that is only a minimal factor.” He smiled.

“This bargain should prove to be most advantageous for both of us. Now, old chap, just exactly were you doing in the Gladden Fields that day I chanced upon you? What was so interesting there?” Udu’s eyes began to gleam and his body tensed.
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Old 12-05-2005, 02:19 PM   #614
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Scars, Trick and Treat with their very minor ring rushed about in Tharbad having a really good time. No one really paying any attention to them after they had been shot at by some lunatics.

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Old 12-05-2005, 05:25 PM   #615
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Orrodel – Red Herring, Monday 8.30 – 9 PM.

"Look, Buz," said Lilly, draining the last dregs of Dorwinion ’26 from a bottle. "I am hungry, love. I haven’t eaten since midday." They were in bed in an empty Orrodel house and the night had fallen.

"Oh, Noooo!" moaned Buz. But the nazgulettes had some specific weaknesses, as compared to nazgul, specifically, they needed food and sleep regularly. Less than mortals, but still quite a lot of both, thought Penny irritably.

Meanwhile, Lilly went to the door and cried " Zimra!!! Zimra, you worthless servant! Come here, you stupid cow!"

"What are you doing, Lil?" hissed Buz, quickly donning his clothes. It was no good to be seen in his "sister’s" bed! But it seemed there was no need to worry, as nobody replied.

Sighting, Buz went down into the empty kitchen. The fire in the stove died, no smell of cooking could be detected. Bloody servants! Bloody Khamul! It was no good to fire the Elf like that.

" Get up and dress" called Buz to Lilly. "Let us eat outside".

Oh, yes!" cried Lilly, "Let us return to the Swan! I loved it there!"

"No", replied Buz firmly. "I have had enough of this place for today and for many days to come." Let us find some other respectable Inn".

"I know one! It is called "the Red Herring" I have been there many times. They have that strawberry cake.. Mmm…"

In twenty minutes, Buz and Lilly entered the Herring. Lilly quickly scanned the room. It was almost empty, only at a small table in a quiet secluded corner sat… The High King of Arnor and Gondor, Valandil son of Isildur.

The King looked sad. He was nursing a drink and doodling on his writing pad. With a practised gesture Lilly adjusted her bodice with a very low neckline and advanced.

"Lilly, don’t do that, you fool!" she heard Penny’s desperate thought-plea. But Lilly would not be deterred so easily. "The Captain wants him for Gordie", thought Lilly vehemently. But let us see whom he will like better! Let the strongest win!"

Lilly came to the King’s table and bowed low, giving the bewildered King a good view of the depths of her décolleté. Valandil coughed and rose politely to greet the lady.

"My Lord King" chimed Lilly. "I am Lilaenwen, daughter of Aldacar. Here is my brother, Pengolod. Please, excuse my boldness, Sire. We have not been introduced to you properly, but we are good friends of Lords Martalion and Raendil. We awaited you in our house a day ago, but unfortunately you were too tired to come." Lilly smiled, showing two rows of pearly teeth and made her green eyes twinkle. But immediately a shadow of worry crossed her brow.

"My Lord King", she continued, "I dare to approach you now to ask about my friend Martalion’s health. I have not seen him since the Rochdol Game yestermorn. Is he so badly injured as to stay in bed for two days? No, it can’t be!" Lilly’s eyes swam with tears. "Oh, Lord, I hope you could assuage my worries!"
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Old 12-05-2005, 08:57 PM   #616
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Monday, 4ish PM, near Itazel and Danor's house

Alagos leaned on the rails of the bridge by Itazel and Danor's house, which was where his wanderings had finally led him. He sighed and watched the water flow by, and his hands slowly relaxed. A lot had happened in the last 24 hours.

He thought about the mixed marriages that had taken place, and wondered why, when they involved humans, that the humans had been men, not women - the women had been of the Eldar, or in Lúthien's case, Eldar and Maia. Beren and Lúthien; Tuor and Idril ... and then his parents, too. Well, there was Elros, he suddenly realized - but Elros had made his choice to be among the Secondborn before he had married, so that was different.

He looked down at this hands and smiled. Tyaron was right - his feelings showed in his hands. When Alagos was upset (which was not infrequent, but was light, and over quickly), his hands (and body) were always moving; when Tyaron was upset (which was very rare indeed, but very intense when it did happen, and it took a long time to get over it), his hands and body were tense, but dead still.

He straightened up, stretched, and went back into Itazel and Danor's house. He didn't see anyone around, so he went quietly upstairs and into Tyaron's room, where he found Tyaron's harp. Tyaron, like Fingon the valiant (whom they both admired very much for his daring rescue of Maedhros - both Tyaron and Alagos thought Fingon a better man than his brother, although Turgon was king of Gondolin and they were loyal to him) seldom went anywhere without at least a small harp. He expertly tuned it (harps are moody things) and started softly playing and singing. He played some light, melodious tunes for awhile, then moved into Beren's Lament:
Farewell sweet earth and northern sky,
for ever blest, since here did lie
and here with lissom limbs did run
beneath the Moon, beneath the Sun,
Lúthien Tinúviel
more fair than mortal tongue can tell.
Though all to ruin fell the world
and were dissolved and backward hurled
unmade into the old abyss,
yet were its making good, for this -
the dusk, the dawn, the earth, the sea -
that Lúthien for a time should be.

His voice fell quiet, but his fingers continued their soft playing.
I should be doing the laundry, but this is MUCH more fun! Ñá ë?* óú éä ïöü Öñ É Þ ð ß ® ç å ™ æ ♪ ?*

"How lovely are Thy dwelling places, O Lord of hosts! ... For a day in Thy courts is better than a thousand outside." (from Psalm 84) * * * God rocks!

Entmoot : Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I got hooked!

Ego numquam pronunciare mendacium, sed ego sum homo indomitus!
Run the earth and watch the sky ... Auta i lómë! Aurë entuluva!

Last edited by Rían : 12-05-2005 at 09:23 PM.
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Old 12-06-2005, 01:56 PM   #617
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Itazel and Danor's House
Monday, after 8 PM

After having taken leave from Mahtaliel and having thanked her for the opportunity to browse the library undisturbed (and after also subtly complaining about their rather rude removal from the premises by the new librarian) R*an and Eärniel walked back to their lodgings.

There, R*an was introduced to Itazel and Danor and cordially received. They had arrived right in time for dinner during which Itazel made sure they ate more than enough. (Itazel reckoned, by human sound common sense, that since Elves were so light on their feet and so finely shaped, they probably didn't have enough proper meals.) The share that Itazel had prepared for the absent Tyaron was also dealt with, with some vital help coming from Danor.

After dinner, and when the dishes were removed, Danor opened a bottle of Dorwinion gin and the five of them stayed seated, leisurely talking and laughing.

"Well, R*an," Itazel said, rising from her seat. "I imagine you want to see the room we've prepared for you."

R*an nodded, and rose also. "I'd love to, thank you, Itazel."

"It's funny how you Elves can do with so little," Danor remarked, slurring slightly, having had as liberal a helping with the gin as he had with dinner earlier. "Eärniel only just had a full trunk with her, Alagos and Tyaron barely had more luggage either and you, R*an, seem to have almost none at all."

Eärniel hit her forehead with her palm. "R*an, your luggage!" she cried. "We completely forgot to collect it at the Red Herring! The landlord must wonder what's keeping us."
We are not things.
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Old 12-06-2005, 04:46 PM   #618
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Monday evening, after 9 p.m., Itazel and Danor's house, and the Red Herring

Alagos stood up. "Well, if our hosts will excuse us, then I will go with you, R*an, and carry your things for you. Then you can braid my hair when we get back, if it's not too late for you - it IS getting a bit late, and you didn't get any sleep last night, you know," he finished hopefully.

R*an stood up, re-energized. "Oh, I had forgotten about your hair - the evening has been SO pleasant that it went clean out of my mind!" she said, smiling her thanks at her hosts.

Alagos turned to Eärniel. "Would you like to come, too? It's a fine night for a walk," he said warmly.

Eärniel stood up and stretched. "Yes, thank you - I think a little walk would just fit the bill right now. Itazel takes such good care of us with her fine dinners that I'm afraid I"m going to grow out of my clothes!"

Itazel clucked her tongue, murmuring defensively, "You Elven ladies are just too slender! You need some good cooking!"

"Well, you certainly gave us some good cooking tonight," said R*an, "and more importantly, your kindness and friendship. Not everyone in Tharbad has been so kind," she added thoughtfully.

The three Elves set off for the Red Herring. "Cheer up, sister," said Alagos, and pressed her arm closer to his. "You're done with Orrodel now - you're among friends."

"I may be done with Orrodel, but not with its inhabitants," she replied. "I saw the Lady Lilaenwen at the jeweler's, and she gave me such a look of anger and ... I don't know, just like she ..." she paused, at a loss for words for the meaning behind Lilly's look, because she couldn't think of any reason for it. "I guess she just doesn't like Elves," she said with a shrug. "I can't think of any way I could have offended her."

"Don't worry anymore, then!" her brother said cheerfully. "I don't think you'll be seeing them much."

R*an, remembering that Professor Galaddanun taught at the University where she was taking some classes, thought differently, but decided to not bring it up. She moved in closer to her brother's body, taking comfort from his presence.

Entering the Red Herring, they were flagged down by Mrs. Miggins, the proprietoress. "R*an, my dear, we were wondering when you would come for your things! They're right over there," she said, pointing towards a small storage closet. As Alagos moved off to get the baggage, she laid her hand on R*an's arm and moved in closer. "And, dear, Constable BB asked us to ask you to just drop on by his place for a wee bit of a chat. It seems - but no, he asked me to not say anything, just that he wanted a bit of a chat with you, when it was convenient."

R*an was surprised, but said, "Certainly, Mrs. Miggins, I'll do so first thing tomorrow."

"That's fine then, dearie," said the busy lady, and bustled off with a cry to the new serving girl of, "No, no, not THAT table, t'other one!"

R*an turned to Eärniel to discuss this strange request, but found that Eärniel hadn't heard, as she was looking across the room. She turned to R*an, saying, "Well, well - it looks like the High King is as at home in pubs as he is in palaces!"
I should be doing the laundry, but this is MUCH more fun! Ñá ë?* óú éä ïöü Öñ É Þ ð ß ® ç å ™ æ ♪ ?*

"How lovely are Thy dwelling places, O Lord of hosts! ... For a day in Thy courts is better than a thousand outside." (from Psalm 84) * * * God rocks!

Entmoot : Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I got hooked!

Ego numquam pronunciare mendacium, sed ego sum homo indomitus!
Run the earth and watch the sky ... Auta i lómë! Aurë entuluva!

Last edited by Rían : 12-06-2005 at 06:11 PM.
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Old 12-06-2005, 10:55 PM   #619
Lady Marion Magdalena
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After 8pm

Mahtaliel locked the door to her forge and wandered up the path to her house.

She had returned from letting the ladies into the library to find young Marthalion and his friend waiting to be let in to the forge for the class. It had been a good first class and for those three hours she had been able to take her mind off of the more disquieting events of the last day.

Now, nothing demanded her attention and she was free to think. She reached her house and went in. Locking and barring the door behind her. Between preparing for new classes, dealing with paperwork, and being asked for minor favors she hadn't had a proper chance to rest without interruption in what felt like days.
Up the stairs to her sleeping room, lit the lamps hanging in the corners because she likes light in this room. She had very little in the way of furniture up here, something to sleep on, something to sit on, a row of baskets for storage and shadows to adorn the walls.
She pulled one of the baskets forward and sat down cross legged, back leaning against the wall. Out of the basket she pulls a much worn shirt, giving out at the seams and begins to mend it. A friend long ago taught her how to sew, said it was useful, and good for thinking.

Better to think about the smaller things first, while still establishing the needle's rhythm...

So the Chancellor had confiscated the library keys. No matter, she had made duplicates; she would have to be careful about when she used them, for of course he would suspect that she had made at least one duplicate, he simply couldn't do anything about it without proof.

Oreturion's confession that he suspected the King to be in danger was disquieting. More so was the fact that he had suspected her. Had the suspicion been simply because of the gem and her connection to Eregion or did he know more than that?

She hoped that if he did he would be respectful enough to keep it to himself. It wasn't uncommon knowledge that she had lived in Eregion, that by itself was fairly innocuous, there had been many elves of all the kindreds living there; but she didn't want people knowing more than that, especially with the recent influx of elves and descendents of Elros.

Eventually she finished mending the shirt. Stretching, she rose to her feet and, after snuffing the lamps, lay down and slept.
"Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; Leave me my name!"

- The Crucible

"nolite hippopotamum vexare!"
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Old 12-07-2005, 12:17 AM   #620
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Valandil looked up as the serving girl returned to his table, only stopping directly before him to face him. He looked up to see that it was not the serving girl at all. It was that... rather voluptuous young redhead he had seen at this very inn three days before. She now bowed to him and retained... that position for several moments more than was usual.

"My Lord King" she chimed musically, "I am Lilaenwen, daughter of Aldacar. Here is my brother, Pengolod. Please, excuse my boldness, Sire. We have not been introduced to you properly, but we are good friends of Lords Martalion and Raendil. We awaited you in our house a day ago, but unfortunately you were too tired to come." and she smiled - and her teeth shone and her eyes twinkled, but then a shadow of worry crossed her brow.

"My Lord King", she continued, "I dare to approach you now to ask about my friend Martalion’s health. I have not seen him since the Rochdol Game yestermorn. Is he so badly injured as to stay in bed for two days? No, it can’t be!" and tears began to form in her eyes. "Oh, Lord, I hope you could assuage my worries!"

"There, there now... " replied Valandil. He realized that he had stood, so he now urged her to sit down opposite him, and gestured for her brother to take the place next to her, as he sat back down himself, shuffling his papers into a bundle in a pretext of clearing them off to make room for whatever his guests might order.

"I was with Lord Marthalion - I love the way you pronounce it with that accent of yours - I was with Lord Marthalion at the Chancellor's reception... last night." Was it only last night? he thought. It seemed a month or more ago.

"But really I have been rather preoccupied myself today," continued the King, "and our paths have not crossed. I assumed he would be alright. He certainly seemed none the worse for wear after the game." He couldn't even remember if Marty had spent the night at his place last night, as he was always welcome to - or if he had seen him at all this morning.

"Oh look!" exclaimed Valandil, his face lighting up. "Elves! And I know them!" He waved his arms at Rian and Earniel, whom he had just caught sight of. Then he noticed that there was another Elf with them... a male - and the grin on his face dissolved into a very thin smile.
My Fanfic:
Letters of Firiel

Tales of Nolduryon
Visitors Come to Court

Ñ á ë ?* ó ú é ä ï ö Ö ñ É Þ ð ß ® ™


Splitting Threads is SUCH Hard Work!!

Last edited by Valandil : 12-07-2005 at 12:50 AM.
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