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Old 12-29-2003, 02:40 PM   #41
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Nazgul The Rising Of The Sun

For a long age under the stars Angband was watched by the spies of King Feanor and Morgoth did not wish to send his forces out for them to see. He wanted to keep the element of surprise for the Balrogs and Dragons would cause most damage if they came onto the field never before seen.

But for this Morgoth became impatient and prepared a host of Orcs and Trolls with Sauron the Maiar as their captain to begin his new campaign. As the gates of Angband opened from the East came a golden light that burnt through the darkness and sent the world into the light. This golden ball of fire in the sky was seen as an omen by the hordes of Morgoth and they were afraid and they fled back into the underground of Angband.

Morgoths rage was terrible and he sent black fumes from Thangorodrim to spoil the clean,blue sky. But the Sun fed Ungoliant who had found her home in a deep crevice on Thangorodrim. She became even more terrible and ventured into the south around her she cast the Unlight that had before aided her and Morgoth to flee from Valinor, and all the Elven spies that looked upon it were wrapped in despair and were afraid. Ungoliant made her path all the way across the Ard-Galen and climbed into Dorthonian, here she found a camp of Elves and she slayed them all eating them from the inside out whilst they were still alive. That region then became dark and twisted and the great Spider poisoned the land so the trees grew like black, grasping hands and were sharp like thorns. To look upon that place would cause a shadow to pass over the heart and Morgoth was pleased.
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Old 12-30-2003, 02:24 PM   #42
Lord Manafirogh
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Of Men

At the rising of the sun the younger children of Illuvatar awoke in the land of Hildorien in the east. Their eyes were drawn to the west for the sum rose there. The atani they were called by the elder. They also called them Hildor. Mortal they were for they could die of illness and ageing which to the Elves was not known. Alike elves the after comers were. Alike structure and mind and some less beautiful then elves for they had the light of Valinor in their eyes.
So in the east they dwelled but they were drawn towards the west and soon would march into Beleriand and meet the Elves and Dwarfs
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Old 12-30-2003, 02:27 PM   #43
Lord Manafirogh
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The realms of the Noldor

The realms of the Noldor were spread through out Beleriand,
Fingolfin and his son Fingon held Hithlum and most part of Fingolfins people and some of the host of Feanor dwelled in Mithrim. But their chielf fortress was at Eithel Sirion where they kept watch upon Ard-galen. In Eithel Sirion Feanor dwelled most for he had many of his people there and wished to be close to Morgoth so he could keep a close eye on the enemy. The Elves had made Eithel Sirion a great place indeed and their calverly rode up to the shadows of Thangorodrim for their horses had increased swiftly. Dor-lomin was given to Fingon.
Turgon son of Fingolfin dwelled in Neverast but later was to find a new hidden city which none knew of. His host lived minly in Vinyamar.
Finarfin and Fingon dwelled in west Beleroiand and built a great fortress with the held of the dwarfs and they called it Nargothrond for it was similar to Menegroth. This was to prove one of the most powerful realms of the noldor. And great indeed it was for the dwarfs had fashioned it like Menegroth and it had many caves and walls fortified so they stood high and mighty.
Near Ard-galen also dwelled Angrod and Aegnor sons of Finarfin and they held the slopes of Dorthonion.
Thingol and Melian dwelled in doriath and Menegroth was thought to beautiful and called the city of Thousand caves.
Maedhros son of Feanor dwelled in Lothlamn and his strong hold was Himring. He had indeed grown strong and made a strong hold in that land and most of the people of Feanor followed him. Celegorm and Curufin dwelled near in Himland.
Amrod and Amras the twin brothers dwelled in east Belerinad.
Caranthir the harsh ruled in Thargelion.
Maglor dwelled in the lands called Maglor’s gap.
Orodreth later dwelled south of Ethiel Sirion.
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Old 12-30-2003, 03:24 PM   #44
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Now Angrod and Aegnor had but a small host of Elves to help fortify the region of Dorthonion but since Ungoliant had made that her domain the realm was evil and dark and many of the Elves wished to leave that place. But Angrod and Aegnor were firm as they were under strict orders from Feanor to make a camp there.

So they built, and from the shadows they were watched by evil creatures from the spawn of Ungoliant for she had mated with the spider like creatures that resided there. Now there were many of them, hungry for warm flesh for they had quickly eaten what animal life there had been i the forests. So they waited for some time until there was no other food. But by this time a rather strong camp had been built and when the spiders came it was well defended. For a while the arrows of the Noldor proved too much for the spiders and they were killed in great numbers. It was then Ungoliant wove her web of Unlight and her spawn over powered the archers. They swarmed into the camp and Angrod and Aegnor blew their horns to pull the Elves back into the tower but many lost their lives in the retreat. From the tower arrows rained once again and more spiders were slain. Now when Ungoliant crushed her way into the camp the arrows could not pierce her hide for it was too thick and like iron. She came to the tower doors and with her mighty beak broke them open. Then her spawn rushed in killing all in their flood. Angrod and Aegnor fought to the end side by side until they were over come with poison from too many of the evil creatures stings and bites.
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Old 12-30-2003, 05:12 PM   #45
Lord Manafirogh
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Feanor was still in Menegroth when his two sons had been slain by Ungolian and he knew little of her.
The people who dwelled with Angrod and Aegnor bore sent messengers to Eithel Sirion and soon to Maedhros. Then Feanor heard of the death of his sons when a messenger from Eithel Sirion was sent to Menegroth.
“My lord I have evil tiding. Angrod and Aegnor were slain by a creature of Morgoth.”
Then Feanor was filled with anger.
“Have my horse ready for I must ride to Eithel Sirion myself”
Then he took his people and went to Eithel Sirion unseen. He rode to Eithel Sirion swiftly with his small company and came before the gates unseen. Then he had spoke with Fingolfin and said, “Was there nothing we could have done to save them?”
“I am sorry half brother but none knew of what was happening, we found out only too late and could not come to their aid.”
“Very well” Then Feanor was silent and filled with grieve.
Angrod and Aegrod were buried in Himring for Maedhros had asked for their bodies to be brought to his land and be put in tombs.
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Old 12-30-2003, 05:51 PM   #46
Lord Manafirogh
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Tiny mistake

This aint got nothing to do with the story. i made a mistake wen i said the sons of Feanor about angrod and aegnor. i mix them with with amrod and amras. just a little misuderstanding. I thought you killed Feanors sons, haha its only Finarfins son's. lol o well they'll get over it. i need to rewrite that bit so here it is.
Take no notice of that last post then.

Finarfin was in Menegroth when he heard of the tiding of his two sons. And he was filled with grive. There in Menegroth also dwelled their sister Galadriel and she cried for months and Melian spoke long with her but both of them could see that this was only the beginning and they had tears in their eyes. And the tears of Melian were like shining crystals running down her cheek.
Finarfin blamed Feanor for making his people leave Valinor and he did not speak to him or want to see him. Feanor however went to see him and seek pardon and he promised Finarfin he would avenge his sons. Thingol held council and he spoke with Feanor long. Then he said he would sent messenger Back to Hurin and ask for his aid in building arms and making weapons and armour for war. Feanor said; “I have taught your people all that I can and I have none to teach.”
Feanor had long dwelled in Menegroth and taught the people how to work on gems and metal. And he made great armour good enough to match even those of the Naugrim.
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Old 12-31-2003, 02:24 PM   #47
Galdor the tall
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Tom Bombadil

Durin the deathless soon found out that blood of the allies was spilt. He was staying in Belegost with his eldest son Azghal and came personaly to the camp of Ungoliant he and his swiftest Rhino riders. They came upon the spiders with rage, the spiders seeing the anger fled. But Ungoliant stood ferm not fearing the axe of azaghal and Durin. Durin wore his mithril armour with the his coat of arms increstsed in it, But what scared the spiders was his war masks it horrific. Soon the battle between Durin, Azaghal and Ungoliant began, Ungoliat being bigger over powered them but Durin axe digged deep into the balck flesh of the wicked creature.
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Old 12-31-2003, 02:29 PM   #48
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Durins axe indeed struck into the armour of the great spider and she could not strick back for he was small he was in a position beneath her, hewing at her softer shell beneath soon the Rhino riders came and Ungoliant fled into the dark.
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Old 12-31-2003, 02:33 PM   #49
Gothmog the great
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Hurin the lord of beleiriand know gathered his army. Men had know made allianc witht the the dwarfs. A great host was gaththered to arms and the fields of beleriand shone in the sunlight as iit was shown of the silver armour
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Old 12-31-2003, 02:42 PM   #50
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Tom Bombadil

Soon Azaghal the warrior filled with rage attacked ungoliant and cut of her legs with his long dwarf blade. Durin taking the chance of her crippledness stabbed her eye. But the rhino were to scared to come close to her so they fought dwarf to women. But as Durin and Azaghal attacked for the last time she blew black fme in the air and nuttin could be seen. When the dwarfs ran to the rhino's to retreat the Rhino's had gone. The Dwarfs walked to the neares elf camp.
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Old 12-31-2003, 03:22 PM   #51
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Nazgul Saurons Alliance.

Morgoth saw the coming of Men and he did not see them as a threat. They were weak, caught illnesses and had short lives but their numbers increased all the time almost at the speed of his Orcs and they joined the ranks of his foes.

So Morgoth send a Host of his Uruk-Hai into the east with Sauron as their captain to search for any more of these men. They ventured far into the eastern realms and found many settle ments of grey-elves which they slaughtered. They traveled to the very farthest reaches of the east and there was a land that Sauron saw would one day be his realm. This land was Mordor but for now Sauron was on a mission. This is were they first encountered the Easterling men, who had dark ski and black eyes. They armour was black with crimson leather. Their helms were like the Orc helms of iron and their spears were long and cruel. There was quite a host of them and the Uruks were uneasy around them and battle would have broke out were it not for the cunning of Sauron. He changed his form to take the shape similar to them but larger and more grand. He asked to speak with their cheiftain whos name was Ulfang the Barbarian. Ulfang told Sauron of the wars they were having with the grey elves and woodland elves who were becoming more war-like because of their kin from the west (the Noldor). Sauron told Ulfang of Morgoth but called him Melkor the Mighty and how he was waging war on all elves, Sauron promised Ulfang and his house to have lands and great honour among Morgoths Legions if they would come with him with all their strenght of war.Ulfang was given time to decide and in this time Sauron was taken across the empire of the easterlings and Sauron saw they were a savage race of people and was pleased that they were expierienced in warand had formations and attck strategies, they had cavalry and a huge infantry force but their main weapons were Oliphaunts. Huge beasts of war with thick hides and great tusks like white spears. On their backs they carried towers and behind them they dragged machines of war. Sauron was now convinced he need the easterlings and he went back to Ulfang for his decision.
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Old 12-31-2003, 03:34 PM   #52
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Nazgul The Great March.

Sauron returned to Ulfangs tower and went into the Lords hall.
Ulfang was silent for a while then said,
''We have much land here and many strong fortresses that we have built with our own hands. Our wives and children cannot be left alone they must come or we will not go with you.''

So Sauron promised to grant Ulfang great lands in Morgoths empire the Easterlings and Ulfangs mind was set. It took almost a Month for him to prepare his people for the great march west.

The Uruks had already left to mark the path west then North. The host of the Easterlings was grand indeed like a huge river of people snaking its way west. At the very front rode five humungous Oliphaunts, the centre one held Ulfang and Sauron.

And so they marched into the land of Beleriand and the Easterlings were wondered at the lands but Sauron told them that those lands belonged to the enemy. When Ulfang saw the realm of Morgoth he was afraid. The sky was black and red. Lighting struck frequently to light up the desolate lands.

''Where will my people stay!!'' Ulfang was enraged but Sauron smiled. He rode back in a curve North east to Utumno were the lands were less barren. Ulfang was happy and his people rested in their new lands.
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Old 01-01-2004, 06:14 PM   #53
Lord Manafirogh
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The coming of men

When three hundred years had passed since the noldor came to Beleriand. Finrod went hunting with Maglor and Maedhros east of serion. When he came north of Ossiriand he saw light and heard songs from afar. Then Finrod Felagund down into the camp and beheld a strange people.
These were a part of the kindred that followed Beor the old. He led his people finally over the Blue Mountains and came in Beleriand. The men were quick to learn the tongue of the elves for they had met with dark elves in the forests and learned their tongue. It wasn’t long before Beor could talk to Finrof and he told him that they were more hosts coming to Beleriand. The haladin and the people of Marach were behind. The grey elves were troubled by the coming of men into their land so they sent a message to Felagund for and told him “to bid them return from where they came or go forward”. So the men of beor came to the lands of Amros and Amrad and dwelled there and had peace for a while. After a year Felagund wished to return to his own country and Beor went with him and became his vassal. Beor left his son Baran in charge and never returned.
Soon after came the second host, the Haladin. And they dwelled in the country of Caranthir in Thargelion and made friendship with Caranthirs people and traded together and grew strong and Caranthir grew to like them.
The last host was the people of Marach an ancestor of Hador who was father of Galdor the tall. They were a war like company and marched in order and the grey elves dared not to stop them. Then Marach heard Beors people dwelled in a green and fertile land so they made their camps south and east of the people of Beor. There was great friend ship between this two people and they grew strong and multiplied quickly matching even the number of orcs. Felagund visited the Edain and brought elves with him for they were keen to see the Edain.
Feanor and Fingolfin sent messengers to welcome the Edain and some went under their service. Among them was Malach son of Marach and e became great among the Edain and learned much from the elves.
The men stilled wished to travelled west and Feanor took counsel with Fingolfin and they sent messengers telling the Edain they could come and dwell with the princes. And little by little they came to dwell in Hithlum. Marach and his host remaind in Estolad and he died there. Many remainded in Estolad. But the major host moved to Hithlum.
Now Hador Lorindol entered the house of Fingolfin and was loved by the him. Fingolfin gave him lordship over Dor-lomin and he gathered his people and they became the mightiest of the chieftain of the Edain. The sons of Hador was Galdor and Gundur. The sons of Galdor are Hurin and Huor. The sons of Hurin were Turin and the son of Huor was Tuor. Great things the house of Hador would do which were renowned in songs many years later.
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Old 01-01-2004, 06:47 PM   #54
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The Three way Alliance

Feanor wished to make another alliance this time with the edain. So he asked Thingol to send messengers to Hador and the men of Brethil and Estolad to send representatives in Eithel Sirion regarding alliances. Feanor also wished Durin was there but the alliance between elves and dwarfs already stood but he wanted an alliance between all the Kindred’s. However Hurin himself was far and they could not wait for him to come and he wished not to, never the less Feanor sent messengers to him and ask him to send a representive if possible.
At last the leaders gathered in Eithel Sirion and there came Hador himself and from Brethil came Haldan son of Haldar. From Esolad was sent the high officer and he represented their leader. There was also Finarfin, Fingolfin, Feanor, Maedhros and Caranthir also Finrod came and many high captains of Beleriand. Long they spoke and Feanor convienced the edain they had to make alliances and work together if they had any chance of defeating Morgoth. Finally alliances were made between the Edain and the noldor and they agreed to aid each other in war and times of need. So feanor was glad.
So now Dwarfs had alliance with elves and elves had alliance with men. The dwarfs however had not made an alliance with the Edain but Hurin wished to make alliances with men so later they did so and the triple alliance was completed and Feanor was glad.
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Old 01-02-2004, 03:11 PM   #55
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Morgoth was now becoming inpatient for his enemies in the south were becoming closer in friendship and if he didnt act swiftly they would be totally united against him. He looked upon his own armies and then he saw the Easterlings.

He saw that they caught illnesses which he had never before seen an saw that he could use this as a weapon.
In Angband he devised foul sorcery and Thangorodrim belched forth a toxic cloud which was bourn on a great wind made by Morgoth as his powers as a Valar were still strong.

The Death Cloud came to the south and the elves did not fear for they knew not yet that their human friends caught such things as illnesses. So the cloud came and rained on the South realms of Dor-Lomin and the Edain breathed the smoke which came like a dark mist. And there they caught a plauge which was devastating to their bodies. The Elves used all their healing abilitys to save who they could but many died. And their bodies had to be burned to stop the plauge from spreading. Many woman and children were killed by Morgoths plauge and alot of men that would have been great warriors on the field. He saw what his plauge had caused and he was pleased at the Edains weakness. Now that confusion and sadness wracked the south Morgoth readied his armies.
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Old 01-03-2004, 09:38 AM   #56
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Sauron was put in total command of the Easterling forces whilst Gothmog commanded the Armies of Angband. Morgoth assembled and host of swift moving Orcs to draw the forces of Mithrim out onto the field were he could use his supreme numbers to his advantage. The captains of this host were under strict orders to get their foes out onto the field by whatever means.

So as they came across Ard-Galen they blew their horns and pounded drums and screamed war cries until the attetion of the Elven scouts had been called to them. The Orcs made for Eithel Sirion but halted a distance before it out of Arrow range. The captain of the host rode forth alone upon his great warg and blew his horn and called for the captain of the tower to come and negotiate with him.
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Old 01-03-2004, 01:59 PM   #57
Lord Manafirogh
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Fingolfin was in charge of Eithel Sirion but Feanor was also there and he liked to take command in matters of war and he rushed. He took counsel with the commanders of Eithel’s army and said. “Prepare our forces, how dare these bands of orcs march into our lands. I want the very last orc standing be killed. As for that captain sent men to chop his head off and set it on a spike before our doors”
Fingolfin was more thoughtful and he said; “Feanor I think there more to this then we can see. Send scouts to search the area. I believe they might be hiding the larger host to attach once we come out. Why else would morgoth send such a small army and try to get us to come out”
“Right you may be and scouts also will be sent and report back to us. In the mean time prepare out horses and archers, have your archers upon the walls.
Three elves rode up to the captin and they were came before him and shot him down with archers from their horses. Four arrows hit, one in his sholder one had hit between his eyes bellow the fore head near his nose. One in the chest and one in the belly. Though he wasn’t dead and the elves drew near and the orcs tried to come to his aid but were shot down by the archers upon the walls of Eithel Serion. Then the tallest of the elves drew his sword and said “Our king has spoken”. He chopped his head off for the orc was on his knees and in agony. His head came off but the sword was dented for the orc wore a collar of strong metal. Then the elf took his head and rode back to the gates and before he went in he took a spear from another the other elf and stuck the head before the doors of Eithel Sirion.
Five hours after the coming of the orcs the scouts returned and found no trace of other orcs surrounding the area. And they had rode far and wide. One of the scouts was sent to Hador to tell him of what was happening and prepare some hosts in case of an attack from the Morgoth.
Then Fingolfin still believed there might be an ambush from the orcs so he convinced Feanor to give him a few more hours and wait and see what the orcs would do. Feanor although against this did believe there could be a possible ambush so they waited.
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Old 01-03-2004, 02:35 PM   #58
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The Orcs now pulled a way back and were in a rage for the death of their captain and they wished for blood. But they knew they did not have the numbers of seige weaponry to attck such a mighty fortress. So the second in command of the host began the next part of the plan and from the hand pulled carts they brought oil drums and in the dark began laying down lines of it always out of range of the deadly archers upon the walls. An arrow would sometimes be shot but to no avail. Then the oil was lighted and a fire was erupted. This fire was fed with great trees and wood until it was a raging inferno. The fire was spreading down hill and feeding on the grass up to the walls of the fortress and around the iron gates. The Orcs now began taunting, calling the captain of the tower, the flames could not burn down the tower for it was too mighty but that was not the plan. Water was thrown from the walls but the fire had become great, and could be seen by far.

This was the signal. The gates of Angband were opened and an almighty host was unleashed. Thousands upon thousands of Orcs
came first, their numbers could not have been guessed. With them also came great black war trolls, dressed in thick iron and were armed with huge sledge hammers and iron Axes. This army shook the ground and they headed south. Behind them came the legions of Fire. Gothmog and his balrog host came in a great fury of orange and red flame and behind them Glaurung the mighty. He was now at his full might and the dragons that followed him were bound to his will. Then came the Warg riders, a grand host of them and in the air they were cover by the Ugrilokies. This tremendous army headed south and indeed it was a large host. They almost ungulfed the entire Ard-Galen in their path. The Eithel Sirion was unable to send messengers out as they were trapped inside by the great fire so Morgoths army made it to the very edge of Ard - Galen until the scouts of Maedhros called for arms. Dorthonian was taken by Orcs in their swraming numbers and there was a great battle for Maedhros had send a host of his most skilled warriors to hold the paths out. Now the greater host went for the pass of Sirion as the captains in Eithel Sirion were still struggling with the fire which was now dying out. They would soon come out in full strenght of war. So a great many archers stood ready for when the gates opened. Before the Orcs made it through the pass of sirion upon the western slopes came an army of Edain and Noldor led by Fingon and Hurin.
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Old 01-03-2004, 03:13 PM   #59
Lord Manafirogh
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Maedhros was still fighting in Dorthanion but before he marched he sent messangers to king Thingol and Bethril and begged them aid for he had seen and sensed evil from this. He also sent messengers to Celegorm and Curufin asking for aid and they were swift to answer for their brother was in time of need. Also messengers were sent to Caranthir and the grey-elves.
So news came to Thingol of the wars and he hesitated but remembered the alliance he had made with Feanor so he prepared a force which none had in Beleriand. Great archers and swords man clad in mithril and high helms for the dwarfs of Durin had dwelled there long now and made quality armour and weapons for the Sindar had payed them well and the dwarfs were happy to work for him. Mighty was the army of Thingol indeed and in charge he left Beleg Strongbow and the host Nargothrond also came forward and they had grown in similar strength with the people of Menegroth and Finrod went with that host for he remembered his brothers. So the host of Menegroth travelled with haste and came at last at Tol Sirion (the war had begun while the reached this area) and the host of Nargothrond followed. Here Beleg had been given orders to send a host to the aid of Maedhros and the rest travel north to Eithel Sirion. The men of Bethril had also heard and they prepared their host but they were few and not has strong however they played their part and marched with the host of Menegroth. All the noldor and the men of Hurin had to do is wait for their arrival.
Turgon had also received news from the eagles and he was worried about his father and had to make a hard decision weather he would come forward or not.
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Old 01-03-2004, 03:23 PM   #60
Galdor the tall
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Tom Bombadil

Soon Durin heard of what was happening and he sent 100,000 strong dawrfs to the aid of the elves. The fire in eithel sirion could be seen from far and Azaghal and Dain came personally, but the host of moria did not attend as they had wars in teh East against Sauron and legions of orcs. The HOST of Azghal and Dain were great and many orcs ran from the masks they wore,Mrgoth feared these dwarfs as they could withstand the fire of any Dragon. But that was not it the dwarfs had the greatest armour ever made in middle earth and no arrow or spear could pierce it. The Dwarfs were stubborn AND easy to anger thats why morgoth hated them he could destroy the minds of men and elfs but the dwarfs were made to serve nobody as iluvatar never created them. Nobody knew of the coming of the dwarfs and it would be a great shock to the elfs and orcs to see the greatest army in middle earth go to war. Dwarfs had spears, axes swords, chain mithril mail and body armour. But the rhino's were the greatest as they were clad in mithril and pearls from head to the whole body of the beasts. Azaghal had now become greater in stature and in mind as he had fought the greatest beast in middle earth. Ungoliant and he was more confident. Dain the young was still of a young age but strong and quick to anger the axe of Dain was said to be as strong as his fathers but he was dressed as a king he was, but Azaghal wore the sword the sword that he chopped the feet and eyes of Ungoliant with. Any orc that so it would run as it would sting thrrough anything the orcs called it "the killer". tHE horns of the dwarfs were heard by the elfs. Tun tun tuuun.
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