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Old 04-01-2003, 12:31 PM   #41
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ooc: I am sorry for not posting, i was a little confused on what was going on, i thought the bad guys were setting up thier part of the story so i left it alone. Let me get this straight, Larithia, Lalaitha and Sarra have not been captured, but Nerdanel, Nerindel and Lashana have been captured, right? and Larithia and Lalaitha are going to disguise themselves as orcs to go rescue them and get information. ok i will post now. if any of what i post doesn't make sense cause i missed something, tell me so i can edit it.

ic: Lalaitha silently crept up behind the orc-guards, her teeth gleaming as she smiled. The orcs had no warning as two arrows peirced the first one, then the other one, coming so quickly after one another that they seemed almost simultaneous. Lalaitha knelt by the dead orcs and lifted both of the huge carcasses onto her shoulders. She looked around, then melted into the woods, leaving a single footprint behind.
Back at camp, the elf sisters were transforming thier fair, lithe bodies into heavy, ugly orc ones. After putting on the or clothes, they found the garments to be too big, so Larithia sewed some cushions and they tied them on under the foul smelling clothes. they took turns putting river mud mixed with orc blood on thier faces, arms and legs. after removing the stuff, it left thier skin a reddish black color. then they shaped clay ontu thier faces, giving them the brutish features of Uruk-Hai (they were too tall to be regular orcs). After carfully braiding thier hair and tucking it under the helmets, they were ready to go.
Before they set off, Lalaitha couldn't help but play a joke on Sarra. Lalaitha crept up behind her and grabbed her while she was sleeping. Sarra swings at her with her sword and misses.
"Stop! It's me Lalaitha!" she said as she laughed.
"Huh?" said Sarra groggily. Lalaitha laughed even harder. Then Sarra got it.
"Hey, it's not funny. Your disguise looks really good. How was i supposed to know it was you?" she took a good look at the elf. "though i suppose the eyes might give you away. What are you going to do about the eyes and the teeth? I've never seen an orc with blue eyes and white teeth!"
"We are going to do this!" answered Larithia, stepping into the clearing. The two elves closed thier eyes tight and whispered something under thier breaths. when they opened thier eyes, they had changed into yellow orbs with slits like cat's eyes. Thier teeth appeared to be yellow fangs.
"how did you do that?" exclaimed Sarra.
"We didn't do anything" said Lalaitha. "we made you think that we have yellow eyes and fangs. It doesn't work on large areas, and it takes a lot of concentration, but it works".
After that the sisters bid Sarra farewell and dissapeared into the wood. Sarra sighed and started preparing to find the garrison Larithia had told her about.

ooc: the reason Lalaitha left a foot print was b/c of the heavy orcs weighing down on her, and it leaves evedence for the bad, umm... people to find.
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Old 04-01-2003, 03:01 PM   #42
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"They escaped?!?" Kwade was furious. "I don't suppose I have to tell you to go after them."
"Of course not," Dûrgbash assured Kwade. "Our scouts are already on their trail. It seems they left a careless trail of blood from the guards."
"Discuise! That's why they took um!" Lerintel the ferret was eager to have his part.
"Hmn, yes. That is the only explanation. It seems our messengers were carrying something more valuable than jewlry." Kwade sighed. "I hoped it wouldn't have to come to this." She turned to Dûrgbash. "Bring them to me. Dead or alive."
Dûrgbash left with Lerintel laughing maniacly on her shoulder.
Kwade sighed again. "I was hoping to spare them," she thought to herself. "It get's so lonely here with only orcs and weaklings for company."
Kwade smiled evily. She was more dangerous than any of them could imagine.
How to Survive the Sillmarillion

I thought that Alcohol was just for those with nothing else to do.
I thought that drinking just to get drunk was a waste of precious booze.
But now I know that there's a time and there's a place where I can choose
To walk the fine line between self control and self abuse.

"Lacerations make complications, but welts go away in a day."
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Old 04-01-2003, 09:06 PM   #43
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OOC:Sorry for not posting...here goes...

IC:Nerdanel:Sarra it's so good to see you! I thought for a while there I had lost you. Sarra:You should know that it takes more than evil badies stealing my horse, locking up my best friend,and trying to murder the King of Gondor to keep me down! *Everyone else rolls their eyes thinking what a weird sense of humor Sarra had* Sarra: By the way where is Zanzibar and Nahar? Nerdanel:They must still be in the castle. Sarra: I have to go get him! We can't just leave our horses in there to die!!! Nerindel: Sarra, Nerdanel I know you are sheild madiens of Rohan and that you have very stronge bonds with your horses. But we are still to close to the castle and they will have doubled their gaurd and have probably sent out search parties! You can not go back! *Everyone at the same time*Yes we can't let you go back! Nerdanel:Alright but I'm going back for him before he gets in to much danger.

OOC: I'm planing to add a new twist to my charecter but I wanted to see what you guys think of it first: Nerdanel goes off at night really mad at everyone espeally Sarra because she should know why they had to rescue their horses(because there horses are a part of them because they are the horse people the Rohirrim). So she joins the evil people if she gets her horse back. And because she thinks Sarra is never comeing for Zanzibar ahe stays with the evil people. If you guys agree then I'll write alittle peice about it. So you like yes or no?
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Old 04-01-2003, 09:31 PM   #44
The Redneck Elf
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Durgbash turned away, angry. "No one escapes on my watch," she muttered.
"Dead or alive, the Lady said. Dead or alive," the ferret chattered, and then returned to her maniacal laughing.
"Would you please shut up, Lerintel!" Durgbash shouted and then said softly "Why couldn't Kwade have cursed a smart ferret?"

She then considered the escaped prisoners. In order to have gotten out, they must have been smart - too smart for maidservants. Their mission was more than 'carrying gifts to Lady Arwen'.

All of her life, Durgbash had been smarter than her peers. Why, then, did she now feel so stupid? The prisoners would not have escaped if Kwade had been there, she knew that for certain.

OOC: I'll post more later.
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Old 04-01-2003, 11:06 PM   #45
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ooc: I guess the part about the sisters slipping into the baddies hideout has happened and we just glossed over it. Was my post that bad, that nobody read it? maybe you guys missed it because it was on a new page. or whatever. I think having Nerdanel go bad is a good idea. did that make sense? anyway, i say yes! Go for it.
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Old 04-01-2003, 11:50 PM   #46
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More evil people! Mwahahahahahahahaha!
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Old 04-02-2003, 10:18 AM   #47
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ooc: uh! we escaped when did that happen? I thought Lashana was being questioned by the baddies, sarra was finding the garrison and the elf sisters were scouting the hideout??? did I miss something?
Out of doubt, out of dark to the day's rising I came singing in the sun, sword unsheathing.
To hope's end I rode and to heart's breaking:
Now for wrath, now for ruin and a red night fall!
Éomer King of Rohan

Aa'menealle nauva calen ar'malta
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Old 04-02-2003, 11:39 AM   #48
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ooc: No, Nerendel, you didn't miss anything. I posted a part of the story that set the elf sisters up to go into the baddies fortress, but everyone missed my post, and so the part about that has "already happened" because we say it happened, but we never actually wrote that part of the story in. Oh well *shrugs*
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Old 04-02-2003, 05:00 PM   #49
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OOC: Sorry, what did you post Topaz? Sorry. I think having that one person go bad is so cool! Um, bye now. I have nothing to write.
How to Survive the Sillmarillion

I thought that Alcohol was just for those with nothing else to do.
I thought that drinking just to get drunk was a waste of precious booze.
But now I know that there's a time and there's a place where I can choose
To walk the fine line between self control and self abuse.

"Lacerations make complications, but welts go away in a day."
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Old 04-02-2003, 09:28 PM   #50
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OOC:Okay, I'm gonna post a little of what happened before the 2 sisters got the prisoners out but after they got into the badies hideout and I'm gonna post how Nerdanel goes bad *grins evilly*!

IC: Larithia and Lalaitha were trying to find the prisoners and not haveing much luck. But then they felt Nerindel on the edge of their range and began moving towards her. When Durgbash came around the corner! Durgbash:Keep up the good work ladies. *she stops and turns because she could have sworn she saw blue eyes* *turns back around when everything looks fine*
When they had gotten outside Sarra was back but without the garrison. Nerdanel and Sarra embrace when suddenly Nerdanel and Sarra realize their horses are gone!(I've already done this for give me cut and paste!) Sarra: By the way where is Zanzibar and Nahar? Nerdanel:They must still be in the castle. Sarra: I have to go get him! We can't just leave our horses in there to die!!! Nerindel: Sarra, Nerdanel I know you are sheild madiens of Rohan and that you have very stronge bonds with your horses. But we are still to close to the castle and they will have doubled their gaurd and have probably sent out search parties! You can not go back! *Everyone at the same time*Yes we can't let you go back! Nerdanel:Alright but I'm going back for him before he gets in to much danger.

*It's the next night and everyone is asllep except Nerdanel.* Nerdanel: *speeking to herslf* I have to go and get Nahar! Sarra will realize where I've gone and come to help me I can't risk waking woth 3 elves near. *she has her things packed and ready to go, after she leaves she realizes that she has no idea what to do!*
Durgbash is on duty now. She sees the young Rohirrim sneeking up and realizes what she is trying to do so she heads to the barn. Durgbash draws her sword and holds it to Nahar's neck. Nerdanel walks in and sees this. Nerdanel:NO!! Please I'll do anything just don't kill my horse! Durgbash: Anything? Hmmmm...like what? Nerdanel:I'll tell all I know about the prisoners and the ones who helped them escape. Durgbash: Good I was hoping you would say that. Now lets go and get you some armour you work for the lady now!
OOC:Sorry if this is to long but I had sooooo many ideas! And if I didn't elaborate on the esacpe scene enough please add to it!
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Old 04-03-2003, 09:32 AM   #51
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ooc Hehe that sounds good Ilmare

Nerindel wakes and scolds herself for falling asleep during her watch, she has a look around and reliases Nerdanel is missing and so is her gear. she wakes the others.

Nerindel: Nerdanel is missing!
Sarra: oh no I feared she would do this, she's gone back for her horse.
Nerindel: She is young, headstrong and subborn she'll get herself killed.
Sarra: we have to go get her, It aches my heart also to leave my horse in that place.
Laliatha: there is at least 300 female orc warriors and 50 humans in there how do you suppose we get in!
Larithia: we won't be able to use our disguises again, they will be watching for us this time.
Sarra: but we can't just leave her there!
Nerindel: off course not, but we have to have a plan and there is this. Nerindel shows the others the message she is carrying.
Laliatha: oh eru, we must get this to king Elessar.
Nerindel: yes the Rothirrim intercepted a message from the haradrim to durgbash they are planning an attack gondor, we don't know when or how, but now they will know where from. Nerindel adds a few more lines in elvish.
Nerindel: there, now they will know what their up against. Now I will need a voulenteer to deliver this message.
Larithia: I'll do it! I'm the fastest rider here , I'll need to steal a horse from the barn we saw at the wizards hideout.

ooc: I choose Larithia as the voulenteer as l.o.t.g.w hasn't posted resently and it leaves it open for if she does post again
Out of doubt, out of dark to the day's rising I came singing in the sun, sword unsheathing.
To hope's end I rode and to heart's breaking:
Now for wrath, now for ruin and a red night fall!
Éomer King of Rohan

Aa'menealle nauva calen ar'malta

Last edited by Nerindel : 04-03-2003 at 09:34 AM.
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Old 04-03-2003, 12:57 PM   #52
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OOC: #%69! *Rant rant* *Swear swear* THere are too many names that start will "N" or "L"!!!
How to Survive the Sillmarillion

I thought that Alcohol was just for those with nothing else to do.
I thought that drinking just to get drunk was a waste of precious booze.
But now I know that there's a time and there's a place where I can choose
To walk the fine line between self control and self abuse.

"Lacerations make complications, but welts go away in a day."
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Old 04-03-2003, 09:54 PM   #53
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OOC: Hehe this is so cool my thread is rolling right along! Now anyway time to post my little bit (Ilmare that was really good).

IC: Sarra: Nerindel what are we going to do?!?! We can't just leave Nerdanel in there or Zanzibar either! Nerindel: I know how you must feel but there is nothing we can do until the garrison arrives. Laliatha: By then it could be to late. Sarra: I hate just waiting like this! I hate it, I hate it, I HATE IT!!!! Nerindel: Calm down Nerdanel is young and smart she will be just fine. *a twig snaps in the forest* *Everyone jumps up grabing bows swords or dirks* Garrison: Don't shot! Is the lady Sarra here? Sarra: I am here along with other companions.

OOC:Okay I'm leaving this open for any one else who might like to a stab a rescuing Nerdanel. And KKH I'm posting all the charecters and who they are will be in perenthisis... Sarra(me) Nerindel and Lashana(Nerindel) Nerdanel(Ilmare) Durgbash(Elvellyn) Kwade(KKH) Larithia and Lerintel(lotgw) Laliatha(Topazjedi). I may have missed someone so forgive me if I did. But some people don't post anymore, and I hope you all realize that KKH stands for Katt_knome_hobbit. BYE
Bah, Bah black sheep have oyu any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir. Three bags full! One for the master, one for the dame, one for the little boy who lives down the lane!
Bah, bah black sheep have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir. Three bags full.

I'll be gone for a while. But never fear! "I shall return anon!"
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Old 04-09-2003, 08:16 PM   #54
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Nooooooooooo...Why have you all stopped posting!?!?!!?!?!?! Fine I'll post again. You make me sad!

Okay before I post just to let you know we are at the evil peoples castle and are attemtping to rescue Nerdanel. But if you have been keeping up then you know that Ilmare has decided to go evil on us.

IC: Sarra: Nerdanel please come back! Nerdanel: No! I thought your horse and your friend ment everything to you but it's been 2 weeks so obviously I was wrong! Sarra: No you weren't wrong. We just coudn't come for you or our horses as soon as we thought. *As she is speaking an arrow narrowly misses her head.*

OOC: Come on guys I've left it WIDE open you could go anywhere with this! Which makes it alot easier to post! Come on please post because if you don't my thread won't last and you will make me even more sad!
Bah, Bah black sheep have oyu any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir. Three bags full! One for the master, one for the dame, one for the little boy who lives down the lane!
Bah, bah black sheep have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir. Three bags full.

I'll be gone for a while. But never fear! "I shall return anon!"
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Old 04-12-2003, 03:05 PM   #55
The Redneck Elf
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OOC: I'll post for Larithia.

Larithia goes to the barn to steal a horse. As she opens the gate she hears two voices. One she knows, belongs to Kwade. But the other voice? She listens closlely. It's not Durgbash but...Nerdanel.
She fights back a sob. "We have all been betrayed" she cries inwardly. She hears their plans.

Kwade: We will meet tonight at dusk.
Nerdanel: They shall never expect it!
I've got something in mind. I'll post it in a minute.
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Old 04-12-2003, 03:17 PM   #56
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Okay, I'm back. What I was going to do didn't take as long as I thought it would.

Larithia runs quickly back to her friends.

Larithia: We must leave at once!

Lalithia: What is it?

Larithia: I do not have time to discuss such things. Find the others we must leave at once!

Lalithia gathers there things while her sister goes in search of Nerdinel, Lashana, and Sarra. ( Who did I forget?)

Time has passed and it is nearly dusk. Lalithia has been busy gathering supplies and has not had a chance to tell everyone else about Nerdanel's betrayal.

Lar: Is every one together?

Lal: Yes, sister, we are all here. What is the purpose of your haste?

Lar: It is a matter of extreme importance. I will tell you as we leave.

Kwade, Durgbash and Nerdanel come up behind them. Durgash is holding a knife to Nerdanel's throat.

Kwade: What will of tell them? Of that I am also curious.

more later
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Old 04-12-2003, 03:26 PM   #57
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Wow, that sounds great Elvellyn
I'll wait for you to post a bit more, before I post
Out of doubt, out of dark to the day's rising I came singing in the sun, sword unsheathing.
To hope's end I rode and to heart's breaking:
Now for wrath, now for ruin and a red night fall!
Éomer King of Rohan

Aa'menealle nauva calen ar'malta
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Old 04-12-2003, 04:15 PM   #58
The Redneck Elf
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Thanks Nerindel! Here it goes.
Lalithia trembles and turns to face Kwade. "Uh.. um... nothin..." sihe stutters then mumbles something incoherent.

Kwade: No need for you to worry Lalithia, dear, it's your friend, Nerindel that we want. I believe she has something for us. Don't you Nerindel?

You can take it from here Nerindel.
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Old 04-12-2003, 05:04 PM   #59
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Nerindel: yes the edge of my sword!
she unsheathes her runed elven sword, It shines bright blue letting the two elves know that Durgbash isn't the only orc here.
Durgbash: that wouldn't be wise.
Durgbash pulls her knife tighter to Nerdanels throat. and they all hear the sound of many arrows being nocked.nerindel
Sarra gasped.
Nerindel look round at her, she could see in her eyes that she was truly worried for her friend(nerdanel).
as she went to turn back she noticed that Laliatha also had her sword drawn and was glaring at durgbash, no not dugbash Nerdanel?
Nerindel puts her hand on Laliatha's shoulder and shakes her head.
Laliatha lowers her sword but doesn't sheath it.
Nerindel: hmm what do you want?
Kwade: I think you know what I want!
Nerindel reaches inside the top of her dress and pulls out a gold cylinder with the offical seal of Lord Faramir and holds it up.
Nerindel: is this what you've been looking for, I'll give you this for the girl.

ooc: ok someone else can decide what happens next
Out of doubt, out of dark to the day's rising I came singing in the sun, sword unsheathing.
To hope's end I rode and to heart's breaking:
Now for wrath, now for ruin and a red night fall!
Éomer King of Rohan

Aa'menealle nauva calen ar'malta
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Old 04-12-2003, 05:29 PM   #60
The Redneck Elf
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I'm having an Indiana Jones flashback.
Lalithia: NO! Do not give it to them. Nerdanel has betrayed us.

Nerdanel (struggling for breath): Do not believe her Nerindel! Don't let them hurt me!

Nerindel is unsure of what to do next. Should she beleive her old friend, Nerdanel, or her new friend, Lalithia?

Nerdinel: Why, Lalithia, do you say such things?

Lal: I heard them speaking in the barn! Please, Nerdinel, believe me! Do not give them the papers! The would not kill one of their own!

You decide, Nerdinel. What will your character do?
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