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Old 09-20-2000, 05:07 AM   #41
Shanamir Duntak
Posts: n/a
Re: Sharkey

Shanamir was exhausted, he could say how many days he spent locked in his cell, but one thing was sure, he just hope death would come and embrace him. He's vision was bluring, he was hungry and started to feel dizzy because of the lack of food and water. He didn't know if would be able to endure it any longer.
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Old 09-20-2000, 03:42 PM   #42
Posts: n/a
Re: Sharkey

The ranger heard the sound of keys in the door of his cell.

Grima Wormtongue placed a table and a chair in the cell and on it placed a bowl of a hot thin broth.

The ranger's parched mouth ached, as his dry saliva glands tried to work. Grima lifted the bowl to his cracked lips and tried to spoon some broth into the ranger's mouth.

Shanamir turned his head and would take nothing from the loathsome lackey.

Wormtongue laughed, and without saying a word, took a sip himself. He held the bowl back up to the ranger's mouth and poured it a little too quickly, so that it poured as much from the corners of his mouth as into it.

Shanamir gulped the broth down and tried not to wretch. When he looked back up, he saw that Wormtongue had gone and an old bearded man sat in the chair behind the table, looking at him intently.

He said nothing, but waited for the ranger to speak...
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Old 09-20-2000, 10:27 PM   #43
Shanamir Duntak
Posts: n/a
Re: Sharkey

Die. I won't speak to you. Kill me now or I'll kill you later. Your choice.

"Caran's my name. Thank you for helping young lady and you fierce dwarves. How can I please you?"

"We need to find a friend. We kindaaaaa 'lost' his track."

"Who is your friend?"

"Shanamir, Shanamir Duntak."

"Is he tall, brown hairs tied in a pony tail, and wears old green and brown outfit?"


"Then I saw him, captured by orcs, the same orcs that injured me in fact. Let me some time and I'll find his track."

*Caran studied carefully the rock ground where he was attacked. He then sat, closed his eyes and went mute for almost one hour.*

*Pointing the old elf towers* "He's there... hold into a black cell. He needs us, fast. Someone, that is more powerful than me, is with him and do not wish him well. We must hurry!"

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Old 09-20-2000, 11:46 PM   #44
Darth Tater
Posts: n/a
Re: Sharkey

The small band of men made their way to the Tooks holes. Tater was leading them, and had warned them to be carefull and not attract attention, but the fear of Sharky was obviously not in them.

As they approached the front door of the largest hole a man behind Tater screamed out in pain. Tater and the other men turned, and saw that he had been pierced by an arrow.

"Fool," said Tater. "Let that be a lesson to you all! Be prepared."

The men moved to the door, leaving their comrad to die. Suddenly arrows began to rain from the sky. Some men fell, and those that did not used the fallen bodies to block the arrows. Tater broke down the door and ran in. Soon he emerged, dragging a young boy behind him.

"Tooks!" he shouted to the air, knowing they were surrounding him, but were in hiding. "Let this be a lesson to you! Don't go against Sharky!"

Tater and his men ran off, dragging the young lad to Bag End.
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Old 09-21-2000, 03:02 AM   #45
Posts: n/a
Re: Sharkey

As Tater and his men were dragging the boy back to sharky they were stopped by that red wizard that was always hovering around everywhere, they thought sharky called him Sauganast once, but weren't sure.

"You will have to give that young lad to me," the wizard said in a stern voice.

"Why would we do that?" Tater replied in a mocking voice, "we captured him. So we get the credit from sharky.'

"But you see, if you do not give him to me, you will never reach sharky because you will die here." the wizard seemed to grow tall and menacing at this and Tater and his men cowarded before him.

Before they could do anything Sauganast had picked the boy up and walked away, Tater and his men just stood there, unmoving.
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Old 09-21-2000, 03:13 AM   #46
Posts: n/a
Re: Sharkey

The old man smiled at the ranger in chains.

"Well now, there's a fine attitude! I find you here, perishing of hunger and thirst, and this is my thanks." He sounded like a kindly old father, aggrieved by the child of his old age.

"I do not know who you are, who put you in chains, or why," the old man said. "I have only just gotten here myself. Alas! I find that evil men and orcish fellows are beginning to overrun the Shire. But you do not look to be one of those!"

As the old man spoke, the ranger began to wonder who this Sharkey was, and if he was really as bad as report had made him.

Standing to his feet and coming closer with a compassionate look on his care-lined face, the old man exerted the full force and power of his personality. Sharkey spoke to him of the terrible first wave of ruffians who had already burned down the inn in Bywater. Why some of them may be bold outlaws indeed, killers of rangers and the like! All that he, himself, wanted was peace and prosperity for everyone. Not all of the migrants were outlaws! But all must band together, good men displaced from their homes, hospitable halflings, and the long disregarded Rangers of the North. Why, in such times as these, the Shirefolk and the Breefolk and all who lived in the ancient realm of Anor would come to appreciate the long thankless vigil of the Rangers of Eriador! Now was the time for all folk of good will to come together against the common foe!

The ranger found himself thinking that here was a noble old man who might be a very great help against the outlaw migration he spoke of.

"Tell me only that I may count on you to be my friend and fight these orcish ruffians with me and I shall remove your chains!" finished the old man.

The ranger almost cried out "YES!" with all his heart...


From the corner of his eye through the door grate, and with hearing sharpened from days of silent imprisonment, he saw and heard the old man's lackey telling someone to be quiet, the other insisting it was important, and the view of a sallow, leering, orcish face.

The ranger spat in the old man's face.

Gone was the kindly old father, replaced by a horrible tyrant deprived of a choice victory! His face contorted with fiery rage, his entire body shook, and his shrieking voice was no longer gentle and soothing, "FOOL! You will not kill me! And I will not ennoble your pathetic life by killing you with my own hands! BUT YOU HAVE YOURSELF CHOSEN YOUR FATE! You die now!"

Sharkey turned on his heel, cried for his lackey to follow. The ranger heard his next words. An order to the leering guard to kill the prisoner.

The guard then managed to tell Saruman and Grima that the scouts in the tower had seen dwarves approaching. Sharkey shrieked again to find that his conquest of the ranger's will had been foiled by such an insignificant thing. He screamed a torrent of abuse at the guard and ordered another one to kill him, which was done with dispatch.

He was about to leave, when one of the two guards who remained downstairs asked about the prisoner and if he still wanted him dead.

Saruman ignored him, and Wormtongue turned and just shook his head yes, with a look of scowling derision.

The wizard and his henchman then walked swiftly away, back to Hobbiton. He had men enough in the tower to deal with a stunted dwarf or two! There was other work to be done.

There were five men remaining in the one inhabitable tower. Three had gathered on the roof, high atop the tower, to watch. The other two were at the door, arguing over which one would get to kill the ranger.

"Listen to me, Tom. Sharkey wants him dead, and as it was me what asked I gets to do this killin'."

"Sharkey didn't say who was to do it! It could be you as well as me. Let's flip for it."

"We ain't flippin for it neither. It's my kill!"

"What's all the hollerin about?" called down one of the guards upstairs.

"Tom wants to kill the prisoner and I says any one of us can do it!"

"Bill's a liar! He was wantin to flip for it and cut you fellows out!"

"We'll draw straws. Come up here so's we all got the same chance."

Bill and Tom grumbled about it, but barred the door, went up the winding stairs, and began the argument with the others upstairs all over again...

The young elf watched with keen vision. The dwarves had provided a distraction. The old man was gone. The wind was from the West, and the elf was downwind of the old towers. He flew on light feet as the men argued upstairs, and for a minute, just a minute, ceased watching the approaches to the tower. Just in time, he leapt as the nearest one began to turn, and landed silently out of his eyesight at the tower base. He then began to climb up the tower face to a small window.

The elf lad slipped in silently and drew his long knife...
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Old 09-21-2000, 04:40 PM   #47
Posts: n/a
Re: Sharkey

Thing's were going to get interresting.
The Inn as been burn to the ground in an attempt to stop a growing revolt. This info mean two thing's, first the authority of Sharkey wasn't accepted by all, wich was a good thing. Second this Sharkey got a brain, and that was a very bad thing. She will need help and it's not that red wizard who was shadowing her that will provide it. Of course if he had even half the brain she credit him he know she know. Very well if he want to play it will be on her rule and she's going to make it painfully easily for him to follow her. First of all she need a base of opperation, this old ruined tower she saw last night will be perfect.

As she start her journey toward the tower she feal it. Someone extreamly powerfull was using magic very near.She stop and wonder how much more surprise await her. Well she will have to be realy carfull when using magic. Surprise here was her best weapon so she will have to keep low profile for a while. Of course direct confrontation is not an option she was no match for the being who were such power as she just feal. If she could...just...find someone to do the job for her, someone close enough to him so that he won't suspect treachery...yess she nod her head approving her plan and smile it might...no it will work but first she need to build a small token that will help her. Again the tower was the perfect place for her to go.
Very well Sharkey your doom is on the way.

And for this red mage she though as long as she do nothing she hope he won't chalenge her. After all he was using his magic and reveal her his strengh while she don't and as she learn long ago knowlege is the very best weapon. So she will have to monitorize him carfully while not drawing the attention of Sharkey on her.

Yep thing were realy getting funny.
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Old 09-21-2000, 08:04 PM   #48
Elbreth of Carhouth
Posts: n/a
Re: Sharkey

*Hey, Xivigg, what does your signature mean?*

Rose watched from the trees, the young Elf had proven invaluable and led them straight to Shanamir. He had just dissappeared up on the left. The dwarves she could still see, but not hear, over on her right. She was lookout, and was to whistle if she saw anyone coming.
She peered about, but no-one was in sight. She sighed for the second time, wishing she was elsewhere. Afterall, hobbits didn't hold to adventures. Besides, she was hungry.
Suddenly there was a sound behind her somewhere, she ducked down, listening with keen ears. Then, ever so slowly, she crept to where Caran had climbed up. She couldn't stay here, for there was a guard posting closer than they thought, and it was beginning the rounds. Silently scurried up after Caran.
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Old 09-21-2000, 08:43 PM   #49
Darth Tater
Posts: n/a
Re: Sharkey

Tater walked slowly towards Sharkey's room. The groginess that had taken him over was now gone, and he was filled with fear at what Sharkey might do to him.

Tater entered the room.

"Fool!" said Sharkey, who was standing there, towering menacingly over Tater.

That was all Tater needed to here. He left, and he knew this time an immediate murder would be necessary.
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Old 09-21-2000, 09:57 PM   #50
Posts: n/a
Re: Sharkey

Anga crept along the path towards the tower trying to stay out of sight yet allowing himself to become visible long enough for the Orcs to preoccupy themselves with his presence while Caran slipped in. They were so close, they would succeed in freeing the Ranger who had saved his own life some many times, he could taste it. His thoughts drifted to Rose, he hoped she was safe he had grown rather fond of the little hobbit, she was stout hearted and brave.

He looked for Convar farther to his right he found him quick enough and caught his attention with a low whistle. Convar looked at Anga for a moment and then signaled for him to...
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Old 09-21-2000, 10:09 PM   #51
Posts: n/a
Re: Sharkey

Saruman's scornful eyes followed the big man out of the room. That went about as expected. The Tooks would now stay put and be cautious. He did not care what happened to the hostage. Tater would be a good enforcer, and doubly cautious from now on. Wormtongue had his instructions for the men's tasks.

With the Tooks immobilized, it was time to close all the inns and to post notices restricting travel and commerce. It was time to gather the stores of food from the residents of the Shire. A "State of Emergency" it was called, so that the land could support a sudden influx of hungry refugees. Never mind that Sharkey had called them himself! The food and drink, and oh yes the pipeweed, would be gathered and stored in the crude brick buildings the men erected. It would be "shared" later.

Now, to lay the groundwork for the manufactures of War.

He sent for the miller, who was puffing and blowing in his hurry to come. Grima introduced him, saying, "This is one Ted Sandyman, Miller."

The wizard was pouring two glasses of wine and had already sliced a block of good Southfarthing cheese. Wormtongue longed for the fine little snack, but the smell of it made him queasy. Fresh blood and raw flesh was what he yearned for. The Voice in his head was insistent, his whole mind and self image seemed utterly unbearable and the lackey hated the Voice, and himself, and the Master of both.

He closed the door and saw a rat scurrying across the growing clutter in the hall. His hand struck out as swift as the strike of a snake and in another instant he was rending the nasty creature like a starving hound. He choked on the live rat, but finished it quickly enough.

He was no longer a man. The Voice was right.

Old Sharkey motioned for the young miller to have a seat.

"Will you join me for some wine and cheese? I want to talk business!" said the wizard.

The hobbit felt as if this shrewd and refined old man was about to offer him the chance of a lifetime.

"Don't mind if I do, Master Sharkey, sir!" The little hobbit plumped right down in the chair across from the old man, grabbed a bite of cheese, and took a big swallow of wine.

"There's more of that for smart young fellows who see that the world is changing, and it takes change to keep up with it! Change is good, isn't it?"

"That's what I always say, 'Change is good!'" repeated the hobbit willingly.

"And you see that change is here, don't you?" asked the discerning old man. The hobbit, his mouth full of cheese, nodded a sharp affirmative.

"Good! Now let be lay out a little business proposition for you..." and the wizard began explaining that the men of Dunland were not bad sorts really, just these first few. Things would settle down when more settlers moved in. But folks who prepared this day for that day would make a fortune.

The little hobbit's eyes gleamed with avarice.

Saruman of Many Colours laid out for the hobbit a vision of a future with Men, many men and their numerous families! They would need clothes and food and houses and furnishings and tools and equipment and weapons. And they would need them fast. A smart young hobbit who understood something of machines could certainly see that it would take machinery driven by wheels to maintain that kind of production.

The hobbit nodded his head, wisely, as if he understood.

But the wheels of a watermill in a lazy stream would not turn hard enough or fast enough would they? No, of course not! Why you needed more power than that!

"What happens when you place a river rock in a fire?" asked the wizard.

"It might explode! Only a fool would do that?" said the hobbit.

"It might indeed. I will now share with you a great secret..." The little hobbit leaned in close as the wise old man seemed to be about to tell him The Great Thing. And he did. The rock exploded because there was water inside. The fire heated the water. When you do this with a teakettle, steam escapes and it whistles. Harness that energy in great iron boilers, put it to work explosively moving pistons that turned wheels that ran machines that manufactured the goods of civilization and a hobbit might become fantastically wealthy!

Ted Sandyman was enthralled with the idea and hardly even read the contact he signed, deeding over his father's mill, for a share in the new factory that Sharkey would build, and that he would run...

Meanwhile, at the old elven towers...

The elf-lad sped silently down the stairs, not stopping at the ground floor, but seeking the dungeons below. He looked into cell after cell, coming finally to the last one, where the ranger hung in chains, awaiting his release by torture and death.

The elf whispered softly through the grate. Shanamir looked up at the sound of the fair voice and his heart leapt with joy at the sight of his noble face.

"I will try to get you out! I will be back!"

Shanamir watched the elf dissappear silently and began to laugh to himself. Old Sharkey was not going to have his way after all, perhaps!

The elf heard the heavy footfalls of the lucky winner of the long straw. He held his long thin knife at ready and waited. The orcish guard was given no chance to make a noise, and the small slender young elf did not care about a fair fight. This murderous thug was certainly not going to give Shanamir such a chance!

The lad took the keys and quickly opened the door and unshackled the tall ranger. Shanamir dropped to his knees, but pulled himself back up with the elf boy's help. They struggled together up the steps. The other men had not yet come down, but soon they would, to see the fun. Perhaps they would all even leave their watch, then they could make a break for it. But the elf and the ranger only heard two outlaws coming down the stair when they did start down.

"What are we going to do?" cried the boy, softly.

"I'm stronger, now, but I cannot fight them both right now," whispered Shanamir. "We must take our chances!"

There was nothing else to do. They crept out the front door, and closed it behind them. They could only trust to luck that the louts did not notice the bar was missing.

Outside the door, and against the wall, the outlaws in the tower could not yet see them, not until they made a run for it. But Shanamir was in no condition to run.

The dwarves were watching from the glade. Seeing the elf lad and the ranger, they cried a deep throated cry together in their strange tongue, held their big shields high over their heads, and charged the tower on foot!

The two guards atop noticed the running dwarves and began loosing arrows and calling for the other guards. They were just discovering the body of their comrade in the prisoner's cell. They could not hear from this lowest dungeon, and were exclaiming to each other, wondering how the idiot let the ranger kill him, and pawing his person for whatever he had.

Only one of the arrows found their mark before the dwarves reached the base of the tower. But it only rebounded from the dwarven shield. The dwarves took the tall man and the slender boy on their backs, and the shields over all, and ran back to the glade as fast as if carrying nothing at all!

They also carried four more arrows, but made light of how little they had penetrated the craftily made shields!

A figure watched from the shadows of the ruined tower and laughed quietly...
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Old 09-22-2000, 07:24 PM   #52
Elbreth of Carhouth
Posts: n/a
Re: Sharkey

The dwarves, elf, and Ranger ran on for a few miles, until they were in relative safety. A sheltered thicket was where they finally stopped for a rest, and to look at their accomplishment. They did't dare talk, they were yet to close to danger, but they sat and caught their breath, ginning at eachother stupidly in their elation.
Suddenly Anga sat up, and in a whisper they could barely hear, though they sat beside him, "Where's Rose?"
They looked from one to the other, realizing that Rose was most definatly not among them. Anga stood up, readying himself to go back, when Shanamir pulled him back down again. He pointed silently to something behind the dwarf, and Anga turned to look. There was Rose, walking up as silently as a hobbit can, looking no worse than if she'd been out for a sunday afternoon picnic. Rose pulled a bitter-sweet drink from her pouch, making Shanamir swallow a mouthful. The drought was one of various herbs, and gave temporary strength.
Wordlessly, they continued their march until they were back on the road to Bree. Rose then explained that she'd had to move on risk of being discovered, and had been right behind them the whole way.
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Old 09-22-2000, 07:27 PM   #53
Shanamir Duntak
Posts: n/a
Re: Sharkey

Could you put me down now Anga?
I wanted to thank you all, my friends.

*Shanamir sat and closed his eyes a while*

"Ok, I know there is somewhere we could find some shelter for the approching night not so far from here... follow me" he said after having a little sip of water.

They found a rocky side with a hole just large enough for them all to slip in and instal for the night. After Anga made some fire, Rose started to explain what happened.

"You have been tricked Rose, Sharkey's powerful and his magic lured you to believe him. I almost had me too" We have to find a way to stop him.
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Old 09-23-2000, 03:56 PM   #54
Posts: n/a
Re: Sharkey

They were thinking about what to do when Rose heard something. A faint beautifull music was riding the evening wind. At first she was thinking that she was so tired that she imagine thing, but after a few minute every doubt she had vanish.

-Shutttt...Do you heard this ???

At first her companion look puzled but after a few second they too heard the music. Shan was the first to react.

-It must be a traveler. He said while getting up.
-Or a trap. Say Anga.
-It's too dangerous, we can't go.Add the other dwarf.
-If it's a traveler we must make sure he is not attacked by the Orcs.Or at least we must inform him of their presence.Said Shan.Look stay here and i'll go take a look and...
- Your in no state to go roaming in the forest.Say Caran.
-I've seen worst.Was the only reply he recive before the ranger vanish in the wood.

It took him longer than he expected. He didn't realise that the clear night could carries sound for that long distance. After a few minute he saw a little fire alongside the road. The lonely figure, sat near it,was playing a small lute while singing soflty. The song was stunning and Shan stay a long time listening to it.Everything stop and froze when he step on a few dead leave. The musician stop playing and quickly turn to see what was hapening.

-Who is it ??? A soft hesitant voice ask.Shan think he could hear trace of fear in the voice.
From were he stand Shan could see the player silouhette and know she was a lady. But he couldn't see her trait as she stood between he and the fire.
-Fear not lady.I'm Shanamir Duntak and i'm here to make sure nothing sad happen to you.
The lady sight.
-Great to met you Lord Duntak.I am Lufyla Ashadon, minstrel who travel the world to sing the greatness of those i have the pleasure to encounter.She say smiling.Can i invite you to share my fire ?? I have food and wine for your pleasure and i'll greatly enjoy the companie of someone such as yourself. So what do you say ???

From were he stood now he could see her delicate form smiling to him. She got long black hair carfully tie behind her back.She was wearing a small shirt and a robe that reveal just enough of her charm as to be pleasing but not to much as to be indescent.Her deep blue eyes were staring at him and her smile reveal her white teeth.
Shan could also see the food slowly cooking on the fire and it was smelling good.Oh damn he was hungry...

Inside her Xivigg smile knowing she had won.

*If someone continue this know that their is nothing wrong with the food or the wine nor she want to enchant anyone. Right now she is a pleasing traveling minstrel.*
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Old 09-23-2000, 04:35 PM   #55
Darth Tater
Posts: n/a
Re: Sharkey

As darkness fell Tater made his way towards where he knew the Tooks were hiding. He had fewer men with him this time, and the ones he had brought were quiet and quick.

Tater also had a valuable piece of information. He knew there were two things hobbits could not do without: food and sleep. And now darkness had fallen, and Tater was sure there were many Tooks who had let their guard down.

The men made their way towards a small hill. Faint breathing could be heard coming from the other side, and Tater put his hand up, causioning the men to be silent. He bent down, low to the ground, and crawled slowly towards the unsuspecting hobbit.

On the other side of the mound he found him, a young Took who had dosed off. Tater saw another hobbit, barely awake, and leaning against the mound, his back to Tater. Tater motioned to one of the men, who pulled out a cloth and stuck it in the sleeping hobbit's mouth. Another man grabbed the hobbit so that he did not arrouse his friend when he woke up with a start.

Now they had a prisoner thought Tater, and now things could not fail.

But events soon turned around. The other hobbit stirred and turned over. Tater watched the eyes open in shock, then the hobbit jumped up. With one swift motion Tater sent the young lads head rolling. The night had turned out messier then he had suspected, and Tater was glad he had brought other men who could clean this up and dispose of the evidence.

While the two remaining men dealt with the dead body and the mess it had left Tater and his other two companions made their way back to Bag End. They knocked on the door quietly, and it swung open.

"You again," hissed Grima. But then he saw the body. "Come right this way, my master will be pleased!"
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Old 09-24-2000, 02:25 AM   #56
Posts: n/a
Re: Sharkey

Grima took the body and carried it into a room. He came back out, closed the door, and pointed him down the tunnel.

Sharkey was pouring over contracts and figures. He had leveraged a buyout of most of the businesses and many of the farms of the Shire. Today, he had acquired the Bank.

Tomorrow, the foreclosures would begin.

He looked up in the candlelight at the leader of the ruffians.

"What do you want?" he asked. His voice was that of a busy commander, dealing patiently with a non-too-bright sergeant.

"Uh," said Tater. "I think we taught the Tooks a lesson."

"Hmmm? Well, I expected no less, though you took long enough about it," the old man observed, stroking his white beard. He seemed only mildly displeased. "Good enough, I suppose. Let me ask you something. Have you learned anything?"

"Uh," said Tater. "Uh, I think so."

The wizard just looked at him, waiting.

"Uh, I learned, uh, I learned that, uh..." No answer that came to his mind seemed good enough.

The wizard sighed. "I will tell you what you should have learned. This is what you will tell your men. Let me make this even simpler than last time. You strike fast, and you strike hard. You then may never have to strike again, and you can live off the fat of this land like a king. Tell your men just that. Keep them down. If you see a board with a nail sticking up, what will you do?"

"Hammer it down!" said Tater.

"Exactly. So must you do with the halflings. Pretty soon, they'll keep their heads down. Now I expect the Tooks have learned that. You will leave them there, and you will not send your men in to die from their arrows in the forests. Move in a pack. Always outnumber them. Always move fast, and as brutally as necessary. But do no more. It is better to intimidate than to strike, but when you must strike, strike hard. Do not under estimate them. Do not play games. Do you finally understand?"

"When we see a nail sticking up, we hammer it down!" said Tater.

"Good enough. You and your men may break out some beer from the gathering house. I have work to do. Tomorrow, we will begin foreclosures."

"How many closures?"

"Shut up! You will serve the hobbits with papers Grima will give you! The hobbits will pay what the papers say, or they will forfeit their homes. You will throw them out and confiscate their goods. If they resist, throw them in the Lockholes. Do you understand me?"

"Oh yeah, 'furclozhurz,'" said Tater, trying the word for the first time. The wizard wearily waved him out and he went to tell the men the good news...

Grima dispensed with the body of the hobbit, after slaking his newly and grisly appetites. It was becoming easier. He sank further into madness, submerging his humanity ever deeper under the mask of normalcy, and none could tell what he thought under his hooded eyes. His hatred of all and loathing for self grew...
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Old 09-24-2000, 09:22 PM   #57
Elbreth of Carhouth
Posts: n/a
Re: Sharkey

Rose sighed impatiently, wishing Shanamir would be back soon. She lit a small fire, and four of then munched on the few rations they had, each sharing with the others. Caran had some Lembas, the dwarves some dried meat, and Rose discovered a number of tasty herbs. All in all it was quite the feast. They were careful to save some for when Shanamir got back, certain he whould yet be hungary.
Conversation was little, for they were all anxious without Shanamir, he being the only one who truly knew where they were going, and a Ranger at that.
Finally, in exasperation, Anga suggested they go out and look for him. Dwarves are not all that patient, you know. Rose calmly pointed out the imprudence of such a move, what with orcs and who-knows-what lurking around corners.
Still, all did not feel well.
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Old 09-24-2000, 11:58 PM   #58
Darth Tater
Posts: n/a
Re: Sharkey

LOL, Gil you're the best Saruman ever! That last one was great.

Tater walked out, trying to shape the word in his mouth.

"Four clothse sure. Fur close her. Eh screw it."

He went and got a barrle of beer, dragging it out to his men. Tonight they'd get drunk, tomorrow they'd knock down nails. This could be fun after all.
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Old 09-25-2000, 02:13 PM   #59
Shanamir Duntak
Posts: n/a
Re: Sharkey


****Shanamir is 17 years old, They just battled a powerful and evil women yielding magic. That was the first time Shan experiences magic. She has a magic amulet that seems to repel all attacks. As soon as the mage falls Shan gets swiftly to the body and grabs the little artefact. "BOOM" does the magic amulet, exploding. A sharpnel hits Shanamir directly in the face. Blackout. When he wakes up, three weeks later, he has a big nice scar in the face for him to remember that greed and avarice are sins. He since learned that this scar is cursed, since it hurts him like it was still fresh when anything evil come within 6 meter of him. But it sometime served him well too.****

Like now.

This young lady is so beautyful, the food is so tempting. Yet the scar hurts horribly. There's something wrong about it. Before making himself seen, Shan verified it really was that Lady and not something else hidden in the shadows. He wanted to know what it was all about. But now he was thinking that it was not a so good idea, since he was weakened from the starvation.

But she was so beautiful! He then tought of his wife, Appelle, and how she died from saddness. He loved her so much!

"I'm sorry, I can't right now... I'll come back later tonight with friends... wait for me."

"I'll stay here waiting for you, great traveler..."

Shan then departed. He was tired and REALLY hungry, so the way back was even longer. When he managed to get back to the group, they appeared stressed and sad.

"Here I am! I found a minstrel. I don't know why, but I feel she can help us with Sharkey. Don't ask me how but I know she is evil. Just be careful, and the two of you *pointing the dwarfs* even more, she is really one of the most beautiful creature on this side of the Mountains. If she tries something don't hesitate to kill her... if you can. Now, do you have something left to eat my friends? I ask you: Do you wish to meet her?"

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Old 09-26-2000, 02:21 AM   #60
Posts: n/a
Re: Sharkey

Sauganast approaches this "beautiful" woman, although he can see her in a different perspective. He can see the evil look of her, the dark power radiating out. But still he does not hide himself. He approaches her, the dark mage, and says a loud,

"I see you tried to entice my friend, I tell you, be ware for he is no ordinary man, and will not fall to such things. He has seen many dark roads and survived them, you shall not win him over that easily. But I suggest to you now to leave this land, for you have but only felt a fraction of my strength, and I doubt you wish for me to unleash my full strength."

The red wizard then lifts his hood, his eyes blazing with a dark ember red, and stands there, unflinching, staring at this so-called minstrel...
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