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Old 11-25-2005, 05:37 PM   #561
Shape-shifting, men-grabbing NAZGUL
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Singing Swan, Monday, around 5:15 PM.

Lilly was thoroughly enjoying herself again. She has managed to make two old Professors feel young again. She suppressed her hearty laugher, watching how Professor Fernik, blushing like a schoolboy, stole surreptitious glances at her ample and well-exposed bosom, while more emboldened (probably by the wine), Bumbledore, licked his lips, and moved his chair steadily towards her own.

Suddenly she felt another nazgul approaching. Worried, she looked towards the door, but it was not Khamul, it was Udu! What a relief!

"Gentlemen," he smiled pleasantly, "I have come back to join you for a few drinks... but I see that you are in the company of a lovely companion."

Lilly gifted Udu with her brightest smile, her eyes filling with tears of joy. Lilly was always in complete control of her facial expressions, so she feigned an amorous look quite easily. She laughed inwardly at the slightly perplexed expression on Udu’s face. He cared so much for his reputation… Now he will pay for abandoning her to Khamul an hour ago!

"We owe you the honour of her company, of course," said Fernik. "She has been waiting this last half-an-hour for you, or didn't you know?"

Udu obviously didn’t. In thought-speech, he warned, "One word out of you, Lilaenwen, and you might be looking for a new tongue. And no dancing!"

Well, he will learn soon enough. "Maethor, my darling", cried Lilly, "I have been waiting for you for an eternity. I was so afraid my brother would find me here. You know full well how he disapproves of our tender friendship!"

In thought-speech she added "You look so cute, when angry, Udu. Watch over YOUR tongue and other body-parts! Khamul will never forget how you nearly killed him last night".

With that, Lilly took out her small, embroidered kerchief and wiped her tears, stiffing a sob. Turning to Fernik, she explained "My brother Galadannun thinks that Professor Maethor is an unsuitable match for me… He is too old, he says! He wants me to marry one of the King’s knights! Oh, I am so unhappy"

Overwhelmed by emotion, she pressed her forehead on Fernik’s shoulder and cried softly. Udu heard her merry laughter in his mind.
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Old 11-25-2005, 06:04 PM   #562
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University, around 3 PM on Monday.

After dismissing his Ship Building class, the Chancellor sat alone for a long time, musing. He had only two students this year, the King and his "minder", Raendil. That suited the Morgul Lord well, enabling him to give Valandil his full attention.

Valandil was not at his best this afternoon, that much was certain. His skin was greenish and his lips were unnaturally pale. The Chancellor was surprised; those were very unusual effects for a love-potion. Perhaps Gordie has added some of her own herbs? If so, she will pay for it!

Ilmenzor even saw fit to ask the King about his health, but got only a crooked grin and a dismissive "Must have eaten something that doesn’t agree with my northern stomach". Raendil laughed merrily and slapped Valandil on the back. The Chancellor arched his brows disapprovingly, but noted that the two young men were very close friends. Yes, Raendil was important. Viniglaen must be encouraged to ensnare him.

During the first lesson, it became apparent that Valandil knew little about ships, pitifully little for a descendant of the Sea Kings. His education in Imladris was certainly lacking in some ways. He probably was proficient in Elven lore, but that was hardly the most important subject for a ruler. The Chancellor found, however, that the King’s knowledge of mathematics and geometry was sound. That was a good start.

The Chancellor was going to teach Valandil in earnest. It was high time for Arnor to build its own fleet. All the shipyards in Osgiliath and Pelargir were working day and night, building vessel after vessel. Very soon, Umbar was going to be hard pressed to ward them off. It was time for Gondor to get a rival in the North. King Meneldil was not too fond of his northern cousin: he hated to accept Valandil’s High Kingship. Soon the matters between the two states would become tense. With no fleet, Arnor had no chances to win the war. Valandil was too young and trusting to see it, so he let the haven of Lond Daer Ened fall into ruins and let the Elves take over all the Seas to the North. If Valandil builds a big fleet, Cirdan will be unhappy. The Morgul Lord smiled. He was going to take over Arnor's sceptre quite soon, so the North Kingdom should be ready for the war.

Deep in thought, Ilmenzor walked along the hall, stopping sometimes to look at the numerous ship models assembled there. Some were rather sketchy renditions of the Elven ships: the pointy-eared hypocrites never saw fit to teach their ship-craft to Men.

The rest were Numenorean ships. There was a model of Entulessë, the first ship that sailed to Middle Earth when six hundred years had passed from the beginning of the Second Age. Vëantur, Captain of King's Ships under Tar-Elendil, brought his ship into Mithlond on the spring winds blowing from the west; and he returned in the autumn of the following year.

Next was a model of the great ship Númerrámar, West-wings, which brought Tar-Aldarion to Middle Earth on his first journey, then his other ship, Eämbar, the Dwelling-place, upon which the Guildhouse of the Venturers used to be, and Aldarion’s later vessels, greater than any made before: Palarran, the Far-Wanderer, and Hirilondë, the Haven-Finder.

Later the ships of the Númenóreans became ever larger and of greater draught, until they could make far voyages, carrying many men and great cargoes. The line of models seemed endless, ending in the impressive bulk of Ar-Pharazôn’s mighty ship, Alcarondas, Castle of the Sea. Many-oared it was and many-masted, golden and sable; proudly it turned its prow towards the forbidden shores of the West, bearing war to the very land of the Powers. The Morgul Lord bowed his head before it.
"Ar-Pharazônun azaggara Avalôiyada... Êphal êphalak îdôn hi-Akallabêth".

("Ar-Pharazôn was warring against the Valar...Far far away now is She-that-hath-fallen")

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Old 11-25-2005, 06:11 PM   #563
Shadow Lord of Morgul
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Singing Swan, Monday, around 5:15 PM.

“Lilaenwen,” Udu kept the pleasant expression pasted on his face as he gave a withering blow to her mind, “I warn you... do not attempt any of your tricks on me, or you will regret it!”

Then Fernik spoke up. "We owe you the honour of her company, of course," said Fernik. "She has been waiting this last half-an-hour for you, or didn't you know?"

“Lilaenwen, what have you been telling them!” his thoughts spoke to her. At a loss for words, he smiled a somewhat silly grin. “Tender friendship indeed, Lilaenwen! I will remember this! You have not seen me angry yet!”

“What will they think?” he wondered. “She seems determined to cause problems.” Udu, always concerned that somehow his identity might be discovered, decided his best course would be to appear casual.

“Fernik, yes, she aided me when I was doing some shopping for relatives at the jeweler’s.”

“Watch over YOUR tongue and other body-parts! Khamul will never forget how you nearly killed him last night.”

“Now she is threatening me!” he thought, and it was all Udu could do to restrain himself. “Lilaenwen,” he retorted in thought-speech, “you are going to be very sorry for that remark! Perhaps Khamul and I see things more eye-to-eye now, at least regarding you.”

“Unsuitable match? So unhappy? That does it!” Udu thought as he closed his eyes, silently intoning a chant not heard by Lilly. The spell was a dark one and had been cast in malice. “May she feel a blinding, searing pain in her head that makes her skull feel like it is being rent asunder! May her tongue cleave to the top of her mouth and her body be racked with great shuddering chills!” He had placed this spell on mortals in the past, but he was not quite sure of the effect it would have on another Nazgul. He would wait and see.

“Laugh now, Lilaenwen,” he said in thought-speech.

“Dear Lilly,” he said to Fernik and Bumbledore as he sat down at the table. “Charming girl with such a lively imagination.”
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Old 11-25-2005, 06:44 PM   #564
Shape-shifting, men-grabbing NAZGUL
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"Charming girl with such a lively imagination." heard Lilly. What a rascal! So he decided to deny everything!

Lilly moaned. "Oh, Meathor, my beloved, you have never loved me, it you give me up so easily!"

Jas Fernik put his hand over her shoulders protectively, staring disapprovingly at Udu. Bumbledore approached with a goblet of wine.

At this moment Lilly suddenly felt REAL pain, a blinding, searing pain in her head that made her skull feel like it is being rent asunder! Her tongue cleaved to the top of her mouth and her body was racked with shuddering chills. Lilly wailed and collapsed over Fernik.
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Old 11-25-2005, 07:03 PM   #565
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"great melons of Melkor!" thundered Bumbledore bringing the new batch of wine over

"Wine! ... give her some wine!"
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Old 11-25-2005, 07:39 PM   #566
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Singing Swan, Monday, around 5:15 PM.

"Oh, Maethor, my beloved, you have never loved me, it you give me up so easily!"

Looking to Lilly with concern and sympathy, Udu said gravely, “Gentlemen, I beg your understanding. Lilly is quite... emotional... How can I put this?... Poor girl, she is subject to fits. They can strike her at the most unexpected times. Her plight is indeed a sad one.”

He had finished speaking just in time to see Lilly collapse on Fernik.

“Lilaenwen, you were warned,” he told her in thought speech as he gleefully watched the spell begin to take effect.

“Fernik, old chap, there is not much that you can do for her at times like this except hold her tightly. Sometimes a little wine will help,” he said, rising to his feet and walking behind Lilly. Putting his hand under her chin, he forced her head up and poured the contents of the goblet down her throat. “More wine!” he exclaimed. “More wine!”
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Old 11-25-2005, 08:06 PM   #567
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"wine!" bellowed Bumble, his voice blasting through the swan ... arms swinging akimbo...

"Wine!" the blast of this urgent medical shout sent shivers down the spine - an urgent note of concern trembling through his voice ...

"maybe something light and zingy, jas?" he asked professor fernik urgently, spinning round and focusing on the wine expert ...

Jas, holding Lilly very tightly indeed, thought quickly ... this was an emergency ... a late shaft of smoky wisping light shone gloriously through the window, lighting his face as if an angel glowed there ... only his wine knowledge could help her now his besotted boozy mind decided ...

"No! ... Get me a a corkscrew, a steel goblet and ... and .... and ... a bottle of young Rhovannion 32'!" barked the normally mild Professor Jas fernik ...
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Old 11-25-2005, 08:24 PM   #568
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Singing Swan, Monday, around 5:30 PM.

All the cries of alarm had brought the innkeeper, serving maids and patrons clustering around their table. “What is wrong!” cried the innkeeper. “What can we do to help?” cried the patrons and serving girls.

“Keep back! Give her air!” Udu ordered. “Look how pale she is!” he said as he stood behind Lilly, forcing her head back with one hand and putting the other on her forehead, none-too-gently. “Poor sweet Lilly!” he said sympathetically as the crowd moved back to give her air.

“Lilaenwen,” he said to her in thought-speech, “still enjoying your little joke?”

A serving girl rushed up with the required bottle of young Rhovannion 32'.

“Let me take that,” he said to the serving girl before either Bumbledore or Fernik could reach the bottle. Soon the bottle was opened and Udu was pouring the contents down Lilly’s throat.

“Sometimes it takes a lot to bring her back,” he smiled solicitously.

Last edited by Udukhaturz : 11-25-2005 at 08:27 PM.
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Old 11-25-2005, 09:00 PM   #569
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"Stand aside!" barked Jas, the normally mild mannered professor ... gently positioning Lilly on her chair and standing up like a colossus .... once again by a stange chance of fate the light beaming in from the window touched him... bathed in light he took the rohvannion from Meathor

"that is no way to pour a Rhov 32'!"

the hands of a wine professor are the hands of a healer, he thought, summoning from deep inside him all his knowledge ...

slowly he poured a small drop of the elixir of Rhovannion into the steel goblet, gently swilling it around ...

taking a small sip, he let it caress his tongue all over ...

the entranced crowd watched spellbound ...

with a sudden dashing hand motion he spat out the 32' cleverly projecting it into an empty goblet on the table to a round of gentle applause ...

with a grace that belied his normal nervous movements he gently poured the wine into Lilly's lushious lips ....
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Old 11-26-2005, 08:31 AM   #570
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When the first day's lecture had ended, Valandil stood and began to gather his materials, then departed with Ray. How odd to have such a common class with only two students. After all, USAT made much of its tremendous enrollment of six score students. And 'Ship Building I' was considered a "weed-out" course in some places. Usually, classes he had taken elsewhere had as many as 5 or 6 students - once even 8! It would be best this way though, since he knew so little about ship building. It wouldn't do for his peers to discover this, or the opinions of the High King would lessen across the Realm - and his lack of knowledge of his heritage, as a 'Sea King' would be one more stroke counted against him.

"I don't see how I'm ever going to USE this stuff." complained Valandil to Ray, as they left the halls of the building and emerged onto the campus grounds. It was mid-afternoon on a bright autumn day.

"Yeah..." said Ray. "Still though," and his tone dropped as they passed a trio of students from local noble families, "our people will have expectations of you, you know."

"Yes. That's the only reason I'm taking it at all. And... what can they REALLY teach us about ship-building at our other universities? Where you can't even see any ships? At least here in Tharbad we get a first-hand view. That's why I waited to take the course until we got here." replied Valandil.

"Yeah," said Ray - and then, struck by a sudden recollection he added, "Remember that time... when was it, Spring Break of '35? When me, you and Marty had those old salts take us on a cruise up and down the Gulf of Lhun in Elendil's old ship? Now THAT was nice!"

Valandil had been hoping Ray wouldn't bring that up again. He had seen his grandfather's ship a few times and had finally let Marty and Ray talk him into taking it out for their break.

"But Ray, Arnor is land-locked. It's not an island, like Numenor was. We have one significant port - and we're in it. Even Tharbad is tiny compared with Umbar, Pelargir, Osgiliath, and so forth. Why - we, grandpa anyway, even had to abandon Lond Daer Ened after the Deluge... it was just too badly damaged. So we're stuck with our single major port nearly a hundred leagues inland, up this cruddy river! And it has to practically shut down for two or three months every winter - further north, we have to close our ports for four months or six. What's the use of trying to compete with those ports of the south?"

"Not feeling well, are you buddy?" asked Ray.

"Well... not totally. I AM starting to feel a bit hungry again though. Are you game for The Red Herring? I'll spring for it."

"Sure" said Ray with a chuckle, "just so we don't talk about ships!"

Valandil laughed. "Alright. Much more useful for us to talk about building bridges, or roads, or fortifications, or BUILDINGS, for Eru's Sake!" And Valandil checked his laughter briefly at his slight swear... his mother sure wouldn't like to hear him say that.

He wondered what Aiwendis was doing...
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Old 11-26-2005, 05:29 PM   #571
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Lilly slowly resurfaced from a dark pool of swirling darkness and pain. Her Ring started working all by itself, shielding its mistress from magic. It felt warm and throbbing at her finger. Soon, Udu heard a thought message, faint, but unmistakable "Lat puzg nûl-izish, fakhthal glob!" (Stop hurting me, you stupid butcher!)

At last Lilly regained enough wits to whisper a basic shielding incantation, one of the few spells she has managed to learn over the years in Mordor.

"Gashn-izg laazg dush oztat" (I command magic shield to appear)

Lilly felt immediate relief. Her eyes cleared, and she turned her head on Fernik’s chest, assessing the surroundings.

"What?" asked Fernik, bringing his ear to Lilly’s lips. "Poor soul is raving in an Easterling tongue", he explained to Bumbledore.

Udu frowned, and, trying to stop her using the Black Tongue again, poured a stream of wine down her throat, enough to drown any mortal. Lilly fought desperately and finally buried her face in Fernik’s chest.

Udu heard her desperate thought-plea "Stop it, stop it, please, for Morgoth's sake! Don’t be so MEAN! I was only joking!"

Last edited by CrazySquirrel : 11-26-2005 at 08:44 PM.
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Old 11-26-2005, 08:35 PM   #572
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Singing Swan, Monday, around 5:30 PM.

“She insults me!” Udu was furious by this time at Lilaenwen. “Kramp nar bugd-izish bugudu!” (Do not call me names!) he reprimanded her in thought-speech.

He was thinking about cutting out her tonguue. This was far too public a place for that, though. He would have to deal with her in private sometime. Perhaps he and Khamûl could ally together and teach Lilly lessons she would never forget.

“She has done it now,” he thought when she whispered, "Gashn-izg laazgdush oztat.” Udu was surprised that she had been able to learn even that curse, for she had never been adept at working spells. “She should never speak that publicly! Fernik might hear her!” Udu thought... “And what if has ever heard the language and knows its source?”

Udu glared when he knew for sure that Fernik had heard her. “Poor soul is raving in an Easterling tongue.” He would shut her up with more wine, he decided, and tipped the bottle up, pouring it in her mouth.

“Gentlemen,” he said, looking at them, “poor Lilaenwen is a sad case. Find it in your hearts to forgive her for her behavior. She does not have any comprehension of what she is doing or saying! Be kind to her,” he snarled sarcastically.

She was seeking a mortal’s protection from him, another Nazgûl! “She needs to be reminded who she is!” A faint voice in his mind added, “And the true source of her power and the power of her Ring!”

Udu heard her desperate thought-plea, "Stop it, stop it, please, for Morgoth's sake! Don’t be so MEAN! I was only joking!"

“She is given far too much freedom,” he thought. “Orrodel appears to have little order.” The small voice in his mind added, “There is only One Who can bring true order.” He pretended he did not hear the faint voice. He was capable of operating without it.

In thought, Udu chastized Lilly, “Ghashn narkû badzarz Laam Taar urzkû! Kramp lat nargzab slaiug iistat mirz kul-izgu? Puzg za, globlob, nanulg ghashnub-izg Pizdur, agh danghubat lat!” (Never speak openly the high tongue again! Do you want the living to know who we are? Stop this, fool, or I will tell the Captain, and he will punish you!)

“Gentlemen,” Udu said, looking to Fernik and Bumbledore, “poor Lilaenwen is exhausted. I should take her home so she can rest.” He thought about the spacious cellars in his new house, but sadly, they were lacking in... “furnishings”... as yet.
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Old 11-26-2005, 09:08 PM   #573
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Penny "Runs Into" his Lil (and company) at the Swan

Just at that moment, who should walk through the door but Pengolod, Lilly's "brother."

Penny, a.k.a. Buz, wasn't even the least bit buzzed - yet - and in his clear state of mind, he was able to take an immediately accurate assessment of the scene. It didn't please him much to witness his beautiful, ever-mischievous troublemaker of a sweetheart with her face ensconsed in the chest of some minor mortal, but as always Buz had long ago learned to accept and understand oh-too-well the mysterious ways of his dear Lilaenwen. For the most part, Buz gave her the benefit of the doubt, and trusted her decision making ability and skills at wily self-defense should her flirty methods ever go awry, but when she started her games with fellow Nazgul, this is when Buz, for excellent reason, worried the most about his Lilly.

"Why, fancy running into you here, dear sister!" said Pengolod, a tight edge at the corners of his speech. "And Maethor, also a pleasant surprise! Mind if I join you all for an early evening brandy?"

At which point, not waiting for an answer, Buz pulled up a chair from an adjacent table and made himself comfortable at the table. In his mind, he was urgently asking Lil if she was O.K.

'I sensed only a moment ago that you were in distress, baby. Please don't tell me Udu is harming you; I've no idea how I can continue warding off our fellows when they get angry with you. Why do you keep putting yourself into such positions? I want to take you back to Orrodel and peel all those clothes off and - and - ' Penny's thoughts to Lil were always derailed by ideas of naked abandon.
Few people have the imagination for reality.

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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Old 11-27-2005, 06:55 AM   #574
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Jas is bewildered and leaves

Having poured the medicinal wine down her throat, Jas waited with bated breath to see if it would work... and yes! she was no longer shivering, and he could see her lips moving soundlessly.

"What?" He asked, bending close to her, and in an indistinct whisper, she muttered words of a language so strange, so uncouth, and so horrifying, that the only explanation he could give was that she was having nightmares which had produced a delirium. "Poor soul is raving in an Easterling tongue", he explained to the others.

This made Maethor seem even more alarmed, as he poured bottle after bottle down the lady's throat, and started talking of taking her home. Did they live together then? Jas wondered.

At that moment, another man walked into the Swinging Swan and came towards them. "Why, fancy running into you here, dear sister! And Maethor, also a pleasant surprise! Mind if I join you all for an early evening brandy?"

Jas was abashed and astonished. Her brother! What must he think, seeing him hold his sister like that? And yet, he seemed to be entirely unconcerned that a stranger had his arms around his sister...

Suddenly he felt rather bewildered. It was hard to think, with all the wine which had befuddled his brains... but now the momentary feeling of heroism he had had, was gone... and he wondered what was really going on. The lady accusing Maethor of being a faithless lover, and then the lady having fits, and now a brother. And a whisper that had chilled his heart, though he did not know why... Suddenly he wished he were back at his home... surely she was safe now?

He addressed her brother:"Sir, you may be surprised at seeing your sister in my arms, but the truth is she was suddenly taken ill, as you must know she does and I was only supporting her. We have tried wine as a medicine, and it has been slightly effacious. Now that you are here, I think I can safely leave her in your charge... she needs a rest after all this excitement. I, however must be home"

He pulled the inert Lily to her feet, and she swayed slighlt on the spot. Pengolod got up at once and the transfer was safely effected. Now Lily rested snugly in her brother's arms, and Jas took his leave of them all.

"Maethor, it has been good knowing you, and I hope we shall be seeing much more of each other. Bumbledore, are you coming, or would you rather stay back for a while?"
"I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
Death thought about it.
"Cats," he said eventually. "Cats are nice." -Terry Pratchett, Sourcery

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Old 11-27-2005, 07:03 AM   #575
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As Scars, Trick and Treat, the three mischievies martens, scampered around Tharbad playing around with the ring they just happened to come near a forge, and being curious, Scars suggested they throw the ring in the fire to see what would happen.

They let the ring lie there in the fire for a while and then as gingerly as they could scraped the ring out of the glowing coal and lo! and behold...letters began appearing on the golden outside of the ring.

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Old 11-27-2005, 07:50 AM   #576
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in some strange language they were, glowing now.... yet it seemed that though they knew the language not, that to the minds of Scars, Trick and Treat the meaning of the language became slowly clear ...

slowly they read the runes on the ring ...

"Do not throw me into the fire!"
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Old 11-27-2005, 01:10 PM   #577
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University, Monday, around 3PM,

Aiwendis walked through the campus heading towards the Engineering Building. The Chancellor was late for dinner after his Ship Building class and she decided to go look for him. She wanted to talk with him in private, and the empty Engineering Building was the best place for it. Aiwendis went through the Reception Hall, turned right on Bar Aran and followed a quiet lane between the Armoury and the Wine Building. She was almost at a corner, when she heard Valandil’s deep melodious voice, which immediately sent shivers down her spine and brought blood to her pale cheeks. The King was talking quietly to someone, unaware of being overheard:

" Arnor is land-locked. It's not an island, like Numenor was. We have one significant port - and we're in it. Even Tharbad is tiny compared with Umbar, Pelargir, Osgiliath, and so forth. Why - we, grandpa anyway, even had to abandon Lond Daer Ened after the Deluge... it was just too badly damaged. So we're stuck with our single major port nearly a hundred leagues inland, up this cruddy river! And it has to practically shut down for two or three months every winter - further north, we have to close our ports for four months or six. What's the use of trying to compete with those ports of the south?"

Aiwendis stopped in her tracks, frightened by her own reaction. Her night dreams came to the forefront of her mind again. "What is happening to me? Am I in love with a mortal, in love with an enemy?"

She was ready to turn and flee, when the King and Raendil, laughing and talking animatedly, turned into the lane and saw her. Lowering her long lashes to hide her eyes, Aiwendis made a deep curtsey.
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Old 11-27-2005, 04:22 PM   #578
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Lilly was so happy to see good old Buz! She rested snugly in Buzukkumarz's arms, while Jas was taking his leave. Then she replied in thought:

"Oh, Buz! Udu was so MEAN to me! I did nothing, I was nice, I even helped him today! I was only joking, teasing him, but he has no sense of humour! He made this awful spell to hurt me! I nearly died. And then he tried to drown me in wine! Ah Buz, you must defend me!"

Buzukkumarz frowned, but hesitated to start a row with one of his fellows in a public place. Instead, he poured all the company more wine.

Udu heard Lilly's thought "Now dare to harm me, you, horn ulkûrz sulmûrz (evil aggressive beast)!"
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Old 11-27-2005, 06:13 PM   #579
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Now that Buzukkumarz was here, Udu walked over to the opposite side of the table and sat back down. He surely did not want an unpleasant situation to develop with him.

Everything must have been too much for Fernik, for he was leaving. “Good day, Professor,” Udu said politely. “I hope we might meet under more opportune conditions.”

Udu heard Lilly's thought "Now dare to harm me, you, horn ulkûrz sulmûrz (evil aggressive beast)!"

“Haglob buthaghug!” he cursed her in thought-speech. “Kramp nar kul skessa!” (Annoying, unpleasant woman... Do not act like a very ugly female troll.)

The tavernkeeper and the serving maids were relieved to see that the effects of the fit upon the lady had subsided. The tavernkeeper thought them all a strange lot and would be just as happy if none of them ever came back. Still, they were all ardent drinkers, and his tavern would be turning a profit that day.

One of the serving girls was soon back with more wine. Udu was not even certain if Bumbledore was still awake, until Bumbledore held up his goblet, signaling for a refill.

Udu smiled at Lilly and Buzukkumarz and directed a thought message towards her. “You cannot always hide behind him, Lilaenwen.”

“Now,” he said, rising to his feet, “if you will excuse me, I have an appointment, and there are a few matters I must attend before that. I need to move some things to my new dwelling. I expect some of my... servants... within a fortnight or less. Good afternoon to all of you.” He turned and went to the counter where he paid his bill, then left.

“Skessa,” he thought. “Skessa!”
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Old 11-27-2005, 06:17 PM   #580
Warrior of the House of Hador
Telcontar_Dunedain's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2004
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"Your daughters sir," called the doorman, as Miriel and Malaphor drew near to the Govenor's Mansion.
"Okay send them in. I wish to see what they have bought, and how much of a dent it has made in my wealth," replied Azrabel, entering his study.
"My ladies. What may be the matter?" said the now muffled voice of the doorman, as Azrabel heard the sound of sobbing, from near the door.
"My darlings. What is the matter?" asked Azrabel rushing out of his study. "Are you hurt, wounded?"
"No, it's him. We saw him with someone else. Another woman," said Malaphel, amidst her tears.
"Who, the King?" replied the Governor.
"No," sobbed Miriel. "Professor Maethor."
"What did I tell you about him. I say don't publically make him looklike a love interest, so you go and meet him."
"Oh no, we didn't meet him. I wish we hadn't even seen him. We were in town, at the jewellry shop. And he was there, with her. She was beautiful father, much more so than us," said Malaphel.
"Now I don't believe that, there is no body in Tharbad more beautiful than either of you two. Now at least that you have seen this, I expect you shall heed my warnings in the future."

"Zimra," said Khamûl quietly. "Has Lilaewen returned yet."
"No sir," answered Zimra.
"And are my things packed and ready?" replied Khamûl.
"Yes sir. Arastud will help you take them over as soon as he is finished with the Watch," said Zimra.
"No he shall do it now. I shall not wait because of the Watch," said Khamûl.
"Shall I fetch him now sir," Zimra asked.
"No, I shall do it myself," replied Khamûl, walking through the house into the garden and towards the stable boy's abode, and entered with out knocking.
"I need Arastud," said Khamûl bluntly. "My sister shall be along to speak with you shortly."
"Thank you, your help his most appreciated," replied Barliman.
"Find your brother he can help," said Khamûl, turning to Arastud, completley ignoring Barliman.
"Arabud, Arabud," called Arastud as the younger boy came running. "Come, Professor Galadannun needs our services."
"What do you want us to do sir," said Arabud eagerly.
"Take my bags to the University entrance. The Chancellor's servants shall meet you there, give them the bags to take to my new apartment. Then you may return."
"If you are leaving," said Arastud, a smile appearing on his face. "Then that means we don't have to follow you orders."
"I wouldn't be so smug. For one thing I have not yet left, and secondly, I am leaving, not giving up ownership of Orrodel," replied Khamûl making his own way to the University.
Then Huor spoke and said: "Yet if it stands but a little while, then out of your house shall come the hope of Elves and Men. This I say to you, lord, with the eyes of death: though we part here for ever, and I shall not look on your white walls again, from you and me a new star shall arise. Farewell!"

The Silmarillion, Nirnaeth Arnoediad, Page 230

Last edited by Telcontar_Dunedain : 11-28-2005 at 05:39 PM.
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