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Old 12-31-2002, 09:45 AM   #21
Eglantine Banks
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Originally posted by obscenename

[16) Missing memorable lines (e.g. You shall have neither the Ring, nor me, Ai, ai! A Balrog has come)

And I'm going to start a petition to have Jackson re-edit ROTK and let Arwen sail away and have Eowyn marry Aragorn at the end. She was awesome.
The two memorable lines in FOTR that I wish had been included are:
"I cannot read the fiery letters." - Frodo (after putting the Ring in the fire)
"A madness took me, but it has passed." - Boromir (after his attack on Frodo)

As for Eowyn instead of Arwen marrying Aragorn, the movie Eowyn is so great I can't understand why the movie Aragorn still wants that humorless Elf lady. I think Eowyn would be far more pleasant to live with.

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Old 12-31-2002, 09:59 AM   #22
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As for Eowyn instead of Arwen marrying Aragorn, the movie Eowyn is so great I can't understand why the movie Aragorn still wants that humorless Elf lady. I think Eowyn would be far more pleasant to live with.
Indeed - which goes to show how different both are from their book personalities.

Eowyn had to witness her uncle's death, nearly die herself, and all of Faramir's compassion before she finally lost her cold hard shell to become a warm human in the book. Here she's just a bird with a bit of a leaning towards action.

Like Aragorn, Eowyn is acted beautifully, but only within the god-awful roles PJ has ensnared the characters in.
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Old 12-31-2002, 10:53 AM   #23
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To fool us maybe Jackson can use some of the older versions ofLOTR that Tolkien rejected-suddenly make Eowyn die or make Treebeard evil.

Note: I haven't actually read those volumes of HoME thoroughly but it would sill be grimly amusing.
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Old 12-31-2002, 12:32 PM   #24
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Oh, quit NitPicking!! Peter Jackson did the best he could to make it that a Modern audience would like it!!! I thought the Troll was better than an Orc. It was more interesting and showed you more How strong Mithril is. At some points I do agree. I didn't like them getting rid of Glorfindel and replacing him with Arwen. After all Tom Bombadil does get left out of Most Things. he was missed out of The BBC Radio Audio Book.
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Gil- galad was an elven king.
Of him the harpers sadly sing:
the last whose realm was fair and free
between the mountains and the sea.

His sword was long, his lance was keen,
his shinig helm afar was seen;
the countless stars of heaven's field
were mirrored in his silver shield.

But long ago he rode away,
and where he dwelleth none can say;
for into darkness fell his star
in mordor where the shadows are.

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Old 12-31-2002, 12:35 PM   #25
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"Yes, funny how someone can bitch about the changes and then suggest a much larger one."

As long as sacrifices have to be made to fit time constraints, why not make one more? I was trying to defend TT not so much as ranting yet again on FOTR. Neither film was true to the books. If I suspend belief for both movies and simply watch them for entertainment, I enjoy Two Towers more. FOTR had too many things wrong with it as a movie, in my opinion
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Old 12-31-2002, 12:37 PM   #26
Hasty Ent
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Have to agree with Thorin Oakenshield. Saw FoTR because I was thrilled when I heard that it was made by Tolkien fans. I especially loved hearing PJ refer to Hollywood as "Mordor" in one of his interviews. Although it was marvelous visually, and I enjoyed seeing Middle Earth made real, the movie (definitely NOT a film) was typical Hollywood tripe. Needless to say, I have no intention of seeing The Two Towers. I'll probably buy the extended edition DVD once it's out, though, but fear that's due to a masochistic tendency.
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Old 12-31-2002, 01:18 PM   #27
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It was good!


I agree with you SOME.....it was different from the book at many parts ....That thing with Arwen saving Frodo am I soooo sick offfff!!
BUT, I think that Peter jackson did a great job, putting this whole world into the screen.
It is verry hard I thing knowing that it can´t be soo long...you know???

I love the books but the film is worth all!
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Old 12-31-2002, 01:21 PM   #28
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its me again.
I just have too say that the last thing I wrote "I love the books but the film is worth all!" I didnt mean that i like the films more ! cuz that I dont!!!

i love the books MORE but the movie is worth all it gets i mean!
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Old 12-31-2002, 01:30 PM   #29
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I thought the Troll was better than an Orc. It was more interesting and showed you more How strong Mithril is.
Yes - strong enough in it's chainlink form to stop Frodo being crushed to death. That makes sense.
Almost as much sense as the cloaks of Lothlorien not only shielding Frodo and Sam, but making everyone pretend they'd never seen the rockfall in the first place.

IE, neither makes any sense whatsoever.

Think about it - Mithril could well not be split or damaged by the thrust, but it doesn't prevent the crushing action. Frodo should have died from that trident - it was pushed by a monster strong enough that two of them can open one of the Gates of Mordor.

Note in the books, it's merely a big orc that lobs a spear - and Frodo gets wounded from this because the mithril gets pushed into his skin.

Tolkien's Mithril = Realistic, makes sense.
PJ's Mithril = Unrealistic, badly thought out.

A fairly simple equation I'd think?
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Old 12-31-2002, 02:04 PM   #30
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Tolkien's Mithril = Realistic, makes sense.
PJ's Mithril = Unrealistic, badly thought out.
I never liked that stupid looking troll, but that's off topic. Doh.

I (can't believe I'm defending Jackson) think that Jackson's Middle Earth is waymore "magical" than Tolkien's. Tolkien's world is like ours with some subtle differences, some hints of magic below the surface or in the air, if you see my point. Jackson's Middle Earth is almost as "magical" as Oz. I half expected to see lollypops growing in the fields of Rohan.

Anyway, in Jackson's Middle Earth it's possible that beyond being tough enough to stop the piercing of the troll's thrust, Frodo's mithril coat was also was magical enough to stop it's momentum or something. No need to explain it with physics. It's magic, you see! (e.g.Phillip J. Fry: "I gotcha - it's magic.")

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Old 12-31-2002, 02:42 PM   #31
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Originally posted by Yazad
I half expected to see lollypops growing in the fields of Rohan.
That's good?

There is, or should be, no "magic" in ME. Remember, it's our world around 6,000 years ago. The Istari did not have "magic", they had the same kind of power that gods or angels have, which I wouldn't classify as "magic". It should be a realistic world, not sprouting electric blue flames or lollypops.
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Old 12-31-2002, 02:56 PM   #32
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Originally posted by Elf Girl
That's good?
Gawd no! I meerly mean that Jackson has made another world, not represented the Middle Earth we know. I thought he killed Middle Earth, personally, and launched Frodo & Co. through a Kansas tornado. I thought it was horrible. On the plus side, though, Frodo won't have a very hard time finding Orodruin. He'll just follow that bright yellow road.

My point was just that Jackson is not working with the same "rules" that Tolkien was. He's chosen a flashier, more crowd pleasing set that can dazzle the eye.

Still, I do think that there is *some* magic in Middle Earth (Tolkien's), beyond the "angelic" powers of the Istari. I think Sting is magical, the rings are magical, the Palatiri, the elves have certain magical powers, etc. But it's subtle, and could be something that might exist in our world, but that has been lost or forgotten.

Just my thoughts.


Last edited by Yazad : 12-31-2002 at 03:23 PM.
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Old 12-31-2002, 03:06 PM   #33
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Originally posted by obscenename

6) Gratuitous falling down in the face of danger (Why did Frodo drop his sword and fall down like a damsel in distress on Weathertop. Hobbits are supposed to be quick on their feet
actually, in 'unfinished tales' in 'The Hunt for the Ring' section it says(while talking about the Nazgul)

... In that hour, Wormtounge came near to death by terror...
which says to me that the Nazgul could inflict serious fear upon people, almost bringing them to death. Also, Frodo was a Hobbit, and, even thought he had Tool blood in him, he was still not an experinced warrior. Okay, that's my opinion, and yuo don't have to accept it if you don't want to. No hard feelings, okay?
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Old 12-31-2002, 04:00 PM   #34
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oh come off it!

The books cost less than the movies. The books are detailed and filled with awesome description. The books are supported with other books filled with myth. The books have poetry! You can re-read the books without spending any more money.

If you love the books, as I do, post in the Books forum.

If you don't like the movie, fine.

But if you are participating in an unspoken contest to find the most deviations from the book in the movie just so you can win some sort of prize, frnkly I wish they had a separate forum for you, because it's been going on here for a lon time. There are at least a hundred similar threads.

Some of us can appreciate both. You aren't "better" because you can only appreciate the books. But there is a special forum for talking about the books. Why not go there and say something positive?
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Old 12-31-2002, 04:04 PM   #35
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Are you telling me you don't get any posts in the book forums asking why the book is different from the film?
What do you do when they ask? Send 'em over here?
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Old 12-31-2002, 05:53 PM   #36
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First of all, no hard feelings intended.

Merry, Pippin and Sam didn't have any problems facing down the riders. It's standard movie practice to have the woman run backwards without looking and fall down or get her heel caught. Frodo was continually cowering and in need of rescue.

I felt it was too trite.

Secondly, I wouldn't get any fun out of agreeing with everyone in the book forum about how remarkable the trilogy is and how much it changed my life. Here is where I get to disagree and be disagreed with.

And don't tell me to come off it. My mother scolded me once. Once.
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Old 01-01-2003, 09:52 AM   #37
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Personally, I liked the movie but it wasn't the book. Let's face it at the beginning of the movie it clearly states "Based on the book by J.R.R. Tolkien" BASED should be in bold, fiery letters and underlined.
The whole love triangle thing is understandable. Read the book. There are few major female characters (does shelob count? ;-) )
I think that Liv Tyler (In my opinion a woeful actress) was there to get women in the door. It's a fact in the movie industry that Women loathe "guy flicks" a lot more than men hate "chick flicks" so they need some feminine element to get them into a seat. And without strong female characters, this falls into the category of a "guy flick".
Things I liked about the movie;
The Shire. (looks very hobbit-like)
Rivendell (great architecture!)
the cave Troll (Looks like a well tempered creature whipped into savagery)
Khazad-Dum. (beautiful and terrible at the same time)
The Agonath (just fantastic!)
The Scenery! (forgot that one. Now I HAVE to go to NZealand!)

Things I hated about the movie;
Liv Tyler (Couldn't PJ find someone who could act as well as look the part?)
The absence of Tom Bombadil (ok I understand why he was left out but I can still hate the fact right?)
The absence of Glorfindel (nuff said)

Last edited by Soothand : 01-01-2003 at 10:43 AM.
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Old 01-01-2003, 10:30 AM   #38
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I'm glad Tom Bombadil is in the pc FotR game though

I'm sad about Gorfindel but I think it was an exellent choice to film it in the New Zealand The landscape was lovely
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Old 01-01-2003, 04:05 PM   #39
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Use the search button. You will see that this topic has been posted many times. This post is just your collection of differences. We all know what they are. Many deviations from the books are not in your list. People have thouroughly discussed the matter. Sorry, but you didn't win the "Tolkien's ultimate purist" award. Someone else won that a year ago. (j/k)

If you love the books, read them and share them. They're good books.

I like the movies. I have read the books many times over 25 plus years. I like the movies. I read the Hobbit to my children, but left it to them to read the trilogy when they were ready. They both read it after seeing the movie. And my step daughter, too. The movies are generating readers. Good for them!

Might I recommend some of Tolkien's poetry, too? I notice you aren't complaining about the lack of poetry in the movies. Sam is supposed to recite the oliphaunt poem. I guess I'll just have to READ that myself.

I'm off to see TTT for the 4th time.

No hard feelings, but it would be nice to see something positive instead of this self-righteous trashing of other people's creative efforts.
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Old 01-01-2003, 09:25 PM   #40
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"No hard feelings, but it would be nice to see something positive instead of this self-righteous trashing of other people's creative efforts."

Who's being self-righteous? For the third time now, the reason I submitted my admittedly un-exhaustive list was to point out that FOTR the movie was just as off-novel as TTT. There seemed to be a recurring theme in many of the threads. I was simply refuting what I perceived to be an unjust indictment of the The Two Towers.

Please don't hang an insult on me as it just makes we want to respond in kind.

I believe that I did have positive comments in my original post. I was much happier with The Two Towers. I'm no longer a Jackson-hater. I am still extremely p.o. though.
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