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Old 02-23-2000, 02:58 PM   #21
Posts: n/a
Re: Election 2000: Your views

The crossover wasn't officially suggested by any of the leading Democrats, I read. I doubt McCain has much of a chance in the Republican-only primaries. I don't think the Democrats are necessarily trying to make him the GOP nominee, just trying to create chaos in that race .
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Old 09-22-2000, 03:03 AM   #22
Posts: n/a
I thought that this might be appropriate........

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Old 09-22-2000, 03:21 AM   #23
Posts: n/a
Re: I thought that this might be appropriate........

Anduin you are a bad bad girl!

At this point, I must hope that George W. Bush wins the Presidency.

I appreciated the "Keyesters!" I urged folks to vote for Alan Keyes in the Alabama Primary, because Bush had it sewn up at that time and I just wanted to send the GOP Establishment a message! But he didn't have a chance.

Right now, the imperative is to defeat Al Gore!

Back in '92 I would have even voted for Perot to keep Clinton out! We don't need to give Bill Clinton a third term!
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Old 09-23-2000, 12:00 AM   #24
Johnny Lurker
Posts: n/a
I really pity you Yankees...

You guys really don't have much of a choice, do you?

Gore v. Bush... geez, that's pretty much a lose/lose situation.

Buchanan and Nader strike me as interesting options, but...

Probably the only one I'd have voted for is Keyes, and he's been stiffed.
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Old 09-23-2000, 12:34 AM   #25
Posts: n/a
Re: I really pity you Yankees...

I have some stuff to say about this. First of all, I'd like to make a reminder that I am not old enough to vote, but when I am, my first elections I vote for will be the next presedential.
Anyway, I'm a big Rage Against the Machine fan. Their latest video, testify, is 100% about the presidential elections. But what they're saying, is that Bush and Gore are pretty much the same person. Theres a bunch of clips from the Democratic and Republican National Conventions and theres clips of them giving speeches around the country, and they show clips of them taking the same stand on various subjects. Then, at the end of the video, there's a message that reads: "Nearly 100 million Americans will not vote in the presedential elections...simply because of lack of choice on the ballot."
That really made me think. Well, first theres Bush. I really don't like Bush too much. I don't think he has what it takes, and I don't think he'll do a very good job. Then there's Gore. I would think I would vote for Gore. I like a lot that he stands for, and I like him. But then, he chooses Leiberman for his running mate. Now dont get me wrong, I'm Jewish myself, and I think it was cool for Gore to choose him, and I thought it was a good idea early on. But now I realize he made a not-so-good choice. When you're breaking such a barrier, like Leiberman is, the media really crowds over you. You get lots of various criticism, you really start to crumble and become a different person. So far, Leiberman is starting to show signs of that. If you compare him a couple months from now if he and Gore win, to about a year and a half ago when he was in the senate speaking against Clinton, you'll most likely see two very different people.

So, all in all, I don't think I'll be happy with either of them in office, but I'd probably like it better if Gore won.
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Old 09-23-2000, 01:15 AM   #26
Posts: n/a
Re: I really pity you Yankees...

Yankees!!!! Yankees!!!!

"How dast you, sir!" cried the hobbit from the Southfarthing.

"I take my glove to you, sir!" he shouted, and with that, the little fellow did take his glove and with a whack! smack! the glove left an angry red on Johnny Lurker's pale cheeks.

"We down here in the South have lived under brutal Yankee domination for almost a century and a half and I resent..." the hobbit drew a ragged breath, " ...I say, I resent being called a Yankee!"

Apart from that you are all quite right about our lack of decent viable choices.

I have not come to praise George Bush, but to bury Al Gore!

Really! Al Gore is not even a good liar. He has never held an executive position. (Like VP counts...) He has flipflopped on almost every issue. He is an empty suit with few principles and little direction.

Bill Clinton is terrible, but at least you trust that he might have brains enough to deal with a crisis if he had to.

Can you imagine Al Gore in the teeth of a storm having even a clue?

Remember, we've got to elect a Commander-in-Chief! If there is a war or if you want to prevent a war, would you rather have the Bush Team (Strong Defense, Persian Gulf War, Cold War Victors) or the Gore Circus (Bosnia, Kosovo, Rwanda, Somalia, Haiti, Sudan, Waco, Poor Moral, Lack of Readiness, Food Stamps, Falling Recruitment, Lack of Pilots, Early Retirements, Depleted Cruise Missiles, Nuclear Proliferation, Don't Ask Don't Tell).
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Old 09-23-2000, 01:47 AM   #27
Johnny Lurker
Posts: n/a
Oooh, that's it.

A very angry and towering Johnny Lurker bends over to look Gilthalion straight in the eye.

"If it's a duel you want, then it's a duel you'll get."

He then dons a pair of cleats, football pants, shoulder pads, and a battle-scarred helmet, and tosses a duffel bag containing much the same items (which were brand new and several sizes smaller) to Gilthalion.

Then, out of nowhere, two rows of medium-sized hitting bags appear, forming a corridor four meters long by one and a half meters wide. A line of stone-faced Roman soldiers appear on each side of the corridor, with shields forming a barricade just beyond the bags. As if it fell from a great height, a regulation CFL-sized football falls, point first, and embeds itself precisely in the middle of the gauntlet. On one side, the ball is emblazoned with a maple leaf and the word "Canucks", and on the other side, a Confederate Naval Jack and the word "Rebels". A copy of the entire CFL Rules and Regulations falls onto Gilthalion's head.

The soldiers speak with one voice, saying, "Those are the rules. There is only one way to leave this gauntlet - through the opponent's end, with the football in your possession."


I believe that the NRLC ( www.nrlc.org ) also mentioned something about Gore and Bush's voting records on the abortion issue... very interesting.
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Old 09-23-2000, 02:07 AM   #28
Posts: n/a
Re: Oooh, that's it.

I'll check it out.

================================================== =========
And with that, the little hobbit, tore the Rules in half with his sturdy hands (having practiced this feat only the night before with a New York City telephone directory), picked up the ball and with hobbit accuracy bounced it off Johnny Lurker's glass jaw, and marched over the prostrate Canadian to Victory!

And the multitudes cheered!

"Hmmmph!" snorted the hobbit to himself. "Call ME a Yankee, will he?"
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Old 09-23-2000, 02:59 AM   #29
Johnny Lurker
Posts: n/a
The problems with that theory...

"the little hobbit, tore the Rules in half"
... and was promptly smitten by the Roman phalanx.
"Desecration of the rulebook, Rebels, automatic forfeiture."

"picked up the ball"
... and was promptly smitten by the Roman phalanx.
"Illegal procedure, 63 Rebels. Five yards."

"bounced it off"
... and was promptly smitten by the Roman phalanx.
"Illegal forward pass, 63 Rebels. Ten yards."

"Johnny Lurker's glass jaw"

Make that "armored jaw". IRL and here, I wear an armored chinguard. In addition to this, an object as large as a regulation-sized CFL football would deflect off of the bottom bar of my lineman-sized chinguard - directly into my arms.

"marched over the prostrate Canadian to Victory!"
... and was promptly smitten by the Roman phalanx.
"The rules specify that you may ONLY exit when in clear possession of the football."

"And the multitudes cheered!"
... and were promptly smitten by the Roman phalanx.
"Illegal crowd noise, Rebels. Five yards."

Now, let's try this again.

Both of the gridiron gladiators placed themselves in their respective positions in three point stances. Johnny Lurker was motionless in his stance, with a continuous low growl emanating from his throat.

Gilthalion could not help but notice the scars and dents in the facemask opposite his, wondering what sort of ferocity could put such dents in the sturdy steel cage.
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Old 09-24-2000, 01:50 AM   #30
Posts: n/a
Re: The problems with that theory...

Whereupon the little hobbit realized that any Canadian foolish enough to call a Southerner "Yankee" might do anything.

So he pulled out his fiddle and started to play!

Oh, if you could only have heard the tune and seen the rosined bow flash across the stings!

Johnny Lurker savage, beastial growls diminished as he was charmed by the music.

The hobbit struck up O Canada! and the Canadian stood proudly at attention while the Roman Phalanx did a riverdance on the sidelines.

In the noise and confusion (if you've ever seen a Roman phalanx riverdance to O Canada! you would know what I mean), the hobbit poured a washtub of ice cold Gatoraide on the ramrod Canadian, left it spinning on his helmet, and walked out of the stadium to the cheering adoration of the crowd, the debt of honor satisfied!

================================================== =========

Watch who you're calling a Yankee!
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Old 09-24-2000, 03:17 AM   #31
Johnny Lurker
Posts: n/a
There are only 3 problems with _that_ theory...

"You got an F for eFfort!"

1) If you poured the ice-cold Gatorade on me, that would awaken me out of my "trance"...
2) Whether or not that happened, I'd be able to snatch up the football which you - yet again- forgot

And number three, which is most significant...

3) I don't like music produced by any member of the fiddle/violin/viola/cello family (save the double base) - so I would be even more enraged.

So, because of #1 and #2, you can either lose the duel (in a rather dishonorable manner), or else try again.


The commander of the phalanx barks "On one, on one!", waits for a few seconds, then cries out, "Set! Blue forty-seven! Blue forty-seven! Set! Hut!"

On the "H" of Hut, Johnny Lurker, with footwork perfected by years of training, pounded towards the ball. The little hobbit, although (probably) less experienced, had a slight advantage as far as speed went, and thus was the first to get his hands on the football. However, at this point, Gilthalion was faced with a dilemma - his towering foe was merely a foot away from him, and in perfect position for a textbook tackle.

What shall Gilthalion do?


www.nrlc.org/Election2000...index.html is the page I was talking about. I don't have a PDF reader installed right now, so tell me if it's any good.

(Edit: Stupid, stupid EzCodes. I could have sworn I turned them on...)
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Old 09-24-2000, 06:15 PM   #32
Posts: n/a
Re: There are only 3 problems with _that_ theory...

The little hobbit had the ball, the monstrous opponent, dripping with Gatoraide was upon him...

...he nimbly dodged his hulking foe...

...slipped from his wet grasp...

...and scurried down the field, into the endzone, and up into the stands, never looking back!

Little did Johnny Lurker know, but this hobbit was capable of a TWO MINUTE mile! (As recorded in Post #16 of this thread!) He was even faster in an all out sprint and this little fellow could corner on a pinhead! (It was fortunate that the hobbit chose not to corner on JL's own...)

He never imagined that hobbits could move so fast!

As a matter of fact, as the Canadian stupidly looked around, he heard his name over the Public Address. Gilthalion had shot like an arrow straight up to the Press Box, and grabbed the microphone.

(squeaaaaaaal, thump) Johnny Lurker! I HAVE WON! FAIR & SQUARE! And let that be a lesson to you, sir: Never call a Southerner a "Yankee!"

The multitudes cheered again, even louder than before, and the shame-faced Canadian, beaten at his own game by a hobbit less than 1/4 his size, sadly headed for the showers, vowing to never repeat his evil deed...

================================================== =========
EDIT: I would apologize for going off topic, but I figured this was more entertaining that ELECTION 2000! (And more informative about the important issues!) :lol:

We return you now to our regularly scheduled thread...
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Old 09-25-2000, 02:35 AM   #33
Johnny Lurker
Posts: n/a
Oh my, no.

You see, you made a critical mistake there.

My facemask was merely a foot from your numbers, which meant that my hands were actually FLANKING you. Now, because of your uncommon agility, you had one option for escape.

To vault over me.

You see, I was in a low hitting position, with _barely_ enough room between you and me for you to plant your hands (or hand, depending on what you're doing with the ball) on my shoulders and jump. Risky, but it had the best chance of success.

You, however, banked on a strategic error by me - one which I did not make.

You were under the impression that I could be "dodged", when in fact I was occupying the entire breadth of the gauntlet. Upon impact with my arm (which was already beside you), you were promptly wrapped around the lower abdomen and smashed into one of the shields on the sidelines, your cutback route blocked by my properly-placed helmet and far arm.

How did I know not to make the mistake of lunging?

"He never imagined that hobbits could move so fast!"

Unfortunately, there are men who are much faster than you. Perhaps not at a prolonged sprint, but I have shared a team with men who can move those two meters faster than should be humanly possible. It's all in the footwork...

One of the Roman soldiers barks, "Canadian captain, re-down or draw?"

Johnny Lurker, offering a hand to the crumpled Gilthalion, decides to decline and settle for a draw. The fact that the little hobbit was able to hang onto the football was impressive enough... besides, overtime's for wusses.

And please bear in mind that I wasn't explicitly referring to you when I said "you Yankees". Perhaps that comment was simply directed to "Yankees", and if you choose not to include yourself under that (slightly derogatory) term, then it must not be intended for you.


Now, let's try to get back on topic, shall we?

Did anyone bother to check out the NRLC thing about Bush and Gore?
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Old 09-25-2000, 03:57 PM   #34
Posts: n/a
Re: Oh my, no.

I'll check out the page before I make my next post here.
================================================== ========

You may have been low, but not low enough, and I considered vaulting, but that was exactly what you expected me to do!

Oh, no! The history is written.

I accept your abject apology!
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