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Old 02-19-2002, 01:14 AM   #21
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Slythre felt movement behind her, and said, "Welcome back, Mal."

A light chuckle followed her comment, and Malagar D'Orthand said, "You've gotten better, I see. How does it feel to be the best at what you do?"

She turned and glanced at him, and said calmly, "How good my skills are doesn't matter as much as what I do with them."

His chuckle fades, and he nods. "Something I am, perhaps, slowly learning. Though I am still searching for those pieces of myself I lost long ago.... though why, I know not." He paused, and self-reproachment flashed in his eyes. "I hesitate to even use the power, anymore, so 'tis only the foolishness of one who fields the biting cold of time passing. In any case, Harnauro and myself have returned from finding another shard. And I hear you have been aiding some warriors in hunting orcs?"

Slythre nods, and asks, shortly, "And where is our erstwhile companion?"

"Harnauro? He went to visit the nearby town, and pick up some supplies. Says that it gives him a chance to keep getting used to being around people... after all his years alone. He is changing, as well, though in a different way from me..."

Malagar's voice trails off, and he stairs thoughtfully into the distance, the ghost of a smile on his lips. "Well, then," he says, "Why don't you tell me how easy it is to hunt orcs around here..."
Through Truth, Power.
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Old 02-19-2002, 09:13 AM   #22
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Kaytrien looked back at Erenfor.

"I have spent much time in this village over the years." she replied. "Here I have friends and live peacefully inbetween journeys. It would give me much pleasure to aid in the defense of the town and it's people. I shall join you elves gladly. However I feel that we must go to Pentagrid as soon as we see fit. I think it plays a bigger part in this attack then we comprehend."
'Therefore he willed that the hearts of Men should seek beyond the world and should find no rest therein; but they should have a virtue to shape their life, amid the powers and chances of the world, beyond the Music of the Ainur, which is as fate to all things else; and of their operation everything should be, in form and deed, completed, and the world fulfilled unto the last and smallest.'
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Old 02-19-2002, 11:58 AM   #23
Irid al'Menie
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Irid had a faint smile on her lips. She was thinking back of days of old, when Erenfor needed to be watched closely. This was still the case, but now he had to be watched by his enemies, not his friends. She unsheathed Wolfbane, the sword of Mithril that was given to her long ago, by Thanès the dwarf, who she left behind in the decades she had wandered around Middle-Earth. This sword had the shape of a wolf as it's pommel (?). It layed very balanced in her hand, and if she had a choice, she would never give it to someone else to fight with.

She nodded at Erenfor.

"I will battle with you. Wolfbane will fight the orcs."

The two grey wolves came standing next to her. They too would fight with her.
And they danced until the world consisted of shadowy flashes and each other's faces, so close...
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Old 02-19-2002, 12:29 PM   #24
A'mael Dalharen Eldarele
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...as Irid walked out the door, Bropican, the bartender, took the broken orc arrow out of Arat-BĂ*renath's shoulder and healed his wounds with hot water and a healing urt. Suddenly Arat-BĂ*renath took a good grip around Bropican's hand and pulled him close. BĂ*renath had just woken from his faint (as Tessar's healing did help alot) and the bartender didn't see BĂ*renaths awake and screamed a little when he got pulled in my BĂ*renath. He held Bropican so close that he could smell his wounds and see the swettdrops on BĂ*renaths face.
"How. is.. my. son..?" BĂ*renath whispered, as he still was very week. Bropican knew that his son was dead, but he was afraid that if he told him, he would stop fighting the death that was upon him. "He will be okey, now you have to rest" he said. And as BĂ*renath believed him he could rest; his son was alive, and he realised how tired he was, and fell asleep...
Atharon, where heroes are born. A constantly evolving forum rpg created by Lief Erikson, Falathion and its players.

Last edited by Arat-Falathion : 02-19-2002 at 12:34 PM.
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Old 02-19-2002, 02:00 PM   #25
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The villagers roused themselves at the sounds of alarm, looking for weapons and ways to defend themselves. They had fought orcs before, but the village had been safe in recent years, and they were far from prepared, especially for an attack in the night without warning.

Harnauro stood upon a hill north of the village, and watched the villagers milling about as the orc wave came towards them from the south. He frowned, then with a resigned sigh, drew his bow. This was not a fight he was looking for, but he would fight nonetheless. He calmed himself as he headed down the hill to the battle. He would fight not out of hatred and rage against the orcs, but out of a desire to protect the villagers. And hopefully, all would go well...
Through Truth, Power.
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Old 02-19-2002, 04:33 PM   #26
Irid al'Menie
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Irid was ready for the orcs. Wolfbane in her hand, and the Wolves next to her. As the first orc approached, she raised Wolfbane. One slash and the orc fell.

That Mithril stays usefull...
And they danced until the world consisted of shadowy flashes and each other's faces, so close...
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Old 02-19-2002, 05:50 PM   #27
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Tessar droped down and sliced through the first orc he saw.

he swiftly moved on to the next one, his blade swinging and stabbing so fast it was hard to see it.

Thank you, Tal he thought as he took out another orc for teaching me how to use a blade so well

Tessar wanted to get a better look at there numbers so he swifly formed a magic ball of light and sent it shooting from his hand to fly among the enemy it, showed the deffenders what they didnt want to see, the enemy had several huge trolls fighting with them.

this Tessar thought, raising an eyebrow will not be very pritty
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Old 02-20-2002, 01:26 AM   #28
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Two of the trolls headed towards the main resistance - where Irid and Tessar and the others held their ground. The villagers rallied around the brave warriors, but the trolls loomed forward, and the townsfolk cowered back from the monster's bulk.

Before the heroes could attack, however, one of the trolls froze in place, and then staggered back, clutching at its chest. An arrow stuck out, having pierced all the way through to the other side, and the troll stared stupidly at it. Most arrows wouldn't give a troll a moment's pause, but then again - most arrows aren't as thick as a man's wrist. This barb would have been much more likely to come from a ballista - yet, atop one of the town buildings, stood its owner. A tall man, shrouded in the darkness of the night, and carrying a bow larger than himself - with a few arrows left strapped to his back, each as large as the one already fired.

The troll that was hit tried to stagger forward, but the heroes surged forward, and it, already seriously wounded, fell to Tessar's blade. The other swung a club at the elf, but found itself surrounded by the others, and slowly gave ground.

Harnauro watched the tide of battle from above, and though the villager's were now winning, the orcs kept coming, and a few more trolls wandered through their ranks. His eyes flashed, and he leapt to the ground, searching for ones to deal with while the orc charge had stalled.
Through Truth, Power.
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Old 02-20-2002, 03:18 AM   #29
Lief Erikson
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"Second right wave, hold your position!" Erenfor called out. "No, blast you villager archers, keep those harrying the orcs, your effort is wasted on the trolls.

"Captain Mintal, watch your right flank!"

He hadn't brought many of his people here, most were still left behind at the main camp. But there were a fair number, and the villagers had given him command, as he had the experience. The tide of battle was turning, regardless of the fact that most of the villagers were so ill trained, and his friends from so long ago were proving themselves valorous indeed. More skilled than they'd been perhaps, last time he'd met them.

"No, keep the front rank steady, we're trying to outflank them!" he shouted as he suddenly realized the front rank was already attacking, outside of orders. It was too late though, and already the villagers were breaking up under the new strain.

"Archers, concentrate your attack to defend the front rank! Mintal, go in and bring those fools back!"

But Mintal was already in the middle of holding down the trolls, and had no time. The battle was holding pretty steady in other areas, so perhaps he could be spared. "Lieutenant, drag those villagers back . . ."

The orcs broke through with a howl of triumph, and Erenfor cursed. However, perhaps it could be used to their advantage. The second rank was his trained men, and he was going to have to bring them in early. Still, perhaps that was for the best, for his men would suffer less casualties than the villagers, and the villagers would need help. Particularly those like the front rank. If they could break the orcs in the front though and reach those villagers, he could see that the battle would already be nearly won by that simple blow. It was up to him and his men.

"Charge!" he shouted, raising his gleaming blade in the air and lunging down the slope, his men behind them in full battle formation, swords out. They slammed into the orcs with a mighty crash and mowed down the first rank with ease.

Erenfor lopped a head off, blocked a couple blades and put his foot into an orcish stomach, kicking the goblin away. Twisting, he slashed through another, fought for a second and took another with a stab through the visor. The orcs were no match for him or his elves, and they were falling everywhere. The archers also were proving themselves worthy enough, and the front line of the orcs was wavering. Erenfor spotted through the battle an extremely large orc, over six foot and burly was the one giving orders. Orders that were not well followed, as was easy to be expected among orc hordes. Still, he was the rallying point and the danger.

Erenfor fought his way through the throng towards the orc, with one purpose in mind.

"The orcs fall easily enough," Slythre answered his question as she propped up a long, dark wood spear she'd been holding against a tree. She was now standing beside a fire slightly outside the tents that made up the camp, and away from the soldiers within. "We have not faced any especially large hosts yet, though," she continued. "We have a good leader in charge; he has the skill of many years behind him."

"This force has grown since I was last here," Mal noted.

"His success has drawn followers," she said, motioning him to a seat on the other side of the fire. "Though not so many as could be wished. We have a long way to go before being able to do serious damage."

"I see you've taken up the spear," he said, as he sat down, guesturing with one hand to the weapon she'd been holding a moment before. "That's something new, isn't it?"

"New, yes," she agreed. "I have much yet to learn, but this weapon I believe will become my second choice next to the dagger. There is something about the weapon that pleases me, that seems right.

"So what have you been up to, in your own struggle against Sauron?" Slythre asked as she sat down as well, leaning back against the trunk of a tree and focusing on him calmly. "You left fairly quickly after we joined General Erenfor, and surely much has happened since our last parting."
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Old 02-20-2002, 10:56 AM   #30
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Tessar found that the orcs he was fighting seemed to be trying to force him in one direction, he sliced through another orc, just bringing his blade up in time to deflect a stab from another orc, someone was yelling his name, Tessar turned and saw a huge orc standing before him, Erenfor was francticly yelling for him to get away from it,Tessar slashed but his blow was easlily deflected then the orc managed to grab his sword hand, before Tessar could do anything the orc picked him up and threw him through the air.

Tessar hit the ground, dazed, he reallised that many of the orcs were running towards him, like vulters that have found meat, Tessar tryd to stand but fell back down again, his shoulder hurt? He realised he must have been stabbed by someone. Franticly he sat up as best he could and threw a fireball in to the leading orc, then they were on him, he blasted one with air so hard it must have flown twenty feet or more up. but it was to much for him, the last he saw was Irid and one of her wolves standind over him, Fighting off orcs, when had they goten there?.......
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Old 02-20-2002, 11:12 AM   #31
A'mael Dalharen Eldarele
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A great darkness had fallen over Arat-BĂ*renaths mind, he felt a frequent acking in his head; he was running in a landscape, over rocks and dust, but couldn't see the end of it in any direction. Suddenly a great dark voice began to laugh (Muahaha!) BĂ*renath stoped, looking in every direction, trying to see where the dark voice came from. Suddenly the landscape around him turned into fire, melting lava and great dark cloudes came out of the ground around him; then a darkness darker then black appeard infront of him, about 20 feet tall. It had the shapes and forms of a man, allthough, this was no man...
The sound of tomming drums made the ground shake and BĂ*renath fell to his knees.
The dark voice laughed again. "You can not escape me, you can not run! Why don't you join me..?" Arat-BĂ*renath staggered back on his feet slowly, as the ground still was shaking by the sound of drums. BĂ*renath raised his head and looked up at the black shadow. "I will make the paine go away, trust me.." the dark voice said.

Suddenly Arat-BĂ*renaths eyes sprang open. He was still laying on the bench at the Inn, and Bropican had left him. He was all alone. He realised that he had been sweathing alot. He was wet all over. He felt an acking in his head. It wasn't untill now he heard the spectacle outside. Screams, shoutings, the sound of steel against steel and the sound of... deep drums! Frequently tomming till his mind couldn't take it anymore; BĂ*renath screamed. In this very moment Bropican came running in from a door behind the bar. "Oh! you are awake. You must rest, you must sleep!" Bropican said as he approached BĂ*renath. "NO! Give me my daggers, a sword, a knife, anything! I will fight those who killed my son!" (*Two of his sons followed him to ME*) Arat-BĂ*renath rolled over as he wanted to get up on his feet, but he fell together on the floor instead, and again he realised the pain in his body. "No, you are not in condition to fight anything right now" Bropican said and helped him back on the bench. "You must rest." BĂ*renath had just realised that, and he tried once again to close his eyes...
Atharon, where heroes are born. A constantly evolving forum rpg created by Lief Erikson, Falathion and its players.

Last edited by Arat-Falathion : 02-21-2002 at 11:55 AM.
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Old 02-20-2002, 11:48 AM   #32
Irid al'Menie
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As Irid was fighting the orcs, something grabbed her attention. Erenfor was screaming Tessar's name. She looked that direction and that just in time to see tessar lying down, with orcs all around him.

Watcher, Player, Help Tessar! I go there to!

She fought her way through the line of orcs, together with the wolves. She arrived at the point Tessar was surrounded by the orcs, and started to behead some of them. They turned towards her, and payed no attention to the out of contious Tessar. She called upon the power of the wolves, to help her fight these foul beings. Some of the villagers were brave enough to help her.

The last few orcs that had attacked Tessar, fled, and Irid turned towards the pale elf. She picked him up and layed him down again somewhat away from the battleground. Then she returned, with renewed power.
And they danced until the world consisted of shadowy flashes and each other's faces, so close...
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Old 02-21-2002, 12:09 PM   #33
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Mal looked away, hesitant to speak. "I went searching for more of the relics I left scattered about the land. And yet... it seems dissatisfying. I am torn between worlds, it seems, and unsure where I belong. Harnauro, too, struggles with finding a place, though for different reasons."

He paused, and then let the serious tone fade away somewhat, as a light smile settled on his face. "But let me not talk of such dour matters! Our journeys have been as successful as always, though the news I hear worries me. The rumor of Sauron has grown ever greater, and the extent of his might seems, indeed, great. I thought..."

Slythre said softly, "I offered you a place with this army, when we decided to face Sauron's forces."

Mal nodded, and said, "I know. I didn't think things were as bad as they were. Yet it looks as thought it will not be so easy for me to dismiss the troubles of this world... and I feel bound to stand against him, though I know not why. Harnauro still harbors a personal debt against him, but I put that behind me long ago... I have left many things in the past..."


Harnauro launched a few more arrows into the ranks of the orcs and trolls, but they quickly became too engaged with the villagers for him to safely fight. The villagers, though inexperienced, seemed to be having some luck holding their ground, being led by....

Harnauro paused for a moment in shock, as faint memories overtook him, of a past he barely recalled. His lips, for a moment, curled into a growl, before he forced them down again. He would fight this battle as a man, and he would fight it against the servants of Sauron.

He left his bow and arrows on the building top - he could retrieve them later - and leapt to the ground, landing easily on his feet, and dropping into a crouch. His hand settled on a sword dropped by a fallen orc, and he grabbed it, feeling its weight. A crude weapon, but he had nothing else on hand.

He slowly stood, and looked through the battle again. The elven leader... the one he remembered... was easily spotted. Harnauro saw his path and intention instantly. From how this one fought, he could easily take the enemy leader - but might have more trouble with the orcs around him.

Well then, thought Harnauro, Let us see what I can do....
Through Truth, Power.
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Old 02-21-2002, 04:35 PM   #34
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Kaytrien had been battling mainly with the villagers and helping strengthening their weaker ranks. Her sword glistened in the moonlight. A storm was brewing in the south and the sky was now jet black, save for the moon which was shining brightly, as a spotlight on the battle.

Far to her right, Kaytrien saw Irid carrying Tessar in her arms away from the fight. She then returned with a new found strength in her heart and confidence in her eyes. Kaytrien watched Irid slice through a half dozen orcs with Wolfbane, whilst still looking graceful as an elven princess in a war of good and evil.

Quite near Kaytrien was Harnauro. She had seen him above the village using his bow and arrows and now he had joined the main army and was experienced and determined in fighting. Kaytrien joined him and as they exchanged agreeing nods, turned back to the orcs, moving as a duo and hacking nearer to Erenfor who was advancing towards the one orc.

*ooc: hey guys sorry ive been gone for a while but im back now!*
'Therefore he willed that the hearts of Men should seek beyond the world and should find no rest therein; but they should have a virtue to shape their life, amid the powers and chances of the world, beyond the Music of the Ainur, which is as fate to all things else; and of their operation everything should be, in form and deed, completed, and the world fulfilled unto the last and smallest.'
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Old 02-22-2002, 02:12 PM   #35
Lief Erikson
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Erenfor broke through the throng at last, setting upon the large orc almost before the other knew he was there. The orc was strong, but it lacked the skill that it would need. Erenfor stabbed forward and continued the move with several quick, small jabs. He was in for a moment and then dodged out, spinning away and coming back into combat stance, his sword in both hands.

The orc grimaced at a small slash of blood across its right leg and then roared in anger at the elf, lunging forward and hacking downwards with unstoppable force.

Erenfor didn't try to stop the blow, instead he sidestepped and slashed again, a deep wound to his opponent's left shoulder, and he felt his blade slice through bone.

The orc snarled in rage and continued its attack, more carefully though, and forcing Erenfor back, watching his smaller and more agile opponent carefully.

Erenfor twisted to sidestep another attack and stopped his retreat suddenly, commiting himself to a series of back and forth blade slashes with the orc. Then he ducked, somersaulting under the orc and slashing across his opponent's back, his blade slicing through the orcish backplate and tearing through the armor. He was up again just as his opponent turned back to face him, and stabbed the orc through the neck.

"Haven't we all?" Slythre answered with a small, sad smile. "But what brings you back now? Were you simply in the neighborhood, or was there another reason for your return here now?"
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Old 02-22-2002, 05:55 PM   #36
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Malagar shrugged, and said, "I only left because I felt the war was not necesarry, nor had I any part in it. Now... perhaps I have changed my mind. All I truly have heard are rumors and gossip. Can you tell me anything solid of Sauron's movements?"


Harnauro launched a backhand stroke that removed an orc at the head. The sword he used was poor, but his strength was still as great as ever. The girl beside him was effective as well, and they easily made their way through the horde.

Ahead, Erenfor took down the orc captain without much apparent difficulty. Harnauro watched the fight as he closed, almost casualty ignoring an orc launching a spear at his chest. He knocked the spear aside with one hand, and sliced the orc open in return, before moving forward.

The orcs, with their leader having fallen silent, started to mill about in confusion, and a few of the larger ones started calling out, trying to rally their soldiers. Unfortunately, most of the large orcs were in the area near Harnauro, Kaytrien, and Erenfor.

They never had a chance.

As their top officers fell, the orcs attack went from a charge to confusion, and from confusion to a rout. The villagers chased long enough to ensure the orcs would not be returning anytime shortly - though, should Erenfor return to his main force and seek them out, the orcs would be easily eliminated entirely.

He turned to give thanks to the few individuals who had joined in the fight, especially those he knew from long ago. Tessar was alive, though somewhat wobbly, and Irid was helping the still young looking elf stand. Those two, and the other girl from the inn, had truly helped...

He paused, wondering if his eyes were decieving him. Another was standing there, who had also helped in the battle. Erenfor hadn't seen much of him in the heat of battle, but recognized him now. Leaning against the wall of one of the village buildings, arms crossed, and gaze locked on Erenfor, was a human. A human who should have died thousands of years ago.

A human called Grim Wolf.
Through Truth, Power.
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Old 02-24-2002, 04:22 AM   #37
Irid al'Menie
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The villagers helped to put all the orcs together in a massgrave. Then they returned to the village. Irid and the other elves went in the inn.

"Where is the elf that was wounded?"

irid herself had some wounds, but she wanted to know how he was. Watcher and Player too were wounded, but they would live.
And they danced until the world consisted of shadowy flashes and each other's faces, so close...
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Old 02-25-2002, 03:44 PM   #38
Lief Erikson
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"Little is certain in these parts," Slythre said with a tiny glance at the jagged mountains in the far distance which marked the boundaries of Mordor, and closer she momentarily glanced at the Pentagrid Forest. "There are orcish bands and orcish bands, but I have heard that a great orcish host has recently begun to press towards Minas Tirith. No army of this size has been seen yet, and it is virtually indestructable." She smiled slightly. "Or so the rumors go."

"Minas Tirith?" Mal asked, raising an eyebrow. "So events that far away are more clear than what happens in the land we currently are in?"

"Strange, but true. Larger armies are usually more easy to keep track of than small forces, such as those which have been ravaging these parts."

Mal and Slythre talked for some time longer, of adventures they had passed together and things likely yet to come. There was quite a bit to catch up on, but after a while their conversation became slower, and finally Slythre decided to turn in for the night. "I'll speak to you further in the morning," she said, rising. "And it is good to have you back. Will you be staying the night?"

Captain Mintal had managed to regroup the villagers who had been pursuing the orcs, something Erenfor was very relieved at. He'd at first been worried about a counter attack, or a second wave of attackers. But he'd been incapable of keeping the villagers from charging and there was a time that he had been afraid they might have lost everything after what seemed a substantial success.

But now the territory was thoroughly scouted and the villagers were back, and there were no orcs anywhere near. He had seen that sentries were posted, and finally he could relax.

Night was getting on, but he had already decided to stay here until morning, to visit with his old friends if for nothing else. But he also planned to propose that they join his army, for it appeared that few of them had any real reason for being here, and they were good fighters. Wolf allies might turn out very useful anyway, as most orcs in these parts had seen none but wargs, and would be surprised to find themselves on the wrong side of the creatures.

After wiping his sword and a tuft of grass, Erenfor sheathed the blade and glanced back at the inn in the distance, and the twinkling light coming from its windows. That was where they'd be, he knew as he started heading towards it.
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Old 02-25-2002, 04:54 PM   #39
Irid al'Menie
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The barman led Irid and her Wolves to the sleeping elf. As she looked at him, she knew that he had been far away... In the West. A light was in his face, even as he was sleeping. She whiped a lock of hair that was in his face away. Then she left again. She asked the barman (what was his name again) for some bandages, and nursed her own wounds and those of the wolves.

She heard the door open, and looked up. Erenfor came in, and sat down beside her.

"I have to ask you something..."
((OOC: honor is up to you, liefie boy. Do you know when your internet connection will be reastablished? If not soon PLEASE send me that letter! I want to hear something from you!!! )
And they danced until the world consisted of shadowy flashes and each other's faces, so close...
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Old 02-25-2002, 08:08 PM   #40
Lief Erikson
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". . . you and the rest of you," Erenfor said, including the others in a large arm motion. "So far most of you appear to be here simply to visit the forest, something that the legend of this place hardly calls a good idea. But my point is, that there is a much greater need for you in my army, where you would be respected and capable of fighting against the Dark Lord. I personally think that your use there would be very great there." He smiled as he continued. "You would indeed be probably be of greater use there than on a nature walk."

"It isn't just that," Kaytrien interrupted with a frown. "Something is wrong there, and needs help."

"I doubt that I'll be capable of doing much there," Erenfor said, "my place is set. But the choice of how you use your time here is up to you. There is some business I have to attend to outside, so I'll be back before too long. Give me your decisions then," he said, rising, his thoughts bent on Grim Wolf.

He left the inn without giving rise to any suspicion, and was relieved to see that the man hadn't simply fliitted away in the night. So many ghosts of the past had appeared today, it was truly incredible. But this one was a good deal less welcome than the others, and Erenfor intended to get to the bottom of his reasons for being here. In more ways than one; Grim Wolf was a man, not an elf, but still had apparently ended up living thousands of years!
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