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Old 11-09-2000, 01:41 AM   #21
Posts: n/a
Re: Thanks *sniff*

Can we please stop talking about the US election ???

we also have election here in Canada and we aren't talking about it ???

sugestion: if you want to talk about election start a new forum or something like that
but don't spoil every other one

thanks for your comprehension

Now i hereby ask that the custom Title of the Prez should be change to "King of Entmoot" wich in my mind reflect more the principal goal of this board
Old 11-09-2000, 03:07 AM   #22
The One Ring
Posts: n/a
Re: Thanks *sniff*

Congrats, HOBBIT! So, just out of curiousity, is "captain tarpols" also President, or is he just sort of your alter ego? You can't both be prez, you know....
Old 11-09-2000, 03:23 AM   #23
Posts: n/a
Re: Thanks *sniff*

well, i only used HOBBIT to run because 1. its a tolkien board. 2. I figured more people who didn't know me would vote for a familiar name. No, I'm President under HOBBIT, but i am the same person, and i use both names, so i am moderaotr and Prez under both. Depending on who I am logged in as
Old 11-09-2000, 04:05 AM   #24
Posts: n/a

Ooh... looks like Gilthalion could pull off an upset victory in the Electoral College! Watch out HOBBIT

HOBBIT won the popular vote, but the college might not go his way. He handily won the Shire, Bree, and Rivendell, and closely got Rhovanion but looks like Gil is getting Gondor's powerhouse electoral votes, along with Rohan and the Grey Havens. Lothlorien is too close to call, while Mordor and Isengard went for gdl96 . The election could hinge on Haradwaith, which only got the right to vote in these elections recently. Complete results:

The Shire (20 electoral votes)
Bree (8 )
Rivendell (9)
Fangorn (5)
Erebor (9)
Mirkwood (10)
Rhovanion (30)
Weathertop (1)

Gondor (53 electoral votes)
Rohan (20 electoral votes)
Grey Havens (3 electoral votes)

Mordor (15 electoral votes)
Isengard (4)

Too close to call: Lothlorien (13 votes), Dunland (4 votes), Misty Mountains (9 votes), Haradwaith (37)
Old 11-09-2000, 06:00 AM   #25
Posts: n/a
Re: j/k

the letters "LMAO" cannot adequately describe how funny that is!

and congrats again HOBBIT!

aryne *
Old 11-09-2000, 08:10 PM   #26
Posts: n/a
Re: j/k

you are discarting my request as if i didn't make it

I was expecting at least a no with a small explanation
Old 11-09-2000, 10:36 PM   #27
Posts: n/a
Re: j/k

Actually Xivigg, I did bring up your request in the mod forum........
Old 11-09-2000, 10:37 PM   #28
Posts: n/a
Re: j/k

I don't think anyone will object if you want to discuss the Canadian election as well, Xivigg. Or any other election that happens to be happening. I, for one, would be interested to hear about the Canadian election, although it doesn't affect me directly (although who knows--it might!) I think we tend to discuss the US elections because so many of us live here and can identify with them.

Like bmilders interesting little breakdown of Middle Earth into voting disctricts--didn't you forget the Iron Hills and Belegost, bmilder? Or do they have no say in the matter? Anyway, why do all these other places get to vote on the president of Entmoot?
Old 11-09-2000, 10:52 PM   #29
Posts: n/a
Re: j/k

Congrats HOBBIT w00t (yeah a little late I know)
Old 11-10-2000, 02:38 AM   #30
Darth Tater
Posts: n/a
Re: j/k

*Bind and gags Ben and stuffs him in a closet*
Old 11-10-2000, 05:34 AM   #31
Posts: n/a
Re: j/k

Way back earlier when I spoke of voter fraud in South Florida I meant it. I wasn't referring to the lawful recount. I'm talking about the folks demanding a new election.

Following, are the reasons why:

~Pat Buchanan got more than TWICE as many votes in that county before. The local Independent/Reform Party has more than 11,000 members there. I've lost all respect (believe it or not) for Buchanan after his statement today. His own cousin is the party head down there! The last election had a couple of thousand Independent votes. This is the pattern there.

~Perhaps the ballots were a tad confusing. Looks like only about 96% of the people there were able to deal with it. That's the pattern in that county. They seem to have to throw out a lot of votes (4%), as they have had to do in the past. Could it be that out of nearly HALF A MILLION voters, some of the old snow-birds are just having some "senior moments?"

~The Electoral College is a part of this REPUBLIC! We are NOT a democracy! We are not supposed to be a democracy! A Democracy is only a step away from Tyranny! The STATES elect the President. Not the MOB.

This is so that the BIG states do not overwhelm the LITTLE states.

And if the popular vote in a national election were the method, then you might find challenges like this in every precinct of every county of every state in the union! You guys need to go back to Civics class and (if they still teach it) learn why the Founders wrote the Constitution the way they did. If you don't like it, you're welcome to try to amend it, or to leave if you can't live with it. I beg you not to (in many cases) begin your political involvement as young adults by supporting the subversion of the rule of law and the destruction of our Constitutional Republic.

~Besides, Gore's apparent lead in the national popular vote count reported thus far has dropped by more than 130,000 votes to less than 98,000 with 1,000,000 Florida absentee ballots to count as well as many more in New York and elsewhere.

THE BROADCAST MEDIA SHOULD BE SOMEHOW MADE ACCOUNTABLE! They have gotten it wrong the whole time, and it is purely a commercial excercise. As a broadcaster, let me tell you that the whole gimmick is to sell advertising and to make money. That's why they report ELECTION RESULTS as if it were a horse race and This One is ahead and now That One is ahead... BULL HOCKEY DOODLES! No one is ahead or behind until the votes are ALL coun[/b] Everything before that is speculation and has proven time and again damaging to the electoral process.

I'd advise you all not to believe everything you hear these folk say. The stuff I'm reading here is really frightening to me because I think that most of you are rather intelligent, but I see you swallowing the whole thing hook line and sinker.

I don't think that George Bush is the greatest thing since sliced bread, and that's why folk like me didn't turn out quite as hard as the Country Club Republicans thought we would.

But what I have been watching for the last 48 hours has absolutely petrified me.

Bush and the transition team had better hang tough, or the rule of law is at an end.

The election results and the demographic trends convince me in any case that the American Way is just about at an end.
Old 11-10-2000, 11:44 AM   #32
Posts: n/a
Re: j/k

But a republic is a representitive democracy!

One of the few reasons that the Electoral College exsists is because of bad communitcation. We don't have travel for a day to get to the voting booth! We have incredible technological advantages that increse our ability to send messages, get rid of the Electoral Cloogag, we already count the popular vote, why not use it!?!?!??!


Okay, we all vote, and bmilder decides

But that's what the college is in my mind! We vote, and they decide! Its (enter insulting name here)
Old 11-10-2000, 05:05 PM   #33
Darth Tater
Posts: n/a
Re: j/k

Gil, everybody knows there's no such thing as democracy. (Almost, with the expection of Ben ) everybody knows that there's no good man for the job this time. Everybody knows the media is full of @#%$. But what can we do? Absolutely nothing
Old 11-10-2000, 05:05 PM   #34
Posts: n/a
Re: j/k

Let me try to explain this.

Democracy BAD!

Republic GOOD!

If ya'll want to change our Republic into a Democracy, then get to work. But you ought to at least study WHY we are a Republic and not a Democracy.

You might find out that the Founders of this nation were not a bunch of idiots and they carefully considered the prospect of direct Presidential elections and dismissed it.

We have a President of the United STATES! The STATES elect the President.
Old 11-10-2000, 05:20 PM   #35
Posts: n/a

ARRG! Let's talk about the REAL elections! We are in Fanghorn forest! Gil, stop repeating yourself! You are saying the same thing over and over...... Carry on! Oh, and the next post about the USA election is THIS thread will be edited or deleted by me ( I finally have the power to do that). There is already a thread about the USA elections started by GDL96. Thanks This was supposed to be my thank you thread, not debate thread.
Old 11-10-2000, 06:43 PM   #36
Posts: n/a

Already, the heavy hand of Establishment Power descends upon the masses!

But I wouldn't have to repeat myself if you youngsters would stop repeating the same un-American observations on a system that you don't understand. Hit the books and learn why we have a Republic and why democracies fail!

Congratulations once again! (And remember, you might not have won so easily if I had not removed any objections to increasing your turnout!)
Old 11-10-2000, 10:14 PM   #37
Johnny Lurker
Posts: n/a
Re: j/k

(Standard disclaimer applies - everything in here is strictly IMO)

"Let me try to explain this.

Democracy BAD!

Republic GOOD!"







There. Over and over, forwards and backwards, top down and bottom up... that is WRONG.

The U.S. Constitution is a whole pile of "necessary evils".

The Second Amendment, for example. You take it away, and the country collapses...


Representative "democracy" is a waste of time. IT is one step away from tyranny. IT is what acts as a cover for the rampant corruption in the CANADIAN governmental situation.

IT... is a "necessary evil" that I don't think is necessary any more.
Old 11-10-2000, 10:37 PM   #38
Abigail Adams
Posts: n/a
Palm Beach

The people in Palm Beach who made a mistake on their ballots are not stupid. My sister lives (and votes!) there, she is not old, and she has a degree in classics from the University of Chicago, yet it took her a long time to figure out how to vote for Gore. Unlike what you see in the papers, at her polling place the arrows did not line up with the holes, so there was little way to know you were supposed to punch the third hole for the second candidate. The confusion inherent in such a set-up is undoubtedly why it was illegal to set up the ballot this way in Florida. Furthermore, almost no one there knew the law required the poll workers to give out spare ballots if you botched yours, so people didn't ask and when they did, the poll workers often wouldn't comply.

Saying that people who couldn't navigate this maze to vote don't deserve to vote is no different than the old Southern mentality of saying blacks who can't pass literacy tests are not smart enough to vote.

And this area is not a Buchanan stronghold. It's full of Jews and artists who just despise Buchanan. If Bush is so sure those people wanted to vote for Buchanan he has nothing to fear from a revote. It's precisely because he knows they intended to vote for Gore that he is fighting this.

Accusations of treason seem a bit over the top.
Old 11-11-2000, 03:20 AM   #39
Posts: n/a
Re: Palm Beach

"The local Independent/Reform Party has more than 11,000 members there." - Gilthalion, quoting Republicans. Ah, but is the Independent Party the Reform Party? No. Buchanan is not running on the Independent Party ticket; and in fact, that number largely reflects Independent Party numbers and not Reform Party. And the Florida Independent Party endorsed Bush. I cite today's New York Times:

At the news conference, Karl Rove, chief strategist for the Bush campaign, said 16,695 Palm Beach County residents were registered in the Independent Party, the Reform Party, or the American Reform Party. Mr. Rove also said enrollment in those parties had risen by 110 percent since 1996, "which would tend to indicate that the people who were changing their registrations were motivated and enthusiastic."

But while Mr. Rove said was a "disproportionate share of Reform Party members in Palm Beach County," Florida election statisticsc show that the overwhelming majority of the voters he cited are members of the Indepedent Party.

In fact, only 337 voters in Palm Beach County are members of the Reform Party, while 16,336 voters are in the Independent Party and 22 voters are in the American Reform Party. And the Independent Party in Florida endorsed Mr. Bush.
(Emphasis added) That just shows that the Bush camp was using misleading statements. There are only 337 Reform party voters in Palm Beach county. Forget the independents, which were supporting Bush!

And Gil, the only candidate in this election who has a criminal record is George W. Bush. In fact, if elected, he would be the first president in U.S. history to be elected with a criminal record. Your charges of Gore breaking the law are mere speculation, but there are actual records showing that Bush broke the law many times. (The most severe brush with the law, being, of course, the drunk-driving arrest that he concealed)
Old 11-11-2000, 04:52 AM   #40
Posts: n/a
An attempt to get back on topic

(while ignoring annoyed look from people debating topic in inappropriate thread jk jk please don't bite my head off but it is a little off topic, look at me telling the admins mods and one of the most experienced posters what to do)

Congrats HOBBIT (It was the all caps name that did it... i swear)

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