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Old 07-20-2004, 03:27 AM   #21
Gulio, Strength of Many
Lover of all things orange and cheesy
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Describe myself, eh? Well, this won't be long...

I'm an insane lover of cheesy-ness and the color orange. I wish I were Gimli's bestest buddy, but that spot has already been taken. *Puts yet another tally mark on list of how Legolas ruins stuff* And that's about it....

JUST KIDDING! ^___^ I had you fooled, didn't I? Didn't I?!?!?!?!

Anywho, about me. I'm somewhat short, standing a mere five foot seven. The sad thing is, I'm the second or third tallest person on my basketball team. I have insanely huge flipper feet, which are only handy when swimming. I'm of medium build, I guess. I'm far from being the sought-after size three, but I'm not a blob of jelly either. My BMI says I'm not obese, and that's good enough for me, by hoppy toads!

My hair started out as a light blond, and changed to more of a strawberry blond over the years. Recently, it has become this strange shade of let's-throw-a-bunch-of-shades-of-blond-and-brown-together sort of deal. So, with the loverly modern conviences of do-it-yourself hair dye, it was a garish shade of orange for a few days. I wisely went to the stylist and had be previously shoulder lentgh hair chopped to my ears, and colored a spiffy shade of mahogany.

My eyes are sometimes green, sometimes brown, but usually somewhere in-between. They tend to be glazed over, since I'm constantly spacing out.

I am a Christian, though I'm not sure to which exact denomation I belong. I believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and that it is completely true. I believe that "in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." (Genesis 1:1) I believe that it was a literal six-day creation, in which everything that ever existed was created in a mature form. I believe that the world was perfect until Adam and Eve sinned, which caused death and disease (along with other things) to enter the world. I believe that everyone in the world is a sinner. I believe that Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, entered Earth through the virgin birth, both fully man and fully God. I believe that He lived a sinless life, and allowed Himself to be hung on the cross, and died to take away the punishment of our sins. I believe that he was buried (truly dead), and physically rose again after three days. I'm gonna stop now, because I could go on forever.

My interests are reading, writing, Gimli, destroying old math papers, kumquats, cheese, and Dwarves in general. ^^ I'm also a part of CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship), and go to Galena twice a year to do clubs for the kids and see my bestest friends.

I live in Alaska, in a small (pop: 600) town. It's what I love, and wouldn't want to live anywhere else. Except Scotland... or maybe New Zealand... ^^

Yeck, this is quite a bit of stuff to read, which I'm sure none of you care about anyway. (Does that sentence make sense?) So, being the kind, loving person that I am () I'm gonna cut it short. I guess the rest of me will remain a mystery. Oooh, Gulio, the mystery 'Mooter. Catchy, no?
El Poco Diablo is watching you...

It was like the Manifest Destiny all over again, except, instead of taking and consuming everything in their paths for God, they did so with the same fervor and sense of entitlement for their new god... themselves.

If you want to know more about Jesus, have a prayer need, or want to talk about anything, PM me.

Last edited by Gulio, Strength of Many : 07-20-2004 at 02:14 PM.
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Old 07-20-2004, 07:57 PM   #22
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I am Elisabeth Rose (AKA Ell, AKA Liz, AKA Pirate). I am thirteen though most people tell me I look closer to seventeen and when I take my little two year old brother places people think I am his mother. I like looking older than I am even though some of the people don't believe that I've never failed a grade and really am thirteen. My birthday is on March 5th. I usually don't have too big of a celebration, my friend will come over and we'll hang out, eat popcorn and cake and watch Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt movies. Giggling and acting girly, makeovers, normal young girly things we do only twice a year, once on my birthday and once on hers. We have fun being immature and pretending to be girls we grew up to think we should be on TV. Lizzy Maguire, Clarissa Explains it all, programs girls into gitty boy lovers. Only two nights we give in to the media.

I used to wear black horned-rimed glasses but my brother got a hold of them and completely bent them. I don't plan on getting more glasses, being that I can see fine without them, just a little better with them. People have told me that my eyes look like their electrified. Dark blue-berries painted with white streaks coming from my pupil. I've been told that my eyelashes are wonderfully long but I don't think so. I usually line them slightly with Black eyeliner (not very heavily though, I don't want to look like a raccoon) with silver in the corners of my eyes and a bit of soft gold on my brow bone. My nose is a little bulbous but my mother says it's a button nose . It makes me look younger than I am and therefore I don't like it. My lips are fuller then most people's though not noticeably large. My hair is naturally blonde though I like to go into the strawberry blond dies from time to time.

My height changes from 5'2" to 5'1" then back to 5'2" for no apparent reason but I prefer to be 5'2". I tell people that my height only gives more proof that I am a hobbit. Though I'm not obese I will say I am over weight. I wear a lot of black to take care of my appearance and this has given me the label of a "Goth" or a "skater punk" at school. I have no idea how to skate board and it's well known and I also make no attempt to be a "Goth". I don't paint my face white, I don't file my teeth into fangs, I don't listen to MM. People have actually come up to me and asked me if I was still a punk or if I've gone "preppy". I tell them I am not a punk and never was, that I will never conform to any of their categories. If you were to label me, I would prefer to be called a painter, a writer, a lover of film. I don't want my personality to be forced into me by my music taste or the fact that I wear Chuck Taylors and mini skirts over jeans.
I wear size 10 women’s shoes.... more proof that I really am a hobbit but God messed up and put me in Hick-Ville NY instead of the Shire.

I am the only one of my friends that does not smoke, has never done weed, has never gotten drunk, and is virgin. It sometimes hard to hangout with them because I am so afraid of getting older I cling to my innocence yet I also feel a very strong pull to go down with them. **** up my life, just for the hell of it. I say, no, I can't ruin everything. I have goals.
I am a straight A student. I read on an adult level. I'm taking advanced English though I have strong doubts I'll be challenged in that and I'll probably take English with the 9th graders. The last time I took an IQ test (I mean a real one, not one on the internet) I had a 126 IQ but I don't think I'm very smart, I can just remember stuff easily. I'm always the teachers favorite because I treat them like humans and not like aliens intruding my life. This is one of the reasons I have trouble making friends. I can relate to my 29 year old teacher better than all of my friends.

My older friends (over 18) think I'm very funny and one of my friends whose my age thinks I'm funny. Usually, around everyone else, I don't really talk. Anti-social, afraid, shy, whatever. My talents are writing and drawing. I love eating (more proof that I'm a hobbit) and I love watching movies. Trainspotting, Johns, Donnie Darko. I like to read from time to time but I'm not a big reader. Lord of the rings, Fight Club, Lullaby, Interview with a vampire. I hate immature people more than anything. Little things like what they laugh at or the kinds of jokes they make will make me unable to stand being around them. I also hate when people are afraid of who they are. A guy I know has a gay vibe coming from him but he's a wigger, homophobic and if he ever learned you were gay he'd beat the **** out of you. I know a girl and I can see that she really is a deep person but she's afraid to be who she is and pretends to be peppy and immature. It's really sad for me to see and I can't really handle watching it with out freaking out. Overall I'm pretty happy with myself except for my weight, and what people label me as.

That was a bit to read. I think I’ve beaten all of you in length .
"In a thousand years, there will be no men and women, just wankers, and that's fine by me. "
~Renton, Trainspotting
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Old 07-25-2004, 04:35 PM   #23
Elven Warrior
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I am Sarah Denise. I am seventeen years old.

I am short. I measure five foot and one and a half inches, to be precise. I have short, auburn hair, which used to be down to my hips. But, my hair decides from day-to-day whether it wants to be brown or red. Lately, it's been brown. I have very pale skin, so that you can see my blue veins running just beneath the surface. I have strong arms with well-developed and toned muscles. My eyes are green-ish, not violently green, but not hazel, either. I have small butterfly-shaped lips and long eyelashes. I have a slightly pugged nose and freckles. My legs and feet are very strong from dance. I have very manly calves.

I am very quiet in school (and many teachers despise me for it), but get me anywhere else, and I am loud and out-spoken. I am very, very sarcastic, and I am terribly stubborn and opinionated, while I am also open-minded.

I have a rather cynical outlook on things, which derives very much from my non-religious beliefs and my life in a Hellish smalltown. I am an Athiest and do not believe in an afterlife. When you're dead, you're dead. And that's just it. And living in Adams is like being dead, anyway.

I tie almost everything back to movies and films. While memorizing history notes, I will make references to The Thirteenth Warrior, and the like. I hate shopping and, therefore, hardly ever go to the mall, unless I am in desperate, desperate need of clothes, or I want to see a movie that isn't playing at any of the other smaller theatres around.

I do not have many friends. I have two, mainly; five, maximum. That is, unless you count acquaintances from my dance and karate classes. I know many people, and many know me. Either by interaction or reputation. It is a widely disputed fact that I hate everyone and want to "punch so many people in the face". When, truly, I just don't talk to people if they don't speak first because I am shy.

I don't get along terribly well with people my own age. I am gauged more toward thirty- and forty-year-olds. This is a strange thing, even for me. And I don't understand it.

I am anti-social, as established previously. I do not attend school dances or go out with friends. I see my friends at school. And occaissionally out-and-about. But, mostly, I'm at home watching my siblings or reading in my room, listening to music.

Music is, for me, right next to films. Both are very important to me. They allow me to release myself into a different world, one which I may never see or know. They allow me to experience pains and joys that are in other ways, unreachable for me. Movies can transport you in ways that even books cannot. They show you what a knight looked like. What war is. And how people deal in unrealistic, but entertaining situations.

Books, however, are on a level all their own. I have always been a reader. I was first introduced to literature at a very young age, when I tried to eat my father's leather-bound edition of The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which still bears my teeth marks. But, aside from tasting literature, I soon found that I enjoyed reading it, as well. I read everything that I could get my hands on. Mostly small books, like "Goosebumps" and the "The Boxcar Children", et cetera. But, in third grade, I was introduced to Tolkien. I read There and Back Again or, The Hobbit and fell in-love with fantasy.
Since, the fantasy (and even sometimes, science fiction) genre has become my most beloved. I enjoy completely Tolkien's works, of course. But was also enthralled with Midworld and I became completely entwined in all the mysteries of Merlin, especially as seen in Mary Stewart's Merlin Trilogy and The Wicked Day.

I love to sing. And am a member of the very small, but very powerful, alto section of the Hoosac Valley High School Chorus. I do not have an extremely gifted voice, but it's not horrible, either. I have a good ear, but can barely read a note to save my life.

And that's it, unless you want me to complete my autobiography on Entmoot, which I'm sure you would be glad to miss. Ta!
I have a very expensive pen.
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Old 10-07-2004, 05:58 AM   #24
Last Child of Ungoliant
The Intermittent One
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well, this was all very interesting,
i would write a summary of my experiment, but i can't be bothered!

basically, i have discovered that most peole here have an extremely well versed grasp of that funny old language that we call 'english', and also, that whilst every one of us is completely different, we all have a strong bond in JRRT , I would like to thank you all for completing this small task, and I will create a new Writing Exercise soon, look out for it!
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