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Old 07-04-2016, 05:33 PM   #21
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It's called an Eton Mess

Rich, messy and full of fruitcakes

So whats happening?
Well Gazza (Govey) stabbed Bazza ( Eton Boris), who'd stabbed Cazza ( Eton cameron) in the back and is standing for PM. Bazza chickened out - think he decided trying to actually comb his hair and look smart was just waaay too much effort! Something Jezza (Jeremy Corbyn) never worries about.

Mezza,Dezza,Sezza,Lezza, Kezza (etc etc) - in fact virtually ALL the shadow cabinet stabbed Jezza in the back, by all resigning from the shadow Cabinet and demanding he resign as Labour leader.

Jezza stuck 2 fingers up at the bally billy-liar lot of em' and is staying. He lost a vote of confidence approx 170-40, but is backed by the general labour party electorate and by the Unions, so if they force a new leadership election he'll likely win again!

Fazza (Farage) however takes the other view and wants to concentrate on spending more 'quality' time down the pub.

Bazza is understandably not happy with Gazza and is now supporting Assa (Andrea Leadsom).

Gazza is saying no rush to push the button, we can sit on it like mother Hens till we are happy with any deal.

Foxy (unlikely to win) says 1 jan 2019 to leave.

Mazza (Theresea May) vaguely 'remain' Minister, odds on at bookies to possibly win it, has gone Nuclear- promising to go trident crazy

Tories playing House of cards, but oddly more unified than Labour - on the eve of the much awaited Chilcott report on the Iraq war - where Jezza says he'd be happy to put Billy Liar (Bleughzaa - tony blair) on trial for war crimes.

The rebels against the death star Jezza are Blairites worried about the Chilcott report...

Meanwhile UKip have joined the club and have no leader.
As for the Liberals they havent got a leader ..not that anyone knows the name of or cares about anyway, since 'Lyin' Nick' stabbed himself and his party in the back, the heart and the googlies over student loans.

Ironically then, the only Uk Leader with a clearly defined Brexit strategy, was Roy Hogson! (England football Manager).

Last edited by Butterbeer : 07-04-2016 at 06:00 PM.
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Old 07-05-2016, 10:32 AM   #22
The Gaffer
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Nice summary BB. Woy for PM!

I've spent 25 years collaborating with Europeans, I have children and therefore, unsurprisingly, I'm completely disgusted by this turn of events.

I hope my miserable, racist countrymen and women get everything they deserve. And by that I mean recession, unemployment, zero-hours contracts, corporate slavery, decades of miserable weather, humiliation at football and the break-up of the UK.

Everything the Brexit campaign proposed has been shown to be a lie. They can't control immigration (as they now admit), and they aren't going to give £350m a week to the NHS

Not only are they proven liars and hypocrites, it now turns out that they are cowards too. The Eton debating society lack the courage of their lack of convictions.

But everybody lapped it up. A chance to stick the boot in was gleefully taken. And now it's everyone back on the merry-go-round for another round of upper class musical chairs.

A lot is being made of traditional Labour voters (working class) turning to Brexit. But the fact is that Labour supporters voted 60/40 to Remain. The Labour MPs who revolted in the aftermath should be ashamed of themselves. Here we have a Conservative government driving the country off a cliff over an internal party squabble, and what do they do? Try to decapitate their leader.

People under 50 voted clearly to Remain, whilst the over-50s voted decisively for Brexit. Thus, the generation who had free education, free health care, affordable housing, freedom of movement to retire to Spain on their gold-plated pensions are kicking the ladder away yet again. Bunch of entitled, bigoted arseholes.

Americans take note. Blowhards spouting populist sub-racist fantasies, mandate from the masses or otherwise, are no basis for supreme executive power.
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Old 07-05-2016, 03:10 PM   #23
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What an amazing consensus! Everyone who disagrees with Remain is a racist, ignorant, stupid, troglodyte. I had no idea England was teeming with such mean little creatures. To what shall we liken them: subhuman rats worthy only of slaughter and extermination?

No doubt, these rabid little beasties need to be rounded up to relieve the little people of the burden of their failed and useless lives. But when you send them off, send them with a SMILE!

Ah, the peasants are revolting! Well, what do they know? Of what use are they, anyway? Useless eaters! And who cares about democracy? What a foolish notion! Everyone knows that voting ends only after you get the result you want. (Where I live, the politically reliable are helpfully given two ballots.)

The gross hypocrisy of these people! How dare they think they have any right to refuse what their Betters offer them. What nerve!

Europeans take note. Liars suffering superiority delusions, mandate from the masses or otherwise, do wield supreme executive power.

And Farage, that little coward, has gone home. Damn Cincinnatus!

O, I too concur! lest the unwashed overrun us all, imposing their vile will upon our reveries.

Ain’t he jes’ th’ pride uv Europe?!
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Old 07-06-2016, 04:59 AM   #24
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I'll refrain from invoking Godwin's Law on that. For now.

In less than two weeks since the vote, the pound has lost over 10% of its value (adding 10% onto our national debt), the UK has been downgraded by S&P and Moody's, meaning we will be paying more interest on that debt, investment banks specialising in UK property have suspended trading to stop a run on the market. "Project Fear", right?

It's not about "democracy" either. We are a country where the head of state is an inherited monarch and one of the two Houses of Parliament is unelected. It's more like mob rule than democracy.

Having a referendum on the EU was simply insane. It is a technical and economic collaboration between sovereign states. Your "betters" should be listened to when it comes to serious technical matters. But again, we've had enough of experts.

And while I'm being serious, not everyone who voted Brexit is a racist, but everyone who is a racist voted for Brexit. Immigration was the number one issue the Brexit camp kept coming back to. And they lied through their teeth about "taking back control", as evidenced by their remarks since winning the vote.

Again, not everyone who is concerned about immigration is a racist, but racists have been emboldened and validated by the exercise.
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Old 07-06-2016, 01:56 PM   #25
Insidious Rex
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Originally Posted by The Gaffer View Post
Americans take note. Blowhards spouting populist sub-racist fantasies, mandate from the masses or otherwise, are no basis for supreme executive power.
Well said. And as distressing as this was, something about this also made me feel a tiny bit relieved because it isnt JUST us (americans) having to deal with an incredibly embarrassing political situation where too many people support racist anti-immigrant take-me-back-to-the-50's nonsense that has birthed a grand standing crash and burn lunatic bore like Donald Trump as the choice of the republican party. At least we arent the only ones who wake up in the morning, look at the news and hold our head and say "whats happening to us??" Welcome to the club! The one consolation may be now perhaps I can almost afford to come over there for a vacation now that the pound will be falling like a rock off the cliffs of Dover. Or should I be worried about working stiffs with pitch forks meeting me at the shores and screaming "STAY OUT YOU FOREIGNER!"?
"People's political beliefs don't stem from the factual information they've acquired. Far more the facts people choose to believe are the product of their political beliefs."

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Old 07-06-2016, 06:01 PM   #26
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You know, once... just for once... I'd like to see The Gaffer...

Stop sitting on the damned Fence

So Eddie... what did you think of 'Speedy' Sir Chilcot's brief summary?

@ Insidious -
One thinks you might perhaps have watched one too many Hammer House of Horror Movies

@ Alcuin - interesting Pic - kinda sums up Carl ***ker in one instant

... Sepp Blatter is available if he resigns

Last edited by Butterbeer : 07-06-2016 at 06:02 PM.
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Old 07-07-2016, 11:16 AM   #27
The Gaffer
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Originally Posted by Insidious Rex View Post
Well said. And as distressing as this was, something about this also made me feel a tiny bit relieved because it isnt JUST us (americans) having to deal with an incredibly embarrassing political situation where too many people support racist anti-immigrant take-me-back-to-the-50's nonsense that has birthed a grand standing crash and burn lunatic bore like Donald Trump as the choice of the republican party. At least we arent the only ones who wake up in the morning, look at the news and hold our head and say "whats happening to us??" Welcome to the club! The one consolation may be now perhaps I can almost afford to come over there for a vacation now that the pound will be falling like a rock off the cliffs of Dover. Or should I be worried about working stiffs with pitch forks meeting me at the shores and screaming "STAY OUT YOU FOREIGNER!"?
It's not too late. There's still time to save yourselves. Fly, you fools! Fly!

As long as you are sufficiently WASPish (and minted, like Mr Trump) you will be welcomed with open arms no doubt. Though I can't say for sure there will be anyone left here. Maybe the Queen will be on the passport desk herself, and Prince Charles will be driving the airport shuttle bus.

BB, quietly damning on all fronts. He has pretty much said what sensible people like us were saying the whole time, without taking that extra inferential step into "Bliar is a war criminal" territory.

However I like the meme doing the rounds on Twitter:
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Old 08-31-2016, 08:24 PM   #28
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so... EU v's Apple.

You know somebody once said History was dead with the (at the time) end of the 'Cold War'...

Clearly a prick (pardon my french)

so.. EU v's Apple?

Hard to pick a side really. Both cut of the same cloth.

Historically, i guess it's how long a time frame you wish to view it on?

One hand we have EU super-ceding National Govts, on the other a Global Corp paying (allegedly - i haven't the exact figures im just quoting!) 0.005 % tax.

on the latter...
to be polite...

erm, excuse me?

As to the former?
No comment.

But if the figures for Apple are correct, whatever the percieved legitamacy of those figures, then certainly a moral question comes into play with the brand Apple.

Last edited by Butterbeer : 08-31-2016 at 08:28 PM.
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Old 09-01-2016, 12:08 AM   #29
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According to Gary Bennett, CEO of The Stats People and a statistical consultant to the survey research industry,
if “Vote Leave” had been a political party it would probably have won 421 seats. A landslide representing 65 per cent of all seats (including Scotland) and 73 per cent of seats in England and Wales
Regarding Butterbeer’s non-sequitur, the US Treasury is defending Apple against the EU. After all, if Brussels gets the money, Washington doesn’t.

It really pays to control mass media. That way, you can make the weaker argument appear the better (in Aristophanes’ The Clouds, Unjust Discourse explains, “I was the first to discover the means to confute the laws and the decrees of justice. To invoke solely the weaker arguments and yet triumph is an art worth more than a hundred thousand drachmae”), besmirch honest opposition as racist ignoramuses, and convince a good many people that entering the abattoir is actually good for sheep.
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Old 09-13-2016, 04:07 PM   #30
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I know It's SO frustrating!!!
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Old 09-19-2016, 09:06 AM   #31
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This is untrue. All regions of Scotland clearly voted to Remain, for example.

It's futile to attempt to transpose the results of a referendum onto a General Election outcome. And whilst it's true that how we choose to slice and dice the demographics is a subjective choice, it's disingenuous for them to wave away any attempt to do so as meaningless.

Just because they did a meaningless analysis doesn't mean that all analyses are meaningless.
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Old 09-19-2016, 05:29 PM   #32
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Oi Gaffer!

Those hundred thousand drachmae are mine..all mine i say... they are precious!

non-sequitur Alcuin?
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