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Old 03-29-2002, 11:55 PM   #21
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1. 7:43 pm
2. Laura Malatesta (I don't have a middle name)
3. Laura Bora (because it rhymes)
4. Michael and Janene
5. 15
6. June 7
7. Curly and Diva (dogs), Annie (cat) Eddie Ishfa (fish)
8. 5'5" ish
9. Ear
10. No
11. I don't have a job
12. Atlant, Georgia
13. California
14. Paris or London
15. No
16. No
17. Kind of
18. No
19. Bacon Bits
20. 4-door
21. Dumper
22. Italian
23. White
24. 8 *sighs*
25. Gone with The Wind
26. Christmas
27. Pasta
28. Friday
29. "Erotica" by Madonna
30. Crest
31. Driver #8
32. Rose or Iris
33. Vanilla
34. Come on the computer
36. McDonalds
37. alot of years ago
38. Dr. Pepper
40. Getting a 4.0 last quarter
41. Come on the computer
42. "Bite me" "Your point?" "So?"
43. Whenever I want
44. 7:54pm

"I may be dead, but I'm still pretty. Which is more than I can say for you." -Buffy in "Prophecy Girl"
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Old 03-30-2002, 01:45 AM   #22
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I think there is a difference between the stuff that bleaches hair, and the hydregen proxide they put in toothpaste.
Nope, none. I use to use it when I was a kid during the summer....cheaper than "Sun In".
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Old 03-30-2002, 02:18 AM   #23
Sister Golden Hair
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Then it's the same stuff that some people use on cuts? It doesn't smell like the hair stuff.
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Old 03-30-2002, 03:17 AM   #24
The Buckleberry Fairy/Captain
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1.What time is it? 11:07
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate? Jessica
3. Any nickname? Jess, Jessi, Jessup, anything having to do with height, or LotR
4. Parents' names? Marty and Nancy
5. I don't usually have a cake. Just candles in a piece of Mom's homemade fudge. (if I had a cake, it would have had 20 candles in it)
6. When do you regularly blow them out? Dec 22
7. Pets: Dog named Charlie Brown, cat named Lucy
8. Height: 5'10''
9. Piercings? It took me whole year to work up the courage to pierce my ears once. I'll probably never have the guts to get another piercing.
10. Tattoos : Hey, if I have that much trouble with piercings, do you think I have a tattoo?
11. How much do you love your job or jobs (1 to 10?) aah, I'll give it a 6. I don't particularly dislike it.
12. Birthplace? California
13. Current residence? Canada
14. Favorite vacation spots? I am my father's daughter. Give me a road map, and a list of museums, national parks, and visitor information centers. My dream vacation right now (ha. besides europe) is to spend a week wandering around the smithsonian
15. Been to Africa? Not yet
16. Been toilet-papering Never
17. Been toilet-papered nope
18. Been in a car crash? not while I was driving
19. Croutons or Bacon Bits? sunflower seeds
20. 2-door or 4-door car? any car at all would be nice right now.
21. Dumper or Dumpee? couldn't say. never been either.
22. Salad Dressing? caesar.
23. Color of socks? grey.
24. Favorite number 7.
25. Favorite Movie? besides FotR, Sleepless in Seattle, Eight Men Out, and Wag the Dog (am I the only one who thought that movie was funny?)
26. Favorite Holiday? Christmas
27. Favorite Food: Mexican. Es muy rico, no?
28. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
29. Song of the moment: Carrot Juice is Murder, by the Arrogant Worms
30. Toothpaste? Whatever my mom buys from costco
31. Most recently read book? Novel? the Pickwick Papers by Dickens, Non-fiction would be Letters to Children by CSLewis
32. Favorite Flower: Irises
33. Scent: lavender
34. Favorite thing to do? make collages (not to be confused with colleges)
36. Favorite Fast Food place? Quizno's
37. When was your last hospital visit? Last summer. I have to go every two years to get an EKG and an ECG done on my heart.
38. Favorite drink? Water
39. How many times did you fail your Driver's License test? Failed the written once, aced the driving test
40. Best Accomplishment? Getting up every morning.
41. What do you do most often when you are bored? AIM, and Msn-IM
42. What words or phrases do you overuse? "like", "I know", and "wow"
43. Bedtime? is there such a thing?
44.What time is it now? 11:28
A day will come at last when I
Shall take the hidden paths that run
West of the Moon, East of the Sun.
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Old 03-30-2002, 04:29 AM   #25
Eruviel Greenleaf
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Re: A quiz about you #1

1.What time is it? 12:18 am
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate? Elizabeth Meira (minus the last name)
3. Any nickname? Liz, Lizzy, Eruviel, The Vampire, Hey you! Lizzoid
4. Parents' names? Barbara and Delton
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 17
6. When do you regularly blow them out? May 21st
7. Pets: I used to have a snake, but some nasssy people took it away. . .
8. Height: 5'3, I think. . .
9. Piercings? I had my ears pierced, but I never wear earings, the holes probably closed. Too bad, my friend just gave me a pair of earings from Cuba. . .
10. Tattoos None yet.
11. How much do you love your job or jobs (1 to 10?) 7.8
12. Birthplace? Boston, MA
13. Current residence? Seattle, WA
14. Favorite vacation spots? Monteverde, Costa Rica, and Kaui (Hawaii) I've been to both places once.
15. Been to Africa? Nope, but I want to go birding there sometime! Probably Tanzania or Kenya.
16. Been toilet-papering Nope
17. Been toilet-papered Nope
18. Been in a car crash? Nope
19. Croutons or Bacon Bits? Croutons
20. 2-door or 4-door car? I'll take a flying broomstick, thank you very much.
21. Dumper or Dumpee?
22. Salad Dressing? Most anything. . .
23. Color of socks? Purple with green and yellow stripes! No, white, actually.
24. Favorite number 3, 9, 13
25. Favorite Movie? Don't ask. You'll get a long list. . .
26. Favorite Holiday? Halloween
27. Favorite Food I dunno
28. Favorite day of the week? Friday
29. Song of the moment Hey Jude
30. Toothpaste? Tom's of Maine, wintergreen
31. Most recently read book? American Gods, by Neil Gaiman (well, I'm in the middle. . .)
32. Favorite Flower Orchids. I know there's lots, but I don't know all the names or anything. .
33. Scent jasmine
34. Favorite thing to do? 'moot'
36. Favorite Fast Food place? World Wraps. (Does that count?)
37. When was your last hospital visit? when I was ten. . .
38. Favorite drink? Bubble Tea
39. How many times did you fail your Driver's License test? Haven't taken it yet, so I can't fail. . .
40. Best Accomplishment? Ask me later
41. What do you do most often when you are bored? Read, 'moot,' draw, climb trees
42. What words or phrases do you overuse? 'Indeed' and quotes from LotR
43. Bedtime? Usually past midnight
44.What time is it now? 12:28 AM
Eruviel Greenleaf in a past life.

"Whoever has come to understand the world has found only a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse is superior to the world."
-The Gospel of Thomas

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Old 03-30-2002, 07:20 AM   #26
The Original Corruptor
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1.What time is it?...........12h57
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate?.........John Wassupyo
3. Any nickname?.........Biscuits, Koeknut, Dude
4. Parents' names?........Pieter, Carmen
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake?........7 (I grew out of that a long time ago....)
6. When do you regularly blow them out?......I don't anymore, but I used to on Aug 28
7. Pets:..........Jack Russell named Woof (we had two maltese poodles who died two months apart two months ago - YAY!!)
8. Height:........1.78m
9. Piercings?.........Sorry, no.
10. Tattoos............Sorry, no.
11. How much do you love your job or jobs (1 to 10?).........4
12. Birthplace?..........Cape Town
13. Current residence?...........Cape Town
14. Favorite vacation spots?...........Vacation? Whats that? Ummm I dunno.....Zimbabwe?
15. Been to Africa?...........No, but I am planning on it
16. Been toilet-papering.........Hey?
17. Been toilet-papered.........What?
18. Been in a car crash?.........No
19. Croutons or Bacon Bits?..........Croutons
20. 2-door or 4-door car?.............4-door
21. Dumper or Dumpee?...........Neither
22. Salad Dressing?............No
23. Color of socks?............Grey/Black/White
24. Favorite number...........Don't have one
25. Favorite Movie?............Freddy Got Fingered
26. Favorite Holiday?...........Christmas
27. Favorite Food.............Lasagne (also I am recovering from food poisoning related to St Elmos Lasagne.....nevermind)
28. Favorite day of the week?.......Fridays!!
29. Song of the moment...........Saw it on MTV on wednesday, in the Top 10 at Ten, can't remember the name, but the vocalist kept on going "I'M ADDICTED TO YOU! I'M ADDICTED TO YOU!". It was cool.
30. Toothpaste? Either Mentodent-P or Colgate
31. Most recently read book?..........Silmarilian
32. Favorite Flower..........Now why would I have a favourite flower?
33. Scent..........Non-stinky
34. Favorite thing to do?..........I like having sex
36. Favorite Fast Food place?............Old MacDonald had a farm
37. When was your last hospital visit?........I don't remember - prolly two years ago
38. Favorite drink?.......... Smirnoff Ice
39. How many times did you fail your Driver's License test?.......0
40. Best Accomplishment?...........I don't do accomplishments
41. What do you do most often when you are bored?..........I am always bored, so I do everything while I am bored.
42. What words or phrases do you overuse?.........Koeknut, Yo, Wassup, hectic, hardcore, kak (pronounced cuck), God damnit, Jesus Christ
43. Bedtime?......... Sunday-Monday: 22h30 Fri-Sat : Between 1 and 4
44.What time is it now?.........13h14
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Old 03-30-2002, 07:33 AM   #27
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15. Been to Africa? No, is it nice?
Well, if you can live with wild lions and tigers and sloths roaming around our cities, walking the streets, then I guess it is quite nice...

Okay sloths was just stupid.
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Old 03-30-2002, 02:41 PM   #28
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1.What time is it? 1:22
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate? I don't think even my parents know anymore...
3. Any nickname? Michi Hiko, gong-ringer, Michi-mao...
4. Parents' names? Lee and Tracy
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 2. my parents are cheap.
6. When do you regularly blow them out? july 27
7. Pets: Schmutz & nami, my cats, twinkles and susie the hamsters, thumper the rabbit, High General Setsu..
8. Height: 5'5''
9. Piercings? two. try to guess where.
10. Tattoos chinese dragon
11. How much do you love your job or jobs (1 to 10?) SEAS secretary: 0, babysitter: 5, comic artist...10! ^-^
12. Birthplace? Long Island!
13. Current residence? ¬¬ long island...
14. Favorite vacation spots? Japan (though i haven't been there)
15. Been to Africa? nope
16. Been toilet-papering ypper
17. Been toilet-papered unfortunately. and shaving creamed. luckily, i had my sword. (the plastic one)
18. Been in a car crash? no
19. Croutons or Bacon Bits? blech
20. 2-door or 4-door car? 4
21. Dumper or Dumpee? dumpee ;.;
22. Salad Dressing? vinegrette ^^
23. Color of socks? lil duckies!
24. Favorite number between 8 and 53.2
25. Favorite Movie? X/1999, crouching tiger, FotR goes without saying...
26. Favorite Holiday? I-CON (yes, it counts!)
27. Favorite Food sushi.....especilly mackeral ^-^ i also like anythiing wth azuki bean and/or green tea.
28. Favorite day of the week? thursday nights devoted to Dance Dance Revolution!
29. Song of the moment "That Man Upstairs" by voltaire, who i also shall meet at I-CON
30. Toothpaste? what's that?? jk
31. Most recently read book? RotK
32. Favorite Flower Rose
33. Scent Rose...sandalwood, lavender...
34. Favorite thing to do? play DDR (refer to "fav. weekday")
36. Favorite Fast Food place? TOMMY T'S!! they have homemade icecream!
37. When was your last hospital visit? when my sistr was born, when i was 10
38. Favorite drink? Knights of Ramune, melon flavor
39. How many times did you fail your Driver's License test? never!
40. Best Accomplishment? nat'l french honor society
41. What do you do most often when you are bored? play with my playstation
42. What words or phrases do you overuse? "mao" and "i like cheese"
43. Bedtime? whenever
44.What time is it now?1:36!
Absolute power corrupts. Knowledge is power. Study hard, be evil.
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Old 03-30-2002, 11:17 PM   #29
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Then it's the same stuff that some people use on cuts? It doesn't smell like the hair stuff.
Maybe you a talking of a different product. Either way, H2 O2, hydrogen peroxide, will lighten your hair if you spray it on and hang out in the sun.
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Old 03-31-2002, 12:37 AM   #30
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A quiz about you #1
1.What time is it? 11:20 michigan time (is that est?)
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate? Katherine Florence C***er (my initials are KFC for all you americans)
3. Any nickname? Kate, "my elf", hey you, and "ugly"
4. Parents' names? barb and brad
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? more than two
6. When do you regularly blow them out? a year after the last time (march 9)
7. Pets: a black lab named rocco (rock-o) a rabbit named bobber and a hermit crab named hermie... oh yea, and the fish, the group of neons are called "the fish" all the silver dollar fish are elvish names (they cahnge form time to time, i don't think the fish care) the elephant nosed fish are hobbit names i have a sucker fish named f*cker and a betta fish named "mean fish"
8. Height: taller than a hobbit, regretfully shorter than an elf.
9. Piercings? none, i don't need anymore holes in head
10. Tattoos nope
11. How much do you love your job or jobs (1 to 10?) i love my job as long as the "cool "boss is there
12. Birthplace? livonia
13. Current residence? brighton
14. Favorite vacation spots? yellowstone and the outer banks (the sea! the sea!)
15. Been to Africa? nope
16. Been toilet-papering yep
17. Been toilet-papered nope
18. Been in a car crash? yep, about a month ago, my friend died
19. Croutons or Bacon Bits? croutons
20. 2-door or 4-door car? 4
21. Dumper or Dumpee? dumper, ive never been dumped
22. Salad Dressing? catalina
23. Color of socks? whatever i pick up
24. Favorite number 13
25. Favorite Movie? lotr, slc punk ( it's funny) monty python
26. Favorite Holiday? dec.19
27. Favorite Food sushi
28. Favorite day of the week? friday
29. Song of the moment saddest song from no use for a name
30. Toothpaste? what's that?
31. Most recently read book? last one finished, the fellowship of the ring, current one: the two towers
32. Favorite Flower amber roses
33. Scent : as long as it doesn't smell bad, i like it
34. Favorite thing to do? pick my nose.. go to entmoot, pretend that i have a life
36. Favorite Fast Food place? taco bell
37. When was your last hospital visit? about a week ago, remember? car crash?
38. Favorite drink? alc: pina colada or a screwdriver, non alc: yoohoo
39. How many times did you fail your Driver's License test? haven't taken it yet, too afraid to get into a car.. maybe that's why im on enmoot soo much
40. Best Accomplishment? i haven't accomplished anything yet.
41. What do you do most often when you are bored? eat food
42. What words or phrases do you overuse? im gonna make toast, or im gonna get me some tacos, or i will explode, that happens to me sometimes
43. Bedtime? i need one
44.What time is it now?11:34 pm

well that was different...

no, it wasn't. nevermind.
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Old 03-31-2002, 01:46 AM   #31
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Re: A quiz about you #1

1.What time is it? 3:29pm
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate? Mary Poppins!!Back off all you stalkers!
3. Any nickname? Jaydeybabe, Jaydles, lolliholic and One in yr 8 that I will not share....
4. Parents' names? Kathy, Stephen
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 16
6. When do you regularly blow them out? April 17th!! (17 days BABY)
7. Pets: HELL NO!! They always die on me!!
8. Height: 5'6"
9. Piercings? Earings!
10. Tattoos; HELL NO!! OUCH
11. How much do you love your job or jobs (1 to 10?) Depends what I am on!! At the moment 7
12. Birthplace? Tasmania, Australia
13. Current residence? Victoria, Australia
14. Favorite vacation spots? England (never been there...I can dream)
15. Been to Africa? Nope
16. Been toilet-papering Nope
17. Been toilet-papered Nope
18. Been in a car crash? Yes!! But I was a baby and don't remember....stupid rail road!
19. Croutons or Bacon Bits? BB
20. 2-door or 4-door car? 2 Door Jeep
21. Dumper or Dumpee? Dumper!! And not proud of it
22. Salad Dressing? French
23. Color of socks? Every colour of the rainbow!! + more!
24. Favorite number: 69 (shut up all you dirty minded people!)
25. Favorite Movie? Moulin Rouge
26. Favorite Holiday? Christmas!!! (answered wrong there before)
27. Favorite Food? LOLLIES!!
28. Favorite day of the week? Tuesday
29. Song of the moment? ????
30. Toothpaste? Colgate freshener!
31. Most recently read book? LotR...DUH!!
32. Favorite Flower? Tulips
33. Scent: Vanila
34. Favorite thing to do? Read, draw
36. Favorite Fast Food place? McDonalds
37. When was your last hospital visit? Hospitals Guh!
38. Favorite drink? Apple Cider!! (was that meant to be alcohol...if so then......vodka and madarine)
39. How many times did you fail your Driver's License test? Didn't fail...didn't pass either!! Never taken it....
40. Best Accomplishment? Being nomintated to represent the school in something and getting paid $1000 for it
41. What do you do most often when you are bored? Stare...answer questionnaire things like this I suppose!!
42. What words or phrases do you overuse? Anyway...I like lollies!! Pipe down chachi
43. Bedtime? Bed...whats a bed!!
44.What time is it now? 345 pm

PS!!! Did you get this from the Dawsons Creek site in Joeys desktop!!
"Frodo, Mr Frodo," he called. "Don't leave me here alone. It's your Sam calling. Don't you go where I can't follow."

Last edited by Evenstar : 03-31-2002 at 02:11 AM.
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Old 03-31-2002, 01:54 AM   #32
Sister Golden Hair
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Originally posted by anduin

Maybe you a talking of a different product. Either way, H2 O2, hydrogen peroxide, will lighten your hair if you spray it on and hang out in the sun.
The peroxide I am talking about is the stuff in perms and dye. My niece did the hair thing with the peroxide like you. It is the same stuff as they put in toothpaste. Not the same as in perms, and hair dye though.
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Old 03-31-2002, 10:06 AM   #33
The Chocoholic Sea Elf Administrator
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1.What time is it? 15.55
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate? Sarah
3. Any nickname? lots, Eärniel, Tiger, and um reedstem
4. Parents' names? -
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 1 I don't really like birthday cakes
6. When do you regularly blow them out? see last answer
7. Pets: Jinx ,Smaug, Terrine, Bobbel & Hermes
8. Height: 1 meter 65
9. Piercings? nope
10. Tattoos no, but I plan on getting one
11. How much do you love your job or jobs (1 to 10?) depends on the moment of asking, right now: 7,5
12. Birthplace? somewhere holy
13. Current residence? somewhere less holy
14. Favorite vacation spots? Corsica
15. Been to Africa? no, but I want to go to Kenya to visit my foster-elephant
16. Been toilet-papering? nope
17. Been toilet-papered? no
18. Been in a car crash? uh-uh
19. Croutons or Bacon Bits? don't know the translation
20. 2-door or 4-door car? 4
21. Dumper or Dumpee? none
22. Salad Dressing? hate it
23. Color of socks? blue
24. Favorite number? 10
25. Favorite Movie? can't choose
26. Favorite Holiday? every single one!
27. Favorite Food? potatoes
28. Favorite day of the week? saturday
29. Song of the moment? Bonny Portmore, Loreena Mckennit
30. Toothpaste? something minthy
31. Most recently read book? The mammoth book of fantasy
32. Favorite Flower? Poppies
33. Scent ? after the rain
34. Favorite thing to do? dream, draw
36. Favorite Fast Food place? none, I don't like fast food
37. When was your last hospital visit? 11 years ago
38. Favorite drink? cola
39. How many times did you fail your Driver's License test? none
40. Best Accomplishment? I hardly have any accomplishment, let alone a best one
41. What do you do most often when you are bored? read; surf the internet
42. What words or phrases do you overuse? Fne! Iek!
43. Bedtime? varies too much
44.What time is it now? 16.05
We are not things.
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Old 03-31-2002, 10:07 AM   #34
Halfwitted Queen of Lothlorien
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Originally posted by Anduril

Been to Africa? Nope
Dude, you live there!
The beuatiful mind/The beautiful heart/Doesn't deserve the pain/How can I stop the rain? -How Can I Stop the Rain? by Kessid, my new favorite band

+Every good thing that comes into my life is only a reflection of the greatest gift of all; the offering of yourself, dear Son of God+

Always remember, you're uniqe, just like everybody else!

"The one constant through all the years has been the Trombone. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. Its been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again, but the Trombone has marked the time. This field, this section, this band is a part of our past. It reminds us of all that once was good, and could be again. Oh, people will come . . . people will most definitely come."
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Old 03-31-2002, 10:32 AM   #35
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Re: A quiz about you #1

1.What time is it? 16:23
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate? Joonas
3. Any nickname? -
4. Parents' names? Merja & Jouko
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 16
6. When do you regularly blow them out? i didn't realllly have any candles
7. Pets: oriental cat
8. Height: 185 cm
9. Piercings? none
10. Tattoos none
11. How much do you love your job or jobs (1 to 10?) unemployed
12. Birthplace? My hometown
13. Current residence? Turku
14. Favorite vacation spots? Thailand
15. Been to Africa? Ah, non
16. Been toilet-papering nope
17. Been toilet-papered nope
18. Been in a car crash? yes
19. Croutons or Bacon Bits? croutons
20. 2-door or 4-door car? 4 door
21. Dumper or Dumpee? Dumpee
22. Salad Dressing? Caesar
23. Color of socks? black
24. Favorite number 8
25. Favorite Movie? Requiem for a dream
26. Favorite Holiday? Easter
27. Favorite Food Thai-food
28. Favorite day of the week? Friday
29. Song of the moment Murder on the dancefloor
30. Toothpaste? none
31. Most recently read book?the title's in finnish
32. Favorite Flower orchid
33. Scent Gucci: Rush
34. Favorite thing to do? uuuh... sex is good
36. Favorite Fast Food place? -
37. When was your last hospital visit? Uuhh, when my grandmother died
38. Favorite drink? beer
39. How many times did you fail your Driver's License test? i'm 16
40. Best Accomplishment? there are many
41. What do you do most often when you are bored? tv
42. What words or phrases do you overuse? Ei oo todellista
43. Bedtime? 23:00
44.What time is it now? 16:31

Last edited by noldo : 03-31-2002 at 10:34 AM.
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Old 03-31-2002, 02:44 PM   #36
The Original Corruptor
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Dude, you live there!
Your point?
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Old 03-31-2002, 02:50 PM   #37
Halfwitted Queen of Lothlorien
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If you live there then why are you saying you haven't been there?
The beuatiful mind/The beautiful heart/Doesn't deserve the pain/How can I stop the rain? -How Can I Stop the Rain? by Kessid, my new favorite band

+Every good thing that comes into my life is only a reflection of the greatest gift of all; the offering of yourself, dear Son of God+

Always remember, you're uniqe, just like everybody else!

"The one constant through all the years has been the Trombone. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. Its been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again, but the Trombone has marked the time. This field, this section, this band is a part of our past. It reminds us of all that once was good, and could be again. Oh, people will come . . . people will most definitely come."
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Old 03-31-2002, 03:17 PM   #38
The Original Corruptor
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 2,881
Mwa ha haaa!!

My cunning deeply impresses me. I have successfully tricked you into thinking that I was serious - while I was actualy not being serious!! How whack is that? The endorphins rush through my body like tar. I am thus chuffed.

In your face!!! Wahhahahhah!!

I must be operating on a level way too high for you. On your way.
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Old 03-31-2002, 03:39 PM   #39
Halfwitted Queen of Lothlorien
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Very funny...

I didn't sleep well last night, please don't expect me to be very intelligent today.

( )
The beuatiful mind/The beautiful heart/Doesn't deserve the pain/How can I stop the rain? -How Can I Stop the Rain? by Kessid, my new favorite band

+Every good thing that comes into my life is only a reflection of the greatest gift of all; the offering of yourself, dear Son of God+

Always remember, you're uniqe, just like everybody else!

"The one constant through all the years has been the Trombone. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. Its been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again, but the Trombone has marked the time. This field, this section, this band is a part of our past. It reminds us of all that once was good, and could be again. Oh, people will come . . . people will most definitely come."
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Old 03-31-2002, 04:07 PM   #40
Radagast The Brown
Elf Lord
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3)Gal the Vala
4)Dganit & Micheal
6)I do not blow the candles
7)I have fish!!!
8)I don't know
13)Kiriat Ono, Israel
20)20 door(Ha ha ha)
22)I hate salad
27)hamburger and chips
29)Maxwell's silver hammer (that's by the beatles)
34)em... play on the computer
35) uh, where is number 35?
37)before 6 years
38)hot chocolate
39)you know how many times.
40)ha ha ha. I can't answer.
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