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Old 02-27-2003, 11:28 PM   #361
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At the word war Grady starts going into a crazy bloodthirsty mode.

Grady: Oooooooh a war.

Maggie: Hit him with the frying pan.

Elrond hits Grady with the frying pan and it seemed to knock some sense into him.

Grady: Ow, why did you do that?

Elrond: Because you were going into a crazy bloodthirsty mode.

Grady: Oh. Sorry about that, anyway I'll go back to my own kingdom and prepare my army I'll bring it back here soon.
Big spiders are better than little spiders.

Smiley people are happy when they make smileys.
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Old 02-28-2003, 04:59 PM   #362
Eccentric Chocolate Crow
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OOC: Aha. "Anne Rice Vampire" is one of the subdivisions of the definition of "prong." Remind me to tell you about sometime...

Maggie: Hmmmm...I see. *whispers back* ssssss...pesc....invi....quiero....weap....pssss.. .
Tano: Hah. Right.
Wisdom for Short Attention Spans...Ozy and Millie. It rocks.

Food Of The Gods:

Feed Me....

Another Online Dwelling Place...

"All right, I confess. It is my intention to comandeer a ship, pick up a crew in Tortuga, to rape, pillage, plunder and otherwise pilfer my weasely black guts out." -Captain Jack Sparrow

"The trouble with unknown enemies is that they are so difficult to identify." -Amelia Peabody Emerson

"Most people obey the orders of someone who is pointing a gun at their head." -A.P. Emerson

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Old 03-01-2003, 03:50 AM   #363
The last sane person
The Black Númenórean
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ooc: finally I actualy get to post! its either maggie or katt that does it for me!

*Roya stalks into a demension she riped open with a dark figure in tow*

Roya: *closes the dimension after her* whew! finally, i can think away from all those nutters and their pesky "armies"! *sighs and sits down to think*

Dark Figure: its been a while my....Lord, er i think... *pauses hesitantly but decides not to go on*

Roya: *was chewing the side of her thumb, looks at DF* Hmm... oh yes it has, hasn't it how is my ol' kingdom? taking a firm hold on it i hope? *sees the puzzled look on the DF's face* oh! hehe, you haven't seen me as a woman have you! I guess in our RPG i was always a man wasnt I? this must be a bit of a nasty shock aint it?!

DF: er, quite, um just what are you wanting me for?*takes a cautious step forward* My lord or should i say Lady??

Roya: oh yes, right, to work then. i havent the faintest notion how i came into this nutty world or why but i may as well try to expand my Domain while i am here. * Motions for DF to come and sit near*

DF: My Lord, i have done what you asked me to do with those things in the jam jars, but why?

Roya: oh bother you! i will explain in due time and do stop calling me "my lord" or "my lady" it sounds weird to me now, call me Roya, every body else does now.

DF: fine, proceed my lor...er Roya.

Roya: look, those things in the jam jar were the valar, uhn..gods if you will. the reason i wanted you to do... that to them is... well, they shall be needed latter on. now, as i have given you the script,

DF:*who can no longer contain himself bursts out* aye an i wish you hadnt!! i am bloody well scared for life cuz of it!

Roya: oh suck it up, think how i feel! i live in this bloody place!*glares, DF shuts up she goes on* which i see you have read, the only poeple we, or should i say you, need to worry about are those that were highlighted. leave the big boss to me! *cracks knuckels,smiles* . Good, i trust you have sent THEM to bug her for a little while. *mean chuckle*

DF: yes i have, you really are ruthless, those horrors will drive any one mad, hell this world is enough to drive anyone mad, the poor girl!

Roya: no she'll be fine, i dont think maggie can get any weirder or worse. but it shall be... interesting.....come. follow we have much catching up to do!

*both leave into their own respective worlds for further plotting.*

OOC2: You will find out who the DF is latter on, it shall be "interesting" and a bit of a surprise.

Last edited by The last sane person : 03-01-2003 at 03:35 PM.
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Old 03-02-2003, 02:06 AM   #364
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OOC: OOh goodie. I'm glad you finally posted. I have to one o these days
How to Survive the Sillmarillion

I thought that Alcohol was just for those with nothing else to do.
I thought that drinking just to get drunk was a waste of precious booze.
But now I know that there's a time and there's a place where I can choose
To walk the fine line between self control and self abuse.

"Lacerations make complications, but welts go away in a day."
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Old 03-02-2003, 04:30 AM   #365
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OOC: If you wanted to know, the war is 160 pages long in various fonts.

*Back in Katt's Harem, Katt was lounging in a chair with a REAL bear fur draped over it. She was dressed in this red see through thing, underneath she was wearing black bike shorts and a black bra. Hey, you can't just stop wearing what you like because you are all powerful. Katt was stroking Mirahzi's hair rather lazily, and sighed deeply and contentedly.*

Katt: You know, this is the life. Drinking blood, lounging around in my Harem, I'm not even going to fight anymore. I'm going to become a fat assed nalstalgic vampire who indulges much too often. For instance--

*Katt snapped her fingers and her blood red fox fur coat was hanging in midair. Katt stepped lightly over to it and grabbed it. She chuckled a bit as she stroked it lightly, then tossed it over to Mirahzi.*

Katt: From now on, I wear that everywhere.

Glordifle: I hate to interupt your indulgence, but what about our, um, your daughter?

Katt: Since when did you care?

Glordifle: Well, I am her father, and uh, I think it is um my respocibility to care.

Katt: Fine. Bring her to me.

*Rache was being a sullen teenager in her room at Evil Maggie's lair, until she realized that everyone had gone and forgotten about her. Then she was a sullen teenager prowling around Evil Maggie's lair, growling at doors and eating mundo chocolate. This is where Glordifle found her.*

Rache: Oh yeah, you. My whole life was one big plot device and now you come here and want me to come back to the story?

Glordifle: Your mother misses you.

Rache: Like hell she does! I been reading the script! I know she's a self indulgent bint!

Glordifle: And so does all of Middle Earth. Now come on. *Grabs Rache and they appear before Katt*

Rache: Oh jeez, you have absolutly no taste.

Katt: Hey, I am not going to take that from a person who listens to TJ Fantienie.

Rache: Like you know anything about him.

Katt: Oh really? I grew up with him up in Anacortes.

Rache: Really?

Katt: Yes.

Rache: That doesn't change the fact that I hate you.

Katt: Good. Would you like immortality?

Rache: *Just kinda stunned* What?

Katt: I was going to make you a vampire. You know, killing people, changing form, being immortal.

Rache: Well, yeah. Will I still have my powers?

Katt: Would I be living like this if I didn't have my powers?

Rache: Right.

Katt: *To the Guys* Leave us.

*Katt and Rache are alone in the room. Katt took a little more time than usual to turn Rache into a vampire.*

Rache: You know, this doesn't change the fact that I hate you.

Katt: As well you should.

*Katt and Rache hugged in the room then Katt started to tell Rache the rest of the process. The glowing firelight made it look really spectacular.*

OOC: OMG I am so out of it. It's 12:30 am so that's why it sounds so bad.
How to Survive the Sillmarillion

I thought that Alcohol was just for those with nothing else to do.
I thought that drinking just to get drunk was a waste of precious booze.
But now I know that there's a time and there's a place where I can choose
To walk the fine line between self control and self abuse.

"Lacerations make complications, but welts go away in a day."
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Old 03-02-2003, 08:46 PM   #366
Willow Oran
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(Meanwhile back at Maggie's headquarters their on going council and tea break is interrupted by the most dreaded sound on the face of the planet. The sound of Maggie's Bane, the sound of crazed pre-schoolers and their leaders. The Fop and the anime obsessed legolas fangirl from school!)

OOC: Those of you from seattle will know who I refer to.

Elrond: (Holding his ears) What are these creatures?

Tano: Really annoying people. Maggie, you're going to have to test that fish of yours someday. Use it now before they swarm us.

Maggie: With pleasure, In this case I really hope it does something nasty to them.

(She grasps at what is presumably the fish and swings it in the general direction of what is supposed to be her bane. The effect is instantaneous and within moments the ground is covered with white china bowls filled with...)

Glorfindel: Caviar?

Tano: Well, it is a fish...

Maggie: (pointing to her four cats who are wandering among the bowls and enjoying the treat immensly.) Well, at least the clean up crew likes it. I wonder if it does anything else?
"5. Plain Rings with RUNES on the inside.
Avoid these like the PLAGUE.
-Diana Wynne Jones
Tough Guide To FantasyLand

...it's not much of a show if somebody doesn't suffer, and preferably at length. Suffering is beautiful in any case, and so is anguish; but as for loathing, and bitterness... I don't think they belong on the stage at all.

- Isabella, I Gelosi
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Old 03-03-2003, 08:39 PM   #367
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OOC: The war will soon be over, and meanwhile, Katt is on crack. Not really though. That's just how I felt after Roya slammed my head into a wall. I came up with some really good ideas after that.

*Then all of the sudden, the sky above the tea party turned green. Middle Earth spun on it's head and came to rest looking at a giant Katt through the green plastic water bottle. Katt opened her mouth and swallowed the bottle whole. She then realized she was halucinating when Roya's dark figure knocked her on the head with the water bottle she supposedly just swallowed.*

Katt: Oh. That whole first thing sounded pretty weird anyway.

*Yeah, but you thought of it.*

Katt: Oh did I? *Passes out*

*The Dark Figure carried Katt over to Roya's alternate dimention.*

*When Katt woke up she was tied to a chair and an extreamly pleased looking Roya was advancing on her with the same water bottle.*

Katt: Oh fek.

Roya: Shut up! *smacks one across Katt's head* I'm going to have a bit of fun now so you better not ruin it. *Smack's her again*

Katt: Why do you hate me?

Roya: Oh bugger. I told you not to ruin it, I really did. *Brings out all o' Katt's lovely furs* Flame on. *Sets them on fire*

Katt: ach am, *tries to react but finds she can't* I can't be upset anymore. I've totally fizzled out. I'm feking fizzled.

Roya: Now, surely you can react to this.

*Roya began a steady rhythem of beating Katt over the head. Not too hard, but enough to kill brain cells. On each hit, Katt would flinch, and not of her own free will. When she flinched she tightened all her muscles, which prevented her from breathing.*

OOC: This actually happened, except for the tying to the chair and the burning the furs. All she really did was keep me in a corner and beat me. But I seriously could not move or breath.

*When Roya was done beating Katt, it took Katt a while to stop flinching and start breathing again.*

Roya: *shouting gleefully* WEEE HEEEHEEE!!

*Katt was unable to respond because she was having a vision.*

Katt: The blood of all the armies will seep into the ground.

Roya: What?

Katt: Meadows will become graveyards. Black flowers will spring from the hearts of the dead.

Roya: Now whot the bloody hell are you getting on about?!?!?!*starts beating Katt over the head furiously*

Katt: *unaffected because she's so out of it* Forests will burn unattended for the dead will burn with them. Rivers will run with tar, oceans will be solid with dead fish, the world will go back to the begining of time. The Gods will die without the souls to belive in them. History will repeat itself. This is how it started. The mud and the stench. The last living beings try to escape, and fail. Life will begin agian, without knowing our faults, our errors. And so the cycle continues.

Roya: *a bit scared but furious* You twit! *Smacks Katt really really hard.*

Katt: *cocks head to one side and says difficultly* A twit.....is a pregnant.......goldfishhhhhssssssss....*passes out*

Roya: *satisfied* That fixes her. *turns to DF* Oy! you get that all down?

DF:*in a dark corner* yep, I dunno, bit creepy ta me mate! *leaves to finish their second to last task*.
How to Survive the Sillmarillion

I thought that Alcohol was just for those with nothing else to do.
I thought that drinking just to get drunk was a waste of precious booze.
But now I know that there's a time and there's a place where I can choose
To walk the fine line between self control and self abuse.

"Lacerations make complications, but welts go away in a day."
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Old 03-04-2003, 02:19 AM   #368
The last sane person
The Black Númenórean
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ooc: yay! near the end! i can see the light!! WEE HEEEHEEE! DF is, by the way what i suppose you could call my "boyfriend" in the real world and this one.

Roya:*standing on top of some undsiclosed place very high above Middle earth* Aah, what a refreshing torture session that was! I was forgetting how much i was missing it. *she beckons to her now not at all shadowy DF* I see that you have taken captive all the hostages i wanted?

Daimien:*looking at her half turned* Yes, Roya, I have. I have gotten that elf, the one married to our enemy.

Roya: ah, yes. Glorfindel. oh, i shall have fun with that one. thank you. i was planning to get him myself. How did you manage, may i ask?

Daimien: Quite simply.*looks off into the distance at the Great Tea Council of Maggie, which is now in a state of panick trying to find poor ol' Glordy. they both give a low chukle*

Damien: I, being a symbiote to you and not in any way connected to this land, can form the light and shadows to my will in order to remain unseen, (indeed i was standing next to the couple almost the whole time) since the only rules that apply to me are the ones you impose. any way, they had gotten into a bit of a tiff when you sent that Fop and co. over to attack them. she took her eyes off of him for just one moment and...

Roya: *taking his hand with an evil smile* it was one moment far to long. Well my leiutenant, how long has it been since you...Fed last? I dare say that i have a tastey treat for you!

Daimien:*brightening up* oh?! pray tell what is that?

Roya: go look. i have ..sent someone to dispose of Katts harem and i daresay he will be hear soon. go, and feed well.

Daimien: *turning to go to the prisoners quarters where female screams are heard* Thank you. shall i save some for you?

Roya: *debating whether or not she is hungary* oh, why the hell not, its been ages since we've eaten together! *Daimien turns and walks to his screaming lunch*

*as she was turning to walk into the interrogation room where Glorfindel was being kept she noticed a slim skinning dagger next to the plastic water bottle she used to bludgeon Katt with. She takes them both.*

Roya: *she walk into the room and locks the door firmly.Glordy is hanging by his wrists from the wall. his cloths were torn and bloody* hmm... it seems my Dear had a bit of fun...

*at the sound of her voice Glordy snaps awake*

Glordy:*eyes wide with a mix of horror and hate* Y-Y-Yyou! nnooo! Valar help me!

Roya:*with a very sadist look about her face* oh, dont waste your precious breath on them, baby boy. the are still stuck in a bloody jam jar how the hell do you think there gonna save you?

Glordy: When my wife catches up to you...*he sees the weapons of torture she laid out before him and his voice fades. he sees the knowing grin on her face and realizes.* Oh no. please, no. don't do this.

Roya: shut up. i do as i please. I want to have a word with your wife . And i think this is the perfect way of getting my piont across!
*Glordy suddenly found his voice and was screaming as soon as he had but it was to late. she had begun her grim task*

OOC: I am way too evil for this RPG! hehehehe
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Old 03-04-2003, 03:00 PM   #369
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OOC: Ok, I am way to fizzled. It is hard for me to react anymore.

*Katt was awoken by Glorfindel's screams and stayed awake without attracting attention through Roya's entire process. After Roya left Katt felt disturbed. She slid out of her bonds easily because she was the essence of nothing. She stood in the center of the room and tried to sort out her feelings. It was extreamly difficult since she was so fizzled. Being fizzled is being desencitized to everything.*

*Katt stared at Glorfindel and tried to figure out why she was disturbed.*

Katt: Actually it's because I actually found the torture scene rather *sigh* nice.

*Oh really?*

Katt: Yeah. I mean it was still disturbing but... *sighs deeply* so um, arousing.

*Um, ok.*

Katt: I've expierienced killing for føød, or even for fun, but I've never tortured. Even_for the sake of watching someone squirm.

*You know, I liked you better confused.*

Katt: I feel like Tuvok in "Meld".

*Ok, you lost me.*

Katt: It's a Voyager episode. Nevermind.

*Getting back to our story, Glorfindel noticed Katt standing in the room.*

Glorfindel: You bitch! You brought her into this world! You should be killed! *gasps as he is in pain again* If you have any pity within you, take that dagger and kill me.

*Katt was very tempted to take up the dagger and run it along his skin. Making small cuts, tiny droplets of blood, licking them up--*

Katt: Excuse me, you are not making this any easier.

*Oh sorry. Ahem, instead, Katt walked up to Glorfindel and placed her hands on his chest. Glorfindel's pain began to fade. His wounds healed to dark scars, he found his old stregnth. Katt dropped to the floor bleeding. She had taken his injuries on herself, but they soon subsided because they realized Katt had no substance to wound. Katt stood up.*

Glorfindel: You have healed me. Why?

Katt: I need you to get out of here.

Glorfindel: What?

*Katt took a running leap at Glorfindel and went inside him. There was a brief struggle of will but Glorfindel felt a debt twards Katt and let her possess him.*

*Very soon after, Roya came into the room.*

Roya: Aaah! Where is Katt?!? *Shoved the dagger to Glorfindel's throat* You, tell me what happened! Why are you not bleeding?

Glorfindel: *this was actually Katt controling him* Katt escaped somehow, I was still unconcious. Then she healed my wounds and said "My debt to Maggie is paid!" Then she did an evil laugh and said she was sorry she couldn't take me back to her harem with her.

Roya: *Takes dagger away* It's just as well. Katt needs to find out that I destoried her harem sometime. I just wanted to be able to tell her myself that her daughter was dead.

*Katt was not surprized by this. Nor did she feel anything. Remember, she was fizzled. It was begining to rub of on Glorfindel. He couldn't feel the pain anymore, mentally or physically.*

Roya: *to Glor* Now, you said she healed you? A fruitless cause, for now I will have to mangle you again before I send you back. Where were we?

*Roya picked up the dagger and made an opening cut. Glorfindel was actually glad Katt was there because she took the pain for him. Katt actually didn't take it, she just scared it so much that it dared not penetrate either of their souls. Katt still howled and made Glorfindel writhe in pain.*

*When Roya was done she ordered that the mangled body be returned to Maggie. Katt thought it best to loose conciousness for transport.*

*When they awoke Maggie was preparing to kiss Glorfindel.*

*In Glorfindel's head*

Katt: Well, it's been lovely staying here, but I think I'll leave you to it.

Glorfindel: I thank you, but not having control of my body is getting tiresome.

Katt: Oh thanks, bye.

*Katt leaves*

*Katt appeared a ways away from the group around Glorfindel. She watched Maggie and him kiss, then walked out.*

Maggie: Katt! Where were you?

Katt: Around and about. Pardon me.

*Katt once again placed her hands on Glorfindel's chest. Everyone around knew enough not to interfere. Glorfindel sat up with only one brown scar across his face. Katt colapsed to the ground and when she stood up, she had all of Glorfindel's scars.*

Katt: I am sorry I couldn't remove that last scar. If I tried I could have done perminate damage to you.

Maggie: And what about you? What damage is there to you?

Katt: None, for I am the essence of nothing.

OOC: Sorry Roya. I delivered him back for you.
How to Survive the Sillmarillion

I thought that Alcohol was just for those with nothing else to do.
I thought that drinking just to get drunk was a waste of precious booze.
But now I know that there's a time and there's a place where I can choose
To walk the fine line between self control and self abuse.

"Lacerations make complications, but welts go away in a day."

Last edited by Katt_knome_hobbit : 03-04-2003 at 05:19 PM.
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Old 03-04-2003, 10:55 PM   #370
Willow Oran
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(Maggie was very, very relieved when she found what Katt had done and extremely grateful so she used the rings to get rid of all the scars Katt had aquired. However she was also enraged beyond all reason towards Roya.)

Maggie: (pacing) I don't care if she insist that the rules of the world don't affect her because she's "the lord of another world" I'm the bloody creator of another world and I still acknowledge the rules of this one, even if I do tend to bend them.

(Notices that Katt is looking a bit faint.)

Katt! For the sake of what is left of my sanity please sit down and eat something, drink some miruvor, have some chocolate. Please!

Katt: (gives up and eats) So what are you going to do to her? She won't go along with it, you do know that?

Maggie: She might, she wants out of here, the only reason she sticks around here is because to get out she has to be defeated.

Glorfindel: (still a little woozy from his mal treatment) I think we can safely say that she will not allow you to defeat her in any way.

Katt: Yeah... (is about to say something more but stops, when she continues it is mind to mind.)

*Maggie, there's somebody else in the room*

Maggie: *Someone who isn't supposed to be here?*

Katt: *Yes*

Maggie: (hand creeping toward the table where the Fish is) *where?*

Katt: *right next to you.*

(Maggie's hand holding the fish swings up to smack into the person, knocking them across the room to crash into the rack of weapons along the wall.)

Maggie: Isn't that Roya's boy?

Katt: Yeah, (prods him with a foot) I think he's dead.

Glor: (glaring at the body) Good.

(Maggie shrugs and smacks Daimen with the fish again turning him into caviar, within moments the cats are upon him and Daimen is no more.)
"5. Plain Rings with RUNES on the inside.
Avoid these like the PLAGUE.
-Diana Wynne Jones
Tough Guide To FantasyLand

...it's not much of a show if somebody doesn't suffer, and preferably at length. Suffering is beautiful in any case, and so is anguish; but as for loathing, and bitterness... I don't think they belong on the stage at all.

- Isabella, I Gelosi
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Old 03-05-2003, 01:06 AM   #371
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OOC: *Wails* What the heck is going on?! I leave you guys alone for five minutes...

OOC2: The end? Hmm..it may take more than your say so to end The War. "The War goes ever on and on, out of The Moot where it began..."

No body knows what ninja was doing or where he was going his ponies needed shoeing the river was flowing....

Katt lay curled up in a nice soft bed, with lots of nice soft pillows, withteh nice soft moon light coming in through the window, having sadistic dreams of violence. She tossed and turned in her sleep, and smiled. Her Daughter prowled the streets looking for victims, along side cats who waited for more caviar.

The Nine Semi-existing Penguins of Ninja came flowining through the window and carried Katt off into the night. Tehy brought her before Ninja, in some place near the Dead Marches who took out a small vial of liquid and poured it in Katt's ear.

Ninja: Sleep, Katt, sleep and dream dreams that no one dares to believe you can. Sleep, and dream and lay forever in dreaming never to awake.

Katt's eyes flutter open breifly, and confused said "Ninja...the flowers...they..." before she sighed and rolled over, sleeping once more.

Ninja: One down, four more to go, then all of middel earth shall be mine!!
You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you.
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Old 03-05-2003, 06:53 AM   #372
The Chocoholic Sea Elf Administrator
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OOC: Well, I think I'm bailing out. I haven't said anything constructive for the last few pages if even at all and I'm starting to get a tiny weeny disturbed with all the torture and stuff. Plus I miss much of the insiders.


*Suddenly Scaley flies in and drops an envellope before Maggie's feet. Then the little dragon takes off again without a word. Curious Maggie flips the envellope open and takes out a piece of paper. It reads:*

Dear Maggie,

Or at least I think it was still Maggie when I left, but you can never be sure with all those alter-ego's. When you read this I will be gone, which is quite naturally because if I wasn't gone I would have come to tell you in person that I wasn't. But what's the point in doing that? Anyway...

By the time you read this I am happily sailing the seas to Valinor as Elves are wont to do. The three dragons are coming with me. I decided we needed a holliday, and I don't except I shall return. The dragons will probably come to visit Scarlet once in a while but that's their problem. Even now that the Valar are still captured by Roya, I expect to find Valinor quiet and peaceful. So maybe we'll see each other again if someone is powerhungry enough to start a War For All Of Valinor.

So this is farewell I suppose. Give my regards to the rest of the group. Don't be sad if you miss me and if you don't miss me, why be sad at all? I'm enjoying myself so no worries. The only thing I regret is that I won't be able to see the look on Cirdan's face when he hears that I took both his mobile phone and his personal yacht! Neh neh neh!



PS: Tano can have all the chocolate I left behind in my room.
We are not things.
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Old 03-05-2003, 02:25 PM   #373
Eccentric Chocolate Crow
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ooc: *sniff!* I will MISS YOU! And if there is any other RPG we start come to that one, ja? We've still got Return of TLA.

Tano: *comes into room* What's up?
Maggie: Everything. Is. Going. Crazy. And Earniel sent a letter. *she throws the letter at Tano, who catches it and reads.*
Tano: Oh...too bad! BYE, EARNIEL! *sniff* At least I get chocolate out of the deal. Hey, Maggie. Let me know if you need anything. I'm going to go make a chocolate dragon sculpture. See ya.

ooc: Yeha, I'm getting a little losties too. But tha's okie...I'll just tagg along...
Wisdom for Short Attention Spans...Ozy and Millie. It rocks.

Food Of The Gods:

Feed Me....

Another Online Dwelling Place...

"All right, I confess. It is my intention to comandeer a ship, pick up a crew in Tortuga, to rape, pillage, plunder and otherwise pilfer my weasely black guts out." -Captain Jack Sparrow

"The trouble with unknown enemies is that they are so difficult to identify." -Amelia Peabody Emerson

"Most people obey the orders of someone who is pointing a gun at their head." -A.P. Emerson

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Old 03-05-2003, 05:49 PM   #374
Katt_knome_hobbit's Avatar
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OOC: Oh crap, oh ****, oh bugger. Roya is going to kill one or both of us Maggie. For my concious, I pray it is me. Wait, I can actually do something about it!

OOC2: Eliza? My daughter is dead dear. Read more closely and please edit your post accordingly.


*The noise of the downstairs door shook the whole house. It was the morning after Human had kidnapped Katt, and the same morning on which Tano and the letter arived.*

Maggie: Oh no. Tano dear, you better get down.

*No sooner had she said that when he door exploded and Tano ducked behind a table. Maggie remained standing.*

Maggie: Everyone, get out now. This is between me and Roya.

*Everyone did leave except for Tano who found Goldie sleeping under the table using a loaf of bread as her pillow.*

Tano: Oy! Goldie! Wake up!

Goldie: What, hmn, tree?

Tano: No. Maggie is just about to have a big fight with Roya and we have to leave.

Goldie: Uh, I think it's too late.

*Roya had entered the room and erected a circular concrete wall ten feet high all around the inside of the room. She was holding throwing spikes and Maggie was holding her invisible fish.*

Roya: You bitch! I can't belive you did that to him!

Maggie: You were going to kill my husband, I thought I should return the favour.

Roya: I should have killed all of you when I had the chance.

*Roya threw three spikes at Maggie who smacked them aside with the Invisable Fish.*

Roya: That ****ing invisable fish! I'll fix it.

*Roya made a grabbing motion and Maggie felt the fish being ripped from her grasp. There was a loud BAM and a flash of light. The once Invisable Fish was now a Nonexistant Invisable Fish.*

Roya: Hah! Now you have nothing to protect you!

Maggie: *thinking* Bugger. I didn't bring my plan B with me and I can't escape without her killing me. My best way is to stall. *out loud* That may be, but would you grant me the last request of--

Roya: No no no. Rule of Being an Evil Overlord #19. The hero is not entitled to a last kiss, a last cigarette, or any other form of last request. Goodbye.

*Roya pulled out a dagger and lerched tward Maggie.*


*At that moment, the faded body of Katt came falling through the celing and landed with a smack on the floor.*

Roya,Maggie&Tano: O_o?!? KATT?

Goldie: Oh hi kittie!

*Tano pulled Goldie back down before they were caught. No one noticed anyway.*

Katt: *gets up* I'm not really Katt, I am just a copy of her body being controled from where she is held prisioner by Human.

Roya: Oh blast. I was hoping I could kill both of you now.

CopyKatt: What I came to say was you can't kill Maggie, Roya. It wasn't her fault that she killed Daimen.

Roya: What the bloody hell are you talking about? She swung the bloody fish!

CopyKatt: Yes, but it was not her will. It was mine. I told her he was near, I planted the idea to kill him, in effect, I was the one that swung her hand because I had no power to kill him myself. I was devistated by the loss of my daughter and this was the perfect opertunity to take it out on him. You know Maggie, she would never kill an actual person. She only kills copies that someone created.

Roya: *anger focused at Katt* YOU are the one that killed him!

Maggie: *anger focused at Katt* You set me up to kill him and Roya almost killed me!


*Maggie picked up one of Roya's spikes and Roya got out another one. Simutainiously they both stabed Katt in the chest.*

CopyKatt: *gasp* It's good that you are getting out your anger on me instead of another. I beg you to stop fighting, for now at least. Goldie, as soon as I escape I will return your squeekie to you. For now, I leave.

*Katt's copy dissolved and the two spikes fell to the floor.*

Roya: As shall I. *Glares at Maggie* You have been saved, for now, but I have more people to torment.

*Roya jumped, flipped backwards and dissapeared.*

Maggie: You two can come out now.

Tano: When will this war end?

Goldie: Oooh Goodie! Squeekie! I'm gonna go get it from Kitty now! *clambers over concrete wall.*

Tano: *Shrugs and follows Goldie.*

*Maggie is left alone to clean up the room.*
How to Survive the Sillmarillion

I thought that Alcohol was just for those with nothing else to do.
I thought that drinking just to get drunk was a waste of precious booze.
But now I know that there's a time and there's a place where I can choose
To walk the fine line between self control and self abuse.

"Lacerations make complications, but welts go away in a day."
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Old 03-05-2003, 08:21 PM   #375
The last sane person
The Black Númenórean
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ooc: Hmm... that was an interesting bout. But as i said this is far to not evil for me to be in with out freaking any body out. Maggie/Katt i hate you both for stealing Daimien from me as now i dont have any one on my side. HE/WE WILL BE AVENGED!!!

*In comes Roya in a huff after that tiny little show down with the Bint*

Roya: God be damned! all of them! I have been denied my revenge. Ah no, of all the things they coulda done they just had to go off and bean him with that STUIPID fish! ARRGH, this touched a nerve!

*she slid down with her back againt the wall with her head in her hands and whispers to her self to try and figure out what to do when Daimien's voice started up*

Damien'sshade: This is pathetic, why are you whimpering? I am not truly dead as I can't be killed when in this world. I am recovering back on Black Sun...*at this she brightens up and the voice continued*

DS:Which is where you should be too. The Sun is your rightful domain. Middle earth is nothing and will mean nothing once you win it. Why don't you leave this place and come to where you are your own master and have not to deal with this nonsense?

*another voice, her own, replied to his*

RS: Your right, I know. And i would have done so if she had not killed, or banished i should say, you the way she had. I was thinking about it the whole time i was, er, Interrogating her husband. But now my honor has been tarnished and i have a score to settle. Damn.

DS: Well, i know nothing i say will dissuade you now, but please. Make it quick, the Sun is your realm and your creation. You dont need M.E. and you said you dont want it.

RS: *standing up and looking off towards Maggies keep* True. I will settle whatever honor bout i have and then leave this place in its current ownership. Your right, i need not this place. Thank you. I can always count on your good judgement.

*his voice faded and so did hers, for now she was still gazing in maggies direction.*

RS:*aloud to all of middle earth* Maggie! I know you can hear me! I no longer want to have this Accursed world! Keep it! This is between You, Me and Katt. I would not have minded as so much if you let him die with honor but that fishy caviar ending of his is totaly Inexcusable! I utter a challenge to the both of you Alone and leave all else out of it!

*With that she turns to arm herself with all sorts of nasy things for the coming fight with her enemies*

OOC: Maggie, your logic is flawed. I can indeed leave without being defeated. I stayed ony because it amused me at the time because i was bottleing the elves and the only reason I did that to Glordy was because I couldn't touch him the first time. I have settled my score with him.

Last edited by The last sane person : 03-05-2003 at 08:23 PM.
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Old 03-05-2003, 08:56 PM   #376
Willow Oran
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OOC: No! Earniel!! Don't leave us, you're the only piece of sanity we have left in this thing. Although, the war to take over Valinor is a good idea....

(Meanwhile back where ever Maggie's hideout is at the moment Maggie had indeed heard Roya's challange and decided to shout back her answer immediately.)

Maggie: *very, very loudly* Challange accepted Roya! Just give me a moment to get Katt from Human and we'll come! *thinks for a moment* And just so you know the caviar thing was an accident, what kiiled him was the crashing into the weapons rack!
*normal volume* Tano, could you go and tell Eliza to give Katt back immediately?

Tano: Eh... sure, but I doubt she'll comply.

Maggie: Well, at least ask her if we can temporarily borrow Katt, she can go back to being kidnapped after we're done with her.

Tano: *thinks that this makes no sense whatsoever but wanders out to find Human anyway.*

Maggie: Meanwhile I had better prepare. It's a pity she banished the Fish, I'll have to use plan B now. Good thing I switched Plan A and Plan B when I first made the plans.

(She goes over to a safe in the wall and takes out a battered purple spiral notebook and a blue clicky pen. She then sits down in the cornor of the room and begin to write.)

Now that Roya has retaliated and challanged me she's tangled in the plot of the story. All I have to do is write out a battle scene but leave the last word un written and add it into the script, then when we face off I'll use my Really Powerful Secret Weapons the Purple Notebook of Doom and the Evil Clicky Pen of Power and add the missing word, thus completing the script.)
"5. Plain Rings with RUNES on the inside.
Avoid these like the PLAGUE.
-Diana Wynne Jones
Tough Guide To FantasyLand

...it's not much of a show if somebody doesn't suffer, and preferably at length. Suffering is beautiful in any case, and so is anguish; but as for loathing, and bitterness... I don't think they belong on the stage at all.

- Isabella, I Gelosi
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Old 03-05-2003, 11:26 PM   #377
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Then Grady came back with his army.

Grady: Here's my army it took a while but it's here and I hope it will help.

Maggie: Oh thanks Grady, but your army will not be needed.

Grady: WHAT! I went of the my kingdom in the north, brought back the entrire army and now I found out that IT'S NOT NEEDED!

Maggie: yep

Grady: You people need to learn the difference between a war and a few little duels. Tell me if you need the army.
Big spiders are better than little spiders.

Smiley people are happy when they make smileys.
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Old 03-06-2003, 05:32 AM   #378
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Originally posted by Willow Oran
OOC: No! Earniel!! Don't leave us, you're the only piece of sanity we have left in this thing. Although, the war to take over Valinor is a good idea....
Ack, what have I done! The Valar are going to kick my butt if they find out that it was my idea! I'm not entirely gone, I'm still reading this thread. I'm just not participating anymore, I was a loose thread anyway. I didn't have anything useful to contribute to the story. And this way I at least had the chance to go out with a bang.
We are not things.
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Old 03-06-2003, 02:41 PM   #379
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OOC: You have no idea how cool the clickie pen is. *sigh* It's like the squeekie to me. AAAH! I can't function!!! Fkkmzzilleak!
How to Survive the Sillmarillion

I thought that Alcohol was just for those with nothing else to do.
I thought that drinking just to get drunk was a waste of precious booze.
But now I know that there's a time and there's a place where I can choose
To walk the fine line between self control and self abuse.

"Lacerations make complications, but welts go away in a day."
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Old 03-07-2003, 12:14 AM   #380
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ooc: Dude. Is it like the clicky pen I have? I'm obsessed with that thing...it's like some kind of disorder! *clicky, clicky, clicky....*
I like Plan B, Maggie.


Tano: Eliza? Eliza? ELIZA! ELIZA!

Eliza's voice: Whaaaaat?

Tano: Hey. *takes deep breath and begins to rattle her message off* Maggie quiere que tu des Katt a ella. Ella dice que it's only temporary...y que Katt can go back to being kidnapped afterward. Personamente, I find the whole thing very confuzzling...pero yo solamente la chica mensajera y la babysitter de Goldie, so I suppose it's okay. So. Can Maggie borrow Katt?

Eliza: Um....can you go over that again? Slower? In mostly English?

Tano: Oh...uh. Sure....
Wisdom for Short Attention Spans...Ozy and Millie. It rocks.

Food Of The Gods:

Feed Me....

Another Online Dwelling Place...

"All right, I confess. It is my intention to comandeer a ship, pick up a crew in Tortuga, to rape, pillage, plunder and otherwise pilfer my weasely black guts out." -Captain Jack Sparrow

"The trouble with unknown enemies is that they are so difficult to identify." -Amelia Peabody Emerson

"Most people obey the orders of someone who is pointing a gun at their head." -A.P. Emerson

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