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Old 10-21-2005, 02:15 PM   #341
Half-Elven Princess of Rabbit Trails and Harp-Wielding Administrator (beware the Rubber Chicken of Doom!)
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R*an, wandering in the memories that the mere scent of Valandil had brought back with such force, suddenly came back to the present when she realized that Valandil was asking her a question about Eriador and what parts she had been in. So they talked, and danced, and talked some more - but on R*an's side, always with a bit of her mind on her father, which made her feel unconsciously closer to Valandil. Her body followed her mind's lead, unintentionally giving Valandil some very interesting signals, which, in his drugged state, were extremely invigorating, to say the least.

Suddenly, amid their dancing, Rian stopped and took a half-step back, saying, "Oh my!", for she had just felt something that she had most definitely NEVER felt when in her father's arms...

"Pardon me," responded Valandil. "This sword is rather unwieldy for dancing with, but I hold it dear as a connection with my father." He reached down to adjust the sword.

R*an may have been a nookie* rookie, but she had had her little talk with her mother, and she had NOT been born yesterday by any means, and knew that it was most definitely not the sword that she had felt against her body.

"Milady," said the King, looking deeply into Rian's eyes and straining to keep the embarrassment from his face. "I doubt that Elven feet would tire... but would it be uncomfortable for you to continue this dance?" and he drew her closely against himself once more.

Rian, seeing the troubled look in his face and hearing the stiffness of his voice replied tenderly, "Let us dance, Oh High King." They continued dancing, but this time just a little farther apart, and with a bit more constraint between them. Valandil, looking down at his partner, discretely admired the rosy color that had sprung into her cheeks. "I better stop and change partners after this dance", he thought, "or every tongue in Tharbad will be wagging!" But he didn't want to stop - that is, until he caught sight of Eärniel coming back inside from the gardens ...

He shook himself mentally and applied himself more vigorously to sword-management ...

* [ooc] "Nookie" is a word in the dialect of Gondolin, derived from [Q] "No-", beget, and [Q] "Kay", lie down.

Those words are actually in Tolkien's entymologies!! I kid you not!!
(well, Nookie isn't, but the rest are!!)

I should be doing the laundry, but this is MUCH more fun! Ñá ë?* óú éä ïöü Öñ É Þ ð ß ® ç å ™ æ ♪ ?*

"How lovely are Thy dwelling places, O Lord of hosts! ... For a day in Thy courts is better than a thousand outside." (from Psalm 84) * * * God rocks!

Entmoot : Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I got hooked!

Ego numquam pronunciare mendacium, sed ego sum homo indomitus!
Run the earth and watch the sky ... Auta i lómë! Aurë entuluva!

Last edited by Rían : 10-21-2005 at 04:51 PM.
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Old 10-21-2005, 03:54 PM   #342
Shape-shifting, men-grabbing NAZGUL
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“Lilaenwen and Buzukkumarz, I see you are enjoying the evening. Do you know you have a woman near death on your kitchen floor? And, Buzukkumarz, old chap, I hate to tell you this, but pink is simply not your color."

Two tousled heads, fiery red and black, rose from the crumpled bedcovers; two pairs of slightly glazed eyes, green and black, looked at Udu. Then the green eyes suddenly cleared. Recognition dawned on Lilly.

"Udu! Ol’ boy, I thought you sorta kicked the bucket on the Fiery mountain! Let me kiss ye.." she crawled out of the bed, giggling, and approached Udu on unsteady feed.

Enlightened about the intruder’s identity, Penny mumbled in reply to Udu’s question:

"Woman? What woman, I need no more woman… I have got enough as it is…"

At this moment, Lilly stumbled and would have fallen, if not for Udu, who caught her with his free arm, following his deeply ingrained chivalric instinct.

"Leave Lilly alone, you filthy tark," growled Buz.

"Where is me shimmy?" asked Lilly no one in particular.

"What do you want here, tark?" croaked Buzukkumarz, the Fifth of the Nine.

Forgetting about the shimmy, Lilly turned to face Udu again. "You remember any sobering spells?"
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Old 10-21-2005, 04:11 PM   #343
The last sane person
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Oh, how I wish this wouldn’t end. For a moment, he lost himself in the dance, closing his eyes and taking in Viniglaen’s scent. For a moment he lost track of himself, letting his heart and soul run for a brief second, and ended up almost stepping on Viniglaen’s boot. Ray’s mind quickly brought him to the present and chastised him. Hold it right there boy! Not more than two hours ago you pledged to hang on to your heart! One moment with her and WHOOSH! Out the door with that promise! Shame on you! However this was one of the rare times Ray’s Heart over ruled his Mind, telling it to “Shut up, and go die.” in regards to his feelings for Viv. When she had come over to greet him and Marty, Ray sensed that all was not well.

One look in her eyes told him that the smile she wore was certainly not what she was feeling inside. He had seen what it was like to have her actually smile, though it was only once, he had kept it foremost in his mind, and was determined to see it again. But he also knew that Viniglaen was as he was, and would wish to remain tight-lipped about it, which he acknowledged with a silence of his own. Yet he knew something that might put a smile on his fair lady’s face, and quoted a part of one of his oft recited poems;

"It's certain that fine women eat
A crazy salad with their meat."

And indeed, it worked, for he saw and felt her smile, and she relaxed as they danced, both flowing with the slow traditional waltz. Both of them were off thinking of different things, as the waltz, regrettably, ended. Yet Ray had another idea, which he thought would cheer up this wild woman with whom he danced. Unspoken, as they shared a bond which they needed no words, they went off to the side together. Guessing the kind of woman she was, he invited her to the horse race that was to happen the next morning.

"I don't think I've got anything else committed for tomorrow afternoon, Ray; sure I'd love to be there, if I'm able to," Was her cool response, but Ray knew that she would enjoy it immensely. With that, she took her leave, to go check up on her family. Ray mulled around the dance floor, talking with Mahtaliel, though his thoughts were only half in the world around him. Then he talked with Rian, after she had finished dancing (2 times) with the king, for a while, then moving around in chitchat and dances around the floor. He finally slipped away to a deserted part of the garden, after smiling to himself, seeing Marthalion dance with Aiwendis. Making way to the small clearing in the back, he looked up at the stars, which were out in force tonight. A smile, a real one, crept onto his face, as his spread his arms and tilted his head back, taking in the clean night air.

Feeling that no one was around, he started to sing. He had a wonderful voice, which even the elves praised when he was younger. Unfortunately, his father didn’t exactly hold to it, saying that singing is either for elves or women, seeing that he was neither, he was encouraged to stop. Or at least, sing when he was alone. But after a while, he couldn’t even sing then, his voice stopped and there were not even whispers of song. That didn’t stop him now though. Arms still spread; he moved in a little dance, that he had seen elves do when they had their music, a graceful willowy dance that fitted the tune in his head.

“When in the springtime of the year
When the trees are crowned with leaves
When the ash and oak, and the birch and yew
Are dressed in ribbons fair
When owls call the breathless moon
In the blue veil of the night
The shadows of the trees appear
Amidst the lantern light….”

He suddenly felt his ears roughly tweaked, and Ray whirled around with a punch that connected solidly with the person’s chest. “Caela ie'lle!” He shouted.

“Oof!”, Responded the receiver of the stunning blow, landing on their behind.

Raendil looked down and finally got a look at who it was. Marthalion was grinning up at him, while rubbing his pectoral muscle; Ray’s hands went up to massage his ear tips.

“Tanya awra! Mankoi naa lle sinome! ” Ray growled at his prone friend, his mind still operating in elvish.

“Sorry. My elvish is a bit rusty.” Marty cautiously got up, still grinning at his put out friend.

“I said ‘That hurt. What was that for?’ you jerk!” He resisted the urge to reach up and see if his ears were crimped. He was thankful that it was dark, so Marty couldn’t see his blush.

“Oh, nothing, I was just curious. You always hide your ears under your hair. And after hearing and watching you, I just wanted to see if my suspicion was true.” He moved his arm, trying to ease the muscle.

“And what was your suspicion?”

“I was checking to see if your ears were pointed.” He raised his other arm to ward off an impending blow, while laughing at Ray’s righteous look. “Okay, okay! Take it easy, just a joke!” There was a brief silence, and Marty moved backwards a pace and twirled around. “Oh, I am afraid I missed the last few steps, could you do it again? That’s quite the party piece.” He demonstrated a willowy bow, like one Ray had done, and then leapt away as a swift kick was aimed at his behind. “Ha Ha! This woman is really bringing it out of you, or perhaps it’s the wine. What’s gotten into you?” Marty said from behind a bush he was using as a buffer, grinning from ear to ear.

“I…I…I was just remembering a similar moment I had growing up, and I felt a little elvish, so I…danced. You have a problem?” Raendil drew himself up, refusing to be baited.

“Well, you may have felt like an elf, but you looked like an idiot!” with that Marty was doing the 100 meter dash to his horse, and left for his room, since it was the end of the night. Ray called out to his retreating friend, trying hard not to laugh. “Prepare for defeat tomorrow! For both Viniglaen and I shall ride against you!” Marty turned his horse around, a good distance away. “I look forward to it, may the best pair win!”

Raendil shook his still laughing head, and went for his horse, upon mounting he heard a Rib-bit. “Oh! My slimy little friend, we forgot about you! Here, let’s put you back.” He rode over to the pier and re-deposited the amphibian back into its watery home. With that he went home and prepared for the morning, and fell into a dreaming sleep.
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

Last edited by The last sane person : 10-26-2005 at 02:44 PM.
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Old 10-21-2005, 04:46 PM   #344
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"funny old day" mused the frog.
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Old 10-21-2005, 05:45 PM   #345
Shadow Lord of Morgul
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Buzukkumarz was obviously totally past the point of mild inebriation. He was outright drunk. “You besodden fool!” Udu exclaimed, frowning. “I am not harming her!” He looked to Lilly. “Aye, I know several sobering spells.” His gaze went back to the drunken form of the Fifth upon the bed and he intoned three times:

Akrum radogh Buzukkumarz-ghaara!

A look of surprise dawned on Buzukkumarz’ face as he instantly sobered up. “What did I just say?” he asked with confusion.

“Nothing, old boy,” Udu replied, smiling. “Now back to the matter of the woman on your kitchen floor. She might be dead now,” he said casually. “It is really careless to leave such things about, you know. You never can tell who might blunder in and find them,” he laughed.

“As you can see, Lilly, I did not die upon Orodurin... Now about that kiss. It has been a long time, Lilly, old girl.” So, wine bottle in his right hand, he held her about the waist with the left and kissed her, a friendly kiss of greeting.

“Now let us all sit down. I did not come here to discuss the corpses you keep in your kitchen, or to drink your wine. I came here with a purpose. I think we need to discuss something, and, perhaps, you two will give me some information.”

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Old 10-21-2005, 07:10 PM   #346
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Buz got up and, having rummaged in a trunk, found and donned black pants and shirt. Taking his long sword from under the bed, he attached it to his belt. Now sober, he perceived urgency in Udu’s mocking tone.
Dressed, Buzukkumarz was ready to listen.

"Put something on," he snarled at Lilly, who returned to the bed and stretched on a coverlet like a big lazy cat. Buz threw his black cloak in her direction. Lilly shook her head, and went to fish her pink peignoir, discarded by Buz, out of the depths of the big bed.

"What is it about a woman?" asked Lilly suspiciously. "I hope you haven’t…?"

"Shut up and listen, Lilly" advised Buz.
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Old 10-21-2005, 07:27 PM   #347
Willow Oran
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Mahtaliel had long since set her wine aside and was beginning to sober. The conversation with the Chancellor had helped that along, now she was waiting for Lady Rian to finish dancing with the King so she could tell her that her request had been granted. Mahtaliel had moved to stand by the fireplace at the end of the dance floor, searching for the best vantage point only to find that she wasn't the only guest watching the king and the lady dance.
One of the king's advisors, she couldn't recall his name, or if they had even been introduced, was standing off to the side, being inscrutable. Nearly inscrutable anyway. He was quite good at it for a mortal, but a closer look revealed that he seemed as disturbed as she had felt at the beginning of the evening, and was just now beginning to feel again.
Perhaps he would have some insight to this unease that pervaded the celebrations tonight.
She stepped over to stand beside him and nodded at the still dancing, and... blushing? How interesting! pair.

"They dance well together, do they not?" She commented.

"Mm." The man agreed still on guard and lost in thought.

Mahtaliel wondered if it would be worth it to try to draw him out...

No, she decided, it wouldn't. He didn't wish to converse and she was beginning to tire. Quietly excusing herself she made her way to the doors. Stopping only to catch Rian just after the music ended and Valandil moved on.

"Lady Rian, I spoke with the Chancellor, if you come find me tomorrow morning I would be glad to help you work out a schedule."

"Thank you!" Rian smiled, "Where will I be able to find you?"

"I'm usually in my forge, or in the Art/History building, anyone familiar with the campus can tell how to get there."

"Till tomorrow then."

Mahtaliel bid her 'Good night' and left, hurrying through the empty entrance hall and out into the night. It was nearing midnight, but she would be up for a while yet. She had work to be done both in the forge and in the office if she was to be prepared for the morrow.
"5. Plain Rings with RUNES on the inside.
Avoid these like the PLAGUE.
-Diana Wynne Jones
Tough Guide To FantasyLand

...it's not much of a show if somebody doesn't suffer, and preferably at length. Suffering is beautiful in any case, and so is anguish; but as for loathing, and bitterness... I don't think they belong on the stage at all.

- Isabella, I Gelosi

Last edited by Willow Oran : 10-22-2005 at 12:11 AM.
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Old 10-21-2005, 08:40 PM   #348
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“Buzukkumarz, I am glad to see you return to a state of sobriety,” Udu smiled smugly. “What did I always tell you back in the old days? Always stay in control, no matter how drunk you become.”

He was slightly disappointed when Lilly reclaimed her pink peignoir and donned it once again. At least she looked a lot better in it than had Buzukkumarz. “One thing could always be said for Buzukkumarz,” Udu thought, “He has good taste in women.”

“There is no point in my standing here,” Udu said as he sat down in a chair across the room and tilted his wine bottle to his lips. When he had finished drinking, he set the bottle down on a low table beside the chair.

“Remember what happened to you this afternoon, Lilaenwen? I understand you almost died. After that incident, it was not at all wise to provoke Khamûl any more but yet you did!

“Khamûl was not feeling at all well at the reception tonight. He looked as though he had been knifed in the stomach, and his face was as pale as a bloated carp. Someone put a spell upon him and I know it was not I. Aiwendis is quite upset about the whole business.”

He looked to them both. “It must have been you two enspelled him! He was almost recovered when I left, and he will be in a very unpleasant mood. I have come here to warn you.

“Now I advise you, Buzukkumarz, either to heal that wretch in the kitchen and cast a spell of delusion upon her so she thinks that she was drunk and hallucinating, or kill her and we will all devise a way to dispose of the body. Whatever you do, get her out of sight until we decide.

“Now,” he said, “while you are busy about that task, Lilaenwen and I will discuss old times.” He smiled.
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Old 10-21-2005, 10:13 PM   #349
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As the music from their second dance wound to a stop, Valandil relaxed his hold on Rian and let her separate further from him. They stopped and he bowed, thanking her for the dance. She smiled and graciously moved on.

Meanwhile, Valandil discretely wrapped his cloak partly about himself. He had noticed that Earniel had danced the same dance with the Chancellor as his first dance with Rian. But as he and Rian had started their second, she had headed out the doors to the gardens outside. He walked toward them, hoping to find her in time for the next dance.

As he neared the doors, Earniel came in rather quickly, with her eyes set straight forward, directed past the King, perhaps toward the far doors, and a grim look upon her face. Valandil stepped directly into her path, no more than a ranga in front of her. She stopped.

"Lady Earniel," he said with a bow, "May I have the pleasure of dancing this dance with you?"
My Fanfic:
Letters of Firiel

Tales of Nolduryon
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Old 10-22-2005, 03:33 AM   #350
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Khamûl returned to his and poured himself some cold water. He knew what he had to do, but he wasn't sure if it was wise. He looked around and noticed both the Chancellor and Aiwendis were preoccupied. Perfect, he would have better chance to slip out unnoticed. Quietly and quickly he walked to the cloakroom where he was handed his cloak, and thn proceeded to sleip out side. The air was so fresh, a pleasent change to the stuffy air that was filling the Reception Hall.

Khamûl kept to the Shadows on his way back. He didn't know who else had left. Viniglaen may have left, and she may not have come by foot. He wanted all three of his enemies in the same room when he reached Orrodel. What he didn't want is someone tipping them off about his arrival and disappearing, before he even reached there.

As he reached the end of th road, Khamûl could see a light in the top floor was turned on. Lily's boudoir. Perfect. They would have no means of escape. As he drew nearer he heard faint voices, not clear anough to make out what was being said, but it did make one thing certain. There was three people there, Lileawen, Buzukkumarz and Udu. Khamûl pushed the front door quietly, nothing, Udu hadn't entered that way as he had a tendancy to leave doors slightly ajar, an easier escape. But it also meant an easier entrance for unwanted visitor's. Khamûl slipped round to the back of the house. The door was ajar. Khamûl pushed it slightly and opened it fully when he heard no noise.

As he entered the room Khamûl noticed two things. One, an empty wine bottle maning Lilaewen and Buzukkamarz may well be drunk. And a maid lying on the floor mening at least one of them was drunk. As Khamûl drew near the maid he felt something sinister in the air, the presence of some sorcery. The Black Breath. Quietly picking her he slowly walked into the living room and left her on the sofa. How could they have been so foolish. If it had been anyone other than Khamûl who had seen her like that then Tharbad could be up in arms against the Nazgûl by now.

Khamûl drew his sword as he climbed the flights of stairs. Quietly approaching Lily's boudoir he heard voices from inside.

“It must have been you two enspelled him! He was almost recovered when I left, and he will be in a very unpleasant mood. I have come here to warn you," said Udu. “Now I advise you, Buzukkumarz, either to heal that wretch in the kitchen and cast a spell of delusion upon her so she thinks that she was drunk and hallucinating, or kill her and we will all devise a way to dispose of the body. Whatever you do, get her out of sight until we decide."

“Now,” said Udu, “while you are busy about that task, Lilaenwen and I will discuss old times.”.

Khamûl grinned at the door, how he loved proving Udu's words wrong.
"There will be no time to talk about old times Udu," he said opening the door and pointing his sword at Udu's throat.
"Three rat's in one room and no way of escape," he said loudly before turning again to Udu. "I'm disappointed in you Udu. I thought you would have been wiser. I was expecting you to lead them away from here, now I have you all trapped."
Then Huor spoke and said: "Yet if it stands but a little while, then out of your house shall come the hope of Elves and Men. This I say to you, lord, with the eyes of death: though we part here for ever, and I shall not look on your white walls again, from you and me a new star shall arise. Farewell!"

The Silmarillion, Nirnaeth Arnoediad, Page 230
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Old 10-22-2005, 04:59 AM   #351
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Oreturion's eyes softened ever so slightly as he watched Mahtaliel go first toward the one Elf (hadn't he seen her at The Red Herring before?), and then gathering herself and departing.

Perhaps he SHOULD have asked her to dance, he thought. But just as well. As a married man, and with his wife conspicuously absent - it would do no good to give others the chance to get the wrong idea.

He went back to watching the various guests at the party - but the hosts even more so.
My Fanfic:
Letters of Firiel

Tales of Nolduryon
Visitors Come to Court

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Old 10-22-2005, 06:43 AM   #352
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Estelmo still sat at the table, watching the dancers. He was mostly alone, except for a glutton here and there, or a couple or two down the way, talking softly to one another, or laughing. Here he was, he thought, the old looking upon the young - and was he now at the time of his life where all he could do the rest of the way WAS to sit and watch?

He had enjoyed the dinner well enough, although he tried to be careful about the 'foreign food' - he was acquainted with much of it from all his years in Gondor, but his digestion was a whole lot different at 185 than at 85! So he had stuck mostly to the plainer dishes, with maybe a taste or two of an old favorite, hoping he wouldn't regret it.

He had certainly enjoyed the conversation. Most of it had been with Nimloth, the governor's wife. She was a fine enough lady, he thought, but had made mention several times (mostly when the governor was distracted by one of his daughters or some other matter - or very intent on whatever had been set before him) of the governor's upcoming trip to the provinces, to oversee the harvest on a few particular estates. The governor seemed a good enough man - but overworked, as so many provincial governors were. They were evidently quite proud of their daughters - and Estelmo thought how he might have been happy to squire either around in his youth - and said so (which made Miriel blush, for she had left her seat by then and come to speak with her parents). They also spoke tenderly of a young son who hadn't survived. But death was an established part of life. Each of them - the governor and his wife - also had a brother who had been lost in the War.

It was good to see the King enjoying himself this evening. Dancing all get out! First with their lovely hostess (and Estelmo had especially enjoyed speaking with her)... now SHE was a fine one! The queen-mother would certainly have no problem with her... Numenorean through-and-through, noble both in birth and in bearing, not TOO closely related, beautiful... of course. She was so sad though - and indeed had borne some tragedy of her own, with the loss of her mother. Perhaps coming to Annuminas would lift her heart. Yet truly, he thought... there was no telling how the Queen-mother would REALLY react to her. Some mothers found that no woman, however excellent she might be, was good enough for HER son!

Estelmo had watched the King dance some more, with other noble young ladies of the assembly. He somehow seemed to not manage to dance with either Miriel or Malaphel though... was he avoiding them? Oh wait... and now he was dancing with one of those Elven ladies! That piqued Estelmo's interest... almost every noble young man seemed to reach a point where they got crazy ideas about an Elven wife. He thought with a smile how happy HE would have been to have danced with one as a stripling of 60! That wasn't the Lady of Nin-in-Eilph though, now was it? No - it was her companion... where was the other? Ah - dancing with the Chancellor.

He sighed once more. It appeared that, as Estelmo had secretly hoped, getting away from his mother might be a good thing for young Valandil - if Oreturion allowed it anyway. He chuckled once more at the thought of the toast. Well... the truth had to come out someday. He had warned the queen that trying to change this custom for royal occasions would hardly keep Valandil from becoming a drunkard - and would likely lead to his embarrassment one day. Yet - now that day had come, and he had handled it well enough. Still though, there had been many a snicker and a wink among the nobles of Arnor at royal functions the past 40 years, as Valandil had taken a sip and passed the cup to those about him, as his mother had instructed him. Still... it was hard to blame her - what with how Ciryon had taken to strong drink.

It was too bad for Valandil that Isildur had not returned safe and sound from Osgiliath, along with his other sons, he thought. Of course - Valandil would not be King, or even in line for it - and Estelmo couldn't suppress his regret for the loss of his own master, Elendur. And of course Valandil had already been raised by Elves and by his mother for 10 years at the time. But it would've done the boy good to have been raised by his father, even after that. To have his older brothers about. He wouldn't be King... but he would've had more chance to learn to be a man. Well... maybe. As the youngest of four, Isildur may have left him to the care of his mother and focused on his elder sons anyway - their mother already had Arnorian daughters-in-law picked out for the elder two - and someone in mind for the third, when he came of age. Valandil would have been lost in the shuffle. No... maybe things were best as they were. Sure, Valandil had always had his mother directing his moves, but as King, he was forced to come to his own mind on things. And now... getting away, he would truly have the chance to come into his own.

He looked up once more and watched Valandil, still dancing with Rian. More like my master Elendur he is, than his other brothers Aratan and Ciryon. More like his grandfather than his father. For long, Estelmo had thought that he would live through much of the reign of the future King Elendur - as a close associate and advisor. It pained him a bit now that most of Valandil's reign he would not see.

Just one more sip of wine.
My Fanfic:
Letters of Firiel

Tales of Nolduryon
Visitors Come to Court

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Last edited by Valandil : 10-22-2005 at 08:16 AM.
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Old 10-22-2005, 01:13 PM   #353
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Buzukkumarz was sober now, and sorely regretted helping Lilly with the spell. He always tried to remain on good terms with the Captain and the Second, and for most part it kept him out of trouble. Now he felt his good luck was running out.

Hearing Udu’s advice concerning the wench, he adjusted his sword and made for the door. But the Numenorean’s next words made him stop.

"Now," said Udu, "while you are busy about that task, Lilaenwen and I will discuss old times."

Buzukkumarz looked back at the bed. Lilly clearly approved of the idea, oh how well he knew that wanton twinkle in the green eyes…Confirming his suspicions, Lilly stretched like a cat and licked her lips with her tiny rose tongue.

Penny’s anger suddenly flared. Why was the Seventh giving orders to him, the Fifth? Buzukkumarz was not such a fool as to leave them alone upstairs! The smug tark thought he could outsmart his betters! Swift as a striking adder, Penny drew his sword and made for Udu.

The door suddenly opened and there stood Khamûl, grinning evilly, taunting words at his lips and a sword in his hand.

Buzukkumarz saw Udu grip his weapon. Lilly sat on the bed awe-stricken, all colour drained from her rosy cheeks. There was no escape.

Partly hidden from Khamul by the door, Buz lost no time. He swung his sword wide, aiming for Khamul’s neck. Any normal men would never remain in single piece after such a blow, but the Stadow of the East had that sixth sense of danger… He ducked and sprang back.

Udu advanced and took position at Penny’s right. Lilly used the moment of Khamul’s distraction to duck under the bed. Buzukkumarz hoped she would have sense enough to remain there. No such luck. Lilly could be called wanton, but she was no coward. Lilly re-emerged with a long heavy sword. Holding the hilt firmly in both hands, she stood at the ready on Penny’s left.

"You, rotting remains in a she-orc' pot, filth in an orc den… You…" Teeth bared, Lilly growled a string of orcish curses, addressing her superior, Khamul the Cruel and Terrible.

Last edited by CrazySquirrel : 10-22-2005 at 01:30 PM.
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Old 10-22-2005, 04:32 PM   #354
of the House of Fëanor
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Gollum The Five Nazgul in Orrodel

Few people have the imagination for reality.

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Last edited by Lotesse : 10-23-2005 at 08:28 PM.
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Old 10-22-2005, 05:15 PM   #355
Shadow Lord of Morgul
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“That was a bit of a predicament,” Udu thought as he reflected upon the sword that had recently been unpleasantly threatening his neck. “The sight of Lilly in that pink peignoir distracted me long enough for Khamûl to surprise me.” He would not make that mistake again.

Udu had always thought well of Buzukkumarz, although back in the old days, he had the nasty habit of constantly reminding him that he was Fifth while Udu was only Seventh. “True friends, brave Lilaenwen and stouthearted Buzukkumarz!”

There the three of them stood in the defensive stance, swords facing towards Khamûl’s middle - Buzukkumarz in the middle, Udukhatûrz on his right and Lilaenwen on his left. The three of them united, regretfully, this time, against one of their own number!

“Khamûl,” Udu said, “do you really want to face all three of us like this? Think, man! Though we might not get the better of you, we will surely give you a sound fight! Consider our position here, which is most tenuous...” He paused as he gazed into Khamûl’s eyes, and the two of them studied each other.

“Remember, too, there is a woman downstairs who has obviously fallen under the spell of the Shadow. Shall we kill her or shall we let her live? My own opinion is to slay her and silence her forever, but I will defer to the judgment of the majority.”

Last edited by Udukhaturz : 10-24-2005 at 05:14 PM.
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Old 10-22-2005, 05:35 PM   #356
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Lómi told Viv about the wolves and the falcon in the deserted building.

"Ok. Either we'll get them some meat or we'll feed them the corpse." said Viv.
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Old 10-22-2005, 05:45 PM   #357
Half-Elven Princess of Rabbit Trails and Harp-Wielding Administrator (beware the Rubber Chicken of Doom!)
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The music of their second dance wound to a close, and R*an parted from Valandil with some very strong but rather confused feelings. She decided she needed a little night air, and started to move towards one of the doors leading outside to the gardens.

Professor Mahtaliel caught her eye, and R*an walked over to her. They chatted for a few minutes, and then the Professor bid her goodnight and left the building. "Well, that was very kind of her," thought R*an. "Looks like I'll be able to take her class! That should be a pleasure - it's always fun to learn from a teacher who loves her subject."

She paused for a moment, watching the professor leave swiftly through the ornate doors, when suddenly she was bumped from behind.
I should be doing the laundry, but this is MUCH more fun! Ñá ë?* óú éä ïöü Öñ É Þ ð ß ® ç å ™ æ ♪ ?*

"How lovely are Thy dwelling places, O Lord of hosts! ... For a day in Thy courts is better than a thousand outside." (from Psalm 84) * * * God rocks!

Entmoot : Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I got hooked!

Ego numquam pronunciare mendacium, sed ego sum homo indomitus!
Run the earth and watch the sky ... Auta i lómë! Aurë entuluva!
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Old 10-22-2005, 07:05 PM   #358
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Aiwendis danced again. With the Governor of Tharbad, Azrabel, this time. He was telling her something about his daughters and a trip he would be making soon, but Aiwendis stopped listening long ago. The King was still dancing with Rian.

Finally the dance ended. While Aiwendis was engaged in polite exchange with Azrabel, trying to get away from him, the King bowed to the Elf, and left the dancing floor. Soon, after many smiles and curtseys, Aiwendis was able to follow.

Valandil was standing alone near the window, seemingly trying to rearrange his sword and his clothes. Then he turned, and started to look around, most probably looking for someone. That was the right moment.

Aiwendis started in his direction, when the King suddenly found the one he sought. Coming in through the garden doors was Earniel the Elf. King Val rushed forward and bowed before her.

Aiwendis stopped, uncertain what to do next.
In her head she heard the Chancellor’s cold laugher " Well, my dear, no luck again?"
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Old 10-22-2005, 08:55 PM   #359
Willow Oran
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Mahtaliel walked across the campus briskly, passing by the darkened buildings that on the morrow would begin to swarm with students. While most of the students had registered, none had yet moved in to their rooms on campus. That would begin in the morning.

She made her way past the Campus' north gate to the three buildings that she had long ago claimed as her realm. The largest of the three was the L-shaped home of the classrooms and galleries, that building was locked tight tonight, awaiting the start of classes.
Beside it, across a stretch of grass and up against the wall were two smaller buildings. The one had begun as a communal kitchen, built in the days when this part of the campus was residential. She had converted most of it to suit the needs of her more practical classes. The more public buildings were ill-suited to smith-work. She had kept parts of the old kitchen intact, it was useful. She often worked in the forge overnight, and during the school year students occaisionally needed to spend long hours on projects in there.
Directly next to the forge was the old gatehouse that she had taken as her residence and office. It was to this building she went first.

Unlocking the door she stepped inside the darkened room. Not bothering to light the lamps, it took her only a minute to change out of her formal dress, and into her work-cloths. She folded her dress neatly and placed it in her cloths basket.
Back out the door, she walked along the walkway that ran parallel to the wall connecting her home to the workshop. There were lanterns along the walkway and these she did light.
Finally, with a sigh of relief she reached and entered the workshop. Immediately she pumped life back into the fire in the forge and, picking out a particularily battered piece of armor, began to work.
"5. Plain Rings with RUNES on the inside.
Avoid these like the PLAGUE.
-Diana Wynne Jones
Tough Guide To FantasyLand

...it's not much of a show if somebody doesn't suffer, and preferably at length. Suffering is beautiful in any case, and so is anguish; but as for loathing, and bitterness... I don't think they belong on the stage at all.

- Isabella, I Gelosi

Last edited by Willow Oran : 10-23-2005 at 09:27 PM.
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Old 10-23-2005, 06:09 AM   #360
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Eärniel had not been really paying attention when she re-entered the hall. And when suddenly the King materialised before her and asked her for a dance, it took her a moment to remember the reception again. Dancing might take the scene at the fountain of her mind for a moment.

"Why yes," she said and extended her hand to him to lead her to the dance floor.

"Although perhaps you wish to lay down your sword first. It seems to hinder you somewhat during dancing," she remarked.

"Ah, I think I can manage," said the King. And to his credit, he didn't blush much.

The music started and Eärniel had to admit King Valandil was a very able dancer. Clearly his education in Imladris had not been wasted.
We are not things.
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