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Old 04-12-2005, 10:20 AM   #321
The Infamous Tea Hobbit
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ooc: HOLY CRAP. You two never cease to amaze me. *applaudes* YIPPEE. Ahem, anytime now we'll get Arya in here and Banuien can do some more memory thingies and make us all go, "HOLY CRAP!". I'd like to post, but I'm afraid nothing I've got compares to all that. Pssh.

ic: Eragon had no idea Banuien and Siuahn were that close. He thought that he knew Banuien, but he wasn't even close. He didn't really know anybody that well. None of his family remained, and then there was Brom, who was like a father to him. But Brom was gone. Now he felt like the outsider, he had come into something that had lasted longer than he could perceive. He was alone. But there was Saphira. In his desperation for some comfort, he called out to her, but she did not answer. She had taken flight and was too far to reach.

"I'm really tired," he mumbled, "I'm going to bed." he set his wine glass down and cursed the way his voice kept breaking. He walked into his room, it was comfortable with a bed and a chair. He fell onto the bed, face buried in the pillow. What was he doing here? He should be at home, harvesting grain or mucking out stalls. He was only a fifteen-year-old orphan with no family to speak of. He sighed, he thought they were going to get a break from depression, but he seemed to just be falling further.

What could he do in this war? He could hardly use his own sword. Most likely he'd end up sitting on his dragon and letting her do all the work. But he couldn't do that. He had to protect her, and all these people, and his friends. Not solely, of course, they could protect themselves, he was sure. But he felt a responsibility to all of them. The enslaved people of the Empire. And here he was–moping.

Eragon sat up, angry with himself, wiped his tears and looked determinedly at the wall. Then someone opened the door...

If I can stop one heart from aching, I shall not live in vain. -Emily Dickinson

But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd
Never can quite understand
The worth of a soul and the change that is wrought
By the touch of the Master's hand.

Though she be but little, she is fierce! -MSND
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Old 04-12-2005, 05:14 PM   #322
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co-post with Pip and Val!! HOOOORAY!

ic: Eragon looked up and saw a servant in black livery, "Sir, the King requests the precense of all the Riders." Eragon nodded and straightened his shirt. He followed the servant into the common room and nodded at his friends. So much for sleeping, he thought. He called out to Saphira, <Are you there?> <Yes, we'll meet you in the throne room> Eragon fell in step beside Siuahn, "We all need to cheer up." he said with a grin. "Seriously, I could do with a game of cards or a good fly on Saphira." They talked, until they reached the throne room.

Inside all the dragons were waiting for them. Eragon gravitated toward Saphira and talked until a trumpet announced the entrance of the King. Ajihod was speaking intently with none other than Arya, the elf maiden that Eragon had rescued so long ago from the Gil'lead. He found himself staring at her, totally missing Ajihod's introductions. Siuahn elbowed him in the ribs, making him jump.

Arya looked around at the others in the room, immediately her eyes lit up. "Banuien!" she cried, embracing her cousin. "I had no idea they would send you in my stead!" Arya noticed a vacancy in Banuien's eyes. No returning smile, no gratitude. She examined her face, perceiving a blankness and no recognition.

"You all know Lady Arya," Ajihod introduced her. Arya stepped away from her cousin, unsure of what was going on, but feeling a responsibility to the others. "Thank you all," she said kindly, "Especially you, Eragon. I'd be dead if it weren't for your efforts."

Ajihod nodded, "As you all know, Arya was sent with information from the elves to the Varden, but was caught by the Empire. Banuien was sent in her stead, and was also caught by Galbatorix, but escaped. Arya, if you would now tell us what information you were given.

Arya nodded and brushed a lock of hair out of her face, "The elven city of Ellesmera is under seige and perhaps has fallen by now." A darkness fell over Arya's face. "The Queen has kept two dragon eggs in the city, and both she and the eggs have been relocated to a deeper fortress in the forest. Ellesmera needs aid, or else she will perish. Now is the time for the Varden and the Dragon Riders to come forth." She glanced warily over at Banuien again; what was wrong with her?

ooc: okay, any of you can take it from there! HOORAY. Yep, soooo....yeah. Ok.
-Pip and Val

Quiet walker in the wake of Shadows
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Old 04-12-2005, 09:51 PM   #323
Akamai Deredal
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Siuahn watched in nervous silence with the others, her stomach slowly knotting itself up inside. Her pale eyes shifted to her long-time companion as the King shifted in his own seat to address her in turn. Ajihod looked tired now that Arya's news had been shared, but a small gleam of hope shone in his eyes as he gazed at Banuien.

"Well... Perhaps Banuien has news to share that could help us act." The man said slowly, wearily. "Please, what news do you bring, Lady Banuien?"

Siuahn continued watching as banuien seemed to shrink in authority, her usualy self-assured air seemingly non-existant. Her green-blue eyes were somewhat timied as she gazed up at the King, opening her mouth to say something and only shutting it again a short time later.

"Excuse me, King Ajihod... sir." Siuahn said quietly, catching the man's attention. As he turned to look at her curiously, she stepped forward to stand beside Banuien, linking a protective hand around the elf maiden's forearm. "I wish to speak..." she paused, noticing a cold sweat beading upon her forehead and within her palms, "on Banuien's behalf..."

"Then speak your piece." The King said, sounding slightly confused as he eyed Banuien curiously. The woman was a skilled tracker, and a powerful fighter, why would she need a young woman hardly out of childhood to speak for her?

"Sire, we seem to have... encountered an impasse. During our travels, we lost Banuien for a short time to the hands of Galbatorix. She was in his care for longer than we care to think about, and there was some... damage done to her memories, sire."

The King seemed to pale slightly as Siuahn spoke. Rubbing his temples and closing his eyes with an anxious sigh, he refused to look to either woman again. "What were the extent of her injuries, miss Aistos?"

"She's lost her memory entirely, sire. So far, all our efforts, though few and uneducated, have failed. She remembers nothing of her travels before the incident, and it seems she may well... stay in that state... Any news that could aid us, is lost now. We must do what we can, with what little we know." Siuahn bowed her head respectfully to the King, despite the fact that the news she bore was devastating to what they had been trying to achieve.

Raising her head slowly, she gazed at all of her companions with guilt hanging heavily over her head. All sat transfixed in silence, despair finally showing itself on their features. They had all felt it, they had all known, but no one had believed it. Prayers and hopes had not been answered. They could do nothing.

Arya stared down at her cousin, a look of great loss darkening her youthful, beautiful face. She too had lost someone important to her, yet saw that individual standing before her, only half the being she had been before. Her eyes were cold and fierce, hopeless and distraught as she gazed helplessly at Banuien. Was this what was to become of them? Of the Varden? Of the Riders?

Tightening her hold on Banuien's forearm, Siuahn stared back at Arya, her vision slightly unfocused as she fought to remember where she had seen the face. It hit her, after a long moment of studying and searching. Arya had been with Banuien and her, at her mother's gravesite.

A soft breeze stirred the great tresses of the weeping willow, like curtains rustling in a vast hall. The lake could be heard only a few paces away from Sarah's final resting place. Siuahn sat on the ground by the heralding stone, giving suppressed sobs, her face encompassed by her delicate, desperate fingers. Banuien stood a few metres back, eyeing her sadly, her cousin by her side. At a gensture from Banuien, Snǽspenna, her dragon, paced forward to stand comfortingly by Siuahn, crooning softly.

"Amin sina ú-cenapa," said Arya, shaking her head.
"NÃ*rarë ná lil saila an i," replied Banuien, her words more assuring than she felt.
Arya turned solemnly towards her kinswoman. "NÃ*rarë?" she said doubtfully.
Banuien hesitated and gazed at Siuahn. "Yé," she said finally. There was no remaining doubt in her voice. "SÃ* boe amin ú-váquets. Mai carë nólë sina nÃ*rarë velicë lócë roquen," she turned to Arya gravely; "ae ú-carë, manen nÃ*ra coirë?"

Snǽspenna turned his large head towards her and Banuien smiled as the light playing gently across his green-and-blue scales. "I know she will be great," she murmured.

They had been speaking to each other about her ability to become a Rider. They had hidden from her the truth of her fate, her future... But the simple fact, the new knowledge that Banuien had remained faithful in her throughout all the doubts she must have carried, forced away the flare of anger Siuahn had felt.

Gazing sadly at Banuien, she slowly released the woman's arm. Just as Banuien had showed unwavering faith in her, Siuahn could not give up on her hopes of restoring her friend's memory. <It will be all right, Banuien... Somehow, it'll be all right.>

OOC: Sorry if I manipulated Arya too much... I tried to keep her from sayin' too much. (By the way, this is somewhat of a co-post between Earloth and I... >> << We're goin' all out on this memory thing.)

Amin sina ú-cenapa (I never [fore]saw this)
NÃ*rarë ná lil saila an i (She will be wiser for it)
NÃ*rarë? (Will she?)
Yé (Yes) SÃ* boe amin ú-váquets. Mai carë nólë sina nÃ*rarë velicë lócë roquen; ae ú-carë, manen nÃ*ra coirë? ( It is now vital I do not refuse her. If she does these studies she will be one of the greatest dragon riders; ) ae ú-carë, manen nÃ*ra coirë? (if she does not, how will she survive?)
Shadows of a Midnight Rain All writers of any sort, are welcome to come and share their works.

Potius mori quam foedari...
Death before dishonour...
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Old 04-22-2005, 11:58 PM   #324
Gulio, Strength of Many
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ooc: Wow. Like, really wow. You guys all rawk. I am awed by your greatness. Wow.

ic: Zifnab watched the interactions between the Riders, noting the unspoken exchanges more than the short conversations. Something was wrong with Banuien, but that had been apparent as soon as he saw the way she acted toward Siuahn; it was like Banuien didn't know something, and that seemed to hurt Siuahn somehow. He recalled his dragon mentioning a possible problem involving Banuien, but had forgotten the details, as usual.

"She's lost her memory entirely, sire. So far, all our efforts, though few and uneducated, have failed. She remembers nothing of her travels before the incident, and it seems she may well... stay in that state... Any news that could aid us, is lost now. We must do what we can, with what little we know," Siuahn said, and suddenly Zifnab remembered a conversation with his dragon about the possibility of this occuring. Of course, if he had had the time to ponder, Zifnab was certian he could have recalled this without Siuahn's help. That's the problem with kids these days, Zifnab thought, his mind wandering the rabbit trails of randomness that it was so accustomed to. They're too darn impatient.

A tug on his sleeve startled him out of his reveries. He glanced down at the child, a tow-headed boy with smiling green eyes that Zifnab had spent some time with before, when the boy's mother was busy working. "Zifnab, there's someone outside waiting for you - that one man who hangs around you a lot," the boy said softly, so as not to interrupt the king's audience with the Riders.

Zifnab cursed under his breath. His dragon couldn't have chosen a worse time to finally reappear. He grinned at the boy, and and thanked him for sending him the message. He quietly took a side exit out of the audience chamber, and circled round to in front of the large oak doors. His dragon had indeed returned, but kept to the human form it took when around other people. But the dragon had apparently been in some sort of fight; his skin was pale, the white ponytail was a shambles, and his usually neat black clothing was torn and stained with . He appeared weak, and seemed to remain standing only from sheer determination.

"What have you gotten yourself into this time, you hyperthyroid toad?" Zifnab asked, his brusqueness masking a genuine concern.

"Nothing, sir," the dragon/gentleman lied, "just a bit of opposition I came across when scouting out the land nearby."

"Has the Varden been found, then?" Zifnab asked anxiously.

"No; those who came near didn't return to their masters, whoever they may be," the dragon replied.

"Good," Zifnab said softly. "Well, let's get you patched up. Can't bring along a dragon that's in peices when the Riders leave, now can I? No, it just wouldn't do."

"Thank you, sir, but I'll be fine. I just need some rest," the dragon replied, then headed down the hall to the caverns large enough to house his draconic form, which didn't require the energy to maintain that his human form did.
El Poco Diablo is watching you...

It was like the Manifest Destiny all over again, except, instead of taking and consuming everything in their paths for God, they did so with the same fervor and sense of entitlement for their new god... themselves.

If you want to know more about Jesus, have a prayer need, or want to talk about anything, PM me.
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Old 04-24-2005, 09:29 AM   #325
Elven Warrior
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ooc; peoples, in case we made this part really kind of weird, because the elves and the dragon riders are telepathic, banuien only remembers things when other people are remembering them -- and for the same reason she only keeps the memories momentarily before forgetting them again.

ic; Banuien closed her eyes. Blood was pounding in her temples, and she barely heard Siuahn's reassurance that she would be all right over the silent whisperings that emanated incessantly from her thoughts.

<You have lost your mother to death, but would you lose yourself to grief?> It was a male voice: deep and rolling like thunder, but soft; and it was sounded with accents of kindness and wisdom, though its potency was unwearied, as a child would sound when expressing all the majesty of a king with the natural vigour of youth. Snǽspenna…

The egg was wedged into a crevice in the rocky bank of the shoreline, the sea pounding against its hard outer shell. The water made no effect on its smooth surface, nonetheless it slipped from the rock easily as Banuien took it in her slender hands. Covering it in a light grey shawl, she put it under her arm and carried it home.

Banuien started halfway out of her stupor: something about the name of Ellesmera triggered a brief recollection of Galbatorix' intentions for the city. She looked up keenly, her eyes round and hard. "I know something of Galbatorix' battle plan," she said earnestly. "I heard his marshals speaking of Ellesmera: they know the Varden will come to the aid of the city. Therefore they are assaulting the city wall closest to the Varden. However they have manned their flanks heavily so that when your army meets them close to the wall your forces will be surrounded." Banuien looked to her feet again, her face reddening. "Those… plans may have changed since I left, but I do not think they knew I was ware of them speaking. Do not trust me to it." The King nodded and turned his attention from her. Banuien kept her head down. <What is your name?> It was the male voice again, low and sad and comforting.

Please… the thought struck Banuien's mind heavily, and a sear of pain coursed through her chest. The female voice came in accompaniment with the former, soft and sweet and lamenting. …There is no life for me now … Swear to me and let me die… Banuien clenched her eyes shut; her brows knitted together and she clutched her breast with her hand.

<All I want to know of you is your name… If you will not tell me what grieves you, at least give me such knowledge that I might somehow help you.> the male voice returned to her, kind and inhuman. "Siuahn…" Banuien whispered to herself.

<I will not tell you what you must now do,> said Snǽspenna, <but that I believe what you would consider what your mother would want you to do. When she had died to protect you – would she have done so if she had wished for you to be consumed by such memory that you are succumbing to?> He was curled protectively about Siuahn, his great green wings shielding her from the wind. They sat again on the edge of the lake, the wind heaving the nearby trees violently. Banuien stood, her arms folded, leaning against the rock wall behind her, eyeing them sadly.

Banuien suddenly felt disgusted with herself. She felt overwhelmed and irritable, and longed to tear at her face with her nails and wrench her hair from her head. Everything about her was infuriating, and a single, obstinate thought blazed in her mind: How did I not see from the beginning what was happening? "How could I not have known?" she murmured bewilderedly.

Snǽspenna had grown almost to the height of Banuien's waist. The soft ocean-green of his scales was mingled with a gentle blue that was not evident when first he hatched. Banuien let her fingers slide over the silvery mark just below the inside of her elbow where he had first nuzzled against her skin. Her long aqua gown almost matched that of his translucent wings, the colours tinted by the bright red light the sunset cast through the trees. Snǽspenna had wandered some distance ahead of Banuien, so that his footfall could be heard only distantly amongst the foliage ahead.

<What is wrong?> Banuien heard the echo of his thought in her mind, the gentle concern in his voice eerily different from his common playful vigour. Banuien could not hear any answer that he may have received, but walked more swiftly through the dense forest. <I do not mean you harm,> the dragon said, stretching his voice with all the kindness of his heart. <What is your name?> Again Banuien could hear no response. < All I want to know of you is your name…> Snǽspenna was saying. <If you will not tell me what grieves you, at least give me such knowledge that I might somehow help you> This time Banuien caught, but could not distinguish, a trembling whisper in response to the dragon's inquiries. Banuien began to run through the dense thickets and brambles of the wood. At last she came across Snǽspenna, crouching patiently before a young girl, her face shining with tears. They sat at a clear pool, water rippling slowly down into the river and splashing placidly against the rocks. "Good evening," said Banuien, politely and apologetically, bowing her head slightly. "And excuse us…" she looked concernedly at the girl and asked: <Why are you crying?> The girl wiped her face furiously with her sleeve and turned away. Banuien came to Snǽspenna's side and laid a hand on his forehead, still gazing at the girl. At last when the redhead turned her face back to glare at Banuien, the elf murmured: "You will forgive that it seems strange to me that you do not recognise me? You have your grandmother's eyes, and I have not forgotten her, nor would I have conceived that those eyes would forget me." The adolescent frowned and her lips parted slightly in indignant disbelief. "What is your name?" Banuien asked softly. Her dragon spoke to her in a whisper, and Banuien stared into the twelve-year-old eyes. "Siuahn?" she murmured. "Are you Siuahn?" The girl stood abruptly, stumbling away from Banuien. Murmuring incoherently she turned and ran from the clearing.

ooc; Akai, if you don't like what i did with Siuahn in this scene, message me with a different series and i will change it. xxoo to you all. i will now go to bed.
Lothên will be found!

Telperinai pennar niei rossenen,
iéni únótimai be m?*ri Aiaro!
Man erca óre nio ettuccuba?
S?* mapuba Ulmo ciria ma
be findi-falla; Baradis mentuba
i Elestel i en tulia me
Annúne pella, nimpei srestanai
or helle cúna, helle rácina.
Nan merin minia lóte elanar
an sire cenin Ennor tellabe.
Namárie! Autame Balinórena,
Ennórelo autai! Namárie!

Last edited by Eärloth : 04-24-2005 at 09:37 AM.
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Old 04-26-2005, 12:35 PM   #326
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Guys, I can't post much anymore... I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave this particular RPG, for lack of time.

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Old 05-01-2005, 12:42 PM   #327
Akamai Deredal
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Well, we'll miss you, Legoles... As for those who remain... WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU? ;-; The thread's dying again... I know I'm not helping much, but I'm waiting for something to happen; I've posted enough for now, seeing as I've already drowned you lot... x.x

Come on, guys. Don't die on meee. ;-;

Btw, Earloth. You did wonderful. @__o
Shadows of a Midnight Rain All writers of any sort, are welcome to come and share their works.

Potius mori quam foedari...
Death before dishonour...
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Old 10-01-2005, 02:44 AM   #328
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Okay, it's pretty much hopeless but I think I'll try to revive it one last time. I'm just having trouble letting go. the shame. Sorry but hang on I'll post later on.
Lothên will be found!

Telperinai pennar niei rossenen,
iéni únótimai be m?*ri Aiaro!
Man erca óre nio ettuccuba?
S?* mapuba Ulmo ciria ma
be findi-falla; Baradis mentuba
i Elestel i en tulia me
Annúne pella, nimpei srestanai
or helle cúna, helle rácina.
Nan merin minia lóte elanar
an sire cenin Ennor tellabe.
Namárie! Autame Balinórena,
Ennórelo autai! Namárie!
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Old 10-01-2005, 06:50 AM   #329
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Memories passed through Banuien's mind, passing away as quickly as they were recalled. Her breath came in limited gasps and she held her palm to the side of her head. Unknown to her, the memories coming to her were because of Siuahn: their telepathic abilities as Dragon Riders, and Banuien's own as an Elf, were allowing the girl's thoughts and emotions to bleed into Banuien's psyche. Unfortunately the memories dissolved as soon as they had been brought forth, so all Banuien got of this was confusion, and a pounding migraine. Suddenly a connection was made in her mind: Siuahn's thoughts of her mother had sparked a memory that was Banuien's own, which could not have been broadcasted in any way.

"My Lady, I deeply regret that this should have befallen, but I must inform you that your daughter has died." It was her own voice, tinged with emotion, but nonetheless dutiful and official. A tear-stained face and colourless eyes lifted from beneath a light grey hood to gaze sadly at Banuien. <I know,> she said. Her voice was profound: it echoed in Banuien's mind as it would around the vast hall where the woman sat, as if she had spoken aloud. <You know I know. I see all.> The woman stood sombrely and turned away. Banuien looked at the floor. "Then," she said, looking up again, "you know she had a daughter?"

<Yes,> said the other, <Siuahn. Or Vilverin, as the other Elves call her. Whom you have recently taken into your care. Twelve years old and already without a mothe.r> the woman sighed, but turning back to Banuien she smiled slightly. <She has my eyes, yes?> Banuien smiled painfully and nodded. <Now would you care to say why you have really come?> Banuien blushed and shrunk away. <Can you not see that too?> she asked defensively.

<Banuien,> the other said soothingly. <Of course I can; yet again, you know that I can. But we both know that if you had been satisfied with that you would not have come all this way – left that child who is so dear to you behind – to speak to me about a matter of which I am already full aware.>

Banuien sighed and dropped her gaze. "I believe that Siuahn is fit to take her mother's place as –"

<Not that,> interrupted the woman. She descended the stone steps of her throne slowly to stand before Banuien. <There is something else, something far more pressing. It blights the soul. It will destroy you, if you allow it. Now what is it you truly came here to discuss?>

Banuien closed her eyes. Tears fell softly down her cheeks. "It was my charge to find her," she murmured. "I neglected that duty for which I was intended and now your daughter is dead. And her daughter is in mortal danger." She fell to her knees at the Queen's feet, burying her face in her hands.

<There, dear,> said the Lady softly. She laid a gentle hand on Banuien's hair. <You were not to know. You were unguided in the dark, as all the Children of Ilúvatar are. You should not begrudge yourself to err, and doing so will not allow you to accomplish anything further.> She lifted Banuien's face with a long delicate finger. "Go back to Siuahn. Train her to the best of her abilities. She is noble in spirit, and I more than approve of her and your choice to make her a Dragon Rider. As for the other matter; I will not forgive you for my daughter's death, for there is no misdeed here to forgive."

Banuien opened her eyes. Her knees felt weak, and she clung to Siuahn. "Siuahn?" she whispered. "I remember some things. Some of it isn't mine, and other things I keep forgetting, but I think I know how I can remember what I knew about you, and the Riders before I lost my memory. When you think of what we were before I recall things. Mostly I forget, but if you hypnotise me I may know you again. And Eragon, and Arya… and I could remember what I knew that was going to help these people." She looked around and gazed sadly at Siuahn. "It may not work," she said uncertainly, "but I think it may be worth trying."
Lothên will be found!

Telperinai pennar niei rossenen,
iéni únótimai be m?*ri Aiaro!
Man erca óre nio ettuccuba?
S?* mapuba Ulmo ciria ma
be findi-falla; Baradis mentuba
i Elestel i en tulia me
Annúne pella, nimpei srestanai
or helle cúna, helle rácina.
Nan merin minia lóte elanar
an sire cenin Ennor tellabe.
Namárie! Autame Balinórena,
Ennórelo autai! Namárie!

Last edited by Eärloth : 10-01-2005 at 08:14 AM.
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